Yanderenamjoon - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

BTS Yandere React to Meeting You for the First Time (Hyung Line)

This is actually my first time posting something yandere, so I hope you will enjoy.


As a rookie actress you will still trying to climb the ladder of fame and fortune, something you have always wanted when you were a little girl, but for the past two years you have been struggling to do so. However, your luck changed when your manager had got you an audition for the latest T.V series “Our World” that was going to feature the World Wide HANDSOME, Kim Seokjin who is a a-list celebrity and working with him would have definitely boosted your career to the next level.

As you walked through the doors and ready to do your screen acting, you were shocked to notice that your partner was THE KIM SEOKJIN. He was more handsome in person than he was on T.V, you knew if you did really well you wouldn’t have to be playing as any of those extras in movies or series. For instance, the time you were a waitress with only two minute screen time in “Mafia’s Bride” or the time you played as a zombie for “Dead Walkers”.

Y/N: Hello, I’m Ryu Y/N it’s a pleasure to meet you and I can’t wait to be working with you

Jin: The pleasure is all mine

Jin was in cloud nine when he saw your beautiful face you looked like an angel and for him you were destined to be in the show with him as his love interest, Minnie. The two of you would make the best couple and everyone knew it. To be fair, with all this fame and power he has, he can easily make the director to cast and if he didn’t that he would refuse to take part in the show.

Jin was feeling all giddy about it, as “Our World” wasn’t just a normal series but did have some mature content, which Jin couldn’t wait to get started.

He wanted to show the whole world how he marks you.

BTS Yandere React To Meeting You For The First Time (Hyung Line)


Being a screenwriter may seem like it’s an easy job to most people, but the truth is it’s actually extremely hard. Yoongi puts all his dedication and hard work to every single word that he produces.

But , its become a real challenge ever since his last play was denied, “Intertwined” wasn’t what people have been looking for. The people whom Yoongi had presented it to mention that it lacked passion and romance something he always struggled in as he has never been in love before and never had a sexual encounter too.

Whilst in his favourite coffee shop, still thinking about how he can improve his work, he is distracted mid thought when a young beautiful woman appears to be sitting right opposite him. He does not know the woman but her features and the way her eye twinkles in the light causes him to have a light bulb and he begins to small chuckle, he didn’t even realise the coffee shop was full of people. Hence, the young girl was sitting opposite him.

He could hear her voice, and boy was it music towards his ears. She was talking to herself probably the texts on her phone as he though and the young girl wasn’t happy as she had a moody frown upon her face.

Girl: Why is life so hard?

She questions herself to which Yoongi answers.

Yoongi: Because the world is cruel

She looks up to the fair skinned boy who is talking to her and greets herself as Y/N.

The greeting led to a full conversation, to which Y/N gave her phone number to Yoongi, causing him to display his gummy like smile repeating “Y/N’s” over and over again.

Now he knew why his play was rejected.

BTS Yandere React To Meeting You For The First Time (Hyung Line)


It was the middle of winter, which means it will be getting dark rather quickly than it normally does in the summer, but you don’t really mind it that much as you never really get out of the house. However, your parents had decided that should have changed and they wanted you to put yourself out there more. This was only because you were their only child and your parents had you at such a late age, all they truly wished was for you to get married and have children yourself, whilst they are still alive.

Despite, being so young and just have acquired yourself a job in the real estate agency to help your parents out with the bills. You never really considered dating, but once your parents had mentioned that they set you up on a blind date with one of your mother’s friends son you had reluctantly agreed to meet him.

The date would be taking place at a avenue park where the two of you would have a picnic, though you clearly knew that both yours and his parents would be spying on you in their cars seeing if the two of you got along.

Hoseok was his name and he looked charming and was really polite, he was a vet and loved being around animals. You would be very happy to see him again for another date and would even consider being his girlfriend but of course only time will tell.

Although, according to him you are his girlfriend. The moment he saw you his eyes lit up if only his mother had mentioned you, he would’ve said yes much sooner. He put all his attention on you and no else but you.

Hoseok was captivated by your beauty but also your life and he wanted to be part of it. He would do ANYTHING TO BE PART OF IT, whether you liked it or not YOU HAD NO SAY IN THE MATTER.

Hoseok: So we should do this again same time next week?

BTS Yandere React To Meeting You For The First Time (Hyung Line)


Books, books and more books you were trying to find the right one that will be able to catch your eye but none of them ever did. They always tell you to ‘never judge a book by its cover’, well whoever said that is wrong sometimes it’s the cover that makes the first impression just like when you are on a dating app you judge someone for their appearance not their personality. This may possibly be harsh but it’s true and you always lived by that philosophy, if you can call it that.

But their was one book you saw that caught your eyes amongst all the rest there had seemed to be no more copies by the looks of it and it may have been the last one. It was called ‘Seven Ways We Lie’ by Riley Redgate at looked interesting with all the sims at the front cover.

You reach your hand to pick the book but before you can take a better view another also reached for the same book. His warm hands touching yours gave you a bit of a shock and you quickly turn to see who the person is and




It’s a man no scratch that it’s a good looking man. His features were so distinct and he stared right back at you.

Namjoon: Hi

Y/N: Hi

Namjoon: I guess were into the same stuff

Y/N: I guess so ...... what seven deadly sin are you

Namjoon: I would say I’m lust

You scoffed at his words. A bit full of himself.

Namjoon: And you

Y/N: Gluttony, I just love food

The conversation went for half an hour and you allowed him to keep the book as you could just order one online but before you did you wrote something inside the book.

As you both went your separate ways the man, Namjoon wondered what you wrote in the book and he went to take a look for some reason he couldn’t stop thinking about the conversation the two of you had.

He opened the book to see that you have written your name Y/N, along with you phone number

Namjoon: SCORE

BTS Yandere React To Meeting You For The First Time (Hyung Line)

Tags :
5 years ago

BTS Yandere Forcing You to Quit Your Work (Hyung Line)

Warning: contains abuse, slut shaming and swearing


Being an actress was hard especially since it required you do to intimate scenes with other actors, despite having a boyfriend.

You never tol Jin about the spicy scene you had to do in your movie, called ‘A Lover’s Lie’, but you figured that he wouldn’t be interested in watching the movie. That was an understatement, anything you did was good for him and he always wanted to watch you perform.

However, Jin couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw you making love to another man (it was a fake sex scene). He quickly squeezed your hand and excused you saying you were ‘tired’, wanting to go home as you had a long day tomorrow ‘meeting your parents’.

The drive home was silent with Jin muttering something under his breath every once in a while, but you could barely make out what he was saying. Until he purposefully said it louder to tell you what he thinks of you.

Jin: Slut

You look down not wanting to see his face and before you knew it you weee home. He got out the door and quickly opened your side pulling you out and slamming the car door behind him. He walks in the house holding your hand in a tight grip making you wince and once your in the doors he throws you across the room.

Y/N: Ahhh

Jin: Shut up you stupid slut

Silence falls in the room as you stand back up on your two feet.

Jin: You wanna explain your me what my eyes just saw

Y/N: What did you expect?

Jin: What did I expect? I expect to see my girlfriend remain loyal to be, BUT NO I SEE YOU FUCKING ANOTHER MAN

Y/N: Jin that scene was fake and I told you my character was a mistress

Jin: I don’t care if it was fake you shouldn’t have your hands on another man but me

Y/N: Well what are you going to do about it?

Jin: I am going to give you to choices, Y/N .... one is you quit your job


You feel a light sting on your right cheek and then your left until you realised that Jin has slapped you.

Jin: SHUT UP AND LISTEN TO ME, the second one is if you don’t quit your job than I shall tarnish your reputation it’s your choice, but I tell you this I ain’t having you acting like a whore

Y/N: I’m sorry

Jin: You should be now get upstairs and the pink nightgown that I like

BTS Yandere Forcing You To Quit Your Work (Hyung Line)


When you moved in with yoongi, you began to realise the small little things that just didn’t feel right. For instance, you couldn’t be with more than three male friends and if you were with any male friends, you had to text Yoongi every hour or the fact is that he wouldn’t let you were anything that is too ‘revealing’, according to him whenever you were going out and you always had to give him your phone to see what you were up to. But what was raising bigger flags was that within the a few months of living with him he wanted you to quit your job.

Yoongi: All I’m saying is I have enough money for the both us

Y/N: I don’t care if you do, your job is unstable. Remember the time you told me that most of your works would get rejected and that sometimes you had had to starve for the month because you couldn’t earn any money

Yoongi hates being reminded of his past failures, mainly because he went through a lot of anger and sadness.

Yoongi: Well things changed now

Y/N: How

Yoongi: I have you

Y/N: That’s sweet and all but I’m not going to quit my job.

You worked as secretary for a large business company, it wasn’t what you entirely wanted to be with your life. But you learnt that sometimes some dreams will never come true.

Yoongi: Look Y/N, I just want to provide for you don’t make me feel like I’m the bad guy

Y/N: No, look I’m sorry but I want some security that’s all

That word “security” kept running in Yoongi’s head, he’ll show you “security”.

And before you knew it your boss fired you with no explanation whatsoever, which really takes the piss because you weee doing so well. When you tried applying for other jobs you would either get rejected or wouldn’t be able to hear back from you application.

You plop yourself on the couch lying right next to Yoongi’s warm body, embracing you in a tight hug.

Yoongi: No luck

You shake your head

Yoongi rests his chin on your elbow with his mouth close to your ear. Yo can tell he was smirking.

