Stranger Things Theory - Tumblr Posts

Holy shit. Late night Stranger Things epiphany/theory. So you may have seen the byler color coding thing how Mike is blue and Will is yellow and “when blue meets yellow in the west” in season 4? No? Now you do. Still confused? Look it up.

Spoiler warning for Stranger Things 4!

Anyways, I’m taking that a step further. The whole code.

I think the code was telling us what was coming for season 4 and maybe 5.

The week is long. The silver cat feeds when blue meets yellow in the west. A trip to china might be nice, if you tread lightly.

The first sentence: “The week is long.” Yeah. It is long, so long you had to split it up into 2 seasons. Spring break is usually 1 week. And we got through about 4 days (I think???) in season 4. This week is referring to spring break and season 4.

The second sentence: “The silver cat feeds when blue meets yellow in the west.” The silver cat being vecna/mindflayer/hivemind, feeding on people. Vecna only started killing people once Mike left for California. Why then? No idea. Story? Probably. Maybe some other reason too. Whatever. Blue meets yellow in the west. Silver cat feeds.

For the third sentence it’s a bit of a stretch, but Russia and China have hard boarder problems in the past. And Murray and Joyce had to go to Russia.

Not sure about the rest, might update later.

Ok update: (with some help from comments and reposts.)

Sentence three: “A trip to China might be nice, if you tread lightly.” China is often thought to be the opposite side of the world. This could be referring to the upside down, and when Robin, Dustin, Steve, Nancy, and Eddie went to the upside down, they had to be careful to not step on the vines and tread lightly so they wouldn’t set off the hivemind

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I have an official theory that the s5 time skip is going to skip forward 2 years to 1988 and I need that to happen and here’s why:

Will has an REM poster. Will canonically listens to REM. (great taste) What REM album came out in 1988? Green. Now if you don’t know about the green byler color coding I suggest looking it up somewhere else because I don’t have the energy to explain. Not to mention, Green literally has a song in it called “I Remember California.”

I don’t remember who said it but right after volume 1 came out, someone pointed out that REM can stand for Rapid Eye Movement (again look it up it’s hard to explain) which occurs multiple times throughout the series and especially in season 4.

Another interesting thing is that in Life’s Rich Pagent, one of their albums released in 1986, there is a song (a very popular cover) called Superman.

Leaving it at that

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2 years ago
Not Trying To Give The Writers Of Stranger Things Ideas For Season 5. But Why Do I Feel Like We Will

Not trying to give the writers of Stranger Things ideas for season 5. But why do I feel like we will see Will really suffer this season. But one of my theories is Will will be finally be canon gay. Will will get hurt like life or death hurt. He will need a blood transfusion. Bam, we find out that Will get AIDS/HIV from the blood transfusion and that is how he dies.

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All Of Us Right Now

all of us right now



Is this your subtle confirmation that the Amerikanyetz was never Hopper to begin with????

Like I get it, it's the name of Hulk Hogan's song, blah blah blah. BUT WHY WOULD HE SAY THAT???

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1 year ago

Using the new Casting Announcement and website, I compiled Family Trees for the Stranger Things families. Some things I noticed:

1) Bob Newby’s sister is Black. His mother is not mentioned, but his father is white. Maybe she was adopted? Why is she never brought up in the show? Was there a contentious relationship between Patty and Bob?

2) Bob Newby’s father was a Priest. They call him Father Newby. We know religion plays a huge part in this story, so I’m interested to see how this storyline plays out. Makes Joyce and Bob’s relationship that much more interesting. There’s a promo shot of a little girl seemingly trapped inside a church, placing her hand on a window. Maybe it’s Patty (Bob’s sister) or Alice Creel? Did Father Newby have something to do with the Upside Down? Did he know Brenner? What happened to him? I had no idea they were going to focus so much on this family. Makes me so angry they killed off Bob!

3) Eddie’s father’s name was Allen, but his mother is not mentioned. How did an abusive, neglectful man end up alone with his son? Did Eddie’s mother die or leave them? Was Eddie trafficked across state lines? We know Allen is incarcerated, but Eddie doesn’t elaborate on why. Did he kill his wife, leaving Eddie and him on the run until he was eventually found and charged? Is that when Wayne stepped up?We know Wayne is not fond of his brother so, whatever Allen did must have been awful.

4) Claudia Henderson and Virginia Creel are both listed with their married names, whereas Sue (Anderson) Sinclair, Karen (Childress) Wheeler, and Joyce (Maldonado) Byers are listed with their maiden names. Did the church (Father Newby) not approve of their marriages. What does it mean?!

5) Hopper is a Junior and his father was also Police Chief. Was he killed in the line of duty? We know from Hopper’s monologue in Russia that his father was verbally abusive and made Hopper feel he had to prove himself, thus he ended up in Vietnam. Is that why Hopper took over the Chief position, to continue his father’s legacy? Maybe if he became Chief, his father would be proud? Also, his wife, Diane, is not mentioned. They had Sarah together before she died. We don’t know what happened to Diane or where she went/came from. Sarah’s life and death are such crucial parts of Hopper’s life, it would make sense to include them. Unless Diane and Sarah never existed—another case of falsified memories. This is getting trippy.

