Hyungline - Tumblr Posts
we were talking about how taehyung said namjoon is the least scary when angry
because like namjoon angry is just one tiny joonie being angy uwu:
namjoons love language is letting jungkook touch his hair, matching FG shirts with yoongi, having seokjin by his side during interviews, quiet talks under the moonlight with jimin, letting hoseok apply lip balm to his lips, and playing with taehyung during dynamite performances.

Hoseok Imagine
A scoop of everyday life of a financially struggling couple with a baby. A bit of angst with a happy ending.
The freezing weather of the night did no better to your state after finishing an 8 hr shift at a cafe.
The constant ache in your legs after standing for so long, the chappy skin of your hands, which exhibited that they have not been pampered enough by a manicure, and the chaos swirling in your head after registering every nagging customer’s questions and complaints were more than enough to make you look even more worn out keep aside the stains on your clothes from your activities in the kitchen.
Some of the people from the crowd give you a pitied stare but most of them a disgusted one. Well, what do you expect from them, the so-called people from the rich neighborhood whose accessories were enough to make you feel poor then you already were.
Ignoring all of these you still walked past them proudly knowing that this is what you had to do to pay your bills and bring bread to the table for your family.
Whilst registering the summary of your day in your head a call made you step out of your thoughts, a call from the daycare.
You glanced back at your wristwatch to know that it was already past 7 pm and you were still miles away from the daycare.
Cursing yourself of how careless of a mother you could be you decided to quicken your pace and sprint towards the place. Within no time you have reached the daycare thanks to the run which now exhausted you even more.
You quickly approached towards the door, to see just your kid your Seojun left for being picked up. The sight of him being left alone and playing all by himself babbling a few words broke you down always.
You were always the last one to pick him up. Sometimes you also heard a few mums gossip about how careless of a mom you were. But you always decided to ignore them knowing none of those accusations were true.
“You are late once again” the nanny called you out and the frustration visible on her face. She had given out a few warnings to you already before when you were late but you always apologized and asked for another chance.
Making sure to pay her every time you went past the daycare's time limit.
"I am sorry, I took some extra work from co-workers to get a few extra money that’s when I lost the track of time" you constantly.
You could see your reflection in the white reflective floor marble while giving off excuses, oh what apathetic site. This reflection even if it was blur sometimes made you question your life choices very clearly.
Was getting married at this age a good decision when you were just starting your career. A person like you who had just started exploring the everyday struggles of the city was it good to leap off into whole family life.
You never regretted your baby but were you capable enough of giving it a standard life. The day of you getting fired from your agency was still stuck in your head.
But were they wrong, absolutely no who would hire a new recruitee who had barely spent a month in the office and got pregnant? They would have to think practically because they knew later you would ask for maternity leaves and all sorts of leaves for the baby. Instead of you, they could hire a new person.
“It’s okay I get it, no mum would want to leave such a small baby behind. But please try to understand even I have to get back to my family so just be on time” she said with the most pitiest face but you were glad you at least got off the hook.
After thanking her you quickly picked up the diaper bag which had ‘Seojun’ written on it and went ahead to pick him up. Oh, how you would love to see the sight every second. Your kid reaching out to you happily kicking off the blanket. The drools and fist covered in saliva will be worried about later.
Soon you were on your usual route to your way back home with Seojun strapped around you, his bag, your purse covering you. If anyone ever wanted to look at a walking mess you were ready to present yourself.
Back you were playing with him probably trying to fulfill your motherly heart’s demand of not spending enough time with your baby. You stood in front of the red light waiting to reach another side of it when a sight crossed your eyes.
A mum with her baby all dolled up and the kid clearly in an expensive stroller. Ahh, how you wish you could spend the same amount of money on seojun and time too.
You looked down at your baby who was about to fall asleep, “seoujun” you cooed at him and said, “Eomma is working hard okay for you, for Appa; just wait a bit longer I will prove it to you”. The straight eye contact with the pair of innocent eyes made your tone emotional rather than how it should have had turned out.
Ahh, those eyes an inheritance from his father, Jung Hoseok. The only person because of which whom you were sustaining in life, because of whom you were lucky enough to call yourself a married woman and enjoys the joys of being married and the most important the father to your child. If it was for any other man you wouldn’t be so firm in front of all the hardships that life threw at you.
At the apartment
You were sitting in front of the Tv watching a cooking show and simultaneously nursing your baby all the while observing his hand clench and unclench softly placed on your breast while he too stared at you lovingly, you chuckled at the site while the rattle of house keys made you look up.
Hobi was back home but earlier than usual. you took the tired state of your husband tie all loosened up shirt crumpled from all the crowd in the metro. You sometimes felt grateful that at least you didn’t have to face the crowd after work.
If it was for any other man you couldn’t imagine your life, probably fighting every day after work for working so much.
