Gunther - Tumblr Posts

[first one is Gunther from the TSAMS “baby in the yellow” episode, second one is nexus (my design) and last is Ruin]
Sorry for the lack of update ya’ll, I promise the stickers are on their way!

Gunther Munch / The Munchs
Before and After

Just Broke A Glass Dance. ~(-.-~) (>-.-)>
If this isn’t the most accurate thing I’ve ever seen-

Here’s something I gave zero effort for- I’m working on an “kick buttowski as vines” animatic, I’ll probably stop making art for a while so enjoy this while I make it I guess????
The original idea for this meme/format isn’t mine, the inspiration for this comes from one of my friends @pear-island

My friend told me to draw Ice King with pancakes and bacon 🧐
I’m about halfway through Adventure Time right now, I just made it to s5 last night. And oooOOOHHHHH MY STARS THE LORE IS INSANEEEE
Most people tend to draw AT fanart in a style similar to the show’s, so I attempted to do that while also combining elements from my own style 🤨 idk it kinda worked
Someone hold me back before I purposely look up spoilers because I can’t control myself
He looks like a little fox in the second picture 🫶
pls send me your gunther fanart

Emil Lauffer (1837-1909), Kriemhild’s Accusation (Kriemhild accuses Gunther and Hager of murdering her husband Siegfried), 1879, oil on canvas, 191 x 300 cm. National Gallery Prague

The leaked summer banner in Heroes has me salty. I mean, Frederick's hot, but it's just not the same. So I fixed it. Here's Summer Scramble Gunther. A sword user who fights with an inflatable shark pool toy, because that's better than a fucking bag of shells...

I started some kind of shit on the FE amino, and now, we're doing the entire cast of Fire Emblem as aquatic animals. Here's Gunther as a nautilus, Nerr as a jellyfish, and Kanna as a clione. Guntherlus and Jellynerr are my OTP. I want porn of it.

