skysometric - Sky's Journal
Sky's Journal

trans christian, any pronouns. artist at heart, programmer by trade. this is my journal of sketches, project notes, and assorted thoughts – spanning games, technology, creativity, neurodiversity, and more!

970 posts

Very Refreshing.

Very refreshing.

EDIT: why does this new Soundcloud widget take up half the universe

More Posts from Skysometric

11 years ago

I must find a way to make this song play every morning.

From the Kirby's Return to Dream Land OST.

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11 years ago

Is 2014 here yet?

I have mixed feelings about this past year.

There have been a lot of good things that happened over the year. I greatly appreciate those, and will look back on them with fondness as I go throughout my life. But I can't quite say that about the year in sum, as there have been so many bad things that happened; maybe they don't outweigh the scope of the good things, but they definitely outweigh the number of them. Even the good things have had strings attached...

Whatever the case, 2013 has been a long, stressful rollercoaster for me, and has well overstayed its welcome. At first I enjoyed the length that each day seemed to drag on for, as it meant I was getting more time out of each moment. I'm not feeling that way anymore... Everything is soooooo sloooooooowwww. I can't deal with the waiting game and the "wow it feels like ten but it's only six" anymore. Can't I have a normal day? Not incredibly short, not incredibly long, just a day where an hour actually feels like an hour. What makes all this worse is that most of the people I talk to say that the year flew by for them (except my dad, who's been having the same problem).

So I'm done with 2013. I'll treasure my few memories of the year like I would any other memory, but it can go away now.

2014 seems like it will be a good year. I can't really pinpoint anything to look forward to, but I have high hopes for some inexplicable reason. I've felt this way since the decade started. Let me don my psychic abilities for a second: something is going to happen that will rock my world (in a good way), and numerous other nice things will happen, but at the cost of one thing that I'll forever look back on with dissatisfaction.

Maybe that'll happen? I dunno. But I really want to figure out. And 2013 isn't going to go out politely, I bet.

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11 years ago

I have this thing for taking late-night walks around campus (usually on weekends). I can't rest with a bunch of energy coursing through me, so going out for a walk helps me calm down and get to sleep. I've done this so much now that I know almost every inch of the campus.

I even did this back in my high school (which was a boarding school for gifties). Unfortunately my walk was limited to within the dorm, so I didn't have much to do except wander empty hallways hoping I didn't wake anyone.

Even so, I do it partly out of restlessness and partly for some reason I haven't quite figured out. I wouldn't keep going back out if I knew the lay of the land already... but it's like I'm searching for something.

Although I have no clue what I'm looking for.

What else is there to search for if I know what's out there? To find other people? They're all asleep. To make absolutely sure I know the area? I can draw a detailed map, no problem. Is it just pure curiosity? ...that's the only thing I can come up with.

So I keep going out there, trying to find the answer to an unknown question. I'm not insane, I promise

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11 years ago

People tell me a lot that I'm an intelligent person. I don't feel intelligent at all. So if I really am intelligent compared to others... then humankind is screwed.

Me, to my Economics teacher, after getting an 82 on the test

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11 years ago

[WillWare is sitting in his room, playing on his computer. Enter Smart Alex.]

WillWare: Oh, hey there.

Smart Alex: Alone in your room again? What are you up to by yourself?

WillWare: I'm messing with the new update for my game. I've been waiting for it for so long!

Smart Alex: I see. Why aren't you, say, doing things with other people, like you said you wanted to now that you're in college?

WillWare: ...well, I suppose I COULD be streaming this.

Smart Alex: That's not what I meant at all.

WillWare: Hey, I've been connecting with some people on the Internet. I should get points for that.

Smart Alex: And how does that count for anything?

WillWare: Because before, I was apprehensive about letting some random person on the Internet be on my friends list. Now I have several of them.

Smart Alex: Did you actively seek them? Are you the one who sent the friend request?

WillWare: They requested me first.

Smart Alex: And you probably accepted because rejecting it would be rude, didn't you? Predictable.

WillWare: Hey, that's not true!

Smart Alex: Either way, that still doesn't count. What have you done recently to make some REAL-LIFE friends?

WillWare: I went to the BCM. I made some friends there. Then I went to the worship service with them.

Smart Alex: Did you? How courageous of you.

WillWare: *sternly* I went because I was invited.

Smart Alex: And how did that go?

WillWare: I left immediately afterwards because I ran out of energy.

Smart Alex: I see. Have you gone since?

WillWare: It hasn't even been a week, dude!

Smart Alex: Right, but it's open all the time for people to just hang out. You know, like normal people do.

WillWare: Yeah, I know. I haven't had the energy to.

Smart Alex: Maybe you should work some up, because this is getting pathetic. You can't even be bothered to go to a FRIENDLY environment.

WillWare: Do you even know about how being an introvert works? It takes energy for me to be social. I recuperate when I'm alone. I can't just overthrow my internal workings.

Smart Alex: Then what's all of this talk about overcoming your introversion...?

WillWare: That takes time. In the meantime, I'm chatting with my friends on the Internet.

Smart Alex: What's so different about it anyway?

WillWare: Well you seem to think there's a difference.

Smart Alex: There's a difference between having a friend in real life and on the Internet, but not so much how you interact with those people. If you can chat with someone just fine in a chat box, you can do it in real time.

WillWare: For some reason, it doesn't take as much out of me. I don't know what it is.

Smart Alex: Well, you'll need to figure it out, otherwise this'll happen every weekend from now until you graduate.

WillWare: As much as I want to say you're right, it's still not as easy as you make it sound.

Smart Alex: It IS easy. Watch, I'm going to chat with friends now. [Exit.]

WillWare: HEY, where are you... *sigh* Whatever. I guess I'll stream or something.

[WillWare resumes playing on his computer.]

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