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The Bangtan Gal Chapter 71- You Are In Your Feelings

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 71- You Are In Your Feelings

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 71- You Are In Your Feelings

Chapter Summary:  Still fixated on Jungkook's confession, Jennie goes back home for some events. She talks to her friends and sisters about what went down in her hotel room with Jungkook 

Words: 13,000+

Author's Note: Angelina and Jen's scene together is so silly and cute to me. It's my favorite.


After Jungkook walked back to his hotel room door, he let out a sigh and leaned against the wall, thinking about what he had done. Throwing his head back, he let out a curse. 

It took every ounce of self restraint to set her down and let her go. He wanted to go back, kiss her more, and make her miss her flight but he had to control himself. Just being able to kiss, hold her, and tell her how he felt was more than enough and he was grateful he was able to catch her before she left. He still felt her lips on his and he couldn’t help but think of how right it felt. His heart was beating to its limit while he reminisced about how she grabbed him and kissed him back. The anxiousness and doubts in his head had simmered down and he felt a sense of relief that he finally told her everything.

Now, all he had to do was wait for her answer.

Walking into his room, Jimin and Taehyung immediately rushed over, eager to know exactly what happened.

“Well!?” Taehyung shouted

“How did it go!?” Jimin exclaimed.

“Did she take it well?!”

“What did you say!?”

“What did you do!?”

“Did she tell you she likes you back!?”

Jungkook sat on the bed as his hyungs crowded around him. “I told her everything that was on my mind,” he said.

“And!?” his hyungs shouted, shaking him.

“Her reaction was just as I expected.”

“She was surprised, right?” Jimin assumed, earning a nod from the Golden Maknae.

“Did it look like she feels the same but was trying to fight it?” Taehyung asked.

Jungkook turned to him, a little surprised. “How’d you-“

“Well, I did meet her before all of you. So, I think I know her just a little more than you guys.” Taehyung giggled proudly.

“Lies, I know her better,” Jimin replied as the 95 Liners bickered.

“I kissed her.”

Jungkook’s sudden statement caused the two of them to look at him in astonishment.

“Kissed!? KISSED!? AHHHHHHHHH~!” Jimin screamed while he and Tae grabbed onto each other, yelling and jumping around on the bed. 

This was their Christmas gift. After all this time, it was finally happening. 

“I knew it! I knew they would get carried away.” Taehyung cheered.

“See! What did I say?” Jimin giggled. 

“What exactly did you do?”

“We want details. Now!”

Jungkook rubbed the back of his neck. “We...kind of...kissed again and again.”

“Kind of means definitely,” Jimin replied with a huge smile.

“I don’t know what came over me but I just didn’t want her to leave and get second thoughts about what we were doing. When it felt like she was going to pull away, I just grabbed her back, continuing to kiss her to prove how I felt.”

“This is how you do it. What else? Did she say anything?” Taehyung asked.

Jungkook went into detail about everything that went down and when he got to the part where they were against the wall, the 95 Liners freaked out again. 

“WALL!?” Jimin wailed, falling off the bed with Taehyung who yelled in happiness.

“She was the one who pushed me to the wall, actually. She was all over me.” Jungkook explained.

“E-Ennie!? Our Ennie?! All over YOU!? She was kissing YOU on her own FREE will, with no regrets!? Oh, my God...that must be a huge sign! Taehyungie, we are about to see our plan succeed~!” he cheered with him.

“I was a bit surprised myself, but I really liked how she just grabbed me so suddenly, taking the lead. I should’ve sat down when I picked her up though...” the Golden Maknae murmured, wondering if the wall was uncomfortable for her.

“Wait, you did WHAT!?” 

“WHAT!?” Taehyung shouted.

After explaining what else happened, the 97 Liners continued to express their excitement that Jungkook confessed to Jennie. 

"Now the waiting game," Jungkook said as he stretched. 

"I can't wait for her to come back. I'm sure things will be fine. Just give her time to process everything. Shall we continue filming?" Jimin grinned, ready to play hide and seek.


Back at home, Jennie was taking a bubble bath, laying her back against the tub with Unfold by Alina Baraz and Galimatias softly playing in the background. Deep in thought about Jungkook, she let out a deep sigh and sank her body deeper into the warm water.

I love you...

She could not get this man out of her mind. She couldn’t stop thinking about the mental and physical effect he had on her. The way he kissed her, confessed to her, it just made her feel things that she had never felt before. 

It began to frustrate her.

He hasn’t texted or contacted her at all since that day. No questions were asked if she had thought about it. He remained patient and left her alone. She lowkey wanted him to call or something but it looked like he was going to keep his word. She would have to be the one to face reality, speak to him, and give an answer when she was ready.

When she had gone to the gym, she thought about the piggyback ride she had gotten from him and when she kissed him on the cheek. And when she went to go to the local store and saw Pocky, it reminded her of their first kiss. It was like everything was reminding her of him and it was driving her crazy.

After finishing her bath, she chilled in the living room, watching whatever TV show her sisters were into. Jen was so deep in thought, that her sisters noticed the silence and finally called her out.

“Ayo, what the hell is wrong with you? You look dazed.” Vienna pushed her lightly while sitting next to her, on the couch.

“I’m not,” Jen murmured. “Just in my thoughts.”

“Yes, you are. What’s wrong?” Alani asked, turning the volume down.

“Guys, I’m good. Let’s continue watching.” Jen waved them away.

“Are you in your feelings?” Vienna raised a brow

“No! Why would I be?”

Vienna and Alani glanced at each other and nodded. 

“You yelled. So, it’s about a boy, right?”

“I didn’t say that.”

“Come on. We know.” Alani chuckled and asked in a hopeful voice, “Does it so happen to do with Jungkook?”

Jennie rolled her eyes and crossed her arms while her sisters laughed, knowing they were right.

“What happened!? Tell us!” Vienna exclaimed.

“No,” Jennie responded.

“Tell us!”

It took five minutes until Jennie finally gave in to shut them up after they kept pestering her.

“Jungkook confessed to me before I went to the airport. He told me he loves me.”


“YES!” Alani yelled. “PAY UP BITCH!” she stuck her hand out in front of Vienna.

“Man!” Vienna groaned. “I gotta go to the bank. I’ll go tomorrow.”

"Just venmo me!"

"Okay! Okay!" she took out her phone and got on the app.

“Wait, what do you mean pay up? Did you guys bet on this?” Jen exclaimed

“JenDrop, sweetie, we been knew this boy loves you,” Alani replied.

“Yeah! We were waiting for him! Ahhhhh, finally!” Vienna jumped up and down from her seat.

“You better get on that,” Alani advised. “What happened? Tell us everything. What did you say? Are you two dating?!”

“No, we are not dating,” Jen replied.

“What!? What do you mean!? Oh my God...” she groaned

Vienna sighed. “She dun fucked it up. She dun fucked up. You mean to tell me you turned him down!? Do I need to kill you?!”

Jen stared at them in disbelief. “I didn’t turn him down! He told me to think about it and when I’m ready, give him an answer.”

“And you didn’t give him an answer yet!? Stop stalling! As soon as you get back to Seoul, jump on that hottie! What are you doing!?”

“I’m still waiting on the details,” Alani added.

Jennie went into detail about what he had said to her, making her sisters melt from his fluffy words. 

Alani let out a breath, placing a hand over her heart. “Jesus...keep him. Please. If there is any man I want my baby sister to date, it’s him. The way he treats you, don’t let a man like him pass you by. It's clear he wants something serious with you. He doesn’t think that you are just something temporary from what I can see,”

Vienna snorted and happily, volunteered, “Shit, if you don’t want him, I’ll have him. He is kind of hot-“

Annoyed, Jennie immediately spoke up, “Hell no! Back off, he’s mine.”

Vienna dropped her jaw and turned to Alani who had the same stunned facial expression. Realizing what she had just said, Jennie covered her mouth. Did she truly mean that? And it came out so naturally, too.

“Oh-ho-ho! Okay! I’ll back off your man.” Vienna put her hands up in defense.

“She looks so flustered, heheh. She really is in love. This is just too cute.” Alani giggled.

“I didn’t say all that!” Jen exclaimed

Alani shook her head. “No need. Your face says it all. It’s so funny. And besides, why do you still have him as your home screen on your phone?” she grabbed Jen’s phone and pressed the home button to show a photo of Jungkook in a beanie and white shirt.

“We both have each other as our home screens. It’s no big deal.”

“Wait...” Vienna took a close look at the photo and glanced at Jennie. “Isn’t that...the beanie you’re wearing, right now? He gave it to you?” she pointed to Jungkook’s beanie on Jen’s head. 

The same beanie he had worn when he confessed.

“He didn’t give it to me. I kind of took it off him when we...” Jennie murmured and shook her head. “I’m hungry, anyone want to order pizza?”

“When you what?” Alani raised a brow.

“What did you two do?” Vienna asked.

Jen looked down. “Nothing. Nothing at all.”

“Did you at least use a condom?” Vienna asked

“Vienna!” Alani and Jennie yelled.

“What?” she shrugged.

“We didn’t do anything like that, jeesh,” Jen exclaimed.

Vienna muttered, “Gosh darn it...why can’t my ships get juicer already? I want to hear passion.”

“He kissed me. I kissed back. Things got a little intense. I just felt a burst of all these friggin feelings and it was a bit overwhelming. But I can’t shake that feeling of him kissing me and how I felt in his arms.”

“Go on, please. What else he do?”

Butterflies came back in Jen’s stomach when she thought about what went down in her hotel room and she explained everything else that went down.

Alani did a doubletake. “He did what?”

“Ahhhhhhhh~!” Vienna screamed and ran around the living room. “Yes! That is how you do it!”

“I can’t breathe man, my heart.” Alani cackled. “I can just imagine the look of shock on her face when he did all that he did. So, dear sister, how did you feel, getting pinned up against the wall by Jungkook?”

“Can we continue watching the show, now?” Jennie evaded the question.

“So, you tell us what you two did but you won’t tell us your feelings? Okay, I see how it is.”

“You know he has a really broad back from what I’ve seen from recent videos,” Vienna added. “And he looks really strong. So, I mean, you have a lot to hold onto. I bet you were clinging onto him for dear life as you two were all over each other. Bet his muscles felt nice, huh?”

“Stop’re giving me weird thoughts...” Jennie buried her face in her hands.

Did they have to be this extra?

Vienna sighed in contentment. “Oh, little’re going to accept these feelings sooner or later. Ah...true love. This is so cute. Can’t wait to see how this plays out.”


The next day, Jennie was in LA, pumped and ready to finally meet with JRE. He was already filming himself, waiting for her to meet up with him at a bubble tea spot.

“I can’t believe I’m about to interview Jennie. This is crazy,” he said on camera. “I’m a little nervous but this is gonna be fun.”

Jennie had arrived not too long after, walking around until she finally saw him. 

When he had looked up, she happily waved. “Hey!”

“Jennie! What’s good?” he stood up.

“Oh my gosh, I’m excited to finally meet you! Hi! Give me a hug!” she embraced him.

“For real? Ever since you agreed to this, I’ve been trying to remain calm. I’ve been real nervous about this.”

She let out a laugh. “What you so nervous for? I’m nervous! I’m finally face to face with one of my favorite YouTubers. I love your videos. Thank you for agreeing to meet with me. I’m so psyched for this!” she said excitedly, making him smile.

Before they decided to film, they went to order bubble tea and then sat down. He asked her if they could take a photo together and she happily accepted as he posted the photo with the caption, ‘Miss muthafxxking Bangtan is here!’

“Ready to record?” he asked

“Oh yeah! Let’s do this!” she jumped up and down in her seat, making him laugh.

“What’s up, everybody!? I am here with Miss Bangtan herself, Jennie!”

“Ayeeee! What’s up!?” she waved to the camera.

“You guys have been requesting this for so long, and finally we get the opportunity to do this. Jennie, thank you again for this. I can’t believe I am sitting right across from you, getting the chance to interview you.”

“Hahah, and thank you for agreeing to meet me. I can’t believe I’m sitting right across from you. This is going to be fun.”

“Oh yeah. We’re here sipping on our bubble tea. This flavor right here is pretty good.”

“I can drink so many of these. I don’t drink it often but when I do, I go a little overboard.” she pointed to the four large bubble teas with various flavors she bought.

“Yeah, you weren’t kidding. What flavors are these?”

“I have mango, passion fruit, jasmine honey milk tea, and honeydew.”

“Looks good. Well, today, we have a ton of questions for you. And you agreed that we can ask you anything. But first I must ask, what is going on? How are you doing?”

“A lot is going on. Finishing up promotions with Run, I am tired as hell but continuing to work hard. I could be better but I’m surviving and trying to remain positive.”

However, that wasn’t all that she was feeling as she felt her heart feel weird again when she thought about Jungkook. She couldn’t get the man out of her mind and she had hoped that it wouldn’t interfere with her interview.

“I missed a lot of people back at home.” she went on. “Also, as ARMY can already tell, I’ve been gaining some healthy weight. I’m content, I love food. Food is awesome and I still love myself. The abs I had, are fading away a little due to the healthy weight so I’m back to having my little tummy. I haven't been going to the gym that often due to promotions. I just went yesterday though,"

"Congrats on the healthy weight. Did someone in Bangtan get you into new food?”

“Yeah, Namjoon and Jin got me to eat more. I wanted to gain some weight and they helped me out with that. We've been checking out random places to eat,”

“Awesome, awesome. Well, you look beautiful.”

“Aw, thanks. I try, hahaha.”

“All right, let’s get started. I’m going to just pick randomly from the comments as you requested. No matter how weird the question might be. Any question is fine with you.”


“First question, who influences you musically at the moment?”

“The amazing Ailee.” she sighed in admiration. “Gosh, her vocal technique and everything, she is just a queen. She is my motivation for improving my vocals.”

“Your love for Ailee is really something. Have you gotten the chance to meet her yet?”

Jen let out a fake cry. “No. Not yet. And it’s crazy because I am literally backstage near her but I cannot for the life of me bring myself to approach her. I get so nervous. And when I feel ready, she is nowhere to be found! One day. I do want to meet her. I made that one of my New Year’s resolutions.”

“We can’t wait to see that day happen. Can we expect a cover of any of her songs?”

“Once I feel ready, I’ll cover her songs. Soon, I hope everyone can hear a major difference from when I sang U&I back on Rookie King.” she hinted. 

Soon, she will be a part of King of Masked Singer, getting a chance to show who she is with her voice and not how she looks. She hoped she could make it to at least the second round. She planned to sing Ailee's songs for the show.

“I cannot wait to hear it. What are some things that upset you while working in Korea?”

“Goodness gracious, I am high key tired of the skin jokes. The colorism has got to go. I am so over it.” she shook her head.

“I remember when it looked like you were about to cuss Rapmon out after that interview around the Red Bullet Tour. That was a crazy moment.”

She let out a dry chuckle. That was not a good day. “Oh yeah, I let him have it after we were done with the interview. I was really upset that day.”

“How do you deal with them?”

“I try to educate them. People saying sorry is not enough. I feel like saying sorry is just not cutting it. Another thing that I’m tired of is people giving me crap when they always hear my American accent when I speak Korean. Look, I’m American. Chill. A lot of people gang up on me for that. Worry about yourself, jeez.”

“That’s not cool.”

“I know right? Give me a break.”

“Speaking of that, I see that people also call out Alex for that, too.”

“They need to leave my girl alone. She’s trying her best. People are so ignorant these days, it sucks.”

“What do you think of Alex? Have you met her yet?”

“Not yet! Hopefully one day! I love her, I hope we can become great friends. I just wish people would stop comparing us. And also, I think it’s ironic how if someone from America like Alex is trying to speak Korean, some people bash her and claim that they’re better than her in Korean, and say her Korean is cringeworthy. But when a Korean idol tries to speak English, people are like, oh they’re trying, it’s cute. So...which one is it? Cringeworthy or cute? I know damn well they’ll say my Korean is cringeworthy if I didn’t know most of the language. It’s absolutely ridiculous. Everyone goes at their own pace when learning a new language, so don’t bash them. I can’t stand some people, man.” she started chuckling and shared a laugh with him as he watched her go on a rant.

“Facts. Go off, girl.” he gestured for her to continue as she let out another laugh and told him that she finished her statement. “Any advice for people interested in living in South Korea or wanting to visit?”

“Hm...try to learn the basics so you can communicate when buying things and so on. Do your research. That will help you a bunch. Even the simplest things like where to get food. I promise it will help in the end. You should do that anywhere you go, not just in Korea. And also, go sightseeing. I see some K-Pop fans who want to go to Korea because of K-Pop but, you should also go to appreciate the country because Korea is not just K-Pop. It’s a beautiful place with a lot of things to offer. Learn the history, try the food, and do everything to immerse yourself in the culture. Taehyung showed me around when I first came to Korea and I’ll never forget the places we went. It was so fun during our trainee days.”

“You and Taehyung’s friendship is the cutest. I enjoy watching you two during the Bangtan Bombs.”

“He’s the best.”

“This one right here is a very popular question.”

“Oh, I’m ready.” she rubbed her hands together.

“Have you read any fanfics of yourself?”

“I knew this was coming,” she replied, amused.

JRE looked at the camera. “ARMY, hide yo shiz.”

“Honestly, at this point, I don’t give a shit. I don’t read any of it so I mean, whatever. Do you, I’m not judging.” she shrugged. “But I do check out the moodboards and fanart. They’re so cool. Recently I came across this Hunger Games AU moodboard and I loved it! If you can, ARMY, please make more of those Hunger Games AUs. Heck, I just might read your fanfics if it has me as a badass in a Hunger Games AU. But kindly don’t make me date anyone in the story. I love reading and watching female characters be badass and not have a love interest. It’s different,”

“ARMY, Miss Bangtan has spoken. Go wild!”

“I'm looking forward to seeing what they create. If you can make the tag, JennieInHungerGames, that would be great.” she beamed. “Ooh, can you guys create a fight scene with me and a member of Bangtan for shit and giggles? That’ll be kinda cool. And let me win!”

“This question really has you excited about the Hunger Games. ARMY, I bet you’re freaking out, right now, going wild as we speak. Someone asked you, what do the members smell like?”

“Really ARMY?” she stared at the camera. “Goodness gracious. They smell like regular human beings and whatever cologne they wear.” she gave a thumbs up to the camera while JRE laughed at her.

“What’s it like being around the BTS members and living with them?”

“So...much...testosterone. Oh my God. I always leave when I can to hang with my girlfriends. But, every day is a new adventure. We’ve been having a back and forth prank war as of late. Super fun. I’m currently thinking of ways to get them back. If any of you watching have suggestions, let a sister know. Also, Bangtan is my family. We’ve been through so much and we are only getting stronger. I am so proud of what we accomplished thus far.”

“What would you like to see in Big Hit?”

“Oh, I love this. I want to see more girls in Big Hit! I wish there could be auditions for girls. They only want guys now. I’m technically the only female idol in Big Hit and you know about the GLAM situation, so I believe that is the reason why they don’t have girls in Big Hit. I was so scared that I was going to get kicked out of BTS because of that. Like they were so on edge during that time with the women and I was so worried, like oh my God, I just got here, things are going well, please don’t kick me out.” she exclaimed. “I’m trying my best to convince the company to have more women. It hasn’t worked yet but I am still trying. So, for those saying I’m not doing anything, I’ll continue to prove you wrong. And it would be great to see more people of color in the company as well. Diversity is a great thing.”

“What is something you hate ARMY calling you?”

“Ah...guys, stop calling me an innocent baby. I’m not that innocent or a baby, so don’t baby me. I see some comments on how I shouldn’t talk to male idols because I’m still a child in some people’s eyes. Like dude, shut up and let me live. You don’t control who I can and cannot talk to. I’m pretty sure I can make my own decisions. I hope you won’t be like this when I date. So, tone that down, please.”

“You heard the woman. She can make her own decisions. Deal with it.”

“Ooh, can you put the deal with it glasses on me when you edit?”

“Oh yeah! I’ll definitely do that. I’ll put it on us both.”

“Sweet.” she high fived him.

“What are some things the members do that piss you off?”

She let out a nervous laugh. “I may or may not have cussed them out for mainly interrupting my sleep or doing something to my smarties. You do not mess with the smarties and you do not interrupt me when I am sleeping. I value my sleep, especially with our busy schedules. I think they enjoy doing it to see me pissed off. I also nap a lot with Yoongi and I know one day he and I are going to become the last two members of Bangtan if they keep messing with us during our naps.”

“I would not want to see you or Suga angry. When you first came to Korea, what gave you the most culture shock?”

“Them honorifics.” she sighed. “My gosh. It’s really weird for me. I am still not used to it. I really do not like saying oppa. I feel out of place saying that word. I’m sorry but I just can’t. Like other words, I’m cool with. I’m trying to say it and get used to it but oppa is just...gosh. And I have gotten so much crap and was called being disrespectful for not using honorifics on the members. I still get it to this day. Harshly. I feel uncomfortable saying that word. But I’m still trying to be as respectful as I can be to everyone. Maybe one day if I am feeling more comfortable I will say oppa to them once in a while or something,"

“We have to know, how do you act so sexy on stage? Like you blow me away with your charisma.”

“Fake it to you make it.”

“You fake it?” he asked, surprised.

“Oh yeah. At first, I felt awkward, performing sexily. But I had to just pretend that I felt sexy and then I started to really get into it and believed I was sexy. It’s all about the stage presence. I am nowhere near how I act on stage. On stage, I get hyped. But offstage, I’m more chill.” she replied. “I was so scared to perform War of Hormone with Jungkook because I never really danced that close to a guy before. On camera, I looked comfortable, but my face was heating up and I was screaming on the inside. I didn’t feel sexy at the time and the lyrics were so extreme! But once I saw the performance on video, you’d never guess that I felt nervous. But Jungkook made me comfortable on the stage and helped me a lot. 97 Liners always have each other’s backs. I still thank him for being so patient with me during that time.”

“How did your family react to the dance?”

“Hahaha! My phone was blown up with messages the day after it was posted on YouTube. ‘Is there something we should know!?’ was one of many questions.”

“I really love watching the both of you onscreen. Whenever it’s during a performance or a Bangtan Bomb, I just get good vibes from you two.”

Jen let out a laugh and bashfully glanced away for a moment before looking back at him. “Aw, thanks. I get that a lot.”

“So, which member do you usually get shipped with the most?”

“It’s actually Yoongi from what I randomly see on the BTS tag on Tumblr. It’s a little weird but I think one of the reasons why everyone ships us the most is when I wrote him a letter and gave him the Kumamon merch for his birthday. Fans really loved it.”

“Is it true that he only says your first name when something serious is going on?”

“Yeah, he always calls me smartie. But soon as I hear him deeply say, Jennifer, I know shit is about to go down and I dunno what to expect.”

“What is something you had to change when you came to Korea?”

“I felt like I had to tone it down since the country seems more conservative than America. So, I don’t show that much. These thirsty fans want me to, though. I see the Tumblr posts and no, I will not stop being rude.”

“Explain a struggle of living in Korea as an African American.”

“Living as a black girl in South Korea, it is difficult to find makeup matching your skin tone. They don’t have my skin tone there. Hair products for me are impossible. I have to order everything from America. Shipping costs an arm and leg, but it’s worth it.” she answered. “When I first started in Big Hit, I noticed I was lighter from the makeup they would use so I quickly talked to the stylists. They now make sure to have my right shade and take it from there. I'm grateful they are educating themselves,"

“That’s what’s up.”

“Oh yeah, I also have my old stylist from America who does my hair for me at times. As time went on, I educated the stylists on black beauty. They’re learning. The makeup that they’ve done for me improves every time. They even ask me if there are any websites or books they can study from so they can know how to beat my face, which is nice. I appreciate them going to lengths to learn just for me. They’re doing an amazing job. I love them. I always thank them and they don’t make me lighter than I am so I’m happy about that. I love my melanin and I want to show it off and represent black women in this industry.”

“What do you think of whitewashing?”

“It needs to be deleted from existence. And it truly makes me sad when even those closest to me whiten up their photos. The beauty standards bother me but that’s their country and how they like to operate. I also get sad when I see the members whiten their selfies to post on Twitter. It hurts me deep down.”

“Is there a song that you are tired of performing?"

“HA! YES! Ooh, I hope I don’t get my contract terminated for this. And watch me get a lot of hate on this. I already know. But I hate Danger. I hate it.”

“Oh wow! Really? Danger? Is it the dance?”

“I just really do not like this song. I don’t like performing it, I don’t like my lyrics, I just don’t like it! And I love I Need U but now, it’s been played in my head so many times, I am so tired of it. I’m over it. Other songs I’m tired of are Boy in Luv and Blanket Kick. I’m still kind of embarrassed to dance cute dances, so my face is always on fire when performing Blanket Kick. But I mean, you don’t have to like every song you perform and you don’t have to like every song from your favorite artist. We all have our various opinions, just move forward, who cares? Don’t get so pressed because someone doesn’t like your favorite songs.”