But somehow hobi had all the patience in the world and always made sure you never went to bed angry at each other. The power that this man holds through his smile is incomparable, somehow also managed to wash away your worries.
"Hey how was your day?" you asked. soon as he sprawled over the couch his head leaning backward.
"Good but I missed you both," he said leaning ahead and resting his head on your shoulder. His eyes shifted between you and Seojun and you could feel his hot breath tickling the sides of your neck.
All the while he told himself how lucky he got to have a family of his own. A family whom he could come back to after a stressful day at work. A baby whom he could teach and nurture along with you.
A strong woman, the mother to his kid, 'you' whom he could share the responsibilities of parenthood with and also could rely on when he had his tough times.
Life was good even when the money coming in wasn’t the very best he was still satisfied. After a good peaceful moment, you could see Seojun falling asleep so you went ahead and put him to sleep. As you returned you could hear a sound of shuffling which was coming from Hobi so to see what was going on you went ahead to take a peak but as soon as he heard you coming in his direction he covered it all up and stood there as if just a few seconds ago he wasn’t digging through his office bag.
You were keen on knowing what he had been hiding but even before you could ask he dragged you along with him towards the dining table to have dinner.
Soon you forgot to ask him about earlier and even he was relieved that you didn’t interrogate him further. You both had a peaceful dinner but made sure to ask about each other’s day and so on. You could hear faint cries of seojun so you decided to head towards him before you could begin doing the dishes but Hobi assured that he would take care of him.
Therefore you proceeded with the task of doing the dishes. Amidst this, you went to check up on both of them but hobi had held Seojun in his arms while he faced the wall. Seriously what was this man doing? Sometimes he was just so easy to read and his actions too. But this time seems you can’t decipher what he was doing.
As you were wiping your hands you felt tiny arms trying to reach out for your arm just to turn around to see the baby reaching out for you. You took him into your arms when Hobi handed him over to you.
“I have something for you,” hobi said with a ray of hope and excitement gleaming in his eyes. What is he up to? He decided to make you follow him and hence you were standing in the middle of the living room with the most confused face but on another hand, your husband had the usually exciting aura around him.
He came in front of you and looked straight into your eyes. “You ready babe,” he said one hand holding your while the other was hid behind his back. He made you close your eyes and guided one of your arms ahead while still holding it. You could sense some shuffling around you but you dared not open your eyes or else he would be mad for sure.
A cool piece of metal touched your wrist that’s when you decided you couldn’t hold it in anymore. As soon as you opened your eyes you could see that the once standing man was now on his knees and a diamond bracelet had adorned your wrist.
It was indeed a delicate design and you loved it. You could see how proud he was of himself. The sight in front of you brought back so many memories that you could cry.
The day when he proposed to you in the tiny dorm and made sure to marry you with a pompous event with nothing to spare. He held you when you had your first baby and held Seojun in another and constantly whispered of how lucky he was to have you.
Even when you were sick when you had been fired he was there to share the sorrow and wipe your tears. He was yours forever, your hobi. “Do you love it?” he asked seeing your glossy eyes. “Of course I loved it hobi you bought it for me I would love anything that you gave me” your head now resting on his chest as he held you in his arms and also encircled joonie.
“But hobi this is too expensive for us we can’t afford this. This bracelet seems real. How were you able to buy this? We can’t be spending so much you know right, we have loans to take care of” you asked now being practical.
“Don’t worry about it, I have been saving up for this for a long time, umm kind of since we got married” you shocked face now on display. You did not have any clue he had been doing any sorts of savings. But most importantly why now why all of a sudden?
“Y/n I still remember how I was not able to give you everything you wanted when we dated back then. How you always stared at every new item your friends had gotten from their partners. I felt a lot guilty.
Guilty because I couldn’t even spare money to treat my girlfriend to a fancy dinner. But you never complained and always stayed happy with what you had, believe me, I wanted to give you everything I could but I failed.” You still remembered those days back then.
Both of your struggling days to find a life and settle down in this busy city when you found each other you decide to date. To be honest there was nothing to complain about. What would one want when you had a loving boyfriend standing firm beside you.
Not even the financial struggles could break you apart and never will. “I saw you crying in pain when you gave birth to joonie I felt as if had no contribution to the three of us just worked sluggishly for long hours and could only see you for a few hours.
This is why id decides to buy this for you as soon as possible as a token of appreciation for whatever you have endured being with me. If it was for any other man you would have had-” before he could complete his sentence you placed a chaste kiss on his lips, consider it as a way to make him quiet or seal you overflowing emotions, I don’t know. "I would never be able to be this happy with anyone else Hobi I don’t care how much we bring in at the end of the day but I am sure there would never be any less amount of love coming inside this house. I am sure of that. If it wasn’t for you I would never have joined. You know I love you a lot right? ” a confirming nod came as approval from him as you both smiled at each other.
