How Have I Never Seen This Before - Tumblr Posts

This will never not be funny to me.
Instead of making up shitty racist headcanons about Miles shoplifting join me in headcanoning him picking up ballet because he thought Gwen being a ballerina was super neat and it would help him in his spiderman job
this is the original PokéRAP

BOTW and HW Link combo?? A pyromaniac and a mass murderer?? yikes,,,,
So here’s my take on this awesome AU have a nice day everyone

I can't believe I've never actually watched this movie (or the rest of the series baring Prometheus, which I didn't realize was part of the series till the end, for that matter). It actually took me 20 years to watch AVP.
Draco talking to Scorpius and referring to Harry and Albus as “my Potter” and “your Potter”

van der stoffels be like: 👁👄👁
Baymax in the new Baymax! show buying pads for a girl who got her first period and getting help from people, including a trans man.
Some people are really mad about this, when he is literally a health care robot interested in people's physical and emotional needs.
Wait a minute......
TF.... the f*ck
Wait Thalia......
What why?

This is going to hurt.
Hi! could you draw a Tirtouga? please
Oh my gosh
Hi!? 8D I have never has an ask before!?!? Or at least, I didn’t know where to find asks before… and therefore didn’t know how to answer them… despite my many years here, I am still just a noob…
And also this is the last post for today I swear, I just found this and got so excited and inspired! So I got right on it and wanted to post it right away. <3

POV you are on the beach and find this lil baby X3
Based on this beautiful pic of a sea turtle lol
And as an extra gift, have a free png on me, for stickers or emojis or WHATEVER you please