6) Alice Creel is not mentioned in the cast, but I added her because she’s a part of Henry’s story. Did she not exist? Is Karen Wheeler the actual Alice Creel as some have speculated? Is that why she had her own Season 4 poster?

7) Steve’s parents are not mentioned, though I really wish they were! I want to know more about this boy and his family. Is his father really a loser? Did he abuse Steve? What do they do for a living? Tell me!!!

8) Terry Ives (Eleven’s supposed birth mother) is not mentioned. She and Becky (Terry’s sister) were always an interesting duo to me. Why not include her if she birthed one of the most important people to our story…unless she didn’t. I’ve always said Terry is not El’s mother, but I won’t get into all that right now. This only solidified my theory that El and Will were twins separated at birth, but the memories were changed. They look too much alike. If that’s true, it adds a whole new layer to the story. The real Wonder Twins.

Overall, I think these small findings will have major implications for the story, especially Bob’s family. I’m excited to finish out this incredible story and learn the truth about Hawkins!

Using The New Casting Announcement And Website, I Compiled Family Trees For The Stranger Things Families.
Using The New Casting Announcement And Website, I Compiled Family Trees For The Stranger Things Families.
Using The New Casting Announcement And Website, I Compiled Family Trees For The Stranger Things Families.

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1 year ago

I just remembered “Father” is usually a term used in the Catholic Church to address priests. This all comes back to CSA and young queer boys, doesn’t it? Great…absolutely fantastic. You know, Lonnie Byers’ occupation was never explicitly stated (that I’m aware of) so he could have been a Priest/Pastor, thus perpetuating the cycle of abuse onto Will. Maybe something happened and he was disgraced, thus his leaving the family and moving to Indianapolis. It gets worse the longer you think about it….

Mr Baldo vs Father Newby

So, Father Newby has been casted, and I talked in this post awhile back about the possibility of Bob having been sexually abused as a child & that thing into Mr Baldo, and specifically, about Mr Baldo possibly being a representation of Father Newby/Father Newby being bald and coming into Bob’s bedroom at night vs Bob having nightmares about a bald clown coming into his bedroom.

And would you look at that- the actor casted for Father Newby?? BALDING!!!! MR BALDO OVER HERE….

Mr Baldo Vs Father Newby


Mr Baldo Vs Father Newby

wishing father newby and mr baldo a very Stay Away From Bob

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1 year ago

I know we’ve all swooned over Dustin singing “Not While I’m Around” from Sweeny Todd to Max in the hospital, but have we considered swapping in Mike? He feels incredibly guilty for Max’s involvement in their mission and believes everything to be his fault. He sits by her side, keeping her safe and defending her from evil, especially while under her coma. Even while she is defenseless, locked inside Vecna’s mind, Mike will keep her safe. No. Matter. What.

I would love to see a scene like this where Mike sits at her bedside (preferably when she can’t respond) and pours his heart out to her. He tells her about his depression, survivor’s guilt, and self-appointed duty to protect her. Despite their constant bickering and antagonism, Mike and Max are two sides of the same coin. They operate on the same wavelength: Everything that goes wrong is mine to fix. I brought this upon myself therefore I don’t deserve help or assistance. Even if Max can’t respond and assure Mike he does in fact deserve help and none of what’s happened is his fault, it would lighten Mike’s burden to acknowledge and name his emotions out loud. Duffers, if you read this, I am begging you to add this scene. Please let Mike Wheeler be vulnerable, acknowledge his trauma, and start to heal. ❤️‍🩹

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2 years ago

I Think S3 Jancy's Goodbye Scene Tells Us How Mike Feels About Will

Buckle up girlies and get your yoga pants on cause this might be a stretch. But if it's actually right, I think it's really cool! ***LONG POST*** bc i cant stop being detailed. ***excuse the messy explanations****


Here's the TL;DR:

Jancy's emotional goodbye scene reveals Mike's inner thoughts for Will by using several parallels, including double lights and a reference to the "crazy together" scene. It's pretty basic, it just shows that Mike essentially deeply longs for and misses Will and that's what motivates his emotions.


Here's a link to a clip of the Jancy scene if you want to watch it at any point:

Byler Scene + 1st Parallel

Okay, so to start off, we're looking at the characters' goodbye scenes as the Byers family moves out of their house at the end of season 3. In case you forgot, Mike and Will's very brief conversation goes like this:

M: "Dude, that's the donation box."

W: "I know. I was thinking I could just use yours when I come back. If we still wanna play.'

M: "But what if you wanna join another party?"

W: "Not possible"

That's it. Will walks off happily to the left of the screen, then it immediately cues to Jonathan walking left into the frame of the next scene. This is the first thing that tells us that maybe we should be comparing Will and Jonathan together throughout these two scenes, as well as the fact that they are both the ones who are moving out of the house (and that they're brothers, of course). Jonathan approaches his doorway and leans on the frame. What I would like to point out are the double lights behind him.