You were happy all three of you in a cocoon called a family, it might be a bit tight to fit in this one-bedroom apartment but you were glad that you were apart of this space.
Every hardship of your and his life would be witnessed by this space and you were ready to fight every one of them with your husband by your side.
Min Yoongi Imagine
Part 1
Saudade: Saudade is a deep emotional state of nostalgic or profound melancholic longing for an absent something or someone that one cares for and/or loves.
28 October 2020
Hello it's me Min Yoongi. I am still getting used to this. Writing about myself and talking about my everyday life to you. Not that it constitutes much, just basic things like eating, playing video games, working on music and playing with Holly. Oh have i told you yet i have a dog named Holly.
I was resentful about this at first knowing that I hadn't told Y/n about this. But further as I continued it I felt good. This way it is so much better rather than meeting outside everyday.
Imagine getting caught by paparazzi, oh my I can't even imagine how much of a scandal it would be. Now that we have landed on the topic of paparazzi I somewhere think it's because of them that I have started to become anxious about going outside.
I remember when I talked to you during our first meeting I have never felt so relieved talking to someone except Y/n. By the way, I am planning on telling her soon.
I really can't hide it anymore. Is it wrong to do this while she is gone. What will she think of me?
Okay this is good, i feel this is all I wanted to talk about today. Bye, hope to see you soon.
To, Kang Soowon
Looking over at the digital clock sitting on the desk, which displayed 6:00 pm indicating it was already evening. The shimmering orange hues shone in the apartment acting as a proof.
Hitting the send button he relaxed back into his chair and stared up at the ceiling. The entire house was peaceful with just a few sounds from the cars passing by and Holly's barks.
He had grown accustomed to these sounds for over a week now. These were the only things that made him feel he was not completely alone. His prominent source of chitter chatter and chaos had been out for a week now.
She had gone on a trek with bangtan as the only representative for the couple. On the other hand all the members had accompanied their wives or girlfriends. The youngest one Jungkook had also brought his daughter along with them for this trip.
Funny how the maknae was the first one to be a father out of all of them. Even the eldest was married and had a stable married life now and following his footsteps were his younger brothers.
Soon Taehyung was also going to propose to his long time girlfriend. Now the only one left was Yoongi. Yes he was dating you but that's it. There were no advances in the relationship yet.
You both knew you loved each other dearly and had also confessed to each other previously. Not in a very romantic manner of course, it took place when Y/n presented Yoongi a plate of spaghetti which she made all by herself from scratch.
Even though it was not the very best in regards to taste , he admired his girlfriend’s hard work and the love she had put into it. Her eyes focused on his face just to get a nod of approval from Yoongi.
It wasn’t bad considering it was her first time making it. He looked up to give an appreciating remark to Y/n when her face lightly covered with flour came into his sight.
Oh how cute she looked. But she was so eager to get feedback from him that she did not realize that he was staring at her face with a slight smile.
“It’s good, really good!” Yoongi said, taking another bite out of the spaghetti and picking one bite for her to taste.
A frown formed on her face as soon it landed in her mouth.
She started to mutter how bad and bland it tasted and asked Yoongi how he even managed to chomp down the whole plate, literally taking the last bite. “Why do you even bother eating this let alone finish the whole thing,why?”
“Because I love you” Y/n’s constant emphasis of why and how seemed to have done its work subconsciously on Yoongi’s mind. When the reality of what had been spilled clicked both of them, their heads instantly turned to each other to take a glance at their partners faces.
Both of them were trying to find any hints of cringe or “oh it came out by accident” kind of look on their face. But all they could decipher the stunned and honest looks they had.
”You love me Yoongi?” she asked him just to make sure that those words were not just tongue slips. This is the time Yoongi says it, say those words out loud to her, the words that you had been practicing secretly in the bathroom for weeks and even when working.
Partly also because of Seokjin’s proposal video which he had decided to keep as an inspiration when it would be his time to do it. But alas! look at the situation where they were in both in their pyjamas in their not so clean house a complete 180 degree of his hyungs proposal.
Not over candle light dinner but the dining table in his kitchen. Well now it's done and there is no turning back. His girlfriend’s voice broke his chain of thoughts when she presented the same question to her.
Smiling he looked up at her, still a bit nervous but just wanted to get it out. “ Yes I do, I love you alot and I mean it, even if it's not the best place and situation to confess this but it's a fact” he looked up at her face to see what she had to say.
Will she accept his feelings and reciprocate or will it just get overlooked?. “It's okay if… if you don't like me back I-'' before he could continue saying anything further her tiny palms were covering his face, thumb stroking his cheekbone.
Her face expresses a broad range of emotions whether it be happiness, excitement, but the most prominent one adoration and respect for her lover.”
I love you too Yoongi, I love you too” with this a stream of tears flowed from her eyes. Yoongi was overjoyed and over the moon knowing that both of them were in the same place and mindset in their relationship.