Some Fates sketches I'm working on. I start things, then never feel like finishing them...
Gunther's never had much, so he finds it easy to live with the bare minimum, and prefers to keep his life free of clutter. Nerr's never has much either, which is why she desperately clings to every little scrap of cloth and piece of paper she's ever owned. Gunther lost everything- he knows that material things can be replaced. The thought of losing everything has always looms over Nerr's head, and she's determined to not let that happen.
When your otp move house/flat, who’s practical and throws out old belongings, who has an attachment to every inanimate object possible and vows to take everything with them.
We Both Start Over (Gunther/Nerr drabbles)
“Ninja Turtles”
Normally Nerr was very active in camp, going around and taking inventory, listening to grievances, or else, just offering a friendly hello to the soldiers under her command, but today, she had been acting rather... furtive. Gunther had noticed her eyes scanning the immediate area more often than usual. When he brought it up, she simply replied, “Assassins”. It was a reason that needed no further explanation, he knew, but nonetheless, it did not strike him as the whole truth. After all, if she were so concerned about Hoshidans getting the slip on her, why would she keep sneaking away and heading to dark, desolate corners of camp all by her lonesome? Gunther knew something was afoot, but he also knew his young wife would never tell him what it was. Since he returned from the hellish purgatory that had been his prison for three long months, he'd found his once transparent liege had become closed off and secretive. She wore layers upon layers of masks, to the point he where couldn't even be sure if she was being herself around him, of if it was simply another “act”, as she called it. Regardless of her true feelings, however, his love remained strong as ever, and with it, his concern for his mistress grew.
Whatever she was hellbent on keeping secret could be nothing good. So, as the Nohrian princess slipped away from the crowd of soldiers she had been conversing with for the fifth time, Gunther decided to follow her. He stayed just close enough to keep her in his line of sight, edging along the tents and supplies that littered the camp so that if she turned around and spotted him, it would appear that he was simply straightening the weapons that lay in disarray (which he did anyway, because the sight of askew lances made his skin crawl). As Nerr disappeared behind one of the storage tents, he frowned, carving the lines near his mouth deeper. What was that girl up to? As quietly as he could manage (no easy feat in a suit of armor), he crept up to where she had vanished. There in the shadows, the younger girl stooped over something, so engrossed with whatever she was doing that she didn't notice she was no longer alone until Gunther cleared his throat. At once, she turned, and he found the gilded point of her Yato leveled with his throat. Crimson eyes, wide with fear, slowly returned to their normal size, and Nerr let out a deep sigh, dropping her blade.
“Gods, Gunther- I nearly slit your throat! You know better than to sneak up on me!”
“Perhaps I would not have to sneak up on you if you didn't skulk around in dark corners, my lady.” He said, sounding far calmer than he felt. Her full lips pursed in annoyance, and she sheathed her sword with an irriatated sniff.
“I'm not 'skulking'. Perhaps I simply wanted a moment of privacy?”
“You could get privacy in our tent. Loitering in the shadows hardly inspires confidence.” The knight frowned slightly as he noticed something covered in a blanket behind her. “What have you got there, Nerr?”
“Nothing.” She said quickly. Far too quickly. Gently pushing her to one side and ignoring her protests, Gunther bent over and pulled the blanket away, revealing a basket. His stomach chruned slightly. Oh gods, what was this? Dozens of scenarios ran through his mind, starting with raw entrails and growing more macabre from there.
“Don't open that!” She cried out, but as was human nature, her warning only made him curiouser yet. Flipping over the the lid, his expression fell. Straightening, Gunther turned once more to face his wife, who was looking at her feet. He leveled her with a hard stare.
“...No. No. More. Pets.” At once, she raised her gaze to meet his, her face incredulous.
“I'm not an idiot, Gunther! I'm not going to keep turtles as pets in the midst of a war!”
“Then why do you have them?” Of all the things to discover... he was beginning to wish there had been body parts in the basket after all. At least that he could understand. Pouting, Nerr bent and retrieved her basket, her expression softening into a smile as she looked in at it's contents.
“They were in the middle of the trail when we were marching last night. I didn't want anyone's horse to trample the poor things, so I grabbed them. As soon as we come across a river or pond, I'm going to let them go.” Gunther felt his heart melt slightly. Of course she would make a conscious effort to save turtles. But...
“Then why keep this a secret? I thought you were slowly disposing of a body.”
Crimson eyes locked on his, hard and cold.