I Think S3 Jancy's Goodbye Scene Tells Us How Mike Feels About Will

As he positions himself on the doorframe to the left, he moves to be directly in front of these lights. Double lights, from what I have seen, have come up in two more significant times throughout the show:

I Think S3 Jancy's Goodbye Scene Tells Us How Mike Feels About Will
I Think S3 Jancy's Goodbye Scene Tells Us How Mike Feels About Will
I Think S3 Jancy's Goodbye Scene Tells Us How Mike Feels About Will

The fact that the double lights come up in both these scenes is initially what made me start to pay attention to them. They're especially significant because they're the lights that flash when Will says "see you tomorrow" to Mike -- the day he gets kidnapped into the upside down. Of course double lights on garages is common, but it's not as common indoors, especially in a house. They're definitely intentional.

And ,then in the second scene (s4) they're right behind Vecna (who has been paralleled with Will Byers) in a scene with Nancy (earlier in that scene, Nancy also has a moment where she's positioned in front of those double lights.). So now we know that, if I'm not being delusional, there's a connection between Will, Jonathan, Nancy, Mike, and Vecna/the upside down throughout these three scenes.


Let's briefly talk about that flickering lights scene. It's the very first sign that Will is in trouble, and it marks the very beginning of his relationship with the upside down. It's where all the pain started for Will, and therefore for Mike as well. My theory is that this symbol between the Season 3 Jancy scene and the Season 1 Byler scene means Jonathan and Nancy's dialogue here represents what Mike has been wishing he could say/have said to Will since that day he went missing. Ever since that one moment at the garage that started it all. Or better yet just the day he realized Will went missing /or/ thought Will was dead. Sounds confusing but it'll make sense soon. But it especially makes sense since, you know, this moving out scene is ALSO another moment where Mike and Will get physically separated for the second time since will's initial disappearance. It's just like a re-do of Byler's first garage/"it got me" scene. (And there's also the scene a few minutes later after this of Mike hugging his mom, which parallels and further establishes the connection to season 1 Mike when he does the same after he thinks Will is dead.). That may be a stretch, and if it is, I still believe that this Jancy scene is meant to reveal Mike and Will's feelings for each other at least in this moment, as they are separated and begin to move away physically.


Mike's Inner Thoughts + 2nd BIG Parallel

So, in order to check this theory, let's take a look at Jancy's actual dialogue here. Nancy follows Jonathan into the frame and asks

"Is that everything?" I absolutely have convinced myself that this is significant here. This is the first thing that is said. It's DIRECTLY after Will walks away from his convo with Mike that I wrote out above. Let me remind you that Will and Mike's goodbye scene was the shortest out of any of the friend groups/relationships'. It was very brief and didn't really have a sense of closure. Mike didn't even respond to Will, he just gave him a mysterious smile as Will walked away. So I think Nancy saying this here is narratively an effort to open up a deeper part of the conversation, that should have been an extension from Byler's conversation. "Is that everything you wanted to say?" --and then Jancy says what was on Byler's minds for them-- is what role her line plays here.

(I recommend video of the J*ncy scene here, it would help to watch it when reading the dialogue out because it really emphasizes the emotions lol:



From here on, I just want you to imagine Nancy's dialogue as Mike's thoughts and Jonathan's dialogue as Will's thoughts, especially in the context of what Mike has constantly been feeling towards Will throughout his arc:

Jonathan: "I guess so. 17 years of my life, packed up in one day." --(a nod to leaving his childhood behind - just as Will's dnd book is - and possibly referencing how Will's childhood was taken away when kidnapped by the demogorgon)--

Nancy: *goes up behind J to hug him* "What if I just... don't let you go?"

Jonathan: "I think... the new owners might kick us out."

Nancy: "You could stay in our basement." Jonathan: "Your dad would love that."


Analysis: There's the theme of Nancy/Mike not wanting to let Will/Jonathan go here. It's so heart-wrenching. This just makes me really emotional, cause it's so emotional to begin with, but to imagine it as Mike's inner feelings to Will too... UGH. I'm just gonna say it, I lowkey CRIED AND THREW A FIT WHEN I FIRST IMAGINED IT. BUT SILENTLY CAUSE SOMEONE WAS SLEEPING IN THE OTHER ROOM XD. But...

There are a few similarities here: The basement is where Mike and Will felt like they could be themselves. The father would disapprove of their relationship. It's all the same.

"The new owners may kick us out" could mean several things, but I think it most likely means that if Mike didn't want to let Will go, meaning he wanted to stay close to him forever, society would see them together and judge and isolate them ("kick them out"). Or it could mean that Mike wishes he could have saved Will, maybe by not letting him leave (here goes another garage scene parallel in season 3 - "Will, come on, don't leave, it's raining" - Mike just wants to keep Will "home" because it's safe for him). But Will's capture was inevitable, the monsters would get him anyway, just as his pain and trauma getting a hold of him was inevitable, and society would make him feel like a mistake at some point in his life anyway, no matter what his best friend could do for him.

