Searching - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago

Poem: Searching

I’ve been searching

Through aisles stretching for miles

Seeking out the shade of you

That lingers in my mind

But seems too rare to find.

I’ve been searching

In the hopes that I’ll

Stumble across that forest green hue

Of your eyes, all the while

Hoping that I’ll find you among the racks.

I’ve been searching

Through an endless sea

Of everything that feels like nothing

Because it won’t lead me back to you –

I’m wishing that your heart is searching for me, too.


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4 years ago

Overwatch Recalled: Zarya

Why did Zarya join Overwatch?

So, on my post about a possible animated short featuring Rein, Brig, Torb, and Bastion, I mentioned making a post about Zarya. So this is that post!

In the behind the scenes of OW2 at Blizzconline, we get to see a lot, including images of work in progress animated shorts and cutscenes. In a bunch of these clips are rough drawing with only a few fully animated parts, but with these rough drawings, you can learn a lot. While going through these clips I found a bunch that has a character that I am sure is Zarya. She is mostly drawn in pink lines (which make sense since her hair is pink) and all of the clips she is in is with the Recalled Overwatch. 

When I saw this I was like, “Oh cool! Zarya’s in Overwatch!” but then I was like, “Wait why is Zarya in Overwatch?” So I’ve put some thought into it and I think I have a good idea of why she joined Overwatch. 

When I started, the 1st thing I did was reread the Zarya and Sombra comic, Searching. The TLDR for the comic is that it is after the Infiltration animated short, Katya Volskaya sends Zarya to find Sombra with an Omnic named Lynx Seventeen, they find Sombra, Sombra tells Zarya about her deal with Volskaya and hacks Lynx. Sombra gets away and Zarya saves Lynx. 

So, by the end of the comic Zarya doesn’t like Volskaya, but isn’t going to say anything, based off of her interaction with Lynx she is slowly moving away from the idea of hating all/most Omnics, and she is mad at Sombra. So, I think she is going to end up joining Overwatch since she is mad at Talon and Volskaya probably doesn’t trust her as much. I think this will be really good for her character development because she will need to work with two, maybe three, Omnics, Echo, Bastion, and hopefully Orisa.  

Anyways, TLDR: Zarya is going to join the Recalled Overwatch to fight Talon. She will also have good character development due to her working with Omnics. 


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Hello! I'm looking sfor someone who would play on co-op with me on Stardew Valley! I'm playing on the computer version~ So don't hesitate, come to talk to me on DM (I'm a little shy but I don't bite, I promise)

Hello! I'm Looking Sfor Someone Who Would Play On Co-op With Me On Stardew Valley! I'm Playing On The

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10 months ago

Okay, so I’m searching for a manga someone told me I should read a while ago and I can’t seem to find it…

From what I remember from their speech, it’s an old one, Isekai I think, where the protagonist (a boy) slaps a prince or another boy with a position of power and it’s considered like a proposal in their world or something ?

Yeah, I don’t have more right now, I will add to the post if I remember anything else.

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7 months ago

Anyone remember a Sam and Max comic about the boys getting old and passing away? Holding to find that, it was a transformative piece that I love.

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1 year ago there any incel, blackpill or even whitepill content creator here? This website really reminds me of design and freedom about the way we can make our posts and it's way more popular so yeah, dunno

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11 years ago

I have this thing for taking late-night walks around campus (usually on weekends). I can't rest with a bunch of energy coursing through me, so going out for a walk helps me calm down and get to sleep. I've done this so much now that I know almost every inch of the campus.

I even did this back in my high school (which was a boarding school for gifties). Unfortunately my walk was limited to within the dorm, so I didn't have much to do except wander empty hallways hoping I didn't wake anyone.

Even so, I do it partly out of restlessness and partly for some reason I haven't quite figured out. I wouldn't keep going back out if I knew the lay of the land already... but it's like I'm searching for something.