“How are you able to dance and sing at the same time?”

“Oh, I like this one. Okay, well, I have to thank Jungkook for that. I’ve been going to the gym with him and he got me into his habit of singing while working out. I was struggling. I thought it was impossible. Like how? But he helped me and made it work. I have also been singing while on the treadmill. It was a bit complex but after a while, I got the hang of it and felt a huge difference during the Red Bullet Tour. I was so happy because at first when I started dancing and singing, I was so out of breath that you could hear my heavy breathing on the mic, it was so bad. I got lectured because of that, it was horrible. It’s also one of my embarrassing moments on stage.”

“What’s the hardest part of live performances?”

“As of today, the hardest part is keeping up with the back to back dances. Especially if it’s something powerful like Danger and then another fast song. And I can’t just go and take a water break. Also having so much saliva in my mouth while singing. I’m trying to control that.”

“What are your favorite eras?”

“For me personally, my favorite era so far is War of Hormone. I feel like that era showed a lot from me. I also love Run because you get to see more of a darker tone for me. I would like to do more darker tones in future eras to show more of a mature side to me. I also loved Just One Day and Dope. My favorite look in all the eras we’ve had so far has got to be Dope as well.”

“We still waiting for your hair to get dyed, girl.”

“The only thing I’m going to say is...I’m loving the anticipation.” she smiled.

“Can you at least tell us the color?”

“Hm...nah, I’ll surprise you all when the time comes.”

“We’ll continue to suffer.” he laughed with her. “Okay, okay. You guys seem so tightly knit, is there any trouble in paradise?”

“Tightly knit? Nah, we have our moments. We may seem happy all the time on camera but there are always struggles, anger, and tears. We argue. The normal stuff that everyone goes through. We’re human, we’re not perfect, we don’t always get along. Usually, I get pissed off at the members when they’re too loud and interrupt my sleep. Like I have school in the morning, I take SOPA very seriously.”

“Which member do you clash with the most?”

“Yoongi without a doubt. We have a unique friendship. We love each other dearly but sometimes we can just rub each other the wrong way if we say something. And we’re both very stubborn and want the last say.”

“As you know, people question your airport fashion, any thoughts?”

“They loooooove judging my airport outfits. Look, just give me my Nike and I’ll be good. I prefer to wear casual and laid back clothes to the airport so that’s why I never really pop out and look amazing at the airport, unlike the other members. I swear it’s like they’re going to a fashion show, they all look great. They got that, not me. Plain jeans and a shirt or something for me. So, sorry fansites, the airport photos you take of me aren’t going to be like the rest of the members with their nice outfits. People really be coming at me, man. One time I was called a bum because I went to the airport in sweatpants and a hoodie.” she laughed. “Like damn. Look, I am not dressing in some high fashion clothes, to please y’all at the airport. Like no. That is not me. I’ll continue to be a cute and comfortable bum, then.”

“This fan asks, remember when V accidentally slapped your butt during War of Hormone before you had the chance to stop him in the choreography?”

Jennie laughed and thought of the incident, explaining what happened.


While performing the choreography during one of their many music shows, things were going smoothly. And it was a day when Jen was in a great mood and went harder than usual for the performance.

La la la la la la la la la

meoributeo balkkeutkkaji choego choego

After shaking her ass, Taehyung was always supposed to attempt to smack it but she would stop him before he got the chance. But this time, she felt a large palm smacking her behind hard.

Did he just...touch her ass...?

She was stunned but kept her facial expression in check as her gaze darkened on him. As soon as he met her gaze, his eyes showed fear as he briefly stared at her in terror.

It was at this moment that Taehyung knew...he fucked up.

Taehyung’s face went pale. That was not supposed to happen. Soon, he pulled himself together and got back into the song as the members went on with the performance.

Jimin had let out a silent laugh while looking at Taehyung. “You are so dead.” he mouthed to him.

After finishing the performance, they went backstage with Taehyung clinging onto Jennie, apologizing profusely. He was so flustered and frightened for his life. Jungkook and Jin were beating on him while the rest of the members laughed once they found out about the situation.

“Let’s have a little talk.” Jennie grabbed Tae by the ear and walked down the hall.

“E-Ennie, I am so sorry! I didn’t mean it! Please! I’m sorry!”


"Best believe he never did it again after that," she giggled. "But it was just an accident. It happens. We're fine, I wasn't really that mad,"

“What did you do in America that Korea got you out of the habit of?” he asked.

“Leaving tips, and receiving things with one hand. I had to really get into a habit of receiving things with two hands over there. I knew about it before I came to Korea but I still made mistakes here and there. The members helped me out a bunch.”

“Next question, do you plan on going to college? And if so, what do you want to study?”

“Yep! I have been thinking of maybe studying something in the business field.”

“So, K-Dramas are a thing, would you ever consider trying out acting in a drama?”

“Ooh, yeah! I'm taking acting lessons, actually! For fun! If they would have someone like me in one, that would be great. I just don’t want to be a love interest for someone in the show. I want to be in some action drama as a badass female protagonist having fight scenes and chasing bad guys or something. If someone makes a drama like that, hit me up so I can audition for the part. It would be cool if I could do something like that one day.”


She smirked softly. “Maybe.”

“Any idea where?”

“Yes. You’ll see when that time comes.”

“Tattoos on Jennie? That’s going to be lit.” he high fived her. “What do you wish people would stop asking you?”

“Oh, I have a ton. The first question I’m tired of hearing is, are you sleeping with the BTS members? For the last friggin’ time, NO.”

“NO! She said NO, y’all. NO. N.O.” he exaggerated.

“Is that your real hair and can I touch it? This is all natural and no, hands off,"

“When will you have a solo album?”

“Ah...everyone is always asking this. I love the anticipation. Gosh. I have a lot of songs that I recorded. I want to rerecord them though. Hm...I won’t give an actual release date because I don’t want to promise something for you guys and then it might not happen. But one day. Give me a few years,"

“We'll wait patiently. What’s the most annoying thing about being an idol?”

“Sasaengs. I’m still bitter about the assholes who broke into my hotel room, stealing my friendship ring. That shit was scary. Never would I thought something like that would happen to me. I'm taking self defense lessons now because of it. I just...miss feeling normal and the simple life. Being able to go out without being followed by cameras all the time. Like, I’m happy to always see the fans but it looks like I will never have that feeling of being a regular person. And you know what? I do hate when people say we can’t date or whatnot. Like with fans, if your fav is dating, support them. Continue to show love. Don’t attack the person they’re dating. And leave idols' families alone. Don’t stalk them. My sisters had a hard time a while ago because of some sasaengs. It’s not cool, guys. Respect their privacy.”

“Agreed. Which member has improved the most?”

“Jin~!” she applauded. “His dancing and facial expressions live are friggin amazing. I’m so proud of his hard work.”

“So...who is your favorite YouTuber?” he raised a brow.

Jennie giggled. “I think we all know the answer to this question.”

“Oh really? Who?”

“You, silly.”

“Me? For real? Everyone, you heard that right?” he turned to the camera.

“I’ve been watching your videos even before I became a K-Pop idol. Your reactions are just the best. And I can’t get enough of your reactions when you see me in BTS’ videos.”

“Haha, you’re gonna make me blush.” he couldn’t stop grinning, flattered by her words. “Next question, if you weren’t singing in BTS, where do you think you’d be?”

“Heck, I’d probably be a DJ somewhere, making a ton of music. And I would’ve been with Angelina, working as a duo. We’d make tons of music together.”

“So, anyone catch your eye, yet?”

She smiled and looked down as Jungkook came to her mind. She needed to keep herself composed. Looking back up at JRE, she giggled nervously.

“Oh? That was a nervous laugh. I think Jennie may like someone.” he teased.

“You never know.” She shrugged with a huge smile on her face.

“What do you hope to do more in BTS?”

“Take care of the guys more. They always look out for me, I want to do the same. So I’ll make an effort to show my appreciation to them. Sometimes I feel like I don’t do enough.”

“I personally think that you do. I remember Suga’s tweet on his birthday and you wrote him that note. That was real cute of you. I’m sure the members appreciate all that you do for them.”

“Thank you.” she placed a hand over her heart.

“Did Big Hit want you to change anything before debut? Any plastic surgery?”

“No plastic surgery. I’m all natural. But they were considering dressing me up as a boy for BTS before they decided to announce me as a female member of the group. They were going to change my name to a more gender-neutral name as well.”


“Yeah. But then they decided to not go through with it. I’m very happy they didn’t. I want to be shown who I really am. Not pretend to be someone that I’m not, y’know? I mean, it’s also obvious that I look like a chick, people would’ve seen right through it. It wouldn’t have worked, no matter how many times they’ve tried to dress me in men's clothing, that one time. Namjoon and Taehyung also talked them out of it. I thank God every day for them, my goodness.”

“Has your fame in BTS affected your family?”

“Yes. It definitely has. I will unfortunately never forget the day sasaengs crashed my sister’s play. That was rough. It caused a huge rift in our relationship. I felt like it wasn’t my fault but I felt selfish for saying that because I didn’t put myself in her shoes. What if Big Hit were watching me audition for BTS and my sister was already famous and had fans crashing it? So, I had to think about how she felt and consider where her anger was coming from. But everything is good now. We’re cool.”

“The next question reads, how do you not get nervous when getting hugged by Jungkook? His muscles are getting bigger. Don’t you fear he’ll crush you?”

Jennie burst out in laughter and felt flustered as she thought about what went down in the hotel room with him once again. 

“Speaking of that, on Tumblr, I saw posts of ARMY getting nervous whenever they saw me and Jungkook hug. You know that he’s been working out more and getting more muscle as of late, and he’s also bigger and a little taller than me. So, they think that he’s gonna crush me. But in reality...” she smiled warmly, feeling her heart flutter as she thought about his adorable bunny smile. “My Golden Best Friend is a soft muscled bunny. He’d never hurt me. So, don’t worry ARMY, I’m A-OK.”

“We’re gonna go a little deeper and go back to the time when you passed out that day.”

“Yeah.” she nodded.

“What was going through your mind?”

“Whew, boy...well, I just I wasn’t good enough. I was in a bad place. I was weak, mentally. All the hate just kind of crept up on me. It was hard to ignore the mean comments, I just kept reading them, asking what if, y’know? So, I took a break from my Instagram. Trained myself harder for the I Need U dance but I ended up not taking care of myself. All that was on my mind was that I needed to be perfect for this comeback. All these expectations y’know? But I have to remember that I am just one person and I cannot please everyone. I can’t be perfect for others. You can’t be perfect. My health needs to be my number one priority. I cannot let my body deal with that suffering ever again. But it’s my friends, family, and fans like yourself that helped me recover. I’ll never forget your Really Now video.”

“I’m glad that you’re happy, now. You look like you’re in a great place. And you’re thriving. I’m very proud of you.”

“I didn’t come here to cry. Thank you,” she blinked her developing tears away. “Oh, and before I forget, I brought you some of my baked goods and some signed BTS merch.” she presented him with a big bag. “Thanks for being such a loyal fan.”

“Wow!” he happily took it and looked up at the camera in awe. “I get to eat Jennie’s baking!”

After she told him what was in the bag, they took a break and were filmed with Jennie teaching him the chorus dance of Run and then with him teaching her how to perform his body rolls. He planned to have that at the end of the video as an extra bonus feature.

“All right. Last question. Any advice to those who want to do something like this?”

“Never forget your roots. Never forget those who have helped you to where you’re at. Never forget what you had to overcome to get where you are now. Although I’m not able to always go home since I’m miles away, I always make an effort to try to contact my family.”

“All right y’all, that’s my interview with Jennie! I hope you guys enjoyed it. Jennie, thank you for allowing me to interview you.”

“Thank you! We should definitely do this again. We need a part 2!”

“I hope we can do a part 2! That'll be awesome," he said and turned to the camera. "Enjoy the rest of the video of Jennie teaching me a little bit of the Run dance while I show her how to get down with my body rolls. I'll see y'all in the next video! Peace!”

“Peace!” Jen threw up the peace sign.


Later that day, Jennie met up with Kevin at a local skating park to spend some time catching up while she improved her skateboarding skills.

After taking a photo together, Jennie posted it on her Instagram with the caption, ‘No distance can keep us apart! I’m happy to see you! Missed you, friend!’

“So, college boy, how’s everything going?” she asked, sitting with him on a bench.

“The first semester went by quick. My classes were fine. But my math professor was giving me a hard time. She was so strict and our only grades were our midterm, attendance, and final. So, if we don’t do good on the midterm, we’re basically screwed.”

“Oh hell no. Seriously?”

“Yeah. It was terrible. She would not give us any homework assignments. I hated her ass. I passed with a B but still, she was the worst.”

“At least it’s over and done with.”

“Yeah, thankfully. I also made a ton of friends. Regular college life.”

“Uh huh, so how many parties did you go to?” she cut right to the chase, watching him clear his throat.

“ have you been?”


“All right, I’ve been to a lot. Almost every week.”

She let out a laugh. “I’m not surprised.”

“Uh...I got a few Cs-“


“It wasn’t because of the parties. It was because I would skip class the next day after the party-“

“Boy!” she smacked him on the arm.

He laughed. “It’s cool, my GPA is still high.”

“Well, I’m happy about that. So, how’s basketball?”

“Oh, it’s going great! I love it. We’re doing very well.”

“I hope I can come to one of your games. I’ll keep you posted. So, how many girls have you hooked up with?”

He let out a snicker. “I can’t control myself. They keep coming back to me.”

“Wow. That’s what they all say.”

“Nah, nah, I’m serious. Some of them are crazy. But I haven’t been fooling around since December.”

“How come?”

“All because of this one girl at the school.”

“Aw. Who is she?”

“This girl I’ve been feeling for a while. We’re really good friends. We became fast friends when I first got to the college. Lately, I just can’t stop thinking about her. So, I don't fool around with other girls because I just want her.”

“Wow. She’s making you change. We’re off to a good start. You think she likes you, too?”

“Yeah. I feel like she lowkey likes me.”

“That’s good, you both like each other. How come you haven’t asked her out yet?”

“We’ve been friends for a while, I dunno...I feel like it could ruin our friendship if things go south or something.” he let out a sigh and looked up at the partly clouded blue sky.

Jennie slowly spaced out and thought about Jungkook as the two friends sat in comfortable silence, thinking about that one special person in their lives.

“I want it to be special,” he spoke up. “And that’s where I need your help. Can you help me?” 

“With what?” she turned to him.

“I want to ask her out. I want to go all out for her. You’re a girl, I feel like you’re the best to talk about this with.”

“Yeah, of course, I’ll help you. We’ll go shopping for her. What does she like?”

“She likes Tweety Bird and The Simpsons.”

“Ooh, you remember that Simpsons episode with the I choo choose you card? That would be so cute.”

Kevin stared at her in confusion. “Uh, no?”

She rolled her eyes. “You need to watch more TV instead of having your face in basketball.”

“Hey! I love my NBA. You’re looking at a future NBA basketball player.”

“Goodness...we’ll figure something out.”

“Thank you. So, enough about me, are there any boys for you, Jen?”

She nodded. “Yeah. Remember Jungkook?”

“That young boul in your group?"

Kevin had been picking up some of her Philly slang which caused her to chuckle and nod.

"The one who is always staring at you with heart eyes? Yeah, I remember him," he went on.

“He was?” Jennie looked at him in surprise.

“He’s been liking you since 2014. I could see it in his eyes. It was like he wanted to murder me when I was around you.”

“Guess this jawn is more serious than ever.”

“Why you say that?”

“He told me he loves me, and he kissed me. A lot.”

“He kissed you??”


“And told you he loved you?”


“Well, shit. He got balls.”

She laughed at his sudden statement. “Stop! I’m trying to be serious.”

“I am too, but damn, Jungkook? I saw how he looked when he was around the girls in the music video, freaking out and all shy. He couldn't even look at them in the eyes at times. But with you, how he looked at you and spoke with you, I saw something,"


“Really. So, what else happened?”

“He told me to think about it and take as much time as I need.”

“And have you thought about it?”


“Did you disregard what he said?”


“How does he make you feel?”

“I can’t really explain this happiness I get when I’m with him. He just...makes me smile so widely when I think about him. If I have a bad day, just being in his presence makes me forget about the negativity.”

“Okay. Well, what’s stopping you?”

“He’s my best friend...”

“It’s normal for people to be great friends and end up dating. Either way, I can see that he’s a great guy for you. It’s the way he looks at you,’s...hard to describe, but you can see the love in his eyes. He’s in love with you and I can see that you’re in love with him, too. Just like you’re helping me with the girl I love, I want to help you with the guy that you’re in love with. If there’s anything you need me to do, like you’re doing for me, just say it. I just want you to be happy. I gotta look out for you, right?” he nudged her.

“How can you say that so easily? That I’m in love with him?”

“Well, for starters, when you talk about him, your pupils dilate. Remember, my dad is a doctor, I get hit with knowledge about these things. He told me about that when I told him about my crush. Say something about Jungkook.”

“Okkkaaay. Well, I love gaming with him. He makes me happy and has the sweetest smile,” she called out as he watched her pupils dilate.

“Yep. They just dilated. You might as well start calling Jungkook bae as soon as you get back to Seoul," he chuckled.

"Bae?" she asked, amused.


“Whoo-hoo-hoo! Woooooo!” Angelina yelled, jumping around while Jennie watched her flip her shit.

The two were located in a dance studio, spending the rest of the day together. Jen had just told her that Jungkook confessed and was jokingly wondering if she made the right choice to tell her.

“Finally, he made a move! Long overdue! Give me all the details, now! I want the tea! I wanna know where he touched you, where he kissed you, everything! Do you have hickeys on your neck?” she pulled at her shirt.

“H-hey! No, I don’t!” Jen removed her hand.

“Next thing you know, you’re gonna tell me he pinned you to the wall or something.” she teased with a laugh.

That statement caused Jennie to avert her eyes as her body shivered from the thought. Drinking her water, she made a mental note to never underestimate him. He was unpredictable yet affectionate when they were alone. She lowkey loved that about him. Moments later she noticed that the laughter stopped.

Widening her eyes, Angelina yelled, “HE DID!?” and slapped her on the back, making Jennie cough and choke on her water. “Oh my God~! Ahhhhhh! I am so damn proud of him! I knew he had it in him! I was rooting for him! We were all rooting for him!”

“I didn’t confirm it!”

“No need! The look on your face says it all. See, I knew he was going to snap. It was only a matter of time. You cannot expect a guy like him to just keep sitting by the sidelines. Come to think of two were eye-fucking each other for a while, anyway.”

“What? No, we were not!”

"Be so for real, right now. You both be staring at each other,"

"No, we weren't!"

Angelina looked at her, detecting the BS. “Uh huh. I know you enjoyed it, don’t front. He’s a whole different person when you two are alone. Wow. What a man. Can you imagine your first time with him? If he’s like this now, I wonder if you’re anywhere near prepared for the passion of his lovemaking. Woo, Lord. If he already pinned you to the wall, imagine the bed.”

'When we get serious and when we are ready, I want to be your first in other ways besides being your first boyfriend,'

Jen thought about Jungkook's words which caused her face to heat up and shake her head.

“Shut up!” Jennie covered her ears. “Shut up, shut up, stop talking! Stop talking about him!”

“Can you feel the love tonight?” Angelina sang and let out another laugh.

Uncovering her ears, she replied, “He carried away, that’s all.”

“Um, no. The both of you got carried away! In a good way! But the wall though? Lord Jesus! I’m hot!” she fanned herself. “Are we speaking about the same Jungkook? The one I met?”

“It’s a little hard to believe, too. I dunno, it was like...a switch went off on him.”

“Well, he most certainly got his point across. I knew deep down he would do something. You can’t expect him not to. I mean, look at you! Gosh, I wonder how much of a struggle it is for him to get you alone without the members all around. Haha, and from your facial expression, it looks like you were not prepared for what he did to you at all. Whoo boy, you still look dazed as you talk about it. My boy gave you that work!”

“I’m not dazed...”

“Lie again, why don't you? Did he pick you up and have you wrap your legs around his waist?”

“Can we stop talking about this?” she rubbed her temples.

“Why? Is it getting you in your feelings?” Angelina raised a brow with a smirk.


“So, answer the question.”

“Okay! Yeah! He did! He picked me up and pinned me against the wall, okay? And my legs were around him as we kept kissing. Happy now?”

“Lord, my prayers have been answered! Thank you, Jesus! What else did he say?”

“He...he told me I’m his, okay? And that he loves me.”

Angelina dramatically fell to the floor. “It is so good to receive this time of year! Woo! Did y’all make it to the bed?!”


“Aw, man! He didn’t lay you down on the bed?” she asked as she sat on the floor.


“Damn! I thought it got even more juicer! Are you sure? Are you hiding something from me?”

Jen sat on the floor across from her. “Would you stop thinking dirty? Your mind is dirtier than a trash truck. You and Namjoon are perfect for each other.”

Angelina thought about her and Namjoon when she kissed him in the hotel room.


After getting off the phone about the collab and excitedly texting Jennie, Namjoon walked in.

“Namjoon! I got the collab back with The Weeknd!” she yelled happily.

“Really?! That’s awesome!” he beamed.

“Ahhh, I’m so happy!” she suddenly grabbed him and crashed her lips against his. Quickly pulling away, they stared at each other in surprise. “I-I’m sorry.”

“I’m not.” he smiled. “I’ve liked you for a while now. I think we should do something about this.”

“Oh really?” she returned his smile. “I think we should do something about this too.”

“Have dinner with me.”

“I’d like that a lot.” she pulled him in for another kiss.


Since then, they had Skype dates and kept in touch whenever their schedules allowed them to. Despite the distance, she was happy. And it made Jennie smile seeing them so content.

“Why thank you, hehe. I enjoy every second of dating him.”

Angelina was grateful for Jennie because she had been trying to push them together for a while. Getting them to text and Facetime. Helping them to not be so nervous and shy around each other. Even giving them a ton of alone time when she could.

“I’m sure you are. Oh, Jennie, I love Namjoon, he is soooo cute.” Jen teased, making Angelina’s face warm up.

“H-hey! Shut up!” she exclaimed while Jennie giggled.

Ever since Jen saw them kissing, she would tease her constantly, but now the tables were turned and Angelina was going to get her payback.

“I’m just happy that you’re happy.” Jen smiled softly.

“Jen, stop trying to change the subject,"

"I'm not!"

"Yes, you are! I know what you’re trying to do. What did you do after Jungkook kissed you? You are going to tell me everything. Stop dodging this,"

"I'm not dodging!"

"Then tell me!"

"Ugh...fine! He told me to think about it and then he left,” she answered but got smacked on the arm. “Ow! What gives?!”

“Girl! You mean to tell me you let that cute, hot, sexy man leave your room after confessing and kissing you?! Are you out of your mind!?“

"Oh my God! What else was I supposed to do, I’m still shooked he told me he loves me!”

“I cannot believe you!”

“I hate when people say this! How would you feel if your best friend out of the blue says that they love you, kisses you, and tells you to think about it? I really care about him and he is my best friend. He completely changed everything.”

“Nothing changed, Jennie. Everything is still the same. You’re just realizing your feelings that we already can see,"

Jennie let out a huff. Angelina was grilling the heck out of her when it came to Jungkook. There was no escape. Since she came home, everyone had brought him up, making it inevitable for her to face reality.

“Ah...I still can’t get over could you let that man leave your room~?” Angelina whined. “If I were you, after dealing with all of that, I would’ve jumped on him and ripped his shirt off. Shit, you should’ve shoved him on the bed or something. Unless you wanted to deep down.”

Jennie shot her a glare. “I hate you.”

Angelina giggled and shrugged. “What? What? I’m just saying.”

“Look...I kind of...was the one who pushed him against the wall first, anyway.”

“Whoa! You did what!?”

“I-I didn’t know what got over me, okay?”

“You didn’t tell me that part! Girl! GIRL!” she shaked her for a moment and released her. “So, it was YOU that sparked this intensity? Wow, you basically gave him the OK to go wild. He sure did from what you told me.”

“It was just the heat of the moment!”

“No, you were enjoying it and wanted to continue, so that’s why you grabbed him and pushed him up against the wall,"


"Admit it.”






“Yes, bitch.”

“No, bitch.”

“Yes, bitch.”

“No, bitch. No.”

“Yes, bitch, yes.”


“All right, enough fooling around.” Angelina changed her tone of voice into a serious one. “Be real with me.”

“I am.”