All of this just reiterates Mike's desire to keep Will in his life and his fear of letting him go, even if he doesn't show it right away.



Nancy: "We could hide you in a tent. Like El."

*Nancy begins to Cry. *


At this point, it's not really so much about showing what's on Mike/Will's minds, but more so an explanation of their arc together.

It would be quite easy to say that, keeping in mind that Nancy parallels Mike here, this reflects Mike's feelings about El, but I have a completely different theory. Throughout the show, El represents Hope. Hope, sometimes, to the point of delusion. She also tends to fill people's empty hearts. We can see here that Nancy is being overly wishful, trying to provide the clearly unrealistic, bordering on childish, solution of keeping him in her basement in order to lessen the pain of losing the boy she's in love with. Sound familiar? I think this whole time, that's how Mike has felt about El and Will. He clung to El because of the hope she provided to him. She did the impossible for him. She helped bring his friend back and defeat the evil monsters (which represent pain/trauma/being in the closet.). But ultimately... his attachment to her is driven by the love he has for his best friend, and the desire to run away from the pain it causes him. That's a post for another time though lol, let's take a look at an EVEN BETTER part. BECAUSE IT'S AN ACTUAL SCENE PARALLELED WITH BYLER.


This next part is the most TELLING ONE:

Jonathan: "Hey. it's okay."


Jonathan - "As a wise man once said, we've got shared trauma." (perhaps a nod to Will the wise, even tho he's talking about Murray lolz).

*cuts to their faces then cuts back to their hands again*

Nancy: "So what's a little more, right?"

Jonathan: *kisses her hand* "What's a little more."

They then kiss and hug in front of the window and it zooms out.


I Think S3 Jancy's Goodbye Scene Tells Us How Mike Feels About Will
I Think S3 Jancy's Goodbye Scene Tells Us How Mike Feels About Will

This has probably been mentioned before and I haven't seen it bc I'm fairly new on tumblr, but this is literally like the crazy together scene you guys. There are so many similarities here. There's also the hand holding that actually parallels the scene where Mike says "we won't. we won't" to Will in season 2. But especially regarding the Crazy Together scene, there are two similarities here: the shared trauma/going crazy together, and then there's the fact that both the scenes mark the beginning of the two characters spiraling in different directions but, somehow, becoming closer as a result of it. (Nancy and Jonathan are moving farther apart physically, but somehow that's shared trauma? That's because them moving apart makes their two hearts ache in the same way, a way that nobody else seems to understand, which will ultimately be what connects them together despite the long distance. Then for Mike and Will in the Crazy Together scene, they are talking about going crazy for two slightly different, but similar reasons, reasons that in the future will split them apart, but somehow this drives them closer together, showing that no matter what causes them pain, they know that they can ultimately rely on being understood by one another, more so than by anybody else. Ugh and the fact that the Crazy Together scene happens directly after another Jancy scene where Jonathan puts Nancy in her bed?! And both those scenes are about one character taking the other character home so they can feel safe?! And Byler is in the basement which is mentioned by Nancy here?! And Mike took Will there after saying "let's take you home"?! And this scene is all about home?! It's happening. I'm believing everything I'm saying, and that's dangerous XD.)

The last thing I'd like to say is the soundtrack here is the tiniest bit reminiscent of "You're The Heart." (@ 2:30 and somewhat at the beginning) And it's called "You're a fighter." Take what you want from that. That could be pro m*leven if you want, unless you're like me and you think that Mike's monologue to El w/ You're the Heart playing in the BG was actually a reveal of his feelings for Will, esp given that, you know, the title of the score is named after what Will said to Mike to inspire him.

Also, as a disclaimer, I didn't want to diminish Jancy's relationship here, I love this scene on its own and what it means to Jancy, so sorry if it came across like I thought they were only important in relation to Byler, not my intention!


if you read this whole thing I'm sorry for putting you through the torture that is my stream of consciousness but thank you for reading haha



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2 years ago

This is a very different take from what I got from this comparison. To mean this comparison shows the classism and bias in this town. "Good, up standing citizen, wealthy Steve Harrington would never hurt someone. He would never hurt an innocent girl. Oh, but that super senior, weird, trailer park kid Eddie Munson, oh he's a murderer". Like, the only difference is that they were already suspicious of Eddie, already thought he was up to no good. And sure, they had a body, but had Chrissy not been found, had her body been taken into the upside down like Barb's, they wouldn't have thought she ran away, they would have thought Eddie did something. Idk, just a thought, but to me this shouldn't be a "aw, look at the babies, look how similar they are" it should be just seeing how DIFFERENT their situations are, because to me, that's far more relevant.

Also the fact that Steve didn't really care when he found out that Barb was for sure dead pisses me off.

