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BTS Yandere Finding Out Your Pregnant (Maknae Line)
Warning: Yandere Themes, Murder and Cheating
The day you found out you were pregnant was the scariest day of your life, mainly because of your boyfriend, Jimin. He was extremely unstable and constantly worried about your health, yet he was the one who was damaging it.
You decided to keep your mouth shut for the past couple of weeks, but without a scan to go by you presumed you only five weeks pregnant. There were many things on your mind, like how you and the baby were doing, what you need to be doing.
However, if you asked Jimin to take you to the doctors for your appointment, he would’ve bombarded you with questions. Then blame you that your at fault for your health and your sneaking out at night to go clubbing or to be with other men.
But it had to be done, either way.
It was dinner time and you both were eating whilst just talking about general stuff nothing too crazy until he mentions your weight.
Y/N: You see about that I have something to tell you
He nodded gesturing you to hurry the fuck up with what you were going to say.
Y/N: I’m pregnant
There was a pause. A long pause.
He just stared at you saying nothing, in complete utter shock.
Jimin: We are having a baby?
Y/N: Yes
After that was more silent. But deep down you knew, you knew the next day his mood would be different, be it good or bad.

When Taehyung found out that you were pregnant he was over the moon, he believed that you being pregnant with his child showed that he owned you every possibly way that he possibly can.
This meant your pregnancy had a lot of ups and downs mainly from him and not you. It was like he was the one who was going through the pregnancy and having the baby himself.
One minute he was happy, and than the next he was crying. He just couldn’t believe that he was going to be a dad.
He brought many things for the child, toys, clothes, shoes, even starting the nursery and has already been looking for nanny’s that he would be able to employ.
Then he would be slightly more harsh on you, he never laid a finger on you during the pregnancy, but he had always scolded you if you put the baby’s health at harm.

You and Jungkook were “happily married”, well that’s what you liked to have believe. However, he would always belittle you and break your confidence down so you would become solely dependent on him.
Just like the way you do when the both of you are having sex, he is always in control and you are just a submissive doll who can’t do anything about it, but beg.
Yet, the sex you had was always unprotected and it surprised you that not once did you show any signs of pregnancy symptoms. Until one day, you were vomiting in the morning for the past three days before Jungkook went off to work. Hence, you slept in a different room to Jungkook, him not wanting to catch any disease or illness that you have obtained.
It has been a week though since you vomited and now that you have been feeling better, Jungkook had you roughly placed underneath him. And one day you over heard the conversation between him and a maid.
Jungkook: Yeah just make sure you put those pills in her drinks, she’s not worthy of carrying my child.
Damn! Is that what he thinks of his own wife. And also damn that’s why you haven’t ended up pregnant.
The maid nods, blushing. She clearly had a thing for Jungkook
Jungkook: But you... I like the looks of you a lot
He grabs her with her giggling into the guest bedroom. Clearly wanting to the fuck the life and impregnate her. It wasn’t common for the Jeons to have bastard children, but this was your husband regardless of what he did to you, a husband should love and care for their other half.
So you planned your escape leaving him a letter and a pregnancy test that you had took which ended up coming back as positive.
You packed light, taking only the few necessities and you were off with no one knowing where you had went.
When Jungkook came home back from work with a bunch of roses in his hands, he headed to the bedroom expecting you to be there ready to be fucked the living hell out of. However, that was not the case as you were not in the room.
The first thing that caught his eye was the diamond reed ding ring that was no placed on your bed with a letter and a pregnancy stick. He turned the stick over with two lines and his eyes gawked in disbelief finding out you were pregnant.
Without even reading the letter he knew you left and in an instant his eyes went dark. He went to the safe getting his walking out his room in anger screaming at every guard to find you. Whilst that was being done he found the main that he slept with, clearly knowing she might be pregnant she had a smirk on her face, but he wasn’t ready to sleep with her again and he shot her in the forehead instantly killing her.
She wasn’t the only maid that he got pregnant, so he went and found every made some ranging to a few weeks and others a couple months. And he shot them all dead.
Declaring a new rule, to only hire male maids from here on now.
And when he found you not only would he welcome you and your swollen belly back home but he would make sure that your nights were restless too.

BTS Yandere Jungkook finds you after five years of your escape
Warning: abuse, violent, sexual themes
Note: This is actually a continuation of BTS Yandere finding out your pregnant
(Maknae Line)
Before you have left, you wrote a letter to Jungkook explaining why you were leaving. At the time of writing this letter it was the right thing to do. But you didn’t know that you would be regretting it.
Jungkook kept that letter and read it again.
Dear Jungkook,
We’ve been married for a year now, after you brought me from that auction sale. We’ve had good moments and bad, more bad than good and I’ve been on the receiving end of the stick with all the punishments you’ve given me. However, I have had enough of this and shall be leaving not on my own as you were able to give me something special that I shall be waiting for nine months. It’s such a shame that I’m not the only one despite the fact that I’ve always been nothing but loyal because if I did cheat on you, God knows what you would’ve done to me.
Jungkook had killed every women he had ever impregnated (which were the maids), feeling extreme guilt for cheating on you as you never cheated on him. Yet, he felt a sudden urge of anger that you thought you could leave with HIS CHILD. You were sorely mistaken as he has finally found you.
Well one of his many men found you, at the spa that you work at, when he was collecting his wife. That man got a huge pay raise for his services of locating you and Jungkook had tailed you the whole entire time not wanting to lose track of you.
You routine was simple send your twins of too school, work, finish work, collect your kids and take care of them.
When Jungkook laid eyes on the two boys he was shocked on how similar they looked to him when he was a child, the big brown eyes and their bunny smiles. Clearly, he had strong genes.
He was at the park, watching you playing with the boys. The only thing he knew about his kids were their names, Jae and Dae.
Time passed slowly, as he was watching the three of you without being noticed. However, when you had turned your back for a second Jae ran off to go play somewhere else as Dae was still standing next to you.
Jungkook saw his child running around without even Y/N knowing what was going on. Until Jae ends up coming towards, staring at him laughing. Jungkook smiles back.
Jae: Why are you alone?
Jungkook: I’m not alone I’m watching someone
Jae: I know you’ve been staring at mummy forever
Jae was quick and very intelligent for a four year compared to his brother whose face always lost in a dream like state.
Jungkook: I was not
Jae: Yes you were, lots of men stare at mummy because she got a big butt
He begins to laugh.
Jungkook doesn’t find it very funny though, just hw many men have been staring at you? Just how many men have you allowed to touch you? How many men fucked you?
His blood began to boil.
Jae: Mummy’s single
Jungkook: Is she now?
Jae: Come on, you can come and meet her
Jae takes his hands as his little legs begin to walk to you.
As you finish your conversation with another mother, who quickly ends the conversation after seeing the well-known mafia Jungkook. You turn to here Jae talking to you about a man he’s met.
Jae: Mummy, I found you a new boyfriend?
Of course you weren’t paying attention to the man as your full focus was on your son.
Y/N: Oh really?
You look up to see the man and it was none other than.... Jungkook, the man you ran away five years ago.
Your voice grows silent not knowing what to say to him. Until a light bulb flashes into your head.
Y/N: Come on kids, enough time at the park where gonna go home.
You grab Jae and Dae’s hand quickly and turn but you are stopped when a hand is on your shoulder.
Jungkook: I don’t think that be necessary as you all are coming with me!
You and your children turn towards him as his driver appears gesturing you to start walking.
Jae: Mummy, pick me up
You pick Jae and Dae begins to throw a fit and falls on to the floor crying his eyes out and screaming at the top of his lungs.
Jungkook quickly picks him up in a rough manner causing Dae to cry even more not even knowing the man, screaming out your name.
Jungkook: SHHHHH
Jungkook is trying everything he can to calm Dae down, but nothing is working.
Jungkook: QUIET
Dae stops and begins to whimper, burying his face into Jungkook’s shoulder. You were in complete utter shock on what the man did.
As you were all in the car the journey back to the house of horror was extremely quiet. You assumed that it was at least two hours long and with that time both the twins were asleep due to the boredom.
Jungkook: We’ve moved to a new place, somewhere further. I have my men collecting any valuable items, like pictures and stuff you know of you and the kids since I missed out on a lot
Jungkook: The boys will easily settle down here, I even have built them with a play room that has a fort inside for them to be playing with something similar to mine. Yet, there bedrooms aren’t done yet, so they are going to be sleeping in the guest bedrooms. I’m not sure what they really like.
Jungkook: My mum was shocked when she found she became a grandma, she was devestated that she never got meet her grandchildren but mum and dad should be coming over next week to meet them and you. We live closer to them too.
Dae begins to murmur with sudden outburst of Jungkook, not wanting to wake him up he rocks him back forth back to sleep.
Y/N: There gonna need there toys
Jungkook: Why would they need cheap ass toys when they can get the best of the best
Y/N: Because Dae can only sleep with his teddy and if he doesn’t he begins to cry and by the looks of what happened earlier you couldn’t handle
Jungkook: You raised them too soft to be attached, you need to be harsh with them, luckily I’m here
Y/N: You touch my kids and I shall kill you
Jungkook: Trust me, I won’t hurt them that much, as long as they obey, but is you who is going to be punished.
(Time skip)
It was dinner time and fresh plate of spaghetti and meatballs laid out on each persons plate.
Jae and Dae were awfully quiet.
Jae: Mummy who is he?
Before you can even speak Jungkook interjects.
Jungkook: I’m your Daddy
Jae: You are?
Jungkook: Yes I am and mummy’s been bad girl for not letting me see you
Jae: Mummy’s been bad
Dae was very pale, he quickly got up from his seat to run towards you as you pick him up and place him on your lap he wraps his small hands around you.
Jungkook, clearly wasn’t happy that he had to share you with two boys and the fact that Dae at four years old, according to him should have acquired some table manners.
Jungkook: Dae, your a big boy sit on your chair and eat like your brother
Y/N: Jungkook, stop it!
Jungkook: Don’t tell me what to do women, your the last person who should be ordering me about. Now Dae, I already told you once listen to daddy and sit on your chair and eat.
Dae begins to whimper and Jungkook snaps.
Jungkook: DAE!
He begins to cry heavily on your shoulder as you pat his back whispering him to stop.
You get up with the plate and usher Jae to come with you to eat in the guest bedroom where they shall be sleeping.
“YOUR NOT MY DADDY”, ran round Jungkook’s head as his heart begins to break it’s not his sons fault that they don’t know him but yours and you shall truly be punished.
Time skip
With the boys asleep in the guest bedroom, you decide to go to the master bedroom to get your clothes and get ready for the night to sleep with the boys.
However, once you entered the room to collect you pyjamas you hear Jungkook walking into the room and locking the door.
Jungkook: This is all your fault you know. My boys would be calling me dad but they aren’t because of you.
He walks up to you with you dropping your clothes on to the floor.
You feel a harsh sting on your cheeck as you fall to the floor with a small cut from his ring leaking blood down on your face.
He takes off his belt, staring at you with cold eyes and you knew what was about to come.
He raises the belt up and begins to whip you savagely, non-stop as you scream for help he shouts verbal abuse at you.
This lasts for thirty minutes striaght as his arm gets tired he drops his belt to the floor and picks you up and throws you on to the bed.
He jumps on top of you, violently kissing and biting you making you let out soft moans. As he begins to tear of your clothes.
You feel his clothed boner near your wet pussy. You were so embarrassed with being turned on.
Jungkook: You feel that babe, that’s what you did to me and tonight. Tonight, shall be a long long night of pleasure. Who knows maybe this will be the day we have baby number three?
BTS Yandere You Ask For A Divorce (Hyung Line)
Warning: Physical Abuse and Emotional Abuse
After being married to Jin for two years, you weren’t happy. He broke all of his promises to you from the very minute the two of you said “I do”. You gave up your career (kind of) of being an aspiring actress the only time you ever get to work his when your working with him. All you do is stay at home waiting for his return. EVERY SINGLE DAY.
As you were done packing all of your essentials, to leave the house with the money you saved up, Jin walks through the door with a bunch of roses in his hands. An attempt to apologise to you, forcing you outside naked while he sprayed cold water from a hose pipe, leaving you bedridden for three days. Your crime, you had embarrassed him whilst he was on set, shooting for his new movie.
His face grows dark as he drops the flowers on the floor.
Jin: What’s this?
He slowly begins to walk towards you
Y/N : What does it look like Jin, I’m done with this marriage and with you
And before you can even leave, Jin pushes you on to the bed and jumps on top of you.
Jin: Listen you fucking bitch, the moment I laid eyes on you, you became mine. What do you think your trying to do ruin my reputation? It’s not my fault you can’t behave as a YOUNG LADY SHOULD.
He stares at you looking up and down, licking his lips.
Jin: I should’ve been much harsher with you, but don’t worry at least you know how to count, so every time I spank you with my belt you say sorry master. And if your a good girl I’ll give you a little reward

You were let down, yet again by your husband. He promised you that he would always spend time you with but he never chose to, instead he just kept writing his works, his current one was a romance novel. Pfft! What did he know about romance? He never spends any time with his own wife.
This has been going on for months. He is always in his little study and continuously scolds you if you interrupt him from the work that needs to be completed.
You recall the last time he yelled at you for spilling juice all over one of his books which contained the ideas that he had wrote down.
Y/N: I’m sorry... I didn’t mean to it was an accident
Y/N: Don’t raise your voice at me, plus why wrote a romance novel if you never spend any time with your wife
Yoongi: We have bills to pay Y/N and I’m the only one working for us
Y/N: You’ll be working for yourself because I WANT A DIVORCE
The moment those words slipped out of your mouth you were met with a harsh slap hitting your face and Yoongi throwing objects cursing at you claiming your a “whore” and a “slut” and that your cheating on him.
You recollect yourself from that memory with your hand on your check as you lay in bed miserably.

You weren’t happy in your marriage with Hoseok, he’s slowly killing you mentally and emotionally. You don’t even remember the last time you even smiled with him and if you did it wasn’t genuine.
You were cooking dinner, ready for another night with that monster. How can someone claim they another person, if they hurt them?
Your friend gave you divorce papers convincing you that it would be best if you divorced Hoseok as soon as possible so you can start your new life. Those passers were left on your side of the end table which you will be showing him later, demanding that the two of you will get a divorce.
However, that was not the case as you heard Hoseok running down the stairs with anger in his face and the papers in his hands.
Y/N: D-divorce papers
Y/N: N-no it’s for my friend she mentioned she wasn’t happy in her marriage and it’s been like that for months so I’m thinking about giving the divorce papers
Hoseok’s face calms down a little and he begins to chuckle.
Hoseok: Oh good, oh my sweet Y/N is so caring about other people
He kissing you on the lips gently, holding you in his arms.
You couldn’t tell him the truth, not with that look on his face. God knows what he is capable of?

You were sitting on the couch as Namjoon, your husband was staring at you with complete disappointment moment and shock.
He overheard the conversation you were having with a friend, mentioning to them that you wanted to divorce your husband as you no longer could put up with him.
He tuts and shakes his head looking down at you as you could not meet his eyes.
Namjoon: You know baby, you should be lucky that I’m with you?
You look up at him with interest.
Namjoon: Because the real question is, who would put up with YOU?
A moment of silence is in the room.
Namjoon: your stupid, your not that pretty, you have no job, your whiny.....
The list goes on and on.
Until the very point Namjoon has you in tears on your knees as you beg for forgiveness not wanting him to leave you.

BTS Yandere You Ask For A Divorce (Maknae Line)
Warning: Contains Abuse
The moment you slipped the words of wanting a “divorce” to your husband, was the moment you lost any form of independence and freedom that he gave you.
You were locked in your shared bedroom, whenever he was out to work, with his friends or just whenever he was in town. But you were isolated in a bedroom with a camera recording your every move. The camera was placed in your bedroom didn’t go unnoticed, in fact you saw him set up their originally for another reason.
That reason was Jimin was away at work sometimes, wells trying to track down criminals, you would get lonely with all the sexual frustration and play with yourself. One day he caught you, and fucked you so hard that you thought your brains will fly out. However, that was not the case he claimed your body as his from that day forth.
And now your freedom (the very little you had was his).
It could have been worse as he opens the door, returning from work gazing at your sleeping form. He lays next to you cuddling you and holding you so tightly.
And whispers
Jimin: You know I don’t get why your so tired all the time. All you ever do is stay in this room, not my fault though, but the good news is your becoming more mine

You were pushed forward towards the ground as you enter what you’ve got to call ‘home’, with an angry Taehyung whom you don’t want to be looking at.
It all began when he let you go out with your friends because of your good behaviour, but what you didn’t know was that he was stalking you the whole entire time. The journey with your friends was a fun one, you went shopping with Taehyung’s credit card and decided to rest at a coffee shop.
You and your friend were talking, until she mentioned that you should divorce Taehyung, as you nodded in agreement stating that you would. Your husband popped up out of no where and dragged you all the way to the car with your new belongings.
Hence, you being on the cold marvel floor at the enterance of your new home.
You stare into Taehyung’s fierce stare as his eyes were staring striaght into your soul and any minute you would burst into flames.
Taehyung: I’ve just got a light bulb idea for my new piece of art
As he grabs you by the hair pulling you towards the bedroom, giving you endless hickory and bruises.

Divorce was out of the question as he brought you and once you mentioned it, he slapped you striaght across the face.
Jungkook: Look at me
You slowly turn your head to the side and is met with a tight slap across the face.
This action is repeated for at least ten minutes until you have his hand print branded on both sides of your cheek.
You are now a sobbing mess trying to apologise, but that doesn’t cut it for Jungkook.
Jungkook: Lets be realistic, if we did get a divorce which would never happen you need to know what posistion you will be in
He comes closer to you as he rips your clothes off you. In complete terror, your arms frail about putting up a fight, but it is hopeless you are too weak and he rips your clothes off you. Including you bra and panties.
After this he ends up taking off his belt and beats you mercilessly, with you screaming and begging for forgiveness. He ends up stopping as soon as he gets tired.
He puts his belt back on and begins to walk off and he slowly turn back looking at you.
Jungkook: This is what would happen if we had a divorce you will be nothing, but that won’t happen at all. Trust me, darling I can allow you to walk if only you obey me

Hey, I found your blog yesterday and I really liked your scenarios my favorite is BTS Yandere Jungkook finds you after five years of your escape, hope you can do a part 2 🙆♀️ anyway I hope see more of your scenarios here 😊 fighting 🤜🤛
Hi, I’m really glad you enjoyed the post and I will be happy to make another one. Also sorry for the late reply.
BTS Yandere Jungkook finds you after five years of your escape (Part 2)
Warning: Abuse
It’s been one hard week with you, the kids and Jungkook as your arrival into the Jeon Mansion was waited year after year, by the man who is considered to be your husband.
He’s been trying his best making up for the lost time with the twins, but he currently he isn’t doing so good, he finds it extremely hard to make the pair of them happy and he tends to lose his temper and yells at the pair of them. This causes Jae to just ignore him and for Dae to start crying his eyes out running to wherever you are. This is one of the reasons why you left when you were pregnant, Jungkook doesn’t know how to take care of children, he has no patience. In some way, you think your to blame as he was never there for them until now.
And as for you, Jungkook has been exhausting you in the bedroom non stop, missing your body and the way you were under him whimpering in pain and lust. This has caused him to become more animalistic in his movements and his growls when he’s whispering sweeting nothings in your ear. Although, you can tell there is no list in his eyes nor yours, his is anger. Anger for running away, anger for not being able to see you for so many years, anger for not being able to see his kids that he didn’t know even existed and yours was just complete fear.
In this week, the twins bedroom was already complete which is on the third floor of the new place you call home. You can’t help but think Jungkook did this on purpose as your bedroom is on the second floor and I don’t think he wants to be saharing you in the bedroom at all or be interrupted when he’s ravishing you.
Jae’s bedroom was a galaxy like style compared to Dae having an Alice in wonderland theme, but you could already tell that Jae’s room was put to more detail as Jungkook was there to help the builders decorate his room. Unlike with Dae’s who’s is more minimalistic with not much effort. You can clearly tell that he was playing favourites with the pair.
As of know though, You were waiting in the living room wearing a red dress with black tights and black high heeled boots with minimum make up (enough to cover the hickies that Jungkook gave you). And the kids were in the playroom with eachother doing their own thing not knowing what would be happening.
Once Jungkook’s parents arrive he takes his mother to meet the boys as his father wants to have a word with you.
Your mind flashes back, to your father-in-law and the way he treated you. When Jungkook was on a mission and had to stay in another country for a whole week he brought you to your parents house and even instructed his father of the punishments that takes place at his house that you need if you misbehave.
One time you were caught trying to escape your father-in-law found you and phoned Jungkook to tell him what you did. He had advised his father to spank you with the belt and not to stop until she learnt her lesson. After that week, when Jungkook came back to collect you he smacked you so hard across the caused you to have a nose bleed. He even made you lay across his lap and spanked you in front of his parents with you crying of embarrassment and shame begging him to stop.
Once you recall that past memory, you rub your bottom with Jungkook’s father realising your action he smirks.
Jungkook’s Father: You never learn do you? No matter how many punishements you are given. At least there is one thing about my wife, when I punished her she shut the fuck up and didn’t go across my rules not once, but she always needed a smacking once in a while.
As the day rolls past, it is dinner time and Jungkook’s mother mentions how much she has missed you and the kids and that she was sad that she never got to spend any time with the boys not knowing she became a grandma.
And suddenly a light bulb hits her head.
Jungkook’s Mother: How about we all go out to the cabin that we own for a whole week or month it would bring all of us much closer together, right darling?
Jungkook’s Father: Yes Jungkook, your mother is right we should all go out together
Jungkook nods as he slowly begins to rub his foot with your legs causing you to choke on your food,
You know realise that you wouldn’t be able to escape Jungkook, no matter how hard you try. And if you do your boys would be the brute of the punishment. Your stuck here for life and you better get use to it

BTS Yandere Reaction to You losing your virginity (Hyung Line)
Warning: Abuse, Slut-Shaming and Sex
Jin was your first and it was highly uncomfortable as it was actually for the series “Our World”, your character has been known to be very loyal with Jin’s character as the pair themselves are in a relationship (I Wonder Why???). However, the sex scene which was real was definitely not something you wanted to do with your boyfriend as the two of you still haven’t had sex privately. Nor does he know the fact your a virgin.
The moment you told Jin he was turned on and he wanted to make sure that the pair of you were definitely going to be having sex on camera. He wanted the whole world to know who you belonged too... and that was him and nobody else. He couldn’t wait to Mark you in front of millions of people who would be watching the show from their couch.
As the two are you having sex, Jin is very passionate at the beginning but as time goes on he slowly gets rough and begins to give off low growls. As for you, you enjoyed it even more than you initially did not wanting him to stop.
He says dirty words time to time and spanks you hard.
Jin: Who thought such a nice girl will be loving daddy’s cock, but I shouldn’t be so surprised your a slut for me

He felt extremely honoured with the fact that he was your first and was extremely gentle making sure that you felt all the pleasures of sex and how good it feels, whispering sweet little compliments.
Yoongi: God, your so perfect, hair perfect, body perfect, face perfect, tits perfect, ass perfect and your fucking tight sexy pussy is perfection babe
He wanted you feel that he was a sensitive lover who wouldn’t harm you, although after a couple times of having sex he would begin to pick the pace going faster and harder.
Not only that he would even restrict you of having an orgasm or he would over stimulate with the use of his ‘technology tongue’. Licking you clean whilst your begging him to be inside of you, he wouldn’t even listen. By the time you are highly exhausted and wanting rest he will soon enter you in a rapid pace with no care.
He will even use your sex life as works for his books that will be able to give him inspiration.
Yoongi: You know it would be fun if we tried different positions this time... maybe I should tie you up with my belt

As the two of you were cuddling on the couch, you begin to feel extremely horny wanting more. Hoseok, was shocked that you were becoming more aggressive in terms of your actions, you were kissing him harder, messing his hair and moving your body to his lap.
Y/N: I know we should wait for marriage to have sex... but I’ll still be wearing a white wedding dress as your the only person I’ve slept with
The night the two of you were having was a magical time and he doesn’t want this to end. He proved to you that he is a great lover not only a great lover, but would be a great husband for various reasons and you figured out sex is one of the many things.
Hoseok: I can’t wait to do this everyday when I come back home from work, you better we’re something sexy for me alright!

He would be ecstatic quickly ripping your clothes off your body as soon as you mentioned that you wanting to have sex with him, but when you asked him to slowed down as it was his first time. He looked deeply into your eyes and says “thank you”, for saving yourself for him.
He gives you a deep passionate kiss, as his hands begin to roam around your body to your chest towards your butt as he softly gropes you.
Yet, he struggles to contain himself wanting to you like an animal left in the heat he becomes a bit more aggressive causing you to give out soft perky moans making him want more. He wants you to scream his name, he wants you to call him ‘daddy’ and asked to be man handled.
The moment the two of you are so closely intimately together is when he lost it and demanded you called him daddy, which you did and he beat your pussy with his automatic stick.
As he keeps plunging deep inside of you he stares at you with intent lust not wanting this moment to end.
Namjoon: I love this you know... I love your body... I love YOUR FUCKING DIRTY MARKED SLUTTY AHHH FUCK BODY

BTS Yandere Reaction to you losing your virginity (Maknae Line)
Warning: Abuse, Verbal Abuse, Slut-Shaming and Sex
When Jimin knew you were a virgin and that he was going to be your first he was extremely gentle, not wanting to cause you any pain, but give you all the pleasure that surrounds the world. This, causing his pace to be soothing, slow and romantic peppering you with tiny kisses on your lips and small praises.
Jimin: That’s it baby you are doing so good
He would treat you like glass, as if you were about to break. Unless you had already let someone already touch you before he did.
This would make him extremely furious wanting to be rough with you and put you in your place, which is beneath him saying how your a whore for him and you’ll constantly be thinking about his dick.
Jimin: Ahhh your still tight and yet your such a slut who proabably wants cock all the time. It’s about time someone and by someone I MEAN ME LOOSESNS THAT PUSSY.

As a photographer and an artist, Taehyung knows how your body works and it’s a piece of art. This causes him to be very gentle with you wanted to savour every sweet little moment of pleasure that he is able to obtain you. He wouldn’t call it sex, but will state that it is ‘love-making” and it wouldn’t be love-making if he didn’t leave you and hickeys on your body.
Those hickeys symbolise him claiming you and the next day that the two of you have another photo shoot or he does your portrait and he sees your hickey, he would not let you forget what happened last night imitating your moans and wanting more.
Another part of him is also very rough and hard, that’s when you haven’t been well behaved or if he is extremely busy just wanting a quick fuck before he leaves the house. He will spank you with his hands and his belt, not only that he will moan even loader just too piss you off.

Is extremely possessive and you were well aware of that when he laid eyes on you, staring all the rules that you had to follow if you didn’t want to get punished. It went even further when the two of you had just finished your vows and being declared husband and wife he was an animal was he was kissing you. It was to claim you and to warn others that you were his.
When the two of you were having sex he did not even care about being gentle what so ever, he was rough when stripping you and he was hard when he was inside you causing you to be in pain.
Although, sometimes he would be a gentlemen and be slow with you, taking care of all your needs. Giving you all the pleasure that you could ever think of.
However, there was one thing in common with the way he would have sec with you in these two ways, PUTTING YOU IN YOUR PLACE
Jungkook: This is where you belong you know, beneath me you dumb slut. You better be appreciative that I’m even got my cock inside you fucking dirty ass cunt

BTS Yandere Jungkook finds you after five years of your escape (Part Three)
Warnings: Abuse and Swearing
You were sitting in the car trying to keep the kids occupied as Jungkook and his parents, thought it would be best for you and the kids to stay at the cabin for a while so Jungkook’s mum can get to know her grandkids.
Jae: Lalalalalalalalalalalallalalalaalalalaalala...... mummy, how much further?
Y/N: Soon sweetie, don’t worry your not sick are you?
He shakes his head and you sigh in relief not wanting to deal with any sick and an ear-ache from Jungkook.
The twins begin to talk about what there going to be doing when they arrive at their destination in hushed tones. You already know it’s because of Jungkook having outbursts in front of the kids a couple of days back just for a silly mistake.
Jungkook: Call me daddy
Jungkook: Call me daddy
Silence falls in the room as Jungkook is waiting for a response from his son as he and his brother ran into your shared room wanting to sleep with you.
Jungkook: Dae I don’t like repeating myself
Dae doesn’t respond, but shakes in fear causing him to bury his face within your shoulder breathing heavily.
Jungkook roughly grabs Dae causing to have a high pitch scream and tells Jae to go into his room and that he isn’t going to be sleeping with him and mummy. Dae cries even harder, as you try to stop Jungkook but he’s too strong and pushes you down walking you faster putting Jae in his room and locking that whilst still holding the defiant other son in his arms. He continues to walk and on light to Dae’s room and throws him on to the bed harshly offing the light and locking the door.
This makes Dae cry even harder.
Jungkook turns with you anger in his grabbing your wrist and leading you back into your room.
Y/N: Jungkook stop it you should calm down
Jungkook grabs your wrist tighter with venom in eyes as he struggling with you putting up a fight.
Jungkook: Women don’t told me what the fuck I should be doing you filthy little cunt. Not after what you did and you better tell that kid to respect or I swear to God imma use that same fucking belt on him as I do you
Y/N: You wouldn’t dare!
Jungkook pushes you on to the bed, locking the bedroom door and reaches for his belt holding it tightly and flips you over.
He raises the belt ready to give you a whipping
(Flashback ends)
Jungkook: What do you think?
Jungkook: Y/N
Y/N: Sorry
He sighs.
Jungkook: My parents have the first floor bedroom, whilst we are on the second floor with kids. Obviously separate rooms the walls aren’t really sound proof so don’t make a lot of noise
He winks at you. You already know what he planning to do.
Jungkook: Also don’t worry too much about my dad because I’m with you all the time so he doesn’t need to punish you if your doing wrong. But you shouldn’t be doing wrong to begin with, understand?
Y/N: Yes
Jungkook: Good girl
I look over to the window noticing that we are about to arrive towards our destination. The grey skies and the breezy weather that doesn’t show the sun is my favourite when I look into the sky, I used to stare at it for hours at a time whenever Jungkook locked me up in our bedroom. Now with kids, I normally don’t get to do this so I live this very little time with pleasure.
Y/N: What!
Jungkook: I think it would be a good idea to allow my mum to take the kids for awhile, so we can have some alone time it would be good for us, you know to catch up and all
Before I even knew it we arrived at the cabin with my mother-in-law waving with a huge grin on her face running down the steps to the car.
As we get out, she quickly gives me and Jungkook a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
Jungkook’s mum: It’s so good that you lot came this little holiday will be perfect
Jungkook: Yea mum it will be
Jungkook’s dad: It should be as long as that little bitch of yours behave
I’m not surprised he always going to say something about me no matter what I do, be it good or bad.
I help the kids get out of the car as they are amazed with how huge the cabin is. The pair of them hold each others hand as their grandparents brings them inside quickly to warm them up, leaving me and Jungkook to get our luggage from the boot and the unavoidable small talk.
Jungkook: Look I want you on your best behaviour ok?
I nod in response and he smiles.
Jungkook: If you respect me than I know for a fact that Dae will be abe to call me dad in no time ok and if he doesn’t......
I gulp on my own saliva.
Jungkook: Than you will regret every single second of your life escaping that day.

BTS Yandere React to You Crying Because of a Spanking (Hyung Line) Part 1
You and Jin have been dating for a while and everything has been going well, you feel as if your in a movie as Jin continues to give you butterflies in your stomach. Although, your not the only who thinks that, even the media does constantly talking about how the two of you are the golden couple that people should look up to.
As the two of you are on your third season for the tv show, you are getting ready for the scene, until the director states that there have been a few changes and that the punishment your character is going to be given will be on screen. The reason why your character gets punished is because of their stupidity from time to time as they continuously do questionable things that causes your on screen boyfriend, Jin to get angry.
The punishment was a spanking and you were sweating like crazy not knowing what to think. So you decide to approach Jin about the issue.
Y/N: I never been spanked before, Will it hurt?
Jin: No don’t worry about it, sweetheart I’ll be gentle
Y/N: Promise?
Jin: Promise
You give a smile to Jin as you walk off on set without you knowing him giving a smirk as he was the one who suggested the spanking punishment.
As the two of you are on set doing your job you realise the spanking scene is about to appear. But you are much calmer, after speaking to Jin stating he would be gentle with you.
Jin as his character, Gives you a dark and wicked smirk as he licks his lips walking slowly yet confidently towards you.
Jin: You know I should’ve done something that your father didn’t
Y/N: W-what
Jin: You clearly need a good firm hand and I Guess I’m the man to do the job
Before you even realise it he is places you lying frontwards on his lap with him putting cuffs on your hands and harshly gives you a slap on the ass
Y/N: Ahhh
It really hurts, more than you thought. He said he would have been gentle.
He hits you even harder this time bring his hand down quicker.
You feel a fresh batch of hot tears roll down your face as you thrash around him begging him to be gentle
But Jin doesn’t care, he wants to show everyone that he owns you, and before you even know it this would be happening whenever you behave badly. He continues to spank you still your ass is thought to be sore and red he didn’t take you shorts off or your panties off.
(Couple hours later)
When the scene was done you returned home with Jin as you walk through the door he give you a light pat on the bottom.
Y/N: Ahh
You let out a soft cry.
Jin: Oh God Y/N, you make me so fucking Horny when I was slapping that cute little ass of yours.
He holds you from behind feeling his clothed dick desperately rutting behind you and whispers in his ears.
Jin: Lets go upstairs and have a fuck, shall we?

You and Yoongi were cuddling on the couch with a nice warm blanket. The heat of his in embrace placed you in a trance with you staring at his face every so often, even giving him a kiss once in a while. This ends up causing his lips to curl up and smirk as he is reading a book.
By the looks of the book it was an erotica novel, I guess it would have been used as inspiration for his new book, most of the works he has been doing is mainly about romance, for instance, there is ‘Lover’s Lane’, ‘Lovestruck’ and ‘First Ethereal Dreams’. They all did pretty well giving a very good profit for him, but you have realised that some of the moments in the book have been based off of you and Yoongi.
Yoongi: Hey, you know there’s a couple of these things we never try that this couple does
Your eyes light up, wondering what he meant.
Y/N: Oh really, like what?
Yoongi: Just some romantic stuff..... do you wanna give it a shot?
Y/N: Sure, why not?
This causes him to show his gummy smile as he leads you upstairs to you shared bedroom, which ended up with you being tied up naked on your stomach. With anticipation inside your stomach you feel slightly sick thinking of what Yoongi might do to you, but before you know you feel a harsh sing against your bare ass
Y/N: Ahhh what the HELL
Another smack hits you again
The belt hits you again and again with Yoongi giving you no consideration for you pleas of mercy and your tears.
Yoongi: Come on Y/N, we both know you like it you little slut
Yoongi: NO
(Couple hours later)
Your ass was sore and red with all the belt lashes Yoongi has given you. Your voice has become sore with all the screaming that you have done and the ropes that have tied you left marks on your arms.
As Yoongi, removes the rope on your arms he takes his clothes of leading the two of you naked in the covers with him putting his arm around you.
Yoongi: I know it hurt, I’m sorry. But your a good girl and I love you

In The Night | jjk

pairing: stalker!jungkook + fem/afab!reader
word count: 2.3k
genre: smut, yandere, thriller
warnings: stalking, male masturbation, female masturbation, obsessive thoughts, yandere behavior, mention of filming without consent, vibrator use, body worship, breaking and entering, use of “princess”, it’s hot
— synopsis: When you find out that the shy tech guy has been watching you at night, you take matters into your own hands.

