shine-your-light - 🌷🤍🍀

˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ silent cry enthusiast ~ 21 ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚

525 posts

H.js. Utterly Lovesick (for You).

h.js. — utterly lovesick (for you).

H.js. Utterly Lovesick (for You).

pairing: han jisung x gn reader genre: humor, slight angst, best friends to lovers au warnings: food, mild swearing summary: jisung has an infatuation with kisses; you refuse to humor him. or, the five times jisung attempts and fails to get you to kiss him, and the one (1) time he finally succeeds. length: oneshot word count: 3.1k+


After a lengthy period of quiet observation, you have thus concluded that if Han Jisung isn't trying to kiss you (or trying to get you to kiss him), he is engaged in the very important job of being a menace to society.

You think that it's rather ironic, considering the fact that Jisung actually can't socialize to save his life, and is reduced to a flustered mess whenever he's introduced to new people. But regardless, he takes his job very seriously.

Including right now. You watch, speechless, as Jisung slips a Nutella jar out of his coat pocket and begins to spread the thick chocolate mixture all over his pineapple and ham pizza with a butter knife (as if pineapple on pizza wasn't bad enough).

"Jisung," you hiss, "cut it out."

You glance around fervently, hoping desperately that no one has scrutinized what Jisung is doing. Unfortunately, Jisung's atrocious combination of Nutella and pizza does not go unnoticed. A woman stares unabashedly at the disgusting slice of pizza in the palm of Jisung's hand, while a group of college students laugh and whisper between each other as they observe Jisung and his stupid love for Nutella on pizza.

"Come on," you beg, "people are staring."

You attempt to snatch the butter knife from out of his hand, but he lifts it out of your reach at the last second, a shit-eating grin tugging at the corners of his lips.

"Give me the butter knife or I'm never buying you cheesecake again," you snap, trying (again) to take away the butter knife and failing (again).

Jisung pauses to consider this, weighing the benefits and drawbacks of the situation. Taking advantage of his hesitance, you quickly dart forward to pluck the knife out of his hand, grinning victoriously. He stares at you for a moment, before reaching into his pocket and producing yet another butter knife.

You groan, throwing up your hands in defeat. "You're hopeless."

Jisung grins and takes a bite of his pizza, coating his lips in Nutella in the process. "Give me a kiss, then. Give me a kiss and I'll stop."

You roll your eyes. Typically it would be considered awkward for best friends to demand kisses from each other. But you have long grown used to Jisung's antics and they hardly bother you anymore. In fact, this has to be at least the thirteenth time he's asked for a kiss.

"Come on, baby, I know you want it," he says, leaning forward and wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

Wincing at the pet name, you shove him away and push the plate of Nutella smeared pizza closer to him. "Just eat your pizza."

H.js. Utterly Lovesick (for You).


You groan as you stretch out in the seat of your chair, muscles aching dully. It's been at least three hours since you sat down to study, and the sky has long since dimmed into an inky darkness. The doorbell to your apartment sounds, and you slowly make your way to the doorway, yawning.

The moment the door swings open, Jisung bounds in, clutching a white paper bag in his hand. You stumble backwards, staring.

"I thought you were recording for the new song?"

"I finished early," he grins, and then holds out the paper bag to you. "Cheesecake!"

You struggle to stifle an affectionate smile. No matter how many times you complain about Jisung's flirtatious habits and childlike immaturity, there are times where you can't help but let your fondness bleed through. "From the new bakery?"

Jisung nods in assent and busies himself with unwrapping the cake. You hum approvingly at the sight of the creamy pale slices of cheesecake, patting his shoulder in satisfaction.

"I'm so glad you came, I've been bored to death."

Jisung beams cheekily. "You missed me that much, baby?"

"Not really," you snort, "and don't call me that."

"Still," Jisung says, "without me, you would've just stayed holed up in your apartment for the rest of the day drowning in your calculus homework. Instead, you get my excellent companionship and also some cheesecake. You should be thanking me."

"Fine," you laugh, "thank you for coming over."

Jisung puffs up his chest. "I did well, right?"


"You totally owe me one."

"Mhm," you say absentmindedly, busying yourself with taking a bite of the cake.

"So I deserve a kiss, right?"

You turn to glare at him before sighing. You really should have seen this coming. "No."

Jisung pouts but says nothing, opting instead to take an eager bite out of his slice of cheesecake.

H.js. Utterly Lovesick (for You).


The next time Jisung attempts to get you to kiss him is during a bowling competition on a late Friday night.

Usually, you prefer to spend your Fridays in your apartment, catching up on your favorite K-dramas and finishing up any leftover assignments. But Jisung insisted on going to the new bowling alley that recently opened up, and was adamant about dragging you along with him.

"It would be so awkward to go by myself," he reasoned, attempting to tug you along by the wrist, "I hate being alone with strangers, you know that."

"Just ask Minho or something!" you groan, "I'm sure there are better options than me!"

"Minho has dance practice on Fridays!" Jisung protests, "and all the others have their own things."

"How about Jeongin?" you ask, "he's usually free on Friday nights."

"I asked Jeongin but he has a blind date! Don't be such a spoilsport — it's just one time! If you don't like it, I won't ask you to come again."

And that's exactly how you end up sitting in a brightly-lit bowling alley on a Friday night. Music blasting at full volume in your eardrums. Surrounded by people. You sigh wistfully, thinking of your comfortable apartment and the newly released sixth episode of All of Us Are Dead.

"Let's have a bowling competition," Jisung yells loudly over the music while grabbing a bright green bowling ball from the rack, "the loser has to buy the other bubble tea for a week!"

