smolbean12 - dream on, love
dream on, love

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60 posts

Dating Headcanons

Dating Headcanons

Jujutsu Kaisen

Nobara and Maki's here

Gojo and Geto's here

Sukuna and Naoya's here

❀ Itadori Yuuji ❀

Dating Headcanons

So we all know his type is 'tall girl with a big ass'. But, we also know he's not that shallow. (cue that chapter from the manga i dont remember its name)

He's an absolute sweetheart!!! He would treat you so well

Flowers!!! Yuuji would give you flowers everyday. He tries to write cute notes too but gives up after Megumi and Nobara tell him it's childish and cringe.

(But hey! Itadori is adorable enough to make up for the lack of cute notes)

Instantly becomes your parents' favorite. They love him. Probably more than you but they won't ever say it tho. Gets along well with your dad. They talk about sports, movies etc etc

Movie dates! Lots of them! He also takes you out for food. He'll make you meatballs whenever you feel down. He will give them to you and say "I added an extra ingredient, guess what it is." "What?" "It's lots and lots of love!" He's so adorable

Loooooves cuddles. And cannot fall asleep without you in his arms. Usually he's a big spoon but sometimes, especially when sukuna is taunting him and he gets sad he would want to be the little spoon.

I feel that he likes it when you give him cheek kisses.

Overall he's good boyfriend material and will keep you so happy :')

❀ Fushiguro Megumi ❀

Dating Headcanons

He's kinda awkward and shy. So expect lots of blushing and stuttering. He doesn't say I love you a lot but his affection and kind gestures are enough.

Megumi's not into PDA much. The most he can do is holding hands but his hands get sweaty 'cause he is nervous and it feels kinda weird

He brings you red roses and his face is the same color when he gives them to you XD He asks Nobara for some fashion advice so he can dress up better and impress you. He was extremely quiet when asking and Nobara could hear only bits so she snapped. Poor Megumi then blurted out that he wanted to impress and Nobara burst our laughing and called him a simp. But, she did take him shopping to find new clothes tho

He also took Nobara's help to pick out clothes for you too. The clothes looked great on you and you were really happy (he had to buy Nobara food for a week tho)

His shikigami looooove you. The demon dogs always run to you for head pats. Megumi just sits and watches you play with the dogs with a small smile on his face.

He's a good, shy awkward cute little boyfriend who will look at you like you're his world :,)

Work by: @smolbean12

Dating Headcanons

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More Posts from Smolbean12

3 years ago


Feel proud of what you are. Be like Atsumu and don't care about what others say :)

i drew this long ago XD but whatever

also i can't remove the tiny dot in the corner idk why :,)

Art by: @smolbean12

Inspired by: this

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3 years ago

Stars and Strawberries

Hinata Shouyou x GN! Reader

Genre: Fluff

Warnings: Mentions of throwing up, mentions of drinking, curse words (?)

hinata, beach and ice cream are my favorite things. why not put them together? also for context: the olympic are on a trip to a beach somewhere in Japan. some of the team members also brought their s/o with them. i changed the title too. hope you all like it :)

Stars And Strawberries

The setting sun painted the sea and the sky a beautiful red. The occasional breeze felt like a warm hug. Sounds of seagulls and the waves were drowned out by the loud laughter of the people. You scooped out another spoonful of your ice cream sundae and hummed in satisfaction when the sweet taste flooded your mouth. To your far left, you spotted Hinata laughing at his teammates, who were down on the sand. The laughter, however was short-lived as Kageyama threw a ball at Hinata calling him a dumbass. You chuckled and finished the rest of your sundae.

You decided to walk around till the game was over and you could have Hinata all for yourself. The sand was warm and you spotted tiny crabs digging holes. Kids were looking around for seashells while their parents rested on the sand. You inhaled the salty scent of the sea, feeling completely at peace. Hinata was right, the sea was a great place.


You turned around just as something-someone-crashed into you. You fell on the warm sand with a loud oof, along with Hinata-the person who ran into you.