Eleven P.M. on the dot. It’s almost time. Excitement bubbles in your stomach, nerves flowing from your toes to your fingertips. Immediately, you open your window just enough to leave a crack. Then, you sift through your dresser for something just right. Walking around in a bra and panties would be too obvious—you have to keep up the clueless act as best you can, but still be a tease.
So, you fish out an old shirt you had accidentally made into a too-short-to-wear-to-the-grocery-store crop tee, the graphic on the front more than halfway cut off. It’s perfect to show off the expanse of your stomach, which is key for what’s to come. Perhaps you can go with only that and panties—no doubt it would be game-changing, but you still grab for your heart pattern sleep shorts that do wonders for the shape of your ass. It’s perfect, and just in time.
Eleven-Ten P.M. He’s here. Adrenaline pumps through you at a speed incomprehensible, putting your heart to the test as you can practically hear it pounding. Remember, play it cool. You’re not supposed to know that he’s watching.
Yes, the hot, nerdy tech guy that seems to lose all collectiveness around you watches you through your window every single night. And honestly, you love it.
Of course, you’ve had the inner monologue about how it’s supposed to creep you the fuck out and that you probably should have called the cops by now. But that just wouldn’t be any fun, now would it?
Keep reading
cancelled (1) | myg, jjk
summary: you cheated on your boyfriend, one of the most sought after boys on campus, with the nerd from the back of the lecture hall. that’s not the whole story, but only you know that. now a video has leaked across and everyone is turning against you for hurting such a perfect s/o.
pairing: yoongi x reader, jungkook x reader
wordcount: 3k
genre: yandere!yoongi and nerd!jungkook exyandere!jungkook
established-relationship!au college!au cheating!au
warnings: reader discretion is advised. cheating, mentions of past dubcon activity, yandere behavior, guilt, slight oral (f and m receiving), reverse cowgirl, soft smut in a not so soft situation, manipulation, jungkook calls you his pretty baby, sexual harassment, yoongi is lowkey a creep in this, prostitution i guess but like...its not how you'd think, mentions of rape fantasy but it doesnt happen
twoshot: part 1 | part 2 | masterlist
They say that you let a good thing be. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you. Well in your almost perfect life, that hand was Min Yoongi. Your boyfriend of 2 years now. You met through family, he was an heir, and you were the daughter of a wealthy associate. He used to spend his spring breaks with your family back in high school. You recall fondly how he sneak out, begging you to cover for him, end up passed out drunk in some alley and calling you, scared for his life.
You saw the way he grew—no, blossomed into the amazing man he is. You both got accepted to the same prestigious university program, and it is here your love story truly began. Straight out of a movie, Yoongi did not realize how much he adored you until he saw you grinding your ass up on some random guy at a frat party. A few months of drama gave way to pure happiness.
Yoongi made quite a name for himself on campus. He was incredibly charming, was impressive in his studies, and was always around for a good time. He treated everyone with respect and had no enemies. You felt proud to be his girlfriend, by his side as he made his mark.
And he was so so good to you. While your start may have been driven by jealousy and rage, he made up for it entirely by taking you on weekend getaways, loving you sweetly, holding you while you cry and buying you food. You two were freakishly domestic, and you loved it. You were ready for the ring whenever he was. So blessed that you could wake up every morning in a pair of arms that held you like you were their whole world.
Unfortunately, paradise tends to be a destination never quite reached. You sat, curled up into your knees, trembling as you watched cruel comments pop up on a video.
ungrateful whore.
Yoongi deserves so much better
why would you even want to cheat on a catch like yoongi? jfc
You didn’t know what bothered you the most. Was it the comments? Was it your fucked out face in the video? You moans that clearly indicated pleasure? Was it the fact that you hurt a man you loved? Or was it the fact that he was still there, sitting right next to you and kissing your damp cheeks every time he saw a tear, mumbling into your neck that it was okay, that he wasn’t mad. Did you deserve someone so perfect?
“Aw baby” He coos at you, stroking your hair as your sobs got louder. You fell into his embrace, unsure of what to think or do. “Ssh…I’m not mad baby. It’s my fault I wasn’t there”
You didn’t know how true his words were. You didn’t know just how at fault he was.
Yoongi had been doing his work in your shared apartment in his private study which even you weren’t allowed to enter. The security footage of your lecture played on his monitor, but he was barely paying attention. He kept an eye on you, but it was getting unnecessary. You had been together for so long, he could trust you now. He sighed and zoomed into where you sat, whispering something to the person seated next to you. They giggled and slid their hand onto your thigh. Yoongi simply watched, a smirk playing on his lips. The whole campus knew you were his. No one would dare make a move on you. He made sure of it. It was the whole reason he made your relationship so visible. He had people’s respect, and so they would respect that you belonged to him.
The hand trailed up your thin yoga pants, cupping your core. You slapped the hand away and Yoongi grinned wider. He liked to test you every now and then.
Yoongi wired money to that man’s bank account through his phone. Now all you had to do was tell him what happened. There was no room for secrets between you two.
“I’m home babe” He heard you walk in. He popped a Xanax and gulped down a glass of water. He smiled at you sweetly, taking your bag and setting it down before attacking your neck with soft, breathless kisses.
“How was your day?” He asked quietly, “Anything interesting happen?”
“Nah. Pretty uneventful” He raised his eyebrows.
“Oh. Nothing at all?”
“Well” Yoongi’s eyes perked. Tell me someone harassed you baby. Just tell me. “I did try this amazing latte at the cafe in the Literature building.”
Why were you lying to him? Yoongi tilted his head. It wasn’t that big of a deal, it just made him wonder what else you hid from him. The little things. The little things that pile up.
Yoongi realized it had gone too far when he heard you gossiping with a few of your girl friends in the hallway of the Science Institute. “I just can’t believe he won’t fuck you. Doesn’t he know how many people would if they had a chance?”
“He seems so perfect but it’s almost like he’s just lacking the one key thing. Dick” They giggled. You rolled your eyes. You had confessed that you really did want to have sex. Yoongi wanted to save himself for marriage, but it was getting hard for you. When you brought this up with Yoongi he shut you down immediately.
“Baby” He fingered the purity ring on his pinky finger, “You know I can’t”
You had been frequently meeting with someone from one of your lab classes, a certain Jeon Jungkook. Yoongi didn’t love this, but he was acquainted with Jungkook, and knew that he likely was not a threat. The boy was not your type at all—his clunky glasses and sweater vests and his hair long and swept back, unlike Yoongi’s fresh blonde cut. Sometimes you wouldn’t tell him that you were with Jungkook, but he still knew. Nothing happened. But he still got irritated.
Unfortunately it was impossible to truly watch you all the time. After all, Yoongi was a social guy and had to make appearances frequently. He often wondered if you knew he watched you, so you waited to run off fuck yourself on Jungkook when he wasn't looking. He bit his lip until blood came out, raging at the prospect.
He wasn’t entirely wrong about you though. You did always feel pressure of behaving in a way that reflected well on him. So when everyone was looking at Yoongi, you were able to slouch your shoulders and relax. You would go to Jungkook’s house for a drink, with no ulterior motive on either of your end. You loved Yoongi. Jungkook respected him, and you. There was no issue.
So when Yoongi showed up at Jungkook’s doorstep a week later with a bag full of cash asking him to fuck his girlfriend, he was disgusted at first.
“E…excuse me?” He stammered, blushing. Yoongi squinted at him.
“Have sex with y/n the next time she is over.” He put on a show, “I just feel bad I cannot give her what she desires. I don’t want to deprive her of anything. I know she is fond of you so if you wouldn’t mind…she is very beautiful I can tell you that”
“I…that’s not…do you realize how insane this is?”
Yoongi shrugged, “It’s twenty-thousand dollars to fuck a pretty girl. What’s so bad?”
“Does she want this? D…do you have her consent to be asking me this?”
“Of course.” He chuckled giving a charming smile, “In fact, she has a bit of a fantasy that I was hoping you could indulge. I am not sure if she will go through with it but, she might try to resist at first, but really she wants to be used like a whore. She will love it, really.”
Jungkook gave him a skeptical look. “What the fuck? You want me to indulge your girlfriend’s rape fantasy? I’m not a fucking sadist”
“It’s not a rape fantasy. She just likes to struggle a bit but then she will get into it. She will want it”
“I can’t believe I am even entertaining this conversation, you need to leave”
“Fuck off Yoongi. First of all, I am not even into y/n…” He paused.
“Oh please, she’s the finest thing in miles of here, you just haven’t considered her as available. That’s how I know I can trust you to do this for me.”
Jungkook gulped. That’s not quite it. He thought to himself. But the thought passed when Yoongi took off his watch and handed it to him.
“This is worth half a million dollars. Are we good?”
Jungkook just gaped at him.
“You have had sex before right?”
Oh yes he had. Once. He nodded slowly.
“Okay good. Please show her a good time and keep this between us”
“She knows right? She knows you’re asking me to do this?”
Yoongi grinned and pat Jungkook’s shoulder, “Oh baby boy, she’s the one who suggested it”
Jungkook found that a bit hard to believe.
What Yoongi didn’t know was that Jungkook already has had sex. With you. You didn’t know it was him, and it was long before you began dating Yoongi.
Jungkook had been obsessed with you as a high schooler, your pictures collaging the back of his bathroom door, a variety of your things—forgotten hoodies, dropped pens— messily shoved into the drawer of his desk.
It was an innocent phase at first. You were just so pretty. He couldn’t help the way his blood would rush between his legs every time you would glance in his general direction. He couldn’t help watching the way you outgrew your uniform skirt, almost breaking down in tears when you replaced it with a larger size. He would sneak out of class when you had PE to watch you run, and the way your breasts bounced in the tight top you wore.
You didn’t know him. Why would you? He was no way near your league. He worked extremely hard, dreaming to get into the same university as you on a full ride because his family could never afford it.
Jungkook would normally follow you home, obviously he just wanted to make sure you reached safe. You had been crying the entire walk home. Jungkook had to gather every ounce of self restraint not to go hug you and kiss you until you smiled again. He hated seeing you cry, and it made him want to die.
He was worried about you. You entered your beautiful home, but no one was there. What if you tried to harm yourself? Who would protect you?
He had snuck in through the back.
If anyone had been around, they may have heard a scream. But more likely the would have heard the cries of pleasure that followed.
That evening you told Yoongi you were going to work on stuff with Jungkook. You dressed modestly, not bothering to freshen up much. He watched through his cameras as you arrived into Jungkook’s tiny apartment. So much smaller than his, probably in more ways than one, he clicked his tongue in amusement.
“Hey Jungkook!” You hugged him lightly. He looked extremely uncomfortable which made Yoongi all the more amused.
Two people fucking who both don’t want to. What do you call that? Yoongi chuckled darkly.
“Listen y/n…I know that…I know I agreed but I just wanna make sure…” Jungkook could barely look you in the eye. As destiny would have it, you chose that moment to pull your hoodie off, giving Jungkook a flash of the underside of your breasts. He gulped. “You really don’t remember me do you…”
“What do you mean?” You were so confused. Jungkook licked his lips and crawled over where you were sitting on his couch, causing you to lay on your back. “What…hey what the fuck are you doing?”
He didn’t like your tone. It awoke a protective instinct in him. He stroked your hair and gazed deeply into your eyes. “How long has it been since you’ve had sex?”
You blushed furiously, face heating up dangerously fast at the sudden question. You shifted your neck away from him uncomfortably. “Um…I guess…3, maybe 4 years?”
“Tsk, poor girl.” He cooed, his finger grazed your cheek, “Alright, I’ll play along. You can let me know if you want me to stop okay?” He lowered himself enough to let his lips trace travel down the veins on your neck. He inhaled you, memories of innocent years coming back to him in floods.
You were frozen. His body radiated heat, his scent was giving you a high you couldn’t quite explain. You shouldn’t feel this way. You had sweet sweet Yoongi waiting for you at home. Sweet Yoongi who loved you, and was saving himself for you like the pure angel he is.
You looked up at the soft dark eyes of the man above you now. You couldn’t help but feel a sense of deja vu.
“Jungkook” You exhaled as his lips began kissing over your shirt, down the valley of your breasts, lifting your shirt so he could kiss your stomach. “I…I have a boyfriend”
“You’re really committed to this huh?” He chuckled, taking some of his fingers and slowly circling under the waistline of your shorts. You blinked a few times to try to react to what was happening but your body was overwhelmed. It had been so long since you were touched like this.
“Please” You said loudly, so loudly that Jungkook barely hears the “don’t do this” that followed in a whisper.
Jungkook thought back to the night you took his virginity. It hadn’t been on his agenda, he was content following you around and jacking off to your social media accounts every night. That night had changed him. He had realized then that he was messed up. He realized he needed help and he sought it out. A few years of therapy had done him good. He felt guilty about it for a while, but eventually had to grow and move on. He would never act like that again.
But here he was.
And there you were. Below him again. Begging for him through your actions and pushing him away with your words.
Emotions overwhelmed you. Your heart wrenched at the bitter guilt that you were doing the unthinkable. They very thing that you would condemn about other couples. How could you? How could you cheat? But your body was whimpering.
“I have a boyfriend. He’s so good to me. He’s so amazing, and I…I love” You let out a sob as he allowed his hips to roll into you, giving you friction you had craved for so long, “Jungkook…please” You knew he was reading between the lines. You knew he heard your consent, and that disgusted you.
“Mmm I know baby. I know you love him” Jungkook sighed as he pulled down your shorts, “Tell me about him baby. Tell me how much you love him” He began kissing your thighs, burying his face into your cunt.
“He’s so—ahhh” Jungkook took his tongue and pushed aside your underwear to lick a long stripe between your legs. “So good. So fucking…mmmmhhh” You squealed as Jungkook shoved his tongue inside you. The sensation was heavy in your core, but the sensation drove you wild. He flicked his tongue around, almost too easily being able to find all the right places to make you twitch and moan his name.
“Do you want my cock pretty baby? Hmm?” He whispered teasingly, his voice muffling against you as he continued to eat you out. You yelped as he sucked on your clit and nodded your head dumbly. “My little girl so desperate for cock she’d cheat on her boyfriend hm?” He came up for air, your juices messily spread across his lips, his eyes shot with lust.
“Don’t…don’t say that” You whined. Jungkook nodded before pulling off his sweater. You traced his muscles with your fingers, so defined and beautifully tan as he shrugged off his jeans. He took his glasses off and folded them carefully but you grabbed his hand.
“Keep them on…your glasses…” Jungkook’s eyes widened in amusement.
“Why” He teased.
“I like them. I like them a lot. You remind me of someone I used to like” Jungkook’s blood ran cold.
Did you remember?
Did you remember the way he had pinned you up against your kitchen wall back then? The way he left hickies all over your body, marking you as his. The way he had entered you for the first time, with you sprawled out across your dining table, then again on the counter tops, then again from behind pressed up against the window.
Did you remember how many times you both came? It was like a sex fest of hours and hours. In your mouth, on your face, on your tits and buried deep in your cunt, the condom barely surviving the pressure of his seed.
Did you remember the way you cried after in his arms, unable to walk? The way he held you and kissed you softly, apologizing.
Did you remember how he had given you pills so you would forget, hoping that you wouldn’t be sad any longer?
Jungkook had been too lost in thought to notice that you had pulled your own shirt off, leaving you in a sports bra, pulling his neck down so you could kiss him.
“Jungkook” You gasped as he finally regained consciousness and dragged his fingers across your pussy.
“Will you ride me baby?” His eyes twinkled in his request and you were more than happy to indulge him. Jungkook switched positions with you. You reverse cowgirled him, unknowingly, the perfect position for Yoongi to see all of you as you fucked yourself silly onto Jungkook’s cock.
You lowered yourself down on him slowly, savoring the stretch that you had almost forgotten you could ever feel. Your fingers could never give you a sensation quite like this. Jungkook shut his eyes and tried to savor the feeling.
“Pretty…pretty baby” He cooed, sitting up so he could nibble your shoulder and hold your hips as he bounced you slowly on his cock.
“Tell me something” He exhaled, feeling himself slowly approaching his orgasm, the feeling of your soft, warm walls around him too much to bear, “Did you want this because of me…or did you just need cock?”
You continued thrusting yourself back into him, the firm hold of his hands on you giving you an arousing sense of comfort. You wiggled your ass, liking the way he would grunt when you did.
“Did you want me baby? Did you do this for me?”
You cried out suddenly, feeling a long awaited orgasm overwhelming your senses. Jungkook’s grip on you tightened as he tried to keep fucking you through it, your body going limp, twitching erraticly.
“So pretty…my sweet sweet girl” He turned your head to kiss your lips, slipping his tongue in and relishing in the love you poured in through your actions. He caressed your breasts and continued to thrust up into you.
“Come inside me” You exhaled softly.
“No y/n…that wouldn’t be right” Jungkook was reminded of the eerily intimidating presence of the man who was paying him to do this. He slowly brought his thrusts to a halt before helping you up off of him, his cock still painfully erect. “I can finish myself”
You pouted, watching him drill his graze into your naked presence, violently stroking his cock. He licked his lips shamelessly.
“I don’t love you anymore y/n” He whispered too softly for you to hear, “I’m over you. I’m over this. This doesn’t mean anything—AAAAhhh” Your mouth was on his cock and that was all it took for him to come harder than he ever had.
He took you into his arms, wrapping them around you and kissing your face over and over again, caressing your hips and trying to relax your muscles so you wouldn’t be sore.
You reached for your phone as Jungkook began to fill the silence.
“Yoongi seems really great. He clearly cares about you a lot. I’m really happy for you, genuinely” He says softly, “I’m honestly really impressed he let this happen”
But you didn’t hear him, all you could hear was your heart drumming loudly in your ears as you saw the stream of notifications on your phone. Your heart dropping like a bomb when you saw the single message you dreaded more than anything.
yoongi: what’s this? <link>
And linked was a live stream of the events that had just transpired.
masterlist next----->
A/N: im just cackling at #y/nisoverparty HAHA um stream film out! woohoo
cancelled (2) | myg, jjk
summary: you cheated on your boyfriend, one of the most sought after boys on campus, with the nerd from the back of the lecture hall. now a video has leaked across and everyone is turning against you for hurting such a perfect s/o.
pairing: yoongi x reader ft jungkook
wordcount: 3.7k
genre: smut, yandere!yoongi and nerd!jungkook exyandere!jungkook
established-relationship!au college!au cheating!au
warnings: reader discretion is advised. penetrative sex, unprotected sex, really steamy sex, ring tease (is that a thing), yoongi is a master with his tongue but we knew this, manipulative behavior, yandere behavior, controlling, dirty talk, guilting, mentions of past dubcon activity, illicit filming, mentions of mental illnesses, gaslighting, toxic behavior. this is pretty dark so dont read if it bothers you
twoshot: part 1 | part 2 | masterlist
There are some scents we find comforting. Not necessarily because of the nature of the scent itself, but because of a memory associated with it. For you this scent was Yoongi’s burnt pancakes. They were not good, he knew that and so did you. But your heart would almost burst with joy at the gesture, and you could never quite deny him when he would ask to make you breakfast. The way his kitten like eyes would be full of excitement, eager to please you.
In this case, the scent made you feel guilt. A common theme over the past few days after the entire school had access to a livestream of you cheating on the most loveable, pure and kind guy on campus.
But he was not mad.
Something stirred in you. You wished he was angry, wished that you two would fight it out. At least that would result in a resolve of some sort. You were now simply immersed in a stale mate. Not forgiven, but not accused. Not innocent but not guilty.
You had blocked Jungkook right away, not even entertaining how he would be handling the situation. You had bigger problems.
And those problems manifested into your sweet boyfriend making you pancakes.
“Here you go baby” He handed you a plate. Not an ounce of negativity was seen in his eyes. You felt like you were going insane.
Your phone beeped, another notification. You were not even shocked to see it was just another random person yelling at you for what you had done’ You’d seen it all— death threats, people telling you you were the scum of the earth. Internet hate knew no boundaries. You had lost all your friends. Even your family caught news and did not want to speak with you at the moment. All you had was Yoongi.
“Listen y/n” Yoongi kelt down in front of your seat, placing his hands on your knees affectionately. “I know things are hard right now. If you want, you and I can leave this place. We can leave and go somewhere else where people won’t know about all this.”
Tears escaped the edges of your eyes, “We can’t just leave…No one will hire me, a background check will show up with PornHub on the first search result. I’m ruined.”
“I’ll get the video taken down y/n. Clearly that guy did not have your consent to post it.”
“That isn’t the point” You screamed, grasping his hands firmly as you sobbed, “Everyone knows it happened. They know I was unfaithful. To you. The love of my life. Literally the most perfect angel of a human ever. I’m so horrible I don’t even know why I did it I just…”
Yoongi kissed the tops of your hands. “I know…he manipulated you didn’t he? Guys are the worst. He made you think you wanted it.”
For some reason you were not that mad at Jungkook. Maybe it was because you were too occupied with your own guilt. You did not feel like he coerced you, but telling Yoongi that wouldn’t have really mattered.
“Come on baby. Let’s move somewhere. And let’s get married. I’ll be able to give you what you need. You’ve been such a good girl for holding out so long. We can start over, together, away from all this. There’s nothing else here for us”
The idea was tempting, but your heart clenched thinking you would never see this beautiful campus again. Your friends, your classmates, none of them.
Yoongi reached into his pocket and brought out a small velvet pounch. In it was a dainty little diamond ring, the studs circling in a simple and elegant design. He held the ring to you and you simply gaped at him.
“Baby…You know I love you. I know you love me. So you messed up, who doesn’t? You’re human, and I denied you of what you needed and I am sorry for that. Marry me y/n. Marry me and leave this place with me. Let’s go where no one can ever find us, and be together forever”
You were too young for this. Sure, being in a long-term relationship might not have the same freedoms as being single, but being married was a whole other level of commitment. You knew it would come eventually, but it was still so sudden. But how could you say no? What right did you have to deny the kindness and love of this man after what you did to him? You couldn’t be an even bigger bitch and end your relationship after this could you? It would look so bad. People would think you dumped him because he didn’t want to have sex, which would make you look like a slut and then…
Your mind was dizzy. Yoongi simply chuckled, beginning to kiss the tops of your knees. Inching slowly in the direction of your thighs.
Once his lips were close enough to the hems of your pajama shorts that you were sensitive, you let out a surprised yelp. Yoongi grinned, face still pressed in the inside of your thigh, ring in hand. He wiggled his tongue in a way to push past the cloth, looking up at you briefly with a twinkle in his eye before his hot tongue barely traced your heat.
“Y…yoongi” Your heart rate picked up as Yoongi bit the crotch of your shorts and began to drag it down. It was an erotic sight, and you couldn’t help but feel shivers as you anticipated his next move. Then he did something shocking. He took the diamond ring and placed it flat against your exposed clit, his finger in the circle holding it against you. The cold metal felt amazing. He slowly dragged the ring along your folds, watching as you twitched. He lined the ring up with your entrance and next thing you know he shoved his finger through the ring and into you. You cursed loudly.
“Just say yes. Say you’ll marry me and I’ll give you everything you need baby girl”
He twisted the ring harshly against you causing you to squirm. “F…fuck yes. I’ll marry you. I love you. I love you” You were chanting like it was your mantra. Yoongi grinned and slid this ring onto your finger. He stared momentarily at your hand before returning his gaze to you and capturing your lips in a deep kiss. He kissed you with a hunger you had never quite felt from him before.
“I love you y/n. Now it’s just you and me.” He whispered as he trailed kisses down to your collar, using his skilled tongue and teeth to wiggle off each button, his hands planted on your thighs. He disrobed you, sliding your body to the edge of the chair in order to give him access. You let your legs spread wide. You almost couldn’t believe what was happening.
You had dreamt of this moment for so long. The day you would finally be able to have your boyfriend’s cock buried deep in you. The day where you could curse out his name in pleasure and love him right like he deserved.
Yoongi got up to take off his own clothes. You had never seen him fully naked before, just his chest. You always had an inkling he was big, after feeling him get hard after steamy make-out sessions. Him then politely stepping away to calm down, then cuddling with you affectionately.
His cock popped out, already hard and eager. You couldn’t help but lick your lips at the sight. Yoongi shook his head to try to get his hair out of his eyes, and an evil smirked played his lips. He stroked his cock harshly while looking at you.
“Look at you” He sneered, “My little slut, so eager for me. You needed cock so bad you’d just go anywhere for it isn’t that right hm?” You shook your head.
“Yoongi…I’m yours…I just want you” You tried to spread your legs even wider, the chair beneath you pressing into your back uncomfortably.
Yoongi walked up close so that he was standing inches away from where your legs were splayed out for him. “Show me how sorry you are you whore” He spat. You whimpered, his words hitting too close to home. You blinked back tears as he slowly lowered himself onto you, the rails of the chair almost cutting into your skin, making you wince in pain.
“Yoongi…let’s go to the bed…” You suggested weakly as his kisses found your breasts and he nipped away at you. He shook his head, allowing his face to pummel in the suffocation of your tits.
“Do you deserve the bed?”
“No but…” You looked away, “It’s our first time”
Yoongi paused, his head still rested against the valley of your chest. He got up suddenly and gripped your hips, picking you up off the chair into his arms. Your naked legs wrapped around him, and your wet core could feel his toned stomach. You couldn’t help but grind at the friction. Yoongi kissed you again, gentler now, his lips swallowing you in so that you could feel every ounce of his pure love. He carried you to the bed and slowly released you onto you back.
He stroked himself a few more times before lining himself up with your entrance. You were soaking at this point, your pussy drooling for cock.
“I love you” He said, not looking at you so much as the desperate clenches of your pussy onto nothing.
“I love you too babe” Now he looked at you. A dark gaze had overtaken him. The love in his eyes was absolutely gone, and there seemed to me a strange aura of anger.
“You’re mine y/n. Once this cock goes in, it’s the only cock you’re ever going to get.”
“I know baby”
“I’m going to fuck you. All the time. You and me, just you and me. You’re all mine. All mine to play with”He started to rub his cock in circles against you, “My little girl, sweet little whore all for me to fuck whenever I want to.” He entered you in one thrust, causing you to yelp as the push of the girth against your walls was too sudden for you to adjust.
“Gonna fuck you up so good” He exhaled, funding into you mercileslly, “My wife, my beautiful fucking wife. My little cocksleeve, baby girl ohhhh” You squirmed in frustration as Yoongi came inside you, his hot seed reaching the depths of you and filling you to the brim. “Shit. You felt so good baby, I’m sorry”
You shook your head. You were more than pleased with the experience. “It’s okay baby.”
“I’ll make it up to you” He pulled out and rolled you into his embrace, nuzzling his face into your chest. “I’ll make you cum so many times baby, we have forever to do it. You’re all mine now”
“Yes baby, all yours”
Jungkook bit his nails nervously. He had called up an old hacker friend to help him get into Yoongi’s computer. Something was off. Jungkook would know. Cameras? It had to be Yoongi. It made too much sense, but the question was why. Why would he want the whole school to see someone else fucking his girlfriend?
“Jungkook” His friend, Seokjin, was typing away frantically into a large computer, “Bro this is fucking insane”
“What?” Jungkook rolled his seat up to get a better look at the screen. They now had accessed Yoongi’s servers, and there was all the incoming footage from various cameras all around campus. Under each panel was a small description: Y/n’s biology class, Y/n’s favorite bathroom, etc.
“This guy keeps fucking tabs on his bitch yo. I thought you said they’d been together for a while”
“They have…” Jungkook peered at the footage. “Somehow I don’t think she knows he watches her like this”
“No shit” Seokjin made wild eyes at Jungkook sarcastically and smacked him. Jungkook rolled his eyes.
“I have to tell her. Something is fucked here”
“Look, I don’t know these people, but I have heard about guys sort of isolating their girls so that they become really, like, dependent or something. So that they can take them away and do whatever they want. Pretty fucked.”
Jungkook considered his friends words. “You might be onto something…He could be guilting her into staying with him…” Like an epiphany, the pieces fell together, “Marriage. He’s gonna make her marry him.”
“That’s fucked.”
“Dude shut-up,” Jungkook snapped, his protective instinct now in overdrive. “Give me your keys, I need to tell her. I have to go save her”
“Why?” Seokjin chuckled, “It’s really none of your business. You barely know her too, you guys are nothing but classmates” Jungkook’s heart dropped at the statement.
He shouldn’t care right? He was better now. Was interfering in her life just him becoming obsessive again? Was he reading too much into it?
“Fuck. You’re right. I’m insane” He exhaled, “My first instinct was to hack into her boyfriend’s computer uh, I clearly need to calm down” Seokjin hummed in agreement as he continued to click around on Yoongi’s server.
There were a few moments of silence before something inside Jungkook just ticked. She wasn’t safe. He could just tell. She needed him. He had to find her. “No…no, dude. If there is even a slight chance that she’s in danger I can’t…I can’t let that happen” Seokjin shrugged and tossed him his keys. Jungkook let the key ring twirl on his finger as he quickly dashed out of his apartment.
Yoongi and you had been at it for hours, not being able to get enough of each other’s bodies. You were xausted, laying on the couch butt naked, straddling Yoongi and hugging him tightly. Your skin was sweaty, and so was his. You guys were sticking to one another like glue. The smell of sex was evident throughout the room. You probably would have fallen asleep like that if it weren’t for the sudden phrasing on your door.
“Y/n! Y/n are you in there! It’s Jungkook, please it’s important!” He screamed urgently. Your eyes widened and you looked at Yoongi who simply had a silly grin on his face. He released his hold on you, allowing you to get up
“Um…give me second” You called back, running to your room to find some clothes. Yoongi got dressed as well.
You opened the door and Jungkook popped inside the moment he could fit through the crack.
“I…I need to show you something” Jungkook glanced at Yoongi who was simply grinning with an interested expression. “In my apartment…please…look I know you don’t want to be seen with me, but I promise you I did not film us. I didn’t even want” Yoongi glared at him and he shut his mouth, “Look please, please Y/n you have to believe me. Come over and I’ll show you”
He was gripped your forearms tightly and you wiggled away. “Um…I’m definitely not going to go to your apartment Jungkook” You scoffed, “Just say what you have to say right here”
Jungkook gulped, and Yoongi licked his lips, extremely amused and anticipating the events that were going to follow.
“Can we talk in private?” Jungkook looked deep into your eyes, searching for any small ounce of trust you might have left in him, and ultimately coming up dry.
“No. Just say what you have to say” You said, crossing your arms.
Yoongi paced over to where Y/n was standing and placed a hand on your hip from behind. Jungkook glared at him and he glared right back.
“It was you” Jungkook said dryly, a serious expression causing him to clench his jaw, “You’re a fucking psycho”
Yoongi tilted his head to the side, “Excuse me?”
“You filmed us. She didn’t tell you to pay me to fuck her did she? Hm? No. You, you paid me to fuck her and you filmed it, you live streamed it so that the whole world could see. All so that she wouldn’t have anywhere to turn but to you. You’re a manipulative bastard and a predator and Y/n” Jungkook met your outraged eyes, “You are not safe with this guy. I have proof”
“What the fuck are you saying? Are you high?” You slapped him harshly.
There was a moment of silence as Jungkook touched the side of his face that you hit, looking back up at you bitterly. “I know it sounds crazy. But he literally has cameras following you around everywhere. He watches your every move. He’s sick. Go to his computer and check if you don’t believe me”
“Actually it’s funny you should say that” Yoongi piped in, a charming expression still on display, “The other day I found something really interesting about you Jungkook” He quickly went and grabbed his laptop, opening it up to show them the screen. “You’re calling me a psyco, but you really just want Y/n all to yourself don’t you. You’re the one who’s a creep. I mean,” He scoffed, “I can’t believe you filmed this” He pressed play.
The blood drained from Jungkook’s face. It was a video of you and him. All those years ago. Fucking senselessly, two horny teenagers, all over your house.
Your mouth hung open in shock. You blinked, looking from the screen to Jungkook to try to convince yourself what you were seeing was real.
“You…when did this happen…is that me?” You stuttered, the scenes unfolding in the video overwhelming you. It was definitely your house, and he was definitely moaning your name.
“Y/n…No, I…” Jungkook was at a loss for words. He glared at Yoongi, who was smirking still.
Jungkook grabbed your hair and shoved you up against the window, your chest pressing into the glass. Anyone walking past would be able to see your naked body on display. He let his nose trace from your ear to the back of your neck, inhaling your sweet aroma. You whined his name, trembling as his grip tightened and he pulled your hair back.
“You know how many times I’ve wanted to do this? Hm? You know how bad I’ve wanted to just bend you over and fuck you right when I see you? Years. I’ve wanted this for years. Such a sweet…sweet girl. I knew you’d taste so sweet” He thrusted into you and you moaned his name in pleasure. “Just like that my sweet baby, mmm. Scream for me. Tell me how much you love it” He turned you around and picked up through legs, stopping briefly to remove his glasses.
“Wait…” You panted, your breasts heaving with your deep expirations. “Keep them on”
Jungkook smirked.
“I…I like them…I like you…”
You dropped the the floor in shock. You couldn’t remember any of this, but you did remember feeling some type of way about Jungkook’s glasses. You didn’t even want to know what happened. You needed him to leave. You just wanted Yoongi. Yoongi was simple, kind, and loved you. Jungkook was only making life more and more complicated.
“Get out” You growled at him.
“Y/n…please I know how this looks but you have to believe me”
“He’s clearly obsessed with you. Went to your highschool, followed you to college and didn’t even tell you. He’s probably been stalking you this whole time” Yoongi muttered, clicking his tongue in pity, “Poor guy probably has something wired wrong in his head. I hope you get the help you need Jungkook, really. But I think you better go if Y/n doesn’t want you here” Yoongi politely put his hand on Jungkook’s back to lead him out.
“Y/n! He’s crazy. Yoongi is crazy. He paid me to have sex with you I…” Jungkook held up his wrist, “He gave me this watch! Half a million dollars to do it. See?” You looked to see he was in fact telling the truth, Yoongi’s pricey watch was on his wrist. Yoongi turned to you and gave you a concerned look.
“Oh gosh. I’ve been looking for this, I though I lost it somewhere.” He said innocently, sliding the watch off of Jungkook’s wrist. “Did you steal this Jungkook? Look, my buddy knows a really good therapist, I’ll email you his contact information, please do get some help okay”
“No…” Jungkook struggled violently against Yoongi who was calmly trying to push him out the door, “Y/n…please believe me…I…I don’t even like you okay. I don’t!”
You scoffed, hands open aimlessly as you sat on the floor, still dazed. The tape of you and Jungkook still playing.
Finally Yoongi managed to drag Jungkook out. He was gone for a bit, but you didn’t notice because you were lost in pure shock, trying to desperately search your memory for answers.
When Yoongi came back, he was wearing a pair of glasses. “Hi baby. Are you feeling any better? Poor thing” He knelt down by your side.
“Are those Jungkooks?” You asked. Yoongi nodded, taking the frames off into his hands.
“Yeah. I figured if you like them I may as well take them”
“He just gave you his glasses?”
Yoongi paused.
“I just…took them” Right after he beat in his skull with a baseball bat in the alley behind your apartment.
death valley (m) | part 0
summary: this town is wasted & alone. but we are alive, here in death valley, but don’t take love off the table yet. cuz tonight is just fire alarms & losing you