“If I were disposing of a body, I'd be done before you noticed anything was amiss.” Glancing back at the turtles, she smiled, every trace of a killer gone at once. “We're running low on rations. If anyone found out I had fresh meat, they'd insist we kill them for food. And while I can't very well begrudge my soldiers being hungry, I couldn't bear the thought of killing something so cute. Look at him!” She reached into the basket and pulled one of the reptiles out. It was about the size of an open hand, dark green and wrinkled. Gunther recoiled as he looked into it's beady eyes, his lip twisting. “Cute” was not the word he would use to describe such a thing, but Nerr's aesthetic sense was... skewed... to say the least (after all, she called him “adorable” on many occasions).
“Yes, that's very... yes.” The princess pulled the reptile back, cooing over it.
“He's almost the same shade of green as Kaze's hair. And look at this one!” She replaced one turtle and pulled out the other one. This one looked even uglier, with dark red streaks running along it's leathery hide, and a milky white eye. “This one has one eye, like Kaze's brother. They're turtle brothers- ninja brothers! They're turtle ninjas!” Gunther sighed quietly. It had already begun. Anytime Nerr found an animal, she gave it a name and then refused to part with it. It was an undue hassle, but that soft heart of hers was part of why he loved her so. He rested his hand atop her head.
“I want them gone tomorrow, Nerr. Or you're going to be having ninja turtle soup.”
“Turtle ninjas!”
A/N- I imagine that between the death, and hunger, and fear and jomesickness and constant sense of soul-crushing misery that follows Nerr's battalion through Hoshido during the war, there are moments like this sprinkled around, like idividually wrapped cookies buried in the overflowing dirty litterbox of life. She really loves animals, to the point that even though she doesn't like bugs, she can't stand to let anyone kill them.
Also, I had a pet turtle growing up. They are horrifying, smelly monsters, but they're so cute when they're little!
We Both Start Over (Gunther/Nerr drabbles)
“A Fork in the Road” –
Nerr was supposed to be studying the map before her, but ten minutes of looking at the crosshatched landmarks had left her mind wandering. She currently sat slumped over her makeshift desk, resting her cheek on one had as the other lazily traced a figure eight on the map, starting at the Infinite Chasm, looping around Nohr, then crossing the chasm once more to loop around Hoshido, ad infinitum. Her eyes itched from strain and sleep deprevation, the dimmly flickering lamplight doing her no favors. She needed to sleep, but she knew the moment she put the map away, she would start thinking about it again. Large, stong arms wrapped around her stomach from behind as the weight of another's head rested atop her own.
“Do you ever think about fate, Nerr?” Her lips pulled into a smile of habit alone, a conditioned reflex as Gunther's low voice reverberated through her skull. His inquiry, however, was less appreciated.
“Fate is a stupid fairytale believed by stupid people, Gunther.”
“Is that how you think of me, then?” At once, the princess's smile slipped away, and she turned in her beloved's grasp to face him, and incredulous look on her face.
“You jest. You can't honestly believe that your life has been predetermined. I refuse to accept that.”
“Not every aspect of it, no.” The older man conceded. “But when I think of you- when I think of us... I cannot help but feel there is some greater force at play.” Nerr gave a scoffing laugh.
“That's ridiculous. It isn't the will of the gods that I love you.”
“Perhaps not, but so many other things could be.” Gunther said solemnly, his expression dark, the shadows cast by the lamp making the harsh planes of his face more severe. “If anything had gone differently... if King Garon had not kidnapped you that day, if he hadn't sent me to punish you... if you were a boy--” Nerr held her hand up, stopping him.
“I would still love you if I were a boy. Do you not feel the same?”
“I do, but what if--”
“What if the sky turns to fire and your nose falls off?” She reached up, tapping the tip of her index finger against his crooked septum for emphasis. “Random chance is not fate, Gunther. Do you really think the gods are up there, planning out the week and deciding if it should rain or snow each day? If Father had never kidnapped me, we would never have met, and we wouldn't know what we were missing- it's as simple as that. The only thing that shapes our lives are the choices we make.” Gunther remained silent for a long while, his jaw tight. When he finally spoke once more, his voice was quiet.
“And what if we had made different choices? What if you had taken a different path in life?” In truth, Nerr had often thought of that, too. What if, in a moment of madness, she had sided with Hoshido? What if their paths had never crossed again? Pensive, she glanced back at the map. They were nearly at the wall of Susano-O. The princess brushed her finger against their current position, trailing it back across the plains and over the chasm. She continued on through Nohr, through Windmire and off the map, dragging her finger over the contours of muscle she could feel through the thin shirt Gunther wore, and stopping at his sternum.
“All my paths lead here. Some might be longer, others shorter, but this is where they all stop.” A rough, calloused hand, much larger than her own, gently encased her fingers, lifting them up to surprisingly soft lips.
“Fate or not, I thank the gods everyday that my path is intertwined with yours.” His breath was warm on her fingers, and she smiled once more.
“As do I, my love.” She paused for a moment, then smiled wider, getting to her feet. “Let's go to sleep. Strategic thinking can wait until the morning.”
A/N- All Nerr's paths lead back to Gunther... y'know, except for the ones where she doesn't side with Nohr. But I'm sure that'll never happen...