You hesitate. Typically, you would say no, just because you'd rather not risk losing and feeding Jisung's fat ass ego. But Jisung sucks at bowling, and the idea of free boba for a week is rather tempting.

Jisung watches you expectantly, waiting for your response. Shrugging, you nod and grab a bowling ball from the rack. Jisung smiles complacently and cracks his knuckles with an exaggerated swagger, grinning confidently at you.

“Watch me score a strike on my first try.”

You scoff. “Let’s not get overconfident. Last time we went bowling, I fucking beat you to pieces.”

He smiles and shrugs, before taking a few steps back and then rolling the ball forward adeptly. You watch, transfixed, as the bowling ball rolls down the lane evenly and scores a strike on the first try.

Gasping, you stare at Jisung. He grins at you cockily.

"I thought you sucked at bowling?" you ask bewilderedly, eyebrows knitted in confusion.

"I've been out bowling with Chan recently. And I've been taking lessons."

You sigh, because that seems entirely in-character for someone like Han Jisung. "Who the fuck takes bowling lessons?"

"Well, they paid off, didn't they?" Jisung beams flippantly, and gestures toward the bowling ball in your hand. "It's your turn."

By the end of the game, you've lost to Jisung by a good 217 points. He is practically ecstatic, bouncing excitedly whenever you miss the pins completely or barely manage to knock down two or three pins. You sigh, and resign yourself to your fate of paying for Jisung’s (rather expensive) bubble tea for an entire week. You almost fall asleep as you make your way to your car with Jisung practically skipping beside you. It’s late at night, and you’re struggling to keep your eyes open.

Jisung, however, is bursting with energy. "Don't forget about the bubble tea!" he chirps cheerfully as you fish out your keys from your bag to unlock the car.

You groan. "Do we still have to follow through with the competition? You conned me into thinking that you still sucked ass at bowling, you put me at an unfair disadvantage!"

"A bet's a bet," Jisung says indifferently, white teeth flashing in the dark as he grins at you. "Unless.."

"Unless what?"

"I'll let it go if you kiss me," Jisung says.

You stare at him. "You really aren't letting this kiss thing go, are you?"

Jisung shrugs. "It's always worth a shot. Besides, I like kisses."

Cheeks red with heat, you yank open the car door and unceremoniously shove Jisung into the passenger seat, trying your best to shield your face as much as possible from the moonlight just in case Jisung catches a glimpse of your flushed cheeks. "Whatever. Meet me at the boba shop tomorrow at 6:30 pm."

H.js. Utterly Lovesick (for You).


“So,” Jisung says, “hypothetically, would you kiss me if I were more like Kim Seokjin?”

“No,” you deadpan, stabbing at your steak mechanically. “I wouldn’t kiss you even if you were Kim Seokjin.”

You sigh. Ever since Jisung found out about Kim Seokjin embodying your ideal type, he’s been pestering you about it nonstop. It’s kind of cute, to be honest. But that’s just one of the many things you can’t risk telling Jisung about, just because there are some things that are better to keep to yourself, and finding Jisung to be cute just happens to be one of them.

Besides, he always asks such questions in the most unconventional places. Including now, where you’re seated in a barbecue restaurant and it seems as if the family sitting next to you is eavesdropping on your conversation.

Jisung groans in despair. “Just one kiss, please?”

“But have you ever thought,” you say, “about how abnormal it is for best friends to kiss? Half of the college campus already thinks that we’re dating, imagine how much worse it’ll get if I kiss you.”

“But I just like kisses,” Jisung sighs, “is there no such thing as kissing as friends?”

“No,” you say, “there isn’t.”

“Well then, what’s so wrong about dating? Why not date me?”

You choke on a mouthful of steak, coughing violently, and end up having to be escorted to the bathroom to keep from disrupting others from having a peaceful meal.

H.js. Utterly Lovesick (for You).


Han Jisung, although immature and overly cheeky at times, is overall quite a responsible person. At least, you consider him to be a responsible person. You haven’t ever seen him receive a grade any lower than a 78 (and that was only due to a bigoted and biased professor) and although he complains ceaselessly about the excessive amounts of homework his courses give him, he always manages to turn all his assignments in on time.

Furthermore, Jisung is probably the one in your friend group with the highest alcohol tolerance (along with Chan) and hardly ever gets drunk. And even when he does, he never does so on a weekday. So your astonishment is plausible when you open up your apartment door one night to a drunk and red-faced Jisung, who stumbles dazedly into your apartment the moment you open the door.

“Jisung,” you gasp, “what happened?”

You dart forward to keep him from careening into the kitchen table, clutching at his arms tightly. “Let’s go sit on the couch, okay?”

Jisung hums in assent, threading his fingers tightly with yours. You flush at the action but allow him to hold your hand as you carefully guide him to the couch.

“Why’d you get drunk on a Wednesday?” you scold, “we have class tomorrow.”

He slouches into the couch, a pout gracing his heart-shaped lips.

You smile at him and run a thumb along his knuckles, allowing your endearment to show through momentarily. He most likely won’t even remember anything by the time he wakes up tomorrow, judging from his drunken state. “What’s wrong?”

“Why,” he rasps, “why won’t you kiss me?”

“I told you before, Jisung,” you sigh, “we’re best friends. We can’t kiss. Even if you like kisses.”

“So then date me!” he exclaims, throwing up his hands in frustration. “If you date me, then we can kiss, right?”

