smolbean12 - dream on, love
dream on, love

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60 posts



How the Haikyuu!! characters are after a break up

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

pretty please write a haikyuu heartbreak part 2 🥺 the first part hurt so good


Ft: Ushijima Wakatoshi, Kageyama Tobio, Suna Rintarou, Sakusa Kiyoomi

Wakatoshi was on a call with his closest friend. They had been talking for over two hours—mostly Tendou, as he was the talkative one. When Tendou innocently asked about your wellbeing, he froze. It was then that he truly realized you were gone and wouldn't be coming back. He was in denial the whole time—waiting for you to come back. His throat closed up, rendering him speechless. Tendou understood his silence and tried his best to console Wakatoshi, though all the latter could think of was your absence and how much it suffocated him.

Tobio's unexpected setter dump helped his team win the match. He was showered with praises and slaps on the back. One of his more playful teammates ruffled his hair and hugged. Tobio instinctively turned his head to search for you in the stands. When he saw that your usual spot was empty, his smile dropped. Where are you? His heart ached. He called you as soon as he reached home, only for his blood to run cold when you addressed him by his last name. "Why didn't you come to my game?" He asked. "Kageyama, we broke up."

Rintarou's heart beat fast when you playfully punched him. He had said something funny and you were laughing your head off. His joy was shortlived as he was painfully reminded that you were not his anymore, as your boyfriend came and hugged you from behind. After your breakup, you had insisted that Rintarou and you remain friends and despite his better judgement, he agreed. And now he's forced to see you happy with someone else. Someone who's not him.

Kiyoomi's finger hovered over the phone screen. He hesitated before he pressed 'cancel'. He couldn't bring himself to delete your pictures. There was no way he could do it. Instead, he wished he had taken more pictures with you. After all, those were the only reminders of you he had left. You were the best thing that happened in his life and Kiyoomi regretted letting you go. He looked at your smiling face in the pictures as a tear escaped his eyes.

Work by: @smolbean12

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More Posts from Smolbean12

3 years ago

[ 3:00 p.m. ] - SAKUSA KIYOOMI

[ 3:00 P.m. ] - SAKUSA KIYOOMI

thinking ‘bout falling out of love with sakusa— even though neither of you want to. grocery shopping dates as before, but you’re in different aisles. swaying together, but he only holds onto your waist ‘cause there’s no where else to keep his hands. forcing yourself to lie in each other’s arms- knowing it doesn’t feel like home anymore.

trying so desperately to grasp onto what’s left of your smiles— but every time you talk it’s only a “hello,” and a “how are you?,” because words don’t flow the same way anymore.

walking into the once welcoming home you built together— only to find shattered glass and wedding rings thrown on the floor, which lays there for days because it’s too painful to look at.

smiling as you hang off his arm at formal events, the necklace he gifted laying on your collarbones — the metal has never felt as cold on your skin as it does now.

showing up to practice with his lunch, and getting a nod in return- he eats what you make without a word— but there’s no longer a subtle smile coating his lips.

everything going just as it always goes- yet crying and shaking with little hiccups, backs turned to each other.

holding on— even when it hurts more than letting go ever could, because a heavy bed is better than an empty one.

[ 3:00 P.m. ] - SAKUSA KIYOOMI

reblogs appreciated !!

3 years ago


How the Haikyuu!! characters are after a breakup

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

Ft: Hinata Shoyou, Kozume Kenma, Miya Osamu, Miya Atsumu, Bokuto Koutarou.

should i make a part 2 for this with other characters?

Shoyou's ever-present smile faltered as he saw you again after what felt like an eternity. He was so, so sure he had moved on. Yet, there he was, feeling something warm bloom inside him the moment your eyes met. You smiled-awkwardly, not the one that he oh so loved-and moved on. You look like you're doing well, which he is happy about. Do you miss him? He hopes so. He misses you dearly, yes, but Shoyou swears he's happy. He's doing well, too. Because that's what matters right? Though he'd be happier if you were with him.

Kenma cursed as he lost the boss fight for the umpteenth time. He's been playing for so long and still hasn't been able to defeat the boss. Frustrated, he threw the console on his bed and laid back. That was a huge mistake for his mind immediately drifted towards you. He thought about all the things that don't feel the same, now that you had left. He couldn't enjoy games, streaming-everything was so bland without you. He wonders how he even lived before you came into his life.