Yoongi: Don’t worry baby I’ll show you security

BTS Yandere Forcing You To Quit Your Work (Hyung Line)


You and Hoseok were planning to get married soon and once you did, you would be moving in with him in his mansion. He refused to live in a shanty old small rack, which would be closer to your parents mainly because he has enough money through his dance business that he began at 16 years of age.

But it wasn’t going to be that bad because your husband insisted that your parents would move in with us, but they would be living in the guest house, which is a bit smaller. Just so the two of you would be able to get some privacy.

Hoseok: All I’m just saying is, why do you want to work when I have enough money for the both of us

Y/N: Because I’ve been working all my life and I want to

Hoseok: And your point is?

Y/N: My point.....

Hoseok: exactly because “you want to” isn’t good enough

You could feel an eerie sense of emotion coming from that just didn’t fit with what his life style was all about. He was always happy and smiling wanting everyone to be the exact same as he is.

Hoseok: Listen to me love, what’s the point of you working, you never have to sell another house again with the amount of money that I’m earninggoing

Y/N: Bu-

Hoseok: All YOU have to do is be pretty, sit at home and wait for me. Nothing more!

Y/N: My point is I never wasn’t born with a silver spoon unlike some people

As you were about to turn to walk away, Hoseok quickly grabbed your arm in a tight manner

Hoseok: Look at me

You refuse to listen to him.

Hoseok: LOOK AT ME

His outbursts weren’t very common, but once he had a foot it was impossible for anyone to be able to get there way and if they did they will get punished.


You gulp.

BTS Yandere Forcing You To Quit Your Work (Hyung Line)


Yours and Namjoon relationship was a bit like a rollercoaster, it was up and down and loop stater another loop, not knowing when it was going to end was the scary part. However, you’ve been dating for a couple of moths and so far neither of you decided you needed the “talk”.

Well not entirely true, you had some conversations but they were minor. It would be about your clothes being a bit too risky to your hobbies to your friends.

And now YOUR JOB

You worked as a waitress in a popular cafe and Namjoon was not very happy with your profession. You did get a basic education and was able to obtain a degree in art philosophy, but you were finding it extremely hard to get a job. So in the meantime, whilst you were looking for a better job you were working as a waitress.

Namjoon: All I am saying is your work is not safe?

Y/N: Not safe my foot, What’s so dangerous about my job? HUH!

Damn when we you ask a question to Namjoon, you should know by now he has all the answers .

Namjoon: One, you have to deal with rude customers, two I make enough money to support us both, three you could get men will make you feel uncomfortable and they will act inapproapriate, four that’s mainly because of that stupid provocative uniform you wear and lastly your boss is a fat old perv

Y/N: Your point

Namjoon: My point is you should quit your job

Y/N: And how will I be able to pay my rent?

Namjoon: You fool you wouldn’t need to pay your rent as you’ll be living with me

Y/N: I will?

Namjoon: Yea and now will you please for the love of any existing God out there quit your job?

BTS Yandere Forcing You To Quit Your Work (Hyung Line)

Tags :
4 years ago

BTS Yandere Finding Out Your Pregnant (Hyung Line)

Warning: Contains abuse, violence, sexual and forced non-con


You were only three weeks pregnant and you still didn’t break the news to your husband, Jin. You didn’t know what to say and you didn’t know how this happened (Well you knew it was the shit load of sex the two of you always had), but you were always used condoms and you were always on the pill.

You kept thinking back to that day, if you were three weeks pregnant that means your conception must’ve happened right after the punishment he gave you for embarrassing him in public in front of many producers and directors. Honestly that was an accident, you didn’t think your dress was ‘too short’ or ‘too tight’. After what seemed like an endless session of spanking, the two of you made love with one another because you were wet and he was hard.

You continuously keep twirling your food with a fork as Jin goes on about his day with the new movie that he is staring in called ‘Mine, My Possession’ were he is playing as a psychopath in love with a young woman whom he later kidnaps to be with. It was just hypocritical of him, judging you for being paired with a man on T.V. when he’s with women doing sex scenes. The only work Jin allowed you to have was small roles or when you would be working with him. And it was tiring being with him 24/7.

You scoff as he attempts to make you jealous with the amount of nudity him and the women have to do.

Jin: Excuse me, I’m telling you about my work and you behave like this

Y/N: What? I didn’t do anything

Jin: Really, first you don’t even pay any attention, then you scoff and now you lie

Y/N: Well-


His outburst were beginning to become more common and without even thinking .....


There was a moment of silence as you see Jin’s faced in utter shock tying to find the right words to say.

We’re there any right words.

Jin: Well the timing isn’t clearly right and your clearly not in the right mindset, but I believe this is good for us

You were shocked at what you heard, “right mindset” my foot.

Jin: Just imagine Y/N with my looks and your..... well, mainly me our child will have everyone at their feet. Oh and also go upstairs and wait there naked for me I do not appreciate being called a “stupid fuck”.

You quickly rush up the stairs into your bedroom and do as you are told.

BTS Yandere Finding Out Your Pregnant (Hyung Line)


You always planned your whole entire life out and you knew you had wanted children. The only problem was that you weren’t planning to have any time soon, especially with Yoongi.

Yet, things do not go to plan as you found out you were pregnant and ever since then that mouth you’ve got has been shut about the whole predicament that is taking place. Being one month into the preganancy and you still didn’t feel like it wasn’t the right time to tell Yoongi the truth.

Until one day he came back home from work, in a foul mood as he was struggling to some inspiration for his new works. You knew you should’ve kept your job, but with him returning in a bad way left you on the recieving end of the stick.

It all started when you made hot chocolate for the pair of you and he pulled you into the couch for a cuddle watching a T.V show with him. But to him you always ruin it as you wouldn’t shut the fuck up about applying for a job to help with the income. Of course, you weren’t in major struggle and when Yoongi got payed he GOT PAYED. He was always careful with his money, but you stating that you need to help him with the income was a blow to his ego.

He decides to pick his hot chocolate up, to which yo still left the spoon inside as Yoongi normally liked to stir his drinks for a bit. As you continued talking Yoongi slowly picked the spoon and placed by you ear.

Y/N: Ahhhhhh that hurts

You try to move back, but Yoongi grabs a hold of your ear and squeezes it towards the spoon

Y/N: Please Yoongi I’m sorry for what I did I promise I was going to tell you the truth

Yoongi looked confused. Your hiding something from him made his anger fuel upwards and as he lets go he turns you towards him with his hand raised up in the air...

You close your eyes and scream.


You brace yourself for a slap, but it never came. You open your eyes to see Yoongi staring at you not knowing what to say until he pushes you on to the floor.


You were shocked by his behaviour not knowing what to do you stood there silently.

He grabs your hair and pulls you up to look him shaking you back forth, whilst throwing curse words on how your a slut, a stupid bitch and that the kid probably ain’t even his.

The truth is, Yoongi always wants to have kids but he didn’t think his little guys would be able to make you pregnant any time soon. That means he has to share you, your time, your energy, your body and heck if you decide to breastfeed that kid he has to share your tits.

BTS Yandere Finding Out Your Pregnant (Hyung Line)


Hoseok had always been controlling your life, every inch of it from what friends you have to what you wear and it was draining your whole energy. You were stuck with him for the rest of your life and what was worst was that both your mothers were childhood best friends. So if you dared to complain about Hoseok to your mum she will scold you for not behaving and listening to him, as he always played the good boy card. And if you went to his mum, she will scold Hoseok and than Hoseok will scold you and end up giving you a punishment.

You visibly remembered the last time you were being punished for telling his mother that he yelled at you for not finishing the chores on time. When he heard that news back and his mum informing him that he needs to do more in the house he was furious. So you had to do all the chores in your underwear and you know what the worst thing was his friends came over and you were called a slut by Hoseok and given lustful dirty looks the whole time of the duration.

You sit there on the bed weighing your options, you never wanted to have a baby, not his anyway specially the treatment he gives you. The fact is whenever the two of you had sex, he always wore a condom so you knew you were safe unless if they were poor quality or ripped.

You have to tell him the truth.

It’s the only way.... because if he finds out another way, through someone else it will be the longest day of your life.

You get up and place yourself in bed as it’s getting late and Hoseok will he be home soon.

(Time Skip)

You begin to feel something tug at you and all the sudden you feel an eerie cold breeze round your stomach and something hot on your face. You murmur noises hoping that it’s just a nightmare and you’ll snap out of it.

But it isn’t and you quickly shoot your eyes open to see Hoseok lying on top of you naked with his hand trying to pull your shirt up.


He quickly gets off you.

Hoseok: Y/N,you do not need to yell I’m in the same room as you

Y/N: What were you trying to do?

Hoseok: What does it look like Y/N, I’m horny and I didn’t want t wake you up


Hoseok: Plus it’s a good way to have a child

That’s how you ended up pregnant.

He was fucking you whilst you were sleeping.

The realisation hits your face and he can tell by the gawk of your eyes and jaw dropping.


You stare in utter disgust and disbelief as he rolls around the carpet butt naked.

BTS Yandere Finding Out Your Pregnant (Hyung Line)


When Namjoon found out you were pregnant he was extremely disappointed into YOU. It was all your fault, it’s YOUR body, YOUR birth control pills and YOU should be the one to be able to take care of that.

Yet, you always find a way to disappoint him, you’ve never met his needs when the two of you got married and now this. You digged yourself in a bigger hold than the one you were in yesterday, when you suggested to take up art classes.

