Universe - Tumblr Posts
you can find god in a rothko color field
do you ever think
ever wonder
ever wish
ever dream
that the stars
stare out into the universe
with the same awed wonder
that is found in our eyes
our hearts
our souls
whenever we stop
for long enough to appreciate
what it is
to exist
in the same reality
same universe
same existence
as entities so beautiful?
~ From Contemplations
I don’t want to lose anyone else.
That’s it, in the end. The dominating fear, the lurking thought that rears like a striking snake at the most inopportune moments. We sit on the couch together with her arms around me and I am hit with the realization that she is more important to me than I knew, that losing her would bring me to my knees and I can’t do that again. She doesn’t react when I go still.
There is almost an art, I think, to the delicate balancing of grief and fear. They are complements, intertwined, and one is almost certain to follow the other. I lost him. What if I lose them too? I love them. I’m afraid to lose them. I lost him. I could not stop him. He is gone.
All I have ever wanted is to protect the people I love. My sister calls to show me an old project where I proclaimed in childish handwriting that all I wanted was to make my friends happy. Perhaps I haven’t changed much after all. My friends remain my constellations, my stars, my Saturn, my Nebula. My universe. Do not pull the stars from my sky. Don’t make me lose anyone else.
I’ve decided that absence doesn’t make the heart grow fonder, only more desperate. City lights drown out the cosmos until dawn breaks and yet I still take to the streets in my pyjamas for a glimpse of Saturn nearing the horizon or a complete constellation with the fainter stars visible. It’s futile most of the time.
I never thought anything could distance me from my universe. I cannot lose anyone else. If they are gone, I am just as lost.
We are made of a star stuff.
*Carl Sagan*
Hz. Muhammed'in şu cümlesi sarıyor içimi
"hak etmediğin bir muamele gördüğünde
unutma ; o kişi senin değerini bilmeden Ölmez."
"Çağı bilmem ama sen yaşamaya değersin.. "
``Çok küçük görünmene rağmen her zamanki gibi hala güzelsin. ``
"Belki başka bir zamanda başka bir yerde yine yanyanayızdır , ne belli ? "
Leyla ile Mecnun
" Bırak aksın zaman, hiçbir şey olmazsa bile hiçbir zaman alışır insan gel zaman git zaman. "
You weren't prefect either.
Sarte'nin de dediği gibi: "Uyursan gece biter, uyuyamazsan sen. "
" Elimden gelse seninle sekiz yüz elli bin kilometre hiç durmadan konuşurdum".
-Şeker portakalı
Kendisi kar gibiyken , o çöl renklerini barındırıyordu. Ne kadar zıttılar ama, bu kadar zıt olup da yakışmak, sanki kaderin oyunu gibiydi..
Kendi gitti,
İsmi bile kalmadı yadigar.
Yalnız şu beyit kaldı,
Kahve ocağında, el yazısıyla:
"Ölüm Alllah' ın emri,
Ayrılık olmasaydı. "
Uzuun aradan sonra ^^