From now on it was just moving forward and not looking back. Both of them scooted close to each looking forward to kiss each other but before yoongi could even do anything Y/n turned her face around and yoongi’s lips landed on her cheek making her release a huge laughter which erupted and echoed throughout the room.
“Yaah Y/n you better get back here and give me my kiss”Yoongi said with puckered lips. “Holly your appa finally said it he confessed to me” you said looking towards the dog you had been holding in your hand.
He started to bark, wagging his tail at you, definitely not understanding the words you said but felt the emotions you radiated through your facial expressions. Yoongi felt his heart at ease, pulse lowering down and a surge of easiness rising in him, this is all he wanted and now finally he has what he had dreamt of, a stable life, a loving partner right in front of his eyes.
“Psst Y/n” he called her trying to make eye contact. She stopped whatever she was busy with and looked at him and a tint covered her cheeks with a confident smile on her lips hearing the words “I love you” falling silently, inaudible but you could make out what he was saying.
You winked at him and muttered those same words ”I love you too”.
The doorbell at their apartment rang making yoongi fall back into reality. He quickly understood it must have been the delivery guy which came with his lunch.
He quickly took in the order and paid him his money. Yoongi had been ordering from the same restaurant you had been to. He even insisted for the same delivery guy knowing very well that he might get triggered if he saw anybody else.
He was in the most vulnerable stage of his health right now. Knew he had to do everything in a wise manner or else the situation would completely turn 180 degree.
He placed down the parcel on his table and started eating his food. He was in the middle of glancing through his media when a picture of you and all the boys popped up on his phone. There were a bunch of people standing around you guys, probably their fans and everyone was smiling at the camera.
His eyes were only focused on you looking at your smile and your jacket clad figure, but besides you a guy who was intently gazing at you and smiling just by looking at you unlike others who were looking at the camera.
Yoongi wasted no time to search for his profile and understood that it was your guys tour guide. He couldn't help the insecurity which was building up in his mind.
He always knew you had an outgoing personality and would befriend everyone around you and yoongi on the other hand was a completely opposite person. Would only talk to the group of few people he trusted and never intended to know any other people the only exclusion for work related meetings.
It's always a distraction to have too many people in your life he would say and firmly believed it too. The question of would you leave him for somebody else or would you find someone much better than him would constantly go through his mind and now with his condition it increased even more. Suddenly he received a call which broke his chain of thoughts.
The screen displayed the callers id: Kang Soowon. He instantly smiled looking at the call and picked up in hopes of clearing his mind by talking to her. It felt good to have someone around to talk to.
Few minutes had passed of him still talking on the phone, afew whispers and faint laughs could be heard from him. “Yes, even though I think I should let this all go, I could become a better person and have a better life I guess, thank you so much for helping me realize that Miss Soowon."
Hope I see you soon at the same place. Good night” he placed his phone down on the counter and was about to get up when a feminine voice came from behind him”Yoongi?” he instantaneously turned around to look at the source of a very familiar voice.

Good morning to you then ~
What kind of career do the BTS future spouse pursue ?
Thank you in advance, take your time with the reading, we know it takes a lot of energy 💜
BTS Future Spouse Career - Hyung Line
Hello~ thank you for requesting this reading!! I think it's a really interesting topic. I will do a quick read (update: that was long :,D) on each of the member's future spouses.
Disclaimer: The readings are done for entertainment purposes. These descriptions are not meant to point to a specific person. Just as everyone's thoughts on career changes constantly, these thoughts may change over time.
Namjoon: Hm, it seems like NJ's future spouse will pursue a career that has to do with the public (6W). I feel that whatever they do, they will receive public recognition or attention. It seems like it will take quite a while for NJ's future spouse to get to a position they are content with for the career they're pursuing though. It's something long-term, it's a slow process that may, at times, feel discouraging for them since they have to wait. But the results they want will come to them as long as they continue to persevere it seems (7P). They will become very financially abundant and stable after the long time of waiting- very successful it seems like, and they will be independent (QP). Lastly, it seems like this is a career they have really dreamed of for a long time. When they reach their goal, it'll definitely feel like a wish-come-true for them (9C). What's amazing is that the Hierophant came out with Ace of Cups in between, then The High Priestess after it with the Strength. It makes me think the Hierophant and the High Priestess represents them both since the Hierophant is the partner of the High Priestess in the deck. With the Ace of Cups in between the two, I take that as a sign that it has to do with creativity and emotions that flows from the both of them that is overflowing from one cup. And adding that with the Strength card, I feel that they will work on a creative project together later on in the future, and they will be a source of strength for one another. To close this off, I feel that NJ's future spouse may pursue a career that has to do with music, writing, producing, etc., a creative and artistic career that will lead them to work with Namjoon in the future.
