sinivalkoista - sinivalkoista

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647 posts

Just Saw The New Little Women Movie. ANYHOO, Going To Go Bawl My Eyes Out.

Just saw the new Little Women movie. ANYHOO, going to go bawl my eyes out.

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More Posts from Sinivalkoista

2 years ago

Thanks for the tag :) Every time everyone asks me for book-related things, my mind goes blank, but here's a stab:

Jaron (The Ascendance Trilogy)

Conn (The Magic Thief)

Keefe (Keeper of the Lost Cities)

Aragorn (Lord of the Rings)

Gandalf (Lord of the Rings)

Hiccup (HTTYD)

Mr. Darcy (Pride & Prejudice)

Perry Mason (Perry Mason)

Paul Drake (Perry Mason)

Merlin (Merlin)

tagging @anyone

Tagged by @sunheart to list my ten favourite male characters - thank you! This seems an unfair request to constrain it to distill it to my absolute favourites, much less only ten, so I’m just going to list ten male characters I like from ten different works and leave it at that.

Faramir (The Lord of the Rings)

Shasta (The Horse and His Boy)

Apen Shephard (The Silver Eye)

Jacin Clay (The Lunar Chronicles)

Illya Kuryakin (The Man from U.N.C.L.E., both TV and movie)

Uncle Iroh (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

Bear (Fairy Tale Novels)

Kaladin Stormblessed (The Stormlight Archive)

Camillus Rufus (The Ides of April/The Roman Sequence)

Dym Ingleford (Enemy Brothers)

Tagging @worldwithinworld, @theworldiswhispering, @morfinwen, @idratherdreamofjune, @lover-of-the-starkindler, @lady-merian, @isfjmel-phleg, and @hollers-and-holmes, if they should so like.

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2 years ago

A reincarnation fic in which they all live together in one big house and squabble over the proper way to load a dishwasher.

"Don't you know anything, Merlin? Only an idiot would put the cutting board on the bottom rack!"

"That's rich coming from the person who didn't even know what a dishwasher was until three weeks ago."

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2 years ago

Read an article on how to make friends.

It suggested joining the local chamber of commerce or Alcoholics Anonymous group. .-.

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2 years ago

"Need a hand, there, Merlin?"








You know, Kilgharrah never prophesied that everyone would return for the reuniting of Albion, just Merlin and Arthur. So there's technically no guarantee that Lancelot, Gwaine, Leon, Percival, Gwen, Elyan, etc. will come back, too.

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2 years ago

Thanks @allisonreader for the tag. :)

Last Song: It was some epic violin music mix that I was trying to listen to while exercising, but it wasn't that great...

Last Show: Perry Mason

Currently Watching: Perry Mason, WCTH (to rip up the plot).

Currently Reading: Deuteronomy, The Fellowship of the Ring, any fanfiction I can get my hands on

tagging @anyone who wants to

9 people you want to get to know better.

Thank you both @melliabee and @hollers-and-holmes for the tag. Also going to add @lady-merian because reasons.

Last Song: Whatever was last playing on the radio, so probably something from before 2010. It might have been Hungry Like the Wolf by Duran Duran. Or something similar.

Last Show: Star Trek Voyager

Currently Watching: Murdoch Mysteries, Voyager, the odd episode of Merlin

Currently Reading: Working my way slowly through The New Testament.

Tagging people is hard, so anyone who wants to, or maybe @sinivalkoista or @rowenabean if either of you would feel like doing so.

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