Namjoon accpeed because he wanted you to be happy, but when he saw your drawing and painting he began to make rude and sly comments to your work. Stating that a child could draw better than you or you couldn’t even hold a pencil properly. One time he even ripped you artwork and flushed it down the toilet. This led you to burst into tears running into your bedroom refusing to atten and other art session again, which led to the explosive argument that Namjoon spends so much money on you and that you are ungreatful and have nothing to worry about.

Namjoon: You must be crazy if you think we are raising a mutt in MY HOUSE

Y/N: Excuse me

Namjoon: Listen, sweetie I’m practically raising you myself your enough for me handle


Namjoon: It’s the truth and on top of that you are expensive

You anger built up and you e finally had enough and snapped, giving him a tight hard slap across the face


You storm out of the car slamming the door and walking away.

BTS Yandere Finding Out Your Pregnant (Hyung Line)

Tags :
4 years ago

BTS Yandere Reaction to You losing your virginity (Hyung Line)

Warning: Abuse, Slut-Shaming and Sex


Jin was your first and it was highly uncomfortable as it was actually for the series “Our World”, your character has been known to be very loyal with Jin’s character as the pair themselves are in a relationship (I Wonder Why???). However, the sex scene which was real was definitely not something you wanted to do with your boyfriend as the two of you still haven’t had sex privately. Nor does he know the fact your a virgin.

The moment you told Jin he was turned on and he wanted to make sure that the pair of you were definitely going to be having sex on camera. He wanted the whole world to know who you belonged too... and that was him and nobody else. He couldn’t wait to Mark you in front of millions of people who would be watching the show from their couch.

As the two are you having sex, Jin is very passionate at the beginning but as time goes on he slowly gets rough and begins to give off low growls. As for you, you enjoyed it even more than you initially did not wanting him to stop.

He says dirty words time to time and spanks you hard.

Jin: Who thought such a nice girl will be loving daddy’s cock, but I shouldn’t be so surprised your a slut for me

BTS Yandere Reaction To You Losing Your Virginity (Hyung Line)


He felt extremely honoured with the fact that he was your first and was extremely gentle making sure that you felt all the pleasures of sex and how good it feels, whispering sweet little compliments.

Yoongi: God, your so perfect, hair perfect, body perfect, face perfect, tits perfect, ass perfect and your fucking tight sexy pussy is perfection babe

He wanted you feel that he was a sensitive lover who wouldn’t harm you, although after a couple times of having sex he would begin to pick the pace going faster and harder.

Not only that he would even restrict you of having an orgasm or he would over stimulate with the use of his ‘technology tongue’. Licking you clean whilst your begging him to be inside of you, he wouldn’t even listen. By the time you are highly exhausted and wanting rest he will soon enter you in a rapid pace with no care.

He will even use your sex life as works for his books that will be able to give him inspiration.

Yoongi: You know it would be fun if we tried different positions this time... maybe I should tie you up with my belt

BTS Yandere Reaction To You Losing Your Virginity (Hyung Line)


As the two of you were cuddling on the couch, you begin to feel extremely horny wanting more. Hoseok, was shocked that you were becoming more aggressive in terms of your actions, you were kissing him harder, messing his hair and moving your body to his lap.

Y/N: I know we should wait for marriage to have sex... but I’ll still be wearing a white wedding dress as your the only person I’ve slept with

The night the two of you were having was a magical time and he doesn’t want this to end. He proved to you that he is a great lover not only a great lover, but would be a great husband for various reasons and you figured out sex is one of the many things.

Hoseok: I can’t wait to do this everyday when I come back home from work, you better we’re something sexy for me alright!

BTS Yandere Reaction To You Losing Your Virginity (Hyung Line)


He would be ecstatic quickly ripping your clothes off your body as soon as you mentioned that you wanting to have sex with him, but when you asked him to slowed down as it was his first time. He looked deeply into your eyes and says “thank you”, for saving yourself for him.

He gives you a deep passionate kiss, as his hands begin to roam around your body to your chest towards your butt as he softly gropes you.

Yet, he struggles to contain himself wanting to you like an animal left in the heat he becomes a bit more aggressive causing you to give out soft perky moans making him want more. He wants you to scream his name, he wants you to call him ‘daddy’ and asked to be man handled.

The moment the two of you are so closely intimately together is when he lost it and demanded you called him daddy, which you did and he beat your pussy with his automatic stick.

As he keeps plunging deep inside of you he stares at you with intent lust not wanting this moment to end.

Namjoon: I love this you know... I love your body... I love YOUR FUCKING DIRTY MARKED SLUTTY AHHH FUCK BODY

BTS Yandere Reaction To You Losing Your Virginity (Hyung Line)

Tags :
3 years ago

death valley (m) | part 11 (dark version)

summary: a summer internship at a famous record label turns wild with blurry nights of dangerous men, dirty money, and extremely hot sex. you soon get caught in a savage game of greed, power and obsession, only to find out that you are the grand prize


pairing: ot7 x f.reader smut ft: yoongi x reader, namjoon x reader, slight taehyung x reader

genre: smut. yandere. mystery. thriller. gang!au rockstar!au

wordcount: 9.1k

warnings: multiple & explicit smut scenes. rough sex, possessive & obsessive behaviors, sublime yandere themes, edging, penetrative sex, face riding, oral sex, degradation, manipulation, dumbification (kinda), gaslighting, edging oh god edging, dirty talk. lots of it, confessions of love, verydom!yoongi, breast play, no like, yoongi suffocates himself in your tits, choking, spanking, hair pulling, praise, sir kink, petnames (princess, love), groping, inappropriate touching, discussions of past somno referred to as rape, sub!namjoon, nudity, violence, drug & alcohol usage, mentions of addiction, description of a mental facility (brief), crying, fear, im weak for this yoongi and it shows, the smut is towards the end but its worth it !!

a/n: starts trembling nervously.

part 0 | part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | finale (lite) | finale (dark) part 11 | part 12 | part 13 | series navi | masterlist |

There’s a certain type of silence that is incredibly loud. The type when your head is under water, lungs clenching to the point you can hear the intense pounding in your heart. The blood pumping through your veins. The voices in your head would scream, but everything would remain still. Silent.

It was this silence that was so prominent as you looked out beneath you. The fleeting landscapes of a world you no longer knew. Ignoring the growling whir of the helicopter blades, you let your eyes fall shut, ears covered as you tried to steady yourself. Trying to revel in the temporary peace, before heading back to the place it all began. Death Valley.

The relief you felt seeing the dive bar so utterly destroyed was ironic. It was a similar feeling to earlier that morning when you had recognized the shadow of a dead man in your motel room. Taehyung.

Alive and well, he had grinned upon seeing you. Thumb brushing up your jaw as if to ensure you were real. Pressing his forehead against yours to savor the anxious beat of your heart.

A careful glance back at Namjoon’s sleeping figure caused his grip on your face to tighten, “Don’t worry. I took care of him, he won’t be bothering us for” He glanced at his watch—that fucking watch. “A good two or three hours”

The brief moment of ease was gone as soon as it came, as you noticed the deceitful glint in his eyes. He broke out into a fit of giggles, a crashing reminder of just how twisted he really was.

“There’s a helicopter outside waiting. It's about damn time you knew the truth. All the answers you’ve been looking for”—Was the promise he had made, causing you to follow him to place you never wanted to see again.

He lifted you out of the helicopter, hands lingering at your hips a moment too long before he led you inside. Pushing past the burnt ashes he led you behind the bar, into the kitchen storage room. This room was heavily guarded—a door of steel. Taehyung dialed in the key code, allowing it to click open.

Inside was an array of security monitors. It was nothing extravagant—expected as a security protocol in a bar. Until your eyes narrowed on the locations of the streams. Your apartment. Your office. The label. Taehyung’s fingers slid over the keypad, pulling up a file dated many years ago. The date—the first time you met Yoongi. The day Jimin gave you his jacket.

“Can you tell me what happened on this night, Y/n?”

Taehyung leaned close to your face, peering at you. You searched his face, trying to figure out where he was going with this. “You hooked up with Yoongi, correct? After Jimin's concert”

Your mouth felt dry as you tried to think back while Taehyung continued “I’m just wondering...If that’s what really happened or if that’s what you were told happened” Taehyung clicked on the file, a high pitched cluster of giggles falling from his sly, crooked lips.

F L A S H B A C K—

Footsteps echoed flatly against the dim concrete. A subtle blue aura to the iron clad warehouse gym. Leaning against the elastic rims of a tattered boxing ring, a man finished wrapping his wrists up, ready to spar.

“What do you want?” The man looked around, spotting the intruder whose deep voice bellowed through the space.

Finishing wrapping his wrists, Yoongi grinned. “Took you long enough. Is she safe?”

Namjoon folded his hands over his chest, huffing slightly as he nodded. “Is what Jin said true Yoongi? Because if it is…I want nothing to do with you.”

“Do I need to remind you what’s at stake for you Namjoon?” Yoongi laughed bitterly, spitting down onto the floor, “If I go, not only do you not become a star, but Park Jimin gets to live happily ever after. You don’t want that do you?”

Clenching his jaw, Namjoon hopped into the ring, pacing around as Yoongi continued to taunt him.

“That’s why you set all this in motion. That’s why you put my Y/n in danger. Because you wanted me to kill Jimin, didn’t you? You knew I would destroy him. But you needed me to do it sooner than later. And when things weren’t going your way. When Jimin interfered in your fight. You lost control. You gave Hobi that order didn’t you Namjoon?”

