skeeballcatt22 - SkeeBallCatt22

19, she/her, Hermitcraft, original work, and more

204 posts

Doc Knelt Down On The Sand And Looked At The Water. Without The Largest Of Waves Of The Open Ocean, Doc

Doc knelt down on the sand and looked at the water. Without the largest of waves of the open ocean, Doc could see better. The edge of the water wasn't even with the level of the sand. It looked as if there was glass holding the water in, but there was nothing there. He took out a calliper and wrote down the measurements, barely perceivable, yet more than yesterday.

The anomaly of the ocean was only getting weirder. At first, Grian described it as a almost black blue-green. Scar had seen the same thing. But here, at sea level, Doc would swear it was red. When the light hit the ridges of water, it looked like blood.

But it was just water.

Doc took a sample just in case and put it in his back pack with the rest of his information. He stood up and lifted the bag around his shoulders. The ocean looked normal when Doc gazed across the horizon.

Why didn't Scar or Grian want to tell anyone?

The question popped into his head with out warning. He stayed looking at the ocean to find the answer. He didn't want to tell anyone either. This thing that they stumbled across was... Indescribable. Well, it was the ocean, but it wasn't just that; it was an ocean that had never called for a single thought, never required a pair of eyes on it, and whatever caused it to sink further down and grow to immeasurable depths was never caught or seen, and it didn't need to be. If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around, it still makes a sound. This... This ocean, Doc hesitated to even lable it that, didn't need him to witness it growing everyday, it didn't need Grian to search for the bottom or Scar to see The Amorphous Ineffable... It didn't need spectators and it won't ever. Doc's presence, his measurements, and readings... Won't effect this... They won't effect it.

Whatever it was that Doc, Scar, and Grian were afraid of was going to stay quiet yet. There weren't words for it yet, but maybe tomorrow there would be

Part 5

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More Posts from Skeeballcatt22

1 year ago

Scar had to decide whether or not he should talk about... The thing. The sea monster? To call of that seemed nearly insulting. Something so beyond words and beyond description would hardly fit the title of "sea monster." It was something else, something that could not-- would not-- be defined by such a childish phrase. But was there anyone who could give it an appropriate title?

Scar got up from his bed and thought. He lifted himself into the air with his elytra and glided away from the happy Scar Land. He came to the ledge of Mumbo's base and looked up at the enomous structure he built in between Buttercup shananigains. Mumbo saw him from above and glided down.

"You're pretty darn smart," Scar began after their greetings, "what might you call something that exceeds description."

"Well," Mumbo started, fumbling with black stone in his hands, "ineffible means too great to be expressed."

"I need a name for it."

"A name for what?"

Scar's cover that he had no desire to keep was gone. "I saw it in the ocean. Where the bottom should be, something killed me. Well, I drown, but it dragged me down."

"What did it look like?"

"That's the thing... You just can't describe something like that, at least not in a timely manner."

"The Amorphous Ineffeble."

Scar's eyes lit up with Mumbo's words. "The Amorphous Ineffable..." He repeated. While putting a name on it discomforted Scar, what was more suiting of an idenification that could not-- would not-- identify it.

"Have you told Grian there's something down there?"

"Not yet. I hesitated to tell anyone. What if they didn't believe me?"

"Let's tell Grian; he'll believe us."

Scar and Grian walked across the bridge to the stone castle of Grian's base. Scar furrowed his brows and atuck his hands in his pockets. What if his experience was a blip? What if The Amorphous Ineffable wasn't around any longer than it had been? Was it a fleeting beast that only existed in that space and time when Scar was unlucky-- lucky-- enough to witness.

No matter, Grian would be thrilled by the prospect of something new under the blue-green waves and salty sea foam.

Part 3

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1 year ago

“Welcome to the hot line. What is the question?”

“When am I?” He breathed. His eyes drifted close and opened again.

“Season six will start soon, too.”