You hesitate, faltering for something to say. Jisung always makes it sound so easy, so simple. As if there weren’t times where your heart skips a few beats at the sight of him, or times where you could barely hold yourself back from pressing your lips against his and inhaling his warm scent of citrus and vanilla.

Because the truth is, you want nothing more than to date Han Jisung and his pretty round eyes and his stupid love for Nutella on pizza. But Jisung is a SoundCloud rapper with more than 500k followers to his name and a student with a reputation on the college campus as ‘that one student who passed the Quantum Mechanics course with a 97%’ and someone who is effortlessly beautiful in everything that he does.

And you will never be able to compare to him.

Throughout the years you have spent with Jisung, you have long since realized that you will never be able to compete with his brilliance. Jisung is someone whose passion bleeds into everything that he does, someone who burns so brilliantly that it hurts once you reach a certain proximity.

Get too close to the sun and you’ll burn.

Hold Jisung at an arm’s length. Keep him at a distance, or your skin will scorch and the air will fill with the stench of burning flesh and you will dissipate into ash and bone. This is what you tell yourself.

You know you cannot afford to be burned.

Shaking your head, you pull your hand away from his and stalk into your room to grab a pillow and some blankets. “You can crash here for the night,” you tell him, “sleep on the bed, I can sleep on the pull-out couch.”

Jisung’s face falls, and he drops his head in defeat. Your chest tightens painfully at the sight.

H.js. Utterly Lovesick (for You).


“You should talk to him, at least.”

“I can’t,” you groan, “it’s fucking embarrassing.”

“Actually,” Seungmin says, “I highly doubt that Jisung remembers anything from last night. He was drunk, remember? He probably thinks that he fucked up or said something he shouldn’t have said and he’s probably feeling like shit about it now. And you’re not helping by ignoring him.”

Like always, Seungmin has a point. You glare at him halfheartedly. You sent Jisung home the morning after without so much as a goodbye, refusing to meet his eyes. A bad decision, you know, but also a necessary one. You couldn’t even bring yourself to look at him without a sharp pang of longing and guilt shooting through your stomach.

Seungmin sighs. “Stop being so stubborn and just talk to him. And maybe confess to him in the process; it’s about time the two of you started dating.”

“I can’t,” you moan, covering your face with your hands, “what am I even going to say?”

But Seungmin is already standing up and pulling you along with him. “You’ll figure it out when you get there.”

And that’s exactly how you end up standing in front of Jisung’s apartment complex at 9:37 at night, nervous as fuck. Jisung has been texting you nonstop since the morning, demanding to know what transpired last night and just how badly he fucked up for you to ghost him like this. You pull up his number on your phone and quickly press the call icon before you change your mind.

Jisung picks up on the second ring, and you feel a twinge of guilt. He must have been waiting for you all day to contact him.

“Jisung,” you say, and immediately hate yourself for the way your voice wavers.

“Yeah? What is it?”

His voice sounds tired, you think. Raspy with disuse and slightly brittle.

“I’m in front of your apartment flat. Can you come out?”

Jisung says nothing for a moment. You swallow nervously.

“Are you mad at me? If you are then we can just talk another—”

“No, it’s okay,” he cuts you off. “I’m coming, just give me a second.”

In another moment, he has exited the apartment complex and comes to stand directly in front of you, dressed in a pair of sweatpants and an oversized hoodie. He looks just as tired as he sounds, all puffy eyes and messy hair.

He attempts at a smile, although it fades almost immediately. “Did you miss me that much, baby? Had to come down to see me and everything?”

And even though he’s trying his best to appear like his usual self, you can sense the hesitance in his stature. He’s just as anxious as you are. You bite your lip and take another step towards him. His eyes widen as you close the gap between the two of you until you are only a foot apart.

“Do you mean it?”

Jisung laughs nervously, running a hand through his hair. “Mean what?”

“Do you mean it when you say that you want to date me?”

He stares at you blankly for a moment, processing your words carefully. But his face tells you everything you need to know. The furrow of his perfectly-shaped eyebrows, the feverish look in his eyes. You know that gaze all too well, because it perfectly mirrors the way you look at Jisung whenever you think he isn’t looking. That stupidly lovesick gaze.

You take one more step forward until you are in such a close proximity that you can count the flecks of hazel in his eyes. And before you have time to actually think it through, you’ve pressed your lips against his and nothing— nothing feels more right.

Jisung stiffens against you for a moment, his eyes wide with shock. But he melts into the kiss almost immediately, reaching up to cup your cheek with a gentle hand. You tilt your head a bit to deepen the kiss, and marvel at how quickly Jisung reacts to your touch as he slots his head to accommodate you.

By the time you break apart, your lips are swollen and puffy. Jisung looks at you, almost in awe.

“I guess you finally got that kiss you’ve been asking for,” you laugh.

Jisung’s responding laugh resonates through your body, leaving butterflies fluttering wildly in your stomach. He grins at you, eyes sparkling. “I guess I did.”

Jisung is the sun. Brilliant and scorching. But you have decided that it is worth it to be with him, even if it means burning to ash. You will burn a hundred thousand times, you think, just to relive this moment. Just to taste him against your lips one more time.

Because you were born to love Han Jisung and his dumb pickup lines and excessive love for cheesecake. So you pull him in for another kiss and smile against his lips.

He is the sun and fuck— kissing the sun never felt so fucking right.

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More Posts from Shine-your-light

2 years ago
 Gym Bunny 05

‧✧̣̇‧ Gym Bunny 05

‧✧̣̇‧ Pairing: Jungkook x Reader

‧✧̣̇‧ Genre: muscle pig!Jungkook, strangers to lovers au, fluff, angst, college au, very enthusiastic kook, shy chubby reader, self hatred to self love au.