Jin: Similar to NJ's future spouse, I feel that the career they pursue will be a dream-come-true for them. It seems like they wished for them to have the career they want to pursue for a very very long time. Hm, so different than NJ's reading, I feel that Jin's future spouse has to go through this long process of cards (that are spread before me) before getting to their career. I feel the need to explain the process(?) so this will get long. It seems like the career they want to pursue requires a lot of competition amongst Jin's future spouse and others. So it seems like this is a highly desired career (5W). Furthermore, it seems as though this idea of constantly competing with others in their career will make them feel burnt out and tired. It seems that there are already many different heavy responsibilities on their shoulders already, so it seems like they will have a hard time for a bit as they pursue this career (10W). However, with the 10, it makes me think of the end of a full cycle. So after the hard times they have to endure, it feels as though a new chapter of life is opening for them, and they will be able to start anew. The process may be difficult, but their career will help them start anew as themself. I feel that the career they pursue may make them feel a bit fearful because it seems as though there are a lot of different responsibilities they have to leave behind in order for them to move forward into their career (2W). Furthermore, they may have many different options in front of them as they move forward, but they have to be careful because not all of them are good decisions (7C). These options can mean different companies, different contracts, different opportunities, etc. Their career will allow them to broaden their plans though. There will be a lot of traveling involved, and they will continue to improve their skills as they do the work they need to do in their career (3W). I keep seeing planes flying over the ocean, but they won't be a flight attendant(?). Lots of traveling it seems like... it keeps popping up. Then lastly, I feel that Jin's future spouse's career will make them touch upon their emotions and their creativity. Their career requires them to be open-minded and continuously curious. New ideas, intuitive thoughts, creative endeavors (PC). They will have to be creative as well in their career. To conclude this part, I feel that there is a wide range of possibilities for Jin's future spouse's career. Traveling + creative endeavors + open-minded curiosity + competition... I can't help but think it may have something to do with the entertainment industry or maybe an artist of some sort. Writing also reaches out to me. Maybe psychology? There weren't any specific indicators as there were in NJ's reading. So it seems like they are currently in process of working towards their career, so nothing is completely decided.
Yoongi: It seems like YG's future spouse's career requires them to be more action-oriented. If they have a new idea, they move it quickly into their actions. The career requires them to be unafraid of the unknown. Something very firy, bold, and courageous is coming through (KW). Hm, I don't know what this may exactly mean, but there is both the spiritual meaning and the literal meaning of this card. It seems to me that they are almost at completion or are at completion right now. This may have to do with their career where their abilities have improved and are at the finishing stages right now. "Traveling the world" also keeps popping into my head, so maybe their career will require them to travel to many different parts of the world as well (TW). I know this is really weird and random, but I got the 10 of Cups and I can't help but think that this is referring to their spiritual relationship... but I don't think I should speak much about it so I'll just leave it at that. Their career will make them feel emotionally fulfilled, bringing them completion just as the World shows that they are nearing the completion of something. They have a lot of responsibilities it seems that come with this career and it might feel like a huge burden to them at times (10W). But again, 10 is the ending of a cycle. And it seems there is a huge theme of completion and ending throughout this reading here. Seems like there is a huge transition about to happen in this person's life. They waited for a long time (7P) and it was really hard for them to wait and persevere and they were fearful (2W) because they had to embody that King of Wands energy at the beginning of the reading even if they may have been hesitant of walking forward towards their career or whatever it is. Seems like there are a lot of doubts regarding their career right now with lots of different negative and tiring questions clouding their mind (9S Rx). It seems as though there is shadow work they need to work on (TD)... it feels like this last obstacle that's blocking them from walking toward that success and abundance that they could achieve through their career (9P). Working on their shadow self will help them reach that final World card and 10 of Cups card as well as the transition from that hard and tiring ending of the 10 of Wands to a new beginning. So to conclude this reading, I would like to say that I cannot exactly name their career. I'm not supposed to know and we're not supposed to know. There are some decisions that they need to make and there is an important transition they have to go through that we shouldn't pry into. I bid them farewell as they continue to move forward.
Jhope: Expertise, power, status, knowledge. It seems like Jhope's future spouse's career will have an authority figure (TE). It makes me think that Jhope's future spouse will be joining a huge group with a powerful leader that will guide them forward. I keep seeing very brief and blurry hints of someone dancing in a practice room. So maybe it'll have something to do with that. I also feel that through pursuing their career, they will be able to fill up a lot of those feelings that something is missing in their life. There will be a lot of financial recovery as well, so it seems like they will be successful in the work that they do. I suddenly got this popping up in my head, so I'll just share it here: it seems like this feeling of "spiritual emptiness" came to them because they had to use up a lot of their energy on something they did not want to do. They will be able to recover both spiritually and financially through pursuing their career (5P Rx). It also seems like there will be a lot of competition in their career as well. As I mentioned at the beginning, I saw someone dancing so if it's an artistic profession related to that, there will definitely be a lot of competition involved. However, I feel that they won't let the competition phase them in any way and they will stand strong and tall as they continue to walk forward in their career (9W). Lastly, it seems like they are open-minded and are open to any chances and opportunities they get. It specifically has to do with creative restlessness and creative opportunities from what I pulled, but they only have the creative thoughts but aren't moving yet. It seems like they will fully ground their idea and then walk forward on it (PW). So for Jhope's future spouse's career, I feel that they could be a dancer, an artist, a performer of some sort, or someone with an artistic profession.
