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Writing a Letter to Leon Kennedy
Notes: Literally why is everything this man does hot and just I want to baby him so bad but I also want him to fight the world for me??
Genre: Fluff, headcanons, a sprinkle of angst if you squint really hard

𝓛𝓮𝓸𝓷 𝓚𝓮𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓭𝔂
When you go shopping with him, and have a large amount of bags, he will take them from you no questions asked. He doesn’t even ask if he can, he just quickly slides them off your arm and holds them in his hands, on his shoulders, or with his arm.
The type on sleepless nights due to insomnia or other PTSD related reasons, to do a little slow dancing with you. He likes to turn all of the lights down with only a lamp casting your shadows on the wall with some very quiet and relaxing music playing in the background. Your sleepy forms slowly rocking side to side as he wraps his strong arms around the small of your back, pulling you flush against him. His cheek will rest on the top of your head as he rests his eyes as he breathes in the moment.
Either that, or if you’re up for going for a drive, takes you for a ride on his motorcycle. You can watch the neon lights on signs plastered in the windows of 24/7 convenience stores zoom past in a blur. The only thing lighting the road ahead are the streetlamps and the small headlights attached to the motorcycle. The stars seem to shift slowly behind you as you continue to take quiet winding roads to an unknown destination.
He always makes sure you wear a helmet and some padding on the outside, no matter what. If you don’t have any, he gives you one of his leather jackets and his spare helmet.
If you at all ever feel uncomfortable riding with him, give his shirt a tug. He will immediately pull over at the safest spot and make sure you’re alright. “Are you okay? Just a little nauseous, that’s all? You’re sure? Okay we can sit here for a bit, no rush.”
(Do not pat him because otherwise he’ll think you want to either hold his hand or for him to make a turn somewhere if you specifically pat his side.)
When he’s away for a long time and notices that you’ve washed his motorcycle, or took care of it, he has to, has to, give you a big juicy kiss. Leon loves his motorcycle he is so grateful for you for taking care of it while he’s away on some extensive mission.
It’s just a nice thing to see because it means one less thing off of his plate, which also means more time spent with you instead of some boring maintenance chores.
His leather bomber jacket from RE4 is his baby, his pride, his favorite piece of clothing he has. So when he bestows it upon you, draping it over your shoulders on a chilly night, know that you are the love of his life. He would rather die than part with his jacket. Also if you tease him about it, his ears go red but he just turns his face away with a little, “I don’t know what you mean.”
Does his stupidly hilarious one liners and corny jokes. Every time he has a little shine in his eyes as he looks at you, waiting for you to laugh.
Please laugh, he is hilarious.
When ever you two are together out in public witnessing something going down: a kid’s meltdown, a Karen yelling at some poor employee, etc., he just leans down next to your ear and whispers “Story of my life” With some stupidly handsome lopsided grin as he pulls away from your ear and looks down at you to see you’re reaction.
Even if he’s off the clock or not on a mission, he is keeping his eyes peeled for anything out of place or any sort of danger. Two things can come from this: he sticks close to you if he feels something is off. (A calming rub on his back helps soothe him a little.) Otherwise he will subtly guide you away. Say if some guy was eyeing you up, Leon shields his gaze from you and points at something to go look at. Once you’re off he sends a quick glare to the guy before following dutifully behind you.
If it were a real danger instead of just some guy eyeing you up, he does this to avoid you panicking about the situation (As they say, ignorance is bliss). This gives him the time to take care of it himself. He doesn’t expect you to be able to mentally face the horrifying bioweapons he has in his life. And honestly, he’d like to keep it that way for as long as he can help it.
He likes being the big spoon when cuddling or having you on top of him since he likes to know you’re safe. But on days when he’s exhausted, struggling to sleep, or out right anxious with his own mind and demons, hold him. Hold him close, wrap your arms around this big bulky man. Let his head rest over your heart, hearing the soft rhythmic beating, Lub-dub. Lub-dub. Lub-dub. as it lulls him to sleep a most restful sleep.
You can visibly see his shoulders relax as he hears your steady heart beat. It’s the one thing he needs to hear to know you’re alive
Loves it when you give him a massage. Leon melts like puddy in your hands. His favorite spot for you to work the knots out of is his upper back. Your legs straddle his waist with his shirt off, his head turned to the side and eyes closed as he sighs in content.
Leon has fallen asleep during these massage sessions on a multitude of times that it is just expected to happen. They just become so relaxing that he can’t help but let his eyes droop shut.
When feeling like he needs an extra bit of care, he asks you to use some essential oils. It helps him relax a bit more and also just makes him smell good. His favorite is a balsam and ginger mix.