‧✧̣̇‧ Warnings: fatphobia, a lot of hurt feelings, Taehyung physically hurts YN when he doesn’t let her go, bruises. Very angry kook.

‧✧̣̇‧ Summary: Your birthday party is supposed to be the best day of the year, and it’s going amazing until Taehyung crosses a line with you and then accuses Jungkook of something which in return hurts you,

‧✧̣̇‧ Word count: 3.7k

Gym bunny Masterlist ♡

A/n: the dress y/n wore because I love pinky pink dresses


You woke up to the smell of something sweet but on the verge of being burnt. You got up from Jungkooks bed to follow the scent, you were hungry since you didn’t eat anything last night. Having fallen asleep and only being woken up briefly by Jungkook to get you to change into pjs.

Which was a battle in itself because you knew you wouldn’t fit into his clothes no matter how oversized and baggy he claimed they were. It took a lot of convincing and silly threats on Jungkooks part to get you into the bathroom, where you found that they do actually fit. They weren’t so baggy on you but it’s okay because Jungkook still blushed like a school girl when he saw you.

You walked into the kitchen where Jungkook immediately spotted you, he was shirtless but with a Spider-Man apron that you didn’t even know existed. But of course he owned it. Jungkook smiled at you before setting up a plate for you and absolutely filling it with pancakes and bacon. You hummed and sat down, also trying to ignore his exposed skin, especially his back, but it was so hard. His waist was so thin you were jealous. And also very weirdly turned on but shook those thoughts away when he sat next to you.

“I’m a beast when it comes to cooking y/n.” Jungkook smirked as he began digging in his own plate,” Eat. I got a full day planned okay? The mailman should be here any minute to deliver my Lego set, you’re going to help me build it while we watch encanto, still can’t believe you haven’t seen it you weird ass alien and I-“

“I’d love to, really, but I have to go home,” you smiled awkwardly,” Yoons probably worried and I have to meet with my friend who’s making cupcakes for my birthday party but-“

“Birthday party?!?” Jungkook practically yelled,” please tell me you were going to invite me?”

“Of course I am!” You excitedly told him.

“Cool then you’re forgiven for ditching me,” he stuffed his mouth with bacon,” we’re still on for the gym later right?”

“Yes, I have to burn this breakfast off somehow.” You joked.

After eating breakfast and being forced to watch Jungkook wrestle with his horse sized dog, he lets you go home where Yoon interrogated you and scolded you for being so reckless. But you smiled through it since Jungkook somehow turned a bad night into a fun, warm night.

You don’t regret it at all.

You do regret taking a small nap before the gym, so now you ran late, having the change at the gym. Which you avoided but today you felt differently, so you walked in with your gym bag confidently. You immediately saw Jungkook doing a handstand with a group of other men around him cheering him on. He saw you upside down and stumbled to go greet you.

“You’re late.” He straightened up pretending to be checking his imaginary watch.

“I fell asleep,” you sheepishly smiled,” I’ll be back okay?”

“We’re doing extra weights today then.”

You walked off and the very second you did, Taehyung walked in.

Jungkook felt his blood boil, you didn’t tell him what happened but he just knew Taehyung fucked up. He watches Taehyung put his bag away and take his water bottle out with sharp eyes. Jungkook admits he might cross a line right now, but he can’t stand the fact that Taehyung can get away with saying whatever he wants with you, and still get the privilege of your love. So nothing could stop the venom of envy that ran through his veins.

He wanted to make Taehyung feel this same envy.

Jungkook made sure you were still in the locker room before he approaches Taehyung, who was just about to get on the treadmill but stopped once he saw Jungkook stalking towards him.

“You’re Taehyung right?”

“Y-Yea,” Taehyung but his lip,” you’re y/ns friend?”

“Right. Nice to meet you, she talks about you sometimes,” Jungkook smirked,” made me curious about you since she doesn’t say much.”

Taehyung looked taken aback, he thought you would talk just a little more about him.

Since you had that crush on him and all.

Jungkook senses Taehyungs confusion and quickly changed the subject,” Anyways she’s changing right now- we stopped by her place to get her some clothes before we came.”

What does he mean by we?

Was he the reason why you ignored his texts last night?

Did you go to this guy's house after you hung out with him?

Jungkook could see the questions in Taehyungs mind, even though he was lying out of his ass, he was still proud to see how stuck Taehyung looked.

“Well I’ll see you then,” Jungkook smirked,” we’re having a slow day today. She’s tired. You know how it is.”

Jungkook winked and walked to go find you, leaving Taehyung with a nasty feeling in his chest.

Taehyungs mind was all over the place. He watched you and Jungkook interact, he hates seeing Jungkook near you, touching you. He didn’t know why but he felt knots in his stomach and in his heart. It felt weird knowing that you were most likely sleeping with Jungkook and that you went to go fuck him after being with Taehyung.

Not that he was jealous or anything, he just knew that guys like Jungkook take advantage of sweet innocent girls like you and the way Jungkook was basically flaunting you made Taehyung sick. Taehyung wants what’s best for you and Jungkook was definitely not it. He knew Jungkook would only hurt you.

That’s why the day of your birthday party, a week later, Taehyung arrived early, he did his hair nice and curly the way he knew you liked it and he wrapped his gifts so perfectly that he was truly impressed with himself.

He would be there for you and show you what a true friend is.

You were surprised but equally as happy seeing Taehyung early. He looked so handsome holding your gifts and you felt giddy with joy.

He even hugged you.