welcome to death valley. once you’re in, there’s no telling whether you’ll make it out alive. a summer internship turns wild with blurry nights of dangerous men, dirty money, and extremely hot sex. you soon get caught in a savage game of greed, power and obsession, only to find out that you are the grand prize
pairing: ot7 x reader smut ft: drugdealer!jungkook x reader, rockstar!jimin x reader
genre: smut. thriller. eventual yandere. gang!au rockstar!au fightclub!au
wordcount: 6.6k
warnings: explicit & multiple smut scenes, rough sex (choking, hair-pulling, light scratching + spanking, tearing clothes, etc), penetrative sex, drug abuse, alcohol, manipulation & toxic behavior, guns, smoking, oral (f & m receiving), thigh riding, fighting/boxing, switch!jk, switch!reader, dom!jimin
a/n: i absolutely loved writing this. it’s wild, hot, sexy, filthy, summer madness ugh. i hope you enjoy (im so nervous lol i poured my soul into the smut) inspired by the song death valley by fall out boy
part 0 | part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | finale (lite) | finale (dark) part 11 | part 12 | part 13 | series navi | masterlist |
It was scorching outside. You could hear muted sounds of a bass tuning as you wandered down the dark hallways of the record company that had offered you an internship.
“Here’s one of studios” Ahead of you, a chirpy representative was motioning into the tinted glass door. “They all look the same pretty much and oh!” He backed away as the door slid open.
You felt your breath escape you. A man emerged with such intense eyes you wouldn’t believe. He was dressed formally in a black collared shirt, partially unbuttoned, adorned with silver jewelry. You could see a tattoo begin under his small hoop earrings traveling onto his back, making your imagination run wild. He glanced at the rep and gave him an approving nod before turning. His eyes scanned you, nonchalant, taking more interest- much to your dismay -in the intern next to you. Kim Namjoon.
You had met Namjoon during orientation a few days ago. He was a nice guy, clearly passionate about music. He was also insanely well built, you couldn’t help watching the way his biceps would flex when he would work the soundboard.
Namjoon didn’t seem as in awe of the man who had emerged as you were, but you noticed the man take a pause to inspect his face closely. He then tilted his head quickly, his tongue rolling along the inside of his jawline as if he was annoyed somehow. A smirk played at his lips.
He didn’t bother exchanging any words, he brushed past you to walk in the other direction. You gulped.
“That was Min Yoongi! The head producer. He’s really good—he basically produces all of our artists songs.” The rest of the tour was numb to you, your mind was too caught up in that man’s face. His eyes were almost feline, enticing you. He might literally have been the most attractive man you had seen in your life. He looked so incredibly unbothered, but simultaneously precise. As if he was memorizing every detail of where he looked. Even through the split second you had met his eyes, you felt like he was able to see right through you.
“Y/n?” A hand waved in front of your face. You flinch slightly, returning to reality where Namjoon was sitting across a conference table from you. “Earth to Y/n”
“S..sorry. I just spaced out. What were you saying?” Namjoon smiled knowingly.
“I asked if you were free tonight.” He slid a flyer in your direction. On it in bold red lettering was: RM vs. JIN. Death Valley. 9 PM. “There’s this awesome local…hang out of sorts. I guess you could call it a club. It’s called Death Valley. A lot of the artists here hang out there too. They have fights and stuff every now and then…and there’s one tonight” You noticed him blushing slightly, “Anyway if you’re free. You should definitely come”
You picked up and examined the flyer. The lettering struck you as almost gothic. “Do I just meet you there? How does it work?” Namjoon shifted his weight.
“When you get there, just show them that flyer and they’ll take you where you need to go. You’ll find me don’t worry”
You had never really been to a fight before. But figuring from what Namjoon said about the label artists hanging out at the place regularly, you made the decision to dress yourself up a bit punk. You wore a red pencil skirt with a modest and fitting black top. Last minute you decided to grab a large leather jacket.
The jacket had a funny story. You were a huge groupie back in the day, and one time at a concert, the lead singer of a band you really liked, Park Jimin, threw his jacket into the crowd, and luckily you caught it.
You arrived at the address, the cold wind causing you to wrap your arms around yourself. It was quite a happening scene. Girls were dressed in stockings and chokers, smoking something or the other. You couldn’t tell. You saw a good amount of denim, flannel and jewelry. So it was this kind of scene. You mentally high fived yourself for bringing the jacket.
You walked up to the entrance, already able to hear the remnants of loud music. Was there a live band here? You wondered. The busser stopped you from going in.
“Name?” He asked gruffly. He had a cigarette poking out the side of his mouth, and his eyes were darkly lined. You clumsily reached into your purse and took out the flyer, handing it to him. “Hm” He eyed your figure, “Nice jacket. Down the back hall, second door on your left.”
Walking in, Death Valley seemed like any other dive bar. Groups of friend were drinking, smoking, laughing. The ambiance wasn’t too bad at all. Down the back hall. Your eyes scanned the area until you found what you were looking for.
“Nice jacket” You turned to see someone approaching you, drink in hand. He had faded greenish hair that somehow suited his doll like face. He had a twinkle in his eyes that you couldn’t quite decipher if it was him being high or ill-intentioned. Probably both.
“Thanks. I’ve been getting that a lot”
“We don’t get a lot of Park Jimin fans here these days. Are you new?” You nodded.
“Yeah, I’m here for the fight. My friend invited me. He’s expecting me so I better…” The boy put his arm around you casually and began leading you towards the back.
“Perfect, let me show you the way. The name is Taehyung by the way”
You let this Taehyung person lead you through the back hallway. It was barely lit. You followed him down a few flights of stairs until finally you arrived at another hallway. You felt goosebumps on your skin. This place looked insanely sketchy. There was dark graffiti loosely spread out across the walls. Second door on your left. Your eyes locked in on the beaten down door. Taehyung let you go, tugging your jacket so that it pulled off of your back.
“Hey!” You protested but he simply folded the jacket and handed it back to you.
“Trust me. You probably aren’t gonna wanna wear that in there” His eyes dropped to your chest and the back to you, licking his lips. “Come on jacket girl, let’s go have some fun”
You couldn’t even see anything when you opened the door. The strong scent of tobacco, weed, and so much else overwhelming your senses. Taehyung waved the fog from you and guided you through the crowd. There were way more people in here than upstairs. You quickly realized that this was somewhat of an arena. You gripped your jacket tightly as Taehyung held your arms, bringing you somewhere you could finally get some space.
“Who are you meeting? I can probably help you find them” He offered. His actions so far had been kind but something in your gut told you not to trust this guy.
“My colleague. Kim Namjoon. He said he would be easy to find” Taehyung burst out laughing.
“Kim Namjoon?” Taehyung chuckled darkly, “Damn…Joon brought a Park Jimin fan to the ring. What a fucking joke” He smirked meanly, “You’ll see him soon enough.” You heard a buzzer go off, prompting you to look towards the center of the arena, where a small boxing ring had been set up. The ring was torn and tattered, old yellow lights shining down to illuminate the space. Your eyes widened as the two fighters entered the rink, sliding off their robes. There before you, shirtless, muscular, and with an angry gleam in his eyes, was Namjoon.
“What the fuck” You muttered in shock. You heard Taehyung giggle slightly at your reaction. You watched as the ref began the fight, cheers roared thunderously loud as Namjoon threw the first punch. Your focus shifted to his opponent. He was broad, also well built, and had a very handsome face. You watched as Namjoon’s fist slashed against his opponents almost perfect jawline. The two men hashed it out violently, the crowd wilding. You head a phone ring, becoming aware that Taehyung was on the phone.
“How much did you bet on him…doesn’t matter.” He paused, “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of it.” He glanced at you and smiled inwardly, “Consider it done”.
You watched as the opponent, who based on the screams that surrounded you you deduced was Jin, floored Namjoon with a flip. You cringed at the sound of impact. The light was so bright, reflecting off of the ring. You were finding it harder and harder to keep your eyes open. You turned to Taehyung.
“I think I need some air. How do I get out of here?” Taehyung nodded his head in the direction of an exit. You thanked him quietly and wiggled your way through before you tumbled out the door. It wasn’t the way you had come in. It seemed to be some sort of additional private hall. You heard some voices, comforting you in that you were not completely alone.
Your curiosity got the better of you, and you followed the voices down the hallway until you arrived at another set of stairs. You peered over the ledge to see a few men standing around someone who sitting down on a chair.
“I thought you said you drugged him you fuck. Do you know how much we bet on Jin winning tonight?” You heard a loud slap, causing you to tremble slightly. “Scum. This is why I don’t like working with street rats” The voice sounded slightly familiar to you but you couldn’t quite place it.
The men exchanged a few more words that you couldn’t hear too well before the disappeared. You heard a door close, making you think that they must have left the building or something. You slowly crept down, checking the room to ensure the men had left. The boy on the chair remained still, head hanging down. You noticed suddenly that he was tied up, his waist to the chair, and his wrists together behind. He had blue highlights playing at the ends of his black wavy locks.
He looked up and met your eyes. His eyes were large, almost innocent—looking shocked at seeing you. He squirmed slightly, as your eyes landed on the cloth wrapped in his mouth. You set down your things and carefully ran over to help him. You bent over him, chest coming dangerously close to his face as you untied his mouth gag. It occurred to you that you could have just gone behind him. As soon as you undid the knot, you felt the boy take a deep breath. He was so close to you that you felt your skin tingle. You backed away, meeting his eyes.
“Sorry…I’ll…go around” You mumbled. He gulped and nodded, still not saying a word. You untied his wrists and waist. He still didn’t get up. “Are you okay?” You asked. He rubbed his wrists, red markings decorating them all over. “Shit you look hurt. Hold on” You grabbed your purse, rummaging for some ointment. “Here” You got on your knees before him, squeezed out some and grabbed his hand, rubbing it softly onto his scars. You noticed the tattoos on his fingers.
“How did you even get here?” He finally spoke.
“I just came out of the ring for some air…wandered a bit”
“No one knows about the back rooms. Who sent you?”
“Um…” You thought carefully, “T…taehyung? I think was his name”
“Of course” The boy muttered, pulling his hand away from you as you finished. He tilted your chin up towards him, bending down to look at you closer. “What’s your name?”
“Y/n” You pulled away from his touch, bending down to put the ointment back in your purse. You heard the boy groan.
“You look really hot like that.” His hand rested on the top of your head. “Bet you suck cock real good”
You scoffed. “I just fucking saved your ass and that’s what you have to say” You rose, brushing the dust off of your knees. The boy chuckled, running a hand back through his hair.
“How rude of me. Thank you. Wanna fuck?” You couldn’t help but grin at his forwardness. He pat his thigh, inviting you to sit. His thighs did look really delicious.
“I don’t even know you”
You shrugged. You weren’t sure if you were second hand high from all the smoke earlier, but the prospect of fucking this hot stranger didn’t seem so bad. You had a stressful day after all.
“Well I’m not sucking your dick on this dirty floor” You established, unzipping your tight skirt. He smirked as the garment dropped to the floor. You made your way into the boy’s lap as his hand immediately found your ass and squeezed.
“A hottie like you has no business in a place like this” He murmured, inhaling your scent as he ran his nose across your jaw. Your hands pressed his chest and you could feel his hard abs behind the fabric of his shirt. You rolled your hips slightly. The boy bit down on your top’s straps, and you watched as he tugged it down to get access to your chest. He ran his lips across every inch of your skin he had access to until he was barely away from kissing your lips.
“I’m Jungkook by the way” He whispered, watching you carefully as you squirmed. He kissed you softly once, testing the waters. He then gnawed at your bottom lip, sucking on it. You let your hands travel up until your were grasping his hair tightly as the kiss deepened. His hands gripped your hips, moving you back and forth on his thigh. He patted your ass, indicating that you get up slightly.
He unzipped his jeans and you watched his cock pop out. He wasn’t the biggest you had seen, but he looked delicious nevertheless. He didn’t bother taking off the rest of his pants as you reached your hand down and began stroking him sensually.
You watched him as he stared down at your hands. You pumped him at a slow pace, letting your thumb roll over his tip. You let him go and brought your palm to his face.
“Lick” His eyes widened but he obeyed. He lapped at your palm until you were satisfied, then returned to stroking his cock.
“Damn okay. You’re a filthy little slut huh” You smirked. Jungkook grabbed your neck, letting his fingers climb up your jaw and tilt your face back. “You like it rough?”
You squeezed his cock extra tight, causing him to loosen his grip before shoving your own fingers in his mouth. He gagged and you grinned. “You couldn’t handle it” You teased. That ignited a spark in Jungkook’s eyes. You retracted your fingers and he pushed his mouth flush against yours, biting at you harshly. You moaned into him as he smacked your ass.
“Get the fuck on my cock right now” He growled. You grinned, more than happy to indulge him. You raised your hips, shifting your panties aside. Jungkook watched as his tip made contact with your moistening folds. He exhaled shakily as you sunk down on him. “Holy fuck…fuck…fuck” He whimpered, holding you tight.
You grabbed the back of his neck, letting your nails dig into him a little. Jungkook raised your hips, watching as his cock emerged in sight, now sticky and covered with your slick. He guided you back down, but you needed more. You slapped his hands away, tightening your grip on his neck, pulling his hair slightly as you began to ride him as fast as you could. You rolled your hips, bouncing yourself on him with as much strength as you could conjure, letting his cock dig deeper and deeper inside you each time. Jungkook cursed loudly, smacking your ass repeatedly as the pleasure began to overwhelm him.
“You love that don’t you” He muttered, letting his fingers trace up and down your back as you continued to ride him. “Pretty little slut, riding my cock like this…thats right baby…”
You could feel your core tighten at his words as your mind urged to go faster, feeling the brink of your pleasure approach. You whined loudly, burying your face into his neck as you pushed your hips to bounce even faster. You felt hot and feverish, the smell of sex overtaking the room. You felt the waistline of Jungkook’s jeans brush against your ass.
You felt a surge of wetness, the realization of how obscene your actions were turning you on beyond reason. You continued to ride the fully clothed stranger beneath you, biting into his neck.
“Fuck you’re hot” He groaned as the friction on his cock became even tighter. “Fucking away on my big cock like a toy. So fucking desperate…fuck…” He suddenly brought his hands to your hair and tugged your head back harshly. Your neck strained and you winced at the pain.
“Ahhh Jungkook” You squealed, enjoying his actions more than you anticipated. He took the opportunity to kiss your breasts over your clothes, latching on and biting at your nipples over the fabric. The stain of his saliva was evident on your top but you didn’t care. He tugged your hair back again, before letting go suddenly so that your head whipped back up.
He leaned back, slapping your thigh, “Come on baby…cum on me…cum on my big cock like the slut you are…want to see how fucking pretty you look when you cum” You felt your legs getting tired but your orgasm was so incredibly close. Junkook slapped you again, giving you the last bit of motivation to thrust down on him with everything you had, pushing you over the edge.
You yelped out, your voice echoing in the abandoned room, pussy leaking all over Jungkook messily. He watched in amazement as your cunt swallowed him in tightly, your hot walls milking him out.
“Fuckkkk yesss. Just like that baby” Jungkook let go of you, letting his hands fall to his sides limply as you continued to ride our your high.
You bounced on him while he sat back and watched you, a big michevious smile plastered on his lips. “Get on your knees” He growled. Forgetting your earlier protest, you slowly raised yourself off of him and dropped to the ground, knees scraping against the dirty concrete floor. Jungkook widened his legs, leaning forward to stroke his cock as he wiggled it in front of you.
He watched as he rolled his tip across your whole face, circling your lips. You stuck your tongue out, letting himself rub up against it. He jerked himself aggressively and the next thing you knew your eyes flew shut as he cried out in pleasure. His hot seed splattering all over your fucked out face.
You were both panting, completely spent and exhausted. Jungkook let his thumb trace your face, spreading his cum
“So pretty” He groaned kissing you, licking up remnants of his own cum from your lips. He cupped your face suddenly, deepening the kiss, pulling you back into his lap. He pushed your hair away from your face and took a look at you.
“Can I get your number?” You asked him softly, suddenly feeling shy after the aggressive display you had just put on for this stranger. You felt him smile against you.
“No” He grinned, patting your cheek, “But trust me, if you want to find me you’ll be able to” He pushed you off of him and finally got up, stretching his arms to crack his shoulders.
You found your skirt and dressed yourself back up. Jungkook suddenly zeroed in on you as you slid on your jacket. His eyes narrowed.
“Who are you really? Where did you get that jacket?” You tilted your head curiously. What was the big deal about your jacket? “Is this a fucking set up?”
“What…no…I?” You suddenly felt a hand around you from behind and a knife pressed up against your neck.
“Don’t move” Through the side of your vision you see a gloved hand pull a gun out. Your blood runs cold. Jungkook raises his arms slowly. “Get back in the fucking chair you piece of shit” The man behind you growled, “You’re not going anywhere till we get our fucking money back”
You clenched your eyes shut, trembling as you heard the gloved man snicker. A gun shot rang out and you screamed, jumping into the man that held you. You slowly opened your eyes and relief flushed you as you saw that Jungkook was not shot.
The look on his face was of pure fear and slowly you felt the body behind you go absolutely cold, dropping to the floor. You turned around and you entire body froze.
Standing right there was Park Jimin. The Park Jimin. Holding a gun.
You dropped to the floor, blacking out completely.
When you woke up the next morning, you found yourself in your own apartment, in your own bed. You rubbed your eyes, not understanding how you ended up here.
You were still in the clothes from last night, but you couldn’t find your jacket. You checked your phone, head pounding in confusion.
Kim Namjoon - 3 missed calls
You sighed. You were going to have to explain to Namjoon why you missed out on watching his fight. You wondered who ended up winning. You decided to google it. Strangely enough, no results came up. Death Valley was listed as a local bar and nothing more.
You arrived at work, head still stinging from earlier. Today was your first day working in the studio. Namjoon met you in the lobby.
“Y/n! Hey!” He walked up to you eagerly, “I couldn’t find you after the” He looked around carefully “after last night, I got a bit…caught up…I’m so sorry. Did you have fun?”
“When were you gonna tell me you were this RM fellow?” You laughed, hitting him playfully. Namjoon grinned eagerly. He was cute, you could tell he was excited to explain.
“Yeah. I do some fighting on the side to make quick money. I actually really wanna be an artist here one day, but I can’t afford any studio time yet.” Namjoon gets a dreamy look in his eyes, “I wanna be a rockstar”.
At that moment, you heard a loud amount of chattering, accompanies with shuttering camera clicks and faint screams. You and Namjoon both turned to see security guiding someone in, pushing away fans and paparazzi. The man who walked in was wearing sunglasses, and had a hat on to remain inconspicuous.
From the other end of the lobby you see Min Yoongi, looking just as amazing, if not more, clipboard in hand, walking towards him. The two men fist bumped and you watched as the man finally removed his sunglasses, handing it to one of the assistants surrounding him.
You chuckled ironically back at Namjoon once you recognized the man, “Like Park Jimin?” Namjoon pursed his lips, glaring at the singer and he followed Min Yoongi towards the studio.
“Yeah. Like Park Jimin”
You were in the studio, playing around with the soundboard before the session began. You giggled as you played back a track and warped the pitch. The studio door swung open.
“Hi! Y/n right?” He reached out to shake your hand. You rose and accepted it politely. “My name is Hoseok, you can call me Hobi. I’m a songwriter and junior producer” He motioned towards the soundboard, and you both took a seat.
“So tell me about yourself! What made you want to get into music production?”
“I’ve always been somewhat of a groupie growing up. I used to be really into a band…” You paused, “Well I guess funny enough I was a big Park Jimin fan back in the day.”
Hobi chuckled, “How interesting. He only recently signed with us. That’s what we’ll be working on today. Although quite honestly I’m a bit worried since he hasn’t worked on music in a while”
You nodded, “Yeah that’s what I thought. I heard he had sort of gone off the deep end, with drugs and all that” You realized you were talking shit about a client, “Um…I mean that’s probably not true”
“No that sounds about right. It happens to young stars so easily. They get caught up in the money, the sex, the drugs…the power” He trailed off. “Get some damn good songs out of it though” You laughed.
“Jimin should be here any second” Hobi looked at his watch.
You leaned back in your chair, embracing the silence and trying to gather yourself. You thought back to the previous evenings events. Was that really Park Jimin’s face you had seen, holding the gun? There was no way. There was absolutely no way.
The universe was really testing you today wasn’t it.
“Hi there!” Your eyes opened to see the big star himself, “Sorry I’m late” He reached a hand out but you simply stared at him, blinking in disbelief. He giggled, “I guess you know who I am…Miss Y/n”
“How do you know my name?” You asked. Jimin sat on the couch behind you and Hobi, prompting the both of you to swing around and face him.
He bit his lip, preventing a smile. “Wouldn’t you like to know” He whispered just loud enough for you to hear. Hobi cleared his throat.
“Alright team.” Hobi reached into his bag and pulled out a bag of weed. “I’ll roll. Let’s make some fucking music”
You honestly had never had so much fun at a job in your whole life. The three of you got higher than a mountaintop before beginning to mess around with instruments. Hobi had a bass in his lap, playing around with some tunes while Jimin was a giggling mess, letting his fingers slide across the synth. You don’t know when you ended up on the couch besides him, letting him show you the chords he played.
Jimin turned to look at you, “Mmm…” His hand slid under your skirt, “Something about a girl stealing your jacket like she stole your heart” He squeezed your thigh. Hobi mumbled in agreement, scribbling something on his notepad. “I want snacks” Jimin pouted, “Hobi can we get food? I bet Y/n is hungry too”
Hobi decided to go drive out and pick up lunch from someplace, leaving you and Jimin alone in the studio. As if there was a light switch, Jimin’s giggles and flirting ceased, replaced instead with a more serious and intimidating aura.
“What do you remember?” He asked sternly. So it really was him.
“I…” You weren’t sure if you should play dumb or not. There was a chance that you had seen him shoot someone. Which would make you a liability to him. What if he shot you too? No. You needed to calm down. Breathe. “I’m sorry?” You feigned innocence.
“Do you remember Jeon Jungkook?”
Jeon Jungkook huh. Okay. “Yes. I hooked up with him, but I don’t remember anything else” Jimin peered at you for a while. You met his gaze right back.
As a student, you had posters of young Park Jimin all over your room. You and your friends would dress up all cute to go to his concerts, saving up from your part time jobs to get front row tickets. Eventually his crew and bandmates began to recognize you all. You’d get invited to gatherings, that’s where you first tried alcohol, you even slept with one of his crew members once. Eventually the phase died out, but here you were, staring into the eyes of your idol.
You felt dizzy. It was too unreal.
Jimin finally exhaled, smiling once again. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a tiny plastic pouch. You could see some white powder in it. You gulped.
“Wanna try?” He winked at you. You nodded slowly, your mind immediately questioning your judgement. You couldn’t exactly think of why doing this was a bad idea. Jimin opened the pouch carefully. He tilted his neck and poured a small line on it. He smirked at you. “Go ahead baby girl. Snort it” You were weak in the knees, trembling. You slowly scooted closer to him, your heart race speeding the close your got. You could smell him, god he smelled like heaven. You shut your eyes and snorted the powder, coughing out immediately. Jimin laughed as you wiped your nose. “Cute. My turn” You tilted your neck but he tutted, “Not there baby girl,” He reached over to your collar. He suddenly yanked down causing a good majority of your buttons to tear off, revealing your chest and the black bra you wore underneath.
“Rightttt hereee” Jimin traced a line down your chest. “Is that okay with you?” He kept his finger planted, hot on your skin.
“Yes” You worried you sounded too eager, but Jimin did not seem to notice. He helped you lay back on the couch. He poured out his line, leaning down from between your legs, using his elbows to hover above you. You tilted your head up, watching as he took a moment to simply stare at your chest. He pushed the fabric of your shirt aside and traced the outline of your bra, making you squirm. You let out a soft moan that did not go unnoticed. Once satisfied, he plugged his nose and snorted the line off of you. He inhaled the drug deeply, shaking his head and grinning widely. He wiped his nose on his sleeve before lowering himself back onto you. He licked a stripe, cleaning up any remaining powder on you. He simply hovered above you for a while, toying with your bra, watching you as he teased his fingers—occasionally slipping them under the pads. He slowly pushed the cups up off of your beasts.
He watched you intensely as he ran his tongue around your nipple. “Do you mind if I do this?” He asked almost in a cooing way, as if you didn’t know exactly what his intentions were. “Can I suck it baby girl?” You nodded dumbly. Jimin’s mouth engulfed your breast, lathering up the flesh with his tongue before releasing it was a pop. He brought his finger to pinch the wet bud, rolling it between his fingers.
“Jimin” You gasped, arching your back as pleasure shot through your veins. Jimin stopped suddenly.
He dragged you off of the couch, pulling you to your feet and pressed you back against the studio wall. The impact caused a few pieces of equipment to tumble over but he didn’t care. He stroked your jaw as he pressed his hardening cock into your stomach. “Do you feel that baby girl?” He snickered, “What are you gonna do about it? Are you gonna be a good girl and take care of daddy?” You whined, nodding quickly, throwing upper arms around his neck to pull yourself closer into him. “You gonna let daddy have his way with you?”
“Yes” Your whole body was shaking in anticipation. Jimin toyed with your waistline until he was able to drag your skirt off. He circled your waist, tightly grabbing your hips before he turns you around. He walks over the the coffee table, where all the weed, notepads, crumpled papers had piled up. He took his arm in one full sweep and cleared the table, not missing a beat as he pulled you harshly so that you fell back on the table. You spread your legs for him as he grabbed your panties and tore them off of your body.
You watched him unbuckle his pants. Jimin got down on his knees and pulled your thighs towards him so that he could shove his face between your legs. You bucked your hips as his nose brushed against your clit. He places soft kisses along your inner thighs and watches as your pussy squelches, desperate to be filled. He pulls his cock out, making his way on top of you. He takes on hand to harshly grab your jaw, turning your face to the side, the other to line his cock up with your entrance.
“C…condom” You whined. You felt his fingers tighten.
“You’re not on birth control?” He asked through gritted teeth. He sinks into you, his arms grabbing your thighs to pull your legs as far apart as he could. You felt your muscles ache and you cried out. “You better get on it, because I’m gonna be fucking you every chance I get. And I don’t wanna pull out next time. You understand baby girl?” You nod, “Say it” He growled, thrusting into you harshly. You yelped as you felt his thickness fill you to the brim, the stretch feeling so incredibly right.
“Yes…daddy” You managed to speak. Jimin stared at you, stilling just a moment before thrusting into you once again.
“I love that fuck…you’re so tight baby girl. Keep talking. Keep telling daddy how much you love it” Jimin pounded into you. You could feel the table underneath you wobble, the vibrations causing chaos around you as more equipment began to fall out of place and make a mess everywhere.
“So good daddy. I want more…” You moaned as Jimin picked up his pace, “More….more…more daddy more” Your face was flushed with heat and your pussy was drenched. You suddenly screamed out as you felt yourself hit your peak, a wave of dizzy ecstasy washing over every nerve in your body. Your pussy throbbed.
“Mmm yes…being such a good little…fuck…little cock sleeve for daddy hm?” The table creaked loudly and Jimin’s movement became harsher. He let his hips rise far enough so that his cock barely slips out before pounding right back into you over and over again.
You suddenly feel yourself falling as the table beneath you breaks. Jimin growls in annoyance, pulling out of you to stand up.
He doesn’t even bother helping you out of the rubble, instead just points at the soundboard. “Bend over. Let me take you from behind” He snapped his fingers. You furrowed your eyebrows. He was acting as if he fucking owned you, and you didn’t like that. You didn’t know why you weren’t resisting him, you usually played rough, but Jimin had you mute and submissive. A part of you hated yourself for it, a part of you loved it.
You leaned over as told, the buttons of the soundboard painfully pressing into your front. Jimin didn’t held as he held your face down. You winced at the pain, and Jimin fit his cock back inside you. He moaned out, clearly enjoying himself. You maybe not so much anymore. You were drooling over the expensive equipment your body getting scratched up all over as Jimin pounded you from behind.
“It hurts…” You whined, your eyes clenched shut to shield contact from the buttons under your face.
“Like I give a fuck” Jimin laughed, nevertheless he pulled out and let you get up off of the soundboard. You rand your fingers over your face, feeling the harsh imprints. Jimin grabbed your shoulders and pushed you down to your knees. “Suck me off baby. I’m almost done” He put his hand in your hair, pushing your face towards his cock. Your mouth opened just in time and you squealed in surprise as Jimin pushed himself deep down your throat. You gagged, but Jimin continued to push your head into him, thrusting into you. He tilted his head back and groaned loudly.
“Fuckkkk….so fucking close…” He muttered, more to himself than anything. He continued pumping your throat, not even noticing the tears running down your face as you found yourself barely able to breathe.
Finally he came, choking your further as his cum shot straight down your throat. It took all of you to not bite down on his dick as he pulled out. He let out a deep sigh and then looked down at you. You realized how pathetic you must have looked just then. In a destroyed studio room , clothes torn, scratched up on the floor in front of him. He grinned.
“Good.” He reached for his wallet and pulled out a black card, handing it to you. You took it reluctantly. “Be ready with protection next time okay?” He glanced around the room, “Tell Hobi I went home, and uh, you better clean this all up”
You scoffed as Jimin pulled his pants back on and headed towards the door.
“You’re just leaving?”
Jimin looked back at you, slight tinge of condescence in his eyes. “Card’s yours. Deal with it” He shrugged, walking out.
You looked at the card he handed you. It was a credit card. You gulped, realizing the implications of his action.
So that’s how it was gonna be then.
Your shirt was ruined, and you had no idea what to do. You decided to sneak into the stylists office to see if there was something you could make use of for the time being. You shield your chest with your arms and carefully crept outside the studio. No one was in the hallway. You quickly made your way down. The stylists office was in sight, and you had almost made it but just as you approached the door the door swung open, and you found yourself crashing straight into the God himself, Min Yoongi.
And you thought your day couldn’t get worse.
“Shit. Sorr—“ Yoongi’s voice fell flat. He noticed your disheveled state and his eyes widened. He took your wrist and pulled you inside. Without saying anything he began unbuttoning his own shirt. You felt your lungs constrict.
He was wearing a t-shirt beneath it, and you couldn’t help but feel slightly disappointed. He pulled the shirt off and handed it to you.
“Wear this” You took the shirt, thanking him and he turned away to give you privacy. What a nice guy. You thought, much contrast to his standoffish vibe you got the first time you saw him. You couldn’t stop ogling at him though, the way his chains looked across his sculpted neck, his intense, gorgeous eyes.
“I…I’m good now” You said. You tried tucking the oversized shirt into your skirt. Yoongi turned back around. “Thank you sir”
“Don’t mention it” He didn’t smile, he didn’t frown. He simply left you there, absolutely flustered.
series navi | masterlist | [ next ]——ᐅ
a/n: will be smut w every member, the beginning has slight jimin emphasis but its an ot7 fic all the way. basically this just sets the background for the gang!au stuff starting in “part “.
why did jimin shoot that guy? why was jungkook afraid of jimin? why is kim namjoon so fricking cute? why was jungkook supposed to drug namjoon? what was taehyung’s phonecall about? stay tuned :)
death valley | masterlist

summary: welcome to death valley. once you’re in, there’s no telling whether you’ll make it out alive. a summer internship turns wild with blurry nights of dangerous men, dirty money, and extremely hot sex. you soon get caught in a savage game of greed, power and obsession, only to find out that you are the grand prize
genre: smut. thriller. yandere. mystery. gang!au rocker!au fightclub!au
pairings: drugdealer!jungkook x reader, rockstar!jimin x reader, producer!yoongi x reader, songwriter!hoseok x reader, officer!seokjin x reader, gangster!taehyung x reader, fighter!namjoon x reader
series warnings: ok this is really meant to be a fun & thrilling sexual adventure for you. think edgy, sexy, hot summer vibes. yandere behaviors & darker stuff (manipulation, coercion) lots of different kinks, power dynamics, & lots of drug/alc use! specific warnings on each part. drug abuse & addiction are very real issues, and this is not a realistic portrayal of those themes. please do not read if this is triggering in any way!
full masterlist | ask box | drabbles: vmin x yn smut | taekook x yn smut
QUICK NAVI: part 0 | part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | finale (lite) | finale (dark) part 11 | part 12 | part 13 | finale | series navi | masterlist |
ᐅ part 0 | smut ft: jimin x reader; jungkook x reader your coworker invites you to a big fight at death valley, a notorious local hotspot. you didn’t think you’d end up witnessing your favorite rockstar shooting someone…and then also have his cock in your mouth the next day
ᐅ part 1 | smut ft: taehyung x reader; hoseok x reader; jimin x reader back again for the rematch, you’re determined to keep namjoon safe. after making love with a stranger who somehow knows your name, your fears become realized, and you get a glimpse of the man who might be behind it all
ᐅ part 2 | smut ft: jungkook x reader; namjoon x reader x hoseok; slight yoongi x reader a wild night of drunk fun at death valley ends up with you getting kidnapped by an unknown person. you find out that you’re in a lot more danger than you initially thought, the question is why–and from who?
ᐅ part 3 | smut ft: jimin x reader; taehyung x reader; namjoon x reader the fear within you grows when you find out truths about the people you thought you knew. a breathless encounter with someone you hate leaves you questioning everything. ending up in the hospital, you remain unaware of the looming danger right besides you
ᐅ part 4 | smut ft: yoongi x reader; jungkook x reader; namjoon x reader jimin is down, your house gets robbed, and all you can do is go to your boss for help. you team up with the only person you still fully trust, only for them to still end up turning on you. broken threats, confusing lies, and so many drugs—you crave the pain that will make it all go away
ᐅ part 5 | smut ft: yoongi x reader, taehyung x reader falling in love is dangerous, but even more so when the guy you’re falling for might be the most dangerous man out there. you and jin get locked away and try to put the puzzle pieces together, but nothing adds up and you’re left dazed and confused. jimin needs to find you, and he’s willing to go to any extent to do so, even if it means starting a full on gang war.
ᐅ part 6 | smut ft: jin x reader, jimin x reader with yoongi holding you hostage, you find out just how big of a role he plays. it doesn’t help when jimin decides to take your relationship public. and when it seems like things can’t get any worse, well…it does
ᐅ part 7 | smut ft: hobi x reader, jin x reader, yoongi x reader yoongi has now placed his life in your hands, a burden which you have only just begun to realize. new allies get made, and old flames get rekindled. the big night has arrived, and its sure to end with a bang.
ᐅ part 8 | smut ft: jin x reader, slight taehyung x reader, jungkook x reader secrets spilled over shots of tequila, a wild night of fire and snow, loyalty gets put to the ultimate test. you thought you knew what was coming, but even you weren’t ready for this.
ᐅ part 9 | smut ft: yoongi x reader, jungkook x reader, jimin x reader, jin x reader there’s nothing quite like the exhilarating high of torture. believing in the ones you trust most may prove fatal once again. the thrill of fame, power and love tempt you. welcome to the chase.
ᐅ part 10 | smut ft: yoongi x reader, namjoon x reader, jimin x reader all eyes are on you, and there seems to be no way out. tired of being manipulated and used, you seek to find your own answers. but the truth may only bring more pain that the comfort of lies you knew.
**ALTERNATE ENDING** ᐅ finale (light version) | smut ft: namjoon x reader, yoongi x reader, taehyung x reader only you have the power to bring down death valley, the question is, are you going to? when heartbreaking secrets get revealed, you decide you’re tired of being a puppet and take matters into your own hands.
death valley finale (dark version)
there are two paths you can take after part 10. the finale (light version) allows more creative freedom in how the story ends. in the finale (dark version) au, events in that ending will leave off at the end of part 10
ᐅ part 11 | smut ft: namjoon x reader, yoongi x reader, slight taehyung x reader the dead man turns out alive, taking you back to the place it all began. you learn that your fantasy man exists only in your dreams, and the reality of the monster you call your lover is more horrid than you imagined. regretful choices lead to impulsive decisions. you find yourself slipping away, eager to latch on to any sense of power you can
ᐅ part 12 | smut ft: jungkook x reader, jin x reader jimin is nowhere to be found, and you realize the full extent that your lover is willing to go to keep you in his grasp. guilt turns to loyalty for a last shot at redemption. and the sweet taste of fame makes even the best men delusional. now it’s your move, will you be a queen or simply another pawn in this wretched game?
ᐅ part 13 | smut ft: - jimin x reader, namjoon x reader, jin x reader lost in a haze, your eyes flutter shut while death looms at the door. amongst the hot flames of lust lies selfish men tying loose ends. while reeling betrayal sinks deep into your heart, you’re saved by the one man whos been with you from the start
ᐅ finale | smut ft: namjoon x reader, jimin x reader it's hard to tell if people can change if you never truly knew them in the first place. taehyung's betrayal forces you to reflect on your relationship, while namjoon makes a final play for your heart
drabbles: vmin x yn smut | taekook x yn smut
death valley (m) | part 1