"Hinata, what the hell?" You tried to push him off of you, but he wouldn't budge. Hinata, giggling like a toddler got up and held out his hand for you. He pulled you up into a hug as soon as you held his hand. You could only squeak as his muscular arms wrapped around you, pulling you into his chest.

"I beat Bakageyama! Now I have a 3 point lead!" Hinata beamed. You laughed and congratulated him. Kageyama, who was nearby, yelled, "You only won 'cause it's beach volleyball, dumbass! I'd totally beat your ass on the court."

Hinata stuck his tongue out at him. He turned to you and spoke, a little softly, "Let's head back to our room, yeah?"


Hinata groaned in relief as he plopped down on the bed. "Hinata you're gonna get sand on the bed," you said, though you were too tired to even care. Going to the beach was fun, but energy-draining at the same time.

Hinata whined. "Y/NNN, I'm really tired. We'll dust it off later."

You hummed, closing your eyes and giving in to sleep. Almost. As Hinata shook you awake by the shoulder.

"What is it?" You didn't open your eyes, afraid you would lose the sleepiness that you had.

"Did you try that sundae I told you to? Did you like it? Do you wanna eat it with me again now?"

You let out a loud whine. This was what he woke you up for. You opened your eyes and playfully hit his shoulder. "Hinata you big idiot!"

"I'm very hungry. Can we have it now?" He pouted and rubbed small circles on his stomach.

Sleep had magically left you and you were on your feet before you even registered it. "It's gonna be dinner time soon. So let's have it after dinner?"

He instantly brightened. With an enthusiastic whoop! he went to take a shower. Meanwhile, you took a spare towel and dusted off the sand on the bed.

Dinner was filled with laughter and yelling. Hinata and Kageyama were so, so close to starting a food fight. Atsumu and Bokuto had a drinking contest much to Sakusa's distaste. Akaashi had tried to console him but Sakusa waved him off, saying that a drunk Atsumu was a pain and that he threw up almost everywhere. The entire table erupted in laughter, including Sakusa who smirked at Atsumu. The dyed blond clutched his chest and pretended to be hurt. "You wound me, Omi-kun."

"Your heart is on the left, you idiot." Was all that could be heard from Sakusa as everyone burst out laughing again, even Atsumu.

After finishing his fight with Kageyama, Hinata pulled you away from the crowd. When you questioned him, he silenced you by placing his pointer on your lips. He took you out of the hotel and towards the ocean that looked like dark blue ink in the night. The sky was littered with stars and you spotted a few constellations.

"Come sit here babe." Hinata flopped down on the sand and patted the empty space next to him. You sat down and rested your head on his shoulder.

"I brought the sundae, too! I got a large one so we could share and- Oh! I asked for extra toppings, too!" He held the glass of sundae in front of you. You couldn't care less that you didn't see it before, the ice cream looked wonderful. Hinata had probably ordered a strawberry one, if the pink scoops of ice cream and the dark syrup were to be believed.

"Say ahh, Y/N." He had already brought the spoon towards your mouth. The sweetness of strawberries filled your mouth, making you hum in satisfaction. This was better than the one you had in the afternoon. You looked at Hinata, who was looking at you expectantly.

"This is so good," you exclaimed.

His face lit up. "Of course it is. That's why I get it everytime I'm here."

The two of you ate while watching the stars. You had moved closer to Hinata, craving his warmth. Hinata had a loose arm wrapped around your waist.

"Oh! Y/N look! If you join those stars over there–the ones slightly left to the moon–they look like a volleyball."

You squinted at the small, shining dots. You sighed, slightly amused. Trust Hinata Shouyou to see something volleyball-related in everything. You playfully elbowed him in the ribs. "You only ever think about volleyball, huh?"

He grinned big and wide. "Volleyball and you are the only things on my mind."

You laughed though your face was as red as the strawberries in the sundae. Hinata, who was still grinning, leaned in and kissed your cheek.

Softly, you whispered, "I think about you all the time, too."