But then he was oddly clingy. He followed you around instead of talking with everyone else like he usually does. Taehyung almost looked like he was glued to you, you turned around and he was there.

It was weird but you didn’t push him away since you liked the attention he gave you.

You did, however, excuse yourself when Jungkook texted you.


The party is here 🕺🏻

You smiled at your phone making Taehyungs jaw clench because he just somehow knew who it was. You practically skipped to the door to open it for Jungkook, and in that moment Jungkook swore you took his breath away. You looked gorgeous, ethereal. You wore this pastel pink dress that had puffy short sleeves and a puffy short skirt that made you look like a princess. Jungkook avoided your cleavage, which was really hard for him to do because Jungkook was a sucker for a nice pair of tits and he could tell he would probably love yours but his eyes stayed on the pink ribbon choker you wore. Tits aside, he absolutely loved your dress and definitely would love it if you wore it a hundred times more. Even to the gym, he wouldn’t mind.

He felt his heart quiver in his chest but he put on his brave face because right now seeing you, he really needed it. Seeing Jungkook made you forget about how weird Taehyung was being. He immediately handed you a big box that was perfectly wrapped in spider man wrapping paper.

“Before you ask, yes it’s for you,” Jungkook engulfed you in a tight hug,” happy birthday my little alien.”

He pulled back and almost, just almost kissed your cheek but didn’t even though he kind of actually really wanted to. It felt right.

Maybe another time.

“Thank you Jungkook.” You squealed and held your gift tight, you didn’t know how Jungkook was with gifts but you didn’t care what was inside, you’re sure you’ll love it even if it’s just shreds of paper.

Besides, Jungkook just showing up was a gift to you already.

Jungkook followed you to the kitchen where you put the gift at the top of the mountain made of other gifts. Jungkook was impressed and surprised that he saw one with Taehyungs name on them.

Maybe he wasn’t so bad after all

Maybe he finally feels bad for what he’s done.

He’s making it up to her.

Now we don’t have to fuck him up.

You pulled Jungkooks sleeve to get his attention.

“Do you want to see my room? I just put up my sailor moon poster.” You wiggled in excitement.

“Oh~”Jungkook cooed as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder,” you’re showing me up huh?”

“Maybe~” You walked to the living room where you immediately felt every pair of eyes on you two.

Maybe you will introduce him first.

You smiled at him before turning to everyone to speak up proudly.

“Guys this is my friend.” You smiled as Jungkook waved to everyone in the room.

“I’m Jungkook, nice to meet everyone.” Jungkook smiled, taking in all the weird looks he was getting. He fully knew what they were thinking. Jungkook brushed them off since he was there for you and not them. All your friends greeted him, especially Yoon. She made it very clear how happy she was to meet him.

“Wow So this is the famous Jungkook huh?” Yoon swirls her hair, a flirting technique you’ve seen before,” y/n talks about you ALL the time.“

You blushed and Jungkook could see how you were on the verge of embarrassment.

“Oh yea?” Jungkook wiggled his eyebrows at you,” My roommates are sick of y/n. I always yap about her.”

He nudged your shoulder and you stood tall, gassed up from his comment.

“I see.” Yoon stood closer to Jungkook to get some space between you and him because why is he so touchy with you?

It puzzled her.

Jungkook noticed since he’s no stranger to girls like Yoon, so he quickly wrapped an arm around you to squeeze you.

“Y/n feed me please.”

You smiled and pulled him to the snack table to fill his plate up the same way he did with you.

You were having fun and it was just the beginning.

Taehyung on the other hand, wasn’t having any fun since you left to be with him. He sipped on his wine cooler as he glared at the tattooed hand that was wrapped oh, so casually around you.

He didn’t like what he was seeing at all.

His jaw clenched as he got up to go join you once again.

Your big beautiful smile widened just a little when you saw Taehyung.

“Y/n can you come here for a second? I want to give you something.”


“Don’t worry y/n I’ll take good care of your friend here,” Yoon smiled, as she slithered her way towards Jungkook again,” promise.”

Jungkook had a mouth full of corn dog when he looked at you, a little scared and wishing you wouldn’t leave. But Taehyungs smile swooned you. He extended his hand out to you. You hummed before excusing yourself.

“I’ll be right back, Jungkook.”

The second Jungkook saw Taehyung his gaze turned into something scary and made you nervous but then he smiled at you with that cute bunny smile he does so often. He softened for you.

“Ok but if your sailor moon poster is gone when you're back, don’t look at me.” He smirked, making you smile a genuine cheesy smile.

Yoon looked between you two and pulled Jungkook to the snack table,” Kookie come try these cute snacks I made~”

Jungkook wanted to groan but didn’t. Instead he watched you walk away with Taehyung feeling a tiny bit sad. He sighed and grabbed a bunch of cheese blocks to ease the pain. You were nervous and a bit excited to see what Taehyung wanted to give you. He took you out to your balcony so he could give you your main present under the moonlight. He held your hand as he leaned on the balcony, he looked gorgeous and you felt numb with love.

“So,” your voice trailed,” what did you wanna give me?”

Taehyung smiled shyly.

“This,” Taehyung pulled out a thin silver necklace from his pocket.

“You didn’t have to oh my gosh,” your eyes gleamed,” you already got me something..”

Taehyung grinned and you felt your heart jump into his hands, you huffed, so in love with him.

“I know but I wanted to,” Taehyung blushed,” I wanted to make up for- for not being here for you as much as before.”

Your heart melted, feeling gooey and sticky from his words.