Overall, I found it very interesting that a lot of the future spouses for the Hyung line were very artistic. It seems like someone of them are still in the process of deciding and moving forward, while some of them have decided and are certain about their abilities and where they are going. For some of them, there are things still in the air that we shouldn't know about. So overall, I think this was a very fun and interesting read.
The Maknae line reading will come out soon so please be patient with me as I continue to read!!
© seulboya
BTS Yandere Forcing You to Quit Your Work (Hyung Line)
Warning: contains abuse, slut shaming and swearing
Being an actress was hard especially since it required you do to intimate scenes with other actors, despite having a boyfriend.
You never tol Jin about the spicy scene you had to do in your movie, called ‘A Lover’s Lie’, but you figured that he wouldn’t be interested in watching the movie. That was an understatement, anything you did was good for him and he always wanted to watch you perform.
However, Jin couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw you making love to another man (it was a fake sex scene). He quickly squeezed your hand and excused you saying you were ‘tired’, wanting to go home as you had a long day tomorrow ‘meeting your parents’.
The drive home was silent with Jin muttering something under his breath every once in a while, but you could barely make out what he was saying. Until he purposefully said it louder to tell you what he thinks of you.
Jin: Slut
You look down not wanting to see his face and before you knew it you weee home. He got out the door and quickly opened your side pulling you out and slamming the car door behind him. He walks in the house holding your hand in a tight grip making you wince and once your in the doors he throws you across the room.
Y/N: Ahhh
Jin: Shut up you stupid slut
Silence falls in the room as you stand back up on your two feet.
Jin: You wanna explain your me what my eyes just saw
Y/N: What did you expect?
Jin: What did I expect? I expect to see my girlfriend remain loyal to be, BUT NO I SEE YOU FUCKING ANOTHER MAN
Y/N: Jin that scene was fake and I told you my character was a mistress
Jin: I don’t care if it was fake you shouldn’t have your hands on another man but me
Y/N: Well what are you going to do about it?
Jin: I am going to give you to choices, Y/N .... one is you quit your job
You feel a light sting on your right cheek and then your left until you realised that Jin has slapped you.
Jin: SHUT UP AND LISTEN TO ME, the second one is if you don’t quit your job than I shall tarnish your reputation it’s your choice, but I tell you this I ain’t having you acting like a whore
Y/N: I’m sorry
Jin: You should be now get upstairs and the pink nightgown that I like

When you moved in with yoongi, you began to realise the small little things that just didn’t feel right. For instance, you couldn’t be with more than three male friends and if you were with any male friends, you had to text Yoongi every hour or the fact is that he wouldn’t let you were anything that is too ‘revealing’, according to him whenever you were going out and you always had to give him your phone to see what you were up to. But what was raising bigger flags was that within the a few months of living with him he wanted you to quit your job.
Yoongi: All I’m saying is I have enough money for the both us
Y/N: I don’t care if you do, your job is unstable. Remember the time you told me that most of your works would get rejected and that sometimes you had had to starve for the month because you couldn’t earn any money
Yoongi hates being reminded of his past failures, mainly because he went through a lot of anger and sadness.
Yoongi: Well things changed now
Y/N: How
Yoongi: I have you
Y/N: That’s sweet and all but I’m not going to quit my job.
You worked as secretary for a large business company, it wasn’t what you entirely wanted to be with your life. But you learnt that sometimes some dreams will never come true.
Yoongi: Look Y/N, I just want to provide for you don’t make me feel like I’m the bad guy
Y/N: No, look I’m sorry but I want some security that’s all
That word “security” kept running in Yoongi’s head, he’ll show you “security”.
And before you knew it your boss fired you with no explanation whatsoever, which really takes the piss because you weee doing so well. When you tried applying for other jobs you would either get rejected or wouldn’t be able to hear back from you application.
You plop yourself on the couch lying right next to Yoongi’s warm body, embracing you in a tight hug.
Yoongi: No luck
You shake your head
Yoongi rests his chin on your elbow with his mouth close to your ear. Yo can tell he was smirking.
Yoongi: Don’t worry baby I’ll show you security

You and Hoseok were planning to get married soon and once you did, you would be moving in with him in his mansion. He refused to live in a shanty old small rack, which would be closer to your parents mainly because he has enough money through his dance business that he began at 16 years of age.