Stars And Strawberries

Work by: @smolbean12

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3 years ago

Too Late

Sakusa Kiyoomi x GN! Reader

Genre: Angst

Warnings: Mentions of thorns, i said 'shit' like once

im not dead heh. i lowkey like how it turned out. have some angst after the two fluff fics. sorry not sorry.

Too Late

Kiyoomi is 15 and lying on his bed, glaring at the ceiling and trying to burn all his feelings for you. He doesn't want to feel this way. It's pathetic. He tries to find something in you to hate. Were you unhygienic? No. Annoying? Sometimes yes. But he found it cute. Did you hate volleyball? Also no. You weren't really interested in it but that was okay. Not everyone had to like volleyball.

He tries and tries to hate you, to find a reason to stay away from you but fails. He stays up all night trying to push down the feelings. He goes to school the next day with bags under his eyes and feelings for you that were ten times stronger than the day before.

Kiyoomi is 16 and sees you cheering for him in the stands. He had scored the game point by spiking the ball into the opposite court with a deadly spin. You're hugging one of your friends and celebrating. Seeing you so happy made the corners of his lips twitch up. Komori gave a hard slap on his back and went on about how good the spike was. Kiyoomi thanked him and complimented some of his saves that prevented his team from losing points.

Komori took him and you to a cafe nearby to celebrate their win the next day. You congratulated the two volleyball players and talked and talked about Kiyoomi's apparently 'killer' spikes and Komori's 'life saving' digs. You awed at Kiyoomi's abnormally flexible wrists. "Cool," you said with wide eyes and an open mouth. Kiyoomi's chest felt warm and he's thankful for the mask that hid his small smile. He decided not push down his feelings anymore.

Kiyoomi is 18 and has finished packing his bags. He leaves for his university in two days. He will still be in Tokyo, which was good because going to a place foreign to him was slightly scary. The thought of being away from his family, Komori and you made his throat tighten up. He shook his head and heads out of his house. The three of you were going to have a farewell party of sorts for Kiyoomi. It turned out to be just a movie night with a shit ton of snacks at Komori's house.

Komori was fast asleep on the beanbag with his mouth open. The movie was still playing on the TV, though no one was watching it. Kiyoomi noticed that you had moved closer to him. He didn't mind it. He closed his eyes and tries to fall asleep. Though he ended up snapping them open at your voice. Your voice was soft and low and even with the noise of the TV he could make out what you said. His heart beats fast at the confession that left your lips. He doesn't say anything for what felt like hours. Finally, he gathered the courage to look at you. Maybe you were joking. Maybe you said that in a platonic way. But your eyes said otherwise.

The rarely used, emotional part of him begged Kiyoomi to tell you that he felt the same way, to hold your beautiful face in his hands and kiss you. Kiyoomi almost listened. Almost. He swallowed down the truth and lied to you. He told you he didn't feel the same way. That he saw you as nothing more than a friend. Your eyes glowed with unshed tears when you told him that it was okay. You apologized in case you made him uncomfortable and left.

Kiyoomi's throat burned with unsaid words. The lies he said wrapped around his neck like vines, it's thorns pricking his neck. I'm not ready, he reassured himself. He's not ready for you. He would be leaving for uni and he also had to focus on volleyball. He hoped you would wait for him.

Kiyoomi is 22 and plays for MSBY Black Jackals. Komori plays for the EJP Raijin. You work as a sports journalist for Japan's popular sports magazine. Kiyoomi has read a few articles and was extremely impressed. He smiled at the tiny picture of you next to the article. You looked even more beautiful now. The smile he loved so much back in high school was still the same.

During the first two years of college the three of you tried to meet up atleast once every two months. Slowly, once every two months became once every six months which turned into a year. You were all busy with college and side jobs which left no time to catch up with your friends. He was surprised when the feelings he had for you didn't fade away even after years of having little to no contact with you.

This time when Kiyoomi met you again he would confess. He was ready now.