#It Changed Their Lives
#It Changed Their Lives
#It Changed Their Lives
#It Changed Their Lives
#It Changed Their Lives
#It Changed Their Lives
#It Changed Their Lives

#It changed their lives


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5 years ago

So About the Numbers...

Just finished watching Stranger Things season 3 with my Mom (it’s one of the few shows we watch and bond with together) and we were discussing and theorizing about The Numbers (Such as Eight/Kali and Eleven/El) as we’ve dubbed them and their possible powers and roles they could have in the show. We also tied in other’s theories and speculations that we really liked and thought would work well with our ideas.

Here’s what we came up with(warning - long post under cut):

 Probably not all of them survived. We’re guessing the first few, probably One through Seven (with Eight being the oldest surviving Number), have died tragically due to the tests the scientists were forcing them to go through. It’s most likely that they considered these first few failed experiments since they didn’t know how to properly test and train them just yet. We came up with 13 being the total original number but only 6 (Eight through Thirteen, will discuss the last two later) being around/surviving until now(the time of the series) but with a total of 7 on the final team if Will does have powers and joins in as an Honorary Number(really hoping he does), since both 13 and 7 hold a lot of symbolism and weight to them.

 They most likely all have different Psychic abilities/powers instead of Physical. Which seems to be what the scientists were focusing on with Eleven and Eight, in order to better spy and traverse the multiple planes. And this possibly ties into what powers Will could have too, with all of the allusions to shadow walking and plan traversing for him so far throughout the series along with the sensing/part clairvoyancy he had for the creature(s) in season 3. 

 Each of the different Squads/Team Ups for the next 1 or 2 seasons could run across one of the Numbers. This could be a nice callback to how they accidentally (or fatefully) ran into Eleven in the first season. And also allow for the Numbers to still come in even though Will, El and the others would probably be more focused on finding Hopper(we know he’s still alive I mean come on).The Byers and El could be the ones to run into Kali/Eight again since they hold the most emotional weight with her(El does specifically). 

 The ones we know so far. El/Eleven most likely has the most powers, especially since she seemed to be the scientist’s favorite/most successful experiment. Her powers mainly include Telekinesis/Psychokinesis(moving objects with her mind) and Telepathy(receives thoughts/memories from and connecting to others minds using the In-between). Though she probably also has Empathy(based on her interactions with Will, Heather, and Billy in the In-between where she appeared to be feeling their emotions herself), Clairvoyancy(a trait most likely shared with Will though hers seems to be geared more towards people while his seems to be geared more towards monsters), Levitation(can be achieved through her Telekinesis), and Retrocognition/Postcognition(seeing past events, mostly through others or through the In-between). Kali/Eight obviously has the power of Illusion and through that she might also be able to implant thoughts and memories into others minds instead of just images( this would be her more invasive version of El’s Telepathy). She most likely also has Thoughtography(imprinting images from one’s mind onto real world surfaces) which would be a more specific branch of her Illusions. Wil/Honorary Number, if he does have powers, would obviously be a plain traverser/ shadow walker which is most likely his version of Astral Projection with slight Apportation(teleporting oneself and objects). I’ve noticed people also speculating over him having Teleporting(which would tie into his version of Astral Projecting) and Invisibility(which could be his version of Kali/Eight’s Illusions) powers which I really love and have to absolutely agree with. Finally, there’s also his version of Clairvoyancy I mentioned earlier which seems to include Auto Writing(or drawing in his case, mainly based on season 2) and a bit of Precognition(being able to see the Mindflayer coming into their world before it actually happened).

 The ones we have yet to see. So that means so far we have 2 official surviving Numbers and 1 Honorary Number, leaving 4 more official Numbers to be found to make our dream team of 7. Which would be Nine, Ten, Twelve and Thirteen. The reason we included Twelve and Thirteen is that we still don’t believe Jane is Eleven or that El is the same as the girl in the Rainbow Room. There’s an age discrepancy between her and Kali/Eight that hints that they’re not the same person(which has been theorized by many before). So either Jane’s the one in the room and older than Eleven (making her Nine or Ten) or she was an unseen baby (making her Twelve or Thirteen). The former seems more probable given the timeline and Kali and El’s age gap. Either way though, we’re also guessing that they definitely didn’t stop at El and were beginning to create others that weren’t to her stage testing wise yet(probably being held at other facilities- we highly doubt there was just the one).

 Heavy Speculation Town. This is the part where we go a bit off the deep end and basically start writing our own show but bear with us. We came up with psychic based power sets and in some cases character plot points for the remaining members of the Numbers dream team. We hadn’t assigned them specific numbers though so I might as well go ahead and do that now, if only just to put them into placeholders. But bear in mind that this is mostly what we’d be most excited to see and/or what we feel would fit best for the show and that these power sets and especially the placements have a lot of wiggle room.