Bdubs put the phone back. He walked back and sat in his car. He started driving again. He changed the radio.

“Your daily is back again. Tomorning is nothing like you’ve ever.”

He changed it again.

“In another world, you long for them as well. They long for you too. Fall, my friend, home, fall.”

He changed it again.

“Forget what makes you human. Remember why you are a monster.”

He listened.

“You looked up and said there was nothing more to be done. The plants that hung from that pot are fake and you knew it. The scheme was a scheme of fraud, yet you make it real. It was real to all that bore witness. That machine was your child.”

He didn’t understand.

“Remember that night, when the moon was high? You took your machine, your baby, to the field to watch the flowers. That machine bled into your body and infected you with its chymus and made you bleed. Bleed out. Fall. Fall. Fall. Fall--”

Bdubs’s eyes shut before he could release the pressure on the gas pedal. His head hit the steering wheel and the car spun off to the side. The car looked helplessly towards the cliff.


Bdubs felt the warm concrete scraping his skin as someone pulled him out of a pool. Bdubs coughed the warm water up and opened his eyes. Keralis looked down at him, eyes wide and fearful. The sudden sensation of water and rough concrete made his body shiver. Was that a dream? Bdubs tried to speak, but nothing came out. Keralis said somethings, but Bdubs couldn’t hear. Keralis lifted him up and took him inside.

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1 year ago
Oop Team ZIT But That One Painting In Haunted Mansion

Oop Team ZIT but that one painting in haunted mansion

This was the first one I did and posted it on Instagram a while ago lol

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1 year ago

Guys, bad news... Grian didn't disappear in 2013... Not in real Evo... not even in this fic...

What Working On A "normal" HC Fic Looks Like!

What working on a "normal" HC fic looks like!


I just realized posting this that, while five years fits nicely between 13 and 18, five years does NOT fit in between 17 and 18, meaning the timeline is not at all as it is in real life except...

Bro nvm all of that, cause-- NO IM RIGHT. TIMELINES GONE.

Wrong again, five years fits between 2013 and 2018. I'm gonna stop asking questions now. It's done, we're done.

1 year ago

Doc tapped his leg. Annoyance stacked high inside of him as Ren pet the sniffers. Spending a day underground with sniffers in a sniffer onzie wasnt quite what Doc had planed, but there was to be a buttercup meeting.

Ren looked quite pleased with his plan and he looked even more pleased when the sound of three buttercups filled the room.

"There something down there?" Grian asked.

Ren and Doc hussled into position.

"Something..." Scar muttered.

"The Amorphous Ineffable," Mumbo clearifed.

Ren and Doc paused. Doc took a step back from Ren and looked up.

"That's what we're calling it?" Grian asked.

"We should tell someone, shouldn't we?" Mumbo breathed.

"Tell who? Xisuma's on vacation."

"If it's dangerous, then people should know."

"Who's gonna believe us?" Scar asked, "pics or it didnt happen."

"We need proof." Grian agreed

"They found something in the ocean--" Doc breathed, perhaps a little too loudly. Ren grabbed his mouth and they stood in silence as the buttercups stood in silence. The roof was broken open and the three buttercups dropped down.

"WHAT?!" Grian snapped, "why are you two here?!"

"Um, we were doing spy work. But you aren't talking about the perimeter." Ren crossed his arms.

"Are you wearing onzies?" Scar asked. He shook his head. "We have more pressing matters!"

"Yes! The ocean!" Doc said, "what did you find?"

The five journied to world's end and looked over the edge at the swirling ocean. Ren and Mumbo looked in and saw what Doc, Scar, and Grian all saw: a world that cascaded downwards infinitely and never ceased to disallow life that didn't belong there.

"How far down does it go?" Mumbo hardly spoke above the crashing waves into the sharp rocks. No one xould answer his sentiment, and the waves took hold of the air again. The robots were left in their chambers and the five entered a silent truce to get to the bottom of the ocean.

Part 4

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