Xenogender Safe - Tumblr Posts

3 months ago




Similar to girlflux,non binaryflux,boyflux

Where your xenogender identity fluxs

As in,sometimes you feel 100% xenogender,50% xenogender,20% xenogender,10% xenogender, and 0% xenogender

You feel your preferred xenogender identity at different strengths and percentages

Example: your froggender and nonbinary.you aways feel non binary but some days/times you feel 20% froggender.and sometimes,you're just non binary.your not xenofluid so it's not like you feel a different xenogender tho you can be xenoflux and xenofluid.if you are xenofluid and xenoflux,your current xenogender may flux

I actually really like how this turned out!

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1 year ago

'I'm autistic and I understand gender!!' Cool, I'm autistic and also understand the concept of gender. However, my understanding of it may be considered 'atypical' due to the fact that perhaps I understand it more than the average allistic; I'm able to put two and two together that since gender is constructed, the way it presents can be abstract due to even the designated 'normal' boxes being abstract. And you know what? Some people may even classify my understanding as a lack of understanding because I don't see the societal construct as a rigid box with rules.

It's almost like autistic people aren't a fucking monolith; some autists will understand gender in a way that aligns with societal expectations, some will have a different understanding of gender, and some of us will just downright not understand it at all. Get your head out of your ass and realize the people who want autistic people dead, the ones who see us as lesser beings, don't care if you're a 'normal' gender or plantgender. The problem with us, in their eyes, is that we're not allistic. Simple as that.

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1 year ago

Normalize xenogenders not being all cutesy and shit. Sure, the ones that do fit that description are valid ASF, it's just that people seem to get their panties in a twist when somebody makes a gender that isn't RainbowFlowerPup gender or something. They would probably try to cancel me after seeing The Section™️ in my hoard.

Some people are going to tie in dark things to their gender.

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1 year ago

I hate uneducated ignorant people like all you guys say is “xenogenders are why people don’t take trans people seriously” no they don’t take you seriously because you are trans like please go outside I promise you if you talk to another queer person Irl they would not care if someone uses fish/fishself

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1 year ago

Transmascs come in three sizes:

Smol bean and/or silly guy. Just Some Dude (trademark). Creature (umbrella term). Bonus fourth option: Can also be a mix of these

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4 months ago

You don't owe anyone a simple identity. Your identity can look like 'enchantment table language', a '2017 roleplay game', or any other dumbass insult people will throw at you. It doesn't matter; at the end of the day, you're just being yourself in the most authentic way, and they're the ones going after a queer person because they don't understand.

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3 months ago

it's so irritating to me to see stuff like 'xenogender playlists' and it's all cutesy and upbeat. there never seems to be representation for the xenics like me with darker genders... hell, even the main flag is cutesy. I get that if you were to try to capture every way someone can be xenic in one playlist, it'd be a clusterfuck of a playlist. But if it were up to me, there'd be more xenogender playlists with metal and shit, or at least stuff that wasn't just overly preppy and 'uwu'. I may actually make a playlist (chances are I will never actually make a playlist) that matches my gender better because I feel so unrepresented that I have to take things into my own hands.

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