Namjoon looked down, gulping in shame. Yoongi’s eyes followed him in amusement. “I have to admit it’s clever. Cute almost.”

Namjoon snapped, lunging for the shorter man. He swung his fist into Yoongi’s jaw, causing him to stumble aside. “And what about you huh? Why did you drag this out so long? You could have had her”

Yoongi hissed, touching his now bruised jaw before shooting Namjoon a nasty glare. “If I killed him she would always love him you idiot. You wouldn’t understand the things someone is willing to do for true love”

“You’re insane”

“I was Namjoon” Yoongi admitted “I fully admit that I was. But right here and now, the only thing I care about is Y/n. I don’t give a fuck about the gang. I don’t give a fuck about Jimin. Or you. Or the label. I need her. She means everything to me. I don’t expect you to understand”

Namjoon suppressed a smile. From the corner of his eye he saw a shadow shuffling about in the dark. Yoongi had fallen right into his trap.

P R E S E N T D A Y—

Dust kicked up from your shoes as Taehyung led you back to the bar, coughing slightly as he rummaged through the cabinets, before pulling out a bottle of Scotch. Popping off the lid, he took a quick swig, grimacing at the taste before tilting the bottle towards you.

After showing you the footage, Taehyung broke you apart piece by piece. You wondered if it was some sort of torture tactic, the way he pounded you with information, pouring ideas into your mind like a flooded well. Forcing you to acknowledge Yoongi for what he really was. Dangerous.

“I thought you didn’t drink” You commented, arms folded over your chest.

Taehyung rolled his eyes, nudging the bottle towards you again “I know you’re sad Y/n. This will help.”

You stuck your tongue out at him before grabbing the bottle brashly and chugging a few large gulps. Exhaling, you set the bottle down, sliding into one of the barstools.

Taehyung walked over to your side, taking your hands in his own before pulling you into his chest. The heat radiating from his body engulfed you. His proximity making you stir, guiltily enjoying how your chest was pressed up against his. How his hands slipped under your shirt. How his breath misted over your neck before he pressed his lips behind your ear.

Sighing deeply, he began to run his fingers through your hair. “Jimin made a deal with Jin to help him bring down Death Valley in exchange for immunity. Jimin has been exploiting Jin for years.”

“Jin was working for Jimin? No way. Jin hurt Jimin. He caused the accident”

“Did he though?” Taehyung’s tone mocked you. “Think baby” His hands swept up and down your sides, caressing your skin before his thumbs slid under your pajamas, rolling over the edge of your panties.

You shut your eyes. Mind delirious as it raced through flashing scenes of the past. You initial confidence wavering, practically dust. You felt Taehyung smile, hand now creeping up your shirt, running his fingers over your chest.

“You know Jin didn’t cause the accident. He couldn’t have. And I think you know exactly who did” Taehyung leaned back, bringing his lips barely over yours. Eyes staring deep into your soul. He began to scent over your neck and shoulders. Nose trailing across your skin, leaving a path of sparks in its wake.

"Taehyung" You whined, suppressing the moan you so badly wanted to scream out. You could feel your pussy tightening as his voice vibrated through you.

"Fuck baby" He groaned, pulling you onto the counter suddenly. The bottle of liquor knocking over, shattering to pieces. Taehyung slotted himself between your thighs, catching your lips in an eager kiss.

Without a second thought, you began popping off the buttons of his shirt, deepening the kiss with the delicate swirl of your tongues. Taehyung's fingers curled into your hair, pulling you in. It was a heated exchange, born out of a strong desire to escape. You sank into the feeling of him. For a moment. Just a moment before you shook your head, pulling away. "No. I-I can't do this." Taehyung gulped, but nodded in understanding.

"Yeah. Of course. My bad"

You had finally settled on one man to have your heart. The man of your dreams. Sexy, mysterious, talented Min Yoongi. Sure he was dangerous. Sure he was possessive. But you loved him.

Or that’s what you thought, before Taehyung ripped your fantasy apart shred by shred. You were absolutely certain that he wanted something from you. He was trying to get into your head, but the question was why. What did he want now?

“There's a disc” He began slowly, fixing up his attire “I don’t know where it is. But if you can get close enough to Yoongi to find it...” You held your hand up, halting his words immediately.

“You expect me to go back to him?” You scoffed incredulously. “You want me to just act like I didn’t see what you just showed me and be all loving and pretty for Yoongi? Seriously? You’re a selfish motherfucker, that’s what you are. I’m not doing anything for you, and I want you to take me back to Namjoon right now.”

The mere idea of seeing Yoongi now made you want to throw up. Someone so sinister, so manipulative. You didn’t know if you were afraid of him, or afraid that you would toss it all aside and be okay with it. Love him despite his imperfections.

“The disc contains all the information about Death Valley. Account numbers, contacts, delivery points, shipping routes. All of it. We have this, we take Death Valley. Destroy Yoongi. In exchange, I’ll give you safety. You and Jimin both. You can walk away from the gang life untouched. I’ll even” Taehyung reached under the bar to pull out a stuffed bag. Setting it onto the cracked counter, he harshly unzipped it, revealing stacks of cash, neatly arrayed—filling the bag up to the brim. “Let you take a few of these”

The scent of the crisp bills was intoxicating. Seeing so much money up close had you dizzy, whether you wanted to admit it or not. You were at a loss for words. Utterly speechless.

F L A S H B A C K—

Jimin was left in a state of shock—watching as you jumped from the window, running off with Namjoon. His heart pounded through his body, a faint ringing in his ears as he tried to steady his balance.

“Finally” Jimin turned to see Yoongi, gun aimed in his direction, a violent grin on his face. “I should have done this a long time ago.”

“Yoongi” Jimin raised his hands in defense “Why are you doing this? You and I are friends. I know who you are now, but I’m not mad okay I just…I’m trying to understand here”

Yoongi scoffed, tossing the gun aside in a fit of rage before running up to Jimin and grabbing him by the collar, shoving him hard against the partially cracked window behind him. Jimin winced, feeling the sharp jolts of pain cutting through his back.

“Understand? Understand this then. I win. She’s mine. You’re biggest fan in the whole world Jimin. Think about that. Let that sink in” Yoongi slammed Jimin’s body again, digging his nails into his chest. “You spoilt. Ungrateful. Piece of shit. You’re nothing. I destroyed you. And you deserved every bit of it”

Jimin gulped, hands attempting to push Yoongi away. “If you have an issue with me, take it up with me. Don’t bring her into this.” Yoongi’s eyes flashed with anger, causing him to push Jimin down onto the floor with all of his strength.

“I love her” Yoongi hissed, grabbing his gun again as his whole body began to tremble. “I have loved her since the moment I saw her. She loves me too. Not you. She hates you. I hate you”

“No” Jimin stated calmly, backing away slowly “You don’t hate me Yoongi. And you don’t love Y/n”

Bullets rang as Jimin quickly rolled aside, hiding behind a fake palm as Yoongi began to shoot sporadically towards him. The gun ran out of bullets, causing him to scream in frustration.

“Don’t fucking tell me shit you don’t know. Of course I love her Jimin. You don’t know what all I’ve done for her.” He dropped to his knees “Everything. All of this. The money. The fame. Ruining you. Was all for her. She had to see who you really were”

Yoongi chuckled, rolling onto his back so Jimin could see the array of tattoos on his skin. Eyes narrowing on the one that had your name, beautifully carved out. Angelic, for the angel that was you. His flame. His queen. His everything. “She knows everything about me. And she’s okay with it. She really loves me Jimin. Not you! NOT YOU”

“When did you get that huh?” He stated blandly, voice void of any emotion. “Before…or after you raped her?”

Yoongi’s eyes were quivering. This time Jimin regained his strength, standing carefully so he could grab Yoongi by the throat.

“What?” Jimin chuckled softly, but his expression was far from amused. “Thought I wouldn’t remember? Thought all the heroin you gave me that night would make it a blur?” Yoongi’s eyes clenched shut. Recalling bitterly how Jimin had barged into the room, many years ago. Unsure of what he had seen, but furious. It had been the turning point of their relationship.

Yoongi hated having regrets. But if there was one thing he could undo. It would have been slipping those pills into your drink that night. He was naive then. You would have come to him naturally but he was too insecure to believe that. He changed. For you. You would forgive him right? He was the man of your dreams.

“I always thought…no.. I knew you were talented. I always felt like an imposter. I hated my fame. God knows I hated it. I wanted you to be happy Yoongi…you were family to me. I ignored what you did for so long, and I’ve hated myself for it deep down.”

Yoongi was well aware of all this. It was exactly how he had pushed Jimin down the dark road of drugs. Using his internal guilt, his naivety, and his blind faith in him to puppet the rockstar into his own demise. He created the monster before him. Composed him through pills. Money. Sex. Torture. Murder.

“And you’re telling me that, even knowing what you did. You chased after her? What right do you have to be in her life Yoongi.” Jimin tightened his grip, causing Yoongi to choke out “That’s not love Yoongi. You’re sick. You don’t love her. You don’t hate me. You wanna know what I think though?” Jimin let Yoongi go as his eyes began to roll back, body convulsing for air. “You hate yourself.”

Jimin glanced down the hall to see Hobi approaching. He grinned as Yoongi seemed to relax, seeing one of his own men here to save him.

“Hobi” Yoongi hissed, still coughing “Kill him” Hobi remained still, causing Yoongi to slowly fume with irritation “DID YOU NOT HEAR ME? I SAID KILL HIM NOW”

Jimin sighed, standing up and brushing off his jeans. With a quick nod to Hobi, the two men headed down the hall, leaving Yoongi, prisoner to his own vices.