summary: welcome to death valley. once you’re in, there’s no telling whether you’ll make it out alive. a summer internship turns wild with blurry nights of dangerous men, dirty money, and extremely hot sex. you soon get caught in a savage game of greed, power and obsession, only to find out that you are the grand prize
I wanna see your animal side. Let it all out. I wanna see the dirt under your skin. Need your broken promises.
pairing: ot7 x reader smut ft: stranger!taehyung x reader, songwriter!hobi x reader, rockstar!jimin x reader
genre: smut, mystery, gang!au, rockstar!au, fightclub!au, eventual yandere
wordcount: 7.8k
warnings: explicit & multiple smut scenes, rough sex (hair pulling, light smacking, scratching, spitting, etc), toxic behavior, power dynamics, heavy drug abuse, penetrative sex, exhibitionism, gunshots (sounds, no one gets shot), traumatic themes, mentions of police, blackmail, degradation, whiny/horny reader, tittie fuck, oral sex (f and m receiving), 69ing, implied prostitution, every yoongi moment seems like its fresh out of a kdrama lol dom!jimin, switch!taehyung, dom!hobi, switch!reader
(disclaimer) this is a completely fictional. this is not an accurate or realistic portrayal & it does glamorize drugs but i do not condone these behaviors. please read with caution!
part 0 | part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | finale (lite) | finale (dark) part 11 | part 12 | part 13 | series navi | masterlist |
You hear the bass pounding through the speaker system at Jimin’s penthouse apartment. It was exactly what you would expect from a young star like him. Posters of famous artists classily displayed in a neat row across the wall, records on display, awards and guitars pretty much everywhere. On the table were empty bottles, crumbled up wads of rolling paper, pills of various shapes and sizes.
Next to it was a sleek white couch where you find yourself, gripping onto the backrest tightly, your skirt lifted and panties down at your wobbling knees, barely able to hold yourself up.
You bit back a smile at how easily you could tell Jimin was a guitarist. The callouses on his fingers were a dead giveaway as they molded the skin of your ass. You felt his throbbing, hot cockhead against you every now and then, causing your legs to spread even more in anticipation.
You hear him spit into his hand before then cupping your core, painfully dragging two fingers down your folds. He pulled your sides open and watched the glistening mess that decorated your cunt. The next thing you knew his cock was pushing into you. He was not slow, not caring as you winced at the sudden intrusion. You heard him let out a low groan, harshly jerking your hips back so that he could fit in as far as possible.
Jimin had demanded you start taking birth control, giving you his black card to keep & pay for expenses. You thought it was kind of funny, he was hellbent that you two had protection but did not want to use a condom no matter what. Hypocrite. You thought to yourself.
“Pussy so fucking tight SHIT” He pounded into you, moving your hips back as he flexed his forward, watching the way your breasts were bouncing under you at the impact. One of his hands snuck up to grab the back of your neck, holding himself steady while the other reached out to grab his joint.
You rolled your eyes, pussy clenching as you waited for him to take a hit. You were glad that he only ever took you from behind now. Looking into those shot eyes would have just made you feel pathetic.
He never kissed you. He never touched you with any care at all. You honestly weren’t even sure why you kept showing up. At first it had been exciting. Park Jimin wanted to hook up with you. But you didn’t realize just how horny this guy was. By now you’d done him in more places than you’d ever care to admit.
He cursed out as he came inside you, a feeling you were still trying to get used to. Not a virgin in the slightest, you had always made them pull out. Then again, usually you were calling the shots. But not here. Not with the famous rockstar Park Jimin. He pulls out and smacks your ass one last time, causing you to collapse into the couch.
“How do you still feel so damn good baby girl?” He chuckles, watching you weakly try to compose yourself. He tosses a few pills at you. “Try this”
You failed to catch them and they landed across your lap. You shook your head. “I’m good thanks” Jimin pulled his sweatpants back on.
“Just try it. They’re painkillers. You’ll feel amazing” You snorted in amusement. You could see the irritation in his reddened eyes. He ran a hand through his hair and scoffed, looking away from you momentarily. “The fuck you think you are saying no to me huh? Take the damn pills slut”
“Painkillers my ass” You fixed yourself up quickly, grabbing your purse and trying to make way for the exit. Jimin grabbed your wrist tightly before you could leave.
“Wait...take this...it’s windy out” He threw something towards your face. You caught it, realizing it was his leather jacket. You simply dropped it onto the floor flipping him off in the process.
“Wouldn’t be caught dead wearing anything of yours” You said scornfully. Jimin opened his mouth to retaliate but you were already gone.
As you closed the door behind you, you let out a heavy sigh. At times you couldn’t believe you used to idolize this guy so much. Sure he was dripping sex, but you had never met someone whos personality was so spoilt and bratty. Even at work, you dreaded the days where Jimin would come in to record. He would always be so condescending, acting like everyone else knew absolutely nothing about music.
You asked Hobi, the assistant producer and head songwriter working on his album, if you could be reassigned to a different project. When Jimin heard, he hadn’t taken it well at all. He stormed the hallway and made it to the conference room where you and your colleague Namjoon were eating lunch.
He didn’t spare a glance at Namjoon, just snapped his fingers at you and motioned for you to come outside. Once he had you to himself, he went off.
“Why’d you move projects?”
“Because you’re an asshole and I don’t want to work with you. Why do you even care?”
Jimin cracked his knuckles, “Bitch” He gritted angrily, “You have a lot of fucking audacity complaining about me like that. What do you think huh? You think your fucking company is gonna protect you from me?”
“And why shouldn’t she think that?” You spun around to see the head producer, Min Yoongi, holding his clipboard as always as he walked towards the two of you. Ever since the day you had joined the company, you had been absolutely starstruck by Min Yoongi. He was just so...you couldn’t even put a finger on it.
Seeing him made your whole body tremble in excitement. When he looked at you with those pretty eyes of his, you would feel breathless. He always looked insanely hot at work, wearing a partially unbuttoned dress shirt with his fucking jewelry, chains, rings and earrings that you thought were the hottest things ever. You could tell that behind those silk shirts there was a tattoo on his back, one you could only dream of seeing when you pleased yourself at night. He did not give a single fuck about anything, it was so blatantly clear. He was an enigma, and you were obsessed.
He stood front of you, glaring at Jimin. “Do we have a problem here?”
Jimin laughed darkly, shaking his head and cursing under his breath before walking away from the scene. Yoongi turned to you.
“You okay?” He was a man of few words, this was honestly the most of a reaction you had ever seen from him. It had you riled up. You gulped and nodded. Seeing your response, he simply left you there.
That’s how it always went. He’d always just leave you. Speechless. Unable to breathe or comprehend anything.
You returned to the conference room where your fellow intern Namjoon have you a curious look. You shook it off, indicating that it wasn’t worth explaining.
“You coming to Death Valley tonight?” Namjoon asked.
Death Valley. You shuddered thinking about the last time you had visited that grunge hotspot. It would be far too soon if you ever stepped foot in there again.
“I have a rematch with Jin” He twirled the straw in his drink, watching as the ice cubes sloshed around. “I’d love it if you’d come watch” He smiled. He was goddamn adorable, you couldn’t even say no. “I invited Hobi too, so you won’t be by yourself this time”
You gave him a fake smile, remembering darkly how very much not alone you had been at your first fight. The sound of the gunshot so close to you still had you waking up in a cold sweat. You had no idea what you had gotten yourself into, when you found a certain Jeon Jungkook tied up. You had no idea what to do with the knowledge you acquired that night- that there was some big betting and game fixing going on. Someone really needed Namjoon to loose, and clearly was willing to go to many lengths to make that happen.
As you watched your friendly coworker go onto explain how he had been preparing for the fight, you couldn’t help the way your heart clenched with worry. You couldn’t let anything happen to him. He was too pure. He didn’t deserve to get caught up and hurt because of some illegal shit that had nothing to do with either of you.
Jeon Jungkook. He would have the answers. He would be able to explain what all you had seen. Trust me, if you want to find me you’ll be able to. The strange blue-haired hottie’s words came back to you. The fuck does that even mean?
"Hey do you know someone named Jeon Jungkook?” You asked Namjoon, interrupting his story. It was worth a shot. His eyes dilated with familiarity.
“Jungkook? Yeah! He’s my dealer” Namjoon said it as if it was the most normal thing in the world, “Really nice kid. Fucking ripped too. Surprised he doesn’t fight to be honest. Why? Buying something from him?”
You pursed your lips, pushing your phone towards him, “Can you give me his phone number?”
Namjoon raised his eyebrows, “He doesn’t keep one consistent phone...cuz you know...dealing...but I have his burner’s number yeah”
Jungkook had been surprised to receive your call, begging him to not mess with Namjoon’s fight. “Jesus Y/n, I didn’t do anything last time and I won’t this time either chill the fuck out”
You felt a surge of relief, “Thank you thank you thank you”
He chuckled softly over the speaker, “Will you be coming out to watch?” pausing momentarily before adding “I’d...love to see you again for a bit if you are” You could somehow hear him blush, imagining his adorable face, making you grin. You licked your lips...you missed that little brat and his big cock.
“Yeah, I’ll be there”
Death Valley. You honestly didn’t know if you would come out alive once you stepped inside. The music was comforting, and the crowd was energetic, but you found yourself feeling nothing but dread as you walked into the edgy dive bar.
You took a deep breath as you went to the back hall, knowing that behind the door fresh air was nonexistent and whatever would happen would probably be absolutely mind numbingly insane. You were scared shitless, but the thrill in your veins pushed you to open the door.
The chanting gave you goosebumps. You didn’t know how much time was left before the fight would start, and you needed to know that Namjoon was going to be safe. You pushed through the crowd, searching for the door to the back rooms. You felt dizzy as you found yourself turning in circles, lost in the sea of people.
You felt a soft hand on your waist.
“Jacket girl!” You turned to find yourself face to face with Taehyung. The crowd pushed back so that Taehyung had you pressed up against him. He steadied his balance on you. You made a face. You didn’t have a good reason not to like this guy, he had been decent enough to you, but somehow you just got a bad vibe.
He didn’t seem high at all, his eyes intense but sober. No cigarette, nothing. “Looking for Jungkook?” You felt the hairs on your neck stand. You looked around, hoping to get a glimpse of his blue highlights but he was nowhere to be found.
“What time did he say he would meet you?” Taehyung inquired helpfully, noticing your unease.
“He didn’t really say a time...” You muttered, checking your phone. You dialed his number but his phone came up turned off. “Fuck”
Suddenly the echoes of booming cheers seemed to shake through the walls. Taehyung grinned, “Looks like the fight started” His eyes flashed at you and you immediately felt like something was seriously off, “Jungkook might be running late. Wanna just go watch? He’ll call you when he gets here I’m sure”
You gulped. You wanted to see Jungkook, for Namjoon’s sake but also, for your own sake. You had dolled up just for him, taking a little extra care in selecting your underwear. You pouted slightly realizing that your efforts would be going to waste.
“Come on jacket girl. Let’s go have some fun” Taehyung winked at you. The noise was suffocatingly loud. You subconsciously gripped Taehyung’s sleeve to ensure you didn’t lose him as he lead you towards the balcony. There were no open seats, but Taehyung walked up to a few people and whispered something. You watched as they became petrified and quickly scurried off, leaving a good amount of room for you and him to watch the fight. Someone behind him offered him a cigarette which he declined.
“You don’t smoke?” You asked him, focusing your attention to the ring where Namjoon and Jin were circling each other, not quite doing much yet.
“Nah not really” He chuckled, tilting his head in amusement, “But I might if a pretty girl asked me too”
Finally Jin dove in for a punch, and you pursed your lips, mentally cheering Namjoon on as he dodged the hit.
“Aw, you think I’m pretty? Gee thanks haven’t heard that one before”
“Can I ask you something jacket girl?” He leaned close to you, and you could feel his hot breath on your cheeks. You hummed in agreement, “What’s your name?”
Jin landed a harsh blow, sending Namjoon flying into the restraints. Namjoon jumped back up and ran towards Jin, but Jin quickly dodged him, catching him in a headlock and pushing him onto the floor.
You smirked, meeting Taehyung’s flirty eyes briefly, “Why?”
He licked his lips, “I wanna know who’s name I’m gonna be moaning in about” Taehyung pretended to check his watch. You couldn’t help but notice the expensive piece-- it made you wonder what exactly Taehyung must do for a living. “Five minutes” His breath was hot against your ears, sending shivers down your spine.
He suddenly grasped your wrist and pulled you to the back of the arena, behind the backs of the rowdy crowd. He harshly pressed you up against a wall, and you clenched your eyes shut as he brought his mouth to yours, moaning into you. His movements desperate, like he had been holding himself back. It was refreshing to taste him. Unlike Jimin and Jungkook who tasted bitter because of their smoked out lips, Taehyung was a refreshing minty flavor. You inhaled him more, enjoying the normalcy of the feeling. It was almost humbling.
He cupped your face, kissing you sensually as your bodies rolled against one another, matching the rhythms of the pounding heard from the arena. His tongue slid across your bottom lip, and he looked almost dazed, his eyes fluttering shut as he savored your taste.
“Taehyung” You panted, reaching down to fiddle with the waistline of his pants, “Fuck take this off” You whispered. You felt his lips curl into a smile as he continued to place chaste kisses to your swelling lips.
There was very little light where you were, far behind the large light poles that shone down on the crowd. No one was looking, and the noise was far too loud for anyone to hear you, but the clear view of people right out in the open had your thighs trembling with excitement.
“Relax. We’ve got all the time in the world” You noticed Taehyung check his watch before refocusing onto his kisses. You clenched your eyes shut, face heating from the sound of your lips smacking against him, as your tongues messily wrestled each other.
To your surprise he slowly dropped to his knees. “Is this okay?” He barely let his finger reach for your jeans zipper. You internally screamed in excitement, knowing that at least someone was going to see the lingerie you had on, even if it wasn’t the guy you were hoping for.
“Eating a girl out first. Consent. Damn is it my fucking birthday” You joked. Taehyung smiled softly, tugging your pants down and kissing your exposed skin as it revealed itself. His eyes were shut, lips wet and burning as they trailed down until he reached your knees.
You watched in amusement as he opened his eyes, immediately shocked at what was in front of him. You had a sleek little cage garter over a black thong. Nothing too fancy, but Taehyung was almost drooling. He stumbled back momentarily.
“Wow” He whispered under his breath, “All this for a fucking street rat like Jungkook” You squinted at his statement, but decided not to question it. He traced the garter with his fingers before kissing your thighs.
You ran a hand through his hair, grabbing a fistful and moaning out as he tugged off the garter belt with his teeth and then your thong with it. He shifted himself so that his hands gripped the back of your knees, pushing your legs apart as you leaned back onto the cold concrete wall.
“Taehyung” You whined. “If you’re gonna do it just do it fuck” You jerked your hips, his teasing getting far too overwhelming for you.
“Relax baby...wanna savor this” He groaned, his deep voice vibrating into you, causing your pussy to leak even more. You tugged his hair impatiently.
Taehyung played along, working his tongue into your heat. He let the tip of his tongue glide agonizingly slow, before looking dead into your eyes as he curled his tongue in, lapping you up like a puppy. Your mouth parted, mesmerized by his eyes beneath you. It was such a power trip, you felt adrenaline rush through you as you stroked his hair affectionately.
He pursed his lips, kissing your sweet cunt before jutting his tongue back inside you. He bobbed his head as he rolled his tongue around, savoring your juices, stretching you out.
You felt your legs tremble as he picked up his pace, drinking you for everything you were worth. His grip tightened on your knees and you squealed, tilting your head back.
He stopped, moving his kisses up to your stomach, pushing up the fabric of your top as he slowly got up. He pulled it off, revealing the equally tantalizing bra you had on. He whined at the sight.
“Holy shitttt” His hands grabbed at you like you were a present waiting to be unwrapped. He practically tore the garment off of you, leaving you completely naked.
“You’re a fucking goddess” He mumbled softly, nipping at your breasts. You tugged on his shirt and he raised his arms, allowing you to pull it off of him. You ran your hands all over his chest, feeling his toned muscles and soft, scorching hot skin. You let your nails drag along his back as you wrapped your arms around him. He squeezed your ass, grinding into you slightly. You felt his plump erection painfully resisting the fabric of his jeans as he rutted into you.
It occurred to you that all it would take was one person turning around to catch you both at any moment. Maybe a crowd would gather. Maybe they would start filming you. Just stand around and watch you whine like a bitch as Taehyung did with you as he pleased. Fuck. You trembled, feeling flush all over at the prospect.
He groped your ass sensually, kissing your neck all over while you whimpered, letting soft little moans fill the space. You reached down to unbutton his pants, and he smirked at your desperation.
“You ready?” He whispered, looking at you darkly, “You want my cock huh?” He clicked his tongue, almost laughing at you. His change in demeanor gave you goosebumps as he yanked his pants down slightly and flipped you around, pressing your arms above your head with one had, allowing the other stroke his freed length. You pouted, wishing you could have seen how big it was, but you felt it soon enough.
He slapped his rigid cock against your ass a few times before lining it up with your soaked lips.
He pushed into you, and your eyes almost bulged. He seemed never ending as his thickness continued to push further and further into you. You screamed out, clenching your fists above your head and digging your nails into yourself to try to numb the pain. He took his free hand to clench your breast, rolling your nubs between his fingers softly as he began to move.
He let his cock drag out of your core all the way. Your eyes were shut, focused on the almost dizzying sensation of him. He then thrusted back into you harshly and you yelped out. He repeated this, setting a rhythm to his movements before burying his face into the side of your neck.
“So fucking pretty like this” He whispered, hot lips pressed against your ears, sending waves of electric heat through your body as he continued to steadily thrust into you. “God you’re so tight babe. So fucking tight.”
He kissed your cheek, nipping you slightly, making you giggle. His face was so incredibly close to yours, it was weirdly intimate. Almost as if he was making love to you. You let his fingers slide between yours as he continued to hold your hands above you, enjoying the feeling of his hand grasping yours with such care but desperation.
He released your breast to snake his other hand down to rub your clit, pushing his finger in light circles to try to get you writhing under him. He tugged on your ear with the edge of his teeth, “You’re gonna cum aren’t you..fuck I can tell. Getting so fucking drenched for me. God you’re so hot Y/n. So fucking hot”
You were so fucked out you couldn’t even think. You were a moaning mess at this point. Taehyung was hammering into you, his size still stinging but the sensation overwhelmed you to the point where it didn’t matter.
“Taehyung. Taehyung” You groaned incoherently, face pressing against the wall. His face was right next to you now, cheek pressed up against you. Your bodies were hot, sweating. It was filthy. Out in the open fucking like dogs. He sucked on your neck, hitting a place that had you unraveling at the seams. You screamed out, orgasm suffocating you in pleasure.
“Fuck yes. Right there...r..right there yeah just like that” Your pussy dripped all over Taehyung, tightening down hard on him as he continued to push in and out of you.
Taehyung exhaled, feeling your cunt almost sucking on him. “That’s it baby cum all over me” He thrusted harshly, kissing your neck, “You’re so fucking wet” He gasped feeling his cock twitch, “So perfect for me fuck” You were so tight around him he was falling apart, “Mm gonna cum” He thrusted again voice panicking as he lost control of himself “Holy shit. I’m gonna cum. I’m gonna cum Y/n, fuck” He pulled out quickly, cumming all over your ass.
He collapsed onto your back, hugging you to him tightly. He kissed your back a few more times, lingering slightly before letting you go. He grabs your clothes off of the ground, handing them to you politely.
He checks his watch again, and sighs in relief. As he pulls his jeans back up, you can’t help but notice a slight shine coming from something sticking out of his back pocket. Does he have...
Suddenly the lights go out. You hear a symphony of shocked cries. Taehyung reaches out for you quickly. You heard gun shots in the far distance and the two of your crouch down. “Fuck” You heard Taehyung mumble.
Your heart is racing. Taehyung quickly pulls you with him, finding a door and pushing you through. The panicked crowd begins to guide themselves out the main exit through their screen lights. Namjoon. Is Namjoon okay? You could no longer see the ring. You heard a click and watched as Taehyung kissed your forehead one final time. He looked angry.
“Sorry. I gotta go. Get to the back room” He gulped, “Fast” You nodded, watching as he took off, the item you had seen no longer in his pocket.
You tried to steady your breathing, turning your phone’s flashlight on to be safe. You closed your eyes, trying to replay the pleasure you felt just minutes earlier. Suddenly your blood ran cold.
You never told Taehyung your name. But he...he had moaned it. Hadn’t he?
You quickly dialed the only safe number you could think of, pressing the phone to your ear as your wrist trembled in fear.
“Hobi? Where are you?” Your voice was trembling. “W...what was that noise?? Where’s Namjoon? I’m scared Hobi”
“Hey...” Hobi’s voice was soothing and calm. You blinked your tears, “Sssh. It’s okay. Namjoon is fine. Stay put okay, it’ll be over soon. I’ll find you”
“Are you with him?” Your heart was racing.
“No. But no one got hurt Y/n I promise, it was just a warning. Stupid gangs trying to scare each other. Just stay put” You gulped.
“O...okay. Thanks”
“Don’t cry. Everything’s okay. You’re okay” You hung up.
Taehyung had a gun. Taehyung knew your name this whole time. Taehyung knew you were here to see Jungkook. Jungkook wasn’t here. You shivered in discomfort.
You reached into your purse, where you had stashed a few of Jimin’s pills for a rainy day. You picked out one that looked the least intimidating and inspected it carefully. Not the most educated about your drugs, you internally prayed that it was some kind of sedative, swallowing it.
Within minutes you found yourself feeling bolder. You gathered your things, carefully maneuvering back into the main arena. You crouched down, climbing the steps on all fours, ignoring the rough dust that met your palms.
You hear voices, but you can’t quite decipher what’s being said. You slowly open the door, careful not to draw any attention to yourself and slip through silently.
You squint in the darkness towards the arena. It was still pitch dark, but your eyes immediately were drawn to a flashlight in the ring.
Your heart dropped. Laying out on the ground with a foot pressed down against their face was Namjoon. You could see his eyes clenched shut and his body was trembling. You wanted to scream for help but then you saw a gun in the hand of whoever was holding the flashlight.
You couldn’t see their face, but you could tell it was a man. They said nothing, simply tilted Namjoon’s chin with their foot and laughed sinisterly. You winced as you watched the foot stepped on his neck. You could hear Namjoon cry out in pain. The man retracted his foot then, seeming satisfied.
The flashlight seemed to move away towards the exit. You held your breath, waiting till you heard the close of the door. You were breathing heavily, unsure if it was the pill you took or how scared you were. You could hear Namjoon whimpering and it broke your heart.
You finally garnered the courage to turn your flashlight on. You carefully try to find the way down to the ring, keeping an ear out for any intruders.
“Namjoon!” Once he’s well in sight you run towards him, dropping to your knees by his side. His face was beat up and bruised. He had blood trickling down his forehead. “Oh my god Namjoon”
“Y/n!?” You heard another voice and froze. You turned, shining your flashlight around until you landed on Hobi. You sighed with relief, wiping your tears.
“Hobi. Fuck, he’s hurt. We gotta help him.” Hobi nodded and made his way to you guys. In the meanwhile you grabbed some band aids from your bag. Won’t do much but it’ll stop the bleeding. You leaned over him to set a bandaid onto his cut face. You let your thumbs lightly apply pressure and Namjoon grunted in pain. “Namjoon, can you move?” He shook his head. You took a careful look at his eyes. They were absolutely blown out. He’s on something. Something bad.
“Hobi!” You cried out as he arrived. Hobi clicked his tongue seeing Namjoon’s state. He carefully wrapped his arms under Namjoon’s to lift him up.
“Fuck...he’s heavy...help me” Hobi grunted, motioning for you to grab his legs. You both carefully walked him out of the arena, up the stairs back to the main Death Valley bar. It was completely empty. Everyone was gone.
“Do you think they locked it?” You whispered.
“Why are you whispering?” Hobi joked, trying to lighten up the mood, “No. I doubt it. Here, go open the door and I’ll carry him on my back”
The two of you set Namjoon down on one of the booth tables. Hobi somehow maneuvered Namjoon’s limp body onto his back. You opened the door--luckily it was unlocked. You led Hobi to your car and helped him drag Namjoon into the backseat.
The two of you panted as Namjoon appeared to be completely knocked out. You shut the car door and leaned against it, sliding down your back until you were sitting on the road. You buried your face into your hands and began to cry.
“Hey. Hey!” Hobi knelt down besides you. He hesitated slightly before patting your shoulder affectionately. “He’s gonna be okay. We can take him to the hospital”
“No we fucking can’t.” You mumbled, “He’s high...and I’m guessing this fight was not legal by any means” Hobi sighed.
“Then let’s take him to his house. I can stay with him tonight to make sure he’s okay.”
You nodded, allowing Hobi to help you up. Before you could go around to the drivers seat he pulled you into a hug. He was tall enough that he could rest his head on top of yours, comforting you while stroking your back.
“You’re okay. Everything’s okay. Hm?” He looked down at you expectantly. You sighed and nodded. Everything is really not okay. But sure.
You sat in the drivers seat, trying to focus on your breathing, gathering yourself before you began to drive. Hobi hopped in besides you. He set his hand on your knee and squeezed affectionately.
You looked at him. His eyes seemed so kind. So normal. He was just a friendly coworker. Someone you enjoyed making music with. Someone who wasn’t caught up in this God awful place.
You suddenly felt a need to tell him everything.
You drove, Hobi guiding you with directions to Namjoon’s home. He played some nice soothing acoustic tracks that he knew you’d like. Something to take the edge off. Not much conversation was exchanged but Hobi kept a secure hand on your knee as you drove.
You arrived at the address, helping Hobi pick Namjoon up again. It had begun to rain heavily. Thunder growled in the distance giving you shivers. The two of your trudged through the puddled ground to get to Namjoon’s door, grabbing his keyes from his pocket to open his door. Hobi let Namjoon fall off of him and onto his couch. He exhaled, evidently exhausted. It must have been past midnight, you were both extremely tired, wet, and decently traumatized.
Hobi rummaged Namjoon’s fridge and found a bottle of water, tossing it your way. You thanked him, not realizing how dehydrated you had become. He watched you gulp it down, some spilling from the edge of your lips down your dripping neck. You wiped your mouth with your sleeve.
“You good to get home in this weather?” Hobi asked, taking a seat at Namjoon’s kitchen island. “You can stick around till it dies down. Storms usually pass around here”
You nodded, standing quietly as you watched Namjoon sleep. His face was bruised, lips crusted with blood. You had no idea what horrible things might be flowing through his veins. You didn’t even know if he would wake up. You were petrified. Could you have stopped this? Is this your fault?
The house was eerily silent. “Hobi” You whispered, trying to blink back tears.
“Yeah? What’s up, is everything okay?”
“I’m just...I’m really really worried about Namjoon.” And you spilled. You broke down in front of your colleague shamelessly. You no longer cared if you would look pathetic or not, you cried. You told him about Jimin, about Taehyung, about everything. About what you had heard before the first fight, about seeing Jimin shoot someone. The only thing you didn’t tell him was about the sex. All the sex, but especially your unwarranted coworkers-with-benefits situation with Jimin. If you could even call it that. You weren’t even sure what to label it as, but regardless Hobi could not know.
By the time you finished you were sobbing into Hobi’s chest and he held you tightly. He pressed his lips down on the top of your head, trying to comfort you in whatever way he could.
“I’m...I’m scared Hobi” You could feel his breath against you. He hummed softly, trying to calm you down, wiping away your tears with his thumbs.
“Ssshhh...Let’s get you dried up and then we can talk it out okay? I’m sure Namjoon wont mind if we borrow some clothes” Hobi looked at you with a cheerful smiled, stroking your back kindly. You appreciated him so much.
The two of you found some pajamas in Namjoon’s room. Hobi went to go look for towels so you began to change your clothes. You peeled off your drenched jeans first, kicking them off your legs, before moving onto your top. The garter was pressing into your skin uncomfortably. You quickly threw on Namjoon’s shirt before sitting down on his bed to remove the garter.
Right then you hear a soft thud, looking up to see a flushed Hobi who had just dropped the towels he found. The both of you froze momentarily. You decided to quickly finish what you were doing before it became awkward, unaware of the clear view Hobi had of your underwear as you pulled the garter off and threw it aside.
“So sorry I should’ve knocked” Hobi clumsily picked up the towels, tossing one to you so you could wipe yourself down.
“No worries, I’m dressed” You tried to appear casual, tried not to notice the slight bulge in his boxers.
“Yeah but...um. Okay” He cleared his throat and sat down next to you, leaving a generous amount of space.“I’m going to tell you some stuff that...is gonna be a bit hard to believe okay”
“Hobi I think after tonight nothing can shock me” You joked bitterly.
He smiled and you giggled. “I’ll start with Park Jimin. Jimin isn’t just a singer. You know how we were talking about he got into drugs and stuff?” You nodded slowly, “Yeah it’s actually a lot worse than just that. He’s in a gang.”
You blinked. Park Jimin? In a gang?
“All these years he hasn’t been making music…he got involved with a lot of really bad people. But...he’s a clever guy I’ll give him that. He’s got a lot of new power in the trafficking scene. People know him as more than just an artist around places like this”
“But...” Hobi paused, considering his phrasing, “I think...him and whoever the fuck he works with are not allowed to sell here. Death Valley, a lot of people buy and use drugs there obviously. But there’s a different, much...more established gang that runs around here. I’m not sure the details but, Death Valley is owned by them. All the fights, parties, anything that happens in that building is run by them. Jimin’s not supposed to trespass” Was that why everyone was flipping out about your jacket? Hobi thought deeply for a moment, “My guess is that he was the one you heard yelling at Jungkook.”
“But Jimin shot the guy who was gonna shoot...wait so who drugged Namjoon? It could have been Jungkook. He was supposed to meet me but he didn’t...maybe they got to him...” You pondered for a while.
“Honestly Y/n...this really isn’t something worth worrying about. It’s Namjoon’s choice to be a part of these fights. If there is game fixing going on, that’s really not something we can control, we just have to hope for the best. It’s too dangerous. There’s a lot of money involved in fights. Like...a lot”
You sighed. He was right. Why were you bothering yourself with all this. You needed to focus on work. You came here to make music and be around the culture you had grown up to love. This was all just noise.
“I promise Death Valley is fun besides all that. Just stay away from the fights”
You smiled and nodded. He pinched your nose playfully. “I hope you feel better. That was a lot to get off of your chest” Hobi asked you to wait as he went back to Namjoon’s kitchen to grab something. He returned with a small bong and a lighter. He raised his eyebrows to you, gesturing to ask if you wanted any. You nodded.
Hobi got to work, grinding up some weed. You watched his carefully as he took the first hit. He exhaled slowly before handing you the contraption. You mimicked his actions, feeling the familiar burn through your chest.
It didn’t take too long for the two of you to become a giggling mess, already out of your mind from exhaustion. You rolled over the bed playfully, shirt riding up to your hips as your legs stretched across the expanse of the mattress. You gave Hobi with a goofy smile and saw his jaw stiffen as his gaze shifted from his playful nature to something much more intense.
“Hobi” You muttered, grinning, “I bet you have a really big cock” Hobi’s breath hitched, face going red at your suggestion. He tried to stop himself from looking down at your bare legs, or the tiny little thong you had on under your shirt, now on display. But he was only human.
He subconsciously dragged his fingers up and down your thigh making you hum in pleasure.
You were desperate to be touched. The burden of the evening weighing too much for you. You didn’t want to think. And Hobi. Hobi was perfect. He was so sweet, and normal, and just so incredibly sane.
You let out a moan, his minstrations overwhelming your clouded senses. You looked at him with pleading eyes, allowing yourself to notice how fucking hot he was. His jawline could cut through your soul and his hair was still slightly wet, making him that much hotter.
“Please touch me” You whined, spreading your legs.
Hobi’s eyes were quivering, he almost couldn’t believe the situation. You pouted, rolling on top of him and setting yourself onto his lap like a child. “Y/n...” He panted. “W...we can’t. We work together”
“God Hobi you look so hot right now please” You bounced up and down, throwing a tantrum, knowing fully well that you were riling him up. The sharp tent of his cock hitting as you rolled your hips teasingly. You threw your arms around his neck, his finding your lower back in response. He blinked at you incredulously.
“We’re literally in Namjoon’s bed” Hobi argued. You pouted even more, continuing to bounce playfully in his lap, enjoying the way you could feel him getting hard, the friction giving momentary relief to your craving. His heart clenched at how cute you were being.
“So?” You let go to pull your shirt up to show him your bra. His eyes widened as he looked down at your chest. “Don’t you wanna play with these?” You teased, wiggling your chest slightly before releasing the fabric back over your body and watching Hobi blush like crazy.
"No...this isn’t right. You’re high, I don’t wanna take advantage of you. Plus you could get fired if someone finds out and..”
“So you don’t want me?” You gave him a slightly hurt look, shifting your weight on his lap so that you pressed up against his bulge as much as possible. You slid a hand under his shirt, up the expanse of his chest. “You don’t wanna see my tits? I’d let you do whatever you want to them.” You shifted again, making Hobi groan under his breath. “You could fuck them. You don’t want that? You don’t want to fuck my tits?”
Hobi’s mouth was dry. You took his hand and slid it under your shirt until you felt his large palms over your heaving breast. You watched as Hobi began to breathe heavily, trembling slightly.
“I want that” You continued to taunt him. You leaned in so that his hand pressed up against your breast and your mouth was right by his ear, “I wanna take my tits and push them onto your big” You palmed his bulge, “throbbing cock.”
Hobi let out a strangled moan, watching you with parted lips as you continued to rub your hand over his crotch.
“I wanna be such a good girl for you. Wanna do everything you want” You tugged down his boxers and watched his dick spring up. He was completely erect, cock flushed and veiny. You couldn’t stop yourself from bending down and licking the leaking tip, keeping your eyes glued to his. “Wanna be a whore for you”
Hobi gulped. “F...fuck Y/n. That feels so fucking good” You began to stroke his length, spitting into your hand so that you could lather him up nicely. He gasped as you squeezed him, pumping him slowly.
You pulled your shirt off, pushing your chest to Hobi’s mouth so that he could snap off your bra with his teeth. “Holy shit” He was absolutely breathless as he saw your naked chest. You groped your own breasts, allowing your hands to push them together and make them bulge out.
You lowered yourself onto him, face burying into his pelvis. You moaned as you felt his long cock glide up the valley of your chest, sending a hot spark through you at the touch. You kissed his skin as you began to push your breasts up and down on his length.
His hand found your face, pushing your hair behind your ears as you desperately pleased him. He licked his lips as lust slowly plagued over reason. He suddenly grabbed your jaw and pushed you off him, onto your back, making his way on top of you.
“You wanna be a whore for me huh?” His eyes were dark now, sending shivers through you, “Then be a fucking whore” He pressed your head down onto the mattress, lowering down onto you so he could shove his cock into your mouth from above. You gagged instantly as he ruthlessly fucked your mouth.
“That’s righttt. Look at you. Nasty little thing” He cooed at you, shoving his cock further and further down your throat, “So fucking desperate for cock. Can’t even fucking stop yourself”
He rolled off of you so he could switch sides, crawling over you to your trembling cunt. He yanked off your thong before spitting down onto your pussy. You moaned. He was so filthy and you loved it.
“Keep sucking my cock baby” He growled as he lowered himself down and began to lick your slick arousal. You whimpered around his thick cock as you felt him push his tongue deep inside you.
“Feels...good” You tried to speak but your mouth was too stuffed to be coherent. Hobi pulled out and rolled over, tangling in the sheets as he switched positions again. He dragged your body up to his so that you were on top of him with your back pressed against his chest.
He guided your hips, watching with intense focus as his cock entered you, lowering you down onto his lap. Once you were settled with his cock deep inside you he began to bite down on your neck.
“What are you gonna say at work tomorrow hm? What are you gonna tell everyone when they ask who gave you all these hickeys? You gonna tell them what a fucking slut you are? Throwing yourself at me like this huh?” You whined as he cupped your jaw and tilted your head back onto his shoulder. He thrusted his hips up into you and you winced at the force.
“Go ahead. Fuck yourself onto me like a desperate cock hungry whore” You did as told, rising up slightly before pushing yourself back down on him, hands gripping the sheets tightly for support. You cried out as his cock hit every crevice of you. You felt so full, so incredible. You sped up unknowingly causing Hobi to moan out loudly.
His hands moved to your bouncing tits, pinching your nipples as you continued to ride him.
“You like that?” He growled into your neck. You nodded dumbly. “Mmm yeah I fucking bet you do.” The next time you came down on him he gripped your hips tightly holding you down deep on his cock. You feel it pulsing inside your walls as he pushes you down onto your chest.
“Look at that fucking ass” He pulls out briefly and wraps his hand around his cock, letting the tip trace your pronounced curves. You wiggle slightly, trying to entice him and he notices. He slaps his cock against you. “So goddamn needy”
“You’d really let me do anything to you huh” He pushed inside you again, rolling his hips against your ass. “Use you however I like. God, fuck, Y/n if I had known I would’ve fucked you the second we met”
He thrusted furiously, grabbing the ends of your hair and yanking it back like a reign. You screamed out in pain. He continued to push his hips against you, the feeling of him sliding against your walls so fast causing you to clench down desperately.
“Im gonna...OW” Hobi tugged your hair as you spoke, “gonna cum”
“Of course you are. You’re fucking loving this aren’t you. You’re so fucking wet, your pussy is slobbering all over me. Look at the mess you’ve made.” He clicked his tongue before leaning into your ear, “What’s Namjoon gonna say huh when he sees how you’ve leaked onto his bed like this” He taunted you. “Needy little girl, getting so turned on by me pounding into you like a fucking toy”
“Fuck Hobi holy shit” You cried out, his hurtful words making your pussy gush out as you came harder than ever. You could feel Hobi moan as he bites down on your shoulder, trying to muffle his pleasure as he continues to thrust into you wildly.
“God you’re so hot” He whines, and the next thing you know he’s shooting his hot cum deep inside you. “Fuck!” He pulls out quickly. “Shit I’m so sorry I didn’t think I was gonna...” You giggled, rolling over to see his concerned face, such a contrast to how he was just seconds ago.
“It’s okay. I’m protected” You spread your legs and reached a finger down, gathering some of his cum and bringing it to your lips. You look Hobi dead in the eye as you lick it off like candy.
“You’re just begging to be fucked again aren’t you” He dove back down and kissed you, his fingers finding your stuffed cunt and plugging inside. You twitch as you feel his rough fingers invade you, still sensitive from your last orgasm. You pussy clenches desperately as he adds another finger, pumping you furiously into another high.
You cried out as you came. The look in Hobi’s dark eyes sending you over the edge. His plush lips, he was so fucking sexy. You screamed his name as your whole body twitched, arching your back high up in the air. “Hobi...holy fuck baby just like that” You murmured, slightly embarrassed that you making so much noise. After finger-fucking you through it, Hobi rolled onto your side and kisses your cheek.
You sigh in satisfaction, scissoring your legs to ease the tingling aftershocks of your orgasm, letting sleep finally take you.
If Jungkook didn’t drug Namjoon, then the person who wanted to do it probably just did it. That person wanted Jin to win. Jimin shot the guy that was threatening Jungkook so that means Jimin was protecting Namjoon from whoever was backing Jin. But Jungkook didn’t meet you. They might’ve gotten to him then. They might have threatened him again, so maybe he did drug Namjoon. He is the dealer. Namjoon trusts him. It’s possible...
These were the thoughts running through your mind as you arrived at work the next morning. You were surprised to see Namjoon. Still looking beat up, you noticed a general shift in his demeanor. He wasn’t acting cute anymore. He didn’t flash those dimples you loved every five seconds anymore. He was pouty, jaw taught, grumbling away to himself.
As you sat in the studio with him, working on the computer while he messed around on the soundboard, the two of you exchanged no words. He seemed completely out of it still. You wondered if whatever he had been drugged with had worn off.
Hobi finally walked in. “Morning guys” Namjoon seemed to cheer up slightly upon seeing Hobi.
“There’s gonna be an open mic concert next week at Death Valley” Namjoon said eagerly. You groaned. Hobi chuckled at your reaction. “The three of us should go. It’ll be fun. Low stakes. I haven’t actually hung out with you two yet”
He had a point, but you were tired of that fucking place.
“I’m in. Sounds fun!” Hobi winked at you. You pouted. You wanted to jump his bones and fuck the shit out of him so bad. Getting him wasted at Death Valley seemed to be a good way going about it, but you were still scared. It’s just a concert. Not a fight. No guns.
“Y/n?” Namjoon asked hopefully. You sighed. At least it wasn’t tonight. You had some time to recover.
“Sure, why not” You muttered. Namjoon grinned. There were those dimples again. You couldn’t help but smile slightly.
“I’ll have Jungkook bring us something insane. We can go wild” He licked his lips, “God I can’t wait.” He began to tap his foot rapidly. You exchanged a glance with Hobi.
“Oh by the way, Y/n, Jimin said wants to see you after work. He wanted feedback on something” You gave Hobi a look but he simply put his hands up in defense. “Don’t kill the messenger” He smiled before leaving. Once he left Namjoon growled.
“Park fucking Jimin” He sneered, clenching his fists.
“What about him?”
“He made me lose”
You already knew that it was a booty call. You left the office and drove straight to Jimin’s. You were fucking done with him, especially now that you knew the truth about him.
If he really was the man you had seen placing his foot on Namjoon...you shuddered. You were disgusted by him.
Jimin opened the door for you and you shoved past him before he could say a word.
“Damn you PMSing or something” He scoffed. You were so ready to kick his balls.
“What the fuck do you want?”
He sat at his table, and you noticed the lines of powder on the table. Jimin rolled a few dollar bills and snorted one up. He tapped the floor with his foot, gesturing you to sit by him. “Come suck daddy’s cock.”
You reached into your purse and grabbed his credit card, throwing it at him with all your strength. You missed him by a long shot, making him laugh, but you didn’t give a fuck. “I’m done with you.”
Jimin laughed even harder. He almost sounded evil. You clenched your fists.
“I want out. I don’t want or need your fucking money. I hate having sex with you. You’re an asshole and you better fucking leave me alone or”
“Or what baby girl?” Jimin taunted, standing up. “Go tell Yoongi? Think Yoongi’s gonna fucking save the day or some shit. Please be my fucking guest.” He grabbed his phone and tapped away for a bit before handing it to you. “Say a word to anyone, and I’d be happy to show Yoongi and just about the whole damn world this”
Your mouth went dry. It was the security footage of you sucking Jimin off in the studio.
“You know...you’re not supposed to fuck people you work with hmm” He harshly grabbed your jaw, pushing the card back into your awe struck mouth. You bit down, which just made him laugh more. “Want you to enjoy this too baby. I really do. I can give you whatever you want, you just tell daddy what you need mmkay? But don’t make me fucking angry. You have no idea what I’m capable of.” You chuckled darkly. You definitely had some idea. You took the card and slid it back into your purse.
“Go to hell” You kicked his shin, walking over to the table and grabbing the keys to his car.
“Go ahead and throw your tantrums, just be ready to fuck when I see you next” Jimin called after you, a faint bitterness in his voice.
You were furious, not skipping a moment to get in Jimin’s sleek convertible and set off onto the road. Your foot pressed down on the gas until it was the pedal flattened. Your knuckles clenched, gripping the wheel so tightly you could’ve pulled it clean off.
You loved the thrill of driving fast. It allowed you to feel control. Control that Jimin made you loose. You had the power and that’s how it should be.
Unlucky for you, a sharp turn resulted in you finding yourself walking through the county precinct. It wasn’t a big accident, you had gone off the highway and had to get towed. Driving a car for which you were not on the insurance, you had to come in.
You were simply waiting around for paperwork. You looked around at all the busy bodies. You wondered if any of these cops knew even half of the shit that went on in this town.
You sat on your phone in the lobby, looking up every now and then as people walked past you, hoping that someone would simply bring you what you needed so that you could get your car back.
"Great catching up with you man!” You heard some voices.
“Yeah, you too Jin. Stay safe out there” You froze. Jin. Like, JIN Jin?
You looked up and sure enough, the broad movie star-looking boy from the fight was there in the flesh. You looked around to see if anyone else was as shocked as you were, and no one was. He fist bumped an officer, and your eyes widened as you saw him slide a badge into his pocket.
Kim Seokjin is a fucking cop? You stared at him. Unsure what to do. It wasn’t likely he had seen your face...hopefully.
Jin glanced your way, giving you a charming smile and winked.
“Hey Y/n”
ᐊ——[ previous ] series navi | masterlist | [ next ]——ᐅ
a/n: thank you for reading <3 i really hope you liked this.. its become the bane of my existence lol. jin and yoongi will have their moment but theres stuff BUILDING rn so just...ride with it. you will fuck everyone multiple times in various ways dw ;)
do you think it was jimin who you saw at the fight, kicking our precious joonie? could it have been someone else? taehyung???? do you think jungkook drugged joon? who do you think might be yandere? let me know what you think, drop by asks & have an amazing day! <3
taglist: @imluckybitches @gee-nee @missseoulite @hcneybees @kooookie @queenmasterxx @crustycaitlin @virgo-and-libra @un2-verse @winter-melontea @equivocacies
death valley (m) | part 2