The type to quietly say “I’m home” when it’s late at night and he comes back home to a dark and quiet house. Letting his things drop to the floor before slowly trudging his way to the bedroom, not even bothering to change out of his work clothes unless they are absolutely nasty. Throws off his shirt in one smooth motion before slowly and carefully sliding in next to you.
If you end up waking up from the shift of the mattress he will apologize before reassuring you it’s just him and you don’t have to worry. Go back to bed. And he would take this chance to actually wrap his arms around you since you’re at least semi-awake before nuzzling his face into the back of your neck. He takes in one deep breath, breathing in the scent of you, before letting his body relax finally and get some well deserved rest.
Guilty Pleasures
Literally all I want, all I need, is to be taken care of by some hot, hot man. I want him to coddle me, worry over my wellbeing, and all around be attentive to my needs. Those fics where the reader faints, is overworked, gets sick, has horrible period cramps, or is injured (Minor or on the brink of death) I eat those up every time. This is why characters like Leon and Carlos from resident evil, and then COD characters like Ghost from MWF2 are fueling my hot military men agenda. It’s such an easy setting to be like, “Guess what you’re too injured to walk and now have to be carried to safety by a man of hulking muscle” I want someone to sit by my bed in the hospital waiting for me to wakeup, holding my hand, telling my unconscious body its all going to be okay, you’re going to be okay. Because he’s going to make sure it happens. Hurt /comfort with a physical injury, none of this emotional angst please, is what I gobble up in fanfiction when done well.
Dancing with Diluc Ragnvindr
Notes: It is safe to say that this man has me whipped. This fictional man has me wrapped around his fingers and I will fall victim to anything he says or does. And in fall victim to, I mean falling victim to becoming even more enthralled by him. I am deeply in love with the idea of him. It is too late for me to ever recover, and I am perfectly okay with that.
Genre: Just lots of Fluff and headcanons

𝓓𝓲𝓵𝓾𝓬 𝓡𝓪𝓰𝓷𝓿𝓲𝓷𝓭𝓻
Smells of cedar wood and the slightest bit of smoke. He has just enough of the smoke scent to not be overpowering and cause any headaches. It may remind you of a good campfire; warm and cozy during a cool crisp night.
On the shorter side of the tall men in genshin. Diluc is very broad chested and shouldered. He is also quite muscular and bulky due to wielding a claymore.
His forearms are thick, biceps bulging, and hands calloused. His arms are decorated with prominent veins that travel from his knuckles up along his forearm and a little beyond the crevice in his arm.
HIs back is well defined and heart stopping it looks so good. When he removes his shirt to tend to his wounds, it would make anyone’s breath hitch simply from the mesmerizing movement.
Diluc is great at giving hugs. The type of guy who would hold the back of your head and gently press you into his shoulder as you cry. He would end up rubbing his thumb in circles on the back of your head as he pulls you closer by the small of your back. Saying nothing and simply comforting you with his presence.
Although, it is quite rare for him to give out hugs. When he does give someone a hug, it is a very special moment. It’s his way of showing someone he cares deeply for them.
His hair can be rather unruly. It is thick and often gets tangled if left unmanaged. So he tends to brush it multiple times a day in order to keep it neat enough as to not annoy him.
Diluc anonymously gives gifts to his friends and loved ones on their special occasions. These gifts always contain a letter to them with his best wishes, and each letter details all the difficult encounters the gift receiver has triumphed over. Diluc often finishes these letters with praise and saying how proud he is of them.
When someone brings the subject of the “Anonymous” gift giver up to Diluc his face begins to turn a little red.
“Diluc, I must tell you of this wonderful gift I got for my birthday. It came along with a lovely letter written by a person who goes by Noctua.”
“A Noctua you say? I’ve never heard of such a person.”
“What a shame. If I ever encounter this person, I must thank them for the gift, for it was very thoughtful. Additionally the letter was quite sweet and heartfelt.
All the while the one who received the gift would know fully well who “Noctua” was. Diluc would have to look away or cough in order to feign innocence.
After a rough day where Diluc is beyond annoyed and frustrated, he removes his gloves with his teeth. Diluc only does this when in an extremely fowl mood.
It is a drastic difference in how his hands treat certain items placed within them. He treats flowers, pens, and glass cups gently and with a tender weight. All as if they would shatter with the slightest force. And yet when dealing with his sword or when he dawns on his coat it is full of vigor and power. It can come off as a bit aggressive as he jerks the front of his coat forwards with a snap of the fabric in order to get it to sit comfortably around him.
If someone he knows is falling victim to panic or can not thinking quite straight, and he and them are alone, he softly takes their hand and guides it to rest over his heart. He does his best to maintain calm so his heart does not beat erratically.
“Just focus on the beating of my heart. That’s it. You are doing well. If you need to, feel free to press your ear against it. You are with me and you are safe.”
When trying to get rid of a less than savory character without violence, Diluc opts for two choices.
