Alex Fierro - Tumblr Posts
If a character is named Alexander/Alex there's a 99.99% chance that the character will be queer and badass.
We have,
Alexander Hamilton- founding father. Was super bi. Wrote stuff for the constitution, was a lawyer, treasury secretary, did not like Jefferson. Was very very in love with John Laurens his bestfriend.
Alex Standall- most of you probably know the guy. Extremely sarcastic and badass. Shot himself in the head but that just made him even more sarcastic. Got the happy ending he (The guy is literally in love with the human form of golden retriever) deserved. Kinda looks like troye sivan.
Alexander Gideon Lightwood/Alec- everyone knows him. He's a shadowhunter. Fell in love with a warlock, first kissed him in front of the whole institute on his wedding day to a different girl and the went on a date. Everyone knows that this salty piece of shit turns into a puddle of happiness when his husband is around. From saying, 'Emotions are nothing but a distraction,' to, 'I can't live without you, Magnus.' Is super badass just like his husband. Did I mention that he has a husband?? He's pretty awesome.
Alex Fierro- child of Loki. a king and queen. Love them. They are pretty badass and I like how half the time Magnus will just be in awe of them.
Alex Claremont-Diaz- AHHHHHHHHHHHH yes now let's continue, he's the first son of the United States. Not only did he fall in love with Prince Henry, they both had a wonderful love-fight in the rain while they confessed their love to eachother. He's badass, sarcastic, a little oblivious sometimes, loves Henry. His entire family is badass to be honest. Is super bi and is named after Alexander Hamilton. He hopes to be a great lawyer.
Alexander the Great- probably the first Alexander to be not straight. Had like three wives but still went like, "that man too is Alexander," while referring to Hephaestion- his childhood friend and General of his forces. Loved Hephaestion and saw him as his equal. They even went to the tomb of Achilles and Patroclus- another iconic couple- and paid respects (Alexander paid Achilles respect while Hephaestion for Patroclus). He has even compared their love as equal to Achilles and Patroclus. When Hephaestion died, he was sad and then died under mysterious causes eight months later. He was the greatest conqueror and the very first Alexander to be very very queer.
These are the Alexanders that I know of. If you guys know more please let me know.
We infer from this list, that all Alexanders are super not straight, the name itself is like a package deal, they are all badass with equally sweet significant others and they are all sarcastic but as I said, that's a package deal with the name. Keep in mind, the list above is in no particular order and was written at 6 in the morning while being severely sleep deprived.

Alex Fierro inspired boots. Alex>>>>>>>
i will complete inktober, despite the crappy prompts!
so i’m rereading the mcga books because i can’t deal with life and they’re my comfort books but i forgot just how much i loved alex. he is fantastic.
of course that character lives in my brain rent free do i look like a fucking landlord to you?
Alternative AU, My AU Nordic
Hello good morning, I'm Seven and English is not my first language, so I'm sorry if I have grammatical errors, just like my first blog, I'll make a list of changes in my AU called "Alternative AU "but with the Nordic ones, now I explain that the gods change places with the Einherjar for example in the original Magnus is the son of Frey and is an Einherjar and Frey is a good god in my AU Frey is the son of Magnus and is an Einherjar and Magnus is the god and so with everything
Halfborn father of all: in this AU Halfborn takes the role of Odin, being the king of Asgard
Mallory: She assumes the role of Frigg being the Queen of Asgard and the wife of Halfborn.
TJ god of justice: he takes the role of Tyr, the difference is that he keeps both hands xd
Magnus: He takes the role of Frey, being a vanir god.
Alex: no, he doesn't take the role of loki, loki is still the same but the difference is that Alex is his brother/sister, Alex is good and he is Magnus's wife/husband.
Now we go with what the Einherjar will be, these will have the surnames of the original Einherjar
Odin gunderson: Takes the role of Halfborn, and before becoming an Einherjar he was a Norwegian mortal, he died in the Viking invasion of East Anglia, England and has been in the Hotel Valhalla for 1200 years, he is Frigg's boyfriend and often argues . a lot with Frey are friends and enemies
Frigg Keen: She takes the role of Mallory and dies the same way she did when she tried to defuse a bomb, she resents Mallory and is Odin's girlfriend.
Tyr Jefferson: Takes the role of TJ and the story of him but he doesn't hate himself with Odin and he's not addicted to videogames like TJ, yes he knows about videogames and likes it a little but not too much
Frey Chase: Take the role of Magnus and all his history, he will be the one who lives for a while on the streets accompanied by Blitzen and Heartstone, breaks into Randolph's house, gets the sword and then dies, Frey has a Greek friend and a friend Egyptian, also has a Greek cousin
Freyja Chase: Takes the role of Alex but not quite, she arrives late or rather books late just like Alex and dies like that but nothing more
Samirah al-Abbas: she remains the same does not change, I just added her to say that she is Alex's niece and Frey's valkyrie
Is it bold to say EPIC!Apollo is what I imagined Alex Fierro to sound like
How I imagine MCGA characters (picrew)