We Both Start Over (Gunther/Nerr drabbles)
“Hugs” – Physical affection had been banned for the inhabitants of the Northern Citadel for several years now. Though in truth, that rule was only really enforced when it came to members of the opposite sex. No kisses on the cheek (or elsewhere...), no holding hands, certainly no being alone together... and definitely no hugging. It was not a decree that came from King Garon, or even Prince Xander. Gunther had instituted it himself and was it's firmest advocator. It wasn't that he was a cold man who found the concept of affection abhorrent (given his past, he'd be a hypocrite of the highest order to do so). No, it was simply a result of circumstance... the circumstance of an overly affectionate lady liege who had been blissfully unaware of the changes in her blossoming body. Gunther had noticed, and unfortunately, so did Jakob. Bad enough a hormone addled teenage boy lived with a quickly maturing young girl, but he would be damned if he let them be alone together. It only took a moment of weakness to lead to a lifetime of regret, after all. He had set up that rule simply because the young steward could not be trusted... was what he told himself. Not because he had felt his mistress's newly budding breasts press against him and in that moment, had a dozen suggestive thoughts run through his own mind. He was nearing sixty- he wasn't some lovesick swain who couldn't control his baser instincts. That was a very chivalrous thought, one he would've believed had he not currently found his face pressed against two now very mature breasts, sinewy arms wrapped around his head and shoulders in an iron embrace, keeping him there. “Nerr, I--” “Shhhh... just let me hold you for a bit.” She wore no armor, just a thin linen shirt, and he could feel the warmth radiating from her. “This is untoward.” He hissed, cringing mentally as his voice cracked slightly. No one was supposed to know they were betrothed; there would severe repercussions for them both should Princess Camilla or Prince Xander find out, and yet Nerr had tricked him into bending down, acting as though she wished to tell him something not meant for eavesdropping ears, and promptly captured him in her grasp. Gunther could feel his back growng stiff. He wasn't accustomed to remaining doubled over for so long. “Nerr--” “Just a little longer.” The veteran knight had no choice but to comply with her wishes. He could struggle, to be sure, perhaps even pull himself free, but there were times when Nerr's draconic instinct seemed to take over, and that was what stayed his hand. The last time he had tried to pull away as she “embraced” him, her grip had tightened so much that he had been left with bruises. She didn't even seem to realize that she had hurt him, which was the most worrying thing. Feral wyverns often did the same thing to their prey, clamping down further with each struggle until their quarry could no longer draw breath. Gunther trusted his fiancée was not secretly planning to eat him, but in the back of his mind, he couldn't be sure. Sighing, his breath causing the thin cloth of her blouse to flutter slightly, he asked the only question she would allow him to finish. “Why?” At once, she withdrew, her absence coming so suddenly, he nearly tipped over without her there as a support. Her expression was that of a guileless child, all wide eyes and parted lips, as though she hadn't nearly smothered him just now. “To make up for lost time, of course. I have five years worth of hugs pent up inside of me. They need an outlet.” The older man felt a smile tug at the corners of his lips. Straightening, he reached out, pulling her close to his own chest. There was no need for her to stoop, as that was exactly where her head came to, and he reveled in the soft warmth pressed against him. “Gunther? What are you--” “Shhh. We'll get through them twice as quickly like this.” 000000000000 A/N- She learned it from Camilla, of course. So, in "The Road Not Trekked", the story Nerr comes from, the only inhabitants of the Northern Citadel are her and her core servants (Gunther, Jakob, Flora and Felicia, and Lilith, in order of arriving). There's no other staff, no one else living there at all. There USED to be, but they all left shortly after Jakob arrived, and it's safe to say Gunther's responsible for that. For six years, the three of them lived alone (much to Camilla's chagrin), until Nerr turned 11 and started going through puberty, at which point Gunther promptly told Jakob he was never allowed to be alone with her again and went to Garon to request female servants for his liege, which is why Flora and Felicia were sent to the boonies, as opposed to staying in Krakenburg, which is better protected and in closer sight of the king. Despite knowing a great deal about physiology and the reproductive process, Nerr is very much clueless that people might view her any way but platonically, and as such, has no real understanding why jumping on sexually frustrated men and rubbing her boobs on them might be awkward for them. Seriously, she could be walking around butt nekkid and see Jakob pop a boner, and the thought that it's because of *her* would never cross her mind. "Oh, goodness. Do you have to pee, Jakob? I've read that a full bladder can cause an erection." "N-no, milady, that's definitely not why..." "Hmm. Well, sometimes they just happen for no reason. Penises are weird. *casually walks away, still naked*"

Kinley became friends with Jade Rosa and Gunther Munch

Kinley and her friends went to the library
this is it, this is the entire invincible II crew