Once in the car, Jimin let out a large sigh of relief “Did you see the look on his fucking face?” Jimin chuckled, “He was shocked”

Hobi smirked, glancing in the rearview mirror. His gaze locked on a pair of eyes— filled with cynical amusement as the man’s hand came from behind and covered Jimin’s face with a cloth of chloroform. Jimin squirmed, screaming out before instantly falling limp to the side.

“How was the look on his face hm?” An amused voice came from the back seat.

“Priceless” Hobi gave him an approving nod before starting the engine.

P R E S E N T D A Y—

Shimmering rays of the late morning sun filtered through, causing Namjoon to stir slightly. Reaching out, his brows furrowed at the lack of warmth. The warmth that was supposed to be you. His anxiety kicked in, causing him to jolt awake, scanning the room for you.

His shoulders relaxed when he saw you— wrapped up in your robe, looking like an utter goddess as you paced across the balcony, enjoying the slight breeze. A glass of water in your hands.

His heart fluttered. Stretching his neck, he slid out of bed, leaning against the door, admiring you until you finally noticed him. You were hardly far from him but he already missed you.

You were all he could think about when he fell asleep last night, the prospect of the two of you running away, fucking senselessly until the dawn ingrained deep in his soul. He wrapped his arms around you, allowing you to lean back into his embrace as he kissed all over your shoulder.

“How are you so fucking beautiful?” He mumbled, whining slightly “It’s not fair” You let him peck you on the cheek as the two of you looked out onto the horizon. The day beginning to glow over the expanse of forest that surrounded the motel.

He continued to nuzzle and cover you in light kisses, unable to pry himself away. You were soft in his arms, melting into him as he showered you with love. He loved that silence with you felt so comfortable.

“I got an idea for a song after last night” He nudged you, inhaling your scent as his kisses moved behind your ear, causing you to squirm against the ticklish sensation. “About you”

“Is that right?” You entertained him, glad he couldn’t see the lack of interest in your face. You were too shocked. Too conflicted. Mind bursting with emotions—one second you were angry, spiteful, then next you were sad, hurt, throbbing in pain.

“About us. Running away together. Escaping the pain to find happiness”

“Wow that’s really great Joon”

“Everything okay?” Namjoon turned you, scanning you with worry. You flashed him a fake smile, nodding. “Don’t lie to me” He sighed, hugging you in close.

Tears filled your eyes. In a moment of bitter resentment you grabbed Namjoon’s face and pressed your lips against his. The boy stumbled back before grabbing you, holding you gently as he kissed you back—evidently uncertain.

He looked delectable, his morning hair wiped and tangled, bare chest gleaming in the sunlight over his tight boxers that did little to hide his eagerness. You pursed your lips into a grin before untying your robe, allowing to slide to the very edge of your shoulders. Namjoon’s eyes widened, you were in nothing but underwear. A nice pair—the one you had put on for Yoongi no doubt.

Namjoon’s face was absolutely flushed. His hands trembling, heart pounding through his head “W-what was that for?” He stuttered. You cooed at how weak he was for you. It gave you a rush, knowing that amongst all this crazy, you had a strong, handsome man who was wrapped around your finger.

Keeping your eyes on him, you curled your fingers around the underside of your breasts, pushing them up, chuckling at the way Namjoon whined. He stepped towards you slowly, hands coming up to hover over your chest— careful not to touch you as he sought out permission.

“Do you want me?” He asked quietly, voice breathless, eyes quivering. “C-can I?” You stared at him, a devilish grin on your face as you taunted him. Not responding but instead watching the way his hands began to tremble. “Y/n” He whimpered, resting his hands just beneath your breasts as he pleaded for your consent. His thumbs traced the underside of your bra, urging you subtly. “Please”

“Such a good boy aren’t you.” You stroked his face, cooing affectionately as he pouted, “Good boys keep their hands” You slapped his wrists away “Off”

Namjoon groaned as you dropped to your knees. “W-wait. Why Y/n?” You shushed him, tugging down his boxers towards his knees, allowing for his long cock to spring up, hitting you softly against your face. “Y/n!” He cried, finally gaining your attention.

“This is what you want isn’t it?” You hissed, spitting onto his cock before rubbing the wet glob over his rough, veiny length. You could feel him pulse in your grasp, tugging languidly as he watched you with teary eyes.

“Stop” He cried “Please. You’re not telling me something. What about Yoongi?” Your eyes flashed. Suddenly your strokes picked up pace, causing Namjoon to wince as you pulled and pushed at his cock, generating heat under your slick palms. Your focus was gone— no longer on the whimpering boy in front of you but on the man who was ingrained into your skin. Yoongi.

Without warning you shoved Namjoon’s cock into your mouth, continuing to stroke him while bobbing your head back and forth against his pistoling length. Namjoon reached to grab your hair back but you slapped his ass hard when he did.

“Hands. Off.” You growled, continuing to wrap your tongue, tracing every inch of his eager cock. Hollowing your cheeks in order to feel him slide down even deeper. You were messy— gagging and gurgling as you slobbered all over his cock. Harshly lapping your tongue around as you sucked him off, allowing the tip of your tongue to tease his slit. Your palms fondled his balls slightly, eliciting a deep moan from him before you released his cock with a resounding pop, instead latching onto his balls and licking them all over.

“Oh my god” Namjoon was about to lose balance, reaching out to steady himself on your shoulder before recalling your warning. Stumbling back, your tongue returned to his length, slowly licking long stripes over the burning skin. You planted your lips onto him, tracing the sides of his cock with wet kisses. Allowing your moist lips to coat him in warm, wet, desire. “Mmm gonna cum”

You scoffed, his cocked flat on your tongue as you looked up at him. “Already? Are you really that pathetic Joon?” He shook his head rapidly, face reddening as he held his breath, trying his best not to burst all over your face. “Don’t you dare cum”

“Nnngh—” Namjoon wrapped his hand over his mouth, trying to hold his urges back. The thought alone was pushing him along— spraying his hot cum all over your pretty face. The though of you licking it off your lips before spitting it out. You stood up, brushing your knees slightly.

You hooked your fingers into the edge of your thong, dragging it down your legs before twirling them on the edge of your pinky, flaunting in front of Namjoon’s face. The boy shamelessly stuck his tongue out, hoping you would stuff his face but instead you pulled your hand back.

“You want these?” Namjoon nodded eagerly. “Then fetch” With a flick of your wrist, you tossed the panties back into the bedroom, following behind them. Namjoon began to move but you stopped him. “No—crawl. Bring them to me”

“Are you serious?”

“Do I look like I’m joking?” You snapped right back, making yourself comfortable on the bed as Namjoon contemplated his existence.

Slowly he lowered onto all fours, his hand cock dangling beneath him as he crawled into the room, picking the panties up with his mouth, using his tongue to slurp them in before looking at you for approval.

When you gave him a nod, he began to crawl towards the bed, climbing up onto it until he was towering over your body. He relaxed his jaw, allowing the garment to fall—now covered in his saliva—onto your face. He looked at you with dark, lustful eyes.

“Happy?” Namjoon grumbled, embarrassed at his actions. You sent him air kisses, teasing him slightly.

“Very. You were such a good boy. Now tell me what you want” Namjoon mumbled something under his breath. You tilted your ears toward him, unable to understand. “What was that baby?”

He looked away, blushing furiously “I want you to sit on my f-face.” Embarrassment overtook him as he said the words, causing him to hide his face in your stomach. You cooed at him, stroking his hair slightly.

“Okay” Namjoon’s head perked up—turning to you, bewildered. “Go lie down”

“Wait really?” The excitement in his voice was adorable to you. You nodded as he eagerly flipped over, laying flat on his back.


“Please” Namjoon couldn’t help himself, he pulled your hips down, suffocating himself with your creamy cunt. You stifled a laugh, feeling a brush of air as he inhaled you sharply. His tongue carefully licked a clean stripe up your folds. His soft hums vibrating against your thighs as he went again, and again. Like a puppy, licking you up like ice cream.

"You t-taste so good" Grabbing your ass, he pulled your face down more, allowing him to shove his tongue into your sopping heat, relishing your wetness as he explored you. Flicking harshly as he shoveled through your folds, drinking you up like nectar.

His whines drove you crazy, but not more than the squelching sounds of his tongue crashing against your tender flesh, poking around as his lips sucked you thoroughly. His speed was persistent, you could feel the hot heaviness of his muscle penetrating you with every move he made.

Breathing heavily, he moved so his lips could pucker over your sensitive clit, sucking harshly as you bucked your hips. "Fuck Joon..." You gasped, feeling him smile against you as his tongue lathered all over you, softly flicking at your clit.

"Cum" He pleaded "Please, God please cum on my face. That'd be so hot" You scoffed, but not for long as he gave you a hard suck, teeth lightly pressing into you. You gripped the sheets hard, trying not to fall as he continued to eat you out.

Your head was pounding, you felt heat build between your thighs, causing them to shake violently. You hissed, whimpers wanting to leave your lips but you held them back, eyes falling shut so you could bask in the feeling. You were so close. So close. "Namjoon...keep going, don't you fucking stop" Like the good boy he was, he licked faster, allowing his tongue to thrash against your clit, giving you the stimulation you needed to push over the edge.