Osamu is in a rush. It's a rush hour and he's busy tending to his customers. In between customers, he somehow manages to make extra onigiri for his dinner. Absent mindedly, he puts them in a container and goes on about his work. It's when he's finished closing the shop and ready to leave that he notices he's made enough onigiri for two people. He freezes as he notices how some of them are covered in your favorite seasoning. He laughs silently, because why would you be at his home? The two of you had broken up exactly two months ago. Pathetic. Osamu should be over you. He can't stop loving you.

Atsumu is scrolling through social media, laughing at cat memes. A particular one makes him laugh very hard. Trying to catch his breath, he sends it to all his friends. He scrolls through the list to find your name, he's sure you will love it. He's confused when he can't find your contact in the list. His eyes widen as realization hits him square in the face. We're not together anymore. He bites his trembling lip. He misses you so much. He tried pushing his feelings down knowing very well it won't work. Atsumu sobs into his pillow and wishes you would take him back.

Koutarou opens the door to an empty home. There is no one running into his arms to welcome him. No one to ask him about his day. No one to cuddle and kiss when he feels down. He feels an ache in his heart just at the sight of his lifeless home. Did you have this much impact on him? Did he take you for granted? He heats up the leftovers in his fridge and thinks how he would have to sleep in a cold, empty bed and repeat all of this again tomorrow, the day after that and so on.

Work by: @smolbean12


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3 years ago


Gojou Satoru x GN! Reader

Genre: angst, a teeny tiny bit of fluff

Warnings: manga spoilers, mentions of bleeding and dying

oof- i've read a lot of fics about gojou breaking yn's heart and i really wanted one where gojou is the one being heartbroken (go get your revenge yn!!) i feel that gojou would only fall in love with someone if they were as strong as him coz ofcourse he can't risk their life. this one is packed with angst and pining gojou so enjoy :)


Satoru first saw you when he was sixteen. You were only a year older, but had an air of maturity around you that not even most of the adults possessed. Your mouth seemed to be pressed permanently into a line. Your gaze was calculating and challenging, as if daring anyone to approach you. Satoru sensed the immense power that radiated from you. His ego, though, told him you were no match to him.

Annoyed at first sight. That was what Satoru would like to label it. He was sure that's what you felt, too, by the way your eye twitched whenever he talked to you. The only difference was that, the annoyance he felt towards you slowly changed into fondness then love, whereas yours remained the same.

Satoru is not sure why and when he falls for you.

You left Japan immediately after finishing high school. 'Family affairs' is what you told everyone. Satoru knows it's something else, you had never been a good liar. He somehow manages to get your number. He doesn't know what he would do if he cut any and all contact with you.

Gojou Satoru being the strongest sorceror was both a curse and a boon. Being the strongest meant he would have to protect everyone he loved or cared about from danger constantly. Hence, the reason he liked to distance himself from everyone. Especially after what happened with his dearest and only friend, Getou Suguru, Satoru had sworn off love. Although he couldn't help but hope that maybe one day he would find someone he could love without the fear of losing them. Someone who was as strong as him.

You came back to Japan after 12 years. Satoru is 28 and is a teacher. You are 29 and one of the most skilled jujutsu sorcerors overseas. He asks you to meet him at one of his favorite coffee shops, wanting to catch up on each other's lives. Surprisingly, you agree.

You don't ask him about Getou and Satoru is not sure whether to feel relieved or disappointed. Instead you ask him about his students and he is more than happy to talk about them. He also tells you about the inefficient higher ups and how he would love to kill all of them. You let out a snort, a small smile tugs on your lips and Satoru realizes that that is the first time he ever saw you smile. He remembers his teenage self staring at your lips and wondering if you had ever smiled, much less laughed.

He asks you about the details of your job to which you tell him it's confidential. He nods. Whatever job you had was clearly wearing you down-the bags under your eyes, strands of premature grey hair and the many scars that covered your hands were a giveaway.

You looked even more beautiful now—almost ethereal—which Satoru had deemed impossible. You had grow so much, both physically and mentally. From a grumpy, asocial teenager to a graceful adult, although still grumpy.

Satoru finally confesses. It feels like the infinity surrounding his heart is being ripped apart leaving him exposed and vulnerable. He's not sure whether he despises it or likes it. A part of him instantly regrets it. Regrets opening his heart out to someone. He was supposed to keep it all bottled up inside.

You look at him for the longest time before speaking. You tell him you've never looked at him that way, that he had always been an accomplice.