“Okay, then look at me in the eyes and tell me I’m wrong about these facts. You always think about how he makes you feel. You love that his strong arms make you feel safe and happy. You love the idea of cuddling with him and sleeping in his arms. Am I wrong to believe that you enjoyed every single second of him kissing the hell outta you and having him all over you? That you loved how he poured his heart out, saying all those things, bringing you to tears? Tell me if I’m wrong about you being his and him being yours. This is no coincidence. It’s love. So, tell me to my face that it isn’t. Tell me that as soon as you get back to Seoul, you’re not going to tell him you love him, too.”

Looking away, Jen let out a deep sigh. She couldn’t do it.

“Mm-hm, that’s what I thought.” she giggled. "This is so adorable,"

“Why is it that everyone keeps talking about this man to me? First, it was my sisters, then Diana, then Kevin. And now you.”

Jen thought about the conversation she had with her manager, Diana when she told her about his confession.


“About time! Do you have any idea how many times I’ve caught that boy staring at you? Hard? He’s a fine young man. Fine smile and, a sweet personality. Respectful, too. I see a lot of good things in Jungkook. And it looks like he has felt this way for a long time. He’s serious about you.”

Her statement made Jennie's heart flip as she thought about Jungkook.

“You too?” she groaned and threw her head back.

Everyone kept saying the same thing. Was there no escape? 

“Okay, I have to ask, did you kiss him back?” Diana teased

“Well, of course, I kissed him back! What else was I supposed to do?”

"Hm wanted to. You could’ve pushed him away. I guess my boo is in love. Looks like Jennie is about to get herself a man.”

“I-I am not!”

Diana sarcastically replied, “Uh huh. Kissing him back, constantly thinking about the kiss, having the urge to kiss him again, and wanting to be around him surely doesn’t mean you’re in love.”


“Now get on the dance floor. You’re going to loosen up by dancing to the songs of my choice. Just like we did back during the Amity days.” Angelina announced as she stood up.

“Why do I feel like this is a bad idea?” Jen stood up and stretched.

“It’s musical therapy, boo.”

“We’ll see about that.” she walked to the middle of the dance floor while Angelina sat by the stereo with her phone connected.

Whenever they were bored back at Songstress when they were with Amity, they would freestyle dance while the others would choose random songs for them to dance to. 

Carry Out by Timbaland and Justin Timberlake came on

Angelina nodded to the beat and smiled as she watched her dance.

Take my order 'cause your body like a carry out

Let me walk into your body 'til you hear me out

Turn me on my baby, don't you cut me out

"Okay!" she nodded in approval and then switched to Yeah! by Usher

Angelina giggled as she watched Jennie get hyped and dance more freely, enjoying the throwback. She even lipsynced some of the lyrics with her. After she danced a good amount of the song, Angelina put on Get Busy by Sean Paul.

But little did Jennie know that Angelina had some tricks up her sleeve. Being sly, she switched the song to She Knows by Neyo while Jen continued to dance.

You know, from the moment she turn around, ay

She know, how to back it up and drop it down

Watching Jennie drop down to the floor, Angelina praised her, “Whew! Drop it down for your man! Certain sexy Golden Maknae got you feeling yourself, hm?”

Getting back up to her feet to continue to dance, Jennie tossed a middle finger her way which caused Angelina to laugh out loud.

And she loves the attention

That she get when she moves, yeah

"You love Jungkook's attention, huh?" she called out.

"Shush!" Jennie exclaimed.

After the chorus, Angelina changed the song to Truffle Butter by Nicki Minaj, Drake and Lil Wayne. Jennie started feeling herself and began lipsyncing Drake's verse as she danced. Angelina nodded to the beat, watching her with a smile.

"Yo, thinkin' out loud! I must have about a milli' on me right now!" Angelina started rapping Nicki's verse as Jennie continued to dance. 

She ended up getting up from the floor to dance with Jennie, vibing to the song as they both rapped the rest of Nicki's part.

"Ayeeeeeeee!" Angelina shouted after her verse was done. 

As Jennie danced until the song was over, Angelina put on Body Party by Ciara. The song caused Jennie to stop dancing and look at herself in the mirror. She then thought about the time when Jungkook and her were practicing during this song. How close she was with him and the intense eye contact.

“You and Jungkook, right?” Angelina teased.

“Be quiet.” she waved her away as she thought about the moment they shared.

“Your body is Jungkook’s party! Baby!” Angelina sang dramatically, taking Jen away from her thoughts.

She shook her head and turned to her. “Are you serious?!”

“You cannot deny these lyrics! Listen to me sing while you dance!” she giggled while Jen rolled her eyes and started moving.


“He can’t keep his hands off you!” she sang while Jennie sighed loudly. “Touch you right there, let him rock your body! You can’t keep your hands off him! His body is your party! You doing this little dance for him! He got you so excited! Now it’s just you and him! Your body’s his party, let’s get it started, whoo!”

“Are you done!?”

“Jen you should know that his love is always on your mind! Jennie don’t fight it!” she went on teasingly. “You want it all the time! Jen, you should know that his love is always on your mind! And you can’t deny it, you want him! You on him!”

Angelina then switched it to If It Isn't Love by New Edition.

"You have got to be kidding me. You're so annoying~!" Jennie sent her a playful glare, doing the exact choreography from the song since it was one of her favorites.

"Haha, yeah okay!"

I don't love her

I tried to tell myself

But you can see it in my eyes

So don't deny

I can't fool no one else

"'CAUSE IF IT ISN'T LOVE WHY DO YOU FEEL THIS WAY!? WHY DOES JUNGKOOK STAY ON YOUR MIND?" Angelina screamed the custom lyrics which made Jennie shoot her another glare as she danced.

"For crying out loud..." she grumbled.

Angelina laughed and quickly changed the song to Sevyn’s Sex on the Ceiling

“Okay, what do you keep putting on these sexy songs!?” Jennie complained as she stopped dancing.

“It’s on shuffle!” she lied.

“You’re doing this on purpose.”

“Hey, I’m trying to get you right in your feelings, thinking about your future man.” she smiled innocently.

“You are no help!”

“Oh, I am helping. This is Angelina’s musical therapy, bitch. You’re in love and I’m gonna get you to understand that you have a whole MAN waiting for you in Seoul and you are going to make him yours. Oh, and this is also payback for teasing me about Namjoon. So, deal with it. I always get even. You are going to suffer today!”

Jennie huffed. She was going to get her back tenfold for this. “Change it!”

“Fine.” she switched it to Grind with Me by Pretty Ricky.

Jennie yelled and covered her ears, "Cut it out!"

“Grind on Kook~! Relax your mind, take your time on him. Let him get deeper, shawty, ride on him,” Angelina sang.

“Change it!” 

“Ooh, you know what you should do? You should give Jungkook a lap dance one day.”

“Oh, my God...” Jennie covered her face.

Laughing loudly, Angelina changed the song to Clumsy by Fergie, continuing to sing lyrics about her and Jungkook, “Jen can't help it, the girl can't help it! Jen can't help it, the girl can't help it!"

"Be quiet!" 

First time that I saw your eyes

Boy, you looked right through me, mmm, mmm

Played it cool, but I knew you knew

That cupid hit me, mmm, mmm

"Jungkook got her tripping, stumbling, flipping, fumbling. Jen's clumsy cause she’s falling in love. He got her slipping, tumbling, sinking, crumbling. Clumsy cause she’s falling in love~!” Angelina went on. “She’s so in love with him~”

“For crying out loud, are you done?!”

“Jungkook got everything he want in his life except a girlfriend,” Angelina announced after changing the song to B2K’s Girlfriend.

“Oh Lord...don’t butcher this throwback, Ang! I love this song,”

“I love it, too! Now shut up and listen!”

“I cannot believe this...I get it, stop singing!”

“Nah! No, you don’t.”

"I do!"

“A girlfriend, girlfriend. He need a girlfriend, girlfriend. A girlfriend, girlfriend. Would you be his girlfriend, girlfriend?” Angelina sang.

“I get it!” Jen yelled again.

“You’re only saying that because you want me to stop. It’s not in your skull, yet.”

Jennie rolled her eyes. When is this going to be over?

“Boyfriend! Boyfriend! Jen need a boyfriend! Boyfriend! Boyfriend! Boyfriend! Would you be his girlfriend? Girlfriend?” she sang once the chorus came back on again.

Angelina changed the music to Oui by Jeremih next. “Listen to the lyrics. Pretend Jungkook is singing this to you.”

“You’re insane.”

“You’re in love.” she countered as Jen pressed her lips together and crossed her arms. “Thought so.”


“Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah,” Angelina sang along, silencing her. “This song was made for you and him.”

“Can you just change the song?”

“Fine. Dance to this one.” she changed it to Rihanna and Future’s Loveeeeeee Song.

“Fine. Fine.”

“Kook don’t wanna give you the wrong impression. He need love and affection. ” Angelina started, standing with Jennie. “And he hope he not sounding too desperate. He need love and affection. Love-uh-uh-uh. Love-uh-uh-uh. Love-uh-uh. Love and affection. Love, love, L-O-V-E-E-E and affection!”

Giving in, Jennie sang, interrupting Angelina, taking her by surprise, “Oh, baby. I’m not asking for the world, maybe. He can give me what I want. Baby, come hold me tight and when I’m drowning save me. Give it to me on a daily.”

“Yesssss!” she cheered

“If I’m your girl, say my name, boy let me know I’m in control. We both grown, so how we feel we can let it show. I-I-I won’t play around. I-I-I, I wanna lay you down. I-I-I, I need you now, I need you now, Oh, oh.”

“Let me know!” she praised as Jen let out a chuckle when she shook her. “See, I knew this musical therapy would work. Sing your feelings out. Keep going.”

As she continued to dance, she went on to sing, “Boy, lately, you’ve been stingy with your time. Got me wondering, I’m wondering if I’m on your mind. Boy, I just wanna be in your possession.”

“Whew, okay!”

“You say I’m the one you want. So, come express it.”

“Let him know!”

“Don’t slip, don’t slip, cause a n*gga might push up on it. Don’t really wanna lose this moment. Why window shop when you own this?”


“I-I-I don’t put it down. I-I-I don’t fuck around. I-I-I, I want you now, I want you now, oh, oh whoa.”

“Yasss! See! Come on, you can’t deny this anymore, girl.”

Angelina was on to something. The more this musical therapy went on, the more Jen began to accept things for what they were.


While Diana had some business to attend to, Jennie offered to babysit her kids when she left. She happily went wild and dressed her children in Nike clothes and accessories.

When she took them to the park, she had them pose as she took a few photos and posted them on Twitter with the caption, ‘Auntie Jennie here. If I have kids, you best believe they’ll be wearing Nike! A preview for the future, lol.’

Back at Diana’s place, her kids kept her busy, running around and playing various games in the living room. Tired, Jennie was lying on the floor and began to try to take a video to post for Twitter. 

She spoke about how great of a day she was having with them, until Diana’s four-year-old daughter, Aniyah, cutely yelled “Attack!” and fell on Jennie’s stomach.

“Oof!” Jennie groaned and began laughing, “Ho-ho-ho-ho-gosh!”

She soon ended the video and posted it with the caption, ‘Cutie knows how to keep me on my toes, lol.’

While Diana’s eight-year-old and eleven-year-old sons played video games, Jennie occasionally watched while playing dolls with Aniyah.

Noticing Jen’s phone open and seeing Jungkook on her screen, Aniyah called out her name, setting her dolls down.

“Yes?” Jen smiled.

“Do you have a boyfriend?” she asked innocently.

That question caught her by surprise. The Lord was testing her today. She really thought she would get a break from this. But no. Even Diana’s kids were asking about Jungkook.

“, why do you ask? What brought this up so suddenly?”

“I saw a boy on your phone. See?” she pointed to the background photo of Jungkook. “He looks cute! Isn’t he your boyfriend?”

Butterflies came back to Jennie as she let out a nervous laugh. “N-no. He is not my boyfriend.”

“Do you like him?” Aniyah looked at her innocently.


How could she feel so much pressure from a little girl? She was just a little girl. Why does everyone keep asking her about Jungkook?

“Wait, do you love him?!” she happily smiled brightly, getting excited.

Jennie let out a deep exhale. She couldn’t lie to her. She couldn’t avoid it anymore. She couldn’t deny this feeling she got from him. 

Nodding to herself, Jennie responded with no hesitation, “Yes. I do love him.”

“Awwww! So cute! How much?”

“Very much.” she smiled sweetly.

“Does he make you happy?”

“Yes. Very happy.”

“Yay! It makes me happy to see that you love your boyfriend!”

“Ah, he’s...not my boyfriend.”

“What? How can you love him if he isn’t your boyfriend?”

“I-I haven’t...told him my feelings, yet.”

“You should! Let’s call him!” she grabbed her phone and ran away.

“W-wait! Hey!” she ran after her around the house as the little girl giggled.

Dashing upstairs, Aniyah went through her contacts, scrolling and wondering what his name was. She then randomly pressed a number to call.

Once she heard someone answer, she happily asked, “Is this Jennie’s boyfriend!? She loves you! Hehe, do you love her, too? Are you two going to date?"

“Hey! Give me that!” Jennie quickly grabbed the phone and checked the caller ID.


Of all people, it was Jimin that Aniyah had called. There was no turning back, now. This was her fate.

Jimin giggled at what had just occurred as he heard Jennie hesitantly answer. 

“I want us to Facetime,” he spoke. “There’s something I want to discuss with you. When you get settled, call me back.”

“A-all right.” she hung up.

Oh, this was great. Now she would have to face Jimin. But maybe this would be a good thing. Venting and talking about Jungkook to him.

Once the kids were settled, Jennie stayed in the living room and Facetimed Jimin.

“Hey, Jimin.” she greeted as he sat on the edge of the bed with his phone leaning against something to show his entire body.

Jimin exhaled and fell back on the bed. “For a second I thought I heard something I wanted to hear for a while now during our phone call,” he said to himself. “Something that Taehyung and I have been trying to do for a long time. And it seems like our hard work is finally about to pay off. I can just see our ship finally about to sail. I’m not dreaming, right?”

She continued to listen to him ramble as she felt like she was in the hot seat. Jimin sat back up and rested his elbow on his knee while leaning his cheek against his palm.

“Now you know I don’t speak English...” he spoke in a serious voice. “But I have to ask for clarification...was she telling the truth?”

She had felt Jimin’s stare burning into her as he patiently anticipated her answer.

“How would you feel if I, your friend, randomly walked up to you one night and said, ‘Jimin, I’m in love with you’ and kissed you?”

Jimin giggled. “Well, I’d be flattered, because it’s you, Ennie.”

“Oh, my gosh...of course you’d say that.” she chuckled. “It took me a while but...I can’t deny these feelings anymore.”

“So...?” he leaned forward.

“Yes. It’s true. I love Jungkook- “

Jimin’s sudden happy scream cut her off as he fell off the bed. Jennie stared at her phone in alarm.

“Jimin?” she called out. “Where’d you go? Oh my gosh...really?”

Jimin had to run out of the room to drag Taehyung into his room. Jennie heard loud, happy rambling and soon saw the screen face the ceiling because Jimin had accidentally made his phone fall on the table with a loud thump.

“ you gonna drop me?” she playfully scolded.

“Sorry! Sorry!” he grabbed his phone and shakily put it back in place. He then sat back on the bed with Tae. “Now say what you just said again!”

“What did she say?” Taehyung asked.

“Just listen! Come on, Jennie! Say it one more time!”

Jennie shook her head, amused. “You guys are ridiculous. I said yes, it’s true. I’m in love with Jungkook-“

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~!” the 95 Liners screamed, making her wince at the loud noise.

“Is that necessary?” she started laughing. “You guys are a piece of work.”

“Finally! FI-NAL-LY!” Taehyung cheered while tears developed in his eyes.

“T-Taehyung are you crying?” she asked in disbelief

“N-No!” he wiped the tears from his eyes.

“Jeez. Is it really that serious-

“YES!” The 95 Liners shouted, causing her to lean back in surprise.

“Well damn.”

“Yeah, damn! Do you know the amount of people that have been waiting for this moment!? How many chapters it’s been?” Taehyung exclaimed.

“When are you coming back!? What are you even going to tell him when you come back?!” Jimin asked.

“I’m...a little nervous to see him,” Jen admitted.

“Don’t be!” Taehyung beamed. “How about we bring Jungkook here, now?”

“I want to see him face to face to tell him. So, please don’t bring him here to Facetime,” she responded. "I'll see him when I come back,"

Taehyung nodded. “That’s actually better. We need to think of a plan to get you two alone.”

“Guys, you’ve done enough, I got it-“

“No way! We must see this through!” Jimin proudly announced. “We have just the plan! Bye Jennie, enjoy your time in America!”

“Aye! Don’t you dare hang up on me!” she yelled but the call ended. “I’ma kick their damn asses when I get back. Hanging up on me, are you serious?” she grumbled and tossed her phone on the couch, grabbing the remote.

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More Posts from Smolwritingchick

1 year ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 50- What Are You Doing!?

Forced To Believe Chapter 50- What Are You Doing!?

Chapter Summary: The Shield take on The Wyatts but tensions run high when Seth Rollins leaves his team high and dry

Words: 6,000+


The Shield were getting ready and Morgan walked over to them. 

"There she is." Seth grinned. "Ready?" 

"Yeah." She glanced at Dean before bumping fists with Seth and Roman. 

Seth and Roman noticed the tension between the former lovers and cleared their throats. 

"Can I talk to you? Alone?" She looked at Dean. 

He nodded while Seth and Roman gave them privacy. 

"Look...we need to be 100 percent focused tonight. We can't let our issues get in the way of this war. We'll deal with our situation later. For now, we really need to work together to bring the Wyatts and Rosa down. Okay?" She put her fist out. 

He smirked at her fist and nodded before bumping his fist against hers. She didn't want to fight or argue with him. 

"Right." he replied.

"Good. Keep a cool head." 

"I think I should with you around." 

"Heh. Good to know." 

Morgan tweets '#TheQueenOfTwirls is about to be a team player and put her body on the line to win. #ItsWarTime #NoRegrets' 

In the ring, The Shield stared down Rosa and The Wyatts who stood at the end of the ramp. The Chicago crowd starts chanting 'This is awesome!' 

The Wyatts and Rosa make their way to the ring but then Dean and Seth hit Luke and Erick with a suicide dive as the crowd gets hyped. Rosa tries to distance herself from The Shield members but as soon as she turns to the ring, she's hit with a diving clothesline by Morgan as the crowd cheers. 

"And here come The Shield!" Cole shouted. 

Morgan slides back in the ring while Roman hits Bray with a Samoan drop in the ring. He throws Bray out and high fives her while the ref tries to regain control. After things get settled, Morgan and Rosa start off the match. 

"And The Queen of Twirls is gonna start things off with The Stunning Latina," Cole said as the bell rang and they circled around each other. 

Rosa flips her hair and starts trash talking. Deciding to piss her off, Morgan mocks her hair flip.

"Excuse me!?" Rosa shouted but got kicked in the stomach as she fell down on her knees. 

The Outspoken Diva smirks before giving her another cocky curtsy. Rosa shoots her a glare and stands up but gets speared. She starts uploading on her with punches, making the crowd cheer. 

"They're all over each other!" King shouted as Rosa tried to scratch and claw her way to gain control. 

The ref manages to break it up and as soon as Morgan gets up, Rosa hits her with a swinging neckbreaker and pins her for a two count. 

"Come on, grapes!" Seth cheered as Rosa put her in a twisted bow & arrow submission. 

She puts her knee on her midsection and holds her leg and head to stretch her. 

"Come on, Morgan! Give up!" Rosa yelled as the crowd tried to motivate her. 

"Bending her like a pretzel!" King exclaimed. 

She releases the hold but puts her in a crossed armed surfboard.

"This is painful," JBL said but then Morgan managed to headbutt her from behind, making her release the hold. 

She begins to fight back and hits her with a handspring back elbow smash.

"Both divas trying to make a tag." JBL continued and then Morgan tags in Seth while Rosa tags in Luke. 

Seth hits Luke with a splash off the turnbuckle and a one leg dropkick. Luke begins to fight back and tries to hit him with a high risk move off the top rope but Seth lands on his feet as the crowd 'Ohs'. Morgan grins as he throws Luke out the ring and dropkicks Erick off the apron. He runs and hits Luke with a dive over the ropes and lands on his feet. 

"That's what I'm talking about, bro!" She cheered. 

Seth slides back in the ring as The Shield points to Erick. He dives on top of Erick outside the ring and lands on his feet again, getting hyped up. 

"This guy is amazing!" JBL shouted. 

Luke runs and goes in between the ropes, only to be kicked in the head by Seth. 

"That put a big smile on the face of Roman Reigns," King said as Roman was grinning at his performance. 

Rollins gets on the top rope but Bray gets in the ring. Dean gets in the ring and starts beating on him as it distracts Seth. Moments later, Dean gets thrown to the ropes. 

"Oh no!" Morgan exclaimed as Seth lost his balance and fell off the top rope. 

Dean and Bray get back on the apron while Roman tries to get Dean to explain his actions. Luke throws Seth into the barricade as Morgan cringes. Moments later she starts to get angry as The Wyatts gained the upper hand.

Seth kicks Luke in the head and crawls over for a tag. But then Dean gets off the apron to talk trash with Bray. 

"Dean!" Morgan exclaimed and got off the apron with Roman as soon as Seth tried to make a tag. 

Roman pushes Dean back and tries to calm him down. Erick gets tagged in but gets hit in the face on the middle turnbuckle. The Shield gets back on the apron and Luke hits Roman with a big boot to the face, knocking him off as the crowd boos. Ambrose tries to hit Luke while Luke taunts Ambrose. 

Having enough, Morgan decides to get on the top rope and hits him with a diving clothesline as the crowd cheers. 

"Look at Morgan!" King shouted. 

"Do something! What!?" She taunted and got back on the apron while Luke rolled out the ring.

"That's not fair! DQ her!" Rosa yelled.

"Shut up!" Morgan yelled back.

Seth tries to go for a suplex on Erick but Luke slides back in the ring. Roman slides into the ring and grabs him for a suplex while linking arms with Seth to help him out. 

"What is going on?" Cole asked as Bray got in the ring to try to interfere but then Dean grabbed him for a suplex while linking arms with Roman. 

"Are they going for a triple suplex!?" King exclaimed as the crowd got excited. 

"Aye! Don't have all the fun!" Morgan said and got in the ring as soon as Rosa tried to interfere. 

She grabs her for a suplex hold and links her arms with Dean. 

"They're not gonna do this..." Cole said but then the crowd chanted 'Holy shit!' as soon as The Shield give The Wyatt Family and Rosa a quadruple suplex. 

"Aw, man! A quadruple suplex! Ha ha I love it!" JBL said. 

"Booyah!" Morgan yelled and high fived her teammates before getting back on the apron with Dean and Roman. 

Seth tags in Dean while Rosa, Bray, and Luke get back on the apron. 

Brie tweets 'I thought a triple suplex was good back in the day...a quadruple suplex is even better! #Teamwork' 

Nikki tweets 'I'm starting to believe! #SuplexOfJustice' 

Dean jumps on Erick and starts unloading on him. 

"Dean Ambrose just seems a little bit out of control here tonight." King looked on. 

"Ya think? The Wyatts are doing everything they can to get Roman out of the ring." JBL said 

Dean begins to take control and hits Erick with a dropkick to the knee. 

"Stay on him." Morgan supported while Roman and Seth were at ringside, resting. 

He puts Erick in the Figure Four as the crowd starts 'Wooing'. Morgan begins to grin when Dean puts the lock on tight but then Luke breaks it up by hitting him in the midsection. Roman gets back in the ring and starts hitting him and Luke falls out of the ring. 

"Referee! Referee! Referee!" Bray yelled as he tried to get the ref to stop Roman and Luke from fighting. 

Luke gets thrown into the timekeeper's area as the crowd cheers. Bray gets tagged in and slams Dean down on the mat as the crowd 'Ohs'. Bray taunts the crowd and turns to Morgan as she scowls at him.

"This is what you wanted? This is what you want?" He pointed at Ambrose's beaten up body. 

She begins to grip the ropes tightly as he gets on top of Dean and starts beating him with punches. Moments later, she begins seething as he hits Dean with a stomp in the face. 

Roman gets back on the apron. He glances at Morgan's angry expression and starts to show a smirk on his face. She was getting motivated and that's what The Shield needs in this match. Dean begins to get controlled by The Wyatts and Morgan does not like it one bit. She did not like watching him get beaten up like this. 

Nikki tweets 'It looks like WWEMorgan101 wants to scream. I can see the frustration on her face.' 

The Outspoken Diva runs her hands through her hair and starts pacing on the apron while Dean is in a submission by Erick. He pulls on his beard and escapes the hold but gets hit with a sidewalk slam. Luke gets tagged in and he hits Dean to the ropes. Ambrose falls back in between the ropes and comes back by hitting him with a lariat as the crowd cheers. 