summary: welcome to death valley. once you’re in, there’s no telling whether you’ll make it out alive. a summer internship turns wild with blurry nights of dangerous men, dirty money, and extremely hot sex. you soon get caught in a savage game of greed, power and obsession, only to find out that you are the grand prize
Oh there you go, undress to impress. You can wear the crown but you’re no princess
pairing: ot7 x reader smut ft: drugdealer!jungkook x reader; songwriter!hobi x reader x coworker!namjoon; brief producer!yoongi x reader
genre: smut, slight yandere (building), thriller, gang!au, rockstar!au, fightclub!au,
wordcount: 7.7k
warnings: multiple and explicit smut scenes, rough sex (hair pulling, slight biting-spanking-spitting, manhandling, etc), oral sex (f & m), praise, kidnapping, subtle yandere themes, exhibitionism, threesome, daddy kink, a noncon kiss on the cheek, traumatic themes, crying/fear, wet dream, begging, degradation (use of terms: slut, whore, etc), restraints/handcuffs (in dream), intoxicated sex, fainting, swearing, heavy drug and alcohol abuse, yoongi is just...the absolute sweetest, switch(but mostly sub in this part)!reader, dom!hobi, sub!namjoon, dom!jungkook
(disclaimer) this is a completely fictional. this is not an accurate or realistic portrayal & it does glamorize drugs but i do not condone these behaviors. please read with caution!
part 0 | part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | finale (lite) | finale (dark) part 11 | part 12 | part 13 | series navi | masterlist |
Kim Seokjin? The same guy who beat Namjoon up so horribly…was a cop?
It was all you could think about as you drove back to Jimin’s to return his car. What you did not expect was to see a familiar blue haired boy exiting the complex as you rolled into the parking lot.
He met your eyes--first with surprsie, but immediately replaced with guilt. He approached you as you finished parking. You lowered your window, regarding him with spite.
“Jungkook” You hissed.
“Oh hey” He leaned against the door, peering in at you. You noticed him tugging at his sleeves nervously. “What are you doing here?” He seemed a bit flustered, looking around sporadically as if he was almost hiding from someone.
“I stole Jimin’s car. Needed to drop it off”
“Really?” He chuckled lightly before clearing his throat, “Listen I wanted to apologize for not showing up the other d--”
“Did you give Namjoon drugs before the fight?” You asked bluntly. You watched him freeze up, stuttering to find a response. “Wow. You did. You told me you wouldn’t but you did didn’t you?” Jungkook’s expression turned bitter.
“Don’t fucking act like I’m the bad guy. I did it to protect you okay. You don’t even..” He scoffed, “You have no idea what they would have done”
“Protect me from what? Don’t bullshit me you did it for money didn’t you? You fucking liar. Did you even see the state Joon was in after? He fucking trusts you, you’re his friend”
“I didn’t have a choice!” Jungkook screeched, annoyed at your belittling. “He was gonna kill me and he was gonna kill you too. He found out you were coming to meet me”
“Who? Taehyung?” Jungkook gave you a curious look.
“Huh? Taehyung? No not Taehyung...I didn’t even know Taehyung was at the fight” Jungkook opened your car door, leaning in to get a better look at you. But how did Taehyung know you were there to see him then? “You need a ride home right?” You nodded. Jungkook brought out his keys from his back pocket, clicking them so his car beeped. You looked towards the noise to see a black truck parked not too far. “Come on.”
The drive was quiet. You gave him directions to your building, and upon arriving you noticed that his jaw was taught and eyes raging with a mix of anger and fear.
“Why the fuck would you live here? Do you...” He stopped himself again. You couldn’t help but notice how careful he was being with his words. “This is a really shady area. Didn’t you do any research before moving here?”
“There weren’t many options honestly. It was the only place available I could afford. It’s nice enough” Jungkook frowned slightly but didn’t push it. You invited him inside for coffee in exchange for the ride.
Jungkook sat at your kitchen island, watching you with great interest as you prepared drinks. As you poured the coffee, something came over him. You looked so pure. So innocent. He couldn’t help himself. Jungkook came up behind you, placing his hands gently on your hips.
You felt his lips press against the back of your head. You loved how warm he felt, numbing the pulsing fear that was building in your chest. He began to kiss your neck softly.
“Sorry. I’m just so fucking glad you’re okay” His breath was hot against your collar bone, making your whole face heat up. You gripped the counter, eye fluttering shut as you savored his touch. “I really really wanted to see you again”
“Oh I bet” You turned to face him, bodies still pressed together. “Still remember how whiny you were” Jungkook rolled his eyes.
“I still remember how much you fucking loved it”
It was all it took for the sexual tension to come crashing down. You pulled Jungkook by his shirt towards you, lips finding each other like magnets. He moaned right away as his hands grabbed your ass and lifted you onto the counter top, coffee spilling into the sink. He was starving for you, kissing you desperately, like he missed you--he did miss you--he was trying to chase a feeling and groaned in frustration when he couldn’t quite find it.
“Holy fuck, Jungkook” You pulled back to breathe, noticing his blushed cheeks, panting heavily as his eyes blinked at you with pure infatuation. He swiftly pulled off his shirt, revealing his tight muscles, arms covered in intricate tattoos all the way to his fingers. Without thinking your hands trailed over his markings with interest. Jungkook smiled.
“Like what you see?” He then pulled down your shorts and panties and watched them drop to the floor. He licked a stripe up your thighs, hands sliding under your shirt as he found your breasts. You could feel him smile against your tingling skin as you squirmed beneath him. “So fucking sensitive aren’t you baby” He slowly ran his soft fingers over your nipples, circling them teasingly as his nose brushed against your cunt.
“Stop teasing me dammit” You whined, bucking you hips up as he pinched you. Your body felt hot all over, and Jungkook watched with interest at the way your heat seemed to be calling out for him through the soft squelching of you clamping down.
“Shhh...patience baby” You could feel his breath against your folds, driving you wild at the unsatisfying stimulation. He spit out, allowing his saliva to glide into your gaping pussy before shoving his tongue into you. He flattened his tongue, running it up to your clit and sucking harshly.
Heat soared through your body and you twitched as he rolled his tongue in, drinking you up deliciously. He opened his mouth wide, allowing his tongue to pump even further inside of you. You could feel his thick, plush lips against you--only adding to the amazing sensation.
His fingers left your nipples, opting instead to clutch around your breasts. Your hand grabbed a fist full of his hair, tugging his face further into you as you strained your neck to try and get a better look at him, but Jungkook pressed his hands down on you, making sure you didn’t get up.
His tongue jutted into you, flickering around your core harshly, searching for a place that would drive you wild. When he found it, you cried out, shoving his face down as much as you could.
Jungkook laughed slightly, taking care to slowly lick away at that spot, rolling his tongue oh so slightly as he watched you close your eyes and bite your lip--barely able to contain your gasps of pleasure.
His mouth moved across your splayed out body, pushing your top so it piled over your breasts as he began to kiss them. His wet pillowy lips teased you with pleasure before he sucked harshly, letting his teeth graze against your sensitive mounds. He hopped up onto the counter so he could climb over you, kicking his sweats off in the meanwhile.
“Fuck, I’ve been craving you so fucking bad” His hands found yours, fingers intertwining as he pushed your arms out to your sides. He lowered his face until it was inches from yours and grinned. You licked your lips, signaling Jungkook to engulf you in another sloppy kiss. Your mouths were barely even on each other as your tongues fought for dominance, messy moans and whimpers mixing with the sound of your drenched folds rubbing just barely against Jungkook’s hardening cock. He let your hands go to bring them behind your head as he deepened the kiss, yours wrapping around his neck in response.
“Ready baby? Ready for my big fucking cock” He tugged you hair back harshly making you wince in pain as he propped himself up and lined his cock up with your entrance. With one quick and heavy stride he thrust deep into you, pulling your head back even further as his thick cock pushed its way through.
“There it is. So tight and warm for me fuck, pussy takes me in so fucking well” He thrusted again with so much force he barely was moving his cock. He was just digging further and further into you making you scream out in a mix of pain and pleasure. Your hands traced his back muscles as he tried to soothe you with light kisses to your neck, but you couldn’t help crying out with every single one of his short thrusts. His hair was sweaty, strands falling over his face and brushing against yours.
He propped himself up fully then, bringing his hands to your neck and gripping it tightly as his thrusts continued. You choked out as Jungkook tilted his head back in pleasure. You couldn’t help but notice his double pierced earrings, which turned you on so much you fell apart.
You moaned out as your orgasm shook through you, pussy messily leaking onto Jungkook’s cock. He groaned at the way you tightened around him, causing him to curse loudly and quicken his pace.
He released your neck, allowing you to gasp for air as he took your legs and pushed them forward, allowing him to pump you at a deeper angle. He let his fingers run over your lips before shoving two of them down your throat and making you gag on them.
He pulled out, rolling onto his back as he felt himself reaching his own high. His hand furiously pumped his cock which looked like it was ready to burst. You moved onto your side and began to kiss his neck, helping him on.
“Come on baby. Cum for me. So close baby” You cooed at him. He looked deep into your eyes as his hands continued moving rapidly. “You’re doing so good baby...come on” He began to whimper and you grinned. “Such a needy baby aren’t you Jungkook. Hm?” You cupped his face and kissed him again. You felt him bite down on your lip harshly, muffling a cry as his hot seed splattered over his stomach.
Jungkook parted from you, sighing deeply as his arms wrapped around you and pulled you close. His cum spreading all over. He nuzzled your neck affectionately “Let me stay over. Just to make sure you’re safe for a few nights”
Your eyes widened, but you saw how pleading his expression was. “Why do you not think I’d be safe?”
“Because you living here means they know where you are. And I swear to god if they laid a finger on you I...I don’t know if I could handle it. Please baby"
“Who Jungkook? Who are you talking about?”
“I...” He looked away, “I don’t know. But he’s dangerous”
When the morning came, Jungkook was sprawled out on the other side of your bed. He looked so peaceful that you didn’t have the heart to wake him up. Tonight was the night Namjoon wanted you guys to go out. Back to fucking Death Valley.
You had been dreading it, but after the events of the last few days you really needed a distraction. Hobi had conveniently avoided being alone with you ever since the two of you hooked up. It drove you crazy. He was acting so incredibly normal, as if nothing happened. But you wanted him.
Namjoon greeted you when you arrived at work, sitting in the conference room, scribbling away on his notepad. He was still not quite his usual self. You told him you ran into Jungkook and that he was going to be staying with you for a while. “He says I’m not safe there”
Namjoon clicked his pen absentmindedly, “Wait where did you say you lived?”
You told him, explaining again that you really didn’t have any other options, and watched his eyes go wide. “Uh yeah that’s not the best place to live. Lot of um...dangerous activity” He searched something on his phone. “Y/n, there are so many better apartment listings, what do you even mean?”
“I dunno. When I moved here it seemed like everything else had been rented out” You shrugged.
Hobi entered the studio with assignments. He looked great, wearing a large oversized bowling shirt over cargo shorts. It showed just enough of his chest. “Morning guys! Excited to see you all tonight. Y/n, you’ll be working with Joon again while I handle the...”
“Actually do you mind if I talk to you privately outside” Stop fucking avoiding me. You thought bitterly. Hobi’s face fell slightly. You went into the hallway, expecting him to follow. When you had him alone, he plastered on a forced smile.
"Did you need something?” You wanted to laugh at how clearly fake he was being, trying to act like his usual cheery self.
“Are we just not going to talk about that night?” The facade dropped. Hobi sighed, running a hand through his hair as he thought deeply about how to respond to you.
“We were buzzed. It’s not professional Y/n. Let’s just forget it happened”
“But I” You began to protest, but Hobi brought up his hand for you to stop.
“End of discussion. Work relationships are not allowed here. I’m sorry” His eyes scanned your figure, a look of regret flashed across his face as he quickly turned around and left.
Sitting in the dive bar itself was something you had yet to do, but you found yourself enjoying the ambiance. The music was perfect, not too loud as Namjoon began blabbering away about his music next to you on the circular leather seats of your booth. Sure, you were also glad to finally spend some time out of the office with Namjoon that didn’t involve him almost dying. But you were here for one reason and one reason alone. To get back in bed with Hobi.
Unfortunately, he was numb to your obvious advances, brushing you off as a tease as you’d find reasons to touch him, lean against him or play with his hair. Finally you gave up with a pout, downing a shot before refocusing your attention onto Namjoon. If Hobi didn’t want you, you were more than happy to show him what he was missing.
“Joonie...” You murmured, leaning into him. “Do a shot with me” Namjoon pinched your cheek affectionately and agreed. You poured a shot of tequila for him, lining up salt on your forearm and sitting ready for him with a lime wedge in your mouth.
Namjoon downed the bitter liquid and you couldn’t help but twitch at the feeling of his tongue gliding seamlessly up your arm before his lips were on yours, taking the wedge from you.
Hobi’s jaw clenched slightly as he watched the two of you play. Namjoon returned the favor, but you took it a step further, sliding into his lap so you could have easier access to the lime in his mouth. Lingering by his lips a bit too long for Hobi’s liking.
“Jungkook suggested these for tonight” Namjoon brought out a few pills, laying them on the table. “I only got a little bit, but he said it would be fun. If we wanna do more we can just go to your place after and hang too, I’m sure he has stuff with him”
Hobi’s head turned fast, he raised his eyebrows incredulously “What?”
“Yeah” You said nonchalantly, “Jungkook is staying at my place for a while.” You shrugged it off like it was no big deal but it was obvious that Hobi was pissed. Namjoon quickly popped the pill.
“Will you feed one to me Joonie?” You stuck your tongue out. Namjoon grinned and gave you the pill, watching as your tongue curled in.
“You’re such a little flirt aren’t you” Namjoon nuzzled your neck, not crossing any lines as his hands remained on your back. You giggled, his soft hair tickling you slightly, “And you smell so damn good” He muttered soft enough so only you could hear it.
Hobi watched as you began whispering into Namjoon’s ear. He couldn’t hear what the two of you were saying but seeing you curled up into him like that had him fuming inside. He grabbed the tequila bottle and took a long swig from it before slamming it back onto the table. Both you and Namjoon turned around.
Hobi leaned across the booth to pull you off of Namjoon’s lap and into his. He didn’t even care about the way Namjoon’s eyes widened as he clenched your ass.
“Hi daddy” You smirked, tracing lines up his chest. He jerked you forward so that you were sitting right where he wanted to feel you.
“Stop teasing me.” He growled. He smacked you ass harshly.
“You’re the one being a tease” You snapped right back. “Come on I know you want to.” You traced your finger down his chest, biting your lip slightly. Hobi watched you with dark eyes as you pulled at his shirt playfully before getting off of him and climbing onto the table.
An upbeat song played through the room, and Hobi watched wide-eyes as you stood up on the table and began to sensually sway your hips. You let your hips drop low, making sure to bend your ass out in front of Namjoon as Hobi began fuming. Namjoon took another swig of his drink and raised his eyebrows at you.
“Joonie” You cooed, getting on the table on all fours and crawling towards him. “Kiss me” You curled your finger, motioning for him to come to you. Like a mesmerized puppy he did as told, finding your lips slowly. You could sense his uncertainty. You deepened the kiss, allowing your tongue to push through his mouth. You maneuvered until you were back in his lap, and for a moment you forgot that Hobi was even there. Namjoon tasted bitter but so incredibly sweet at the same time. As his hands began running down your thighs you couldn’t help but moan into him lightly.
Hobi gritted his teeth, jaw clenched to the point where he could just burst. He got up and dragged you off of Namjoon harshly, giving you whiplash as your ass landed harshly onto the seat. Hobi dropped to his knees and yanked off your bottoms. Without any warning he spread your legs wide open to see that you were getting wet.
“Who is this for huh?” Hobi growled looking up at you. His eyes were enraged, you almost felt scared but you were too turned on by the situation to care. He turned to Namjoon who was startled and unsure of what to do. “You see this Joon?” Namjoon nodded slowly “This is for me. Got that?” He nodded again, gulping. Hobi’s eyes softened slightly, “Do you wanna taste? Wanna see how yummy her pretty pussy is?” Namjoon looked at you for permission and you nodded furiously.
He slowly lowered himself onto the floor next to Hobi, taking your thigh into his hand to spread you out further.
“God just look at that” Hobi licked his lips, taking his fingers to loosely run up and down your folds, showing Namjoon how wet you were by sloshing around. Hobi gathered your arousal onto his finger and brought it to Namjoon’s lips “Go ahead. Taste” Namjoon opened his mouth, and you watched as he licked off Hobi’s finger. “Do you like it?” He nodded. “Good. Eat her out. I’m gonna go get some real action” Hobi slid back into his seat next to you and his hands quickly slid under your shirt. He brought his face in close to you, nibbling your jaw between kisses. “Aww fuck baby girl, you love this don’t you. Little attention whore aren’t you hm?”
Namjoon’s tongue ran slowly over your clit and Hobi’s warm hand covered both your breasts. Every fiber of your being felt so incredibly stimulated. You were a heaving mess.
“Hobi” You whined, pulling his face towards yours to kiss him harshly. He could feel the way you craved him in your kiss, as you eagerly tried to rile him up, letting your kisses get sloppier by the second.
“Get on the table” He mumbled. “Sit pretty for me yeah?” You did, spreading your legs for him as you leaned back slightly. Namjoon got up, your juices trickling down his lips. He wiped his mouth with his sleeve, and the smirk he left after had you shivering in anticipation.
“What do you think Joon?” Hobi grinned, palming your raw cunt soothingly, “She ready for some cock?” Namjoon didn’t miss a beat, he unbuttoned his pants, allowing his cock to slide out. He stroked himself lazily as he gazed at you. You stared right back at him, enjoying the way his face was blushed red as he jacked off.
“Hurts” He mumbled. You pouted at him empathetically.
“Oh you poor thing” You reached out to stroke his cock, watching him let out a shaky moan at your touch. “Want me to kiss it better baby?” Namjoon nodded and you heard Hobi chuckle in amusement. You opened your mouth wide, softly tugging his cock so he knew to come towards you. Namjoon inserted his girthy length in your mouth and your tongue rolled over his thick skin, savoring the salty bitterness. You hollowed your cheeks as you began to move your mouth up and down, sucking him relentlessly.
In the meanwhile, Hobi had pulled out his own cock and pulled your hips to the edge of the table. He slapped his cock against your pussy as you choked on Namjoon. You could feel the warm throbbing head push against your sensitive folds, causing you to squirm with a desire for more. Your pussy clenched on nothing, causing more arousal to seep out onto his cock.
You choked on Namjoon’s dick as Hobi sunk into you, pulling your hips in close as Namjoon’s cock went further down your throat. You gagged incessently, causing Namjoon to pull out with concern. Hobi began fucking you harshly, thrusting into you with no remorse whatsoever. “Fucking whore can’t even suck cock right?” He scoffed at you playfully, “You really gonna leave him hanging after all he did for you?”
You shook your head dumbly, "Come back baby let me suck you good” Namjoon cursed softly as you pulled him back into your mouth, taking your time to let your tongue wrap around every crevice of his girthy cock. You let your hands snake up his thighs, allowing you to fondle him and stroke him while you bobbed your head back and forth, keeping your eyes glued to his, which was the thing that had him falling apart the most.
“You’re so...pretty” Namjoon exhaled. He was high but you could see the sincerety in his eyes as if he just had some sort of epiphany. It made you want to suck him even faster, giving this adorable boy all the pleasure in the world like he fucking deserved.
Hobi noticed you diverge your attention, glaring darkly at the way Namjoon was looking at you. He pulled out and grabbed your hair, pulling you off of Namjoon’s dick, saliva stringing from your lips.
He made you look straight at him as he brought his face to yours “You made your point okay. Your mine now you got that?” He growled, shoving you back on the table. Your head hit the glass surface painfully and you felt dizzy. Hobi flipped you over and gripped your ass firmly, letting his nails dig into your plump skin.
“Hit her” He ordered Namjoon, who gave him an uncomfortable look. “Don’t you like her cute ass? Hit it. Hit the bitch like she fucking deserves. Be a fucking man” You could hear the genuine anger in Hobi’s voice, and it was turning you off.
“I...I’m good. You go ahead if you want” Namjoon said softly, spacing out slightly as he watched the scene unfold. Hobi laughed bitterly, leaning over you so his chest pressed against your back.
“You see that baby girl? I know how you like it, and I’m the only one who can fucking give it to you good, you understand?”
“Yes--” You muttered, wincing as Hobi smacked your ass again harshly. You crooned at the stinging aftermath.
“Yes?” Hobi bit your ear and tugged it harshly. “Don’t you know how to address me by now baby girl?”
Smack. “Yes daddy.” You squealed. Hobi hummed in satisfaction.
“That’s right baby. Don’t you fucking forget it” He shoved his cock back inside you, filling you to the brim. “Fucking slut. Letting me fuck you like this out in the open. Anyone can just see what a whore you are for me. But you love that don’t you huh? You wanna show everybody just how goddamn much you want daddy’s cock isn’t that right baby?” He began to move, thrusting into you quickly as his cock began twitching inside you. “I asked you a fucking question” He snapped, pushing your face down onto the table.
“Yes daddy” You cried out “I love it. I love your cock daddy, need it...” You sighed out as your felt yourself edging on the cusp of your orgasm. As rough as he was, he was right. You loved the way Hobi fucked you. “Please cum in me daddy, want your cum.”
Hobi sucked at your jaw “I know baby. All you ever fucking want is daddy’s cum, I know that. I know you want me to pump you so full of it, fuck my cum into you like the cockslut whore you are. All for me, and only me”
“Yes daddy. Only you. I promise” With that, Hobi came like a flood, bursting his load deep inside you. You whined, losing your own orgasm as he finished just slightly too soon. Before getting off of you, he grabbed the bottle of liquior and turned your face, pouring the alcohol into your mouth. You chocked as the liquid filled your throat, and he stopped, allowing you to gulp it down.
You felt it hit you right away, finding yourself unable to move as Hobi got off of you.
“Go ahead Namjoon. Fuck her” Hobi fixed his pants back up. You couldn’t see--your vision began to blur as you felt Namjoon lean down to your face.
“Y/n? Are you okay? Is it too much?” His words were slurred. You smiled at him lazily, nodding despite your inability to comprehend what he was even asking you. You were so tired.
The glass started to burn against you as you felt yourself moving back and forth against it. Where were you? You giggled, eyes drooping shut. You heard your name being called. Was it in pleasure or concern? Who knows. You faint.
Your head pounds with pain as you wake up. The first thing you notice is that you cant see anything--it’s absolutely dark. There was something covering your eyes. You tried to reach for it and take it off but a rough sensation at your wrists holds you back and you realize they are tied together behind you over some sort of railing.
“Hello?” You panicked. “Namjoon!? Hobi?!” You tried to tug yourself out of the restraints but they wouldnt budge. You could still feel the weary after effects of the pills you took, everything seemed slow and you mind was freaking out at the lack of light, losing any sense of coherent reality.
“I’m here y/n” Your heart flooded with relief as you heard Hobi’s familiar voice echo through the room, “Don’t worry you’re gonna be okay, just calm down”
“I’m here too” You heard Namjoon’s voice. He sounded like he was much closer to you, only a few feet away. “What the fuck is going on?” He growled and you hear him trying to break the ropes on his hands with brute strength.
“Give up Namjoon” A new voice entered the room. It was so familiar but you were too dazed to place it. You suddenly feel something warm close to you, a scent too close for your liking. You squirmed as you felt a hand touch your face.
“Stop! Who are you!?” You tried to turn yourself away from him but he gripped your jaw, fingers digging into your mouth slightly. The person didn’t say any words but you could feel them getting closer.
“Get the fuck away from her” Namjoon growled, tugging at the ropes repeatedly to no avail.
You gulped as you felt a nose against your cheek. You felt as though someone had punched the air out of your gut, as a pair of lips carefully made contact with your skin. They lingered, and you flinched away as fast as you could. You heard a slight chuckle as the heat from the body seemed to disappear. He was leaving. Thank God.
You close your eyes to try to focus on the sound of his footsteps, heart racing as you hear them move in Namjoon’s direction. Suddenly you heard a loud slap--it sounded like the man just hit Namjoon. Your eyes clenched as you heard Namjoon wince in pain.
You hear more shuffling, and suddenly there are more footsteps. It seemed that more people had come into the room. “Fuck. Get your fucking hands off of me” You hear Namjoon’s voice getting further away.
“Namjoon?” You cry out. You hear a door slam shut and suddenly there is silence again. “Hobi?” You’re petrified, body trembling as the silence persists. You were alone. What were they going to do to you? You began to cry, your sobs echoing throughout with no one to hear.
You had no idea when you fell asleep, but woke up to loud knocking. “Hello! Is anyone in here?” You heard a door open. “Holy shit, Y/n?” You craned your neck to try to recognize the voice, but you were so exhausted and hungover that you couldn’t even think. You felt hands at your wrists untying the rope. The next thing you know light flooded your vision. You squinted at the sudden stimulus, waiting for your vision to adjust so you could see your savior.
“Jin?” You asked in shock, gaping at the gorgeous man in front of you. Of course. He’s police. I’m safe now. You sighed in relief as tears began to flow from your eyes again. Jin crouched down in from of you, caressing your hands where the rope had dug in slightly. You threw your free hands around his shoulders and hugged him tightly. “S...sorry I just” You stuttered between your cries. Jin softly stroked your back.
“It’s okay. You’re safe now. You’re safe with me”
He let you cry in his arms for a while before you finally were able to gather yourself. He helped you up, holding your hand as the two of you left what appeared to be an abandoned warehouse of some sort. “Namjoon...uh...RM, and a coworker of ours, named Hoseok, they were both with me but someone took them away” You informed him, “Do you know where they are?” Jin stopped momentarily, and you noticed him sigh.
“Not yet. But we’ll find them okay. It’s a little complicated, let’s get in the car and I’ll tell you everything”
Jin held your shoulders down some stairs as you made it to the parking lot. He assisted you in getting into his blue sedan.
“Your house isn’t far from here, I’ll drop you home after we talk” He informed you as he got into the drivers seat. You curled your legs up into yourself, hugging your knees to your chest for comfort.
“How do you know who I am? Why do you know so much about me?”
“It’s my job to know.” He smiled slightly. “Listen. I’m not exactly sure why, but my intel tells me that you’re being used as some sort of bargaining chip”
You blinked at him in utter confusion, “Bargaining...for what? Who the fuck?”
“Don’t act like you don’t know you hang out with gang members Y/n” Jin chuckled. Your eyes widened.
“Uh...I didn’t...” Well. Jungkook made sense. And sure, then there was Jimin. And if you thought about it, it did made sense that Namjoon was also caught up in something like that--it would explain a lot.
“I understand that you’re close with Park Jimin” You frowned. The last thing you needed right now was to talk about him of all people. “So don’t play dumb with me. You’re not in any trouble, just tell me what you know”
“Dude...I’m new here okay. I don’t have any information about anything alright. Shouldn’t you know who’s betting on you?” You scoffed. Jin raised his eyebrows.
“Betting? Who said anything about betting?” He smirked as you gaped at him, realizing your slip.
“Oh...I mean...”
“My intel tells me you saw something you shouldn’t have. That’s why you’re being used by some people...possibly another gang...to blackmail the gang who runs Death Valley, and why you’re on his radar”
“Who’s radar?” Was it the same guy from earlier? Or maybe the guy you had seen kicking Namjoon? Or the guy who tied up Jungkook? Was it all the same person?
“That’s what I’m trying to find out.” Jin stated matter of factly, “No one knows who he is. Well...I think Park Jimin knows who he is, so I have a proposition for you.”
“You want me to snitch” You rolled your eyes. You didn’t love that your new associates seemed to be such dangerous people, but you weren’t the type of person to go try to get anyone in trouble for their own business. “No thanks”
“You’re really not safe Y/n. If we work together, I can make sure no harm comes to you” You thought back to Jungkook’s warnings, smiling inwardly knowing that you had the strong boy waiting for you back at your apartment. He would be able to protect you with no issue, you didn’t need to get involved with the cops.
“No thanks. I’ll be okay. Please just take me home” Jin sighed, tapping the wheel of his car quickly as if he were irritated.
“Fine. If you change your mind” He pulled out his wallet and handed you a business card, “Call me”
Jin dropped you home and you slowly tried to walk your way to the elevator, slumping inside it once the doors slid open. A few floors up the elevator halted, opening to reveal none other than Min Yoongi.
“Y/n?” He asked curiously, observing your chaotic state. You had no idea how you looked, but you were sure it was not at all presentable. You groaned internally. Yoongi probably thought you were a trainwreck. “What are you doing here?”
“Oh I--” You straightened yourself up as much as you could, brushing your clothes off and trying to fix your hair urgently. Yoongi looked absolutely stunning, even outside of work. It was refreshing to see him in a simple hoodie and joggers, his earrings still driving you wild. “I love...LIVE. I live here” You internally screamed at yourself for your awkwardness. Yoongi didn’t break a smile, he simply observed you curiously. He glanced at the elevator navigation and pressed a number for the floor above yours.
“I didn’t know you live in the same building as me.” He stated, “I can give you a ride to work sometime if you’d like”
“Oh! I’d love that...I mean, that would be great you know. Saving the environment and all that” You chuckled, twirling your hair. Yoongi raised his eyebrows at you. His eyes were amused but still no hint of a smile.
The elevator arrived at your floor, and Yoongi watched as you scrambled to get yourself out of there. “I’ll see you at work, Y/n.” He nodded in your direction. You smiled sheepishly.
The door had almost slid shut but your eyes met his. His gaze was so intense on you, you felt almost like a prey in front of a predator. You finally see a slight tug of a smile as you gulp. How can a human being be so goddamn FINE?
You finally make your way to your door and realize you don’t have your keys. Fuck they probably stole them. But why did they leave my wallet? You knocked on the door.
No response.
“Jungkook?” You called out, rapping at the door franticly. “Fuck” You muttered, leaning against the door in defeat. You were so incredibly tired, you just wanted to take a fucking nap. Maybe I can crash at Yoongi’s? Would that be unprofessional? You limped your way back to the elevator. Arriving on his floor you realized you didn’t know which room was his.
You laughed, thinking about how fucking helpless you had been recently. Calling out for all these men to help you. This wasn’t who you were. What the fuck happened to you? When did you become so weak? “Yoongi?” You shouted through the hall, hoping that someone would come out, and if it not him they could direct you to him. A door opened. Funnily enough the room was at the same spot as yours, just on a different floor.
“Y/n?” Yoongi was shirtless, a towel around his neck and his sweats still on. You ogled at the way his chains sat on his bare chest, and so badly wanted him to turn around so you could see his tattoos. “Everything okay?”
“Uh” You scratched the back of your neck nervously, “Sorry if this is unprofessional” Don’t be sorry. You’re a bad bitch. This shit doesn’t phase you. “I mean. I got fucking locked out. You mind if I crash at your place, I’m just really tired and I had a really long night, I can barely even--”
Yoongi nodded, slipping back into his apartment so fast you didn’t get a chance to see him turn around. You pouted, but followed him inside.
He seemed to have gone to the bathroom. You carefully closed his door and looked around. His apartment was really nice. As expected, he had lots of awards on display, fancy speakers and expensive looking furniture. What was surprising to you was the lack of drugs. Jimin always had a mess of pills on his kitchen table, and you had assumed all music industry people were like that. You wondered if Yoongi used anything. He probably didn’t, considering how goddamn perfect he is.
“You can sleep in my room if you want” Yoongi emerged, now clothed, again to your disappointment. He fiddled with a watch on his wrist. Hey that’s the same watch as-- “I need to step out for a bit. Make yourself at home” He gestured towards his bedroom door. You nodded, thanking him as you watched him grab his own keys and head out the door.
Just as the door closed your phone began to ring. You hadn’t even realized you still had it. You should’ve just called Jungkook you dumbass. You regretted drinking as much as you had last night. Glancing at your phone, your heart skipped a beat seeing that it was Hobi calling.
“My god, are you okay?” You cried out, answering immediately.
“Where are you?”
“I’m at my apartment. What happened, are you guys okay?”
“Yes we’re fine. Namjoon got beat up pretty bad...no idea what that was about, but then Jungkook found us while he was out finishing a deal. Are you okay?" You gulped.
“Yeah I’m okay. I’m glad you both are safe. Are you going to report it to the police?”
You heard Hobi chuckle, “I don’t think that would be a good idea. It was probably Jimin or somebody involved in all that fight betting, gambling bullshit. I really need to knock some sense into Namjoon’s head and get him out of that scene” You sighed. You never wanted to go through anything like this ever again. It was probably best if you stayed away from Death Valley for good.
“Y/n...I” Hobi inhaled sharply, “I wanted to say I’m sorry for ignoring you. I wont anymore okay. Life is too short for bullshit. Do you...wanna go out sometime? Like on a date?” You felt a warm hug envelop your heart as a smile spread across your lips. You giggled.
“Yeah, of course.”
“Good.” You could hear his goofy smile somehow, “See you soon baby girl” You shut your phone off and make your way into Yoongi’s room. It was a stunning room--super high tech with LED strip lights and a huge mirror wall across the bed. You threw yourself onto the inviting mattress, burying your face in his soft pillows as you finally let the heavy weight of sleep take you over.
Hands trailed up your legs, grabbing at your bare ass cheeks and pulling them apart. “Fuck” You heard you felt a slap to your skin. The hands gripped your waist, pulling you back. You felt a sharp pain in your shoulders as you realized your arms were spread wide out, handcuffed to something. A hand grabbed the back of your head and shoved it down into the pillow, muffling your breath. You tried to groan out as you felt a cock push inside you “Yoongi” You whined, “Yoongi I want more”
“You’re beautiful” You hear him say, making you smile internally while your face continued to get smushed further into the pillow. You choked out as he quickly began thrusting into you.
“Fuck” You cried out as a pleasure unlike anything before hit you “More...please” You urged him on “Faster Yoongi....please go faster I need” You panted, barely able to breathe “I need you...please”
You woke up with a start, blinking as the early rays of the morning sun filtered through tinted windows. You sighed, feeling your pussy clench in defeat as your dream ended a bit too soon. You were in Yoongi’s bed, however you were tucked in, and you realized that you were wearing different clothes. His clothes. You looked around but Yoongi wasn’t there. Checking your phone, you see more missed calls from Namjoon along with a long array of texts that you knew youd have to read eventually. You crawled out of bed, looking at yourself in Yoongi’s large mirror wall.
You walked out of his bedroom to see him sitting at his kitchen counter, typing away on his laptop with a Redbull and a bagel out by him. You noticed that he was wearing glasses, and that his hair was still messy from sleep. He regarded you as you entered the kitchen.
“Sleep well?” He asked kindly. You nodded. “Would you like something to eat? You seemed pretty hungover. Better get some food into your system” He pushed the bagel towards you. You hadn’t realized it but you were starving. You ravished the bagel rapidly, not even caring that your boss was right in front of you. Or that you were literally in his house wearing his clothes. “Is everything okay Y/n? You seemed frazzled yesterday” You stared at him, mouth stuffed with food.
“Um” You quickly swallowed, “I actually got kidnapped” Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows with concern.
“Come again?”
“Yeah. Do you know Death Valley? I was there with” Should you tell him you were there with coworkers? Probably not “...Friends and we blacked out and someone literally kidnapped us. But luckily the cops found us”
“Yeah. I didn’t get hurt or anything but it was just scary” Yoongi closed his laptop and stared at you.
“I’m...so sorry you had to go through that. Please, feel free to take the day off if you need to, that sounds really traumatic” You shook your head, but your heart glowed at how sweet he was. Behind that cold expression, you realized that he actually seemed like a really caring guy.
“Thanks Yoongi, but I’m okay. I’m strong” You affirmed more to yourself than to him. Yoongi’s eyes flashed with amusement at your statement “I think I’ll head back to my place, I uh...can call a friend to let me in”
“Alright. Just take care of yourself okay?” You thanked him, before grabbing your things and heading out.
Upon reaching your own apartment door you knocked again, hoping Jungkook made it home in one piece.
“Y/n, is that you?” You sighed with relief that you were finally going to be let inside. The door swung open.
“Thank God, I literally--” You froze.
Standing in front of you was not Jungkook.
It was Taehyung.
ᐊ——[ previous ] series navi | masterlist | [ next ]——ᐅ
a/n: yoongi really be melting our hearts like butter. ha. i dont know if my hints and stuff are like...making sense? I hope so lol. more jimin next week i promise! and all you jin and yoongi people just TRUST ME. it’s all coming. ;) as always, thank you for reading & have a great day <3 part 3′s smut pairs are up on the series masterlist! see you next week ;)
taglist: @imluckybitches @gee-nee @missseoulite @hcneybees @kooookie @queenmasterxx @crustycaitlin @virgo-and-libra @un2-verse @winter-melontea @equivocacies @infernal-alpaca @shrimpmsg @meowmeowyoongles @rjsmochii @liltangerined @littlrmills14-blog @issysor @arandomblackgirl @adoringinsanity @giadalin @jeontier
death valley (m) | part 3
summary: welcome to death valley. once you’re in, there’s no telling whether you’ll make it out alive. a summer internship turns wild with blurry nights of dangerous men, dirty money, and extremely hot sex. you soon get caught in a savage game of greed, power and obsession, only to find out that you are the grand prize

