sleepycat309 - HumanBeing

975 posts

Sleepycat309 - HumanBeing - Tumblr Blog

7 months ago
sleepycat309 - HumanBeing
7 months ago
So My Latest Hyperfixation Has Been MCGA I'm On Book Two And I Just Felt The Need To Draw Loki And His

So my latest hyperfixation has been MCGA I'm on book two and I just felt the need to draw Loki and his children bc I'm definitely so normal about them!!

So My Latest Hyperfixation Has Been MCGA I'm On Book Two And I Just Felt The Need To Draw Loki And His
So My Latest Hyperfixation Has Been MCGA I'm On Book Two And I Just Felt The Need To Draw Loki And His
So My Latest Hyperfixation Has Been MCGA I'm On Book Two And I Just Felt The Need To Draw Loki And His

All of them separately!!

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7 months ago
sleepycat309 - HumanBeing
7 months ago

oh god what did i do



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7 months ago

All parts of my Fizzy memes series, linked.

As the list keeps getting longer, it's become a pain to update the posts with the newest part and I know it will become even more stressful when it gets even longer. As such, this post will be linked to the series instead and this post will be updated with the parts.

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20

21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30

31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40

41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50

51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60

61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70

71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 80

81 | 82 | 83 | 84 | 85 | 86 | 87 | 88

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7 months ago

tumblr users will see the word shrimp and black out and hit reblog without reading the rest of the post


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7 months ago

please reblog for a bigger sample size


Please Reblog For A Bigger Sample Size
7 months ago

Hey, would you consider making more jungle/breakcore music like Lots of sounds? Literally one of my favourite tracks of all time

BOY do I have A LOT of breakbeat and breakcore coming soon.. lucky fella. I'll give u a teeny-beeny preview of one

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7 months ago

New fun little shit!!!! FUN SHIT!

Soundcloud Link


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7 months ago

WIP. Pretty sure I invented a new music genre today so I get to name it. I am calling it yarble-core. It yarbles. To make yarble-core you need to make it yarble.

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7 months ago

Did you guys know that the most recent version of sharks have fins that are kinda leg like and they like to walk up onto land?

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7 months ago

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7 months ago

Concept: Depressing dystopian factory where everything is gray and samey and the workers are called by their employee numbers by an ominous deep voice.

But it's a really great place to work with high salaries, excellent benefits, and a flexible working schedule with plenty of paid leave. They just like the dystopian aesthetic.

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7 months ago
7 months ago

What I also love about Stolitz is the power imbalance and the type of vulnerability it takes for an extremely powerful being like Stolas to allow himself, even want to be protected/cared for by someone who is objectively weaker than he is.

The way Stolas presents himself around Blitz, I always imagine what it would look like to an outsider who knows nothing about Goetia or imps. Any onlooker would assume Blitz is the more powerful one. For all his complaining about "I'm not a body guard" he looks like one; the leather, the boots, the guns, the shark-tooth smirk. "Touch my bird and you're dead."

...and Stolas is just floating after him, a stick-thin diva in a cape who looks like the wind would blow him down. Frail royalty, defenseless, an easy target, hyping Blitz up like "look at my badass boyfriend, he's so hot AND he could kill you"

which yeah, Blitz CAN

But despite how he looks, STOLAS is the one out of the two who can literally smite people where they stand, rip portals through reality, possess people, change his appearance at will, turn people into stone, the guy has telekinesis which I'm sure can do way more than just hover his phone over. So if anyone messes with Blitz, they are also extremely extremely screwed.

Meanwhile Stolas is over here draping an arm over his head like 'oh Blitzy save me, my knight in shining armor!' And I don't think it's patronizing, I think it's cause he is genuinely impressed with Blitz's abilities and prowess and genuinely feels safer around him, even though the facts don't add up to come to that conclusion at ALL. Stolas is so in love with Blitz that he really does feel like Blitz's abilities are equal if not greater than his own, if he doesn't realize that consciously he at least feels it as a knee-jerk reaction, enough that when he gets kidnapped, he asks Blitz for help. And enough so that acting like Blitz is equal to him just in pure strength in showing him off, bragging about his skills, etc would be coming from a genuine place of love and admiration.

7 months ago

not to Discourse but I’m a cis man and my partner is an afab enby and if you call us a “straight couple” I will personally come to your house tie you to a chair and make you listen to a podcast about gender identity on endless repeat

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7 months ago

still thinking about "decolonising" missionary work.

the way you decolonise missionary work is by not doing missionary work

the way you decolonise missionaries is like this:

Still Thinking About "decolonising" Missionary Work.

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7 months ago

Fanfiction is awesome because you can watch your otp fall in love a thousands times , in a thousand different ways

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7 months ago
Trying To Observe Beautiful Nature But All I Can Think Of Is How Many Cups And Spoons This Tree Can Give
Trying To Observe Beautiful Nature But All I Can Think Of Is How Many Cups And Spoons This Tree Can Give

trying to observe beautiful nature but all I can think of is how many cups and spoons this tree can give me

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7 months ago

dear people with OCD: the next time you have spiraling & intrusive thoughts, what-ifs, or catastrophizing scenarios, I am sending a cardigan-wearing 46-year old NYU professor directly into your brain and he says "Aaaaand scene!!!" and he claps his hands slowly. and he says "Wow. Wow. Powerful stuff. Evocative imagery. A little bit post-modern, a little bit hysterical realism in the vein of Don Delilo but let's pause right here." and you will recognize your thoughts as a perplexing avant-garde film shown to an audience of 15 liberal arts students who are now trying to get a good grade and sleep with their professor.

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7 months ago

If I traveled to Italy and entered a genuine pizzeria, sat myself down, unzipped my purse and pulled out a bottle of Hidden Valley ranch, do you suppose the Italians would swarm for the kill immediately or would they outsource it to the Italian mafia

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