You screamed, muffling your voice with the mattress as Namjoon's tongue quickly slid back into your pussy, wanting to feel the way you began to throb, walls squeezing down tight as you dripped out onto him. He groaned, sipping up every last drop of you before you sighed heavily, crawling off of him.

He stood up, hand around his extremely flushed cock. Pout heavy, so desperate to cum. You almost wanted to blow at him just to see him spurt without a single touch.

Instead you decided to be wicked. Hopping onto your knees, you kissed him, licking your arousal from his lips. His face was completely fucked out, ruined with your glossy mess all over.

"You want me to finish you off baby?" He nodded impatiently. You tugged his lip, bringing him in close, before you let him go. "Well isn't that too fucking bad"

"W-what?" Namjoon's voice was dry, saturated with desperation "You're kidding." He raised his eyebrows, but seeing your sinister grin, his eyes began to tear up. "P-please. I'm so hard for you, please. What the fuck Y/n pleaseee"

You shrugged. "Not my problem" You giggled, giving his cock one final tug before leaving the bed. Pushing past him and missing the way he spilled over onto his palm the second you left.

Namjoon was simply stunned. Never in his dreams would he have thought that you would actually ever want him. Not when you had Yoongi. Jimin. Even Jungkook. A sliver of opportunity presented himself, and Namjoon found himself lost in a cloud of wishful thinking.


No part of you wanted to see him. The prospect of running far away with Namjoon was immensely tempting. But not as tempting as bringing hell to the same people who brought you hell. Namjoon dropped you back at your apartment complex. He hardly said a word, still shook up from earlier as you left the car, waving him goodbye.

Back in front of Yoongi’s door, you chuckled bitterly recalling all the times you had come to him. Such a desperate, eager brat. Wanting an ounce of his attention. If only you knew. Your fists clenched, teeth gritting and just as you were about to pound on the door—you froze.

You heard crying.

All your thoughts pushed aside, your body screamed at you to go comfort him. You rapped at the door quickly, calling out to him “Yoongi. It’s me. What’s wrong?” His sobs seemed to get louder, growing alongside your impatience. “Yoongi! Talk to me—hey. I’m here. Baby I’m right here” Your heart clenched with worry. Was he hurt? Did he get shot?

Relief swept over you as you heard the door unlock, slowly opening to reveal Yoongi— bruised up, battered, with tears running down his face.

You had anticipated this moment. Seeing him after everything you now knew about him. But once it finally arrived, all you could find yourself doing was throwing yourself into his arms. He sniffled slightly, hugging you tenderly as he kicked the door shut. Holding you tight as you simply exchanged a moment of silent affection. His scent filling you with comfort. Much to your dismay.

Yoongi pulled away to look at you, his eyes fluttered to your lips before catching them in a deep, soulful kiss. He poured into you, kissing you like you were the last drop of water and he was dying of thirst.

You lost yourself in the sweet, blissful feeling of him. His arms slid down, intertwining his fingers with yours before bringing your fused fists up to his lips.

“I‘m sorry” Your eyebrows shot up in surprise, not expecting those words from the man holding you. “I’m so fucking sorry”

He scoffed, “This is so pathetic” His breath hitched. The more he tried to convince himself to stop, the harder he began to sob. His whole body trembling around you as you attempted to calm him down, hands stroking his cheek, holding him close.

“Y-you don’t like this. Someone so emotional”

Laughing slightly you kissed his cheek “It’s okay. I’m not judging you. But I need you to tell me what’s wrong”

“I don’t wanna hide from you” Yoongi confessed, voice saturated with cries “I’ve done terrible things” He choked out “And I regret them so much. I—I need you to know that.” You pursed your lips, wondering to what he was referring to exactly. “If I told you, would you still love me?”

Your mouth was dry. The man looked at you with such intense earnesty. Could you really lie to his face? Would you be lying if you said yes?

“Of course I would” You felt your heart drop as the lies left your mouth, especially when you saw the relief in Yoongi’s eyes. He led you to the couch, sitting you down in his lap so he could bury his face in the crook of your neck as you pat his back in comfort.

“I don’t know what all you’ve been told” Yoongi mumbled, “Clearly you spent time with that fucking cop—God I’m glad he’s dead.” Yoongi felt his anger rising, inhaling slowly to settle himself down. “He wasn’t entirely wrong…about me”

No shit. “What do you mean?”

You felt Yoongi tighten his hold on you, almost as if he was afraid of letting you go. “I knew who you were right when I offered you this internship. I-I was not the most stable person. Jimin—” Yoongi wracked his brain, searching for proper phrasing “Jimin thought you were pretty. Which is why the night you and I met, I—“

Your heart was racing. Unsure if you wanted him to say it, or wanted to pretend just a little while longer that things were okay. That you were finally reunited with him, and could just ignore the details. Ignore the truth.

“I roofied you”

Your mouth felt clammy.

“And…I fucked you while you were unconscious” Yoongi didn’t dare look into your eyes.

“Let go of me” Your voice was cold, giving Yoongi shivers as he obeyed. You left his lap, pacing around while he watched you nervously. He didn’t know how you would react. But he couldn’t let you leave him, no matter what.

“I just have one question” Yoongi raised his eyebrows, looking up as you towered over him. “Why do you love me?”

He stuttered, not anticipating a question like that. His mind whirred, a million answers popping to the forefront of his mind immediately. He couldn’t even find the right words before you interrupted—“Let me rephrase. Would you love me if there was no Jimin?”

“DON’T” Yoongi’s eyes darkened, tightening his fists in an effort to keep himself from blowing a fuse— “Don’t say his name. Don’t ever say his name to me”

“Jimin thought I was pretty. So you forced yourself on me. Look me in the eye and tell me that the only reason you did—all of this—wasn’t just to show him up. Look me in the eye and tell me that you would love me even if I hadn’t been that girl. If I had meant nothing to him.”

Yoongi gaped at you. You tapped your foot impatiently, scoffing at his inability to respond.

“Yeah. That’s what I thou—“ You began before he glared at you, putting a finger to his lips, cocking his head to the side in irritation.

“Not. Another. Word.” The harsh snap of his voice pierced through you, loud against your ears but still not quite yelling. Deep within his eyes you could see the anger boiling, a sinister malice.

Swiftly he stood, grasping your throat to pull you up onto your toes. You stared each other down, before he let out a slow, controlled, exhale. In a small voice he then spoke.

“Is that what you think?” Shaking his head with disappointment, he chuckled—looking off into the distance momentarily before meeting your eyes again. Stepping forward, he held you off the ground, blocking you pathetic attempts to breathe as he hissed at you. His eyes red with rage, glossed with pain.

“Well?” He taunted, pushing forward again. His gaze didn’t once falter. He was unamused. In a moment of boldness you shot back at him. He smirked, seeing as you were at a loss for words. Sighing, he released you—not before caging you against the wall with his hand, the other running through his hair before slowly gripping your jaw.

“I do love you. Understand?” You nodded, utterly mesmerized by him. It was as though he radiated with this power over you that had you trembling at the knees. He lightly pat your cheek. “Use your words”

“Y-yes” He slammed his fist close to your head, just missing as you squealed in shock. “Y-yes sir”

“Good” He hummed, satisfied by your response. Eyes softening he let his hands wall to your hips, leaning his head against your shoulder.

“You’re my whole world.” His words were charged, contrasting the bland nonchalance of the tone with which he spoke them. Your heart felt stuffed—overflowing. “My muse. My motivation. You are everything”

Suddenly he bit into your neck, eliciting a sharp hiss from you as he sucked against your skin. “Don’t ever doubt me again. Are we clear?”

“Yes sir” You gasped as he left you with a stinging bruise, licking over the flesh fondly before looking you up and down.

Stepping away, he seated himself back onto the couch, leaning back with his thighs spread wide. He curled his fingers, beckoning you forward.

“You don’t think I love you hm? Is that right?”

Your mind was completely blank as you crawled on top of him. He yanked your head forward into a rough kiss, wrestling his tongue deep into your mouth while his nails dug into your skull. You whimpered, which only made him kiss you harder, teeth pinching your lips as he swallowed you in.

“Strip” His commands were simple yet daunting. He enjoyed the fear in your eyes as you pulled his shirt off of your body, unclipping your bra— which he watched fall to the floor before scanning up your legs. A smirk emerged on his lips as you slid your panties off, now standing before him, completely naked—vulnerable. All for him.

“Take off my pants” You hesitated momentarily, spotting his bulge beneath his dark jeans. His fingers trailed over the button before sliding it open—you couldn’t help but feel a clench in your core at the sight of his long fingers, and the array of silver rings that adorned them. “Do as I say love”

You fell to your knees almost robotically, sliding off his jeans as he lifted his hips. His cock popped out, long and hard against his stomach. Sitting in front of him now he cooed at you, leaning back as he tugged off his shirt. Your breath hitched—you weren’t sure if it was the sight of his impressive body, or the fierce look in his eyes that had you surging with wetness.

“C’mere” He called at you, dumbing his voice as you crawled onto his lap. “So fucking pretty, look at you” He traced your figure with interest, running his hands up and down your body as though he was molding your shape.

Eager to please him, you bent down, letting your tongue run over his slit before you felt a sharp tug on your hair, pulling you off. Yoongi clicked his tongue. “None of that princess. I wanna look at you, my pretty darling. Want your sweet pussy, can you do that for me hm? Will you let me have you?”

“N-now?” You stuttered. Yoongi glared at you. “I-I’m too t-tight..sir”

“Didn’t I tell you not to talk back to me love?”