Morgan begins to look relieved and watches as he goes for the pin. Rosa breaks it up and she gets in the ring, attempting to clothesline her but Rosa ducks. 

Roman gets in the ring and goes for the spear but Rosa jumps out of the way. As soon as Morgan turns around, she gets speared by accident. She lands on her neck as soon as he hits her with the spear and rolls over, face first on the mat. 

"Spear! Spear on Morgan! Again!" Cole yelled as the crowd chanted 'Holy Shit!' 

The Bellas tweet 'Oh my God! WWEMorgan101 landed on her neck! Is she OKAY!?' 

Celeste tweets 'Took that spear like a champ. I really hope WWEMorgan101 is okay. Edge and Trish Spear 2.0!'

"Morgan! Are you all right!?" The ref yelled and went to check on her to see if he needed to signal the WWE Doctor.

Seth, Roman, Dean, and Rosa widened their eyes at the way her body moved from the spear and that was not supposed to happen and it made everyone look worried. 

Milena (Rosa) put a hand over her mouth, breaking character a little. "Is she okay?" she murmured.

"That was hard to watch," Cole said as they showed Roman's spear to Morgan 4 times. 

"She landed on her neck!" King screamed in a high pitched voice. "Is she okay!?" 

Melanie grunted. That almost gave her whiplash. "I'm okay." she signaled as everyone began to look relieved.

She already knew her mom was probably screaming at the TV as soon as she saw that spear. 

"Amazing." Milena sighed out of relief. 

Melanie rolled out of the ring while Joe slid out of the ring to check on her. She was sitting down, leaning on the barricade, holding her neck. Thankfully there was no pain. But that was scary how she flipped.

"You okay? I'm sorry," He said as concern was shown on his face. 

"It's okay! I'm fine, I'm fine." She reassured with a smile. "I hope I didn't botch the spear." 

"Nah, but you gave us all a scare there. I didn't think you'd land on your neck like that. I'm glad you're okay." 

"Yeah, no worries." She smiled at him and he got back on the apron. 

Jon turned to Melanie, who was lying down in the ring, checking to see if she was okay. She gave him a reassuring smile and he started to look relieved. He smirked and gave her a wink. He admired her heart in the ring.

Dean tries to go for the tag as Roman gets hit off the apron by Bray who was tagged in. But then Dean plants him with a DDT as the crowd gets hyped. He slowly starts to crawl his way towards Seth but Seth doesn't put his hand out. He just gives him a blank look. 

Morgan watches Dean crawl over to him and drops her jaw as soon as she sees Seth jump off the apron. The crowd 'Ohs' and gets excited as some stand up to this exciting and shocking conflict. 

Morgan frequently starts to shake her head. " are you doing...? What are you doing?!" She yelled at Seth while Dean slumped over the ropes in disbelief. 

What the hell is going on!? Why would Seth leave Dean hanging like this? It made her panic. This was not supposed to happen. This could not be happening. 

"Wait a minute..." Cole said as the crowd gave Seth mixed reactions. 

The crowd starts to get louder as Seth begins to walk to the ramp. 

"And Seth Rollins has no interest and I think Seth Rollins is walking out of here!" Cole shouted.

"What!?" King yelled. "You're kidding me!" 

"I'm not sure you can blame him after the things that went down earlier tonight." 

Morgan manages to get up and catches up to Roman who walks over to Seth at the middle of the ramp while Ambrose watches.

"Seth!" Morgan's voice cracked. 

Her heart was starting to break. She could not believe he would walk out on his teammates. After all they've been through? After all the times he's kept peace in the group? 

Seth averted his eyes from her. He couldn't bring himself to look at her. He was starting to feel conflicted with his decision. 

Roman looks back at Dean and then at Seth. "What are you doin'?" he asked, breaking Seth from his thoughts. 

"I can't be the glue to keep this together! You two weren't there for me I reached for the tag!" Seth yelled as Morgan started to get angry. 

"Are you kidding me!?" She shouted. "You asshole! What are you thinking right now!?"

"You're the glue!" Roman yelled.

"You three, figure it out. You three, figure it out." He continued to walk up the ramp. 

"Seth!" Morgan shouted.

"What are you doing, man? What are you doing!? This isn't the game plan!" Roman yelled as Dean managed to get up from the ropes and looked at Seth walking up the ramp. 

He gets hit with a splash by Bray. Morgan snaps her head to the ring as Dean gets dropped and pinned. She runs her hands through her hair. So many emotions going through her right now. 

She and Roman run to the ring as Roman breaks up the pin. He drops Erick and Luke and cleans house until he gets hit with a big boot by Luke. Roman rolls out the ring while Morgan is on the apron, looking worried. 

Bray begins to laugh and hits Ambrose with a running senton while he grunts out in pain. The Outspoken Diva puts her hands over her mouth as Bray looks at her and laughs. 

"This is what happens!" Bray yelled. 

He picks Dean up for the Sister Abigail. 

"Dean, no!" she screamed as Bray stopped himself from kissing his forehead. "Don't hurt him, leave him alone! Fight me!" She yells as the crowd cheers. 

"Yes! She cares!" JBL said with hope as the crowd cheered loudly for her.

Bray throws him down, near her. 

The Bellas tweet 'She just screamed. #MorganCares!' 

Morgan tags herself in and slowly gets in the ring while Dean rolls out the ring. She exhales and looks a little worried as Luke, Rosa, and Erick get on each side of the apron, surrounding her. 

"This is what The Shield has done ever since they debuted," JBL said. 

Morgan turns her head to look at Seth with a disappointed look as he continues to stand on the ramp and do nothing. Seth's heart starts to ache as he watches her in the ring, alone, but he is trying to prove a point. 

The Philly Diva looks back at the Wyatts while Bray gives her a stern look. 

"You will pay for your sins, rose..." he demanded as he took a step closer. 

She sinks down to her knees and looks at the mat while Bray laughs again. 

"I'm all alone..." Morgan mumbled and clenched her fists.

"Morgan! Don't give up!" King shouted.

She looks around and closes her eyes. She exhales and opens them before slowly standing up. 

'One...two...three...four...' she looks at each opponent, thinking to herself. 'This isn't like Survivor Series...this is much more dangerous and harder...I can't go after just one person...they'll jump me...I can't just lunge after Rosa because they'll grab me...I need to do something quick and offensive...I can't run away now...this is risky, but I need to do this...if Seth won't help out and try to save this match, maybe I can. It's worth a shot.' 

The crowd begins to chant her name while Luke, Erick, and Rosa slowly get in the ring to surround her. 

"They are gonna eat her alive," JBL said with worry. 

Morgan decides to make a bold move and run towards Bray. He tries to clothesline her but Morgan yells "Whoo!" as she ducks and turns around to hit him with a spinning kick in the face. Erick runs over to her but Morgan begins to drop The Wyatt Family and Rosa with clotheslines. She starts striking them with spinning kicks to the face as they keep getting up to get hit again. 

The Bellas tweet 'This is like an action movie. WWEMorgan101's hair is all over the place, flowing in the air. #Heroine' 

She throws each opponent to each corner. 

"Let's go!" She yelled as the crowd cheered her on. 

"Look at her go!" Cole yelled as she hit each member with a handspring back elbow smash. 

"Whoa!" King exclaimed as Roman got back on the apron. 

"Look at her go!" JBL yelled as Roman began to grin at her performance despite having Seth leave them hanging. 

"Atta girl!" Roman cheered. 

Luke and Erick roll out of the ring as Morgan gets on the top rope and hits them with a diving crossbody. She slides back in the ring and jumps on the other slide, hitting Bray with a suicide dive. 

"She's running all over the place! Is she out of breath?" King exclaimed. 

"Must be on an adrenaline rush," Cole said.

Nikki tweets 'Uh oh, I think WWEMorgan101 is having a little #GrapeRush.' 

Celeste tweets 'Whoo! Keep kicking ass WWEMorgan101! #ThisDivaCanFly' 

Rosa was left in the ring, looking on in shock.

"This cannot be happening!" Rosa yelled as Morgan got back in the ring. She turns around and is about to run but bumps into Roman's chest. "Get out of my way!" She slapped him across the face as the crowd 'Oohs'. 

"Big mistake," Cole said but then Ambrose grabbed her from behind. 

"No! No!" 

Erick gets back on the apron but Morgan runs and dropkicks him. 

"Morgan!" Dean yelled. 

She turns around and he throws Rosa towards her. She spins around before striking her with a roundhouse kick in the face, dropping her down. 

"Roman, Morgan, and Dean are holding their own tonight!" Cole said with amazement. 

Dean and Morgan sets Luke on the middle ropes and hold him down. Dean motions to Roman and he runs to hit Luke with a one leg dropkick.

"Oh, man! Harper!" Cole exclaimed as Roman roared. 

Rosa manages to get on the top rope and as soon as Roman turns around, she jumps. He catches her in a powerbomb hold as the crowd gets hyped. 

"Uh oh! She's caught!" Cole shouted.

"I got this!" Morgan said and got on the top rope. 

She jumps off and hits Rosa with a clothesline, making her drop down on her back. 

"She clotheslined Rosa!" King shouted.

"This is starting to get chaotic!" JBL yelled as Morgan rolled out of the ring. 

Dean starts unloading on Bray in the ring while Erick runs towards Morgan at ringside.

"Whoa!" She yelled and evaded him. 

She gets back on the apron and kicks him in the head, making him stumble. Then, she takes him down with a diving clothesline. 

Erick stumbles back, near the announcer's table. 

"Oh look out guys! Look out!" Cole yelled as Roman spears Erick over the announce table.

Meanwhile, Dean gets hit with a big boot by Luke. Luke hits Roman with a suicide dive, making him fall over the table. Morgan gets back on the top rope, about to dive on Luke but Rosa runs back in the ring and pushes her off. Morgan lands right on the table, breaking it as the crowd 'Ohs' loudly and starts chanting 'Holy Shit'. 

"No! Morgan! She just got pushed off the table!" King yelled. 

"Rosa! What were you thinking!?" JBL yelled as Morgan looked hurt. 

Rosa grins at what she's done and blows her a kiss. 

Celeste tweets 'WTF Rosa!? Are you fudging kidding me!? Pushing her off the top rope!?' 

Brie tweets 'Oh my gosh! Morgan! Are you okay!?' 

"Oh my God! I told you it's Armageddon!" Cole yelled. 

Ambrose jumps on top of Luke and starts beating on him but then Bray throws him to the steel post. He falls face first as Morgan manages to sit up. Rosa gets out the ring and grabs her by the hair. She throws her inside the ring while Bray, Erick and Luke get in the ring. 

"Oh no, this is not good. Morgan held her own for a while but I don't think she is gonna be able to escape Bray's wrath." Cole looked on with worry.

Erick and Luke grab her arms as she tries to escape. 

"Get off of me!" She yelled. 

"Seth! Help her!" King shouted. 

Seth watches on and continues to do nothing. He starts to get tears in his eyes as he watches her suffer. 

"You wanted this!?" Bray yelled. "You did this to yourself! You shall pay for your sins!" 

Rosa hits Morgan with a hard kick in the face as the crowd 'Ohs' from the impact. 

"That was brutal," JBL said. 

Morgan holds her right eye in pain as she grunts.

"Morgan's hurt. Something's wrong." King said with worry. 

She touches her face near her right eye and sees blood coming out. Rosa's shoe must have cut her open near her eye. 

"This is crazy!" King exclaimed. "Morgan is defenseless!"

Nikki tweets 'This is too much! A four on one assault!?' 

"Reigns is out...Ambrose is out..." Cole looked on.

"Nobody is safe," King added. 

"Morgan is in the ring, left for dead while Rollins continues to do nothing," JBL shook his head. 

"Oh no Morgan's bleeding!" King panicked as she tried to get up. 

Blood was starting to cover most of the right side of her face which caught the audience's attention. 

"Rosa made her bleed?" Cole asked. 

"That kick," JBL informed as the titantron showed Rosa's kick. 

Morgan touches her face again and sees a large amount of blood on her hand. 

Bray grabbed her face. "I didn't want this rose! This could have turned out better!" 

Suddenly, it was like a switch went off of her and the Outspoken Diva started laughing in his face, making the crowd cheer. Tilting her head to the side, she gave him a crazed look. "This will not be enough to break me. Do your worst,"

Looking amused, Bray releases her as she gets grabbed again. This time, Luke hits her with a big boot to the face as she drops down again. 

Brie tweets 'This is hard to watch...Why aren't you doing anything, Seth!? #HelpYourSister' 

Bray does his signature pose near the corner. He then laughs and grabs her for the Sister Abigail position. 

"Seth Rollins is watching all this." Cole looked on in disapproval. 

"How can Seth Rollins just stand there and watch his teammates, specifically Morgan go through all this?" King asked. 

Bray kisses her forehead and hits the Sister Abigail on her. Rosa grins and turns her over to pin her while Morgan turns her head to the ramp, looking in her groggy eyes, at Seth who continues to stand there and do nothing. 




Seth runs his hands through his hair as The Wyatts and Rosa pose around Morgan's body. 

"You gotta wonder what's going through Seth's mind," Cole said. 

"He's conflicted," King replied. 

"Is he second guessing himself for what he did? Does he feel bad because he left his teammates here, high and dry? So many questions that need to be answered." 

"Seth just stood there and watch his teammates get beat," JBL added. 

The Wyatts leave the ring while Seth leaves the arena. 

Roman and Dean start to recover and they see a badly beaten up Morgan face first on the mat. They help her out of the ring as the crowd cheers for them. They put her arms around them and help her walk as her face is still bloody. She is very groggy and stumbles before Dean and Roman catch her. 

"I have never seen Morgan this beaten up before. This is" JBL said. 

The crowd starts to clap for The Shield and begins to chant Morgan's name. 

"You've gotta give it up for Morgan. She knew the risks and still decided to fight back." Cole said as the commentators agreed. 

"And the crowd is letting her hear their appreciation for her efforts," 

"So much heart..." King said. "Win or lose, Morgan is starting to earn the respect of the crowd." 

Brie tweets 'WWEMorgan101 took one for the team. Amazing match!' 

Chyna tweets 'Beautiful job WWEMorgan101! Let no one bring you down. Keep getting back up and fight!' 

Celeste tweets 'Amazing performance by WWEMorgan101! Loved every second of it! You have so much heart in the ring! #KeepGettingBackUp' 

Stone Cold tweets 'Respect for WWEMorgan101. Great performance out there. #KeepingMyEyeOnYou' 


Joe and Jon help Melanie backstage.

"We got you grapes. Don't die on us now." Joe joked while Melanie managed to chuckle. 

She felt kind of groggy from all those attacks and the bleeding made it a little worse. But overall, she loved the match and was glad she continued the match even though she was bleeding. 

"How bad is my eye?" She mumbled. 

"You're bleeding more by the second. I think Milena's boot must have scraped your face and hit your eye." Jon answered. 

"I look like a hot mess..." 

"You look like you've been in a real wrestling match." Jon countered. "Just like old times. CZW vibes,"

"Heh. Yeah. Thanks." 

Moments later, the WWE officials and some of the roster begin to cheer for The Shield and Wyatts for their performance. 

"I'll carry her to the trainer's room. Here we go." Jon picked her up bridal style and walked her over to the trainer's room. 

Before Melanie was examined, she took a photo of herself. 

She tweets 'I can get beat up but I'll always get back up and fight back even harder. Not enough to take me out. You didn't finish the job. #WarWound' 

Melanie was examined by the WWE Doctor. She had some time before her next segment for the night as The doctor cleaned her face and fixed the small cut near her eye. She was told that she may get some bruising on her right eye since she was still feeling some pain. The doctor also checked her neck since she took a nasty fall from Joe's spear. Luckily everything was okay. 

"You should call your mom. You may have given her a scare." Jon said and gave Melanie her phone after the doctor was done. 

"Jeez, over 15 missed calls." She dialed up her mom's number and she answered on the first ring. 

"MELANIE! Are you okay!?" Jane screamed.

Melanie winced in pain from the loudness while Jon laughed. "Yes, mom, I'm fine."

"Thank goodness! You did wonderful out there! You scared me to death when you landed on your neck!" 

"I know, I guess I landed weirdly. I thought I botched the spear by it just looked more painful to watch." 

"It was! Fans will be talking about it for a while! I am so proud of you!" 

"I'm proud of myself too. Thank you," 

"I know you have a segment to do but I am just happy that you're okay. I love you!" 

"I love you too!"

"You were badass out there." Jon smiled and kissed her on the forehead after she got off the phone. 

"Thanks. You too."

"Take a nap. I'll tell you when it's our cue for the Backstage Fallout." 


'Backstage Fallout' 

Roman, Dean, and Morgan were walking backstage in a foul mood. Dean kicked some equipment nearby as Tom followed them. 

"Excuse me uh, Dean, Roman, Morgan, can we get-" Tom began as Dean motioned him to go away. 

"Get out of here, go." Dean turned around and so did Roman and Morgan.

"Can we get a word, real quick?"

"No, not at all, go."

"We just saw uh, Seth Rollins leaving the building," Tom said as it caught their attention.

"What?" Morgan asked. 

"You saw Seth?" Dean stepped up to him. "You saw Seth Rollins? Where was he? Where was he?" He pushed him. 

"Hey, hey, calm down." she put her hand on Dean's chest, making him back off. "Where did you see Seth?"

"He was leaving the building," Tom answered. 

"She didn't ask that. She asked where was he." Dean retorted. 

"I'm gonna ask you this one time..." Roman began. 

"Parking garage?" Dean asked. 

"I'm gonna ask you one time." Roman stepped up to Tom. "Where is Seth Rollins?" 

"WWE just saw him leaving the building over there," Tom answered. 

"No, no, no, I didn't say stutter, I said tell me where he is. Your future depends on this one, where is he at? You point in the direction and you go the opposite way." 

"He's gone...he's half way through Detroit by now." Dean shrugged. 

"Morgan, what are your thoughts?" Tom managed to ask as The Shield looked at her. 

Breathing heavily as her emotions were getting too much, she began to break down, crying, and ran away. Ambrose and Reigns called out for her as the cameras quickly followed her while Kane watched her run past.

"Morgan! Calm down!" Kane ordered and made a bunch of refs follow her to make sure nothing bad happened.

He did not want to hear or see another rampage from her.

With Morgan, she stopped running and ran her hands through her hair. She was so distraught about Seth. 

All of a sudden, she spots him quickly putting his bags in his car and opening up the door. He must have requested Tom to tell a little white lie to buy him some time to leave. 

She wiped her tears. "Going somewhere?" She called out as he turned around in surprise.

"Morgan..." Seth sadly said. "Look..." 

"You son of a..." She glared at him and began marching up to him, angrily. 

She tried to hit him but he grabbed her forearm. She tried to hit him with her other hand but he grabbed her other forearm. 

He released her, gently pushing her back. "Morgan­-" 

"You son of a bitch!" She screamed and slapped him in the face. She began beating on him with tears running down her face. "You son of a bitch! I trusted you! I trusted you!" 

Her screams got louder while a bunch of referees came to restrain her.

Rollins watched her with a pained expression. "I..." He trailed. 

"You were supposed to be my brother! What kind of brother walks out on his sister like that!?! You don't walk out on your team no matter what! Why!?" Her voice cracked as she began to get escorted out of the parking lot. "We were supposed to stick together!"

Rollins got in the car and locked his doors. He gripped the steering wheel hard and placed his forehead against it. 

"I'm trying to prove a point...I'm sorry, Morgan..."


During Smackdown, Morgan was beyond pissed tonight. One...she was mad at the refs taking her away from Rollins. Two...she was not done with Rosa. Not after what she's done. She got lucky because of the Wyatts. When she's alone, she'll regret everything. And three...Seth is gonna be in the hot seat and better give some answers to his actions on Raw. 

She was pretty banged up. She landed on her neck when her teammate accidentally speared her, she got thrown onto a table, and she got a small dark bruise on her right eye all thanks to that sinister kick from Rosa. She wasn't the one to blame others, it was mostly her fault. She should have focused on the match more and let Roman try to handle Seth but shock overcame her. She would never guess Seth of all people to walk out on The Shield. 

She just wanted answers. 

She put on her fingerless gloves and saw Ambrose approach her. 

"Roman and I are ready-what happened?" he looked at her face in concern.

"It's nothing...just a bad bruise"

"No, it's not nothing." He lifted her chin before caressing her face to check out her eye. 

She put one of her hands over his hand. "Look...I'm fine. It'll heal. Okay Let's just go," 


Dean, Roman and Morgan were in the ring. Morgan's small black eye was very visible to the camera. 

"Morgan took a nasty beating on Raw. She held her own for a while but the Wyatt Family and Rosa were just too much for her to handle." Cole informed. 

Before Dean had a chance to talk, he stopped as the crowd began to chant Morgan's name. She smiled at the crowd with appreciation as the commentators talked about her performance on Monday. 

After the chants died down, Dean exhaled. "We can handle getting beat up, we can handle getting hurt, we can handle physical pain, that's no problem. I don't know about you two but there's one thing that I can't handle. What I will not tolerate, what will keep me up at night, and that's being lied to, by somebody that I trust. And I feel like we've been lied to, for the last 18 months. You see I was under the impression...that The Shield had each other's backs. Evidently, Seth Rollins didn't our back on Monday Night Raw. He walked out on us, in the middle of a war!" Ambrose did his neck roll. "So we're not much for talking right now but uh, Seth Rollins, we know you're here since you called this little 'Summit' all right? So why don't you come out here and say what you're gonna say? Huh? Tell me something, tell me a story, tell me a lie, make an excuse, say something after all the wars we've been through!"

Morgan's face showed irritation as she continued to listen to Ambrose speak, "You better come out here and explain yourself before this war begins, and judging by the look on Roman's got about 30 seconds... But by the look on Morgan's got about five seconds."

Seth slowly walked out near the stage and walked down the ramp. He walked up the steps slowly and got on the apron to stand before his teammates. 

"Before you open your mouth..." Roman muttered. "I hope you thought really hard about what you got to say. And it better be good." 

"All right, look...I get it...leaving you three to fight The Wyatts and Rosa, three on four, on Monday night, maybe wasn't the opportune time to prove a point." Seth said. "But what you don't understand is that the war isn't with the Wyatts. The war is within us all right? Look it's no secret that The Shield hasn't been The Shield for some time. But I did what I always do Monday, I sacrificed myself for the greater good so that we can get ourselves on the same page!" 

"You sacrificed!? Oh, Seth sacrificed himself. I didn't realize you were making such a sacrifice when you left us for dead against The Wyatts and Rosa, all right? Look there's a big difference between what you did and what we did. Morgan sacrificed more than we all did combined! She got a black eye because of you!" Dean yelled. "We fought off, you walked off!" 

"Look, look at you guys. You're all on the same page. You're seeing things eye to eye. Don't you get it? I'm proving my point! I'm already halfway there." He got in the ring. 

Morgan grabbed a mic as the crowd cheered. "I don't care if I got a black eye. It'll heal." She reassured Dean and turned to Seth. "That's not what's bothering me right now...that's not what's hurting me right now...what's hurting me is my heart because I thought my brother was supposed to be there for his sister." 

Seth looked down at the mat at her words. They stung. "Look­-" 

"I thought my brother was supposed to look out for his sister." 


"I thought my brother could be trusted." 

He gave her a sorrowful look. "...I never meant to hurt you was hard to watch-­" 

"Bullcrap...If it was you should have done something!" She yelled but quickly calmed down. "You know what? so tired of getting stepped on and jumped by the same Barbie dolls over and over again. A cheap shot I can handle; a loss I can handle...but jumping? Four on one assault while Dean and Roman were down and out? I fended for myself as long as I could but it's getting really old to beat the crap out of the same pathetic faces, like Rosa, that I have to see everything I step into this area. But you know what bothers me? You. You standing there when a group of people don't have the balls to face me one on one and jump you know what you've done to me? You stood there... you watched me get watched and saw me could you stand there and do nothing?" 

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1 year ago

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 74- King Of Masked Singer

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 74- King Of Masked Singer

Chapter Summary: Jennie stars in King of Masked Singer and gets surprised when one of her favorite artists is one of the judges for the show. Jennie encourages Taehyung with his acting

Words: 5,000+

----- Hobi, the birthday boy, watched TV in the living room until Jennie walked in with the rest of the members with a baked cake and lit candles. Jimin recorded in the background as they watched his eyes light up and smile as they sang Happy Birthday, screaming and cheering. They smeared icing on his face as he laughed and got fed a bite of the cake by Jennie.

"Wow, this is really good! You made this yourself?" he asked.

"Yep!" she grinned.

"This is great!"