pairing: ot7 x f.reader smut ft: gangster!taehyung x reader, rockstar!jimin x reader, fighter!namjoon x reader
genre: smut. yandere. mystery. thriller. gang!au rockstar!au fightclub!au
wordcount: 9.4k (it goes fast trust me)
warnings: multiple & explicit smut scenes, rough sex, obsessive / possessive / toxic behaviors, oral sex, daddy kink, mommy kink if you squint, glamorization of drug & alcohol use, a whole lot of blackmail, guns (no shooting), manipulation, coercion, illicit filming, post-workout shower sex, choking, cursing, car accident, major character injury, dom!jimin, switch!taehyung, sub!namjoon, reader needs a fucking nap
a/n: NO BC THE ROLLING STONE COVER IS PERFECT FOR THIS FIC??? like its so spot on to this aesthetic. thank you all SO MUCH for the support, a few of you sent me the sweetest messages - they really make my day & inspire me to work harder on this story <3 three smut scenes in one part? yall....damn. (the last one is the best. my fav jimin scene yet) sorry for posting late im just insecure about my writing lol
part 0 | part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | finale (lite) | finale (dark) part 11 | part 12 | part 13 | series navi | masterlist |
Smoke diffused from Jimin’s chapped lips. His foot was tapping repeatedly, he was running out of patience. His penthouse seemed so empty without you these days. He hadn’t had you in a while and he was craving a release. He set his cigarette down on a small ashtray to his side, leaning forward.
“I want her now” He snapped, reaching onto the coffee table in front of him to grab his revolver. He looked down the barrel briefly and his jaw stiffened. His eyes then raised as he pointed the gun at a man standing in front of him patiently. “Where is she?”
“Taehyung has gone to retrieve her for you. Shouldn’t be long now” The man spoke, fear evident in his trembling voice. Jimin flashed a teethy grin, his attention back to his gun, twirling it around his fingers.
A phone began to buzz. Jimin rolled his eyes, setting the gun down and picking up his cell besides it. It was Taehyung.
“What?” Jimin grumbled.
“Yeah she’s not home. Hasn’t been all night. But you know who is in her apartment right now—you’re gonna get a kick out of this” Taehyung’s amused voice made Jimin tilt his head with irritation. He was not in the mood for his games. “The street rat”
Jimin’s heart sank, followed by an overwhelming feeling of jealousy seeping through his veins. He clenched his fists. “Taehyung, cut his fucking fingers off if he so much as touches her.” Taehyung laughed, “Do I sound like I’m joking Taehyung?”
“Yeah yeah whatever. Go work on your music, I’ll find her” Jimin hung up abruptly, elbows on his knees as he hung his head down in frustration. He screamed, throwing his phone as hard as he could onto the tiled floors. His fingers ran up his face, clenching the ends of his hair as he began to cry.
He fucked up. He messed up everything. He shouldn’t have threatened you—you probably hated him. You were supposed to be his fan. You were obsessed with him weren’t you? Did you love Jungkook now? You must after all Jungkook was an attractive guy, had money, and you probably didn’t know enough about him to know how dangerous he was. None of it mattered, Jimin wasn’t ready to let you go. He just got a taste, how could you leave now? Tears rolled down his face as he sobbed out.
Taking a deep breath, he attempted to calm himself down. It was his fault. He was too fucked up and it scared you—that had to be it. Deep down he knows that he was too rough with you. He so badly wants to taste your pretty lips but he’s scared. He’s never been good with emotions, and hates that he gets so high when he’s around you.
Taehyung had suggested he should stay away from you right from that night you had passed out in front of him, but Jimin didn’t listen. What does he know anyway? Fucking bitch. Jimin pursed his lips. You didn’t remember that night. You didn’t remember what all you saw after you came to, but he did. He was gonna be better. He was gonna win you back. He grabbed a notebook and pen quickly and began scribbling down lyrics as they came to him.
You almost screamed seeing Taehyung, but before you could he had you in a headlock, with a small knife pressed up to your neck as he kicked your door shut.
“Play along. I won’t hurt you” He mumbled into the back of your head as he turned you around. There, sitting on your couch was Jimin.
“Where were you?” Jimin was seething, eyes flared with rage. Surprisingly enough, he didn’t look high. He almost looked worried.“Why didn’t you come home last night?”
You rolled your eyes. This man’s sheer audacity made you want to kick him in the balls so hard. “Give me a fucking break. I’ve had a really rough few nights and I just want to take a fucking shower and go to work alright” You feel Taehyung slightly loosen his grip on you.
Jimin approached you slowly. “Do I need to remind you that I could fucking ruin you? Deal with your shit. Come over after work tomorrow or I send Yoongi the video” You glanced back at Taehyung who didn’t give you much of a reaction.
“No, I’m not fucking coming, and I want you to leave right now before I call the cops” You hear Taehyung giggle behind you. Jimin marched up to you and grabbed your neck harshly, Taehyung holding you still.
“Right. I heard that she talked to Kim Seokjin. Better fucking keep your mouth shut Y/n” Taehyung said casually. Jimin looked deep into your eyes, before clenching them shut as he steadied his breathing.
“Let’s go Taehyung. She’ll come, she’s not stupid” Jimin snapped his fingers.
“I’m right behind you boss, you go ahead” Taehyung released his hold. Jimin regarded you, a bitter look in his eyes as he huffed, slamming the door behind him as he left.
You whirled around to face Taehyung, who had already raised his hands in defense. “Let me expl—“
“You’re in Jimin’s gang aren’t you?! You motherfucker, you hurt Namjoon! You threatened Jungkook! You’re the cause of all my problems aren’t you” You kicked at Taehyung’s knees, causing him to giggle at your efforts. He dodged your attacks with ease.
“Oh you wish I was your biggest problem jacket girl. That’s far from it. You have Jimin’s black card don’t you?” He opened his palm in front of you “Give it”
You did as told, handing it to him, more than happy to get rid of anything you had of Jimin’s.
You spat at him “Fucking creep. I knew you were no good. You knew that shooting was gonna happen, that’s why you had sex with me isn’t it? To keep me distracted while your guys hurt Namjoon?” Taehyung pursed his lips at your statement, looking around your apartment frantically.
“Of course not dumbass.” He whispered so softly you had to strain to hear him “Shush” He began quickly making his way towards your bedroom. You chased after him, dropping your things on the ground. You watch as he reaches behind your bookshelf and pulls out a small surveillance camera, tossing it onto your bed.
He put a finger to his lips and made his way to your computer monitor. Quickly he took out a gun from his back pocket and slammed the end into the top of the screen. You gaped at him, watching glass shatter onto your desk.
“Okay.” Taehyung sighed, relaxing his shoulders. He fiddled with his watch—there was that watch again—before turning to you “Now that we’re actually alone, no that’s not why I had sex with you. You can’t tell anyone that happened alright. And no I didn’t know the shooting was gonna happen, that wasn’t us.”
“W…what the fuck” You trembled, eyes wide with shock and unease at the fact someone had put cameras in your bedroom. Taehyung noticed your discomfort, clearing his throat awkwardly, “Yeahhhh. You should really be more careful about who you let literally move into your fucking apartment.”
“Jungkook was spying on me?”
“Mmm, more like he was doing someone’s dirty work I would say. He’s a selfish rat who only cares about money. He’s dangerous and a liar. Look…I heard about the kidnapping, are you okay?”
“How do you know about that? How do you know so much?” Taehyung grinned widely, ignoring your questions.
“Y/n, let me tell you something” He took a seat on the edge of your mattress, “There is someone really fucking powerful who has their eyes on you. I don’t know who or even why. Now, we have a bone to pick with that motherfucker for a whole different set of reasons, making you perfect bait. So it would make sense for us to kidnap you and blackmail him or something” You sat down next to him, knees weak as your emotional state spiraled. “But we didn’t.”
“It wasn’t Jimin?” You honestly thought it would have been. After all, Hobi said your kidnappers beat up Namjoon pretty bad and that seemed to be in line with Jimin’s agenda. “Then who was it?”
“Dunno. But I’m gonna find out. You really aren’t safe here, the rat was right about that. Jimin can protect you though”
You scoffed, plopping your back onto the mattress and letting the shift in gravity wave over you. “I hate Jimin” Taehyung turned rapidly at your statement, frowning.
“I thought you were a fan, jacket girl?” He laid back besides you, propping himself up on his elbow to look at you. You gave him a look, rolling your eyes as he chuckled. How is this guy able to find all of this funny?
You sighed, staring at the ceiling, becoming increasingly aware that Taehyung was lying next to you.
“You said you didn’t fuck me to distract me so why did you?”
“Because. I think you’re cool, you’re fucking gorgeous, you’re fun, and I probably would never get another chance. Jimin gets what he wants. He’s in charge.”
“He doesn’t own me” You murmured, turning on your side to face him. “He doesn’t own you either.” Taehyung grinned lazily, gazing into your eyes.
You slid your hand onto his thigh, looking at him expectantly. When he doesn’t react you slowly lean closer to him, noses barely touching. His eyes flutter shut as you kiss him, instantly pushing your tongue into his mouth. You know you need to be fast, Jimin was probably waiting for him.
Taehyung cupped your face, deepening the kiss as he rolled his body flush against you. There were butterflies in your stomach, for some reason you felt like a child again, making out with a boy you liked in your bedroom. You smiled into the kiss.
His hand brushed down your body, lingering at your chest but ultimately finding your thigh and squeezing it slightly. He wanted more, and he needed it now.
“Quick” Taehyung whispered, and you frantically kicked off your shorts, Taehyung simultaneously rising to yank down his jeans. You spread your legs as wide as you could, motioning for Taehyung to come back to you. He licked his lips. “You’re not stretched out yet, are you sure?”
You nodded, “Fuck stop stalling just do it. It’s okay if I don’t cum just fuck me” You whine. Taehyung shrugs, lowering himself down on you. You wrap your arms and legs around him tightly, as if holding on for dear life. You couldn’t understand why you found so much comfort in the man you barely knew. A man you barely trusted.
Were you even really into him? Or were you trying to spite Jimin? Taehyung quickly sunk his cock into you. You cried out—recalling just how large he was the last time.
“So tight” Taehyung’s breath hitched as he stilled himself deep inside of you. You rolled your hips up, taunting him to get on with it. He grabbed your ass, pulling you in towards him, allowing him to fuck into you deeper.
You kissed his neck frantically, moving your hands through his hair and onto his back as he found a steady rhythm. He fucked you with focus, desperately trying to chase his own high as you savored having his body on yours.
Your legs caressed his back, moving up and down against him with every thrust, as if you were almost climbing up onto him. You groaned, tilting your head back in pleasure as the initial pain of his size subsided, and he was able to angle himself perfectly in a way that had you screaming for more.
His lips were tight against yours, hardly kissing but moreso just breathing into one another deeply. He smacked your ass lightly as he picked up his pace.
“You feel so good” He muttered, “That fucking” He thrusted deep “Asshole is so lucky” He was ruthless. You held onto him as tight as you could, crying out as he pistoned in and out of you. “Get’s you all to himself. Fucks you whenever he…wants” Taehyung panted, “Doesn’t fucking deserve this. He doesn’t deserve you” You could hear the slight growl in his voice.
“Pussy so fucking sweet. So fucking sweet I can’t stop” Taehyung moved his hands to grip your shoulders from under you, digging his nails into your flesh. “I can’t stop. I don’t want to. I don’t want to Y/n. Fuck. Please.”
“Don’t stop. Don’t stop baby I love it” You urged him on, making him hiss. He looked so fucked out as you could feel his cock twitching inside of you.
“Dont wanna…dont wanna cum. Dont wanna stop” Taehyung whined, “Feel so good. Feel so fucking good”
“Taehyung!” Jimin’s voice bellowed from outside the apartment. Taehyung cursed in irritation.
“Shit, come on baby” You bucked your hips up. Taehyung was pissed. He pulled out of you. “Let me finish you baby don’t go” You pleaded, hugging onto him tighter as he began to get off of you.
“He’ll kill me. He will literally kill me. I need to go” Taehyung pressed a kiss to your forehead. He shoved you off of him. He begins to pull his pants back on, but you’re not ready to let him go yet. You’ll be damned if Taehyung doesn’t get to finish because of Jimin.
“No!” You pounce on him, pushing him onto the floor and pinning him down with your knees. You wrap your hand around his cock and begin to stroke it furiously, bringing your face down so that your tongue can wrap around it. You begin sucking on him, watching his shocked face as you bob your head rapidly on him, going as fast as you can. You feel Taehyung’s hand reach to hold back your hair. What a sweetheart. Jimin would never.
Taehyung bit down on his lip so hard it began to bleed as he came up into your mouth. You rapidly licked him off, cum getting all over your lips before you pulled his pants back up and got off of him. You noticed his watch again.
“Where’d you get that watch?” You asked causally as Taehyung pulled his pants back on. Taehyung looked at the piece and a frown tugged at his lips.
“Um…a friend gave it to me”
“He has good taste”
Taehyung gulped, looking back at you “Yeah. He really does”
“Go” You whispered. Taehyung blinked a few times, trying to process as he gets up. He cups your face to plant one final kiss onto your cum stained lips before rushing out of your apartment, hands frantically fixing his hair as he leaves.
Jungkook wiped the sweat from off his forehead before bending to lift the heavy box again. It was his least favorite part of the job, moving product. He didn’t understand why they couldn’t just hire more people with all the fucking cash they made but his boss hated bringing new people in.
He wobbled back to his truck, sliding the large package into his trunk before taking a deep breath. Hopping into the drivers seat, he set away to get back to you.
You hadn’t come home last night, and although he knew you were out with Namjoon, some part of him felt uneasy. He had grown fond of you over the past few days, more than he really cared to admit. He knew you were off limits, after all, what business did you have with a guy like him when you were around people like Park Jimin on a daily basis.
Click, Jungkook had just buckled his seatbelt, glancing in the rearview mirror to see an unfamiliar face staring back at him, holding a gun to his forehead.
“Jeon Jungkook” Goosebumps riveted across his skin at the stern voice “It’s so nice to finally meet you. Heard you’ve gone ahead and made yourself Y/n’s roomate” The man was tall, had a sharp jawline and a deceivingly warm smile.
“Who are you? Do you work for him?”
“Move out. Stay away from her or else”
“Or else what? I am the most successful dealer he has, he isn’t gonna touch me”
“Do you really wanna find out?” Bang. Jungkook turned to the noise to see Namjoon tied up and blindfolded, on the ground with a man holding a metal rod to his head. He was knocked out. “Move out, or I’ll beat your little fighter boy’s head in. And I bet your boss wouldn’t want his money machine dead”
Jungkook pursed his lips into a thin smile. “Oh..you’re Jimin’s guy huh? Fine. I’ll leave her. Let Joon go”
“One more thing. You tell Namjoon that you found his friend too”
“Well uh, where is his friend?”
The man laughed, motioning for his goons to follow as they all hopped into twin black Cadillacs, driving off and leaving Namjoon unconscious on the ground. Jungkook clicked his tongue. I’ve seen that guy before. He stretched out his arms and went over to try to lift Namjoon into his truck.
You stared at the cameras that Taehyung had found in your room, goosebumps spreading as you tried to comprehend everything. Okay. Just. Go to work. Forget about it. Go see Hobi. You quickly hopped in the shower, letting ice cold water attempt to wake you up from this growing nightmare.
Stepping out of the shower you hear some light rapping at your door. “One second” It was probably Jungkook. He had seen you naked plenty, so you thought nothing of it as you wobbled towards your door with nothing but a towel, hair pinned up to keep it dry.
“Hey, did you want a ride to work?” Yoongi’s familiar collected gaze fell on you. WHY DOES THIS MAN SHOW UP AT THE WORST TIMES you scream internally at your boss who was there standing in front of you. He didn’t look the least bit phased at your state, and in a way you felt offended. I’m half naked. Nothing? Damn.
“Oh! Sure. Give me like 2 minutes. Please, come in” Yoongi stepped inside, looking around with little interest. You ran back to your room, kicking the door shut as your frantically searched for something appropriate to wear. You went to your mirror and slapped on some makeup before returning to Yoongi. “Yeah! Let’s go”
Yoongi drove a nice black Cadillac, which you expected. He was a wealthy guy after all and it fit his edgy but classy aesthetic that he had going on. You felt relaxed in the fresh leather seats, the scent mind-numbingly pleasant. You were just so tired. Yoongi began to drive, and the soft hum of the engine lulled you into a nap. You were out like a light, unable to see the way that Yoongi was licking his lips, glancing at your lifeless frame. Unable to feel the way he took your hand into his and squeezed so tightly.
Back in the studio, you were desperate to find Hobi and hear about what had happened. Instead you found Namjoon waiting for you, and your jaw dropped. Half of his face was covered with a large bruise that looked incredibly painful. You threw yourself into his arms.
“Oh my God are you okay?” You hugged him tightly, and he did you, relishing the comfort of one another’s touch. He shook his head, making your heart clench in pity. Of course he’s not okay.
“Did they do anything to you? Did they touch you? I swear to God Y/n I’ll fucking” You straddled his lap and rest your head against his strong chest. His heartbeat was pronounced and soothing under his soft shirt.
“I’m okay. I’m more worried about you.” Namjoon ran his hand up and down your back.
“Y/n...I think. This might sound crazy but I think I know who kidnapped us” He whispered into your ears. At that moment, the door opened revealing a perfectly normal looking Jimin. You almost jumped off of Namjoon, realizing how compromising your situation must have looked. Jimin’s eyes narrowed briefly.
“Come” Jimin motioned to you without so much as a greeting. You glanced at Namjoon, who was looking at the ground. He seemed scared. “Now.” He snapped.
“Who the fuck do you think you are just ordering her around like that?” From down the hall you hear Hobi’s voice echo through. Relief surged through your veins. “You’re not even recording today, get lost” Hobi walked straight up to Jimin and glared at him.
Jimin chuckled, “Whatever, she’ll come. I know she will” He turned to leave but Hobi grabbed him by the collar, growling lowly.
“Piece of trash. Stay away from my girl” You froze at the term. Jimin’s eyes widened.
“Your girl? Oh Hoseok are you in for a fucking treat because let me tell you what exactly your girl has been..”
“Hobi get off of him.” Like ice, Yoongi’s voice cut through the scene. His footsteps were pronounced as he approached the boys who remained in an aggressive stare-down. “First of all. She is not your girl. There is absolutely no romantic relationships permitted in my label. No exceptions, end of question. Second of all, Jimin, you better not be harassing my employees or you will see me sue you for all your worth, you got that?” Your pussy clenched at the authoritativeness in his voice. Hobi reluctantly let go of Jimin, who brushed himself off.
“You can’t stop us from going out” Hobi muttered. For the first time in your life, you saw Yoongi laugh. And not in a good way.
“Can’t I? Y/n, you’re off your project. You’ll be working directly with me now on finishing Jimin’s album” Jimin smirked lightly, meeting your eyes.
“She doesn’t want to work on Jimin’s--” Hobi began to protest but Yoongi held his hand up.
“Say another word, and your ass is fired. If I so much as see the two of you alone in my place of work, you’re in for it. Have I made myself clear?” You noticed that Hobi’s fists were almost reddening from how tightly he was clenching them, veins popping from his forearms.
“Yes” Hobi mumbled in submission. You had never seen him so angry before. He didn’t give you another look before storming off towards his own office. You rolled your eyes as you heard Jimin giggle.
“Perfect” He grinned. Yoongi simply looked him up and down before turning to you, arms folded.
“Go finish up what you’re working on. From tomorrow you report to me, and we’ll work in my studio.” His voice was significantly softer than it had been minutes ago. He briefly touched your elbow, as if to assure you not to be worried. The gesture was barely there but you found yourself appreciating it as he left, calling Jimin to follow him.
You took a deep breath, turning back into the studio where Namjoon was sitting and listening to the whole ordeal. He looked extremely uncomfortable, so you slid the door shut and took a seat in front of him.
“Sorry. You were saying? Who do you think kidnapped us?” Namjoon gave you an uncertain look. “Trust me, I won’t think you’re crazy. Is it Jimin, is that what you were thinking because I would totally believe--”
“Hobi” Namjoon exhaled sharply, “I think it was Hobi”
Your stomach flipped. The sincerely in Namjoon’s eyes made you nauseous. He saw your reaction and grabbed your hands, holding them sturdily in his own. “Y/n, I can’t tell you everything here. Come somewhere with me. I wanna show you something. You trust me right?” He got up quickly, tugging your arms to do the same.
He led you to his car, parked significantly far in the back of the lot and much to your surprise it was the exact same model as Yoongi’s. Maybe it’s a rockstar thing. But Namjoon makes the same as I do so how the fuck can he afford...oh...the fights. You shrugged, not minding returning to the chic vehicle.
“I feel like we both need to blow off some steam.” Namjoon said, revving the engine “I’m gonna take you where I train for my matches. It’s usually pretty secluded so we should be able to talk there” You nodded. Boxing sounded cool enough, and he was right, you could use some endorphins.
The two of you arrived at what seemed to be an abandoned warehouse. Inside, the walls were a charcoal color, dimply lit by striking white lights. It eerily reminded you of the vibe of the arena, but instead there were a few punching bags set up as well as a sparring ring. Namjoon had been right - the place was absolutely empty.
Namjoon grabbed a few gloves from the floor, handing you a pair which you inspected closely. When you looked up you saw that Namjoon had already pulled off his shirt, and was sitting on a bench, wrapping his hands with the gauze. Damn. You never thought you would be thirsting for your coworker but seeing him all serious had you feeling a type of way. You recalled how deliciously submissive he had been at Death Valley. You needed that. You missed being in control of your life.
“Here” Namjoon tossed the gauze tape at you. “Sit down I can wrap it for you” He slid down on his knees. You let him secure your wrists with the soft material, his brows furrowed with complete focus.
“Why do you think it’s Hobi?” You whispered. Namjoon’s hands stilled over yours.
“The pills. He didn’t actually take them. And then when we were tied up...I dunno...he sounded really far away? And not nearly as freaked out as you and I were. Then when Jungkook found us--well, Jungkook said he already dropped Hobi off but I don’t buy it. He said that the guys he had seen beat me looked really familiar to him. Jungkook might have seen Hobi around Death Valley or something before. So that’s why I think it’s him. Maybe Hobi is in Jimin’s...yknow...gang”
Namjoon finished wrapping your hands. He rose “Come on, let me show you some moves” You pulled the boxing gloves on and followed him reluctantly.
Namjoon patted one of the bags lightly and positioned you in from of it. He showed you how to throw a few types of punches and you listened intently, noting how his biceps flexed with every hit. He stood behind you, allowing you to try punching on your own as he watched your stance. You threw all your weight into your punch, hearing a soft slam as your fist met the bag, which didn’t budge. You hear Namjoon stifle a giggle.
“No, Y/n, you need to...hold on” You hear what sounds like Namjoon pulling his gloves off. He rests a wrapped hand on your shoulder, guiding your arm with the other. “Likeeee that. There you go” He assisted you in making a punch that caused the bag to sway slightly. “Nice job, try again!”
You continued to pummel the bag, letting out all your pent up frustration. Namjoon watched you carefully, pacing around you and observing your form. You suddenly flew a punch so far it caused the button of your shirt to pop off your chest. You stopped, panting heavily as sweat dripped from your forehead, looking down to see your chest decently exposed. Namjoon stood in front of you, face turning pink.
“Shit. Damn Joon should’ve told me to pack some different clothes” You pull of your gloves, setting them down before you unbutton the rest of your shirt and let it slide off of your shoulders, leaving you in a simple nude bra. It wasn’t meant for sports but you didn’t really care. Namjoon wiped the sweat from his forehead and eyed you up and down.
“I think I’m gonna uh…take a break” He gulped. You grinned, knowing that you were making him hot and bothered. He went towards the back of the warehouse where there were a few open showers.
He turned the water up cold, letting it run over him and his pants. You watched as he set his arms out, leaning against the wall so the water hit his muscular back.
“Joonie” You cooed, walking up to him. “Don’t be shy with me”
Namjoon didn’t dare look at you as you walked up behind him, wrapping your arms around his toned waist, letting your fingers tug at his waistband. You pressed your lips into his back.
“Can you be a good boy for me and take this off hm?” You whispered. Namjoon’s breath was shaky and his eyes were clenched shut. He swallowed, trembling as he did as you asked, his wet pants falling to the dirty floor. You turned him around to face you, but his eyes remained glued to the floor.
“Joonie…look at me” You tilted his face up, ad he reluctantly met your eyes.
“Y/n…” He mumbled as you went on your tippy toes, letting your arms snake around his neck. “A…are you sure?”
“You tell me” You grinned, sucking lightly on his neck. Namjoon cursed under his breath, tilting his head to give you more room.
“I…I’ve wanted you for so long” Namjoon leaned back, the water from the shower now soaking you too. He stroked the wet strands of hair from your eyes, before leaning down and kissing you. You could feel him quivering from your touch.
“I really like you” He kept talking, his words barely making it into your brain as you were far too focused on how you were planning on getting him down on his knees.
“Is that right baby?” You cupped his cheek, letting your thumb tug at his lips. “Why don’t you show me huh?” You were down to roleplay, not realizing that for Namjoon his words were his truth.
“C…can I…see your tits…please?” Namjoon’s hands hovered over your body, not ready to touch you without your explicit permission.
“Go ahead” He unclasped your bra, and it fell to the floor. Namjoon gasped. It wasn’t that he hadn’t seen them before. He had—but he still couldn’t quite believe it. His cock twitched, and he was ready to burst then and there, overwhelmed that he even made it this far with you. He cried out in discomfort, his boxers tight against his rigid cock.
“Y/n…please” Namjoon whined, grabbing your breast with one hand while he bent down to suckle the other.
“Fuck” You muttered, his sloppy tongue rilling you up as he desperately licked away at your tits.
“Please it hurts so bad” His cried vibrated into your chest as you stroked his hair affectionately. He sucked you harshly before switching to the other breast.
“Tell me what you need baby…use your words”
“Can I just…put my…if it’s okay I just” Namjoon let go of your breasts and stood up straight. “Wanna fuck you. Want you to ride me. If…that’s okay” You smiled at him.
“Of course baby, let’s go sit you down over there and then mama will take care of you” Namjoon’s eyes widened at your words, his knees wobbling. He gripped your shoulders, furrowing his brows and trying his best not to cum in front of you like an idiot without even being touched.
You led him over to the closest bench, where he sat down, sliding down his boxers so that his cock stood proud. You knew he wouldn’t last long, but seeing how he looked like he was gonna burst into tears, you weren’t about to shatter his dreams. Ridding your own underwear, you straddled him slowly.
His eyes were closed again, much to your dismay. “Joonie. Look at me.” You lightly slapped his cheek. His eyes met yours, wide and watery. He was a mess for you and you had never felt so powerful.
You sank down on him, watching as he cried out, his moans echoing throughout the empty warehouse. He set his hands at your waist as you raised yourself back up, the sweet drag of his cock sliding seamlessly down your wet walls.
“Oh my god Y/n” Namjoon buried his face into your neck as you continued to ride him slowly, bouncing up and down on his cock while he moaned out your name like it was the only word he knew.
You grabbed his face, pushing your lips onto his and shutting him up. His hands slid up to grab your breasts, fondling them desperately as you rolled your hips into him.
He pinched your nipples between his fingers, causing you to moan into his mouth. He let one hand fall to your clit and began rubbing you rapidly.
“Wanna make you feel good too” He murmured, words enveloped by your kisses. For whatever show he put on, you could tell he knew exactly what he was doing, drawing soft circles on your clit and making your pussy leak onto him right away. You clenched down, causing Namjoon to almost scream into your mouth with pleasure.
“Wanna cum for mama? It hurts doesn’t it baby?” You teased. Namjoon pouted at you and nodded. You kissed his cheek. “I know it does baby. I know it hurts” You stroked his back, bouncing faster and faster on him.
“Y/n…fuck…please can I cum inside you? I can’t…I can’t hold back any longer” Namjoon bit down on your shouder, trying as hard as he could not to cum.
“It’s okay. You can cum, I got you baby” It was all it took for him to spill into you, his load seeming never ending. When he was done he hugged you tight to his chest, keeping his cock inside you, not wanting to lose your warmth.
The two of your remained like that for a while. You hummed lightly as Namjoon stroked your back. He cleared his throat.
“I’m gonna register for another fight. Against Jin. We still don’t have a clear winner but I’ve been training almost every day—I have to win” He growled lightly.
“Just be careful okay” You kissed his cheek. He shook his head.
“I don’t care what it takes. I have to win. I have to. I’m gonna win” You squinted at him, seeing an almost crazed glint. “I’m gonna win and finally get my prize” What prize? Money?
Working with Yoongi was different. There were far less drugs involved. In a way you were grateful that you were finally getting the real work experience you came for, but you did miss having fun with Hobi and Namjoon in the studio. Yoongi was quite serious about his work, and you admired that. He wouldn’t pay too much attention to you most of the time, simply asking you your thoughts on certain tracks every now and then.
“Tonight the title track drops as a single” He muttered, typing frantically on his laptop. You sat by his side, watching as he finished up some emails “It’ll drop around midnight.” He picked up his phone “Get Jimin in here.”
You groaned, recalling that you were expected to go over to his place tonight. Yoongi noticed your displeasure, raising his eyebrows but didn’t say anything.
“What” Jimin barged into the studio. You hated how disrespectful he was, especially to someone as talented as Yoongi.
“Your single is dropping tonight. Thought you’d wanna know. We should celebrate.” Yoongi shut his laptop and glanced at the both of you. Jimin grinned.
“Oh hell yeah. Party at my place.” He winked at you, “Wear something nice babygirl”
You choked, coughing to try to cover it up. You missed the way Yoongi glared at Jimin when he said that before he motioned for him to leave.
“Does Jimin bother you?” Yoongi asked, a hint—barely a hint—of genuine concern in his voice. You sighed.
“No sir. He’s just a typical rockstar”
What were you gonna wear? It was a formal event. Namjoon had made it clear that he would rather jump off of a cliff than step foot in Jimin’s place so he wouldn’t be going, and you hadn’t heard from or seen Hobi in a while. You assumed Yoongi would be there, so you wanted to look good, just in case. Although deep down you knew that if anyone was fucking you tonight it would likely end up being Jimin himself.
You chose a silky gold slip dress, looking at yourself in the mirror and almost not recognizing yourself without your usual grunge look. You wondered if Yoongi would still wear his chains. You shivered in excitement.
Jimin wanted you there early. He claimed to need to talk to you, but you knew he was probably just trying to get his dick wet. As you walked into the penthouse you were shocked at how clean the place was. He really had decked the place out for a nice party—his living room rearranged.
“Hey” You noticed Taehyung emerging from the kitchen. He looked so different, you had to blink to make sure it was really him.
He had dyed his hair black, a striking contrast to the mint green you had become familiar with, plus instead of his leather jacket and jeans he had on a fitted grey blazer with a crisp white shirt underneath. He looked fantastic.
“Damn you clean up nice” He grinned, “He’s waiting for you.” Taehyung motioned towards Jimin’s closed room. He quickly pulled you into a light hug, whispering in your ear “If he does anything you don’t want you just say it and I will fucking stop him okay?” You gulped, nodding lightly.
“Will you be watching?” You teased, letting your lips glide over his ear. Taehyung simply smiled and pressed a soft kiss to your cheek before smacking your ass playfully.
“Go get em girl” He let you go, watching as you headed towards Jimin’s room.
It wasn’t anything like you expected. The lights were dim, there were candles everywhere. All over his floor were rose petals. So cliche. You smirked to yourself.
Jimin emerged from his bathroom, looking astounding. He looked younger—like he did back in the days you would be worshiping his body day and night. His hair was styled similarly, up revealing his forehead. His shirt fit him great and you couldn’t help but notice that he chose to wear dangling earrings.
“You came”
Your breath hitched as he came towards you, and you subconsciously backed away from him until he was towering over you—your back pressed against the wall. He took your hands into his, kissing the tops of them softly.
“Stop blackmailing me. I don’t give a fuck if you send that video to Yoongi alright, he won’t care. He’ll protect me from an ass like you” Jimin let your hands drop as he circled your waist, touching his forehead to yours. Your heart skipped a beat. His face was so close to yours—but it wasn’t like before. He was actually looking at you. His eyes clean of any substance.
“I won’t send it. I told Taehyung to delete it. I want you to want this” He whispered, his breath landing in shimmers on your lips. For once he didn’t smell like tobacco. His lips looked incredibly soft, a sweet red tint making them pop.
He gazed at you, his hand traveling up your back where he found the zipper of your dress. “You look incredible. Better than I could have ever imagined” He was breathless. The way he was speaking made you want to melt. It was like every fantasy of your teenage years was coming to life in front of your eyes. He tugged at your zipper.
“I’m sorry for being an ass” He rolled his head against yours, letting his lips trace your cheeks. “You deserve better” He inhaled your scent as you felt him slowly tug the zipper down—your dress sliding off with it. You gasped as the fabric swept over your body until it was a pile on the floor. Jimin stepped back to look at you.
You hadn’t worn a bra, considering your dress was backless. At that point you had also chosen to go without panties—what was the worst that could happen? You’d flash your boss? You wished that would happen.
Jimin was gaping at you before a mischievous smile took his face. Your heart sunk, recognizing the familiar predatory gaze in his eyes.
“So naughty, you were ready for me weren’t you” He began unbuttoning his own shirt, letting it slide off of his shoulders before letting his hand grasp your neck. He pushed his thumb to your lip, tilting your head back.
You shut your eyes, knowing full well what he would do next—but instead Jimin bent down and kissed you softly. His grip loosened, cupping your cheek as he deepened the kiss.
He pressed his chest against yours, his skin burning against you. The heat from the candles was persistent—it was too warm. Your body was flushed. It was the heat. You tried to convince yourself. Your tried to convince yourself that you weren’t enjoying Park Jimin kissing you like you were his.
He lifted you into his arms, lips not leaving yours as he carefully laid you onto his silk sheets. “Tell me what you want baby girl, let daddy take care of you today” He whispered, kissing you all over your face with light pecks before moving to your neck.
You stared at the ceiling, squirming under him as your heart began pounding through your chest. You were overwhelmed. It had been so long since you were fucked like this. On a bed, with delicate care. You weren’t normally a fan, but with everything you had been through you found yourself sighing in relief.
Jimin moved his kisses to your chest, kissing every inch of you as if he was trying to memorize every crevice of your body with his lips. You arched your back in pleasure as his lips wrapped around your breast. He didn’t linger, continuing to kiss the rest of your stomach. You giggled as you felt ticklish when he kissed above your belly. Your eyes were blown—full of yearning. Park Jimin was kissing you—kissing you everywhere. You didn’t want to wake up from this.
As he proceeded to go down on you, you glanced around his room. Your eyes landed on his bathroom door, that was just slightly open. Is Taehyung there? Is he watching? You buckled your hips as Jimin kissed the tops of your thighs. You felt him smile, thinking you reacted to him. But you were imagining Taehyung’s intense gaze—from who knows where.
Jimin climbed back up your body and kissed you again. “My pretty girl” He ran his finger over your throbbing core, teasing it with his soft touch. He watched you, hovering slightly as his fingers brushed back and forth. Your pussy clenched, as if it was trying to catch his finger and swallow it in. You whined out, hands finding his shoulders and pulling him closer to you.
“Daddy” You whined softly, biting your lip. Jimin watched you close your eyes and savor his fleeting touch. “Daddy please” You moaned, prompting Jimin to glide a finger into your sopping cunt. You squealed with pleasure as he moved it excruciatingly slow, in and out, teasing you. He let his head fall against your neck as he continued to finger you. He loved how desperate your pussy was for him.
“Does my baby girl want more?” He teased, nibbling your shoulder. You nodded quickly, and he obeyed, inserting another finger. You groaned—the stretch feeling so good. You needed him to go faster. It wasn’t enough. You spread your thighs, hoping to urge him on, but he didn’t relent. Your nails dug into Jimin’s shoulders.
“Faster” You could barely make a noise, legs quivering with desperation. “Faster daddy please” You were practically crying, and Jimin loved it. He sped up, the sound of your wetness becoming increasingly evident as you soaked his fingers. You bit your lip, nodding rapidly as pleasure soared through you. Jimin watched you, grinning at your reactions. “Yes…yes…like that…more please. Please daddy” You tried to push yourself down onto his fingers more. Jimin noticed this—and pulled them out of your completely. You groaned in frustration, the feeling of fullness leaving you suddenly.
“Did I say you could move?” He took his fingers and shoved them in your mouth. You frowned at the taste of yourself but sucked on them anyways.
“W..as…s..close” You tried speaking as Jimin pushed his fingers farther down your throat. You gagged on them before he pulled them out and dove in for another kiss.
“Bad girls don’t get to cum” Jimin’s voice was so soft, it had you trembling. He got off of you briefly to unbuckled his pants, kicking them off along with his boxers.
His cock was throbbing, eager for some sort of stimulation. He took your hand, guiding it to wrap around his hardened length and giving it a few pumps.
“Daddy’s never fucked you like this has he hm?” Jimin cooed at you, climbing back over you as he lined his cock to your entrance. You widened your thighs, shaking your head. Jimin clicked his tongue “Daddy’s bad. Daddy should fuck his good little girl right” He teased his tip into your folds, moaning loudly at how wet your were as your cunt swallowed him in. He stills momentarily, and the two of your share an intimate stare. Jimin’s heart is speeding, and so is yours. You don’t know what has gotten into him—he doesn’t either. He sinks into you, crying out your name.
“Oh fuck baby oh fuck” Jimin whines, “So good. So fucking good baby, you feel so fucking good” He panted, his voice getting louder. He dug himself as far into you as he could go. “Baby…you’re so tight…holy shit” He tilts his head back in ecstasy—his expressions making you tighten on him even more. He drags his long cock out, angling his hips again before thrusting into you again, this time much faster.
“Baby…my good fucking girl…oh my God” Jimin was losing control. The pleasure began clouding his judgement, making him almost dizzy. He didn’t even realize that he had sped up much more. He didn’t notice that he had grabbed your neck, choking you down like he normally does. He didn’t notice that your moans had swapped out for winces of pain as he pounded into you relentlessly. His eyes were shut. He was gone—lost in the sweet feeling of you.
You came, much to your dismay, as Jimin’s filthy curses and praises got to your head. Your body jerked, twitching all over as you cried out helplessly. You felt good, but were upset that Jimin had gone back to his usual ways. Taehyung are you seeing this? You looked around again. Was he watching from a camera maybe? You looked at the television in front of Jimin’s bed. Squinting your eyes, you could see a slightly gleam coming from the top. Is that it? Do you see me Taehyung? You stared at it, choking as Jimin continued to fuck you silly.
“Stop” You could barely breathe. You tapped Jimin’s shoulders but he didn’t notice. He wasn’t looking. He was too caught up. “Please” You croaked, “Jimin slow down…stop I can’t—I can’t” The air was knocked out of your lungs as Jimin tightened his grip more. You felt your eyes bulge as his hot cum shot into you. His hands fell off to your side and you took the deepest breath you could conjure—little black specks already decorating your vision. Jimin was panting, a big smiled on his face as he looked down at you.
Tears rolled down your face as your gasped for more air. Jimin jumped off of you, realizing what he had done. “Holy shit Y/n” He muttered, looking around frantically for water. On cue, Taehyung barged into the room, tossing him a bottle.
“Don’t look at her!” Jimin screeched at Taehyung as he pulled the covers over your shaking body. You took the water from him and gulped it down, steadying yourself. You gave Taehyung a thankful look and he nodded to you. “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. I didn’t…shit I’m so sorry” Jimin pleaded as he helped you sit up, stroking your back.
“Deleted the video by the way” Taehyung walked over to you and sat down by your side. “Jimin, Yoongi and the others are here. You better go, I’ll take care of her” Jimin gave Taehyung a grateful pat on the back as he quickly got dressed, running to the bathroom to fix up his hair and makeup.
You let your eyes flutter shut, Taehyung taking the bottle from you and stroking your hair. You doze off, not seeing Taehyung open a familiar video on his own phone, before hitting send.
Jimin did his rounds, plastering a fake smile to entertain and welcome his guests. He excused himself as fast as he could. Yoongi grabbed his shoulder, noticing him trying to leave.
“You okay?” Jimin sighed. Yoongi was one of the only people he could confide in.
“I just need some air. I’ll be back” Yoongi nodded in understanding, letting him go. Jimin found his way out of the building. He paced back and forth on the sidewalk, beating himself up for his actions. God, what was wrong with him? He groaned in frustration, stomping his foot.
You were the closest thing to happiness he had felt in so long and he went ahead and fucked it up just like he had done with everything—his music, his career, and even his drug empire was on the cusp of falling apart all because of the Death Valley bastards.
He took a deep breath before reaching into his back pocket to pull out a cigarette and a lighter. He needed a smoke—bad. As he lit the cig, he noticed a black cadillac rolling into the parking lot at a frantic speed. He stopped momentarily, looking up as the car swiveled out of control.
Until it was headed straight for him.
People really thought it was a PR stunt. You rolled your eyes as you scrolled through social media at the news that Jimin was in the hospital after being in a car accident. Right after his song dropped nonetheless. You felt bad—the song was doing really well, but he wasn’t even conscious to see it. You yourself really liked it. It reminded you of his older work, but with a more mature touch to it. You could feel that the boy was struggling with something dark within himself. That was something you could relate to.
Taehyung had been wild when he found out, immediately making calls and screaming at people over the phone. You assumed that the accident was probably…not an accident, given his reaction. You wanted to go see him as soon as you could. Yoongi luckily gave everyone the day off to cope, and you headed over first thing in the morning.
Your eyes became teary as a nurse led you to the room Jimin was in. He was unconscious, and looked absolutely beat. You sat by his side, fluffing his hair affectionately. The nurse left the two of you alone, and you leaned down to give a soft kiss on his lips, naively wondering if like sleeping beauty he might wake up. Of course he didn’t. This wasn’t a fairy tale—it was far from it.
You had been up all night thinking about it. You finally understood was Jin had meant when he suggested that you knew too much. Did Namjoon do this? The car was the same kind as his was. He did hate Jimin passionately, you knew this for a fact. But would he really go this far?
You thought back to your last interactions with Namjoon. He did seem to be a little out of his mind lately. You figured it was the drugs. You made a mental note to ask Jungkook what exactly he’s on.
He had been so aggressive about wanting to win the upcoming fight. Did he do this on purpose? You recalled that he said Jimin made him lose the last time. You felt queasy. Maybe all the shit you and Namjoon had been through really got to him, and this was him reacting.
The driver of the car was not found at the site of the accident, and it was by sheer luck that Jimin was even alive according to the police.
You pulled out Seokjin’s business card, finally fed up with all of this. It was getting too dangerous. You no longer felt safe. You dialed his number.
As the phone rang you heard the door swing open. You smiled sheepishly, waving at the familiar cheery face you hadn’t seen for so long. The face of a man that Namjoon had made you doubt. You were questioning everything now. It was Hobi.
Seokjin had headphones blaring his favorite songs as he jogged in place, getting himself pumped up at a local gym. He let out a few punches into the air. He was ready to beat Namjoon shitless. He was pleased. Pleased that you had finally called him, agreeing to meet with him and cooperating. He was so close to finding out the person behind all the madness—he just needed to get to Jimin.
The two of you agreed to meet later in the day. You had told him a brief amount of what all you knew and thought, but he recommended not giving details over the phone. Jin knew that gangs were smart enough to wire tap phones of their associates, especially ones who knew as much as you did.
“So you’re Jin” He turned, a man walked in, leaning casually against the wall. “Nice to meet you” He smirked before adding “Officer”
Jin turned quickly, grabbing a pistol and aiming it at the man who simply laughed. “Relax officer. I’m not who you’re after.”
Jin gritted his teeth, not letting his gun down. “What do you want?”
“See. There’s this girl.” He showed Jin a live video of you on his phone, “I have a guy there, on standby to shoot her brains out. Now you can prevent that” He walked closer to Jin, grinning widely.
“What do you want? I can fucking kill you dumbass”
The man shrugged, “You could. But then he will still kill Y/n. The only way he backs down is if he hears from me” The man brings up his own gun, aiming it right back at Jin, “That you’re gonna throw the fight”
“So you are a gangster.” He rolled his eyes.
“Poor Y/n. All alone at the hospital with no one to save her”
“Hospital? Why?”
“Oh didn’t you hear? Park Jimin got in a little accident” The man flashed a evil smile. Jin shuddered.
“Ok, ok. I’ll lose, just don’t fucking touch her. I want a guarantee” Jin raised his arms, lowering his gun to the ground.
“Lose the fight first. Then we’ll deliver her right to you, officer” He turned around to leave, and Jin tried to memorize every detail he could of the man—he had to be connected to Jimin somehow. He noticed the tattoo on his back, and his eyes widened.
The tattoo was of your name.
ᐊ——[ previous ] series navi | masterlist | [ next ]——ᐅ
a/n: again thank you for being patient <3 since butter (and bbmas, and like a bunch of other shit) is coming next week, part 4 will be postponed until after. lets give the boys our all and enjoy everything coming--stream butter, go vote for our boys on twitter, do ya thing you beautiful humans. have a great day as always and thank you for reading! PLS LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK i love hearing your guys’ thoughts :) part 4 smut pairs are up too. JIN PPL JUST TRUST ME OK HES REALLY IMPORTANT YOU WILL SEE
taglist: @imluckybitches @gee-nee @missseoulite @hcneybees @kooookie @queenmasterxx @crustycaitlin @virgo-and-libra @un2-verse @winter-melontea @equivocacies @infernal-alpaca @shrimpmsg @meowmeowyoongles @rjsmochii @liltangerined @littlrmills14-blog @issysor @arandomblackgirl @adoringinsanity @giadalin @jeontier @kaithezaftig @jinssexytoe @nonnis97@minyoongiboongi @happygirl62304
death valley (m) | part 4
summary: welcome to death valley. once you’re in, there’s no telling whether you’ll make it out alive. a summer internship turns wild with blurry nights of dangerous men, dirty money, and extremely hot sex. you soon get caught in a savage game of greed, power and obsession, only to find out that you are the grand prize