 Nine/The Firestarter. This Number could have mainly Pyrokinesis(fire control and manipulation) and perhaps some Energy Manipulation(to an extent of course) and Aura Reading(being able to sense other’s powers and abilities, maybe even the monsters). I made them the next oldest surviving number after Kali/Eight due to another idea we came up with for them based off of the theories other’s have come up with for a “Winter Soldier”-esque plot for a potentially surviving(or resurrected) Billy. The idea is basically based on a similar trope I’ve seen for a lot of Pyrokinetics (Such as Tom from Star Vs and Zuko from Avatar) where the fire starter is seen in a negative light at first before they’re redeemed and start helping the protagonists out. If Billy really is being brainwashed and used by the Russians, then perhaps they found one of the Numbers as well and have been brainwashing them too- allowing both him and the pyro to have an arc where they break free, redeem themselves, and join the main group. Fire is also a wonderfully useful power to add to the team due to the Upside down's creatures aversion to heat!

 Ten/The Rainbow Room Girl. This could possibly be Jane herself, or just the girl seen in the Rainbow Room with Kali. Being Ten would make her slightly older than El/Eleven and closer to Kali/Eight’s age. This Number could have Psychometry/Psychoscopy(ability to gain insight or visions through touching physical objects) which could be a prerequisite to El/Eleven’s more controlled way of gaining her insight through people and minds themselves. She could also have an early version of El’s ability to traverse plains using the In-Between(and Will’s potential ability to do so without the In-Between), which would be the power of Portal Making or Opening. This would be a more out of control way of traveling the plains since it temporarily opens the passageways up for everyone instead of just oneself. An accident with this ability could also explain where she’s been all this time/what’s happened to her and how her mom and Kali/Eight could never find her until now. It could also explain why the scientists also started making a machine to open up the passageways instead of having just the experimental kids do it- they realized because of Ten that it was too much of a job for the kids to handle alone. If Ten is Jane or the Rainbow Room Girl, it would then make sense for Hopper to find her while he’s trying to escape the Russians. Maybe the Russians manage to open a passageway to wherever she trapped herself during their experiments and she tumbles out into Hopper, who then comes to the realization/revelation that El/Eleven is not Jane- this girl is. And having similar yet less controllable/less poweful powers as Eleven would be another wonderful way to draw parallels between their two characters and overall arcs!

 Twelve/The Body Snatcher. This Number could have another version of Astral Projection and Telepathy that is more inline with Mind Control and Hive Minds. Their power could have been modeled after the Upside down’s creatures abilities to posses and body snatch people, after the scientist’s first run ins with the monsters(assuming they ran into the creatures previously before season 1, or at least that another location did). Instead of traversing plains, they mind hop from body to body(perhaps even animal’s bodies as well) in order to hide, sneak around, communicate, and gather information. If Radios or Walkie Talkies fail, this Number could be the replacement by jumping into multiple willing hosts or maybe even connecting the minds of all previous hosts. If trained well enough, this Number could also potentially take control of monster’s bodies and fight fire with fire so to speak. They might even be able to gain information from the mind of each host they’re in (which would be a more direct and potentially harmful version of El/Eleven’s information gathering abilities). This character would essentially be a human version of the Mindflayer that uses those types of powers/abilities for good instead of evil! My hope for them then would be to be the Number that runs into Mike, Nancy, Lucas, and Max’s group due to them all being present at the Mall fight with the Mindflayer and thusly would have a lot of reservations towards someone with that power set.

 Thirteen/The Stunted. This Number would essentially be mostly powerless. Being the last one potentially created before the scientists were shut down, they were rushed out and not properly tested on/experimented with. They might be able to sense the other Number’s(like how Eight/Kali and Eleven/El seemed to sense one another) but that would be it. This would certainly make them feel out of place amongst the other Numbers and allow them to later on bond with Will, who has went through the same feelings before. They would also be another reason why Will is brought in as an Honorary Number in the first place, since there’s essentially a gap in the team. Perhaps since Will has so many negative associations and past trauma with his powers(unlike El/Eleven who has used her powers to save those she loves multiple times and definitely wants her powers back) he could eventually permanently give Thirteen his powers(further strengthening their bond). If the theory I saw that El unknowingly temporarily gave Hopper her powers is true, then she could be the one to show him how to do this. After the other Numbers I’ve listed, that leaves Thirteen to be the one to run into Steve, Robin, Dustin, and Erica’s group. They would be yet another kid for Steve to babysit (at least this one doesn’t have superpowers to sass him with like El does Hopper...yet). And since Thirteen is the youngest of the Numbers this could potentially let them get along well with Erica, the youngest of the overall group so far!

Whew, there we have it. Wow that was so much longer than I though it would be. Sorry about that lol. But if you actually read any of this please let me know what you think of our ideas and if you have any of your own theories for the Numbers. Super hyped about the potential of these superpowered kids!

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11 months ago

It would be actually interesting + as u said bylers have already analysed the whole show (every season) to point out possibility of Byler being endgame, so it would something refreshing to see new theories about the show!