He opened up his little dancing birthday box that she made in green and happily read her note: 

'Happy birthday you bundle of joy! Thank you for always being the one to make me laugh and cheer us all up whenever we're down. Your hard work has not gone unnoticed. Ever since I came here, you have inspired me to be a better dancer and I thank you for those countless days of you helping me with my craft and telling me to actually dance and not hold back.

Because of you, I feel like a better performer and BTS would not be the same if you weren't here. Please keep this energy that you have. I'm looking forward to more goofy moments with you! I love you and you will forever be my hope!

Love, your munchkin

"Ah, I love this! Jennie, you're so sweet!" he pulled her in for a hug and kissed her cheek multiple times as she laughed.

Later that night, Jen had asked the Hyung line if they wanted to try the face masks that she had gotten in the mail and they all agreed. They washed their faces and relaxed in the living room while she prepared the masks.

"Stay still," she said while carefully placing the mask on Jin's face.

"So, is this supposed to make me even more handsome?" Jin asked. "I never used these masks from America."

"No one said you were handsome." Yoongi snorted, making everyone laugh.

"This is how you treat the oldest, huh?" he grumbled while Jennie finished placing it on his face.

She then moved to Namjoon, Hobi, and Yoongi before applying it to her face as well and they all relaxed.

"The fuck? Ow!" Yoongi shouted and fanned his face.

"Why is my face feeling like this?! What did you do to my beautiful face?!" Jin yelled.

"Huh!?" Jen stared at them in confusion

"Are you trying to ruin my face!?" Jin exclaimed, getting defensive

"The heck are you guys talking about!?" Jennie shouted back.

"Why is it burning!?" Hobi whined

"The fuck is this shit, Smartie?" Yoongi shouted

"This burns!" Namjoon complained

She looked at them, bewildered, "It burns? It's just a face mask, why are you yelling?"

"Are you trying to prank us?" Namjoon accused.

"What!? No!" Jen asserted. 

"Then why aren't you freaking out with your face mask!?" Hobi yelled

"Because I'm not a big baby like all of y'all!" 

"We are not babies! This hurts! Why is it burning!?"

"It's supposed to sting a bit, it means it's working!"

"You're lying! Yours isn't burning!" Jin wailed. "Why are you doing this to me!? Were you so jealous of my handsomeness that you wanted to ruin it? My face feels like it's melting!"

"Your face is dirty! It's cleaning it! Jeez!" she rolled her eyes. "Suck it up! I didn't do anything to it. It's just a face mask, calm down."

"This mask makes me look so ugly, why did I agree to this?"

"But that's how you look every day," she joked, causing the rest to laugh at him.

"E-EXCUSE ME!?" Jin sputtered. "No Korean beef for you!"

"Wait, I'm sorry!"


The next morning, Jennie had put on her Captain America outfit with a big Captain America mask on, prepared to appear on King of Masked Singer. The mask fully covered up her face and she made sure to cover her entire body even under the costume. Her hands were also covered to avoid any detection of who she was. If the audience caught a glimpse of her melanin, they would know it was her.

"Nervous?" Sejin smiled as he noticed her twiddling her fingers. 

He sat next to her in the car as they were on their way to the building for the show.

"That obvious, huh? Yeah, very nervous."

"You sing very well and you work very hard. You will do well on the show. Don't be nervous."

"Thanks, I needed that."

Once arriving at the place, she was filmed walking backstage as she politely bowed and greeted the camera as her voice was disguised. It seemed like forever for the show to start. And before she knew it, she was called out on stage to stand next to another person in disguise. She had been called a goofy nickname which was Captain Singer as the MC made introductions.

'Okay, I can't just leave the stage. What are my other options?' she thought. 'Ugh, I feel like I have to pass out...why does my stomach have so many butterflies? This should not be happening when I am about to sing. Breathe...breathe...breathe...BREATHE!'

Here she was, on the stage with another contestant to perform a duet on King of Masked Singer. An honor this was. To be a part of this show. It was exciting, and Jen wanted to show her vocal skills without dealing with people focusing on how she looked instead of her talent. Despite striving to last until the end, another part of her couldn't wait to unmask herself to see everyone's reactions. 

Will they assume it's her when they hear her sing?

Will they be happy? Will they be surprised? Will they even care? 

Endless possibilities of how this could go but all she wanted to do was show how much she had improved. She knew she was ready. She knew she could do this. But as soon as she looked up to see who was with the judges, she almost dropped her mic.

Ai-friggin-lee was sitting right there, with a bright smile, anticipating what the contestants had to offer. 

All those motivational words to keep her nerves at ease went out the window. 

Ailee was here!

Right there by those seats. Jennie was about to sing in front of someone that she had looked up to for years. And ironically Jennie had chosen to sing nothing but Ailee songs for this show. Now you mean to tell her she has to sing in front of the person who originally sings the songs?

'Why? Why is this happening? I am not prepared for this. Why? WHY!?' Jennie whined in her head.

How was she going to do this? How was she going to be able to sing in front of the woman she admired and looked up to as a vocalist?

Jen had picked U & I and I Will Show You to sing today if she advanced to the next rounds. She told herself she would cover her songs once she felt like her vocals improved. And now that they did, it looked like fate wanted to give her the ultimate test by singing in front of Ailee. She'd be lying if she didn't think this was intimidating. It was a bold risk to sing a song in front of the person it was written for. Not a lot of vocalists did this. But why not make a statement and come off strong? 

At the end of the day, Jen trusted her vocals and the work she put into preparing for this moment. No matter how far she gets today, she will be happy that she took that risk.

As soon as Round One started, Rihanna's Diamond came on as Jennie expertly listened to the other contestant's voice to figure out what pitch she should sing so they could harmonize. But damn, was he good.

'Gosh, this guy sings so well.' she thought. 

And his English was great as it impressed the judges immensely. But she needed to focus on the song and not everyone's reactions. When it was her turn, she sang out strong without her voice getting shaky this time when she used to practice.

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 74- King Of Masked Singer

I knew that we'd become one right away. Oh, right away.

At first sight I felt the energy of sun rays.

I saw the life inside your eyes

"So shine bright tonight," she heard the guy sing.

"You and I." she joined in

The judges stared at each other in surprise at how their voices danced with one another. Jennie wanted to make sure not to overpower the other singer and that seemed to have caught the judges' attention as they murmured to themselves.

"Harmony is clearly one of their strengths."

"Right pitch and everything, made my ears tingle, I love it."

After the song, the contestants were praised for their efforts and talked about how hard it would be to vote because they both sounded well.

"Okay, I have to that Rihanna under there? Does Rihanna know Korean?" a judge asked as the crowd laughed

"Maybe." Jen teased and shrugged with her disguised voice. 

If that was what they were thinking of who was under the mask then she'll take it. 

"I just want to say to the one wearing the Captain America outfit that I just love your voice," Ailee spoke with a bright smile, making Jen's stomach drop. "I am so eager to hear more from you and I'm very curious to know who you are. I can just hear the passion in your voice. I love it so much!"

Jennie wanted to cry right then and there. She was JUST complimented by her fav. She praised her for her vocals. That was HUGE. She wanted to yank off her mask right there and thank her for everything and tell her how much she loved her but she stopped herself.

Jennie decided to bow. "Th-tha-nk you so much," she replied in a shaky voice with her voice going up an octave due to the nervousness of speaking in front of her. "It's an honor hearing that from you. I'll continue to work hard."

The votes were in and it was an extremely close one which shocked the crowd.

49 votes vs 50 votes

That brought a lot of tension to the studio as they wondered who got it. It made everyone extremely nervous. Once they revealed who it was, they announced that Captain Singer would advance to the next round which shook Jennie as she placed a hand over her heart. She then waited until Round 2 as she was back on stage. She was asked questions on how she was feeling about advancing to the next round and then prepared for her stage.

Round 2

With the mic in her hand, she exhaled. She thought of herself back during the Rookie King filming. That Karaoke segment with the guys. How she explained in an interview that she wanted to touch people with her voice just like Ailee does. How she loves Ailee's smooth voice with such powerful instruments. That she hopes to be as good as her one day. How she claims that her life would be complete if she was able to meet her and ponders if she would love to share the stage with her in a collab.

"HHHHHHheeeeeyyyyyyy~" As Soon as Ailee's U & I came on and she started strong, the entire crowd lit up.

"Whoa~!" the crowd immersed as they glanced at each other before moving and dancing around. 

Meanwhile, the judges dropped their jaws and turned to Ailee when they realized that she was singing a judge's song right in front of the judge. They were not expecting that kind of note to come out of Captain Singer.

Dancing around and clapping her hands with the crowd to get them moving, that nervousness went away and Jennie decided to have some fun on the stage. 

Ha! Cut the beat now! 

Wait a minute, wait a minute

mal jalla mianhande

Wae ireoni wae ireoni 

jakku Ddokgateun mal. 

Uri jung hanan meonjeo yaegihaeya dwae. 

Yeogiseo uri geuman ggeutnae

"Oh my gosh!" that bright smile on Ailee's face didn't go away as she stood up with the rest of the judges. She covered her mouth as she continued to watch.

Jen had everyone dancing due to her charisma as the judges pondered which idols had similar strong stage presence. While the entire crowd was dancing as she did a little of the choreography with it, the judges were in conversation with one another.

"I was not expecting this! Wow!"

"We need to figure out who this woman is."

"You sure that's not Ailee?!"

"I'm right here!" Ailee laughed.

"Do you have a secret child or something?"

"No! Hahaha."

It made Jen happy to see that her voice was making people go crazy and dance around. What really touched her heart was how thrilled Ailee was as she kept encouraging her and even sang along to the throwback song.

"Wooo!" Ailee cheered. "Sing!"

nega eodiseo mwol hadeon sanggwan an hallae

gadeon maldeon ne mamdaero hae

maebeon jigyeobdorok banbokdoeneun everyday

U & I U & I U & I

Some guys had held their hearts while Ailee watched in awe at her high note. Once the song ended, the entire studio erupted into cheers while the judges continued to exclaim how amazing the performance was. Ailee had given her a standing ovation which made Jennie tear up as she quickly blinked the tears away.

"Wow! I am blown away! Phew!" Ailee laughed and shook her head in disbelief.

"The fact that this person sang an Ailee song and Ailee was the first person to be eager to want to know who is behind that mask...incredible." the judges talked amongst themselves.

"Did you hear that passion? Like I just can't believe it." Ailee turned to Captain Singer. "For you to have the courage to sing one of my songs like this, shows me just how passionate you are. I'm amazed! The way you interpreted the song, you really touched my heart!"

"Indeed," Another judge said. "Captain Singer, this must be nerve-wracking but singing a song in front of the artist it was written It takes guts to sing a song from an artist that is right there. Wonderful job! Outstanding!"

"Yeah, I admire her braveness!" another judge praised.

Jennie bowed. "Thank you so much!"

"I just love the stability of your voice. The breath control was really good for this song even as you were dancing."

"Okay, WHO ARE YOU!?" one judge exclaimed desperately as the crowd laughed. "Can you give us a hint or something!? Because I have no idea and I am so curious!"

"I'm just a girl who loves to sing," Jennie answered. "Call me a girl who loves to sing and just wants to bring others together with her performance, not focused on how she looks."

Although she didn't make it to the third round, she was highly encouraged to sing one more song before she unmasked so she chose I Will Show You by Ailee to introduce herself, which shook everyone again.

"A-another song of Ailee!?" a judge exclaimed while Ailee continued to look intrigued, wondering why this person was so eager to sing her songs.

The song started as an instrumental of the first few notes while Jennie began to reach for her gloves to remove them. She felt a sense of empowerment when she took those white gloves off to reveal her dark skin. Black and proud, she heard the crowd begin to freak out when they started to put the pieces together. She reached for the back of the mask and began to untie it and then it fell off her face as everyone erupted into loud cheers.

"Wait! Wait! What!?" the judges yelled.


"I cannot believe this, there is no way!"

"I am mind blown that a voice could come out of her like that! I never knew she could sing like this!"

An amused smirk came across Jen's face before she looked and smiled brightly at everyone. She bowed and placed the mic in front of her, staring directly at Ailee. She then went on with the performance as she sang for the heart, giving people chills.

niga jwotdeon banjil beorigo

niga sseotdeon pyeonjil jiugo

miryeon eobsi huhoe eobsi ijeo jul geoya

neoreul ijeullae neoreul jiullae

For the high note, the music stopped as she impressed everything with a long high note before going straight back to the chorus with the music coming back on. As the song ended, she was met with loud cheers.

"Hello! I'm Jennie from BTS," she announced to louder cheers as she heard a few BTS fans screaming.

The judges were asked if she was who they were expecting as they exclaimed how insane this was and had no idea it would be her under that mask.

"You're very brave for singing a song like this in front of the artist the song was made for. Were you nervous?" Ailee asked as she praised her.

"Yes! Very. I hope I did the songs justice." Jennie replied shyly, smiling brightly as her face heated up.

"How do you feel about your performances on this show?"

"I'm honored that I was able to make it this far, I'm proud of myself. I'm very happy right now." 

After the show with Jennie back in her casual outfit in the dressing room, Ailee walked in with a happy smile.

"Hi!" Jennie heard her speak in English and turned around, stunned. "Oh my gosh, it is finally nice to meet you in person!"

"Hi." Jennie exhaled, asking herself if this was real. "I-I, wow I-hi!"

Ailee giggled. "I am very proud of you, Jennie! I want you to keep doing what you are doing. I have been watching you for a while. I am just blown away by you singing my songs. It means the world to me that you admire my work. You did such an amazing job out there. I can't wait to see what else you can do."

'She's...been watching me this whole time?' she thought.

"I would love to spend some more time with you whenever our schedules comply," she suggested

Jennie let out a chuckle and nodded with a tearful smile. "A-absolutely! Th-thank you." she then finally hugged her. "I have so much to tell you, like I admire you so much and the fact that you are in front of me right now, talking to me, I just can't believe it! I like-oh my gosh, is this really happening?!"

Jennie even took a photo with her, 'I MET AILEE!! Ahhhhhhh! It finally happened! This is so surreal! Thank you for everything! It's an honor! #Jen #IMSHAKING'

Many articles had headlines such as 'Member from Popular Idol Group blows judges away on King of Masked Singer' and 'Jennie from BTS praised for her efforts on King of Masked Singer' as it went into detail about her performances on the show.

When the show aired, the members had watched it and posted reaction videos and photos of her on the show.


'Smartie you keep cheesing. Calm down, you're making my face hurt with that smile of yours #Suga'

'Go Ennie! #V'

'Ennie~you look so cool! #Jimin'

ARMY even made a comparison video of her singing Ailee's songs back from 2013 to 2016 and went on to tweet about her on the show too.

'We need her to sing like this more often in BTS' songs! Where is her album/mixtape!?'

'I did NOT know she had these PIPES! Eargasm omfg!'

'Peep the guys in the crowd staring at her with heart eyes'

'Where the haters that said she couldn't sing?'

'I had no idea she could sing like this'

'Big Hit has picked a gem! They chose the perfect person to become Miss Bangtan! She is truly one of a kind!'



'QUEEN of plot twists!'

'When she removed those gloves and everybody went batshit crazy, I got emotional'

'People give Jennie a lot of shit and it's funny how silent they are when they watch her sing like this. They can't admit that she has pipes!'

'Her vocals have improved so much! I hope we can see this more on BTS' next album!'


Things were going great when working on the upcoming album. Today, in particular, was an eye-opener for Jennie when she was told that she was highly considered to be dancing in water for Fire.

"W-water dance? That's some EXO type shit!" she exclaimed. "You want me to dance in water? You want me to do that? Not any of the others?"

"It will fit best with you. We can use this for a special occasion such as an award show." Mr. Son had informed her.

She was told that soon she would be working with some choreographers on the dance. She happily took the opportunity and hoped to work hard as the members supported her. She wasn't used to doing much more like that but the fact that she was getting more opportunities made her elated.

Including that time when was called to see Slow Rabbit and was asked to do adlibs for House of Cards and harmonize in the background.

Back at the dorm, Jennie searched everywhere in her room for her pack of bonnets that she had just bought. She couldn't find them anywhere and began to search in the living room. That was until she saw Hobi wearing one of her bonnets.

"Hey," she spoke up

"Oh hey, Munchkin. Were you about to take a shower? I'll be quick okay?"

"No, it's not that but you're wearing one of my new bonnets."

"A what?"

"My bonnet. On your head."

"A bonnet? I thought this was a shower cap." he took it off his head and examined it as she laughed. "This is yours? I thought they were shower caps so I grabbed the pack that was sitting in the living room."

"Nah, it's for my hair to protect it. But I mean you can keep that one, it's fine,"

After finding her pack of bonnets, she grabbed her phone to see a text message from Baekhyun. Once she read what he said, she screamed and said yes

Baekhyun: Jennie, it's me Baekhyun! I was wondering if you wanted to join me and the rest of the members tomorrow at SM Entertainment.

Later that night, mind immersed in various thoughts, Taehyung got out of bed and made his way outside the dorm to sit on the steps. He didn't know exactly what time it was but from the view of the night sky, it was late. All that was on his mind was that offer for the Hwarang K-Drama.

They wanted him? Of all people? Was he...good enough for the role? 

He didn't want to disappoint them. And he didn't have that much acting experience. He didn't think he should accept the offer. What if people speak negatively about him and his acting?

Hearing the door behind him close, he turned around to see Jennie bundled up, about to walk down the steps. As soon as they locked eyes, she stopped and took out her earbuds.

"Oh. I was not expecting anyone to be out here. Hey, Tae. I'm surprised you're awake."

Taehyung immediately smiled. "Hey, Ennie! Can't sleep either?"

"I just have the munchies for those Korean chips you got me into. Want to walk with me to the store?"

Taehyung stood up eagerly. "Let's go!" he grabbed her hand and walked down the path to the store with her.

He enjoyed Jennie's company. He wasn't expecting anyone to be awake at this time, but he was glad she was here with him. Maybe he could talk to her about what has been bothering him. She always knew the right things to say.

Jennie, on the other hand, knew that something was bugging him and waited patiently for him to speak to her about it. She knew he would as he thought of the words to bring it up.

After buying her chips and some other snacks from the store, the two made it back to the dorm without anyone noticing them and sat on the steps outside, enjoying each other's company 

After chatting and snacking, Taehyung murmured while looking down at the ground, "I...I have been thinking..."

"About...?" she softly spoke, setting her chips to the side.

"The offer. I just...what do you think I should do? I'm so nervous about it."

"Why are you nervous?"

"I just...I feel like I'm lacking in acting. I don't want to disappoint them..."

"You won't disappoint them. I can't decide for you but I really hope you take the offer for the upcoming drama."

He stared at her in surprise. "You think so?"

"Yeah! That is an amazing opportunity. You're a great actor, Tae Tae. I've seen you in I Need U and Run. You are able! Listen, at the end of the day, it is you that is doing this, not me. But I strongly think you should go for it. I wouldn't pass this up. This can even help you improve your acting skills." she smiled warmly.

She bumped her shoulder into him, making him giggle. "Tae, just sleep on it, okay? Don't overthink it. When your mind is clear and focused, just think about it and call them to give them your answer. But just know that I will support you in your decisions and do whatever I can to help you practice for the drama if you say yes."

Taehyung stared at her and couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness wash over him as he took her encouragement to heart. Grabbing her gloved hand, he squeezed it while smiling softly at her.

"Ennie...thank you."


"No, really. Thank you for being my friend. I was hoping someone would be awake and find me here. To talk to me about this. You always know when to pop up when I need you. You gave me a lot of strength. Thank you."

"I'm glad I can call you my friend, Tae. And I'm really happy to hear that. Also, don't forget...Taehyung hwaiting!" she happily announced, pumping her fist. Afterward, she nervously laughed, covering her mouth while he giggled at how cute she looked saying that to him. "Sorry, I just wanted to cheer you up. Was that too much? Too cringe?"

"Hehehe, no...not at all, Ennie."

The next morning, Jennie had been in her room catching up on her TV shows when she saw Taehyung walking in her room excitedly.

"Morning!" she beamed.

"Morning, Ennie!" his boxy smile came across his features as he sat on her bed. "I slept on it..."

"Oh, you did? You made a decision?"

"I just got off the phone with them. I accepted it."

Her eyes widened and she pulled him in for a hug, delighted for him as he laughed. "I am so happy! You're going to do great! We'll practice all night if we have to!"

He giggled. "I appreciate it. Thank you Ennie."

A few hours later, Jennie saw Tony happily jump on her bed to interrupt her watching her show. 

"Tony! How are ya today?" she petted him and started to give him a belly rub. She then noticed an odor coming from him and realized that he was in serious need of a bath. "Tony, you stink! I need to clean you."

As soon as the dog noticed what was about to happen, he tried to get out of it by whining. But Jennie wasn't having it.

"Tony, you stink. I need to give you a bath. Hey, no. Not the puppy dog eyes. You are not getting away from this. Let's get this bath over with." 

She picked him up as he whined louder and began walking to the bathroom in the hallway. She set him down and saw him giving her an even sadder look. 

"Tony! Come on~!" she complained as his sad look started to get to her. "No, we are not doing this. You are not giving me that sad look. You're getting cleaned. Ugh, how come you do this to me and not Jungkook?"

Jungkook laughed in the background, leaning up against the door. "Because he knows you'll give him whatever he wants."

Turning around to see him smiling, she replied, "Not today! He needs to get cleaned." 

Tony immediately went over to his dad and rubbed against him to try to get him to talk Jennie out of it. It worked before but this time Jungkook sighed. 

"Sorry boy, listen to Jennie. You have to get cleaned, this time."

Tony seemed to have given up on the sweet gestures and decided to accept his fate while Jennie got the bath settled.

"I got him." Jungkook picked him up and gently placed him in the tub. He then sat on the floor with Jennie to help wash him. "I think he likes it. Cute." he chuckled softly when they noticed their dog splashing around.

Jennie used the shower head to wet him thoroughly, carefully making sure not to get any water in his ears or eyes.

"Good, that'll be easy then." she grabbed the dog shampoo and began to go to work to wash him with Jungkook. 

Tony seemed to enjoy it, which made the couple laugh. But then he jumped out of the tub and ran out of the bathroom, still covered in shampoo. 

"Tony, noooooo!" she shouted.

Jungkook promptly rushed out of the room to run after the dog, who was making the floor wet wherever he ran. 

"Tony! We're not done!" he laughed out loud.

"Goodness gracious. I didn't think it'd be this hard." Jen stood up and walked out of the bathroom to help Jungkook chase him. 

After a few minutes, Jungkook managed to grab him and they resumed washing him. While rinsing him off with the shower head carefully, they got splashed and wet in the process once Tony shook his body and spread water all over the place.

"Agk!" Jungkook tried to shield himself from the water with Jennie. 

He turned to her and started laughing again before they washed him a second time to make sure he was nice and clean. Jennie and Jungkook were soaked while trying to clean him but they didn't complain as they had fun washing him.

"Ta-da! You're clean!" Jennie took Tony out and began to dry him with a towel. "You did it, Tony! I'll give you a treat once I finish drying you up."

Jungkook stretched and then bent over the tub to take out the plug that was holding the water in the drain. 

Standing up, Jennie let Tony go free and glanced at Jungkook's butt as an idea popped into her head. Feeling playful, she kicked his butt, making him fall right into the tub as she burst out in laughter.

Jungkook was a bit surprised that she would attack him like this. Nonetheless, he'd make sure to have the last laugh.

Grabbing the shower head, she prepared for him to stand up and when he did, she sprayed him as he tried to block his face. Jungkook's entire body got soaked as he tried to evade her attack while the room was filled with her laughter.

Having enough, he got out of the tub and began walking forward while she took a few steps back, continuing to spray him. She let out a scream in surprise when he grabbed a hold of her and grabbed the shower head.

"No!" she pulled it back as they went back and forth trying to fight for it. But then he yanked it out of her hands and began spraying her with water as she tried to block her face. "Kook!"

All she heard was his loud laughter before they began to wrestle around for the handheld showerhead.

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1 year ago

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 67- BTS RUN Episodes 4-9

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 67- BTS RUN Episodes 4-9

Words: 3,000+


Episode 4

Wearing white shirts and red shorts, the members filmed this episode in a swimming pool. The game they will be playing today is called 30 Seconds Gate. They must clear the mission in 30 seconds. Three missions will be played today to decide the final winner.

“Do you see the buoy behind you? In 30 seconds, you must move two Jenga pieces using chopsticks.” they were told.

“Oh wow, great,” Jen mumbled. 

Here she thought they were just going to have a swimming competition. She should’ve known better.

‘Round 1 Rules are to move to the buoy with the Jenga tower. Take two Jenga pieces out by using chopsticks. Clear if you stack them up. Fail if it falls or time is over.’

