It/its/ze/hir/they/them/cor/corpse/haunt/haunts/hallow/hallows/rot/rots/hell/hells (any pronouns are fine, however. ask which nounself sets are okay, I tend to lean away from sets like bun/buns). Adult. Not a safe space for TERFs, the labrys flag is not your hate symbol by the way. I use this blog for whatever I want, mostly screaming into the void and uplifting obscure queer identities. Warframe and Sonic content likely. Scary transandrophobia truther. More in pinned. [Profile picture ID: a monochrome cutout of Satou Matsuzaka smiling with a striped bow in hand, with a background featuring the most common lesboy flag. End ID End ID][Header ID: A GIF of a wolf howling in the snow. end ID]
1781 posts
Every Time Someone Hates On Mspec Lesbians An Angel Loses Its Wings
every time someone hates on mspec lesbians an angel loses its wings
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it's so irritating to me to see stuff like 'xenogender playlists' and it's all cutesy and upbeat. there never seems to be representation for the xenics like me with darker genders... hell, even the main flag is cutesy. I get that if you were to try to capture every way someone can be xenic in one playlist, it'd be a clusterfuck of a playlist. But if it were up to me, there'd be more xenogender playlists with metal and shit, or at least stuff that wasn't just overly preppy and 'uwu'. I may actually make a playlist (chances are I will never actually make a playlist) that matches my gender better because I feel so unrepresented that I have to take things into my own hands.
genuinely so funny to me how Emily fr just ripped off the whole flag so now her version - which is literally just flipped, how unoriginal - is seen as THE lesbian flag. she's like some lesbian messiah to people for creating THE flag, and it's not even her design. you can't just flip someone else's creation and call it your own💀

@butchspace I loooooove your orange butch flag. and i thought it’d be cool to splice together the lipstick lesbian & orange butch flag. as well as add the More Color More Pride stripes.
and mod T from butchspace suggested a great idea of having the white stripe symbolize those who dont ID as femme or butch.
 i think this combo would be a great flag for the general lesbian community. i always see the lipstick femme flag used as the default for the lesbian community on tumblr. which is an act that treats femininity as the default, and makes butches feel left out and ignored.
was talking to my gf about my fear of dying young for being trans and my mom putting my deadname on my gravestone, and she said "i hope that never happens, but if it does, i will carve your name into your grave myself if i have to." and i think theres something extremely raw about that sentiment and trans community in general. you can kill only our bodies, but you cant kill transsexuality
i’m so glad earth only has one moon, if there were more i’d have to pick a favorite and that sounds too emotionally taxing to even fathom
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