pairing: ot7 x f.reader smut ft: jungkook x reader, namjoon x reader, yoongi x reader (ABOUT DAMN TIME)
genre: smut. yandere. mystery. thriller. gang!au rockstar!au fightclub!au
wordcount: 8k
warnings: reader discretion is very much advised. multiple & explicit smut scenes, rough sex, yandere behaviors, sex while intoxicated, oral sex (f and m), machoism/pain kink, manipulation, fighting, blood, masterbation, you’ll either fall in love with this yoongi or hate his guts there’s no in between, breath play, branding, choking, borderline abusive behavior, voyeurism, reader is a MESS, HEAVY DRUG USE, character injuries
a/n: im sorry for this lol, had to balance out the yoongi fluff. we’re getting into the more yandere/edgy side of this story so, be careful and dont read if it makes you uncomfortable
part 0 | part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | finale (lite) | finale (dark) part 11 | part 12 | part 13 | series navi | masterlist |
Taehyung had been at the hospital all night, catering to Jimin’s every need. As in, making sure his enemies stayed the fuck away from him while he was down, and ensuring that business went about smoothly. He had a knack for these things after all, and he really did love his work. Even if it did seem immoral, Taehyung felt that there was nothing wrong with what he did. People had needs, he had a product to fulfill them. Maybe some people got hurt along the way but every business was like that.
He knew you would be coming at some point, and he was excited to see you. You had looked incredible last night, the image burned into his mind. But you wouldn’t be coming to see him, no, you would be coming for Jimin.
Jimin had told Taehyung that he was going to try to be better to you. Deep down he didn’t think Jimin was capable of that, but as he returned to the hospital room, seeing you looking so worried had him thinking otherwise. He had advised Jimin on the roses and candles thinking that you would hate it.
You were on the phone when he arrived, standing in the corner and whispering away. Standing on the other side of the room was a man who Taehyung was familiar with, but he knew that the same was not true the other way around. “You must be Hoseok” He reached a hand out and Hobi shook it politely, “I am a friend of Jimin’s. He speaks very highly of your work. My name is Taehyung.”
Hobi smiled, always loving compliments. “Hi, nice to meet you too. It’s so terrible what happened to him” Hobi tried to pull his hand away but Taehyung tightened his grip, causing his face to drop into a confused frown. He then released him, giggling slightly.
“Honestly it was bound to happen at some point” Taehyung chuckled. “But you know, the police are saying it probably wasn’t an accident. It was intentional” He grinned widely and looked dead into Hobi’s eyes.
Hobi blinked back at him, “That’s terrible, why would anyone...” Taehyung burst into a fit of laughter, causing Hobi to shift uncomfortably.
“I’m just kidding” Taehyung pat his back playfully. You ended your call, coming to meet the two boys. You hugged Taehyung tightly, burying your face into his chest, unable to see the way Hobi’s eyes flashed with irritation.
“How is he?” You asked, looking up at him. Taehyung simply shrugged, quickly glancing down to check his watch.
“Not great. Doctor’s say he will live, in fact he should be conscious by the end of the day, but they still have to run tests to see if he got any brain damage. Obviously he can afford the best care out there so I’m not too worried about it”
You nodded, glancing back at Jimin one last time, “Well, I better head home. Call me if you need anything?” You squeezed Taehyung’s arm affectionately as he nodded.
“You too. Don’t worry too much” You smiled at him, waving awkwardly to Hobi as you left. You wondered what you would spend the day doing. You figured you could just spend the day with Jungkook and Namjoon, they knew the area better than you did. You unlocked your door and stepped in. Your blood ran cold.
Everything was ruined. The place was an absolute mess--television shattered, chairs thrown around, as if a hurricane had flown through. Your breathing quickened as you looked around frantically.
“Jungkook?” You had made it home too late last night to check on him, and even this morning you weren’t entirely certain you had seen him. You assumed he was still asleep. But now the boy was no where to be seen. Did he do this?
You stepped into your apartment, careful with your footwork, not wanting to step on the scraps of broken furniture that scattered across your floor. A crumbled sheet of paper was on the remnants of your kitchen counter.
Moved out. Sorry. Be safe. - JK
The paper dropped from your hand as you were too shocked and confused to even comprehend his words. Where do I go? You fumbled in your purse for your phone, scrolling to your contacts. Jin. Jin. Jin. You dialed his number, only to get him at voicemail. Fuck okay. Then who? You quickly left your apartment, taking care to really lock the door.
You were embarrassed to say the least as you found yourself yet again at Yoongi’s doorstep. That’s what you get for letting a shady drug dealer stay with you. Yoongi opened the door, looking not so much surprised as expectant.
“You have the day off Y/n” He said in place of a greeting.
“No I know, and I don’t mean to bother you on your day off...” Yoongi waved away your concerns, allowing you to step inside. He shut the door, locking it with a click, so soft you thought you may have imagined it. You continued to explain, “My place got robbed. I sorta had a roommate and I guess he moved out...and now the place is trashed” Yoongi raised his eyebrows.
“Always something interesting happening to you” He almost laughed. You nodded sheepishly, “You’re welcome to stay here as long as you’d like, I don’t really have any plans for the day.” You thanked him eagerly, following him into his kitchen. “Do you think it was your roommate? Who trashed your apartment?” You were surprised at his interest. You assumed he would have just ignored you after letting you in.
“I guess it could be. I don’t think he is a bad person but I guess a lot of evidence is pointing otherwise.” Yoongi nodded, seemingly deep in thought. “I’ll let the police know, hopefully they will figure it out.” You noticed the soft tapping of his fingers on the counter, fingers that were now much closer to your own than they were a second ago. You met his eyes briefly before focusing back on the way you fingers slightly stretched out, seeking his touch. He pulled his hand away quickly.
“Would you like to do something?” He asked, speaking confidently but nerves evident in the way his voiced wavered “I was going to just play around in my home studio all day but if there’s something else..” You shook your head.
“If it’s okay with you, that sounds great”
Maybe the universe had decided to take pity on you. About damn time. Yoongi welcomed you into his private studio--he had two in his home, but the other was locked up. He said he just kept old instruments in there now.
He brought out his guitar and began strumming along. You sat by his side, watching in awe as his fingers effortlessly played out beautiful progressions. “I heard you used to be Jimin’s fan” Yoongi stated. You blushed.
“Oh yeah. I was obsessed. Would go to every single one of his shows, hung out with his band and staff. I was a total groupie. He’s met me he just doesn’t remember it” You sighed ironically, “I mean why would he”
“You’re hard to forget” Yoongi stated, bringing an even deeper flush to your face. His words were flirtatious, but his voice steady. He played a few more chords, “I’ve known Jimin for a very...very long time. I’m surprised he’s so interested in you. You’re not really his usual type” He squints at you, “Really makes me wonder why. Who are you Y/n?” He sets his guitar aside, handing it to you. “You try”
It had been a while since you played guitar. You recalled learning a few things back in the day when you would wait backstage of Jimin’s performances. You nervously began to strum, watching as Yoongi nodded in approval. He knelt down next to you, wrapping his hand around yours, on the neck of the instrument. His fingers matched yours, guiding them into different positions, while his other hand remained on the small of your back. “There you go. Perfect” He glanced at your face, brows furrowed in focus “Just perfect”
He shifted, taking a seat behind as he wrapped his other arm around you, over yours landing on the strings. With his chin on your shoulder, he guided your hands into playing fun upbeat riff. You giggled as he got into a rhythm, letting him puppet your fingers beneath his. He smelled like heaven--clean like sheets of fresh linen. The heat of his body radiated through you, and you felt your heart beat faster and faster. Yoongi was humming softly to himself along with the music.
His hands came to a still, and the whole world seemed to freeze around you. All you could hear was the numbing pounds of your own heart. Your voice in your head begging it to quiet down. He didn’t move. You didn’t move.
“Y/n” His lips were so incredibly close to your neck it had you shivering. You let out a gasp, wanting to reel it back as soon as it left you because Yoongi then moved away from you instantly.
You didn’t even wanna know how flustered you must have looked, but Yoongi seemed unfazed.
You had made plans to meet Jin later that afternoon, informing Yoongi that you would return in a few hours. He kindly offered to drive you where you needed to go and you agreed.
After all, how could you refuse such a sweet guy.
Jin’s knee bounced rapidly as he waited for you in the parking lot of a nearby strip mall. He wondered if the man from earlier may have kidnapped you or something, he shuddered recalling the words we’ll deliver her right to you.
He saw a glimpse of your face, smiling as you chatted with the man driving you. Jin’s entire body froze with fear. It’s him. He met the man’s eyes briefly as you stepped out of the car. The man smirked at him, bringing a finger to his lips, before then making a finger gun and pointing it at you, reminding Jin what was at stake. He slightly nodded his head as you entered his passenger seat, and the man drove away, satisfied.
You turned as much as you could to face him. You noticed the lack of color in his face right away. “Who was that?” His voice was weak. You scrunched your eyebrows.
“Are you for real? You’re chasing down Jimin and you don’t know Yoongi? They’re pretty close...he’s his producer. He’s my boss too. My place got robbed and I have to stay with him for a bit. I tried calling you but you didn’t answer”
“Uh yeah...sorry about that” Jin cleared his throat, “Anyways, I looked into what you told me so far. I wanted to go over some details with you” You nodded, “You’re saying that it is possible that Jung Hoseok kidnapped you and Namjoon. Can I know where or who was the source of the pills you took that evening?”
Your eyes widened. You hadn’t even thought of that, “Oh...Namjoon brought them but Jungkook gave them to him”
Jin stroked his chin in thought, “Right. I figured. And do you know where Jimin was when all this happened?” You shook your head again.
“What about Kim Taehyung? He’s his friend, and a gangster. He found cameras in my apartment that apparently Jungkook put in my place”
Jin paused for a moment, “Wow... You’re in deep. Do you think it was possible that Jungkook kidnapped you guys?”
“No, he’s the one who found them”
“So he says” Jin shrugged, pulling out his phone to type in some notes.
“I really doubt it was Jungkook. He’s Namjoon’s friend”
“Friends don’t drug friends, putting them in near death situations” Jin stated blandly. You felt squeamish. “Plus he randomly moved in with you? That’s suspicious. And Jungkook also wasn’t at Jimin’s little soiree when the accident happened?” You nodded, “Who was there?”
“Taehyung...and Yoongi” Jin raised his eyebrows.
“Yoongi was at the party? Really? Huh” He bit his lip, “But Yoongi drives a black cadillac? And so does Namjoon?”
“Namjoon also hates Jimin, he thinks Jimin made him lose and I think he might also be jealous of him. Jimin has never seemed to care much about Namjoon either way though” You mentioned, “But whoever kidnapped us didn’t like Namjoon because they beat him up pretty bad”
“Does anyone have a reason not to like Namjoon?” You laughed at the question.
“I mean I don’t think so, but” You gulped, “Hobi might have...been jealous. Or or or!” A thought came to you, “He’s in the Death Valley gang right? Maybe they were like punishing him for not beating you?”
Jin considered your idea. “And does anyone have a reason not to like Jimin...besides Namjoon?” You shook your head.
“Maybe Hobi again, if he was jealous but he didn’t know that I..” You trailed off.
“That you were sleeping with Jimin?” Jin grinned, before setting his phone down and letting out a deep sigh. “Wow well...this is a lot to work with. While Jimin is out of commission, I think it would be wise to go after Jungkook. The lower workers of gangs often have a lot of contacts and information. Tell me Y/n,” He placed a hand on your knee, “Would you be willing to do something for me?”
It was a simple request. Jin needed you to find out a location. The place where he suspected that the King as he began to refer to him as, might be found. The place the drugs were being made and distributed. You were to manipulate Jungkook and have him take you there, and then tell Jin where the action was taking place.
You had no idea where Jungkook was though, so you called Namjoon. Namjoon texted you an address, and Jin dropped you there. It was a ways out from the city, which made you a bit nervous. You arrived at what seemed to be a mansion. "Take this” Jin handed you a small bug, “To record him in case. Call if you need me okay. I’ll make sure you’re always safe, I promise” You nodded, thanking him before heading into the house.
You rang the doorbell, feeling greatly underdressed for a place of this grandeur, in nothing but a graphic tee you borrowed from Yoongi and your shorts. Jungkook answered, freezing upon seeing you--eyes wide. He’s still so fucking cute. Even if he probably is really dangerous.
“You shouldn’t be here” Jungkook stammered, diverting his eyes from yours. He twiddled his fingers as you scoffed.
“What the hell happened to my apartment? Why did you move out?” Jungkook sighed, stepping back so you could walk inside. The house was insane--a modern crystal chandelier adorned the ceiling between two long sets of stairs. The walls were a cool grey. “Do you live here?” He nodded.
“Yeah uh...job pays well” He gave your a sheepish smile. You gaped at him, as he led you to one of many sitting rooms. “You look good” You took a seat in front of him.
Do whatever you need to do. I’ll keep you safe. Jin’s words came back to you. How can I get him to take me there? “Look, I don’t care what you did...how could you leave me without saying goodbye?” You blinked at him innocently. “I really like you, and I liked living with you. I trusted you”
“I didn’t want to baby” He bent down to kiss your knees, hand stroking your legs. “Of course I didn’t want to leave. I had to, to protect Namjoon. They were gonna kill him if I didn’t leave you alone. Y/n I’m...not someone you should be around. I’m a bad guy. I do bad things.”
“Let me decide that for myself. Show me who you really are. I’m not afraid of you” Total lie. You were scared shitless. But as the boy’s wavering eyes looked up at you, you pitied him. It must be lonely doing what he does. All this money, but no one to share it with. Dangerous...but still human.
And so you convinced him. Using your charms and exploiting the fact that a guy like him was young at lonely at heart. You didn’t feel great about it, but you knew it had to be done. To your surprise, he brought you to Death Valley.
The bar was closed--it was far too early. But Jungkook went around to the back. You followed him as he lead you through an entrance. It didn’t go into the main place, but instead you found yourself at an elevator. He held your hand tightly as he pressed in a keycode to activate the elevator.
“This is where the magic happens” He speaks confidently, and you can tell he feels comfortable in this place. The doors slide open to reveal a clandestine drug lab. There were beakers, pressure canisters, all sorts of machinery lined up along the walls. In the back you could see a garden of what you assumed was weed. It was a fairly large space, you assumed it was the whole basement of Death Valley.
“Wow” Jungkook bent down to shuffle through some things until he pulled out a duffel bag, unzipping it to reveal stacks of cash. You had never seen so much money in your life.
“This isn’t even a dent of what we get” He says, taking a wad and handing it to you, “Smell it. It’s fun” You took the money, flipping through it and inhaling the scent of richness. For a moment you wondered what would happen if you just kept it, but you knew Jungkook could easily destroy you if he needed to. Best not to play around. You handed the money back.
You paced around the lab, looking at things with great interest. “Hey Y/n” You turned to see Jungkook holding up a small ziplock with what looked like syringes. “You wanna? On the house” He winked shyly.
You followed Jungkook back to his car, sliding into the backseat so that he could administer the drugs to you properly. This is the same guy who almost killed your friend. What the fuck are you doing right now? Your mind was already in shambles. Whether it was the guilt of manipulating Jungkook, the stress of being in the situation you were in, or the strong desire you had to just go wild and forget about your idol being unconscious and your home being trashed.
You watched as Jungkook injected the liquid into your forearm, kissing the skin after tossing the syringe aside. He proceeded to inject himself and you felt comforted that he was accompanying you. “Don’t worry. This isn’t too strong”
He was probably talking to you but you felt a wave of serenity take over you making the world around you go quiet. Lost in thought, you began to smile. In a way, you felt elated. Your life was amazing. What were you worried about? Looking at the attractive man who was smiling like a puppy, so eager to please you, you couldn’t remember why you had been so stressed out.
You wanted to give him everything. He deserved everything. “Jungkook” You mumbled, throwing your body onto his and pushing him back. He wrapped his arms around you, holding you tight. You inhaled him, he was sweating slightly, likely nervous while showing you the lab. You shut your eyes and allowed yourself to simply feel the way his chest was rising and falling underneath yours. He began to fondle your ass.
“You know. I thought living with you would mean I would get to fuck you more often” Jungkook smiled widely. You sat up. Your sex life had felt so dramatic lately, you frowned thinking back to Jimin’s little show. That wasn’t you--you wanted to have fun. You wanted to go insane. Jungkook was perfect--Jungkook was everything. You could fuck him over and over again any way you wanted. Why did you ever doubt that?
"Fuck me. Fuck me hard” You pleaded, rolling your hips into him slightly. Jungkook’s eyes flashed.
“Yeah?” He sat up, pushing you off of him, “Get fucking naked and bend over you slut” You melted at the word. Excitement soared through you as the two of you stripped down to nothing, Jungkook not missing a beat to harshly grab your breasts as you got into position.
“I want it hard. Really hard.” You begged. Jungkook nodded. “Slap me, pull my hair, use me, I don’t care I just need it. Now” Your whining was turning him on. He had never seen you like this.
“Anything you want baby” He smacked your ass, watching the skin jiggle before he made his way behind you, bent over your frame as you gripped the edge of the carseat. His head brushed against the top of the car--it was far from comfortable. He slid his hands under your arms and pinched your nipples tightly, then proceeded to slide his hands up to your neck. “Is this okay?”
“Shut up” You snapped, “You’re a bad guy aren’t you Kook? Show me. Be bad. Destroy me please” He trembled slightly. You feel him stroke his cock, his hand brushing up against the bottom of your stomach as he pressed his lips onto the back of your shoulder. He pulled your hair, causing you to groan in pleasure. The pain. The pain was so good.
What were you doing? Did you miss Jimin? You were guilty. He was in the hospital because of you wasn’t he. Thoughts ran rampant in your mind as Jungkook guided his cock inside of you.
“So...fucking” He pushed deep into you, “Tight...fuck” He exhaled heavily, hugging himself onto your back.
“Fuck me Jungkook. Fuck me like a toy” Jungkook’s eyes rolled back as he pulled out of you, thrusting back with full force. The car creaked at the pressure.
“Just like that, please...please” You begged desperately, prompting Jungkook to piston in and out of you like he never had before. He clawed at your shoulders, digging his nails into you as you screamed out his name.
“You’re so fucking hot holy shit” He whined, eyes glued to the way his cock sunk into you. He smacked your ass, “Such a fucking slut”
“Yes I wanna be a slut. I wanna be your slut” You cried out, burying your head into the seat. He slapped you again before gripping your hips and pulling you back onto him. Your head kept hitting the seat over and over again. “More...MORE” You growled. Jungkook tried to go faster but he physically couldn’t. He didn’t want to rush. He wanted to enjoy this. But you were losing your mind. You wanted to pass out. You wanted to disappear.
Jungkook nipped at your ear, “God I missed your pussy, so fucking good for me, takes me so fucking well” He was close, but he wanted you to come. He reached his hand down to your clit and began to rub you rapidly.
You tilted your head back in pleasure as the feeling of his large fingers on your clit drove you into a frenzy. Seeing you so fucked out turned him on even more, and he came quickly, shamelessly, deep inside you. You tumbled down, but Jungkook continued to touch you, soon throwing your legs over his shoulders and pushing his tongue deep inside you.
You closed your thighs onto his head, pulling his hair as you continued to scream. “God yes...fuck...fuck” You looked out the window briefly. Your eyes landed on a car that had parked next to the two of you.
You squinted as Jungkook continued to eat you out, soon recognizing Jin’s handsome face. He watched intently, his eyes shot with lust. You moaned, not breaking eye contact with Jin for a second as Jungkook lapped away at your juices.
“I’m...I’m” You bit your lip and your hips jerked forward. You squirted all over Jungkook’s face, screaming at the top of your lungs. Jungkook caught you in an embrace as you fell back with exhaustion, almost falling off the seats.
Jungkook stroked you affectionately, kissing you softly and mumbling apologies to your body for his roughness. You heard a tap on the window. Jungkook jumped as he saw Jin, covering you immediately. He rolled down the window.
“If you guys are finished, I can drop her home” He smiled charmingly. You laughed. Everything slowed. Somehow Jin and Jungkook had gotten you back into your clothes and into his car. Somehow Jin had put up with you--a mess of laughing fits as he returned to your apartment. Somehow you found your way back home.
You giggled, tumbling into the hallway before you pulled your way to Yoongi’s door. You had no idea what time it must have been, but hopefully he was asleep. You fumbled with the lock, unable to correctly insert the key with how your eyes were rendered useless. You tripped over your own feet, falling with a soft thud onto the carpeted hall.
The door opened, and you looked up, squinting to see Yoongi. You expected that he would look annoyed, but no--this man looked furious. Nevertheless he took a deep breath and crouched down to you, taking your hands in his own.
“Come on” He urged as he carefully helped you stand. You shifted your weight, throwing your arms over his shoulders as you latched on for dear life. Yoongi’s touch was tender, not at all manhandling you. He led you to the kitchen and helped you onto a stool before turning the facet on to get you some water. He handed you a glass but you simply blinked, mind numb but seriously wondering how exactly Yoongi had managed to turn upside down.
He sighed and pushed the glass to your lips, softly pulling your head back to allow you to drink the cool liquid. You drank a few sips before choking, Yoongi stopped, wiping your mouth with the bottom of his shirt. Unlucky for you that you missed a glimpse at his abs. Your head landed on his shoulder as you looked up at him, your eyes wide with confusion and fascination.
“Yoooooooongi” You drew out the vowel, attempting to be cute when you looked anything but. “You” You tapped his chest as he raised his eyebrows at you “Youuuu are Yooooongi.” You burst into a fit of giggles, almost falling back before you feel Yoongi’s chest against your back, preventing you from tipping over. He grips your shoulders softly.
“Yes, I am Yoongi” He speaks to you straightforwardly, as if you were perfectly sane and make a perfectly sane statement. He steadied your balance before going over the his refrigerator. The cold air washed over him as he scanned for something to feed you and help you through the state you were in.
Yoongi wasn’t the best at taking care of himself--besides the Red Bulls and various types of fruits in his possession, he didn’t have much else to offer you. He sighed before slamming the fridge shut and moving instead to search his cabinets. His eyes zero in on a pack of ramen noodles.
He quickly begins to boil some water, preparing the quick dish for you as you began to mumble incoherently. “Yooooooongi. You are Yoooongi. Mr. Min Yooooongi”
Yoongi hummed his agreement in response, as he dropped in the noodle pack and spices, stirring the pot. He turned back to face you as the meal cooked, leaning forward against the counter. You smiled lazily at him.
“You’re hot” You puckered your lips at him and blew him air kisses “I wanna kiss you Mr. Min Yoongi MWAH”
The edge of his lips curved into a smirk, he looked from your eyes down your body and back up, shaking his head in amusement. He turned back around to stir the noodles. They looked about done. He grabbed a bowl and poured them out, taking a pair of chopsticks and stirring the soupy dish around. He came to your side, lifting up some noodle with the chopsticks and blowing at it furiously, trying to lessen the heat so he could get the food into you as quickly as possible.
“Open up” He brought the bowl to your face to feed you. Your lips parted, allowing him to push the steaming noodles in. You slurped as he retracted his hand, getting ready with another bite. This went on, and he slowly fed you not minding how sloppily you took the food.
“That’s yummy” You remarked. Yoongi set down the bowl before bringing his hand to your face. He wiped off the stains that had formed all over the edges of your lips with his thumb, letting his finger roll over the plump skin before pushing his finger into your mouth. Your tongue wrapped around his thumb. You looked at him with large eyes as he attempted to remove his finger only for you to grab his wrist and keep him where he was.
Yoongi gulped as you took hold of his hand and continued to suck his thumb, mimicking a certain obscenity that had his eyes darkening. He trembled slightly.
“Y/n” His voice was reprimanding, and you released his thumb reluctantly, your lips smacking as he drew away from you. He stared down at his hand, thumb covered in your saliva. He chuckled slightly before looking back at you, running the side of his thumb over his lips, wiping you off of his own tongue.
You didn’t realize you had moaned at the gesture, but Yoongi definitely had. He moved in closer to you, standing between your legs and gliding his fingers oh so softly over your tingling skin. You felt shy suddenly, looking away.
Yoongi just watched you, smiling to himself as you unraveled in blushes under his gaze. You felt overwhelmed. How could he do this all simply by looking at you?
He didn’t dare step any closer, but continued to run his fingers up and down your skin, leaving a burning trail wherever they touched. You squirmed, grabbing his hands and pressing them to lie flat against your thighs. Yoongi gave you an innocently confused look.
“You’re teasing me” You pouted. Yoongi shook his head.
“I’m not doing anything my love” He pulled his hands back, “Not yet” He reached into a drawer and pulled out a bottle of pills, emptying one into his hand. He took the pill and slid it into your mouth, you gulped it down.
“Good girl. That’ll help you get some sleep” Yoongi stroked your hair, “Come on, you can sleep on my bed tonight” You nodded excitedly. Yoongi turned, motioning for you to hop onto his back, which you were more than eager to do. His hands cupped the underside of your thighs as he lifted you off the stool and towards his room, dropping you off carefully on his bed.
“Let’s get you changed” He muttered, “Can you change by yourself love?” He dropped to his knees in front of you. You attempted to sit up, shaking your head. He took a deep breath, letting his eyes close and gathering himself before he then reached to unbutton your shorts.
He tried to look away as he pulled them off your body, you legs rising to help him. He tossed them aside as you laid back down on the mattress.
“Wait” Yoongi pursed his lips, as you let your eyes flutter close. He straddled you carefully, making sure not to touch you any more than he had to. He stared at your chest, wondering how to take off the black tank top you had on. Wondering if you even were wearing anything under it because he had a feeling you weren’t.
He let his fingers slide under the thin straps, tugging them down as they revealed the tops of your breasts. He gulped, furrowing his brows. “Come on it’s nothing you haven’t already seen” He mumbled softly to himself before yanking the straps down completely to your wrists, you breasts popping out of their constraints.
He could feel his pants tightening as he wrestled the top off of you. He jumped off of you quickly, clutching his rapidly beating heart and panting heavily. “Fuck” He glanced back at you, now topless in nothing but your panties.
His whole body was shaking, trying to convince himself to stop looking but you were too angelic. Your body seemed to call his name. He bit down on his lip, clenching his fists and digging his nails in. In a burst of self control he quickly pulled his own shirt off and pulled it over your unsuspecting head. Finally you were covered.
Yoongi’s cock was throbbing, the image of your body so clear in his mind. He let out a shaky breath. He dropped back down to his knees, looking at the way your legs were ever so slightly spread still. He leaned his face in closer, closing his eyes as his nose brushed against the insides of your thighs, not daring to get too close.
He inhaled sharply, reaching his hand down to slide down his pajamas, his cock popping out, eager and ready. He gulped as he began stroking himself, careful to not move too much, careful to keep his eyes closed. He wouldn’t want to take advantage of you, not like this. As his hand began pumping himself furiously, he couldn’t help the painful cries that left his trembling lips.
He pulled his face away, opening his eyes to look at your blissfully sleeping state. “Fuck” He spit into his hand quickly before continuing to glide his firm grip over his cock.
His mind was in shambles. This is wrong. Stop it. Yoongi scolded himself. Your kind sleeping eyes seemed to coo him in comfort. It’s okay. She’s fine.
No. This is wrong. Yoongi screamed internally. But she wants me. She said that didn’t she? She’s barely conscious you fucking sicko.
Yoongi let out a loud whine before quickly running into the bathroom, trying to save your decency and his own, but finding release quickly in the privacy of his own space.
Maybe you were even now. He just did that, and you had pissed him off by coming home high out of your mind, and so late. Yeah. Yeah that’s fair.
He returned to tuck you into the covers before he himself slid into the bed next to you. He turned off the lights, rolling over to find some rest of his own. It’s entirely possible that he was conscious as he pressed up against you, carefully pulling you into a soft embrace. How could he know? It was impossible to see after all.
The next morning you knew you were in for it, as you waddled into the kitchen, still sore from last nights...endeavors. Yoongi seemed to be wiping something off of his kitchen knife. He set down the utensil and gave you a stern look.
“I--” You began but Yoongi set his hand up. “Where the hell were you last night?” His voice frightened you. He was pissed, jaw clenched as he made his way over to you, “Answer me right now!” He growled. “Who were you with huh? Were you at Death Valley?” You didn’t answer, too astounded by his fuming rage. He grabbed your shoulders and gripped them firmly, shaking you.
“Yoongi you’re hurting me” You squeaked out, only causing him to tighten his grip. “Fuck you, I don’t have to tell you anything! You’re not my boyfriend. You don’t own me.” You laughed darkly. Yoongi pushed you back against the wall, caging your head between his forearms. He was so so close to you, you felt his whole body against yours.
Your eyes shifted from his lips back to him, crossing pathways with his gaze to see his eyelids flutter. His lips parted ever so slightly, and you clenched your hand into a fist, waiting. He leans in, and so do you. You could almost taste him. Your knees went weak, and you felt a surge of heat within you. Please.
He hesitated, and you felt like he was about to pull away. You quickly grabbed his collar and slid your lips onto his, kissing him softly. You melted into him. He tasted as sweet as you had hoped, if not sweeter. Your hands trembled as you felt yourself getting lost in the feeling of him. Something...something so beautiful flew through your veins. You wanted to feel everything he had to give you, and you wanted him to feel everything you had to give him too. It was unlike anything you had ever experienced.
Yoongi backed away with a start, leaving you panting heavily. You searched his eyes for a reaction, heart dropping when you saw none. Until he cupped your chin and brought his lips back on you. He deepened the kiss, hands traveling down your sides. He pressed his hips into you as your arms wrapped around his neck, clenching his hair.
He took a deep breath, looking at you with hooded eyes. “Turn around” And you obeyed. He tore your clothes off harshly, not caring as the fabric would yank against you. Once you were naked, you heard him shuffle around. It sounded like he was grabbing something.
Suddenly you felt something incredibly hot against your neck. Yoongi pushed your hair away and your eyes widened as you realized what he was doing. He slowly traced something and you screamed. He was branding you.
He blew at your neck, attempting to ease the burn as he continued to slowly carve letters on the back of your neck. You didn’t stop him. You didn’t want to stop him. You sobbed at the pain, but you felt yourself getting wetter by the second, craving him more and more.
“Yoongi” You cried, hearing him shush you. Finally the burn stopped, leaving only the searing after pain of the letters burned into your skin. He appeared to rub some sort of cream over, providing some cooling relief. You groaned, the numbness feeling so good after the scorching heat. He brought his lips over the scar.
“Look at me” He grabbed your jaw and turned you back towards him. He too was now undressed. You saw that he had set a lighter and a branding iron on his table. He grasped your neck, “I love you”
Your vision went hazy but you nodded, unsure if you had actually heard him say it or if you were imagining things. He took your breast into his mouth, biting harshly as you yelped out. He loved hearing you cry, it drove him wild. He continued to suckle you as he smacked your throbbing pussy.
“Fuck” You winced as he began to bite down and bruise your breasts. The pain overwhelmed you, you almost felt limp, but Yoongi held you up. You sank into him, exhausted already but Yoongi was just getting started.
Was this a dream? He helped you down onto the floor, laying you on your back. He climbed over your practically lifeless body, trailing kisses up until he found your lips again.
“Yoongi” You sighed blissfully as he sucked on your lips. He moved to kissing your neck, biting down as you squirm. He traced a finger against you cunt and without warning he shoved it in. “Yoongi!” You screamed at his force. He was absolutely ruthless. He pumped his fingers quickly, adding another. You shut your eyes, focusing on the sound of your soaked walls. “It hurts. Yoongi it hurts” You choked, tears building in your eyes.
“I know baby. But you hurt me too. It’s only fair” He kissed you tenderly, “I love you so much. Next time it won’t hurt so much I promise” You were convinced that you were either asleep or hallucinating.
“Fuck me” You gasped as he dug his fingers deep inside you, “Just fuck me please” He let out a heavy sigh, removing his fingers from inside you before shoving them in your mouth.
“Not yet my love. Soon. But not yet” You coughed, unable to breathe. Yoongi removed his hand, covering his lips with yours one last time before slapping you clean across the face. You were out like a light. It’s a dream. It has to be.
The fight was today. It was all Namjoon could talk about at work. He asked you to come early to be with him while he warmed up, and you agreed, hoping that you would be able to keep an eye on him and make sure nothing sketchy was going on in the process.
During your lunch break, Jin picked you up and drove you somewhere hidden so you could update him on things.
“So death valley is the heart of all this huh?” He chuckled, “Listen, I didn’t tell you this earlier but...someone threatened me, and I have to throw the fight otherwise they’re gonna kill you.”
“Jin--” You started. You didn’t want anyone to get hurt because of you.
“Not even a question, I’m not gonna let anything happen to you. I swear. I’ll lose, and then I’m gonna sneak down to the lab and see if I can find him. I’m assuming he will be collecting and storing the money he will win.”
“A...are you sure? Namjoon could really hurt you. He really wants to” You stated, chuckling bitterly. Jin squeezed your hand.
“This is my job. My fight. Literally. Just trust me, you’re gonna be safe”
You arrived to the arena early. It was empty, aside from a few staff members who appeared to be cleaning the place up. You made your way to the back doors, feeling a sense of dread as you walked along the familiar hallways that brought you into this mess in the first place.
“Namjoon?” You knew he was around there somewhere. You could hear the sound of a punching bag somewhere, following it until you arrived at a room. Namjoon was warming up, headphones over his ears blasting music. You smiled inwardly as you recognized the song. You walked in, causing Namjoon to finally notice your presence. He slide off his headphones, wiping his forehead off with the towel around his neck.
“Hey” He made his way to you, giving you a quick embrace. He was covered in sweat, you could tell he had been practicing for a while. “Thanks for coming. Being around you eases my nerves”
“Of course. You’re gonna do great okay”
Namjoon shook his head, “Y/n, this is it. If it win this fight I’m gonna be set. I can quit this for good. I can leave the gang I can go back and focus on my music again. I will. I promise you this.” You smiled fondly at his excitement, “But if I lose...I can’t...I can’t lose” You touched his arm.
“Namjoon. Look at me. You’re gonna do great okay, I believe in you” Namjoon grabbed your face and pulled you into a kiss, you almost screamed out in surprise. “Joon what the fuck?” He didn’t relent, holding you firmly against him as he kissed you long and hard. You could hear him whine softly through his kisses. He’s just nervous. I should help him out. You let your hand find the waistline of his shorts, tugging them down so you could palm his cock.
“Y/n...fuck” He groaned as you brought out his cock and began stroking it slowly, looking him in the eye. You left a trail of kisses down his chest, and he watched as you playfully licked his nipples a few times before lowering onto your knees.
“Poor baby” You mumbled as your lips covered his yearning tip. “My big strong little boy” Namjoon’s knees wobbled, “Let me help you baby” You ran your tongue across his cock.
Namjoon was impatient. He put his hands into your hair and pushed himself down your throat. You gagged as he cried out in pleasure. He clenched your scalp harshly, nails digging into you. Pain soared as he pulled your head back and forth forcefully. You let him do it. He was stressed after all.
“Your mouth feels so good” He cursed out as he began to rapidly thrust into you. You could barely breathe, saliva and his girth blocking your lungs. You could feel his cock twitch. It hurt...but seeing the bliss on his face made it worth it as he came quickly, shooting his hot load down your throat before releasing his grip on you. The movement was so sudden, your head fell back, neck straining with pain. You gasped for air, coughing everywhere. Your eyes were blurred with tears from pain. Namjoon didn’t notice, as he dressed himself back up and returned to warming up. You sat on the floor dazed.
You heard the door creak behind you, and turning to see it come to a close. Was someone watching? You laid back, feeling the cold concrete against your back, sighing deeply. You had a horrible...horrible feeling about this fight.
You found a seat in the arena after Namjoon left, ready to watch and support your friend. “Hey” Taehyung, as expected, climbed into the seat besides you, waving slightly, “Mind if I join you?”
You shook your head, “How is Jimin?”
Taehyung sighed and shrugged, “He’s awake now. Still waiting on test results but I took him back home. He’s resting. You should go see him when you can” You nodded, admiring the man next to you for how well he cared for his friend despite everything.
The lights dimmed, focus landing on the ring in front of you.
Namjoon came out, looking fierce and energized. You shouted proudly, cheering him on. Jin came out on the other side. You glanced at Taehyung who was simply watching carefully.
The second the ref began the match, Namjoon pounced on Jin. He quickly dodged him. They went on, back and forth. The crowd was wilding. Namjoon landed a blow on Jin, sending him flying back. He quickly got back up, ducking under Namjoon to push him down.
Your heart was racing, unsure of who you should really be hoping walks out a winner. You wanted Namjoon to win so he would just stop. But seeing Jin get hurt wasn’t a pleasant thought either, especially since your life almost depended on him.
“Yeah?” Taehyung answered a call, motioning to you that he would be right back. You continued to watch the fight, Namjoon grunted as he pummeled Jin with punches. Blood tricked from Jin’s lip, but he wiped it off.
Your stomach went queasy as you saw the expression on his face. You knew Jin was planning to lose, but in that moment you saw nothing but sheer fury in his eyes. He looked ready to kill.
As if the universe heard your thoughts, Jin planted a fierce uppercut, sending Namjoon flying onto the ground.
Your ears deafened as the cheers of the crowd faded against your pounding heart as Namjoon lay, knocked out completely. Blood leaked from his head. You looked around but Taehyung was nowhere to be seen.
Jin was declared the winner, but Namjoon didn’t stir. You felt faint. You tried to catch Jin’s attention, confused out of your mind at what you had just seen.
“Y/n” You turned to see that Taehyung had returned. He also looked worried and simultaneously pissed. “Let’s go. Now” He grabbed your wrist and yanked you towards the exit, almost running as he pushed aside the crowd.
“What’s going on? What are you doing?” You snapped at Taehyung as he practically threw you into a car. Another. Black. Cadillac?
“Shut up” He growled, “Or I’ll fucking make you” He hopped in the drivers seat and stepped on the gas.
“Wait! Where are you taking me? What about Namjoon? I have to see if he’s okay!” Taehyung ignored you, eyes glued to the road. “Taehyung stop the fucking car!” You shouted.
“Relax...you’re gonna be just fine” A voice came from the backseat, and you whirled around.
“My love”
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a/n: ooOOO. yoongi is a bad bad boy, but is he the bad bad boy??? ;) why did jin actually win the fight? was yoongi the one who threatened jin? (ok yes but why! he said he loves her!) the biggest prank--who hurt jimin! it couldnt have been tae or yoongi sooo
im like,,,trying to be subtle with the way i phrase things to give hints but idk if it actually comes across or if im just losing my mind. lmk lol
as always thanks for reading, have a great day and HAPPY BUTTER WEEK im sooo ready for this comeback. next update will be in a while, but its gonna be a sexxxxyyyy one:) (with less pain kink and like...literal abuse lol sorry about that uh...yeah) smut pairs up on the masterlist, stay tuneddd :))))
taglist: @imluckybitches @gee-nee @missseoulite @hcneybees @kooookie @queenmasterxx @crustycaitlin @virgo-and-libra @un2-verse @winter-melontea @equivocacies @infernal-alpaca @shrimpmsg @meowmeowyoongles @rjsmochii @liltangerined @littlrmills14-blog @issysor @arandomblackgirl @adoringinsanity @giadalin @jeontier @kaithezaftig @jinssexytoe @nonnis97@minyoongiboongi @happygirl62304 @just-me-and-myselfs @purplepebbles @channiespup
death valley (m) | part 8
summary: welcome to death valley. once you’re in, there’s no telling whether you’ll make it out alive. a summer internship turns wild with blurry nights of dangerous men, dirty money, and extremely hot sex. you soon get caught in a savage game of greed, power and obsession, only to find out that you are the grand prize