Number one, the intimidating stare down. Simply doing nothing but putting his scary dog privileges to good use. Often used in deterring any drunkards who are over stepping their boundaries and disturbing a customers space. Once drunkards finally notice his intimidation tactic, they often scoff but leave all the same.
Number two, being extremely passive aggressive. This is most primarily used towards either Kaeya or the Knights of Favonius. Although it is mostly used towards the latter of the two due to his distaste for them.
A Ballad with Garroth Ro’meave
Notes: And the Aphmau RP content brain rot continues
Similar with Laurance’s version, please keep in mind that these are all my own headcanons and may not be entirely accurate to the lore due to not watching all of the Aphmau RP series. There is honestly too much for me to catch up on.
Genre: Fluff

𝓖𝓪𝓻𝓻𝓸𝓽𝓱 𝓡𝓸'𝓶𝓮𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓜𝓒𝓓
Picks at grass and tends to peel it when he is sitting down in a patch. Although he only does this habit when he is off duty or has no need to be on watch or on high alert of any dangers.
Garroth loves to watch people simply be people. If he sees two friends laughing and chatting over a cup of coffee, wholesome. A family having a picnic lunch, that makes him smile. Kids running around and playing, he eats that up.
Reference from the point above, simply seeing people be human makes him feel all warm and fuzzy inside because it means the people he guards feel safe in his village. Garroth's proud he can help create that feeling of safety.
He has a horrible habit of picking at his fingernails when stressed. There are often scabs from how bad it gets. Garroth tends to wears gloves more in order to avoid making the scabs any worse.
Takes care of plants that climb the walls of the guard quarters. He just likes the simple vegetation. It contrasts with the unapproachable or unwelcoming atmosphere the building gives off. He thinks the vegetation makes the guard quarters a little more welcoming.
And also the plants or weeds that just chill in the cracks of the paths or stone. He likes it because it feels more lively and not so monotonous or perfect. He will only keep the weeds that grow in the cracks of stone as long as it doesn't cause any damage to the buildings/roads
When he wore his helmet a lot, he would take it off in seclusion in order to feel the rain hit his face. His helmet is not breathable at all, although very sturdy in turn, so it's refreshing to get the brush of fresh air across his face when he removes it. Along with the drops of water would feel revitalizing to him.
Garroth refuses to throw away any gift that is given to him, even if it brings bad memories. He just believes that everything holds value and importance if it was given to him. Whether it taught him a lesson, or simply makes his heart melt because someone cared enough to show him a kind gesture.
Whenever given a little gift from a villager he protects, say a small keychain or charm, he attached it to a satchel he owns, to Raven's carrier bag, or the end of his sword for good luck.
Every time he receives a gift from a girl, he ends up blushing and stumbling over his words as he tries to thank them. He is so awkward going about it. It almost always ends up being kind of cute and clumsy.
Tends to bump into objects more after an armor change. He's just not used to the size change if it's different from his original suit. Also his cape manages to latch onto like every surface that sticks out. He couldn’t even imagine the amount of times he got jerked back by his cape catching on a doorknob or tree branch.
Gets antsy when sitting in one place for too long. Turns into a pacer and walks back and forth.
𝓖𝓪𝓻𝓻𝓸𝓽𝓱 𝓡𝓸'𝓶𝓮𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓜𝔂𝓼𝓽𝓻𝓮𝓮𝓽
Major golden retriever energy. He is easily excitable and very friendly. Is perfectly okay chatting with a stranger. And he is very easy to talk with as well. Has no problem being the chatty one or the listener.
If he is at a grocery store and sees someone buying something like cake mix he just starts talking, “That’s a good flavor! You should pair it with strawberry frosting. It really compliments the cake. Is the cake for anything in particular? Like a birthday party?”
Drinks respect women juice on the daily. You know Zianna, his mother, raised him very well. She wanted Garroth to be a gentleman no matter his age! She did not want any excuse for his poor behavior to boil down to “Boys will be boys”. Not on her watch! So Garroth’s manners are top notch.
He loves physical contact. Garroth often is found unintentionally touching someone who is close to him. Like putting an arm around someone's shoulder, knees touching, or brushing hands together, etc. Both for platonic or romantic relationships
Was a baby sitter as a side hustle to already working part time at a day care in high school. He's just a sucker for kids since he grew up being the eldest of three. It allows for him to unleash his inner child and just enjoy simpler times.
Garroth enjoys showing the kids how to play baseball the most since he used to play in high school and just loves the sport.
Sings in the shower and oh my god is it loud, but I mean get it I guess. It is a full on concert for him.
Enjoys older rock bands like; Pink Floyd, Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, AC / DC, etc.
Garroth has to be reminded by friends and family that it's okay to show weakness and ask for help. Being the eldest he often had all eyes on him to succeed so he has to remember that it's okay to not be perfect.
