
18 posts

Hey, I Found Your Blog Yesterday And I Really Liked Your Scenarios My Favorite Is BTS Yandere Jungkook

Hey, I found your blog yesterday and I really liked your scenarios my favorite is BTS Yandere Jungkook finds you after five years of your escape, hope you can do a part 2 🙆‍♀️ anyway I hope see more of your scenarios here 😊 fighting 🤜🤛

Hi, I’m really glad you enjoyed the post and I will be happy to make another one. Also sorry for the late reply.

BTS Yandere Jungkook finds you after five years of your escape (Part 2)

Warning: Abuse

It’s been one hard week with you, the kids and Jungkook as your arrival into the Jeon Mansion was waited year after year, by the man who is considered to be your husband.

He’s been trying his best making up for the lost time with the twins, but he currently he isn’t doing so good, he finds it extremely hard to make the pair of them happy and he tends to lose his temper and yells at the pair of them. This causes Jae to just ignore him and for Dae to start crying his eyes out running to wherever you are. This is one of the reasons why you left when you were pregnant, Jungkook doesn’t know how to take care of children, he has no patience. In some way, you think your to blame as he was never there for them until now.

And as for you, Jungkook has been exhausting you in the bedroom non stop, missing your body and the way you were under him whimpering in pain and lust. This has caused him to become more animalistic in his movements and his growls when he’s whispering sweeting nothings in your ear. Although, you can tell there is no list in his eyes nor yours, his is anger. Anger for running away, anger for not being able to see you for so many years, anger for not being able to see his kids that he didn’t know even existed and yours was just complete fear.

In this week, the twins bedroom was already complete which is on the third floor of the new place you call home. You can’t help but think Jungkook did this on purpose as your bedroom is on the second floor and I don’t think he wants to be saharing you in the bedroom at all or be interrupted when he’s ravishing you.

Jae’s bedroom was a galaxy like style compared to Dae having an Alice in wonderland theme, but you could already tell that Jae’s room was put to more detail as Jungkook was there to help the builders decorate his room. Unlike with Dae’s who’s is more minimalistic with not much effort. You can clearly tell that he was playing favourites with the pair.

As of know though, You were waiting in the living room wearing a red dress with black tights and black high heeled boots with minimum make up (enough to cover the hickies that Jungkook gave you). And the kids were in the playroom with eachother doing their own thing not knowing what would be happening.

Once Jungkook’s parents arrive he takes his mother to meet the boys as his father wants to have a word with you.

Your mind flashes back, to your father-in-law and the way he treated you. When Jungkook was on a mission and had to stay in another country for a whole week he brought you to your parents house and even instructed his father of the punishments that takes place at his house that you need if you misbehave.

One time you were caught trying to escape your father-in-law found you and phoned Jungkook to tell him what you did. He had advised his father to spank you with the belt and not to stop until she learnt her lesson. After that week, when Jungkook came back to collect you he smacked you so hard across the caused you to have a nose bleed. He even made you lay across his lap and spanked you in front of his parents with you crying of embarrassment and shame begging him to stop.

Once you recall that past memory, you rub your bottom with Jungkook’s father realising your action he smirks.

Jungkook’s Father: You never learn do you? No matter how many punishements you are given. At least there is one thing about my wife, when I punished her she shut the fuck up and didn’t go across my rules not once, but she always needed a smacking once in a while.

As the day rolls past, it is dinner time and Jungkook’s mother mentions how much she has missed you and the kids and that she was sad that she never got to spend any time with the boys not knowing she became a grandma.

And suddenly a light bulb hits her head.

Jungkook’s Mother: How about we all go out to the cabin that we own for a whole week or month it would bring all of us much closer together, right darling?

Jungkook’s Father: Yes Jungkook, your mother is right we should all go out together

Jungkook nods as he slowly begins to rub his foot with your legs causing you to choke on your food,

You know realise that you wouldn’t be able to escape Jungkook, no matter how hard you try. And if you do your boys would be the brute of the punishment. Your stuck here for life and you better get use to it

Hey, I Found Your Blog Yesterday And I Really Liked Your Scenarios My Favorite Is BTS Yandere Jungkook
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More Posts from Sky-sykes-starr

5 years ago

BTS Yandere React to Meeting You for the First Time (Hyung Line)

This is actually my first time posting something yandere, so I hope you will enjoy.