“Sorry…sir” You whimpered, stroking his cock slowly as you lined it up with your tight cunt. You lowered yourself slightly, feeling the burn of his rock hard length push against your folds. You hissed out in pain, but could feel Yoongi’s hand on your head, pushing you down.

“Thatttt’s it love. You’re doing so good—my sweet little princess” Yoongi’s eyes rolled back as you bottomed out, pussy pulsing against his thick member. “Oh you poor thing, does it hurt love?” You nodded dumbly as he pulled you into a sweet kiss, softly running his tongue around your plush lips before capturing them with his own. “But you’re gonna take it aren’t you? Are you gonna be good for me?”

“Yes sir. W-wanna be good. So—” Yoongi’s lips traced down your neck, the soft, thick flesh feeling warm against your trembling skin. He carefully made his way down your chest, meticulously capturing every inch of you in his soft, loving kisses. “So good. So fucking good oh Godddd—Yoongi” You cried out as his hands slid up your breasts, grabbing at them while pinching them between his fingers. Inhaling sharply, he latched back onto your jaw, fueled by the series of desperate whimpers coming from your lips.

“Mmm that’s what I like to hear. Such a good girl, my little princess” His thumb rolled over your nipples, causing you to tilt you head back, giving him more access to nibble against you before tugging at your breasts. Your breathless gasps filled the room, like a hot vapor you melted into his touch. Left your whole world to fall into the hands of the man who now kissed your lips again, biting at you, groaning into your mouth.

“I love you” He mumbled against your lips, eyes closed as he dropped chaste kisses between his repeated affection. “I love you I love you I love you”

Your nails scratched up his back, combing through his hair as you pulled him impossibly closer. Pushing his head down so he could take your nipple into his mouth. One hand folding the other, he grazed his teeth across the hardened nub, tugging at the flesh and releasing it back. Pressing his lips against them he sucked hard, the pressure driving you into a frenzy.

Widening his mouth, he allowed his hot tongue to lather over the sensitive expanse of your heaving breast. Engulfing you deep into his mouth before drawing back just to do it all over again.

You felt like your head was spinning, watching as he deliciously suckled at you, looking up from time to time to see the fucked out look on your face. You were almost drooling, watching the way his head bobbed against you, hair tickling your chest as he gnawed at the plump mounds. A few loud kisses later, he licked a long strip, rolling over your nipple back up your jugular until his could kiss you again. His palm rolled against the now swollen, wet skin before he dove into the other side.

He took his time with you, loving the way you rolled your hips in slight circles, purring as he ravished you, filling you with pleasure with every lick, every touch, every sigh. His hands cupped your bottom, helping you rise off of his cock slightly so that you could settle back down. His grip was tight on you, raising you up again, revealing in the slick sounds as he dropped you back down. Allowing your breasts to swing into his face, covering him in his own spit. You drew him in, allowing his nose to press up against your sternum as you continued to bounce on him slowly.

“Princess—” Yoongi’s breath was hot against you, as he rose, gasping for air before muffling himself with your breasts again. He gripped them, shaking them roughly as he groaned, loving the way you suffocated him.

A tight slap on your ass indicated for you to ride him faster. The soft squelching of your impact echoing through the quiet room as you began to bounce faster, rolling your hips, clenching down as his hands crawled up your back for support.

“Y-yoongi” You whined, causing him to chuckle, kissing you again. He let his nose trace your face, inhaling your comforting scent as he pressed his chest against yours, the friction from your oscillating tits charting a beautiful heat between the two of you.

“Yeah, that’s it princess—you’re so fucking perfect, you know that right? Cum for me love. Give me everything” Pressing one last kiss to the edge of your cheek, he allowed you to nuzzle into his neck, biting down as you let out a loud moan, cumming hard as your pussy convulsed on him.

“Ohhh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Yoongi. Yoongi. Yoongi” You were practically screaming into his neck. His tongue grazed over your ear, teasing you as you continued on, riding him for all he was worth.

“There you go…just like that. You’re doing so well love, wanna hear those pretty sounds” He held you firmly, allowing you to ride out your high, cursing under his breath as he felt your heat leak all over him, twitching as waves of pleasure wiped your mind clean.

He then lifted you off of his cock, kissing you hard, lingering against your lips as he crawled over you—pushing you onto your back. Peppering your face with kisses, he gripped your thighs, flipping you flat onto your stomach.

He groaned, noticing the slickness of your cum spread over your loosened cunt. His palm smacked against your ass, causing you to whine while your pussy leaked out ever more. Yoongi scoffed.

“Look at you princess,—all messy and ready for me. You want my cock?” His lips pressed against the top of your ass, hands pulling your knees far apart. You nodded feverishly, causing him to hum in approval. “Yeah? You want it? My little princess wanna get fucked hard?” He smacked your ass again as you raised your hips. Gripping your waist, he steadied you.

“Please. Oh god, please” You blabbered, looking back at him, eyes pleading. You looked completely ruined, but Yoongi thought you had never looked more beautiful in your life. “Fuck me hard sir. W-wanna be a good girl. Wanna be good for you”

“Awwh my little princess, so needy” Yoongi clicked his tongue, cooing at you as he ran his fingers through your hair before grabbing it and tugging it back so your back slammed against his chest. Quickly he held your breasts, keeping you in his grasp before pushing his tip into you.

He swallowed your whines, lips slotting against yours as he continued to push in. His length filled you easily, allowing him to slide in and out. He bucked his hips harshly, slamming his hips against yours as his grip of you tightened. The flesh of your breasts slipping through his fingers as he rammed into you, exchanging eager groans and pleasured sighs as his lips lingered on yours, mouths open as you breathed each other in.

You opened your eyes. His gaze was intense—almost predatory as he continued to pound you hard. His hands slid to your neck, gripping it tightly as he kept your face turned towards him.

“Yoongi please” You sighed, allowing him to choke you slightly as he pulled you back closer “Want your cum. Want you to cum inside me”

“Don’t you worry princess” He growled, biting your lip “I’m gonna fill you up so good. You’re all mine now. Say it”

“I’m yours Yoongi. All yours. No one else. I don’t want anyone else.”

“And I’m yours Y/n” He whispered. You blushed— he hardly ever said your name. You weren’t sure if you had heard it from his lips ever before. That alone had your body trembling with heated desire. A magnetic want—need for the man who held you. The man whose cock violently thrusted deep into your core, making your thighs tremble as he chased his high. “Don’t ever think I don’t love you. Ever. I love— everything about you. Always will”

“I-I love you too Yoongi” Your words pushed him over the edge— he groaned loudly, releasing your throat as he came. Buckling over you, sending the two of you down with a thud. He had never cum so hard in his life, globs of hot white filling your every crevice, spilling out. You could feel his length twitch within you, face heating as you enjoyed the way his seed shot into you, the pressure incredibly fulfilling.

Slowly, he watched as he pulled out of you— cum dripping out your battered cunt. He licked the pearly sweat off of your shoulders before nuzzling into the back of your head, wrapping his arms around you as he rolled to the side. He pressed his lips on top of your head, hands stroking your hips, caressing them gently.

“Shit” You exhaled, turning over to face him. He has a lazy smile on his face— one that made you want to attack him with little kisses. “I love you so much” Your hands cupped his face, stroking his jaw as you stared into his sweet, gorgeous eyes. “It’s you. It’s always gonna be you”

Yoongi pulled you towards him, allowing your bodies to mold against each other, fitting snug as you kissed his beating heart. He reached his arm to turn off the lights, not before grabbing his phone and seeing a message from an unknown number.

I can kill PJM. 2M.

He squinted at the screen as you whined in complaint. “Yoongiiiii” You nuzzled into his chest. He stroked the back of your head, ignoring you as he tried to think. A quick kiss to your head shut you up, after which he dialed a quick two letter response, setting his phone aside so he could slide back under the covers to shower you with love.


Taehyung was honestly surprised you finally agreed to his terms. He wasn’t sure how you planned to do it, but you seemed stubborn in your ability to manipulate Yoongi into finding where he hides the disc. He didn’t feel great about needing you to go back to him, knowing what he did— but sacrifices had to be made. He knew what was at stake.

Taehyung hadn’t been entirely shocked that Jimin found out about him— through Hobi nonetheless. Jimin didn’t care about the betrayal, in that moment all he wanted was you. He had revealed his plan. Jimin claimed that Jin had been suffering from a cocaine addiction for years. Jimin used that fact to loop Jin into serving as his mole. Keeping him out of trouble while he poisoned the city.

Jimin was a cunning guy. Taehyung would sometimes lose sight of this considering how fucking annoying he could be. He sicced Jin onto Death Valley—promising him an opportunity at a huge career move, in exchange for bringing down the rival gang. But what Taehyung never quite understood was how Jimin happened to be in Death Valley the same day you first arrived. It was far too coincidental.

How did Jin know that you were important? That you were worth being a bargaining chip? Someone had to have tipped him off but how could it have been Jimin? He had no idea about Yoongi—no idea about you.

Jimin had used Jin’s addiction to his advantage— using his instability as a weapon of chaotic destruction. Taehyung honestly enjoyed the unpredictability of the man’s actions. It made things far more entertaining for him.

Jimin had intended on sending Jin to rehabilitation after he had put you in harms way. That his puppeteering had gone too far. His change of heart was pathetic— Taehyung thought. Another testament to how weak he was.

