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Senkodoll - Senko But Tired And With Decreasing Sanity - Tumblr Blog

Tumblr is what happens when you give a raccoon a hive mind

Having the power to manipulate time is fun and all but you have to remember that it can greatly fuck up a person.
An example is continuing to go back in time to stop something from happening and constantly failing to do so. The person can become paranoid over the actions they or the people around them make, and may dread the thought of rewinding time to fix something.
Even when there are multiple ways to bring someone back from the dead there will always be a wrong way to do it.
The worst part of getting into a media is when you end up relating to the character who reminds you about the parts of yourself that you dislike.
I most recently got into Adventure Forward and decided to put three characters (Second star savior, Anshine, and Stratosfear) into an incorrect quote generator and these are the ones I found the most fitting.

Do whatever you want with these.
Remember months back when I was talking about my Live A Live ocs? Well I made art of Apollo and just didn’t post it here so here y’all go.
The pirate who drinks his daily dose of Respect Women Juice himself

Sometimes you just need to shove a few handfuls of gummy bears into your mouth
I hate it when people repeat something I say but in a mocking tone and when people don’t take me seriously thinking that it won’t affect me. And then they ask me why I don’t like being around them.
I hope that every person who said that Mario and Luigi hate each other see a clown when looking at themselves in the mirror.
I like how Florida and New York City are on opposite ends of the weirdness spectrum. Because with Florida it is well known that shit gets crazy there and it gets on news articles.
But with New York City, people will see something weird and would not be bothered by it. It probably won’t be the strangest thing they seen all day.
People will go “This is proof that the ship is canon/ they are in love” and then show a scene of one character threatening and/or manipulating the other character.
Like buddy, do you even know what is happening in this scene?????
“I want that twink obliterated” unfortunately for you you are the one going to be obliterated instead. And by the hands of the twink.
Was playing Sky Children of the Light and I met this moth who was struggling in the Golden Wasteland. I helped them out and later befriended them and we both decided to go to the Eye of Eden for fun but we got separated to two different servers. I miss them. Here is a photo I took before going to Eden. I am the one saying “Lets go die together”.

If the person I was with is reading this I just want you to know that I was devastated when we got separated.
Ok do I enjoy this character for their design, mannerisms and personality or am I just jealous of their gender?

Capcom said we should write fanfiction
When doing rps there are times when you decide out of nowhere that you are going to traumatize one of your characters. I decided to do this to my Splatoon oc Rusty (who has appeared on a previous post) and let’s just say…

He went through some stuff…
I know I haven’t posted about my Payday oc Intel in months but I just want to say that there has been instances where someone goes by Intel’s room while their working and all they hear is the clicking of a keyboard and Intel singing the Pokémon theme song. It happens very often and it sometimes will be the different Pokémon anime openings that would be sung by Intel.
One thing I love about Patapon is that they aren’t hesitant in the slightest to tell their almighty god it sucks right to it’s face after it fumbles once.
You have Christian fear of god on one end of the spectrum, and on the opposite end you have patapons.

Oh no.
Where are the novelizations of Patapon and just Patapon fanfiction in general? I want to see a novelization of Patapon 3.
Can people in the Live A Live fanbase PLEASE write more Sundown Kid x MadDog fanfiction!!!!! I can’t keep reading the same ones over and over again. I am BEGGING AT THIS POINT.