But it wasn’t going to be that bad because your husband insisted that your parents would move in with us, but they would be living in the guest house, which is a bit smaller. Just so the two of you would be able to get some privacy.
Hoseok: All I’m just saying is, why do you want to work when I have enough money for the both of us
Y/N: Because I’ve been working all my life and I want to
Hoseok: And your point is?
Y/N: My point.....
Hoseok: exactly because “you want to” isn’t good enough
You could feel an eerie sense of emotion coming from that just didn’t fit with what his life style was all about. He was always happy and smiling wanting everyone to be the exact same as he is.
Hoseok: Listen to me love, what’s the point of you working, you never have to sell another house again with the amount of money that I’m earninggoing
Y/N: Bu-
Hoseok: All YOU have to do is be pretty, sit at home and wait for me. Nothing more!
Y/N: My point is I never wasn’t born with a silver spoon unlike some people
As you were about to turn to walk away, Hoseok quickly grabbed your arm in a tight manner
Hoseok: Look at me
You refuse to listen to him.
Hoseok: LOOK AT ME
His outbursts weren’t very common, but once he had a foot it was impossible for anyone to be able to get there way and if they did they will get punished.
You gulp.

Yours and Namjoon relationship was a bit like a rollercoaster, it was up and down and loop stater another loop, not knowing when it was going to end was the scary part. However, you’ve been dating for a couple of moths and so far neither of you decided you needed the “talk”.
Well not entirely true, you had some conversations but they were minor. It would be about your clothes being a bit too risky to your hobbies to your friends.
And now YOUR JOB
You worked as a waitress in a popular cafe and Namjoon was not very happy with your profession. You did get a basic education and was able to obtain a degree in art philosophy, but you were finding it extremely hard to get a job. So in the meantime, whilst you were looking for a better job you were working as a waitress.
Namjoon: All I am saying is your work is not safe?
Y/N: Not safe my foot, What’s so dangerous about my job? HUH!
Damn when we you ask a question to Namjoon, you should know by now he has all the answers .
Namjoon: One, you have to deal with rude customers, two I make enough money to support us both, three you could get men will make you feel uncomfortable and they will act inapproapriate, four that’s mainly because of that stupid provocative uniform you wear and lastly your boss is a fat old perv
Y/N: Your point
Namjoon: My point is you should quit your job
Y/N: And how will I be able to pay my rent?
Namjoon: You fool you wouldn’t need to pay your rent as you’ll be living with me
Y/N: I will?
Namjoon: Yea and now will you please for the love of any existing God out there quit your job?

BTS Yandere Reaction to You losing your virginity (Hyung Line)
Warning: Abuse, Slut-Shaming and Sex
Jin was your first and it was highly uncomfortable as it was actually for the series “Our World”, your character has been known to be very loyal with Jin’s character as the pair themselves are in a relationship (I Wonder Why???). However, the sex scene which was real was definitely not something you wanted to do with your boyfriend as the two of you still haven’t had sex privately. Nor does he know the fact your a virgin.
The moment you told Jin he was turned on and he wanted to make sure that the pair of you were definitely going to be having sex on camera. He wanted the whole world to know who you belonged too... and that was him and nobody else. He couldn’t wait to Mark you in front of millions of people who would be watching the show from their couch.
As the two are you having sex, Jin is very passionate at the beginning but as time goes on he slowly gets rough and begins to give off low growls. As for you, you enjoyed it even more than you initially did not wanting him to stop.
He says dirty words time to time and spanks you hard.
Jin: Who thought such a nice girl will be loving daddy’s cock, but I shouldn’t be so surprised your a slut for me

He felt extremely honoured with the fact that he was your first and was extremely gentle making sure that you felt all the pleasures of sex and how good it feels, whispering sweet little compliments.
Yoongi: God, your so perfect, hair perfect, body perfect, face perfect, tits perfect, ass perfect and your fucking tight sexy pussy is perfection babe
He wanted you feel that he was a sensitive lover who wouldn’t harm you, although after a couple times of having sex he would begin to pick the pace going faster and harder.
Not only that he would even restrict you of having an orgasm or he would over stimulate with the use of his ‘technology tongue’. Licking you clean whilst your begging him to be inside of you, he wouldn’t even listen. By the time you are highly exhausted and wanting rest he will soon enter you in a rapid pace with no care.
He will even use your sex life as works for his books that will be able to give him inspiration.
Yoongi: You know it would be fun if we tried different positions this time... maybe I should tie you up with my belt

As the two of you were cuddling on the couch, you begin to feel extremely horny wanting more. Hoseok, was shocked that you were becoming more aggressive in terms of your actions, you were kissing him harder, messing his hair and moving your body to his lap.