Setting his thoughts aside, he smiled at the nurse in front of him as she opened the door. Taehyung was able to find out what facility Jin had been sent to and decided to pay him a friendly visit. The cell was small— plainly furnished, comfortable, with a bed and a cabinet. Jin sat, a pair of die twisting irreverently between his fingers. He paused to see who had come in, eyes widening.

“Who let you in here?” Jin hissed. “Nurse!” He reached for the emergency button on the side of his bed, but not before Taehyung reached inside of his coat pocket, he pulled out a syringe of a brown, viscous liquid.

“You want?”

Jin gulped, watching as Taehyung neared the syringe. He shouldn’t. He shouldn’t. He shouldn’t! His mind screamed. He was just barely starting to gain control of himself again.

“Is that—“ Taehyung nodded as Jin took the syringe from him. He carefully injected it into his wrist, watching as a single drop of blood trickled down onto the white sheets. He inhaled sharply, eyes clenching shut as he basked in the shooting high. His mind began to wander. Taehyung watched with interest, not ever having tried any of his products himself.

Jin sighed, eyes flashing open. A wicked smile growing on his face.

“Now” Taehyung cleared his throat—“Let’s break you out of here Officer”

ᐊ——[ previous ] series navi | masterlist | scream in my ask box | [ next ]——ᐅ

a/n: *screams* okay so. just setting things up for some really wild action coming up. who kidnapped jimin? tf is taehyung planning? team yoongi how are we? who did yoongi text to kill jimin?

next part - jungkook and jimin time. is that a spoiler. probably. (tb to part 0 vibes) oh...and jin. yes. we getting jin smut yall. prepare yourself. ;)

also to my loyal death valley readers. i appreciate you so much for your patience. my whiny ass will whine no longer. sorry for all the confusion <3 ily you sexy ppl

smut pairs for next part are U P. you know the drill. lmk your thoughts. thank you for reading & i hope you have an amazing day :)

taglist: @imluckybitches @gee-nee @missseoulite @hcneybees @kooookie​ @queenmasterxx @crustycaitlin @virgo-and-libra @un2-verse @winter-melontea @equivocacies​ @infernal-alpaca @shrimpmsg @meowmeowyoongles @rjsmochii @liltangerined @littlrmills14blog @issysor @arandomblackgirl @adoringinsanity @giadalin @jeontier @kaithezaftig @jinssexytoe @nonnis97@minyoongiboongi @happygirl62304 @just-me-and-myselfs @purplepebbles @channiespup @lilacdreams-00 @kianam @thmrdrs @kpoppin-mel @namjooningelsewhere @lolzerss @planetsope @ohmykim @xyahrinx @bangtan-army @you-are-my-wind

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2 years ago

Damn...just how bad is Namjoon for her to react like that 😳😳

Finders keepers | Yandere!BTS

Finders Keepers | Yandere!BTS

Pairing: Yandere!Namjoon x Reader

Sides: Yoongi, Jin, Jungkook

Keywords: yandere, kidnapping

Warnings: yandere f-ing content, kidnapping, fighting, loss of consciousness, guns, blood, swearing

Word count: around 1.200

Yandere!Namjoon's so is kidnapped for ransom but it turns out she doesn't want to come home when the time comes.

Inspo board


Yn’s head snapped to the door. Yoongi stood at the threshold of the room, watching her. As always, he appeared without making as much of a noise as a pin drop would. He had an incredible talent for sneaking up on others. His eyes moved lazily from Yn’s face to her hands, clasped together in a prayer-like gesture. She stared at him with anticipation and fear. 

“You’re going home, pretty girl.”

For a solid second Yn froze. She stopped breathing as if somebody kicked her in the chest into a wall of bricks. One of Yoongi’s men entered the room. He approached Yn and uncuffed her ankles from the table leg. 

“What? N-No,” she managed to stutter.

“Your boy paid what he owed us and more to get you back. Isn’t it great to have a partner so caring?”

“No,” she gasped, frantically trying to find the right words. “Y-You- you don’t understand.”

“Come,” Yoongi ordered and gestured for her to stand up.

“I- I- please, I-”

“Everybody’s awaiting your return. Him especially. He was very eager to see you again.”

Jin grabbed Yn’s upper arm, yanking her to her feet. Her whole body worked against him but it wasn’t enough. She didn’t act like Yoongi expected her to in such a situation. She was being freed for god’s sake. 

“No! No, no no,” she yelled repeatedly.

Yn’s voice came from deep within her. It was hoarse and full of terror. Real terror. Her legs gave in and Jin dragged her across the room before managing to pull her up again. Tears rolled down her face one after the other. Her pupils were dilated, covering her irises almost entirely. 

“Please, don’t do this! Please!” she screamed over her shoulder to Yoongi but he remained stoic walking behind her and Jin towards the front door.

 “No, you can’t send me back!”

Yn begged and she cried. First to Yoongi then to Jin. None of them reacted according to her wishes. They stopped before the heavy dark door and Yoongi reached to open the lock.

“He's not normal,” she whispered as if revealing a very well kept and disgusting secret.

It didn’t take longer than one second but Yoongi stared at Yn, one hand on the door handle and the other on the key underneath it. He was being attentive in his own quiet way, taking in what she said and how she did it. He saw it as bizarre. His gut was telling him something was deeply wrong with her.

“He’s sick!” She screamed, desperate for someone to not just hear her but also listen. “Please! Please!”

Yn grabbed onto the sleeve of Yoongi’s shirt. Before she could pull on it Jin pried her away from him. His stomach turned as he heard her animalistic sob.

“I beg of you,” she howled. ”Please, I’ll do anything!”

Yoongi opened the door. The daylight seeped into the house softly.

“Anything! Please!”

Yoongi stopped at a safe distance from the three men waiting for them outside.  

“Gentlemen, she’s all yours.”

Jin pushed her forward, still holding onto her arms. Gold rays of afternoon sun danced over Yn’s face but her enlarged pupils didn’t decrease in size. She immediately recognised Namjoon’s workers, the nameless men he ordered around his property. She recognised their car and she froze like a deer in headlights.

“No! No!” She shrieked as if possessed and tried to get first out of Jin’s steel embrace and then Namjoon’s workers’. “Please, no!”

Yn kicked the gravel underneath her feet, barely held up by her forearms by her supposed saviours. Yoongi and Jin watched the scene unfold before them. They frowned, listening to the girl’s desperate cries.

“Kill me!” She screeched and a flock of birds flew off from a nearby tree. “Just kill me, please! Kill me, please!” She repeated, looking from Yoongi to Jin, from their guns to their hands. “Kill me! Kill me!” She begged, as the two men tried to push her into the backseat of their car. “Help me, please!” The third one, the driver, started the ignition and Yn yelled in a very high and panicked pitch. “Kill me!”

“Deal is off,” Yoongi muttered, taking his hands out of his pockets. “Jungkook.”

Jin’s frown became more apparent at the sound of his friend's order. The last thing he expected of him was a last minute change of heart. Nonetheless, he was grateful it occurred.

Yn disappeared inside the car. One of the two men was already on the other side, getting in to hold her down.

“Passenger’s side,” a voice rang through both Yoongi’s and Jin’s ear pieces. “Two, one.”

A muffled shot from a silenced rifle took down one of Namjoon’s men. He fell to the ground with a hole in his head. Yoongi and Jin pulled out their hand guns. The man violently pushed Yn deeper inside the car, shut the door and reached for his own weapon. Too late. Yoongi put a bullet between his eyes. As the driver pushed on the gas Jin shot through the front tire, Jungkook was already taking care of the back ones.

Yn opened the car door. She fell to the ground with her wrists still bound by handcuffs Jin put on her days ago. She was panting and crying, pushing herself up. She ignored the stinging scrapes on her palms and knees. She was high on adrenaline. She had to save herself so she started running. 


Yoongi didn’t have to say a word. His friend was already by Yn’s side with an arm around her throat. He couldn’t let her lose into the surrounding forest.

Jungkook adjusted his position on the rooftop and pointed his rifle at the back window of the car. He wasn’t going to wait for the driver to get out of the vehicle. Two shots and the glass shattered. Yoongi had an opening. He raised his gun, shooting the third and last man twice in his throat.

“Clear,” Jungkook reported through the earpiece.

Yoongi thanked him through the device. The metallic sounds of the younger one's rifle being taken apart echoed on the line before it went dead.

“What are you doing?” He asked, looking over at Jin.

Yn was choking on her own spit, trying to pry away his arm from her throat. Her eyes started to roll back and limbs going limp. 

“She’s in distress. I’m calming her down the best I can.”

Yoongi sighed. He knew that knocking Yn out was probably the best thing to do now. She was still fighting for a couple of seconds but eventually fell asleep because of the lack of oxygen.

“Don’t worry. I’ll apologise when she wakes up.”

Jin carried Yn back inside. He followed Yoongi’s instructions and placed her in the room he dragged her out of moments ago before leaving to take care of the bloody mess out front.

Yoongi pulled over the chair Yn was earlier bound to. He sat down and spread his legs, waiting for her to regain consciousness. Her face was red and wet with tears. She wasn’t as pretty as before. Having seen what she’s capable of, Yoongi looked at her differently. Now she was a wild animal, small and scared to her death, ready to claw her way down to hell if it meant escaping whatever she was running from. 

Yn took a sharp breath. She turned on her side, coughed and held her throat. As she recognised her surroundings and took notice of Yoongi sitting beside her, hun still in hand, she froze.

“You wanted to die, right?” He asked her sincerely and seriously but didn’t wait for an answer. “While I won’t give you that I can assure you you will be reborn, pretty girl.”


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