“Hold on, let me go first,” Rapmon announced.

“Then I should go right after Rap Monster.” Jimin raised his hand.

“Nope. I’m going first.” Jen stepped in front of the guys and put her hair in a high bun.

“Good luck!” Jungkook shoved her from behind, making her fall in as she yelped. 

He giggled loudly while the rest of the members cackled uncontrollably. Still, in shock, she swam up and moved her wet hair from her face. She ended up cursing at him which had to be bleeped out as the members laughed harder. Turning to the buoy, she slowly swam to it. For Jen’s strategy, she decided to move cautiously and not rush. She wanted to be accurate with her movement. Carefully grabbing the chopsticks, Jennie moved two pieces as she heard the whistle blow.

’29 seconds!’

“It’s better than going over, I’ll take it.” she fist pumped.

Jimin shoved Rapmon into the water, and the members laughed and applauded. 

“Just let me swim!” Rapmon yelled. 

After watching him, he managed to get 28 seconds. With Jimin, who happily jumped into the pool, he cleared it in a jaw-dropping 13 seconds.

“Go!” Jimin yelled and shoved Jin into the pool as everyone whooped and applauded.

“Ding, ding, ding, ding, ta la la la~!” the members danced and sang. 

Unfortunately for Jin, he facepalmed as soon as the blocks fell and he would have to drink some garlic juice. V suffered the same fate while Jungkook prepared to jump in. To get him back from earlier, Jennie kicked him in the butt, causing him to fall in as the members whooed and cheered for her sneak attack.

“Ahahah, that was priceless!” Jimin laughed.

“Payback by Jennie!” V giggled.

“He deserved that-ah!” she yelped when Jungkook grabbed her ankle. 

She lost her balance and fell as he dragged her in with Jin and Hobi trying to grab her back but failing.

“Fight! Fight! Fight!” Jimin and Taehyung cheered as they watched JenKook splash each other with water and start grabbing onto each other.

“That’s for earlier, you punk!” she jumped on his back and wrapped her arms around his neck to try to choke him.

“D-don’t drown him!” Hobi laughed.

“Break them up!” Jin exclaimed.

“Ah, let them keep fighting!” Suga waved them away.

After separating and laughing, Jen got out of the pool and simmered down while everyone watched Jungkook attempt to move two pieces which he cleared successfully.

When it was J-Hope’s turn to jump in, he automatically failed the mission because the blocks had fallen from the impact of him coming in the pool. Once he came out, he flipped his hair and ran a hand through it while requesting ARMY to make lots of gifs. The losers who managed to fail the first mission were given garlic juice to drink as they pretended to film a garlic juice commercial. Watching V down the drink in one gulp and seeing his face twist up in disgust made Jennie cringe as the members laughed.

“Due to time constraints, we will skip the next loser.” The PD announced, which made the rest of the losers excited and happy as they began to cheer and yell happily.

For round 2, the mission is the unfold the paper crane in 30 seconds. They would just have to walk to the table on the buoy and will clear the mission if it’s unfolded in 30 seconds. Jennie started off first, slowly walking on the buoy. Grabbing one of the paper cranes, she carefully opened it and managed to get 18 seconds.

“Effortful.” she gave the camera a thumbs up.

Jimin seemed to be killing it in this episode of Run because he kept simply getting things done quickly. It impressed Jennie. As she continued to watch, Suga failed his mission because the paper had ripped and the members raised their hands to agree that he should fail the mission if the paper was ripped.

“It ripped!” Suga accused as Jin held up his finished paper. 

All of a sudden, Jin slipped and fell, making a big splash as the members laughed and Jennie widened her eyes. J-Hope had also failed with 32 seconds.

For the final mission, the members would have to transfer Coke from one bottle to another. They must walk to the table with a 500ml Coke bottle and an empty one and they will clear the mission once they transfer the Coke to the empty bottle within 30 seconds.

For a prank, V and Rapmon had shaken some Coke bottles to try to make some fail the mission. It worked because Suga failed and so did Jennie and Jin as the members laughed. When it was V’s turn, Jennie applauded his skill when he turned the bottles around so the soda could drop into the empty bottle without a big mess.

“I should’ve done that,” she said.

In the end, Jimin was announced as the MVP, which he rightfully deserved after how he made the challenges look so simple while Jin was forced to drink the garlic juice.

“I will finish it with a quote by Won Bin,” Jin said on camera. “I still have one more shot.” he drank the juice but immediately cringed as everyone laughed at his face.


Episode 5

For this episode, the members were on a soccer field to play Korean traditional games to celebrate Chuseok. 100 seconds Sports Day was the theme. The members had to complete six missions in 100 seconds. Missions are completed in a relay and they have five chances and will receive penalties if they fail.

“So, is it BTS vs crew members?” Rapmon asked.

“Sure.” the crew responded.

For Round 1, Jungkook spun around quickly and kicked the shuttlecock before tagging Suga. Suga placed a block on his chest and slowly made his way over but failed so Jungkook had to go back to spin around ten times and go back to Suga. When he finally dropped the block to hit the block on the floor, Suga tagged J-Hope who struggled with opening the bag of chips with his feet.

“We might need Jin on this one,” Jen commented as she watched him struggle. They received a mission failed and the members began to roughly kick him for making the team fail. “Jin, you’re gonna have to do this. You’re skilled with your feet, so switch places with J-Hope.”

Soon after, Jin took his place and the members started over. He opened the bag instantly and went to Jennie who had to carefully walk to Rapmon with an egg on a spoon. 

‘Don’t drop, don’t drop.’ she thought

“Come on Ennie~!” V cheered

Once she made it, she set the spoon and egg down and high fived Rapmon. Things went smoothly but once it came to V and he tried to toss the milk carton into the bin, it fell and the member yelled in defeat.

Jungkook and V switched places for round three but Suga ended up tossing the shuttlecock through the fence outside.

“What is going on!?” Jennie yelled at the heavens and dropped to her knees. “WHHHHHHHHHY!?”

Jimin and the rest of the guys rushed over to Suga and began to stomp on him.

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 67- BTS RUN Episodes 4-9

For Round Four, the members tried it yet again, determined to get it correct. When it was Jungkook’s turn, he chugged the carton of milk as the members started yelling and jumping around him.

“Let’s go Kookie! Drink that milk! Drink!” Jen cheered.

“Hurry Jungkook! Calcium!” Suga yelled.

“You’re getting taller!” Rapmon yelled.

But once Jungkook tried to toss it in, he failed as Jimin threw the milk carton at the Golden Maknae. For the fifth and final round, the members attempted to make sure everything went according to plan. Jungkook managed to get the milk carton in and once they made it to Jimin, he successfully caught the Songpyun in his mouth.

“AHHHHHHHHHH!” The members yelled and ran with their hands up high in victory.

Jennie ended up doing cartwheels around the soccer field and then V jumped on her back as she ran around. 

“Thank you, Lord! Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!” she fell down on the grass after he got off. “No punishment!”

After settling down, the members watched in delight as the crew members drank the horrible drink mixed by them. The sourness of the drink was strong based on the smell and Jen almost felt bad for the crew.


Episode 6

‘A small Catholic church in a village. Many visit here to confess their sins to a priest. Hearing that, BTS members secretly visited here.’

For this episode of BTS Run, the members were to confess their sins while Suga and Jimin were portraying priests for the episode. After waiting, it was finally Jen’s turn as she walked in and sat in front of Suga.

“Hi.” She smiled.

“Welcome. What brings you here?” Suga asked.

“I’m here to confess my sins. So...I kind of cussed out some of the members because they purposely ate my smarties that I had just ordered and received from the mail when I went out for another rap lesson with Suga.”

Suga ended up laughing to himself as he remembered the memory of her cussing them out in English. It was just a prank to continue the prank war but apparently, her smarties were off limits if she had just received them that same day. It was a tie between messing with Jin’s Mario collection or her smarties. He didn’t regret it because seeing her like that was hilarious and it was worth getting cussed out at.

“I should control my frustration but y’all know how I feel about my smarties, so...I just hope that next time the guys will think with their brain and understand that my smarties are off limits.”

“Yes, this is serious.”

“Oh, and I have another one. I kind of messed up.” she laughed and covered her face.

“Another? What did you do?”

“It’s...about Suga.”

“What about him?”

“I really hope that he can forget this matter. It was just an accident and I’ve been keeping it in for months.”

“What did you do?” he asked again in a low tone, preparing for the worst as Jennie had to refrain herself from laughing.

“Okay, okay, I need Suga to promise me that he won’t get mad.”

“He won’t get mad.”

“All right, so...remember back at the time when Suga’s studio was rearranged and created into a pool party? And he immediately blamed Jimin and Taehyung because of what had happened last time?”

“Where are you going with this...?”

“Let’s say that...I was the-“

“Are you serious?”

“Aye! Aye! You promised you wouldn’t get mad. I’m sorry! I thought it was funny!”

Suga exhaled sharply, contemplating if he should kill her. It took weeks to find his items and get things back in order. 

“Give me your finger,” he demanded.

“Why should I?”

“Give me your finger.”

“Oh gosh...” she put a finger through one of the holes in the wall separating them. She laughed and winced in pain when he grabbed and twisted it. “Ow! You said you wouldn’t get mad!”

“I’m not mad. This isn’t mad.” he let go. “Your sins are forgiven. Suga cannot be mad at you. It was...a little funny to say the least.”

“Thank you. I’m glad to hear that.” she stood up. “Can I have a hug?”


“Please?” she opened her arms out.

“Aish...” he shook his head and embraced her.


Episode 7

For this episode, the members arrived in Inje for a Silmi-do special. The members were told that what they doing would be a survival picnic and split up into two teams. Jimin, Suga, Jennie, and J-Hope were in one team, while the rest of the members were on the other. Jennie’s team wore black vests while Jungkook’s team wore red vests. The game will last for 30 minutes, and each team will play by offense and defense in paintballing. If shot by a paintball, you’ll have to return to your camp to rejoin and if you enter the enemy’s camp without getting shot then your team will win. As they prepared, Jungkook’s team huddled up together to discuss strategy. 

“We really need to watch out for Jennie, she’s good at defense.” V brought up.

“We should go after her first.” Jungkook nodded.

With Jen’s team, she discussed strategy with her teammates. “I think that we should be on a defensive route and be careful. Let’s not go in guns blazing. Hide in various spots." 

As each team prepared, Jennie leaned against a tree, turning to the camera filming her. “Let’s do this thang!”

‘Reds vs Blacks, who is going to win?’

‘BTS Survival Round 1’

The red team rushed quickly while the black team focused on defense and stayed close like Jennie requested. It seemed to have worked because Suga instantly shot Rapmon while Jennie also shot him in the butt.

“OW!” Rapmon yelled and rubbed his behind.

As the game went on, Suga announced, “They’re running out of bullets!” as Team Black regrouped to take on Team Red.

“No bullets? Let’s make a run for it to the camp!” Jennie announced as they dashed away.

“Run! Run!” Team Black yelled. 

Jennie instantly jumped into Team Red’s camp, for her team to win the first round.

“Woo!” she yelled and high fived her teammates. 

She took off her mask and took a deep breath.

“Victory screech!” she mimicked the Spongebob scene as J-Hope joined her.

Suga took off his mask and fell to his knees, laughing. “Why is this so exhausting?”

‘Round 2’

Soon as the second round began, Team Red pushed Team Black hard as they got more aggressive.

“J-Hope!” Jennie laughed when he began screaming and running to the trees like Suga ordered him. 

Jungkook endlessly continued to shoot at J-Hope, while Jennie continued to hide. Seeing J-Hope getting ganged up on, she ran and saved him, grabbing him and making him hide behind a tree so he could calm down. 

“Don’t move. Stay there, relax, I got you.” she chuckled and continued shooting at Jungkook.

The game was intense with constant screaming from J-Hope and the sounds of paint bullets flying around.

“Oh, my God...” she laughed as J-Hope continued screaming around.

Before she knew it, Jungkook started going after her as she managed to hide behind a tree, avoiding bullets. But it wouldn’t be too long before her bullets were out and she remained calm, trying to think of a solution.

She shrieked when she noticed him coming her way and she managed to grab a hold of his gun as they stumbled around.

“Ow!” she yelled and fell to the ground, holding her stomach when he pushed the trigger by accident.

“You okay!?” he kneeled down. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”

“I’m good, I’m good,” 

After realizing she was okay, he went back to win the game for his team, sprinting right over to Team Black’s camp to win the round.

“Ennie~! Ennie no! No! My baby!” Jimin rushed over to her, who was still on the ground. “You killed her! JEON JUNGKOOK~!”

“This boy really shot me in the stomach though...” she groaned and got helped up by Jimin.

After regrouping and taking off the equipment, the members discussed the game, pointing out where they were shot. In the end, Team Red won with 31 respawns which made them the winner.

“Awwwww.” Jimin laughed and turned around.

“It’s okay, guys. We tried. We had fun.” Jennie patted her teammates on the back while Team Red jumped up and down in celebration.


Episode 8

In a continuation of the previous episode, the members wore helmets, knee and elbow pads for this episode. The members would have to find flags and get meal tickets. Some are blank flags so the members individually will have to work hard to find as many flags as they can.

After playing rock, paper, scissors, Jennie, Rapmon, Jimin and Taehyung were on the walking team while Jin, Suga, Jungkook, and J-Hope were able to ride the bikes.

“My legs are killing me.” Jennie sighed as they got in position. 

Once the whistle blew, the walking team ran to the mountains. All that was on her mind was finding as many flags as she could. Managing to find one but it was blank, she continued to walk around with a camera following her. 

“This is like Running Man. I really want to be in another episode. Running Man, call me! I am ready! Ooh anotha' one!” she grabbed another flag.

She began to walk through the area that Jimin had already been in after he found some more flags, so she had no luck and started searching for another place. 

“You mean to tell me that there are no flags around here at all? Come on!” she huffed as she walked around with her aching legs. “I shouldn’t have run.”

She bumped into Taehyung. “You find any?” he asked

“Only two but they’re blank.”

“I still haven’t found anything.” he giggled.

As the treasure hunt went on, Jennie could not for the life of her find anything else and only remained with the two flags. Time was up for the flag hunt and the members revealed the flags that they had.

“Guys, I have three flags.” Jimin took the flags he was hiding from under his hoodie.

“Woooooow.” Jen shook her head

“You have all meal tickets!” Rapmon exclaimed. “Give me. Give me.”

“Count me in.” Jungkook tried to take one but Jimin playfully pushed him away.

“You go. He called me trash.” Jimin accused.

“Wow! Really Jungkook?” Jennie shook her head in disappointment, playing along.

“Trash is too harsh,” Suga added. “That’s too much.”

“When did I say that?” Jungkook slammed his flag on the ground and everyone laughed.

J-Hope picked the flag up to get the sausage flag, claiming it for himself. In the end, Jimin ended up giving Jungkook and Taehyung flags while Rapmon gave Jennie one of his meal flags.


Episode 9

Continuing from the previous episode, this time, the members were on edge except for Jungkook because they were going to be bungee jumping. It was 63ft in height which Rapmon explained is the highest in Korea. For this mission, the members would have to express a song title with body language. Once split into two teams, each team will bungee jump while the others from the other team try to guess the song.

“What is this?” Jennie exclaimed.

These missions were getting more and more complex. You want her to risk her life and almost die by jumping from that height and trying to express a song with her body? Goodbye!

“I hate this. I hate this,” she murmured and signed the papers. “Mom, dad, sisters, ARMY, 'errbody, I love y’all but today is the last day of my life and I just want to say that I thank you for making my life fun and I will see y’all again in the afterlife.”

Suga, J-Hope, Jennie, and Jimin stood on the ground as they watched Jin go up. Jennie widened her eyes as she watched him jump and yell “Eat Jin!”

“Oh my God! Do we have to do this!?” she exclaimed. 

She was so going to fail this mission because she already knew she would focus on screaming instead.

“This guy...” Jennie exclaimed when Jungkook jumped fearlessly.

Next up was Jen’s team to jump as she made her way up, freaking out.

“Jennie fighting!” the members shouted.

“Oh God...” she exhaled shakily as she looked up at the night sky and city lights. 

But when she looked down, her butterflies worsened while Rapmon, V, Jungkook, and Jin stood out to watch.

“I believe in you! Let’s go, Jennie!” V shouted.

“Represent the Golden Duo! You got this!” Jungkook added.

Jumping, she screamed, “Smarties!” until her screaming became high pitched as the members laughed at her suffering. 

Tears flowed through her eyes as she was swinging around. She was soon back on the ground, resting her back on a bench.

“I’m alive! Thank you, Jesus,” she covered her face with tears in her eyes. Tears of joy that she survived. “I’m sorry but I couldn’t see anything, I dunno what was going on.”

“How did you feel jumping?” she was asked

“Let’s...not do that again, please. My heart can’t take it.”

Back safely, Jennie wiped her tears while Jimin, Suga and J-Hope embraced her, cheering that she got through with it. After the members continued to jump, they all regrouped as they applauded their efforts for jumping even though they were timid.

In the end, the members received certificates for their hard work and bravery in bungee jumping.

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1 year ago

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 70- Jungkook's Confession

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 70- Jungkook's Confession

Chapter Summary: Passion runs high when Jungkook finally makes his move to confess his love to his best friend

Words: 4,000+

Author's Note: I have reread and edited this so many damn times. I get so nervous about this chapter. Like if it was worth the wait and if it would be well received. Like damn 70 chapters to get to this point? But I wanted to focus more on building the friendship and how feelings slowly came about. I hope you enjoy it! We are finally here! This is one of my favs. And mannn Alina Baraz was getting in my feelings when I was listening to her music.

Trust the process. We are almost there! Happy reading :)

------ Finally knocking, the anticipation killed him as he anxiously waited for her to open the door.

He was ready.

No turning back, no regrets. Confess and leave, that was the plan. Nothing more, nothing less. At least that was what he thought would happen tonight.

From Jimin and Taehyung's words about getting carried away, Jungkook didn't think he would. However, being alone in a room with Jennie after telling her his feelings could lead to some tension. He hoped that it wouldn't be anything bad and she'd take his words well. He had a lot of negative thoughts on how she would react. If she would feel awkward and say that she didn't feel the same or if she liked someone else. 

Jungkook needed to push through. This had been building for so long, that he was beginning to wonder if his hyungs' words were true.

Was he going to be able to go by his plan or let his actions speak louder than his words?

Once the door opened, his heart skipped a beat when he was greeted by that smile he loved. Her hair was down, which was something he always adored as it framed her face beautifully. He noticed that she was on her phone, speaking to a friend as she let him in. He also regarded that she was already dressed and ready to leave soon for the airport.

"Yeah, we'll definitely have that sleepover soon," she spoke in her native tongue while Jungkook shut the door behind him. "Hey, Amber, I'll call you when I'm back home, all right? Love you girl!"

After hanging up and putting her phone in her pocket, she turned around, smiling brightly. "Kook! I'm happy to see you!"

"I'm uh...happy to see you, too." he smiled nervously. "You forgot your lotion."

"Ah! I was looking for this! Thank you!" she took it and packed it in her bag. 

Jungkook watched her and smiled softly as she rambled, "I love me some cocoa butter. I would've been so upset if I forgot it. Ah...I can't wait to go home. It's nothing like going back home to see your family and friends, right? I'm very fortunate that Big Hit allowed this. It's going to be pretty busy. A little interview with Billboard and hanging with JRE, I'm super excited. BTS is really moving up and getting that exposure. I believe 2016 will be a great year for us."

"Yeah...I believe so, too."

"So, what's up?" she faced him with a smile.

"I uh, wanted to see you."

"You saw me." she teased. "Came here to game before I leave? I think Tae has the Wii U. I'm sure we can play one quick round."

She always made time for him and never complained. It was something he always appreciated.

Jungkook shook his head and sniffed. "No, not right now. I wanted to speak with you."

"All right. What is it?"

"There's something that I uh, wanted to tell you for a while, now. Something I wanted you to hear at least once from me, personally."

"Spit it out, don't keep me in suspense." she grinned. Jennie couldn't help but notice him looking a little off and her face slowly changed to concern as she spoke again, " good?"

Jungkook tilted his head to the side before rubbing the back of his neck. "Th-there's something that I've been trying to tell you for a long time now,"

His nervousness came back at the worst time. He was already stumbling over his words. He needed to keep himself composed and not mess this opportunity up.

"There's that look again," she called out. "Just like when I told you that you looked like you needed to say something important. What do you need to tell me? You know you can tell me anything."

"I-I know but this has been harder than I thought it would be. And I know you're about to leave and this is going to be terrible timing but..." he exhaled and shook his head. "But I won't chicken out, anymore. No more getting nervous. I need to say what I need to say to you...I can't bear to let you hear this from someone other than me when almost everyone knows but you."

"What are you talking about?"

"I was wondering when I'd be man enough to finally tell you how I feel...about us. Our friendship. Everything. I know this isn't going to be perfect or like I planned out in my head countless times but I can't hold this in, anymore. I've watched from afar for too long and I can't help but think if I don't say this now, I'll be too late." he paused, letting out a shaky breath. "What I'm about to tell you is going to be extremely selfish. But I need you to know."

Jennie watched him. He was acting so weird, just what was the problem?

"Kook, I think you're freaking out over nothing. What can you possibly say to me that is making you this nervous? Just say it." she laughed lightly, trying to lighten the mood.

Jungkook hesitated, looking down at his feet. Jennie, deciding not to pry, waited for him to speak again with a patient smile. Whatever was on his mind, was clearly serious.

Before he knew it, the words slipped out of his mouth as he met her gaze.

"I can't think of you as a friend, anymore."

As he predicted, her face slowly fell and her lips parted in shock. The entire room went silent as he watched her try to comprehend what he just told her. It felt like minutes went past before he eventually heard her speak.

Furrowing her eyebrows, she stuttered, "Wh-what?"

"I can't think of you as a friend, anymore," he repeated.

"What?" she responded incredulously.

"I can't...see myself as your friend."

Did he mean he didn't want to be friends, anymore? Or did he mean...

"I-I think Jimin and Taehyung hit you a little too hard while you were play fighting-"

"My mind is here and made up. I don't want to just be friends, anymore, Jennie."

She looked at him, puzzled. "...why?"

"Because I...I want more than what we have," he said softly.

"Kook..." she said, slowly shaking her head. "...don't go there..."

"I need to go there. We're not kids, anymore. I can't just stand here while other guys are considering asking out the girl that I want to be mine. I can't just stand here and not tell you how much I want you. I can't just stand here and not say how you make me feel."

Jennie's stomach had dropped as soon as he said that. She had been trying to avoid any type of feelings for him for months. She thought she managed to get over them but now he comes by and says this to her, screwing up those plans? Taking her off guard and he says this when she is minutes away from going to the airport?

"Don't play with me," she murmured in a tight, shaky voice, waiting for him to say that this was a prank.

He was not going to do this to her like this. Not when she was about to leave. He was not going to drop this on her, right now. This wasn't funny. 

As she waited, that same serious expression was on his face and she realized that he wasn't joking.

"Kook?" she called out nervously as he kept his head up high. " have no idea how much our friendship means to me,"

"I'm fully aware."

"You're fully aware? Then why are you...why are you...Kook we...I..." she hesitated and looked away. "We can't-"

"Don't do that." he interrupted softly.

" this...this shouldn't happen, Kook."

"Is that your doubts in your head or your heart speaking?" he questioned firmly. "I've been observing you for the last couple of months. And thinking back to the day we kissed under that you act around me ever since you told me you had a weird dream about a you were looking at me during Season's jealous you were when we went to the costume store in America and those girls were flirting with you act with me compared to other guys, it just makes me believe that this isn't one-sided. And it kind of makes me think that you want me just as much as I want you. Maybe deep want me more than you think."

She couldn't bring herself to reply to that, tongue-tied as she averted her eyes. It was like he just punched the wall she was trying to hold up between them.

But was he right? 

Did she want him just as much, if not more than him? After all this time?

Jungkook noticed that she hadn't disregarded anything he had said, and it gave him the confidence to continue to speak.

"Your heart is racing, isn't it? And you're feeling all these crazy emotions? Do you feel confused? Maybe a little scared? I'm feeling that way, too. It's weird, I know. I thought this was a little crush and I'd get over it after a few weeks, but no. My feelings for you have only gotten stronger." he went on. "Do you have any idea how you make me feel? Do you have any idea how much I am...deeply in love with you?"

'Jungkook...' she thought, overwhelmed as tears began to develop in her eyes.

It was like she couldn't even breathe. How can he be in love with her? 

Why her?

"Every day I beat myself up for taking this long to finally tell someone as special as you that I want you to be mine. I want to kiss you. I want to cuddle with you. I want to take my time with you and show you how wanted and amazing you are. I want to go on dates with you. I want to have disagreements with you and work through them together. I want to wear matching outfits with you and surprise you with smarties. I want to see you in my white shirts and other clothes that are clearly too big for you but you would make them look cute."