As a rookie actress you will still trying to climb the ladder of fame and fortune, something you have always wanted when you were a little girl, but for the past two years you have been struggling to do so. However, your luck changed when your manager had got you an audition for the latest T.V series “Our World” that was going to feature the World Wide HANDSOME, Kim Seokjin who is a a-list celebrity and working with him would have definitely boosted your career to the next level.

As you walked through the doors and ready to do your screen acting, you were shocked to notice that your partner was THE KIM SEOKJIN. He was more handsome in person than he was on T.V, you knew if you did really well you wouldn’t have to be playing as any of those extras in movies or series. For instance, the time you were a waitress with only two minute screen time in “Mafia’s Bride” or the time you played as a zombie for “Dead Walkers”.

Y/N: Hello, I’m Ryu Y/N it’s a pleasure to meet you and I can’t wait to be working with you

Jin: The pleasure is all mine

Jin was in cloud nine when he saw your beautiful face you looked like an angel and for him you were destined to be in the show with him as his love interest, Minnie. The two of you would make the best couple and everyone knew it. To be fair, with all this fame and power he has, he can easily make the director to cast and if he didn’t that he would refuse to take part in the show.

Jin was feeling all giddy about it, as “Our World” wasn’t just a normal series but did have some mature content, which Jin couldn’t wait to get started.

He wanted to show the whole world how he marks you.

BTS Yandere React To Meeting You For The First Time (Hyung Line)


Being a screenwriter may seem like it’s an easy job to most people, but the truth is it’s actually extremely hard. Yoongi puts all his dedication and hard work to every single word that he produces.

But , its become a real challenge ever since his last play was denied, “Intertwined” wasn’t what people have been looking for. The people whom Yoongi had presented it to mention that it lacked passion and romance something he always struggled in as he has never been in love before and never had a sexual encounter too.

Whilst in his favourite coffee shop, still thinking about how he can improve his work, he is distracted mid thought when a young beautiful woman appears to be sitting right opposite him. He does not know the woman but her features and the way her eye twinkles in the light causes him to have a light bulb and he begins to small chuckle, he didn’t even realise the coffee shop was full of people. Hence, the young girl was sitting opposite him.

He could hear her voice, and boy was it music towards his ears. She was talking to herself probably the texts on her phone as he though and the young girl wasn’t happy as she had a moody frown upon her face.

Girl: Why is life so hard?

She questions herself to which Yoongi answers.

Yoongi: Because the world is cruel

She looks up to the fair skinned boy who is talking to her and greets herself as Y/N.

The greeting led to a full conversation, to which Y/N gave her phone number to Yoongi, causing him to display his gummy like smile repeating “Y/N’s” over and over again.

Now he knew why his play was rejected.

BTS Yandere React To Meeting You For The First Time (Hyung Line)


It was the middle of winter, which means it will be getting dark rather quickly than it normally does in the summer, but you don’t really mind it that much as you never really get out of the house. However, your parents had decided that should have changed and they wanted you to put yourself out there more. This was only because you were their only child and your parents had you at such a late age, all they truly wished was for you to get married and have children yourself, whilst they are still alive.

Despite, being so young and just have acquired yourself a job in the real estate agency to help your parents out with the bills. You never really considered dating, but once your parents had mentioned that they set you up on a blind date with one of your mother’s friends son you had reluctantly agreed to meet him.

The date would be taking place at a avenue park where the two of you would have a picnic, though you clearly knew that both yours and his parents would be spying on you in their cars seeing if the two of you got along.

Hoseok was his name and he looked charming and was really polite, he was a vet and loved being around animals. You would be very happy to see him again for another date and would even consider being his girlfriend but of course only time will tell.

Although, according to him you are his girlfriend. The moment he saw you his eyes lit up if only his mother had mentioned you, he would’ve said yes much sooner. He put all his attention on you and no else but you.