I'm trying to think about possible byler proofs, but I feel like everything has been said. We already analyzed the whole show, frame per frame to look for some juicy details... So to change up a little bit, I wondered if spreading my theories about Stranger Things 5's future events could be interesting. I have various theories: future deaths, Vecna's role, few characters' reappearance, few characters' powers developpement, ships who make up, ships who break up, etc. First because my theories are not like every others, I never saw them being like a top theory. And also because they are very well written and developed. So here is my question....

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6 months ago

can't be a coincidence, right?

so on rewatching season 4 and 1, it can't be a coincidence in the extreme similarity between the jacket when jonathan hangs will's missing poster in ST4 and when mr munson hangs eddie's in the final episode.

is this like, the official stranger things missing poster hanging jacket?

but anyways, could this be a hint as to eddie's survival? maybe a reach, but why have such a similar costume, out of all things to wear, other than to call back to another scene where the person the poster was made for was presumed dead, and came back alive?

maybe i'm just trying to manifest him pulling a hopper, but why are they leaving us *so many* breadcrumbs?

Can't Be A Coincidence, Right?
Can't Be A Coincidence, Right?
Can't Be A Coincidence, Right?

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5 months ago

Nancy's storyline is S3 was not about sexism/misogyny

Just to be clear, I'm not insulting Nancy anywhere in here calling her a kid/child I'm just trying to explain the story and the characters takes on everything to explain it. I'm sorry about rambling a bit at the end I may have repeated some things but I was trying to make sure I got everything. But please read everything because it may cover any questions you have.

The men that are making fun of her never make it about her being a woman, its always about her being a child/intern. They laugh at her suggestions because shes an intern who has only worked there for 4 weeks at the most and is trying to make suggestions about how to run the paper, when they spent over 20+ years working there [as Tom says] to get a spot in that room.

Nancy herself never even says or implies that its about her being a woman necessarily. In fact, theres points that contradict that the storyline is about sexism. Like this next subject.


Nancy's conversation with her mother is what gives it away. If this was about sexism, this is the part where Nancy is with another woman and can speak freely about men/sexism. She doesn't talk about sexism/being a woman ext though. Doesn't even imply it. I always thought this scene was odd because its about her being a kid, not a woman. I thought what a weird way to address the sexism/misogyny topic.

This is the part in the story where Nancy or her mother should be giving a speech about being a woman and how they're just as good as men and overcoming sexism, but that isn't the message being put out. Its all about Nancy being a kid. The advice Karen gives her and helps Nancy overcome her issue is also not about being a woman or fighting misogyny. Its about Nancy being a kid.

"I wanted to be right so badly." "And were you?" "I thought so. But maybe I just…don't want to admit that I'm wrong, because if I'm wrong, then…" "You're what everyone thinks you are." "Just a kid who has no idea what she's doing."

You're what everyone says you are /just a kid who has no idea whats she doing [Confirming the bosses at Hawkins post were making fun of her for that, it had nothing to do with sexism/her being a woman.


Their insults towards her are never about her being a female, its always about her being a child/an intern. They call her Nancy Drew who is a "TEEN" detective. Nancy Drew often runs into trouble because she doesn't fully know whats doing. Shes very smart, but inexperienced. Again they are commenting about her inexperience. Not about her being a woman.

Bruce says about her forgetting mustard on his sandwich after she makes a suggestion for what to put in the paper. This isn't him being sexist, he is saying about how she can't even manage being an intern and getting that right, so why should they take her suggestions about how to run the paper seriously when shes only worked there for 4 weeks and can't even handle the menial tasks.

We never actually see the men being sexist apart from Bruce. Bruce makes a comment about a womans bust that is clearly sexist, but Bruce is never sexist towards her, nor are the other men. Their issues with her are always about her being a kid/an intern.

Tom clearly wasn't showing favoritism towards the men because he fired both of them even though Jonathan didn't 'cause as much trouble' as Nancy. Nancy did more, but Jonathan was given the same punishment as her.

Nancy was an intern and she was mad that she had to do interns job like get coffee. Men and women interns have to do this. It's not sexism. Interns jobs are to do menial tasks to help the higher ups [like get coffee ext] and learn as they go so they can advance to a higher level within the company.

The only reason Jonathan's job was different is because he had a skill no one else had there. Photography at a newspaper is also a menial task in itself. He was doing a menial task already, it was just different than Nancy's task because he had that skill, she didn't.


"Can you have one of the other girls get the coffee today." "They're needed at their desks." It is Nancy who makes the suggestion for another girl to do it [not Tom] even though she is the intern working there. Even Tom protests this. Hes not being sexist and is not the one who made the suggestion for another female to do it in the first place. If anything Nancy was being sexist saying have one of the other girls do it. It's not that women get the coffee, its that interns get the coffee and she may have been the only female intern working there. They're a small paper I don't see them having a lot of interns at one time, but if there was maybe shes saying have one of the other interns get it and the other two interns are women. She just refers to them as 'the girls'. I can't see Nancy saying something sexist like that making the suggestion for another woman to get it. I think she is talking specifically about the few interns who work there.