Now, the whole of him regrets it. Your words feel like daggers piercing his heart. He should not have confessed, not have lowered the guards protecting his heart from yet another heartbreak, not have expected you to reciprocate his feelings, not have not have-

He tosses his ego aside. He wants you oh so desperately. He's sure you're the one. After Getou he thought he would never love again, but you are here and you are not Getou. You were strong—almost as strong as him—so he needs you. He's goddamn sure you won't leave. (is he?)

So, he asks you for a chance to prove himself. To prove that he is worthy of your love. Still you refuse. You don't trust him. You've heard about his bad habit of sleeping around, his disloyalty towards his partners. "If I were to give you a chance, what guarantee do you have that you won't cheat on me? I simply don't trust you Satoru."


That hurt like a bitch.

His heart shatters, the jagged pieces embedding themselves into his lungs and making him bleed from the inside. He can't breathe. He thinks he is going to die. So, this was what heartache felt like. He mentally apologizes to everyone whose heart he broke. He humors himself by thinking that they cursed him when he mercilessly broke their hearts.

He appreciates you being brutally honest, however. He might have a sweet tooth, but he would rather swallow the bitter truth than sugar coated lies.

There's a bigger hole in his chest now. He's not sure he will ever be able to fill it. So, he pretends that nothing is wrong and goes on about his life. He doesn't hear from you anymore. Maybe if the world was safe he would be able to find someone else. Or if he was someone else, someone better, you would love him. Satoru looks up and silently curses the gods and himself. Mostly himself.

Work by: @smolbean12


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1 year ago

Dating Headcanons

Jujutsu Kaisen

Nobara and Maki's here

Itadori and Megumi's here

Sukuna and Naoya's here

☆ Gojo Satoru ☆

Dating Headcanons

First of all, all the best. You really need it.

He's a menace.

Will wake you up at 3am and ask you stuff like "Do you think bugs will take over the world someday? They're tiny but I'm really scared of them."

"Satoru what the actual fu-?"

He would mostly only date someone if he was 100% sure that they could protect themselves or if he could be there for them.

But if he did start liking someone seriously, he would not cheat. He has found the one and there is no reason to drive them away.

He acts happy and carefree in front of others but in front of his lover he crumbles.

He's able to be weak for once and cry and cry and cry. please hug him, he deserves it.

Sometimes he gets really whiny and cuddly and won't let you go even if you both cuddled for the whole day.

"I got you some souvenirs from my mission!"

You take him to meet your parents and he manspreads the entire couch. So, your dad has to bring a chair from the dining table and sit on it. Asks your dad stupid questions to annoy him. "Why can't we just print more money?" everyone pretends not to notice the TV remote chucked at him

Flirts with your grandma. She loves him.

Eats the dessert your mom made and only the dessert. Your dad has to warn him about diabetes. i wonder if he has a lot of cavities

Your mom and grandma really love him but your dad hates his guts.

He's just a 6'3 tall babie who likes sweets and you :)

☆ Geto Suguru ☆

Dating Headcanons

When I tell you this man is boyfriend, husband and baby daddy material.

He is THE man. The only man ever. gojo you lucky lucky man

Treats you SO WELL that you start thinking he's imaginary 'cause no way anybody is THIS perfect.

This is the Geto Suguru before defecting btw.

Never forgets any of the important dates like your birthday, your mom's birthday etc etc

"Hey, isn't it your second cousin's dog's birthday today?"

Lots of friendly banter. He looooves giving you silly little nicknames. He looks at you lovingly and goes, "My little tolerable monkey" jkjk

He's a human heater. Always warm no matter the weather. You wouldn't even need a blanket when you sleep next to him. He will put his arm and leg around you and snuggle his face in your hair.

You weren't scared at all to introduce him to your parents. He instantly becomes your family's favorite and they forget about you and keep Geto forever :(

Helps your mom in cooking dinner, setting the table and washing the dishes. Helps your dad to fix the light bulb and engages him in deep conversations.

Helps you wash your hair when you're feeling too tired. Will also cook you your favorite food and try to cheer you up.

Sometimes he gets really angry during arguments but he always makes sure to think things over and apologize if he said something hurtful to you. He makes sure the issue is solved and that the both of you are happy.

The best boyfriend to ever boyfriend. except he became evil and died

Dating Headcanons

reblogs are appreciated :)

Work by: @smolbean12

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1 year ago

Mahn changing themes is HARD

So if my blog looks half cooked pls excuse me im trying my best T-T

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