Hoseok was captivated by your beauty but also your life and he wanted to be part of it. He would do ANYTHING TO BE PART OF IT, whether you liked it or not YOU HAD NO SAY IN THE MATTER.

Hoseok: So we should do this again same time next week?

BTS Yandere React To Meeting You For The First Time (Hyung Line)


Books, books and more books you were trying to find the right one that will be able to catch your eye but none of them ever did. They always tell you to ‘never judge a book by its cover’, well whoever said that is wrong sometimes it’s the cover that makes the first impression just like when you are on a dating app you judge someone for their appearance not their personality. This may possibly be harsh but it’s true and you always lived by that philosophy, if you can call it that.

But their was one book you saw that caught your eyes amongst all the rest there had seemed to be no more copies by the looks of it and it may have been the last one. It was called ‘Seven Ways We Lie’ by Riley Redgate at looked interesting with all the sims at the front cover.

You reach your hand to pick the book but before you can take a better view another also reached for the same book. His warm hands touching yours gave you a bit of a shock and you quickly turn to see who the person is and




It’s a man no scratch that it’s a good looking man. His features were so distinct and he stared right back at you.

Namjoon: Hi

Y/N: Hi

Namjoon: I guess were into the same stuff

Y/N: I guess so ...... what seven deadly sin are you

Namjoon: I would say I’m lust

You scoffed at his words. A bit full of himself.

Namjoon: And you

Y/N: Gluttony, I just love food

The conversation went for half an hour and you allowed him to keep the book as you could just order one online but before you did you wrote something inside the book.

As you both went your separate ways the man, Namjoon wondered what you wrote in the book and he went to take a look for some reason he couldn’t stop thinking about the conversation the two of you had.

He opened the book to see that you have written your name Y/N, along with you phone number

Namjoon: SCORE

BTS Yandere React To Meeting You For The First Time (Hyung Line)

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4 years ago

BTS Yandere Jungkook finds you after five years of your escape

Warning: abuse, violent, sexual themes

Note: This is actually a continuation of BTS Yandere finding out your pregnant

(Maknae Line)

Before you have left, you wrote a letter to Jungkook explaining why you were leaving. At the time of writing this letter it was the right thing to do. But you didn’t know that you would be regretting it.

Jungkook kept that letter and read it again.

Dear Jungkook,

We’ve been married for a year now, after you brought me from that auction sale. We’ve had good moments and bad, more bad than good and I’ve been on the receiving end of the stick with all the punishments you’ve given me. However, I have had enough of this and shall be leaving not on my own as you were able to give me something special that I shall be waiting for nine months. It’s such a shame that I’m not the only one despite the fact that I’ve always been nothing but loyal because if I did cheat on you, God knows what you would’ve done to me.

Jungkook had killed every women he had ever impregnated (which were the maids), feeling extreme guilt for cheating on you as you never cheated on him. Yet, he felt a sudden urge of anger that you thought you could leave with HIS CHILD. You were sorely mistaken as he has finally found you.

Well one of his many men found you, at the spa that you work at, when he was collecting his wife. That man got a huge pay raise for his services of locating you and Jungkook had tailed you the whole entire time not wanting to lose track of you.

You routine was simple send your twins of too school, work, finish work, collect your kids and take care of them.

When Jungkook laid eyes on the two boys he was shocked on how similar they looked to him when he was a child, the big brown eyes and their bunny smiles. Clearly, he had strong genes.

He was at the park, watching you playing with the boys. The only thing he knew about his kids were their names, Jae and Dae.

Time passed slowly, as he was watching the three of you without being noticed. However, when you had turned your back for a second Jae ran off to go play somewhere else as Dae was still standing next to you.

Jungkook saw his child running around without even Y/N knowing what was going on. Until Jae ends up coming towards, staring at him laughing. Jungkook smiles back.

Jae: Why are you alone?

Jungkook: I’m not alone I’m watching someone

Jae: I know you’ve been staring at mummy forever

Jae was quick and very intelligent for a four year compared to his brother whose face always lost in a dream like state.

Jungkook: I was not

Jae: Yes you were, lots of men stare at mummy because she got a big butt

He begins to laugh.

Jungkook doesn’t find it very funny though, just hw many men have been staring at you? Just how many men have you allowed to touch you? How many men fucked you?