all for now, next up is pt. 5 of percy/chiron argument
I was a very dumb kid
When I was in fifth grade, I was reading the Magnus Chase books. Prior to this, I have never heard of anything like the LGBTQ community or even knew that gay or trans people existed.
So you can see how confusing meeting Alex Fierro was. Whenever s/he mentioned that their pronouns were now something different, I genuinely believed that it was because s/he was Loki's kid and that their body parts just changed.
Like Alex would be walking around and go "Oh look at that, I have dick now, Hey guys it's he/him now." and then an hour later be "my boobs grew back y'all, its she/her now"
Riordanverse Incorrect quotes

when the fierro chases
Honestly, guys I would be too scared to tell Dr. Alex Fierro I had a headache, I would be afraid he/she would decapitate me.....
My favorite Riordanverse Headcanon
You have greek, roman, norse and egyptian thingys just running around and getting tangled up more and more, so I imagine them just having a big group chat between all the main guys to figure stuff out.
Percy: *picture* I just saw this guy while waiting in line at starbucks, what is it and can anyone else deal with it I'm running late for school Magnus: Yeah that would be a [Name] Samirah: I'm in the Area gimme a sec
Sadie: We just found this thing, it's not ours but probably deadly, please come pick it up Thalia: I'm sending over some huntresses, that stuff needs capable hands
Alex: @ Annabeth something is wrong with the stuff you left at Chase Space and the thing swirling around it is yelling in greek so that is not my problem, come take care of it Annabeth: I'm in class. In San Francisco. I can't come to Boston, deal with it yourself. Alex: Nope, I dealt with that dwarf in your dads garden last week its your turn Nico: If you stop spamming my phone I'll take a look
Hazel: A few of my people are being held hostage by something covered in hieroglyphs, we'd like assistance please Carter: Ah yeah thats been happening lately, we'll send someone over
Nico: But can he glow though?
Alex: I mean it’s only when he’s healing so technically
Nico: Oh mine can do that too
Meanwhile Will and Magnus in a corner talking about whether it’s a scoane or a scon (I’m talking abt scones btw hehe I say scon)
i’ve been thinking about riordanverse demigods and their mommy issues.
annabeth, piper, alex fierro: my mom is an absent goddess who’s kind of a bitch to me and my loved ones
jason, thalia, hazel: my mom was a messed up person when she was alive
nico, leo, frank, magnus chase: my mom died years ago but she was a wonderful person and i miss her every day
percy jackson and will solace: MY MOM 🤱 is my BEST 🤩 FRIEND 👯 she is so LOVELY 🥰 and KIND 💕 and COOL 😎 and i’m having DINNER 🍽️ WITH HER ON SATURDAY 🥳💫🤪
ugh guys, this kid at school looks like magnus chase and i js want him so so so bad. urghhhhhhh im literally chewing rocks to keep from pouncing at him.

Gods I love this series

sketches of some faves
one old and one new