“It’s okay Taehyung, I know how busy you were.” You smiled, making Taehyungs heart ache with guilt. Guilt because deep down he knew that was just an excuse.

“Y-Yea,” he smiled,” I could have still made time for you, so this is me apologizing from the bottom of my heart. I want to get back to how we were.”

He twirled the necklace in front of you so you could take in its beauty. It was absolutely gorgeous, a crescent moon with a star hanging from the top that had a red gem in the middle of it. On the corner of the necklace had the symbol of your favorite sailor scout, sailor mars. You almost squealed, you didn’t think he cared for your obsession with Sailor Moon but seeing this gift made you feel guilty for ever doubting him.

He does care for you.

“Let me help you put it on.” Taehyung whispered, giving you goosebumps all over your body.

You turned around and pulled your hair up so he could see. Taehyungs hands were soft against your skin, they lingered against you for a bit making you gasp in return.

He turned you around, his hands still planted on your shoulders,” Beautiful.”

You smiled, genuinely feeling his compliment.

You felt beautiful.

“Thank you Taehyung.” You whispered

Taehyung was totally entranced by you, by your smile and your beautiful eyes. He doesn't know what took over him but his body moved before he could process what he was doing. Maybe because he sees just how beautiful you’ve become or maybe it was the alcohol in his system he doesn’t know. Taehyung just knows that he really wants to kiss you right now.

He leaned in to you, you held your breath, frozen in his arms until he whispered your name against your lips.

“W-What are you doing?” Your lip quivered with nerves.

He hushed you before pressing his lips against yours.

Your whole body lit up and you softened in his touch, his lips were soft and tasted like wine. You moaned softly when his tongue swiped against your lips. Your hands gripped his jacket and your heart fluttered away. You couldn’t believe what was happening right now.

But why?

Why was he kissing you?

He doesn’t like you.

He’s never even hugged you longer than ten seconds but here he was shoving his tongue down your throat.

Why was he doing this to you?

It suddenly felt wrong that he was kissing you even though you’ve dreamt of this moment for years.

Jungkook would be so mad right now.

You pulled back, making Taehyung grunt softly and rest his forehead on yours. To him that was one of the best kisses he’s ever had. He wanted to keep kissing you but you pulled away from him, heart heavy with confusion.

“Why- Why did you kiss me?” You asked him with tears that didn’t just sting in your eyes.

“Because..”Taehyungs paused, seeing your teary expression,” it was like- like a birthday kiss- y-ya know?”

“B-But why?” You sniffled.

Taehyung didn’t know what to say.

Why did he kiss you?

He didn’t have an answer, he just did it.

Your heart hurt with each breath he took and each second of silence that surrounded you. You took a deep breath before pushing down the ache in your heart. And with that ache every ounce of love you had for him, disappearing with those hurt feelings.

“I’d appreciate it if you didn’t lead me on Taehyung,” You looked into Taehyungs eyes, making him breathless and shocked you’ve never spoken to him like this before,” it’s cruel of you to give me hope when we both know that you don’t feel the same.”

Taehyung gripped your shoulders when he felt you shift away from him.

“Wait y/n, that’s not- let me explain I-“

You snapped, avoided his piercing gaze,” stop-“

“Just let me explain,” Taehyung was frantic with his touches, he needed you to know he would never hurt you like that,” please y/n-“

You pushed Taehyung away but his hands held you tight, too tight. His grasp hurt you, you started to feel scared.

You looked back hoping that someone would come help you.

Jungkook was enjoying his fifth cupcake when he decided to escape from the clutches of your roommate to go and find you. He might have also been a little bit worried because you've been gone for a while but he also just really wanted to hang out with you. He had two cupcakes in hand when he walked by your living room where the balcony was. Jungkook knew you were excited about them and wanted you to try them before he devoured them all.

The balcony is also where he spotted you, you looked like you were struggling to get away from Taehyung and that’s all Jungkook needed to put his cupcakes down and storm out to the balcony making everyone in the living room curious about what was happening.

“S-Stop Taehyung,” you whispered loud enough for Jungkook to hear.

Jungkook did not hesitate and very roughly pushed Taehyung off of you, making him fall flat on his ass. It took every inch of his body not to punch the smug look on his face.

“Jungkook!” You yelled out, completely shocked and a little relieved that he suddenly showed up.

“What the Fuck man!?” Taehyung spit out,” what’s your problem?”

“She told you to stop,” Jungkook stood before you like a knight guarding his princess,” what don’t you understand about stop.”

Everyone that was inside was now outside, trying to get a glimpse of what was happening.

Taehyung scoffed, rolling his eyes as he stood up to defend himself,” we were just talking.”

“You could have been praying for all I care,” Jungkook bites back,” stop means stop or are you that much of a piece of shit you don’t understand simple words?”

Now Taehyung was angry. Who did this guy think he was when he was the worst type of scum out there?

“I’m the piece of shit?” Taehyung shot back,” You're one to talk.”

Jungkook scoffed,” I have never treated y/n the way you do.”

“What are you talking about?” Taehyung looked over to you, who was hiding behind Jungkook, embarrassed about this whole argument,” I-I don’t treat her badly.”

You pulled on Jungkooks hand to get his attention but he was too angry right now, he wanted to make Taehyung hurt as much as he hurt you.

And he definitely was hurting the way you avoided his eyes, and the way you stood as if you were on his side.

“Y/n tell him,” Taehyung called out to you but you hid behind Jungkook, afraid of what to say,” I would never-“

Jungkook scoffed, not letting Taehyung finish and that’s when he noticed everyone around them, whispering and glancing at him. What made him realize the situation he was in, was when he saw you behind him. Taehyung was beyond embarrassed, and ashamed he couldn’t believe that Jungkook, someone who barely knows you, would say he treats you badly?

