silvershadow1711 -  Crux of What?
Crux of What?

✨️She/Her✨️30+✨️Pretending to be creative, one fandom at a time~♡

830 posts

Here I Was Thinking I'd Have This Done BY The 13th... Stupid Confusing Prismacolors... Ah, Well. Happy

Here I Was Thinking I'd Have This Done BY The 13th... Stupid Confusing Prismacolors... Ah, Well. Happy

Here I was thinking I'd have this done BY the 13th... stupid confusing prismacolors... ah, well. Happy birthday, Gunther- enjoy unwrapping your present.

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More Posts from Silvershadow1711

7 years ago

People should probably learn the difference between “plot holes” and “things I didn’t like” or “things the franchise plans to explain in the future” or “things film makers didn’t think they needed to explicitly explain because they thought you had critical thinking skills”

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7 years ago

CyclopsCamilla x Redhead McScarfneck has ALWAYS been my favorite ship in Fates.

I love how his mouth is trying to escspe, and is dragging his whole head with it.

Fire Emblem Fates Looks Really Good

fire emblem fates looks really good

~Mod Wolfey

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7 years ago

Progress, or a lack thereof

I just browsed through deviantart. I haven't been on thst site in over a year, and it's been even longer since I've looked at other people's galleries (I'm too afraid to tackle the hundreds of thousands of pictures waiting in my subscription folders...). There's some truly horrible shit there. I'm not talking about fetish art- I've been online too long for that to bother me. No, I mean, just bad art. Poorly drawn shit that looks like it was created by a blind toddler having a seizure. I get that everyone has to start somewhere, but do these people REALLY think every single thing they shit out is such a masterpiece that it should be shared with the world? And that's just the teenagers I'm talking about, the new artists who will look back on their gallery and say, "what the fuck was wrong with me...?" The adults, on the other hand... there are people who have been on that site for nearing a decade, and their art somehow looks WORSE than when they first joined. If you've been drawing for ten damn years, and you haven't improved one iota, then you are a bad person and should be ashamed of yourself. And the people praising you so your speshul snowflake feelings don't get hurt are even worse. Just stop. Draw for fun, but don't post it online. You might enjoy art, but it clearly does not enjoy you.

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7 years ago
Ugh, Finally Finished This Monstrosity. Joining The Fe Amino Inspired Me To Stop Being Lazy

Ugh, finally finished this monstrosity. Joining the fe amino inspired me to stop being lazy

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8 years ago
SilverShadow1711 is a fanfiction author that has written 1 stories for Fire Emblem.

I write fanfiction now. It’s for Fates, of course....

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