The "They like you no matter what you do." The bosses like Jonathan [not because hes a man] but because Jonathan comes in, keeps his head low, and does what hes told. Nancy is the opposite she is constantly making suggestions to the bosses how they should be running the paper.


Even Nancy herself never says its about sexism or implies it. She never says about how she is being treated differently because shes a woman except that one time already covered above. If this was about sexism or her being a woman she would have addressed that, but she never does. In fact, she makes it about her being a child, not a woman as shown above. The bosses also might value Jonathan because he has a skill while Nancy doesn't.


It's not sexism to expect an intern to do an interns job. Rachel on Friends has to do menial tasks like this as well when shes starting out in fashion. Her bosses weren't sexist, they give you menial tasks like that because you just started the job. You have to work your way to the top starting at the very bottom. This isn't a sexist thing. Its a people thing. Men have to do it too. Everyone, men included need to start out at the bottom and work their way to the top and gain skill and knowledge about the work before they can become a higher up. You can't just rush into the 'managers' office like Nancy did and start making suggestions about how to run the company when you only worked there for 3 weeks.


Maybe Nancy *thought* that the men were being sexist when they weren't, but even that doesn't add up. Because of what I went over above. Nancy never makes it about her being a woman at all. She understands its about her being a kid and that shes inexperienced and has no skills like Jonathan to give her a leg up. Shes smart, but she doesn't have any particular skills that set her apart from the rest.


The men never say anything towards her that is about her being a woman/they never say anything sexist. The only reason they're laughing at her suggestions and making fun of her is because shes a child and making suggestions to them the bosses when she just started working there. If Nancy was a man she would have been treated the exact same way. I'll make an example if I were a man and I started working at Walmart as a cashier and only worked there for 3 weeks and I went into a meeting that was meant for the managers and I started making suggestions about how to run the company when I knew nothing about it, they would laugh at me too. It had nothing to do with sexism.


Im not sure where the fans got this maybe reading too much into certain lines, but Nancy herself doesn't even feel that she was being made fun of for being a woman. She says its about being a kid not a woman.

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6 months ago

What Letter to Willy tells us…

What Letter To Willy Tells Us
What Letter To Willy Tells Us

Two scenes. One song. How both scenes tell us a lot in hidden details…

Letter to Willy… interesting title, no? Not “letter to Billy”, no, the “W” needed to be added to clue us in on how this is about Will.

Not just about Will, but about November 6, 1983.

To begin, let’s talk about both of these scenes. The first one is of Max in the episode Dear Billy. She’s seen at his grave reading her letter to a deceased William. She reads out her feelings and regrets.

The second scene is in the next episode The Nina Project. The song begins playing when Mike and Will catch each others’ eyes while digging and have a heart to heart on top of a car. During the heart to heart, Mike expresses frustration and regret.

What Letter To Willy Tells Us
What Letter To Willy Tells Us

Both scenes feature someone who has passed away and their headstone.

Both scenes feature characters dwell on the “what if”s.

Here’s where things get interesting…

What Letter To Willy Tells Us
What Letter To Willy Tells Us

Mike referencing someone giving a number… notice how both scenes here involve a car? In fact, it’s almost like we’re viewing the scene on the left from a different perspective (through the car) on the scene on the left. Don’t believe the callback here? Well…

What Letter To Willy Tells Us

Look at what Mike is holding. 7up. Yup. This is absolutely intentional.

What Letter To Willy Tells Us
What Letter To Willy Tells Us
What Letter To Willy Tells Us
What Letter To Willy Tells Us
What Letter To Willy Tells Us
What Letter To Willy Tells Us
What Letter To Willy Tells Us
What Letter To Willy Tells Us
What Letter To Willy Tells Us
What Letter To Willy Tells Us
What Letter To Willy Tells Us
What Letter To Willy Tells Us
What Letter To Willy Tells Us

It seems like to me that they’re showing us Mike’s guilt over what happened to Will that night. He has regrets. Possibly because Will actually did die. At least in some timeline.

What Letter To Willy Tells Us

A little hint to that here too. Associating the “last day of life” with “Mike Wheeler’s basement”…. Can’t really get more on the nose than that. Mike Wheeler’s basement… aka the last place Will was before he “vanished”?

What Letter To Willy Tells Us
What Letter To Willy Tells Us
What Letter To Willy Tells Us

As a writer, he likely wished he could explain himself through writing… in a letter… to Will. Perhaps hoping that an explanation could somehow prevent a tragedy from occurring?

What Letter To Willy Tells Us

This line makes me suspicious that there’s some sort of time loop 🔁 on the day of Will’s disappearance.

And of course… this all leads back to…

What Letter To Willy Tells Us

And of course, another possible Back to the Future reference.

What Letter To Willy Tells Us

For those unaware, Marty saves Doc’s life by writing him a letter and giving it to him in 1955… preventing his death in 1985

What Letter To Willy Tells Us
What Letter To Willy Tells Us

What I’m getting at is this: this letter is more significant than you might think. Yes, it is a love letter, but it also is what likely ends up saving Will’s life.

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