Tears streamed down her face and she quickly wiped them away. Why did he have to say this now when she was about to leave?

"I want to be as cheesy as we can possibly be together, and I even want you to be my Pepper Potts while I am your Tony Stark. And as much as I love Tony...I'll even be your Captain America again if you asked me to. But as long as you promise me that you'll dress up as Iron Man, one day. I can see your reaction now, the cutest thing." he chuckled at the thought, glancing at the floor for a moment.

Looking back up, he added, "And the smiles that you give me are the cutest thing I ever seen. I even get a little jealous when you smile that way with other guys because I want that specific smile all to myself."

'Kook...please...' she begged in her head. 

She wanted to get out of the room because everything that he was telling her began to overwhelm her and it was too much for her heart to handle.

"You have this...adorable habit of scrunching your nose which I love. Your eyes sparkle when someone mentions Smarties, Ailee, or Nike, too. And I meant what I said back when we ate lamb skewers for the first time. Your black skin is beautiful. Always. And as I see us dating, I think about the playfights we'll have together. The debates about Iron Man and Captain America. And I know it was me you were dreaming about."

That prompted her to look at him in surprise. 

How'd he find out? 

Was it her body language? 

Did she make it that obvious? 

But like he said, he had been observing her for a while, putting the puzzle pieces together. She felt her cheeks flush at the dream she had tried to put behind her.

"I have those dreams about you, too," he admitted as she proceeded to look at him in surprise. "You were who I was talking about when we spoke about the dream in your studio. You were the one I was thinking about when I said that she'll know I'm far from being a baby behind closed doors. So, when we get serious and when we are ready...I want to be your first in other ways besides being your first boyfriend. Showing you what I'm capable of. Showing you how special you are to me. Only if you'd let me."

'Give me the strength...' she thought while exhaling as his words stuck in her head.

There were so many women who were head over heels for him. But come to find out he only wanted her? And after all this time she finds this out?

"I even want to act dorky together, show you memes, and play video games with you, too," he added. "All of this, and more that I want to do, not as your friend. But your boyfriend. As the guy that is in love with you."

He slowly approached her and grabbed her hands, holding them as he gazed down at her with teary eyes.

"Every time I see you, do you have any idea how hard it is to not kiss you? That seeing you smile makes my day 100 times better? Do you realize how happy I get when I am the one who brings that cute smile to your face? How jealous I get when guys give you more attention than usual and I have more competition?"

Seeing him gaze at her like this made her heart flutter. Her skin felt hot as he gently held her hands. This was too much to take.

"I can't even explain it but you just make me so happy when I'm with you. I feel like myself when I'm with you," he went on. "You always encouraged me and never gave up on me no matter how much I become frustrated when I don't sing like I want to or when I don't dance like I want to. You are always there. It's always been you. It's insane how one person can make you so happy and bring such joy to your heart. And that person that does that to me is you."

After a moment of silence, he squeezed her hands, murmuring, " to me. Say something."

She hesitated and released his hands. Turning around, she walked away from him to collect her thoughts.

Not every day your best friend shows up out of the blue to pour their heart out to you.

The tension started to become too much for her as her emotions were all over the place. The atmosphere, being alone in the room with him, she didn't know how much more she could take.

Turning around, she spoke, "I am about to go home and you really are going to tell me this, now?"


"Now? What are you doing?"

"Something I should've done a long time ago."

"I...I don't...understand, I can't can't just say things like that. You can't just say things like that when you know I am about to leave."

"I just did," he responded softly. "I meant every word and I'm not taking it back. I'm sorry I waited this long but I needed you to hear it just once. Bad timing and all."

"And what about the fans? I really don't want to be the cause of us losing fans. Backlash and all, I don't want to put you through that mess. I don't want to put you through that stress. All that drama on Bangtan and Big Hit, let's just..." she exhaled shakily and blinked her tears away. "L-look, I really think that we should just stay professional, okay? So just...please..."

"With you being alone with me in this room and the way you are looking at me, I doubt you just want to stay professional." Jungkook caught her in her explanation as she avoided eye contact yet again.

He caught her red handed. She couldn't deny it, he saw right through it. Jennie wanted to kick herself for how obvious her nervousness was becoming as he called her out on everything.

"You really want to go through all of that? All for me? What if you regret it?" she asked, managing to look back at him. "Dating me. I always used to think about that when it came to dating here. Like if someone would still want to hold my hand in public or if they would feel embarrassed to be seen with me because of who I am. Because I'm not their ideal type in this area. And then some of my family members are always nagging about when I'll date a black guy and stay within my race but it's's's overwhelming and annoying. It could be a whole mess if something goes wrong."

"What we have will overcome the drama. Us against the world? I'm standing next to you through it all. You deserve all the love you're getting," he declared. "They can try to do whatever they can to divide us but it won't work. I refuse to let that happen. I'm going to be right here, okay? I promise. And those fans we'll lose are not real fans of Bangtan, just closed-minded people. I want to do what makes me happy. Being around you makes me happy and making you mine will make me happy. Only if you'd let me."

The tension was starting to become unbearable for Jennie. She felt like needed to get out of this room, ASAP. The way his words made her feel emotions she never felt before, the way he was looking at her, the way she tried not to glance at his lips, the way he looked so good in that white shirt of his, everything made her want to do something that she felt like she shouldn't.

"It won't be a mess with you and me," Jungkook assured. "So, no more ifs when it comes to us. Being in love with you has been my biggest contentment. I have no regrets when it comes to you and I never will if you become mine."

He was so persistent. He had an answer to every single one of her apprehensions. She was desperately losing the battle to resist these feelings.

'Why is he making this harder for me?' she thought.

Jungkook could see that she was about to crack. She couldn't dodge this forever. The way she was looking at him, he knew and based on their heightened emotions, she could snap before he did. He was so close to snapping himself as he kept glancing at her lips.

"Just...just give me good reason why I shouldn't just kiss you, right now and show you how I feel." he courageously requested.

His bold statement caused her to widen her eyes.


In Jungkook's mind, the only good reason he thought of was if she said she didn't feel the same way. She was right where he wanted her and it was only a matter of time before she was unable to resist. The wall she had between them was cracking fast.

One more punch and the wall will break.

Truth be told, she couldn't find a good reason. She was just scared on the inside as she thought about the idea of giving someone her heart. Being vulnerable with someone.

Would it work? 

Him and her together? 

Dating her best friend? 

Would anything change if they date? Will they be able to keep things on the low to ensure the public does not know about them until they are ready to announce it?

"Jennie, I am not letting anyone change my mind on how I feel about you. No media, no ARMY, no one will change how I feel. And if ARMY really loves Bangtan like they always say, they will accept that I love you and support us. I refuse to let anything, or anybody try to take what we have. A relationship is between two people. I want a relationship with just you and me. No media, no rumors, no negativity, none of that but just us. I've seen so many couples get ruined because of that and I refuse to let our relationship follow that path. I love you too much to let something like that take you away from me."

That was love right there. Jen couldn't deny that. Everything he had said was something that she had always wanted. 

This was real.

"This was what you meant...this was what you wanted to tell me that would change our friendship. All this was me," she confirmed, turning her back to him. "All those talks we had...all those comments that I remember you saying...the random stares I get from other idols when you are around me...those weird feelings I get when we get so close...all because of this. What are you doing to me? Why? Just..." 

Watching her, he began to slowly make his way to her, step by step. He heard her stop rambling and felt her tremble when his firm chest was against her back. As he slowly wrapped his arms around her, Jen's heart rate quickened. She felt a sense of security in his arms and even though she enjoyed being like this, her mind continued to have an endless battle between staying in his arms or escaping.

"You can't think of a good reason, can you?" he asked.

After he said her name against her ear, it was game over because her body reacted on its own by turning around to look up at him. Before she could get a word in, he gently cupped her face and kissed her sweetly like he had something to prove. His nose had bumped into hers and he tilted his head to the side while his soft lips caught her by surprise.

Unable to fight it anymore, she gave in, kissing back as she closed her eyes.

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 70- Jungkook's Confession

It was like Jungkook became a new person. He couldn't control himself, he had to kiss her. He wasn't that little boy, any more and was determined to let her know that he loved and wanted her.

She felt his hands slowly move down to wrap his arms around her body as she held onto him and placed a hand on the back of his head. Jennie then placed her hands on his firm chest and deliberately ran her hands down.

As much as she was enjoying this, her mind continued to go crazy with various thoughts.

'I shouldn't be doing this...but this feels right...but he's my best friend...but his lips feel so right on mine...but we've been friends for so long...but maybe this was meant to be...why don't I want to this end?'

Feeling her slowly pulling away, Jungkook firmly grabbed her back by her hips to pull her against him. She let out a gasp before being silenced by his lips as he deepened the kiss.

As they kissed repeatedly, she felt everything that he was feeling while she wrapped her arms around his neck, letting him show her how he felt. As the kissing intensified, she let out a soft moan. He was so gentle as he caressed her, making her shiver. She felt like she was high as her heart proceeded to pound.

This just wasn't fair. After all this time trying to avoid this, she found herself in his arms. But her heart didn't want to be anywhere else.

After pulling away, Jungkook soon looked down and shook his head. "I'm sorry, I got carried away."

Part of him felt guilty for going this far. He didn't mean to kiss her so suddenly. He didn't mean to kiss her at all. That was not a part of the plan tonight. He just wanted to confess and leave but his heart had other plans. Something in him just couldn't let her leave without showing her how he felt.

Was this what his Hyungs meant? 

That emotions will run high and you'll get carried away?

"What was I thinking?" he thought out loud, shaking his head.

Abruptly, Jennie grabbed him by the hand when he was about to turn around, exclaiming, "Wait!" as they both looked surprised by what she had done.

Jungkook glanced down at their hands and back at her. She immediately let go of his hand and tried to think of an explanation while his gaze on her intensified.

That assuredly changed his mind. 

Looks like he didn't ruin anything after all.

Jennie was flustered at what she had just done. She didn't know what had gotten into her to grab him so suddenly. Various questions swarmed her mind. 

Why did she stop him? Why is his stare so enticing? Why did she have the desire to kiss him again? Why does he look so damn good, tonight? Why is she thinking of her best friend like this?

Before any of them could speak, they heard a loud ring and vibration. They realized it was Jennie's phone in her pocket and she took it out. She was actually waiting for Sejin to call her so he could take her to the airport, but it wasn't him. It was one of her friends who wanted to catch up.

Something changed in Jungkook's demeanor which caused him to gently grab her hand. 

"Don't answer it." he took the phone.

Rejecting the call, he immediately put it on airplane mode and tossed it on the bed.

"Everyone is always interrupting. Ruining any type of alone time I have with you," he spoke. "But not anymore. They can wait. This time just focus on us."

And she did as she spontaneously grabbed him by his shirt to pull him in for another kiss. It briefly shook him that she took the lead so suddenly. She then walked forward until his back was against the wall.

'Wow.' he thought in wonder. 

His curiosity grew and he decided to let her do whatever she wanted to him. When she grabbed him, it confirmed everything that Jungkook had said. He knew she wanted to stay like this. He felt everything and enjoyed her hands wandering all over him with no shame as she pressed up against him.

Jennie allowed herself to be vulnerable. No more walls between them. Each time they kissed, it was like they were kissing to make up for all those moments of emotions building. The doubts and hesitation went away. She relished the closeness and felt euphoric when she was with him.

Jungkook flipped their position easily when he promptly turned them around. A thump was heard when her back connected to the wall. She had her moment of leading, now it was time to resume where he left off. She soon felt his warm breath against her ear. 

"You're mine." she heard him say in English.

That statement made her shiver as her heart fluttered.

After pulling back to look at her, he gently lifted her chin to close the gap to kiss her deeply again as their eyes closed. All that was on his mind was her as he felt her hold onto him tightly. After all this time, he was finally able to kiss her the way he wanted. With no cameras around, with no one to interrupt them. 

They were alone. Together.

Their kissing got so passionate that Jen's knees began to feel weak. She had mentally prepared for the embarrassment of dropping to the floor but Jungkook bent down slightly with his hands under her thighs. He effortlessly hoisted her up as she said his name breathlessly and wrapped her legs around his waist. He didn't want her to go anywhere. She wasn't going to slip away when they were alone like this.

As he held her, he thought about how right it felt and how she fit right into his hands. As he kissed her, he thought about how her lips felt right on his.

Jennie completely underestimated him. She didn't think he would do all of this. And she didn't want him to stop what he was doing as she found herself enjoying this position, being pinned against the wall by him. Being kissed so sweetly like this.

Restricted by his large body and broad shoulders, she took his beanie off, dropped it to the floor, and ran a hand through his soft hair. One of her hands soon caressed his cheek as he continued to kiss her with determination to show her that his feelings were real. She continued to kiss him with the same amount of emotion.

Was this love?

Everything that she was feeling?

This unexplainable happiness?

Losing track of time, she noticed she was slowly getting set down. They both were catching their breath as their chests rose up and down heavily. Jen was so speechless at what they had done, that she couldn't move.

'You're mine.' she thought about his words as the butterflies in her stomach came back tenfold.

Jungkook pressed a forearm over her head and looked at her, lovingly. His face felt flushed from their previous actions but he was proud that he finally told and showed her how he felt.

"I don't want you to give me an answer now. We're emotional and I know you are about to leave," he said. "I want to hear it from you to confirm it. So, take all the time you need to think about this. I'll wait for your answer when you come back. I just needed to get this off my chest. If you say no, I'll understand. I would never force you to be with me. I'll still cherish you as my friend because I love you that much. But if you say yes to me, I'll be the best boyfriend you'll ever have,"

He removed his forearm and gently cupped her face. 

"I love you," he whispered in English and kissed her softly one last time before leaving the room.

Leaning against the wall, Jen stood there, stunned for a few minutes, trying to grasp what just happened and what she had just done with her best friend. 

Trying to understand what had gotten into her to do all that she did as she thought about her feelings.

She put her fingertips on her lips, reminiscing on the kisses he had given her, and let out a breath. Sliding down on the wall, she sat on the floor with her knees against her chest and pushed her hair back with her hands.

'I love you...' was the only thought on her mind.

What was she going to do?

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1 year ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 51- Things Got Personal

Forced To Believe Chapter 51- Things Got Personal

Chapter Summary:  The Shield resolves their issues. Ambrose and Morgan slowly start to get closer again. The Shield attacks Kane. Orton tries to sweet talk Morgan but she doesn't buy it. The New Age Outlaws shock the world when they put their hands on Chyna's cousin.

Words: 8,000+


"You're're right, I stood there and did nothing. But I had a good reason." Seth said. 

"Can't wait to hear this." Dean retorted. 

"I wanted to help you...but you were just as involved in the problem of The Shield just like Dean and Roman." Rollins said. 

"Oh, I see. So just because I got issues with my ex..." Morgan said as Dean cringed at 'ex'. "You decided to not help?" 

"Somewhat. When I left that and Dean started teaming up and working together, despite the issues you two have. You proved yourself out there. You gained respect from a lot of people because of what you've done." Seth explained while Dean looked unimpressed. 

Ambrose started to think about Morgan back at Raw. He admired her for her guts and the way she handled The Wyatts and Rosa. He wished he could have done more to help her but Bray caught him and threw him to the steel post. The way she was bleeding from the eye, he started to beat himself up because he thought it was his fault. But Seth should have got in the ring to help her out while he and Roman were down and out. 

"Look...we can call this right now. We can walk and go our separate ways. And guess what, we'll be fine, we're all talented people, but you know what? What if fine isn't good enough?" Seth asked while Roman and Morgan started to think about his words. "From the moment we came to WWE, we've been kickin' down walls! And if we stand together, united, no one can touch us. Not the Wyatt Family, not The Undertaker, not John Cena, no one. You know it, you know it, and you know it. So let's do what we do, let's be The Shield and take this place back!" 

Dean continued to look unimpressed. "That it? That's it? Oh, that's it. That's your great brilliant explanation by the architect-" He shoved Seth. "Of The Shield. I'm supposed to be okay with that?" 

"Hey! Calm down!" Morgan shouted as Roman tried to calm Dean down. 

"Yeah, I get it, I get it." Ambrose pushed Seth down but got shoved across the ring by Roman. 

"Enough!" Morgan angrily said as Dean and Seth got up. 

"All right, all right, you know what? I know what's gonna make this work. I know what's gonna make me feel better." Rollins slapped Dean in the face as the crowd 'Ohs'. 

Morgan's eyes widened. "Seth! What the heck!?" 

"I feel a lot better! That felt great!" Seth shouted. "And you know what I think? Now that, that's out of my system, I think you might need something out of your system too." Seth said as Dean got up and held his jaw. "So I'm gonna do what I do best, I'm gonna take one for the team. Because you know what? We gotta get on the same page! We gotta do-­" 

He was cut off by a punch from Ambrose and dropped down on his back.

"Dean!" Morgan shouted. "Aye! Enough!" 

Seth managed to get up and turned to her. "Come on, Morgan, I know you want a hit too. I'll take one for the team, again."

She exhaled through her nose and looked at him sadly, shaking her head. She didn't want to hurt him.

"Fine. Are we done here? Or are we done?" He put his fist out. 

"I got all my hits back at Raw," she said. "I don't need to hit you again. I don't want this. I don't the drama. We all just got back on the same page. We all have our issues but I don't want drama to interfere in us being united. I don't want what you did to me, to interfere in us staying united. I forgive you." She continued as Seth was received and thankful. "But next time you do that again, I will give you a Morganizer off a ladder and onto a table, are we clear?"

"Lesson learned," Seth replied as they grinned at each other. 

She turned to Dean. "And I don't want our strained past relationship issues to interfere with us being united, working together, or helping each other out. You showed me back on Raw. We worked together despite our conflict and I'm glad we did. So, maybe we have a chance at this. Maybe we can work all this out." 

She looked at her teammates. "We haven't been The Shield in some time now, and I want to change that. I want The Shield to be like it was when they debuted. I want to kick our victims before or even after you do the Triple Powerbomb on them." She chuckled as the guys started to smirk at the fond memories. "This conflict needs to be squashed. Right now. So...if you believe that we should stay together and united, then put your fist out with me." She put her fist out next to Seth and looked at Roman and Dean. 

Roman gripped his right wrist and slowly walked up to them before putting his fist up. Dean slowly walked up to them and put his fist out too as the crowd cheered and their theme came on. 

"Well, it appears tonight John, all four members of The Shield have swallowed their pride," Cole announced. 

"WWE beware. The Shield is back on the same page." JBL said. "They want their yard back." 

Morgan tweets 'Starting off fresh. #StillUnited #NoMoreIssues'


On Raw, The Shield and Kane were in The Authority's office. 

"I bet you're wondering why I asked you here. Gentlemen...lady..." Kane glanced at Morgan. "We need to talk. Last week on Raw, you lost to the Wyatt Family...again..." He turned to Dean who shot him a dirty look. "The first time was because you abandoned your teammates, which is exactly what you did, Monday night on Raw, Seth. And then on Smackdown, you aired your dirty laundry in public, in the most unprofessional manner." 

" there a point to all this?" Dean asked. 

"The point is...that The Shield has proven itself to be a valuable asset in the past. As Director of Operations, I've taken upon myself to light a fire under the four of you, to see if you remain a valuable asset. Or...if you become disposable." he said while Roman and Morgan gave him confused looks. "It seems to me that the first cracks in The Shield appeared when you two lost the WWE Tag Team title, to the Rhodes Brothers. So tonight you will face the Rhodes Brothers, to see if you can exercise that demon." 

"All right. That's cool. We'll take on the Rhodes brothers, anytime but Kane, I'm kinda wonderin' this about us?" Seth asked as Dean began to show an arrogant smirk. "Or are you trying to deflect a little of the attention away from the fact that last week on Main Event, you got pinned by Daniel Bryan?" 

"Again!" Dean said as Morgan smirked. 

She put her hand down low and Dean gave her a low five while Roman whispered in Seth's ear. 

"Oh yeah, yeah, yeah." Seth turned back to Kane. "Or...last week on Smackdown, when the Big Show knocked you out, and you got pinned by Daniel Bryan." 

"Again­-" Dean began. 

"Enough!" Kane yelled while Dean leaned back. "I am giving you the opportunity tonight, to step it up. Now go do it!" 

"Oh we'll step up...we always do," Dean said. "And we'll exercise that demon, you're talking about." 

Roman stepped up to Kane. "Just like we'll destroy any other demon that gets in our way. Believe that Kane...and believe in The Shield." 

'WWE Exclusive Video' 

"My guest at this time, Morgan Lopez." Renee grinned as the camera showed a happy Morgan smiling at her. 

"Hey!" The Outspoken Diva greeted. 

"So Morgan, last Monday was a bit chaotic. We just wanted to know your thoughts on your performance. You were bleeding and it got pretty intense. How is everything?" 

"It was scary. I was pretty scared when I started bleeding. My partners were down and out and I was left alone. I'm just glad nothing serious happened. My eye is almost done healing, and-" 

"You can't take a hit, can you?" Rosa asked as she walked over to her. She turned to Renee. "Leave." She said in a threatening voice as Renee backed away. 

"Really? Why don't you pick on someone your own size." Morgan retorted. 

"Being the heroine again? Wow...You whine about how you were bleeding on Monday, but you just can't accept the fact that I beat you last week. You're threatened by me. Tell did it feel to lose? How did it feel to have my boot on your face, making you bleed and have that ugly black eye?" 

"Honestly? It feels great because it motivates me to kick your ass." 

"Really? Well, can you do that with...two black eyes?"

"Two-­" Morgan began but got hit with a cheap shot by her. 

"Think you're so tough now!?" Rosa yelled and threw her to a vending machine, making the Outspoken Diva hold her head. 

She throws her face against the vending machine, making her fall and hold her head in pain.

"Can't manage The Shield now, huh?" She smirked and walked away while a few refs rushed over to help her.


During Seth and Roman's match against The Rhodes Brothers, Dean was at ringside, watching the action. Near the end of the match, Roman gets dropkicked out of the ring by Goldust after he breaks up Cody's pin. Seth throws Goldust out of the ring and starts trash talking him while he leans on the ropes. 

All of a sudden, the crowd boos once Rosa runs out. 

"Why is she out here!?" King asked

She gets on the apron and starts to distract Seth. 

"Get outta here!" He yelled and as soon as he turned around he got clotheslined by Cody as Goldust and Roman got back in the ring. The crowd begins to cheer when Morgan runs down the ramp. 

"There's Morgan!" King shouted. 

"Morgan was attacked by Rosa during her interview on the WWE App!" Cole informed as she grabbed Rosa's foot and dragged her down as she hit her head on the apron. 

She begins unloading on her as she tries to get away. Meanwhile, in the ring, Seth manages to hit Cody with a powerbomb off the turnbuckle and the Black Out for the win. Morgan gets off of Rosa, happy that her team won, and starts walking backward up the ramp.

"Now that was impressive." King praised. 

Rosa holds her head and glares at The Outspoken Diva. "Are you kidding me!?" She screamed and started to have a fit. 

"You didn't finish the job! You should have watched your back." Morgan replied. 


During WWE Main Event, Morgan walked around backstage as she got a loud reception from the crowd. Her eye was healed up and she found Ambrose and approached him as he finished taping up his hands.

"Hey," she greeted as they locked eyes.

They didn't know how many minutes had passed as they got lost in each other's eyes. He smiled at her and she broke eye contact, looking down at her feet.

"I uh...didn't mean to interrupt what you're doing..." She said as she ran her right hand through her hair and looked back up at him. "But I...I had to see you." 

"What's wrong?" 

She sighed. "Nothing it's...okay, look...just..."

"Morgan, what's wrong?" 

She let out another breath and wrapped her arms around his neck to embrace him as the crowd cheered. He was taken aback but smiled before wrapping his arms around her waist and they stayed like that for a while. She didn't mean to hug him but her emotions were starting to get the better of her. It felt so good to be in his arms again. They've yearned for this feeling for a while now and decided to savor the moment. 

Morgan couldn't help but notice how lean he got and how strong his arms felt around her waist. She could see and feel that he's changed. Not just physically but mentally. He seemed more devoted to making sure The Shield didn't have any more problems. And he looked more determined to capture her heart again. Sure he was still erratic and egotistical but he left a mark on her heart that she couldn't seem to get rid of no matter how hard she tried. 

After a minute of the comfortable silence and savoring the hug, she finally spoke up. "...Please be careful out there. Please be careful during your match against Mark Henry..." 

Ambrose responded by holding her tighter. "Morgan...I don't want to let go of something special between us...I'm sorry...for everything...I still love you..."