Kiyoomi is 25 and lying on his bed, glaring at the ceiling. He's trying burn all his feelings for you. He doesn't want to feel like this anymore. It's pathetic. He's pathetic. His tears leave a burning trail across his cheek. He doesn't bother to wipe them. Kiyoomi's chest feels tight with unrequited love. His emotions have left the tiny cage he locked them in and reached his throat blocking his airway. Kiyoomi can't breathe and his throat hurts.

He's holding a piece of paper in his hand. He brings it up to his face and sobs harder than ever. He reads what's written on the paper again, just to make sure. It's a wedding invitation. You were going to marry someone who was not Kiyoomi. Kageyama Tobio. You were going to marry Kageyama Tobio, setter of Schweiden Adlers and not Kiyoomi. Kiyoomi looks at it and tries to imagine his name in the place of Kageyama's. It makes him cry even more—the thought of what could have been.

Maybe if he hadn't made you wait, it would have been him marrying you. He wouldn't be crying in his bed and probably would have been cuddling you. If he was ready back then it would have been him with you. But now even though he was ready, you had moved on.

Work by: @smolbean12

Too Late

reblogs are appreciated :)

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3 years ago


the sizzling sound of food drowned atsumu's soft humming. the apron that said 'kiss the cook' was no longer its original blue color. red oil stains, black dots of soy sauce and many more mysterious stains were littered across the front.

atsumu gave one last stir to the food and turned off the stove. he turned to look at you, a proud grin on his face. "it's done."

"god, i hope it doesn't kill me," you chuckled. atsumu poured the food into two bowls and walked over to where you were seated on the dining table. "ya will be lickin' your fingers for days after ya finish this," he huffed.

you looked at the plate filled with noodles in front of you. "you made... noodles?"

atsumu had already dug into his bowl. with his mouth stuffed full with food he said, "yesh. but i added exshtra ingredients."

you raised your eyebrows. the noodles looked good and the smell was heavenly. picking up your chopsticks, you ate the small piece of broccoli covered in spices. your taste buds were hit with a wave of different flavors. the broccoli was juicy and had soaked up the spices well. you looked up at atsumu and met his expectant eyes.

you took a few more bites before saying anything. the noodles were perfectly cooked and the broth was savory. overall, the food was delicious. you put your chopsticks down and drank some water.

"atsumu," you said. he leaned in closer and waited for you to speak. "has anyone ever told you you cook good?"

you didn't miss the way the corners of his mouth twitched up. "no."

you nodded. after a moment of silence you said, "then why do you keep cooking?"

atsumu's face went from confusion to realization to horror. he opened his mouth but made no attempts to speak. horrified at your words he looked down at the food, up at you and then back down. after seconds that felt like hours he spoke. "but the food—is it that gross—i like it."

you burst out into laughter which only made your boyfriend more confused. you laughed and laughed till you couldn't breathe. atsumu's face was so precious.

"oh my god, 'tsumu!" you tried to control your laughter. "i was just joking. this–" you pointed to the noodles"–is the best food i have ever had." which was true. atsumu was a really good cook.

atsumu frowned. "wait, so ya were joking?"

"yes!" you still hadn't stopped laughing and atsumu's face was not helping.

"babe, ya gave me heart attack. why'd ya have to prank me?" despite his words, atsumu was grinning.

"your face was so precious. i should've taken a picture."

"shut up!"

giggles filled the kitchen as the two of you had dinner. later, atsumu got his sweet revenge by tickling you till you were begging him to stop. it was followed by atsumu complaining that three days' worth of workout had gone down the drain because of the calorie rich food he had cooked.

Work by: @smolbean12

3 years ago

Jujutsu Kaisen

Jujutsu Kaisen

Itadori Yuuji

Dating Headcanons

Fushiguro Megumi

Dating Headcanons

Kugisaki Nobara

Dating Headcanons

Gojo Satoru



Dating Headcanons

Nanami Kento

Baked with Love

Getou Suguru

Dating Headcanons

Fushiguro Toji


Okkotsu Yuuta


Dating Headcanons

Inumaki Toge


Dating Headcanons

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