His blood began to boil.

Jae: Mummy’s single

Jungkook: Is she now?

Jae: Come on, you can come and meet her

Jae takes his hands as his little legs begin to walk to you.

As you finish your conversation with another mother, who quickly ends the conversation after seeing the well-known mafia Jungkook. You turn to here Jae talking to you about a man he’s met.

Jae: Mummy, I found you a new boyfriend?

Of course you weren’t paying attention to the man as your full focus was on your son.

Y/N: Oh really?

You look up to see the man and it was none other than.... Jungkook, the man you ran away five years ago.

Your voice grows silent not knowing what to say to him. Until a light bulb flashes into your head.

Y/N: Come on kids, enough time at the park where gonna go home.

You grab Jae and Dae’s hand quickly and turn but you are stopped when a hand is on your shoulder.

Jungkook: I don’t think that be necessary as you all are coming with me!

You and your children turn towards him as his driver appears gesturing you to start walking.

Jae: Mummy, pick me up

You pick Jae and Dae begins to throw a fit and falls on to the floor crying his eyes out and screaming at the top of his lungs.


Jungkook quickly picks him up in a rough manner causing Dae to cry even more not even knowing the man, screaming out your name.


Jungkook: SHHHHH

Jungkook is trying everything he can to calm Dae down, but nothing is working.

Jungkook: QUIET

Dae stops and begins to whimper, burying his face into Jungkook’s shoulder. You were in complete utter shock on what the man did.

As you were all in the car the journey back to the house of horror was extremely quiet. You assumed that it was at least two hours long and with that time both the twins were asleep due to the boredom.

Jungkook: We’ve moved to a new place, somewhere further. I have my men collecting any valuable items, like pictures and stuff you know of you and the kids since I missed out on a lot


Jungkook: The boys will easily settle down here, I even have built them with a play room that has a fort inside for them to be playing with something similar to mine. Yet, there bedrooms aren’t done yet, so they are going to be sleeping in the guest bedrooms. I’m not sure what they really like.


Jungkook: My mum was shocked when she found she became a grandma, she was devestated that she never got meet her grandchildren but mum and dad should be coming over next week to meet them and you. We live closer to them too.



Dae begins to murmur with sudden outburst of Jungkook, not wanting to wake him up he rocks him back forth back to sleep.

Y/N: There gonna need there toys

Jungkook: Why would they need cheap ass toys when they can get the best of the best

Y/N: Because Dae can only sleep with his teddy and if he doesn’t he begins to cry and by the looks of what happened earlier you couldn’t handle

Jungkook: You raised them too soft to be attached, you need to be harsh with them, luckily I’m here

Y/N: You touch my kids and I shall kill you

Jungkook: Trust me, I won’t hurt them that much, as long as they obey, but is you who is going to be punished.

(Time skip)

It was dinner time and fresh plate of spaghetti and meatballs laid out on each persons plate.

Jae and Dae were awfully quiet.

Jae: Mummy who is he?

Before you can even speak Jungkook interjects.

Jungkook: I’m your Daddy

Jae: You are?

Jungkook: Yes I am and mummy’s been bad girl for not letting me see you

Jae: Mummy’s been bad

Dae was very pale, he quickly got up from his seat to run towards you as you pick him up and place him on your lap he wraps his small hands around you.

Jungkook, clearly wasn’t happy that he had to share you with two boys and the fact that Dae at four years old, according to him should have acquired some table manners.

Jungkook: Dae, your a big boy sit on your chair and eat like your brother

Y/N: Jungkook, stop it!

Jungkook: Don’t tell me what to do women, your the last person who should be ordering me about. Now Dae, I already told you once listen to daddy and sit on your chair and eat.

Dae begins to whimper and Jungkook snaps.

Jungkook: DAE!


He begins to cry heavily on your shoulder as you pat his back whispering him to stop.

You get up with the plate and usher Jae to come with you to eat in the guest bedroom where they shall be sleeping.

“YOUR NOT MY DADDY”, ran round Jungkook’s head as his heart begins to break it’s not his sons fault that they don’t know him but yours and you shall truly be punished.

