I’m just a guy that likes animation, dnd, and weapons. I may also use this as a place to put down my homebrew ideas
68 posts
Hamon Training
Hamon training
Feat (bonus if monk)

You have learned how to conduct solar energy through your body via breathing methods. You age half as fast, have advantage on CON saves and are resistant to poison damage. Your unarmed strikes do 1d double proficiency (1d4 at lvl 1, 1d6 at lvl 5, 1d8 at lvl 9, 1d0 at lvl 13, and 1d12 at lvl 17) +wisdom radiant damage.
If conducted through a weapon, It does one die size lower (1d4+wis is just +wis). If taken by a monk, you can spend 1 ki point to channel hamon through an object, get creative.
This is a bit broken so talk to the dm before adding this
More Posts from Sirsirsonson
I’m going to judge you, 10/10
Wondrous item (uncommon)
A small, purple velvet bag with the words “dr. Wondertainment’s thunder in a bag!” With a text below saying “lightning in a bottle not included” the bag has 6 balls, you can throw a ball at an enemy to cast these spells:
Radiant word: 1
Toll the dead: 1
Thunderclap: 1
Thunder wave: 2
Shatter: 3
You regain 1d4+2 balls each day

Atlas (very rare or legendary) requires attunement A weapon that preys on the question “what if Superman was evil?” Does bludgeoning equivalent to hit die size (E.g. wizard does 1d6 bludgeoning while barbarian does 1d12 bludgeoning) On attunement, the wearer gains these benefits: **hold up the sky**: lifting, pushing, and pulling weight is equivalent to having 50 str **ever vigilant**: wearer has advantage to con and str saves and checks, and no longer requires rest or food Curse: **heroic sacrifice**: the wearer is turned lawful good and is compelled to do heroic acts of self sacrifice, wether to save a burning orphanage, or catch a bullet for a king. Should the wearer die during such a heroic event, the wearer will become chaotic evil with the stats of a solar, believing that they have ascended to cleanse the world of its sins and send the pure to a world where they live forever (not unlike scp-2200) I put a lot of effort into this, both stats and design
7. Making sweet love to an alien or abomination but it doesn’t matter because y’all’er in love and it’s your honeymoon
8. Achieving some form of enlightenment via being yote through space time
9. A state of orgasmic catharsis caused by punching someone to death because they have been pissing you off for a solid week
this is what plays when you’re dying and your life is flashing before your eyes
have done, currently doing, and will continue to do so
Reblog if you would love someone with
Suicidal thoughts
Self hate
Body mobifications (piercings, tattoos, etc)
Eating disorder
Or anything else that society sees as “bad” or “unworthy of love” because everybody matters and needs love