Y/N: I know we should wait for marriage to have sex... but I’ll still be wearing a white wedding dress as your the only person I’ve slept with
The night the two of you were having was a magical time and he doesn’t want this to end. He proved to you that he is a great lover not only a great lover, but would be a great husband for various reasons and you figured out sex is one of the many things.
Hoseok: I can’t wait to do this everyday when I come back home from work, you better we’re something sexy for me alright!

He would be ecstatic quickly ripping your clothes off your body as soon as you mentioned that you wanting to have sex with him, but when you asked him to slowed down as it was his first time. He looked deeply into your eyes and says “thank you”, for saving yourself for him.
He gives you a deep passionate kiss, as his hands begin to roam around your body to your chest towards your butt as he softly gropes you.
Yet, he struggles to contain himself wanting to you like an animal left in the heat he becomes a bit more aggressive causing you to give out soft perky moans making him want more. He wants you to scream his name, he wants you to call him ‘daddy’ and asked to be man handled.
The moment the two of you are so closely intimately together is when he lost it and demanded you called him daddy, which you did and he beat your pussy with his automatic stick.
As he keeps plunging deep inside of you he stares at you with intent lust not wanting this moment to end.
Namjoon: I love this you know... I love your body... I love YOUR FUCKING DIRTY MARKED SLUTTY AHHH FUCK BODY

OMG I literally love encouraging people to write! I read your post. Maybe if you're unsure or nervous you should write something small or short? I don't have too many ideas though. Maybe how skz would react to smth? Hope this helps, even just a little bit. Have a great day/night 🩷
pls omg i love this idea sm thank u !!
💋Skz reaction to you cuddling them for the first time 💋
genre: fluff (kind of explicit in hyunjins part if you squint)
a/n: if any of you guys have anymore ideas feel free to give me more if u want ! im still open to requests <3
this is the hyung line !!
Chan: It was after your seventh date (around a month that you had met) when you had decided to go over to his house and stay the night. At first you guys were chatting and getting to know each other better and even ordered pizza with a movie playing in the background of you guys. Every minute passed and he inches closer and closer to you until his thigh was pressed against yours. Your could tell he was kind of shy about it since usually you’re the one that makes the first move but he didn’t mind taking control a little. You slowly rested your head on his shoulder and fell asleep, snoring just a little loud to the point that it made him giggle. Seeing you sleeping soundly just made his heart melt in admiration and slowly fell more and more in love with you with seconds passing. He then pulls you closer, minute by minute, he falls asleep in that position snoring just as loud as you are with a slight smile on his face.
Leeknow: Most likely would act cool about it but inside he’s freaking out once you lay your head on top of his lap and start moving around getting comfortable. He loves the way you stare at him too while you slowly doze off in his lap with one of his hands intertwined with yours so he could hold you closely. He could feel the heat in his face beginning to form and the blush starting to crawl across his face. Even though he knew you couldn’t see him, he thought that you would giggle and joke at him if you ever found out that he secretly liked cuddling up with you. (even though you do know and that’s why you do it so often just to tease him. Sometimes you’re not even actually asleep and just love to feel him squirm around cause of how hot he’s getting from this).
hyunjin: The type of person to pull out a sketch book from his ass and start sketching every part of you while you lay and sleep right on top of him, getting comfortable in his presence (which he loves). Once the sketch is done, he rips it out from his sketch book and hangs it up on the wall behind the bed so when you wake up, you’ll see how beautiful and pretty he thinks you are to him. Flowers on flowers around you, like you’re in a bath full of them, hair messy but drawn so prettily, body in an almost model like position even though you’re just sleeping, and usually not wearing clothes cause that’s when he loves to see you the most. He just loves you so much that the amount of detail he puts into each drawing just comes out better and better than the other. Sooner or later though, he gets comfortable and falls asleep with you as well.
changbin: Would probably get all giggly n start kicking his feet which could wake you up but he doesn’t care. Just watches you sleep and tucks the hair you have behind your ear so he can see your beautiful face better. Simply loves and adores everything about you and even the drool falling out of your mouth to him is cute. he just grabs a small tissue to wipe it away. The position that you usually fall asleep in is basically him kind of putting you in a soft headlock. It might sound weird but that’s when you feel the most safe. In his arms but not too tight cause he wants to make sure he doesn’t hurt you since he’s been working out a lot more often than usual. He honestly could stay up all night admiring you sleep and making sure nothing else could hurt you in his presence. Kind of like a personal body guard since he’s so built. If he does end up sleeping though, it’s usually from working at the studio for so long that all he wants to do is cuddle and spoon you the rest of the night.
IDK IF THIS WAS GOOD PLS TELL ME IF I NEED TO FIX ANYTHING N ILL DO BETTER🙏 hope u enjoyed tho !! i will still be taking requests if anyone has anymore 🫶