Although I have no clue what I'm looking for.

What else is there to search for if I know what's out there? To find other people? They're all asleep. To make absolutely sure I know the area? I can draw a detailed map, no problem. Is it just pure curiosity? ...that's the only thing I can come up with.

So I keep going out there, trying to find the answer to an unknown question. I'm not insane, I promise

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1 year ago


Tomoya Tsukamoto (Japanese, B. 1982)

Tomoya Tsukamoto (Japanese, b. 1982)

Source of Light, 2006

Oil on Canvas

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11 years ago

Neil Young - Heart Of Gold

Live from 1971. Neil digs around in his pockets trying to find the right harp and then plays a new song...Heart of Gold.


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7 years ago

My cat is missing.

George has been gone for 2 days, and I’m beside myself. Posted on local fb pages, put up posters and informed the vets, called the council and posted 400-odd flyers to the neighbours. The not knowing is killing me. Everything feels on standby and time is moving so slowly.

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3 years ago

Searching for fanfics

Katekyo Hitman Reborn (Tsuna! And Adult Reborn! And Kyoya! ... The others as well)

Kingdom Hearts (Sora, Roxas, I can't choose one)

That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime (Rimuru Tempest)

Seven Deadly Sins (Meliodas)

My Hero Academia (Midoriya Izuku)


Detective Conan

Naruto (Naruto)

Genshin Impact (Aether, Xiao, omg there are too many)

Inazuma Eleven (again, too many)

Fruits Basket (Yukiiii!!)

...there are many more but these are my top priority.

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5 months ago

In search of a fanfic‼️‼️‼️

I’ve been gone for a hot minute and this is the first thing I post lmao. Anyways, I’m looking for this narancia x fugo fic that I read awhile back. I loosely remember it being about Narancia getting injured and fugo looking after him/nursing him back to health?? It ends up with fugo confessing his feelings to Narancia and I remember his dialogue saying something along the lines of “I want to open your rib cage and lay next to your heart.” To which narancia responded with “I think my ribs would be too small for you to crawl into.” I’m pretty sure it was on Ao3 but I cannot find it for the life of me 😭if anyone else knows this fic please let a bitch know

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11 years ago

stop leaving and you will arrive. stop searching and you will see. stop running away and you will be found.

- unknown

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7 months ago

No one:

Me searching for a lover (couple for me) here:



No One:

I can makes you happy

No One:

Lack of inspiration....


I'm kind

I can make you many details and drawings every day

I have the patience of a rock

I like the cats

I am always online for whatever is needed

I'm a hopeless romantic ⁄⁠(⁠⁄⁠ ⁠⁄⁠•⁠⁄⁠-⁠⁄⁠•⁠⁄⁠ ⁠⁄⁠)⁠⁄

Always every day I will say good morning to you

I know how to cook almost everything, so, You will never be hungry with me

And, well, I'm so affectionate hehe




I love dark romance


I'm not in your country (I'm Latin, sorry :(.)

I say I'm sorry many times

I'm not good at talking (in English and how I feel sometimes)

I love cartoons

I love musicals




This is the most random thing I've done so far......

And yes, I'm looking for anything, I'm pan, and one thing... Sorry, but, I'm 20 years old xd

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8 years ago

If you can’t get someone out of your head, maybe they are supposed to be there.

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1 year ago
Anyone Happen To Have The Photo Set That This Was Part Of? It Was A Set Of Three And Cant Seem To Find

Anyone happen to have the photo set that this was part of? It was a set of three and can’t seem to find them anywhere 😅

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8 months ago

This is why classes need library instruction

Student: I can’t find any scholarly articles on this subject!

Me: Okay, what’s the subject?

Student: Creating a culture of sharing in west-coast technological companies.

Me: Alright, and what/where have you tried searching?

Student: I searched “creating a culture of sharing in west-coast technological companies” on the library website!


This Is Why Classes Need Library Instruction

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