Time skip

With the boys asleep in the guest bedroom, you decide to go to the master bedroom to get your clothes and get ready for the night to sleep with the boys.

However, once you entered the room to collect you pyjamas you hear Jungkook walking into the room and locking the door.

Jungkook: This is all your fault you know. My boys would be calling me dad but they aren’t because of you.

He walks up to you with you dropping your clothes on to the floor.


You feel a harsh sting on your cheeck as you fall to the floor with a small cut from his ring leaking blood down on your face.

He takes off his belt, staring at you with cold eyes and you knew what was about to come.

He raises the belt up and begins to whip you savagely, non-stop as you scream for help he shouts verbal abuse at you.


This lasts for thirty minutes striaght as his arm gets tired he drops his belt to the floor and picks you up and throws you on to the bed.

He jumps on top of you, violently kissing and biting you making you let out soft moans. As he begins to tear of your clothes.

You feel his clothed boner near your wet pussy. You were so embarrassed with being turned on.

Jungkook: You feel that babe, that’s what you did to me and tonight. Tonight, shall be a long long night of pleasure. Who knows maybe this will be the day we have baby number three?

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1 year ago

Danganronpa: Elite Stars (Yandere) - Character Introduction

Introduction: 15 students, who are labelled to be ultimates are given letters to attend a top academy for the elite stars within the entertainment industry that guarantees them further success that they could ever dream of. However, with no other students or any teachers arriving, the group begins to get suspicious until a robotic teddy bear forced them to partake in a killing game. Will the students be able to escape? Will they kill each other off? I guess only time will tell. With the protagonist, Y/N being the ultimate triple threat will she be able to survive or will someone force her to stay inside the academy for life.


Monokuma (Head Master of the killing game)

Danganronpa: Elite Stars (Yandere) - Character Introduction

Beomgyu (TXT) - Ultimate Visual

Beomgyu, the ultimate visual is a well known boy in his city for his charming looks, whether it be cute or sexy, his duality is insane. The possibilities for his career are endless, he can go to any direction that he wishes. Only if he knows that looks aren’t forever lasting, but then again, everything always comes back with into style.

Yeonjun (TXT) - Ultimate IT Boy

Yeonjun, the Ultimate IT boy, who could do no wrong and has always been placed first within singing, dancing and rapping, he is a force to be reckoned with. Thus, every single trainee knows not to mess with him or go up against in him during evaluations. Although, it is highly suspicious that Yeonjun doesn’t attend every class that he is supposed to.

Wonyoung (IVE) - Ultimate Influencer

Wonyoung, the ultimate influencer, rose to popularity and stardom when she was 14 years old doing advertisements for products on her social media account. Her little dances and quirks (along with her looks), made the public pay quick attention too her. But what happens when it’s not the attention she desires?

Taehyun (TXT) - Ultimate Vocalist

Taehyun, the ultimate vocalist, is known for his beautiful voice that has attracted the attention on many entertainment companies As he signed to one of the most biggest entertainment companies he is expected to make his debut soon, by attending the academy he will have a stable singing career that would last him a life time. Yet, what would happen when people stop paying attention too him, would he be able to have a back up plan.

Jay (Enhypen) - Ultimate Heir

Jay, the ultimate heir, has been born with a silver spoon in his mouth as his family owns several entertainment businesses such as, dance academies, pharmaceuticals and a reporting news station. Being the only child, all he needs to do is show his good side to the public without any flaws. Only if he knew that everyone is always watching him, waiting for him to fall.

Gaeul (IVE) - Ultimate Dancer

Gaeul, the ultimate dancer, had started dancing at the age of 3, learning different styles of dances be it tap, lyrical, jazz and so on. She has attended every competition and winning every award that even the judges know her name. However, all it takes is one injury to make sure she’ll never dance again.

Yeosang (Ateez) - Ultimate Cheerleader

Yeosang, the ultimate cheerleader, is one of very few males that are apart of the elite cheerleading competition team going to nationals and winning three times in a row. He was even elected as cheer captain leading his team to victory every step of the way. If only he knows that the journey of life is not always winning but losing too.