The wine coolers he had earlier were rushing back to him, making his brain fuzzy with anger.

Maybe that’s what gave him the courage to open his mouth to spit out venom only meant to hurt the man in front of him.

“At least I’m not the one using her to fulfill their weird fat fetish.”


Your whole world shattered. Everything and everyone around you was frozen and you felt like you only existed.

Weird fat fetish?

Jungkook has a fat fetish?

So that’s why he’s been so nice to you?

He was just using you?

No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't stop the tears from streaming down your cheeks. At this point Jungkook didn’t care about Taehyung anymore, he only cared about what Taehyung said. Jungkook felt the ghost of your hands on his arms, he knew what must be going through your mind.

But when he turned around he only saw the color of your dress disappearing in the crowd of people and into the house.

That’s when Yoon decided to step in.

“Okay everyone parties over!”

Jungkook ran past her to get to you.

“Y/n- wait,” he called out,”y/n.”

You trembled and almost tripped over yourself getting to your room. You didn’t care about bumping into people you just wanted to be alone.

Once you saw the safety of your room you looked back and saw Jungkook frantically following behind you but you slammed the door shut before he could come in. You sniffled while crawling under the blankets, crying into your pillow. You ignored the feverish knocks on your door that were followed by Jungkooks voice calling out to you.

You just couldn’t face him, you didn’t want to believe what Taehyung said.

But it all made sense.

Jungkook was only your friend so he could take advantage of you, use you for his sick fetish.

You should have listened to Taehyung.

You cried, not believing that your once wonderful new friend was capable of hurting you this way.

You felt your heart break in places you’ve never felt before, it was a new pain to you and it hurt so fucking bad.

Jungkook was using you?

Taehyung was right, it’s the only way he’d ever want to even be friends with you.

Jungkook‘s just using you.

You shuttered at the thought, disgusted with yourself.

How could you be so stupid?

You cried yourself to sleep, sniffling into your pillow with an awful ache in your heart that felt like it wasn’t even there at this point. All on the day you were supposed to be celebrated and loved.

Maybe that’s why it hurts even more.


A/n; I am so so so so so so soooooooooooo so so sorry also thanks again to my Angel @justanotherstarlightmonger for being my beta reader I seriously don’t know where I’d be without you bestie


🏷: @novastarpie @kookiecrumb @gethatcake @soeur-de-ame @moodyroom @3greasy-shirt3 @kmpac @artistkoo @lovelykookiee @hoebihoeshi @suzysuee @pimpnameyannie @cuteipat @bruisedscrewedandtattooed @bbtsficrecs @yvesismywife @luvjeongjaehyun @mrcleanheichou @bngtn-vault @hey-itslulu @claireesaa @4evahevah @tinyoonsblog @babygirl-panda19 @yeonjun4beagles @yady24 @eternalkoo @betysotelo18 @lillypads-brokenstems @little-body-big-mess @che-er-ful @canarystwin @baekfast-club @pennyllanne @jakey-sims @aminaob-blog @jungoomoles @peachy-tata @nikkitasevoli @minseok-mochi @sweetcheeksdna @zorosluv @hisokascrunchyhairstrands @faeviii @bri-mal @girlsforgloss @miharus-world @laynafaisal

2 years ago

Can i request what hc of what enhypen would do when its your birthday!!

awh i love this idea, thanks for requesting this! i’m really sorry for taking so long to write this :<

Can I Request What Hc Of What Enhypen Would Do When Its Your Birthday!!


❥ pairings— enhypen ot7 x gn! reader ❥ synopsis— how he celebrates your birthday with you! ❥ genre— fluff, enhypen headcanons ❥ warnings— none

Can I Request What Hc Of What Enhypen Would Do When Its Your Birthday!!

heeseung; he would make sure to free out his entire day so he could spend it with you. he would take you to your favourite places during the day, and plan out a romantic dinner at night. when i say romantic, i mean romantic. flowers, candles, handwritten cards, well-thought out gifts; everything that you could have wished for on your birthday, he has it prepared. he knew exactly how to make your birthday the most special day of your life, and if that wasn’t enough, he would have learnt how to play your favourite song just so he could sing it to you.

jay; he would be the type to pretend that he forgot it was your birthday, while he secretly planned a surprise birthday party for you. He would make sure to have all your favourite food prepared, set up the entire area with balloons, confetti, cakes… everything just so he could throw you the best surprise birthday party ever. “you planned all of this?” you asked, a smile creeping up your face at the idea that he spent so much time and thought on this. your feelings of dismay over how he had ‘forgotten’ your birthday earlier that day slowly melted away. “of course,” jay replied, a smirk playing on his lips, “how could i forget the most special day of the year?”

jake; he is already the sweetest person ever, and when it’s your birthday, he becomes the cutest sweetheart ever. i feel like he is the type to go out of his way and put in a lot of time and care to make you cute little handmade gifts, handwritten letters and even a scrapbook with all your pictures and memories. the surprised and adoring smile that appears on your face when you receive the gifts makes his heart flutter. he even tries his best to make a home-cooked three course meal for you with your favourite dishes, and the two of you would end the day with a cosy movie night.