Laurance often reminds him to share his burdens so he doesn’t bottle everything up.
Becomes unreasonably attached to other people's pets since he never had his own. Absolutely will barge into a friend's house just to chill with their cat or dog. Probably where he got the whole breaking down the door thing from hehe.
A bit on the pasty side so he has to wear a lot of sunscreen. Otherwise he won't stop whining about how much his sunburn stings.
Zane always ends up sharing some of his sunscreen with Garroth if he is there with him, whether by Garroth stealing it or Zane reluctantly giving him some. Zane has some of the strongest SPF sunscreen to.
Terrible at Monopoly. He could get the greatest crutch like an entire wall of properties, and still end up losing.
An ode to Laurance Zvahl
Notes: I’ve been rewatching some of the Aphmau RP content recently for nostalgia purposes. And currently it’s been the My Inner Demons Series, but I want to start with the first set of pixels I had a crush on.
Please keep in mind that these are all my own headcanons and may not be entirely accurate to the lore due to not watching all of the Aphmau RP series. There is honestly too many for me to catch up on. For example, with the MCD version I am imagining it as the time before he got a lot of trauma story stuff.
Genre: Fluff and a little bit of angst

𝓛𝓪𝓾𝓻𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮 𝓩𝓿𝓪𝓱𝓵 𝓜𝓒𝓓
Very self sacrificing. He would die for someone he cares about without a second thought.
Tries to lighten the mood when things get rough or dark. Refers to joking or teasing others in order to get a small chuckle out of them.
A fantastic liar. Generally resorted to flirting as a way to cover up what he is truly feeling. He doesn’t want to let others see what he is feeling so easily in order to not worry them, and not show any weakness.
Laurance is very witty. He comes up with the best comebacks. It becomes difficult for him to lose a light hearted argument.
Takes promises to his grave. He never forgets a single promise he makes. Which means he rarely makes a promise for he knows the weight it will have upon him.
Has become a very light sleeper due to his training to become a guard. Can be woken up simply by someone turning in their sleep too much.
Loves his family and is all around very big on the whole “blood is thicker than water” saying. Would often request a few days off to go visit his family in Meteli and just enjoy their company.
Due to this he will consider those close to him like siblings.
Spoiled Ungrth, his Wyvern, a number of times with many treats. Such as spending hours taking care of his scales and wings after Ungrth had his armor on.
When Laurance needs a breather, he’s frequently found sitting on a hill overlooking the ocean of Phoenix Drop. He doesn’t even know why but the sound of the waves lapping against the shore just soothes him. With the smell of the salt in the sea wisping past him aiding with his lull into relaxation.
Compares himself to others and often feels he is lesser due to this. In response he becomes much harder on himself when it comes to training or doing his duties in order to improve upon himself.
His old green scarf has grown worn and is a little torn, but he continues to keep it in his bedroom. He just doesn’t have the heart to ever get rid of it since Cadenza was the one who made it for him.
Writes a lot of letters. Some filled with love, others poetry, and even some full of what simply happened that day. It is similar to a journal for him in a way, but he often addresses them to someone he trusts deeply. Even if he never sends most of them. Some are addressed to his deceased adoptive father and he keeps them sealed in a box in a dresser drawer.
𝓛𝓪𝓾𝓻𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮 𝓩𝓿𝓪𝓱𝓵 𝓜𝔂𝓼𝓽𝓻𝓮𝓮𝓽
Laurance is one of the best cooks out of everyone. He enjoys watching cooking shows and attempts to make some of the dishes himself. He is often referred to as a master chef in his house.
He has a bit of a short temper. He often has to remind himself to step away from a situation that is angering him. He takes his time to calm himself down before addressing the issue once again with a clearer mind.
Has most certainly cried over multiple Disney movies. His favorite, and the ones he’s cried the most frequently to, being the Fox and the Hound and Up.
While he might have the looks, he doesn’t have the greatest sense of style. He prefers simple patterns, such as stripes, solid colors, or plaids paired with a nice pair of jeans. Cadenza, on numerous occasions, has chosen or made Laurance some clothes that would give his style a little bit more flare.
To accommodate Laurance’s attraction towards darker colors, Cadenza often gives him pieces that suit the Dark Academia aesthetic. Plenty of browns, blacks, grays, whites, dark greens, and dark blues.
Is a sucker for a good novel. He has his own large book shelf in his room and must constantly be dragged away from book stores before he drops a large amount of money on new novels.
A very big John Green fan, one of his favorites is Looking for Alaska
He hid his love for literature and anime in high school. He wanted to keep up his appearance for the sake of his ego.
Currently he openly shares his interest of literature and anime to close friends, but doesn’t make it his whole personality.
Enjoys watching soccer as it reminds him of the time he used to play it during high school.