Felix (Stray Kids) - Ultimate Rapper

Felix, the ultimate rapper, started off as an underground rapper who was scouted by several top agencies that wanted him to debut in their boy group. With his deep tone of voice and a cute style he brings a unique perspective to the public, giving them two very different versions of himself. What he needs to know though is that it is not about pleasing one person but pleasing everyone when it comes to the entertainment industry.

Heeseung (Enhypen) - Ultimate Gamer

Heeseung, the ultimate gamer, has always had a love for games be it horror, action or rpg he’ll play them all. So he started to stream the games he played a making a rather quick following of subscribers and loyal fan base. He has furthered his work into streams, YouTube videos all the way to collaborations, merch and podcasts. But he needs to be careful as sometimes the numbers won’t be as big as they used to be.

Sakura (Lesserafim) - Ultimate Actress

Sakura, the ultimate actress, has been on the t.v since she was 3 years old, starting off in kids media playing lead characters all the way to doing teen dramas and more mature projects. She is said to change the acting industry, being one of the most well known actresses that there are. But there are other ways to be remembered than being on T.V

Aisha (Everglow) - Ultimate Model

Aisha, the ultimate model, is well-known for her proportions and height. She first started off as a catalogue model when she was a child and that modelling soon reached to high fashion and runway modelling for big names. Those big names being Gucci, Dior and Victoria’s Secret. However, there is more to life than fancy designer clothing.

Yoshi (Treasure) - Ultimate Song Writer

Yoshi, the ultimate song writer, has been writing music since he was a young boy. First as a hobby to now being a career, all the songs he writes have reached the top 100 and a lot of agencies have scouted him. So far he has wrote 47 songs, for himself and other artists but people are aware that he will continue to write more. But what happens when someone does not like his work or when his creative juice stops flowing?

Soyeon (G-IDLE) - Ultimate Producer

Soyeon, the ultimate producer, is the first female producer to produce her self made album on her own. She has received many praises from the public and the higher ups, Since then she produces her own work along with producing for some other artists. The problem is their have been some noteworthy news of her work that has been squashed down, but if it is revealed and not squashed her life would be over.

Miyeon (G-IDLE) - Ultimate Host

Miyeon, the ultimate host, had started of her career presenting children’s T.V shows then to music shows and is soon going to host her own T.V show. That show being called Miyeon’s Late Nights that will have singers, actors and well established people as guests on her show. The problem is that her charm and ability to make everyone like her poses her as a threat to danger.

Y/N - Ultimate Triple Threat

Y/N, the ultimate triple threat, is what people want to be, she covers the three M’s in the entertainment industry. Those three M’s beings modelling, movies and music (in that order). She has it all, she’s accomplished her dreams of being remembered to be a legend, making her parents proud. Only problem is that she thinks she is untouchable even when it comes to bad situations. Only if she knew that there are times when you are not able to be strong and you’ve fallen into weakness.

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4 years ago

BTS Yandere You Ask For A Divorce (Hyung Line)

Warning: Physical Abuse and Emotional Abuse


After being married to Jin for two years, you weren’t happy. He broke all of his promises to you from the very minute the two of you said “I do”. You gave up your career (kind of) of being an aspiring actress the only time you ever get to work his when your working with him. All you do is stay at home waiting for his return. EVERY SINGLE DAY.

As you were done packing all of your essentials, to leave the house with the money you saved up, Jin walks through the door with a bunch of roses in his hands. An attempt to apologise to you, forcing you outside naked while he sprayed cold water from a hose pipe, leaving you bedridden for three days. Your crime, you had embarrassed him whilst he was on set, shooting for his new movie.

His face grows dark as he drops the flowers on the floor.

Jin: What’s this?

He slowly begins to walk towards you

Y/N : What does it look like Jin, I’m done with this marriage and with you

And before you can even leave, Jin pushes you on to the bed and jumps on top of you.

Jin: Listen you fucking bitch, the moment I laid eyes on you, you became mine. What do you think your trying to do ruin my reputation? It’s not my fault you can’t behave as a YOUNG LADY SHOULD.

He stares at you looking up and down, licking his lips.