sunghoon; would try his best to drop subtle questions here and there to figure out what you want for your birthday. he would actually ask you to go shopping with him and if that in itself wasn’t bizarre enough, he would be going to your favourite stalls with you and shoving items in your face, asking you if you think he should buy it. “what do you think of this?” sunghoon asked, spraying the perfume so close to your face that it made you sneeze. “i like this one,” you said with a cough, still recovering from the perfume attack, “but i’d prefer this one for my birthday instead.” “okay- wait, how did you know?”

sunoo; is definitely the type to send you a happy birthday message at twelve on the dot just because he wants to be the first to wish you a happy birthday. it won’t just be a simple ‘happy birthday’, rather it would be an entire pre-typed twelve page essay. once he sees that you had read his message, he would immediately call you so he could also be the first to verbally wish you a happy birthday. he is just super excited and cannot wait until your lunch date later that day to celebrate with you, so instead the two of you talk for hours and hours on the phone.

jungwon; would take you to places and treat you to anything that you want. he would want to take you somewhere fun to spend your day, a theme park, arcade, karaoke… he just wants to spend a super fun and exciting day with you. he would be in a really good mood the entire day and would randomly give you small pecks on your cheeks and hugs from time to time. he would love to watch the sunset with you by the beach, and would keep trying to take pictures of you because you ‘look so beautiful.’

ni-ki; is the type to buy you a bunch of gag gifts or useless items as your birthday present without any purpose except to annoy you. he might even plan out elaborate pranks throughout the day, and if there is a birthday cake, you can be assured that it would end up flat on your face. the two of you now have an ongoing competition on who can play the best prank on the other person during their birthday, and everything always ends up in a chaotic mess with the two of you laughing until your stomachs hurt.

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2 years ago


↳ 𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘦 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 "𝘉𝘖𝘠𝘍𝘙𝘐𝘌𝘕𝘋" !?


𝗈𝗍7 𝗑 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 // 𝖿𝗅𝗎𝖿𝖿 // 0.6𝗄


﹆〴 𝗟𝗘𝗘 𝗛𝗘𝗘𝗦𝗘𝗨𝗡𝗚 ✉︎ ⎯ ✈︎ !

hello, my love. have you eaten? later when you come home, i’m taking you out on a date. i don’t have it all planned out yet but i’ve been wanting to take you out, just you and me, because you deserve it. you’ve been working so hard, and i just want to let you know how proud i am of you, love. i can’t wait until you get home and just smother you in kisses. i know it’s only been a few hours, but i already miss you in my arms. but i’ll wait. remember, i love you always.

﹆〴 𝗣𝗔𝗥𝗞 𝗝𝗔𝗬 ✉︎ ⎯ ✈︎ !

hi, beautiful. what are you up to right now? i’ve been thinking about you a lot, especially today. even though it’s only been a day, i feel like i haven’t seen you in ages, so let’s go on a date today! i have so much to tell you! how does that sound? well, cancel all of your plans, because i already made a reservation at your favourite restaurant. i miss you, love. see you later today <3

﹆〴 𝗦𝗜𝗠 𝗝𝗔𝗞𝗘 ✉︎ ⎯ ✈︎ !

hi, my love, the love of my life, my most beloved in the whole entire world, my princess, my angel, my universe, my everything… hi :))) i miss you. i love you. i can’t believe i met you and have the honour of calling you mine. i’m such a lucky man… make sure you eat something, okay? and take lots of breaks! i can’t wait to see you later. i miss you. oh, wait, i already said that… anyways, i love you so much, words can’t even describe. take care of yourself, my love. love you.

﹆〴 𝗣𝗔𝗥𝗞 𝗦𝗨𝗡𝗚𝗛𝗢𝗢𝗡 ✉︎ ⎯ ✈︎ !

hi, baby. just wanted to say that you looked really pretty today, as always. you’re so beautiful, talented and perfect… i miss you, okay? how about i come over and we just spend the rest of the day cuddling? i know you need your daily quality time with me ;) and even if you don’t… i could really use it. don’t worry about me. i just miss you :( but i’m coming over in a bit, so i don’t have to anymore :) i love you.

﹆〴 𝗞𝗜𝗠 𝗦𝗨𝗡𝗢𝗢 ✉︎ ⎯ ✈︎ !

hey, baby. you’re taking care of yourself, right? should i come over and bring you some snacks? i just can’t stop thinking about you. i miss you :( … you know what? i’m coming over with snacks right now and we’ll spend the entire rest of the day binge watching our drama. we need to finish it! i’m so curious what happens next! but anyways, i’m coming over! get the drama ready! see you in a bit!

﹆〴 𝗬𝗔𝗡𝗚 𝗝𝗨𝗡𝗚𝗪𝗢𝗡 ✉︎ ⎯ ✈︎ !

hi, baby! what are you up to? i was looking at some old pictures of us on my phone and it brought back so many memories. you were so cute (and still are). i need to show them to you when i see you later. but anyways, you’re making sure to eat, right? let me know if you want me to bring you anything. i’ll let you do your work though. hope you’re having fun, even if the work isn’t so enjoyable. take breaks, okay? love you.

﹆〴 𝗡𝗜𝗦𝗛𝗜𝗠𝗨𝗥𝗔 𝗥𝗜𝗞𝗜 ✉︎ ⎯ ✈︎ !

y/n! y/n? y/n!!! when are you coming home? we need to finish our movie! that’s all that’s been on my mind for the entire day, and i can’t stop thinking about you it. come back soon please >:( and bring some snacks back on the way. if you don’t do either, then… no more kisses for the rest of the day!! haha >:) so come back soon… or else >:)


↳ 𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘦 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳, 𝘦𝘮 ! ♡ | remember, i luv u always 🫶🏻

2 years ago


warning; 😳 0.9k words


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