pairing: ot7 x f.reader smut ft: jin x reader, jungkook x reader, taehyung x reader
genre: smut. yandere. mystery. thriller. gang!au rockstar!au fightclub!au
wordcount: 9.0k
warnings: reader discretion advised. rough sex, physical roughness, sadism kink, pain kink, breast play, fingering, elevator sex (semipublic), praise kink, dirty talk, unrealistic endurance (this is one day LMAO), attempted fire play, bondage, guns, attempted shootings, knife play if you squint, spanking, degradation (name calling, slut shaming, being really mean lolol thanks jin), crying kink? lot of crying, toxic and manipulative behaviors, jin steps on you so there’s that, character death, heavy drug use, paranoia/fear, voyeurism, sex while intoxicated, me trying to put some humor where i can, sweet dom!jungkook, wild dom!jin, and a sprinkle of dom!taehyung ;) ALSO eyebrowpiercing!jungkook. very important.
a/n: this smut was VERY fun to write. please enjoy. i will shout out muster!bts for being my inspo.
part 0 | part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | series navi | masterlist
F L A S H F O R W A R D–
Goosebumps spread across your skin as the silence set in. The room was chilly, air conditioner buzzing in contrast to the slick humidity of the summer night waiting for you outside. The white light made your eyes ache, the walls were plain, dry, empty.
You stared blankly at the table in front of you. The sound of the pen scratching paper made you ache, remembering kinder days when you and Hobi would be goofing around and writing songs. How did you get here? How did you let this happen?
The previous night, you had dreamt of being at a concert, somewhere far from Death Valley. Losing yourself to music and molly, a soft pair of hands on your waist as you danced the night away, singing at the top of your lungs. Those same hands wrapping around your waist, nose tracing behind your ear to whisper to you how pretty you were. How hot you looked and how badly he wanted to tear your clothes off with his teeth.
You allowing him to pick you up so easily, take you back to his car where you scrambled into the back seat. Like children. The first kiss was magic, you were glued to him and could barely move on. He wouldn’t leave you for a second, he wouldn’t let you breathe. Your lips were hot on each other, soft moans and giggles. Swallowed smiles as you drank one another in, bodies like waves crashing against each other.
Hands wandering until he had you where he wanted. Where you wanted. He loved you down so incredibly good. How was he able to tear you apart while still being so sweet, you could barely even fathom it. His teeth dug into the flesh of your breasts, fingers hooking around your panties.
His tongue ravished your figure. There was no part of you left untouched, no part of you that wasn’t completely ablaze with arousal. You would arch your neck back as he lapped away at the sweetness dripping between your legs, your hands combing through his wavy black hair.
His tongue knew where to go, he knew how you liked it, and your fist clenched as he fucked you with his mouth through and through. He always made sure you came first. Always. Every single time.
Whether you had mere minutes or long hours, he loved the way you tasted, making sure you knew that at every chance he got. Sloppy wet kisses traveled up your stomach to your chest, up your neck, hands caressing your ass, scratching your back, holding you close for a moment.
You were whisked away into heaven, just briefly, as his thick cock would push into you. Your pussy pulling him in, wanting to feel the familiar but oh so incredible stretch that only he gave you.
Taehyung. You sobbed as he fucked you, allowing him to kiss the glossy tears off of your cheeks as he rolled his hips, angling so perfectly to nudge deep within you. His sinister grin, his giggles, his chaos. You were in the hands of disaster but you never felt more safe.
Why are you crying dumbass? He would find your state amusing, continuing to fuck you, thrusts long and smooth. Quick, but slow enough for you to savor each second. Your whining lost behind the wet sound of your bodies colliding.
Where are you? Are you watching this right now? You’re not really dead are you?
Stroking your cheek, he leaned down to whisper against your mouth. The words he would keep on saying, echoing back to you. Play along. I won’t hurt you.
What exactly you were playing, you were unsure.
“Look at me” Your eyes darted up to meet Jin’s deceivingly innocent eyes. “I’m gonna ask you again, did you kill Kim Taehyung?”
You gulped, sweat collecting onto the cold handcuffs around your wrists. Jin glanced at the mirrored wall, before letting out a heavy sigh.
“It appears that Kim Taehyung was murdered about two hours before the party. We found your gun near the body.” Jin holds up the custom weapon Yoongi had given that was unmistakably yours. “Where were you at that time?” You felt your eyes getting heavy.
“I was” You lips were chapped, mouth clammy with a bitter taste. You looked him dead in the eye, stomach sickened by the amusement glistening within them as you struggled with your response. You knew he was getting a kick out of it. You wanted to spit on his face. You wanted to slap him, to scream, to flip the table and break out of the windowless room that caged you.
“I was with…y..” Jin smirked, leaning back. You cleared your throat, mind running a mile a minute.
“With who Y/n?”
You glared at him. He was treating this as some sort of role play. You felt queasy at the thought. Someone was dead. Dead.
“You. I was with you”
Keep reading
death valley (m) | part 9
summary: welcome to death valley. once you’re in, there’s no telling whether you’ll make it out alive. a summer internship turns wild with blurry nights of dangerous men, dirty money, and extremely hot sex. you soon get caught in a savage game of greed, power and obsession, only to find out that you are the grand prize

pairing: ot7 x f.reader smut ft: yoongi x reader, jimin x reader, jungkook x reader, seokjin x reader
genre: smut. yandere. mystery. thriller. gang!au rockstar!au fightclub!au
wordcount: 10.5k (you’ll speed through it i promise)
warnings: reader discretion advised. drug use, manipulation, rough sex, penetrative sex, oral sex, breast play, cum play, fingering, toxic behavior, reference to psychological disorders, slut-shaming, obsessive, possessive, yandere themes, lying, fighting, guns, shootings, character death, degradation, groping, praise, lots of love-making, lots of emotional confessions, angsty sex, heavy flirting, reference to past somno, dubcon/coersive sex, car chase, alcohol use, sex while intoxicated….i think that’s everything??? bathroom sex, police station sex, forced vouyerism, torture, a building gets set on fire (bultaoreune pt 2) lots of stabbing/knife use, jimin sings a song about you awh! and also namjoon is a whole SIMP
a/n: MY ENTIRE SOUL WENT INTO THIS and i probably cried at some point. please enjoy.
part 0 | part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | series navi | masterlist | moodboard
The clicking of Jin’s pen between his fingers did nothing to ease your irritation as he paced around you slowly, settling then to place his palms on the table, leaning forward until he was a breath away from you.
“What exactly were you doing…with me?” The sleazy grin on his face had you eager to punch his perfectly sharp jawline.
“We were doing drugs at the hotel.” You stated simply, a bitter taste in your mouth. “Cocaine, molly, who knows what else, and we drank….we fucked”
Jin smirked, glancing back at the mirror briefly. He sat himself down lightly on the table. Leaning back on his hands, the incessant clicking of his pen continuing to echo off of the plain walls.
“Right…we did, didn’t we. Can you describe it to me?” His flirtatious tone seemed blatantly inappropriate for the occasion, but that didn’t stop him from flashing you those hungry, lustful eyes.
He walked his calloused fingers down the collar of your shirt, tapping against your chest softly. The brush of his skin against yours had you trembling. You felt the constrain of your blouse give way as he popped open each button with the swift move of his thumb.
“Stop playing games Jin. You’re the one who fucking wanted me to kill him” You whispered to him, eyeing the camera that filmed you from the corner.
He grazed along the front clip of your bra, before snapping it open, your flesh spilling out. He sighed in approval, hands now pushing aside the fabric so he could tug at your nipples. You looked at the mirror, knowing full well that someone was behind it.
“I know it wasn’t you, dumbass” His voice was eerily raspy, face now barely inches from yours as his palm covered your breast. His words searing against your neck, making your face flush with heat. Your breath hitched as he ran a stripe down your neck before settling to sink his teeth into your shoulder. “You wanna know what I think?” You gulped as he brushed his lips across the expanse of your sternum. “I think it was Yoongi”
He backed away, only enough to fully enjoy the disturbed look in your eyes, the dilemma in your head obvious to him, the denial almost salivating. He knew you wouldn’t accept it but he simply loved watching you fall apart. There was an exhilarating rush he felt when getting inside your head, making you lose faith in someone you thought you loved, making you afraid, helpless, and confused. He couldn’t get enough.
“But I mean, you saw him that day right? It couldn’t have been him since he at the album release party…hm?” You were horrified, Jin’s cock painfully throbbed through his tight pants. Setting down his pen, his slender fingers wrapped around your throat, loving the way your eyes were filled with fear, lips parted as you choked for a breath. He released you, and you gasped loudly, panting as you collected yourself.
“No…I didn’t see him there but…I was high so maybe” Jin grinned, he could feel your heart racing, the trepidation in your eyes making him want to flip you over and fuck you until you were screaming for him to stop.
“Can you describe to me the last interaction you had with him?” He unbuttoned your pants and you watched him, mind numb and unable to process anything. You felt his hand slide beneath the waistline, fingers greedily searching as you spread your legs. His fingers found your clit, gliding across in small, painfully light circles. He was giving you nothing, but you had already surrendered to his touch.
“H..he was upset…” Heat pooled between your legs as you clenched your thighs, desperately trying to feel Jin’s fingers. You swallowed, basking in the sensation just briefly as you eyes fluttered shut. “He thought I had been with someone. But no–no way. I know how it sounds but it wasn’t Yoongi. There’s no way he would have known that I slept with Taehyung”
“Oh. You slept with Taehyung? My goodness.” Jin shoved a finger into your cunt causing you to buckle forward, hands landing on his thighs. He chuckled at the breathless curses spilling from your chapped lips as he curled his finger inside of you.
“Is he that possessive though? Do you think Yoongi would go to such lengths just because of jealousy? I mean, that seems pretty extreme.” Jin paused, pulling his finger out, ignoring your frustrated groan. He wiped his fingers against your cheek as if you were a rag. “Well I suppose this is the guy who branded you, locked you up in his apartment. And clearly he has a temper.”
“I’m a bit curious” You strained your neck to turn away as Jin’s tongue lapped at your cheeks, sloppily taking up the arousal spread across your face. “The night you were kidnapped, did you fuck Namjoon?”
You inhaled sharply, nodding. Jin finished licking up your cheeks before pressing his lips onto yours again. You could feel his grin on your lips as his hands cupped your jaw, tilting your face up to him so he could deepen the kiss.
You gasped as he parted, giving you a proud look that made you tempted to strangle him then and there, law be damned. “Before Jimin’s accident, didn’t you sleep with him too?”
“Yes, how do you kno–” Jin placed a finger over your lips, making you scowl.
“Is it possible that Yoongi orchestrated all of this to punish and scare off your lovers? And that Yoongi could have found out about you sleeping with Taehyung and killed him?”
You went quiet, Jin’s grin widening as the light vanished from your eyes. His words sunk in as you began to recount all the events that had been happening over the past few weeks.
“Yes but..no…no he” You sounded as though you were trying to convince yourself more than Jin. Tears streamed down your face “But Jungkook said…you…”
Jin pat your cheeks playfully, “Ah, right. The drug dealer who was high on heroin and claims I stabbed him.” He flicked your forehead, “Use that pretty head of yours hm? I was with you that night, wasn’t I? Driving you home. Your entire basis for thinking I’m a bad person is on the words of a seasoned liar”
“Jungkook wouldn’t…he…”
“God Y/n!” Jin snapped, slamming his fist onto the table “Why do you keep defending Jungkook of all people? We’ve been over this, he’s lied to you so many fucking times. He lied about it being me who threatened him to have him move out. I didn’t even know you then. He lied to you about drugging Namjoon, and honestly who knows what else he’s lied about. He’s a greedy whore. Nothing more.”
You clenched your eyes shut, hoping that you could somehow awaken from the nightmare that the past two days had been and instead return to the hotel room with Yoongi, kissing him. The only thoughts on your mind being his consuming adoration for you, the fire that took over you whenever you touched him, and the exciting prospect of what a life with him would entail. Making love and music every night for the rest of eternity.
“Can’t you see that they’re paying Jungkook to lie to you? You know for a fact that Yoongi is a gangster. You know for a fact that Hobi works for him. They’ve gone to great lengths to manipulate you against me. The only person who actually can keep you safe from Yoongi” His brown eyes were focused on you, all the flirting and teasing vanished, leaving nothing but a man of the law doing his duty.
You nodded, words unable to form in your mouth that was instead filled with an overwhelming bitterness. Jin faced the mirror and gave a satisfied smile.
“That’s all my questions. I think we know who our killer is”
Jin glanced back at the mirror and gave a slight nod, to which the door opened, allowing an officer to drag in a defeated looking Yoongi in handcuffs, plopping him down into the chair across from you. His face was sullen, eyes red and tired, from drugs or tears, you weren’t quite sure. He wore a white hoodie, now stained with streaks of what you prayed was dirt and not blood.
You internally pleaded for him to look you in the eyes, but he didn’t. His eyes remained steady on the ground, not reacting as Jin walked over to him, lightly smacking his head. “Enjoy the show Mr. Min Yoongi?”
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