Jin: I should’ve been much harsher with you, but don’t worry at least you know how to count, so every time I spank you with my belt you say sorry master. And if your a good girl I’ll give you a little reward

BTS Yandere You Ask For A Divorce (Hyung Line)


You were let down, yet again by your husband. He promised you that he would always spend time you with but he never chose to, instead he just kept writing his works, his current one was a romance novel. Pfft! What did he know about romance? He never spends any time with his own wife.

This has been going on for months. He is always in his little study and continuously scolds you if you interrupt him from the work that needs to be completed.

You recall the last time he yelled at you for spilling juice all over one of his books which contained the ideas that he had wrote down.


Y/N: I’m sorry... I didn’t mean to it was an accident


Y/N: Don’t raise your voice at me, plus why wrote a romance novel if you never spend any time with your wife

Yoongi: We have bills to pay Y/N and I’m the only one working for us

Y/N: You’ll be working for yourself because I WANT A DIVORCE

The moment those words slipped out of your mouth you were met with a harsh slap hitting your face and Yoongi throwing objects cursing at you claiming your a “whore” and a “slut” and that your cheating on him.

You recollect yourself from that memory with your hand on your check as you lay in bed miserably.

BTS Yandere You Ask For A Divorce (Hyung Line)


You weren’t happy in your marriage with Hoseok, he’s slowly killing you mentally and emotionally. You don’t even remember the last time you even smiled with him and if you did it wasn’t genuine.

You were cooking dinner, ready for another night with that monster. How can someone claim they another person, if they hurt them?

Your friend gave you divorce papers convincing you that it would be best if you divorced Hoseok as soon as possible so you can start your new life. Those passers were left on your side of the end table which you will be showing him later, demanding that the two of you will get a divorce.

However, that was not the case as you heard Hoseok running down the stairs with anger in his face and the papers in his hands.


Y/N: D-divorce papers


Y/N: N-no it’s for my friend she mentioned she wasn’t happy in her marriage and it’s been like that for months so I’m thinking about giving the divorce papers

Hoseok’s face calms down a little and he begins to chuckle.

Hoseok: Oh good, oh my sweet Y/N is so caring about other people

He kissing you on the lips gently, holding you in his arms.

You couldn’t tell him the truth, not with that look on his face. God knows what he is capable of?

BTS Yandere You Ask For A Divorce (Hyung Line)


You were sitting on the couch as Namjoon, your husband was staring at you with complete disappointment moment and shock.

He overheard the conversation you were having with a friend, mentioning to them that you wanted to divorce your husband as you no longer could put up with him.

He tuts and shakes his head looking down at you as you could not meet his eyes.

Namjoon: You know baby, you should be lucky that I’m with you?

You look up at him with interest.

Namjoon: Because the real question is, who would put up with YOU?

A moment of silence is in the room.

Namjoon: your stupid, your not that pretty, you have no job, your whiny.....

The list goes on and on.

Until the very point Namjoon has you in tears on your knees as you beg for forgiveness not wanting him to leave you.

BTS Yandere You Ask For A Divorce (Hyung Line)

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4 years ago

BTS Yandere Favourite Type of Punishments

Warning: Contains Violence and Abuse


Whipping you with his belt


Verbal abuse

Locking you in the house (Basement)

Making you do household chores in a limited time


BTS Yandere Favourite Type Of Punishments


Locking you in the house (Room)

Isolating himself from you

Pushing you



Slapping you

Burning you with a spoon with a hot drink

Taking your privileges away

BTS Yandere Favourite Type Of Punishments


Verbal Abuse

Slapping you

Embarrassing you in public

Taking your privileges away


BTS Yandere Favourite Type Of Punishments


Mental abuse

Sexual punishments (overstimulation)

Isolation from friends and family

Slapping you

BTS Yandere Favourite Type Of Punishments


Slapping you

Punching you

Verbal abuse

Emotional abuse

Isolation from friends and family

BTS Yandere Favourite Type Of Punishments



Sexual punishments

Slapping you



BTS Yandere Favourite Type Of Punishments


Slapping you

Whipping you with his belt

Sexual punishments

Verbal abuse

Embarrassing you in public


BTS Yandere Favourite Type Of Punishments

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