skysometric - Sky's Journal
Sky's Journal

trans christian, any pronouns. artist at heart, programmer by trade. this is my journal of sketches, project notes, and assorted thoughts – spanning games, technology, creativity, neurodiversity, and more!

970 posts

Digitized Another Maze! I Chose An Easy One So That I Could Familiarize Myself With Making Them Again.

Digitized Another Maze! I Chose An Easy One So That I Could Familiarize Myself With Making Them Again.

Digitized another maze! I chose an easy one so that I could familiarize myself with making them again.

This was made back for SMB's 25th anniversary. 30 is comin' up soon...

larger version

  • tnoelw
    tnoelw liked this · 10 years ago

More Posts from Skysometric

10 years ago

The nature of memories

Will: Ugh, I'm so tired. I just want to sleep.

Memory: HELLO

Memory: Let me show you this random memory of you doing something embarrassing!

Will: Wow why did I even do that


Will: I really hate the fact that I ever thought of doing this at all


Will: Why am I thinking of this?

Memory: wait what

Will: Why do I care so much? I doubt anyone involved with this actually cares anymore.

Memory: It doesn't matter, because YOU DID IT LOOK AT YOU.

Will: well I don't care, because no one else does

Memory: But LOOK AT IT

Will: Let me sleep! *suppresses memory*

Memory: NOOOOOOOooooooooo....

Will: Finally, I might actually be able to sleep now.

Will: *tries to sleep*

Memory: i'm back

Memory: and i have another memory for you

Will: *sigh* I am never going to sleep tonight.

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10 years ago

Sometimes I’m glad my friends will keep up a conversation without me, because I usually don’t have much to say.

Other times I hate it, because when I do have something to say, I can’t get a word in edgewise. And I usually only speak when I feel like I’m contributing to the conversation - which, again, isn’t very often.

It’s a double-edged sword, to be sure.

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10 years ago

One gazillion: defined in scientific notation as 1*10^arbitrary

Overheard in calculus

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10 years ago

I just realized that I never made a feature page for Twitter like I did with Facebook and DeviantART. So let's jump right in!

I've been thinking about this for a while now, because SOMEONE keeps complaining that I don't have a Facebook account (you know who you are >_>). I'm not trying to imply that this is a replacement somehow, but I did get positive remarks when I expressed interest in Twitter, so I thought this would be a good experiment.

So what features do we have here?

140 character posts - There are plenty of things I think of throughout the day that are WAY too short for me to post on here. Twitter would be a good way to get that out there. Besides, posting something gets it off my mind, so it's not floating around distracting me from whatever I'm doing while trying to lengthen it out to "blogpost length" (whatever that is).

Follow businesses I like - I know I've said before that I prefer to go to their site instead of reading the post on social media, but I've been looking for some sort of RSS feed to keep that all together, and this sort of fulfills that role.

#hashtag - If I start using hashtags outside of satire, please someone slap me.

Follow people - The entire purpose of social media right here. Watch my friends and family and other peeps do things. But there are two snags:

Most of my friends don't post much on Twitter. That's fine and all, but they'll get drowned out by all these other things I'm following that post every ten minutes. I'm not sure how to work around this yet, but if I don't find out anything I'll live with it.

My friends and family aren't as careful as I am about their location/identity/etc. So by looking at who I follow, people could figure out who I am and where I'm at, which renders all my attempts at privacy useless. I could up the privacy on the account, but that would protect everything, and I only want to protect some things. But I'm figuring out that if anyone wanted my information, they could find it already (despite my efforts). So it's becoming more of a moot point.

With that in mind, this is an experiment, so I'm not sure where this will go. But I think a lot of good will come out of this, so let's see what happens.

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10 years ago

Over the course of that meeting, when we were coming up with new ideas, we had a very sincere — just two adults talking — conversation about why a character should or should not wear pants, and that was a very surreal moment in my life and my career.

Bob Rafei, on the design process for Sonic Boom

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