She pulled away and looked at him as he continued to speak, "If I earn that trust back, will we be all right?"

Would they? 

She gave him a sweet kiss on the cheek. "Maybe. I'll see you in the ring. Good luck out there,"

Dean began to smirk. She made him feel more motivated for his match tonight. He felt good and happy inside too. It was a weird feeling for him but only she could make him feel all these positive emotions. She said maybe and that's an answer he won't take for granted. He'll do whatever it takes to win her trust again. 


In the ring, Morgan was at ringside with Roman and Seth, watching Dean take on Mark Henry. Unfortunately, Mark began to take control of him during the first minutes of the match. He throws Dean out the ring as the crowd 'Ohs' at the impact of the fall. Mark gets out of the ring and stands before The Shield but he shows no fear. He throws Dean back in the ring and gets on the apron, only to be hit with a dropkick to the knee. 

"That's it. That's it. That's what I'm talkin' about!" Seth praised. 

Dean starts to get motivated and hits Mark with two knees to the back, outside the ring. 

"That's what I'm talkin' about!" Dean shouted as Morgan and Roman nodded in approval. 

He high fives Seth before getting Mark back in the ring. He begins to take control of him with submissions to take out Mark's left leg. 

"Finish him off," Roman said. 

"He's doing so much better than the first time," Seth added. 

"Totally." Morgan began to grin. 

"That's right." Roman nodded. 

Later on in the match, Dean gets on the top rope but gets thrown off by Mark. 

"Come on, you're still in control!" Seth banged on the mat. "Get up!" 

Mark starts to gain momentum and hits Dean with a power slam but he kicks out at two. Mark hits him with a headbutt, in tribute to the Junkyard Dog and goes for the pin again but Dean puts his leg on the bottom rope. 

"Ref! Hey!" Morgan got the ref's attention along with Seth and they showed Dean's leg. 

"All right, back it up. I see it." The ref said as the two members obeyed. 

"That's a smart move. That's a smart move." Seth complimented as Mark got out of the ring. "Hey, hey, hey, what are you doin'? You concentrate on him, not us. We didn't do anything." 

"We? You're on your own buddy." Morgan joked and patted his left shoulder before backing up. 

"Aw, nice. Thanks, Morgan." he sarcastically said as Roman looked amused. But things got serious once Mark got closer to them. "We didn't do anything." He tried to explain but got hit in the face as the crowd cheered. 

"Are you serious!?" Morgan exclaimed as she went to help Seth with Roman while Mark got back in the ring. 

Dean starts to stomp and unload on him but gets hit with a big boot. Mark gets on the middle rope but Roman gets on the steps and starts distracting him. Dean takes advantage and grabs Mark by the legs to bring him down face first. Then he does the headlock driver and goes for the pin to win the match.


'Smackdown WWE Exclusive Video' 

During the pre show of Smackdown, Morgan had on her Shield attire but was trying to find her hoodie. She walked over to The Shield's hideout and saw the guys getting ready.

"Hey, have you seen my hoodie?" she asked. When they all responded no, she sighed loudly. "Great..."

"You love hoodies, don't you?" Seth chuckled. 

"They are a symbol of who I am! I may not be able to rock heels or shorts but I can rock hoodies. I was in a good mood to wear one tonight." She frowned and walked away. 

Dean looked at the Shield hoodie he was wearing and took it off, going after her. Once he found her sitting on a big large equipment box on her phone, he approached her.

"Here," he gently put the hoodie over her shoulders, making her smile and turn to him.

"Thank you," she put it on. 

It was a little big on her but she liked it. It was warm and it had his smell which made her think about all the times he would hold her.

He took a seat next to her and they sat in silence for a moment.

"Do you remember when we faced The Wyatts on Raw? You know when I saw you all alone against them during Raw and when Seth left...I couldn't bring myself to watch you get eaten alive like that...I had to do something..." she spoke.

"Yeah, I heard that scream." 

"Heh, I guess my body had a mind of its own. It was like a reflex." 

"You know I admire you for your guts out there." He said with tenderness. 

"I admire you for your guts too." She replied as they started smiling at each other.

Later on, Triple H was in the ring with Damien, lecturing him about his actions during Daniel Bryan's Occupy Raw movement. Moments later, The Shield come out for a match.

"I got this," Dean said. 

"You beat Mark Henry on Main Event, I'll take him. Let me get this one. All right?" Seth bumped fists with them and got in the ring. 

'Ding Ding Ding' 

Seth and Damien lock up and Seth throws him out of the ring, in between Roman, Dean and Morgan. Sandow quickly slides back in the ring as Morgan starts to get amused. 

"Now he's scared." Seth chuckled. 

"Don't give him nightmares." Morgan teased, earning an amused smile from him.

Sandow gets hit with a dropkick and gets taken control by Seth but manages to catch him on the apron by kicking his knee and making him drop face first on the apron. Sandow is about to get out of the ring but steps back in, feeling intimidated by the presence of The Shield. 

Later, Seth starts to gain more momentum and goes to jump off the ropes to hit him with a knee hit but Sandow slides out of the ring. He tries to recover as he starts to walk over to one side but stops once Roman walks his way. Sandow starts to back up and walk over to the other side but sees Ambrose and Morgan walking his way.

"Don't think so..." Morgan said, shaking her head.

Sandow turns to the ring and gets hit with a suicide dive by Rollins. He gives The Shield a high five, throws Sandow back in the ring for the blackout, and wins the match.

"Here is your winner! Seth Rollins!" Lilian announced as The Shield got in the ring. 

Seth, Roman, and Morgan put their fist out. Dean is about to but stops as the members look at him in confusion. 

"We're not done." he got out of the ring. 

"Oh~" Seth got excited as Roman grinned. 

Dean throws Sandow back in the ring and starts to jump him with Roman and Seth. 

"This is The Shield of old! We haven't seen The Shield do this in a long time, John." Cole looked on. 

"I like this. Pick 'em up." Morgan said as the boys held Sandow.

She motions her hands as she tries to look for a clear shot of where to kick him. 

"Haha, this is fun to watch," JBL said before she hit Sandow with a hard kick in the face.

"That's what I'm talkin' about!" Seth yelled and Roman roared. 

After that, Sandow suffered from the triple powerbomb.

Morgan tweets 'I knew I had an itch that needed scratching. That kick felt great! #OldSchoolShieldStyle'


The Shield were in the office with Kane. "Did you see Sandow's head?" Seth asked.

"Pow." Seth and Roman said as they pointed down to the floor while Morgan smiled.

"What exactly do you need us in for then?" Dean asked Kane. "Cause we got a lot going on." 

"Well, I'm just glad what you guys did on Raw. I hate to say that I told you so but congratulations, Roman and Seth on your victory over the Rhodes Brothers, Monday on Raw. And congratulations to Dean." He put his hand on his shoulder as he glanced at it. "On your successful defense of the United States Title against Mark Henry on Main Event. And Morgan. I remember your performance last week on Raw. Very interesting." 

Ambrose moved his shoulder to make Kane remove his hand.

"Oh okay. Thank you. Did you expect anything different? Why are you even worried about us right now? Should you uh, should you be focused on your match, tonight? Against The Big Show? You know... seven foot, 500 pounds. Knocked you out last week?" Dean asked as Morgan started to chuckle.

Feeling eyes on her, she looked to see Kane giving her an unamused stare. "What? Freedom of speech. First amendment. Be Outspoken." she shrugged. 

" used to have a lot to learn about this business..." He glared at The Shield. "But tonight I'm going to teach my example. I'm gonna destroy The Big Show and I'm ordering the four of you to be at ringside, so you can get a close up look, to see how to properly handle a situation. Who knows? I might even leave some scraps of The Big Show for ya." 

"Cut the crap..." Morgan retorted as the crowd cheered. 

"So that's why you want us out there? To pick up the scraps? Nice try Kane. We all know why you want us out there. To protect you. When The Big Show tries to knock you out again. Cause he gonna." Seth said. 

"Really?" Kane asked. 

"You just don't get it do you, Kane?" Roman asked as he stepped up to him. "We don't take orders from you. But we are looking forward to how you do handle this situation, with The Big Show." 

"Take it easy, take it easy, take it easy." Seth pulled him back with a chuckle. "Kane, don't worry. You saw what happened earlier with Damien Sandow. When it comes down to it, push comes to shove, The Shield always does what's best for business." 

"Believe that." 

"That's right," Dean added before they all left


In the ring, Kane was getting manhandled by The Big Show until The Shield slowly walked down the ramp just like he requested.

"There they are!" JBL announced. 

Big Show gets distracted and gets hit with a few shots by Kane. Kane gets hit by a big slap and slides out of the ring. He recovers and gives The Shield a nod of approval and gets back in the ring to take control. The Shield stand together and watch Kane and Big Show go at it. 

Near the end of the match, Kane sits on the bottom turnbuckle and turns to Seth. 

"Get him," Kane ordered. "Come on, let's go. Why do you think you're out here? Let's go." 

The Shield slowly gets on the apron as the crowd boos. Kane gets up and starts to wait but nothing happens. He turns to Seth. 

"Did I stutter or something? I told you to get him! Now move it and get him!" He yelled in Seth's face. 

Rollins gives him a dirty look and glances at his teammates. He motions them to stop and they all get off the apron.

"What are you doing? What are you doing? Do you know who I am!? I'm the boss!" He yelled. 

Morgan began to smirk as she saw his face getting red. It was delightful to see him in a panic.

"We don't take orders from you," Seth said. 

Kane turns around and gets hit with a chokeslam, losing the match. Morgan shakes her head and The Shield starts to head to the barricade. All of a sudden, Seth gets his head grabbed by Kane and is dragged into the ring. She snaps her head to the ring and quickly slides in as Kane puts Seth in the chokeslam position. Luckily, Roman spears him as he gets released. 

"Oh and a spear by Reigns!" Cole exclaimed and The Shield stood tall over Kane.

"Put your hands on me again!" Seth yelled. "Put your hands on me again!" 

'Backstage Pass' 

"Right now, I'm standing outside of the gorilla position, waiting to get a word from The Shield," Renee said as The Shield walked to her. "To see about what happened, going off of Smackdown, guys, if I can just get a quick word with you. I mean, clearly, you guys been working with The Authority very closely lately but the way Smackdown just went off the air. I mean, Roman, you speared Kane, what's the message you're trying to send to him?" 

"Okay, here's what happened tonight. Okay, something very interesting happened tonight. Kane thought he was gonna give us a learning experience. We're supposed to go out there and learn something but turns out, Kane is the one who learned a very valuable lesson." Dean said. 

"He messed with the wrong people. You wanna mess with the hounds of justice? Put your hands on them? Big mistake." Morgan added with a shrug. 

"Kane thought he was our boss," Roman added. "Kane's not our boss, we don't take orders from him. Now he knows." 


On Raw, for the opening segment, Triple H is in the ring, talking about Daniel Bryan and how he was going to end the yes movement until Batista and Orton interrupted him. Orton starts to agree with Batista and starts to complain about how Daniel Bryan may be in the title match. 

"There's something else I need to get off my chest. You said I should start acting more like a champion. Well, there's someone I owe an apology to." Orton said. 

"Who?" King asked. 

"I'd like to call out a special someone. A woman who has had a special bond with me. Morgan...can you please come out here? I got something to say." Orton announced as the crowd started to cheer. 

"Morgan?" JBL asked. 

"Why now? He owed her an apology months ago." Cole said as she walked out, looking confused

"Um...this is unusual. What do you want?" She bluntly asked. 

"I've been thinking about all the stuff you've done and said to me over the months. You were right all along. I've been a bad friend to you and I want to change that. I'm sorry." Orton said. 

"I think he's trying to suck up," King declared. "Orton is a snake and he'll do whatever it takes to win a match. Maybe he's trying to bribe Morgan to help him during WrestleMania." 

"No! He's being sincere!" JBL disagreed. "He isn't trying to do anything bad." 

"The Shield has been working with The Authority, maybe Orton wants The Shield's help in the match?" Cole asked. 

"We'll soon find out," King looked on as Orton grabbed a bouquet of flowers and got back in the ring to give them to her.

"Will you forgive me? Can we work this out and be friends again? I missed our good times together." Orton said. 

Morgan continued to look at him in confusion as the crowd chanted 'No!' 

Batista was not impressed while Triple H was pondering about Orton's real intentions. 

"Um..." She ran a hand through her hair. 

Was he serious? Is he actually serious right now? They may have had a strong bond in the past but now? After all this time? Why? She was starting to feel like something fishy was going on but she couldn't put her finger on it. 

"You know and I have improved in the ring these past months. I'm the champion while you are gaining respect from the WWE Universe. I think you and I are the future of this business. We are the dominant wrestlers in this company. And I believe you deserve a little bit more respect and fame. If you were hanging out with me, you would have double, no, triple the respect you have now." Orton grinned. "Do you remember how I was there for you from the beginning? When you debuted? When you fought with The Shield before they brainwashed you?"

She chuckled and shook her head as the crowd oohed at his comment

"I­-I didn't mean to offend you but I think it's kind of true," Orton added. "You see, you've been suffering a lot. From your break up with Ambrose, from Rollins leaving you to fend for yourself, to Rosa tormenting you. And speaking of Rollins, I am supposed to be your real brother. Not him, he left you." 

He stepped up to her. "He left you in the ring to fend for yourself against The Wyatts. What kind of brother is that? I should be your only brother because I was the first. I have been there for you ever since you debuted. I may have wronged you in the past but I'm a changed man and I demand my title back as your brother."

The crowd started to chant 'Bullshit' as Orton paused and glared at them. 

"Shut up!" He yelled as the crowd heavily booed him. "And let's not forget about Ambrose...he did you wrong, Morgan. He cheated on you with the woman who has made you suffer. Why are you still with The Shield? You should accompany me." 

"Oh come on..." Batista retorted. 

"Is he serious?" Cole asked. 

"You have grown up to be someone I admire. Your fighting spirit...your guts... wrestling ability, everything. So what do you say? And hey, maybe you and I can bond at WrestleMania. You can be at ringside, cheering me on." Orton grinned

"I see..." Morgan said, nodding to herself, understanding what was going on. 

"I've been thinking a lot. And I'm sorry it took me this long to realize how important you are to me as a sister. I miss that." 

"Looks like Morgan is in the middle of another situation." JBL chuckled. 

"This is a bunch of crap!" Batista retorted. "Why is this scank in this ring? Why is she even in this company? She's a waste of space." 

The Philly Diva turned to Batista. "How's it feel wearing all those skinny jeans that rip up all the time? It's cutting your blood circulation. Especially in your brain since you just decided to be stupid and insult me." 

"Listen bitch-"

"Hey! Do not disrespect her!" Orton called out. 

"Was I talkin' to you? Stop kissing ass all the time." Batista snapped and turned back to Morgan. "All you do is whine about your ex-boyfriend and try to have all the attention on you since you're single. Get over it, we do not care." 

Morgan started to chuckle as he got in her face. "You know what really bothers me, right now? You." She said as the crowd cheered. "You better be thanking God that I take the time out of MY life to come here and even give you the time of day. Better yet have a little fight with you back at the Royal Rumble. I am good and I prove that every single week. I didn't prove myself by posing in magazines. I didn't get here for being a muscle head, and I didn't get here by being eye candy. I prove myself by wrestling. You see, I'm in the sea filled with Barbie dolls. I am the shark of this divas division! I bust my ass, week after week and you're gonna come and disrespect me? Call me a bitch? Biggest injustice I have ever heard. But you know what?'re irrelevant..." 

The crowd cheered and started to chant irrelevant.

"Oh is that so?" he glared at her, annoyed with the crowd. 

"You didn't deserve to win at the Royal Rumble but you did and we gotta grin and bear it. I just hope you lose. So are you done running your mouth? If so, get the hell out of my face before I break your face." She shoved his head, making his sunglasses fall from his eyes as the crowd 'Ohs'. 

He glanced at his sunglasses and stared her down as she smirked. He was about to make a move but Orton got in front of her. 

"Don't you dare touch her. Don't take your anger out on her just because you couldn't live up to your hype. If you did, we wouldn't be in this situation with Daniel Bryan." Orton glared at him.

"No, let me tell you something. The reason they love Daniel Bryan is because having you as the WWE World Heavyweight suck!" Batista yelled as Morgan covered her mouth and started to laugh

Orton looked at him in disbelief. "Now wait a minute, wait a minute." 

"The only reason you have those titles is because of his support." Batista pointed to Triple H. "Not hers which you think you need to win." He glanced at Morgan. "We all see right through you. You're a paper champion! You always need to help to win and that's exactly what you're trying to do again." 

"No." Orton shook his head while Morgan turned to him. "Don't listen to him. He's lying." 

"You wish you could be me!" Batista said to Orton. "You will never be me. You don't deserve to have those titles. They're mine. You know you're gonna lose to me." 

"Hey, you need to relax," Morgan said to Orton as she and Triple H separated him from Batista. 

Triple H gave up and got on the apron. 

"Hey! Where the hell do you think you're going? You're gonna fix this!" Batista yelled at Triple H. 

"You wanna know where I'm going? You wanna know what I'm sick of? I'm sick of everything around here!" Triple H yelled while Morgan grinned out of amusement. "I'm sick of little troll faces like Daniel Bryan, I'm sick of them cheerin' for him, I'm sick of all this crap! You wanna know what else I'm sick of? I'm not just sick of them, I'm sick of Hollywood movie stars coming back here thinkin' they can tell me what's right and what's wrong in this business. People who think they know more about this business than I do!" He yelled in Batista's face as he got on the ropes while Batista was yelling at him too.

"Morgan is enjoying this," JBL said as she started laughing. 

"You know what else I'm sick of? I'm sick of technically gifted guys who are so screwed up in the head, that they can't win a match without me holding their hand and asking others like Morgan for help." Triple H said as the crowd 'Ohs'. 

Orton started to frown and glared at Triple H. 

"You wanna know what I'm thinking right now? I'm thinking the old man was right. I'm thinking the old man is right, the only one you can trust in this world is yourself. It's gonna be a triple threat match at WrestleMania. Daniel Bryan is not gonna be in it because he is not gonna get past me. When I beat Daniel Bryan, the triple threat match is gonna be Randy Orton versus Batista...and me." Triple H announced as the crowd exploded and he left the ring. 

"Wow..." Morgan mouthed while Batista threw a fit. 

"What!?" King yelled in a high pitched voice. 

"Talk about a game changer!" Cole shouted. 

After things died down, Orton turned his attention back to Morgan. "As I was saying to you, do you forgive me?" He asked. 

"Really?" Batista asked

After pondering, Morgan decides to hit Orton repeatedly with the flowers as the crowd cheers. The flower petals fall off from the force as she throws the flowers down and he looks at her in shock. 

"What was that for!?" Orton yelled.

"Really? You're gonna wait this long?! This long?! Months?! Are you kidding!?" she shouted. 

"What do you mean?!" 

"You know I really think it's funny how stupid you think I am. Do you honestly think I'm going to give in to your ass kissing? All you do is suck up and make others do your dirty work so you can win. Well, that's not gonna happen with me or The Shield. We take orders from nobody and it's gonna stay that way. So no, I'm not going to accompany you during your match at WrestleMania, so I can be your little helper-" 

"Look! I had a feeling you'd say that. But I want to start off fresh. I want that trust again." 

"Really? Earn it." She said and was about to leave the ring before turning to Batista. 

Kicking him right in the balls, he groaned and fell down in pain while Orton laughed as she got out of the ring.

"Talk shit again, I dare you," she pointed at Batista and walked up the ramp.

"Revenge from Morgan!" King shouted

"Never disrespect the Outspoken Diva," JBL said.


The Shield and Morgan were backstage, chatting until Kane walked over to them. "Things got out of hand, Friday night, and we all made some regrettable decisions. Decisions that could have long term consequences." Kane said. 

"Yeah, of course. For you." Dean said as Seth and Morgan started to laugh while Roman smiled out of amusement. 

"This is no time for pettiness, Dean," Kane said. "The Authority has given us a mission and I need a united Shield by my side. You see if I can't count on you, that means The Authority can't count on you. And if The Authority can't count on you, that means that you cease being an asset. And you become a liability. So I'm only going to ask this once...can I count on you?" 

"Yeah, we're united," Seth said.

Roman stepped up to Kane. "Believe that,"

"I believe that you will do the right thing when asked. Or you will find out how replaceable you truly are." Kane said and walked away. 


Kane is in the ring and talks about the Yes Movement and how it was unsafe for the audience and blames Jerry 'The King' Lawler for the conflict since he was from Memphis, Tennessee. He tries to get King in the ring but he stays in his seat. 








"Oh no," Cole said with worry. 

"Good luck, King!" JBL said. 

"What is this about?" King asked as The Shield walked out to mixed reactions. 

Seth, Dean, and Roman go to the announce table while Morgan gets in the ring. JBL and Cole distance themselves from the guys as they surround King. 

"Get in the ring! You listen to Kane; you get in the ring." Dean ordered as Seth pulled Jerry's seat. 

The Shield stalks him as he slowly gets in the ring. King locks eyes with Morgan and she shoots him a reassuring smile and a wink, which makes him feel a little bit at ease. The guys get in the ring while Kane takes off his jacket and tie. 

"Now we've known each other for a long time, Jerry. And we both know that you're not exactly in fighting shape, so I'm not going to enjoy this. Well, maybe a little. But I guess I should ask you if there is anything you like to say for yourself?" Kane asked. 

Seth grabbed a mic and walked up to King. "Jerry...I see that look in your eyes. But I got a good feeling, Daniel Bryan is not coming to save you. Because The Shield always does what's best for business." He dropped the mic and The Shield and Morgan slowly turned their attention to Kane as the crowd erupted in cheers. 

"What are they doin? What?" JBL asked as Kane started to get a little worried. 

"What are you doing?" Kane exclaimed as The Shield surrounded him. "No, you listen to me. You! Listen to me! You're about to become a liability. You don't know enough about this business to do what you're doing right now. Do you understand me!? Huh!?"

He looks around and makes a bold move to go after Roman but then gets attacked by the entire team.

He fights back and grabs Seth for the chokeslam but Dean breaks the hold while Seth kicks him in the back of the head. Kane stumbles down and gets on his knees, only to be kicked in the face by Morgan. As soon as he slowly gets up, he turns and gets speared by Roman. 

"Spear by Reigns!" Cole shouted. 

"That's what I'm talkin' about!" Seth yelled. 

"I think we do...what's best for business!" Dean yelled.

After The Shield hits him with the triple powerbomb, Morgan smirks and brushes her hands as their theme comes on. The crowd erupts in louder cheers as they put their fists out on top of Kane. 

"I don't get this...I guess they don't like Kane." JBL said. 

'Backstage Pass' 

The Shield and Morgan are chatting backstage, still laughing about what they just did to Kane and Tom walks over to them. 

"Excuse me, guys," Tom said. 

"Tom!" Seth greeted. 

"Last week on Smackdown, you guys speared Kane in the middle of the ring, and just moments ago, you triple powerbombed Kane before he got his hands on Jerry 'The King' Lawler. Why do you four continue to ignore the orders of the Director of Operations?"

"Let me ask you a question. Let me ask you a question, do we look like ponies?" Dean asked. "Do we look like ponies to you? Do you wanna make us prance around in a little circle? No. Cause we're mustangs. Wild mustangs! We run wild! Tonight Kane tried to put saddles on us and he got trampled..." 

"Take it easy," Seth said

"What are you lookin' at pony?" Roman asked. "Huh?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa." Seth began as Morgan started to smile out of amusement. 

"Look at this." Roman touched his hair. "This is full grown thorough bread, right here boy hey, hey, don't touch it." He warned as Dean tried to touch his hair. "What are you doin'? I'm not a pony!" He pointed to Tom. 

"Ha!" Morgan grinned. 

"Hey, hey, hey! Enough of the horse, the pony, the Mustang. Tom's clearly a unicorn. Can I be a Pegasus? Can I have wings? Flop around?" Seth asked. 

"Half goat?" Roman asked. 

"No! Look, Tom, the bottom line is, we did what we always do. We send a message," Seth added. "You don't seem to get it; I think Kane got it. The Shield does what we always do. The Shield does what's best for The Shield. And it turned out what's best for business. Believe in The Shield Tom. Simple."


On Smackdown, a camera quickly rushed over to find Morgan and Rosa fighting outside the Diva's locker room.

"Guys, we have just received word that all hell has broken loose backstage between Rosa Mendes and Morgan Lopez!" Cole announced. "Things have gotten chaotic, quickly!"

Morgan spears Rosa into the Diva's locker room, earning a few yells and screams from the divas. 

"What the hell!? Alicia yelled as Morgan started unloading on Rosa with frequent punches to the face. 

"Whoa! Whoa! What is going on!?" Brie shouted. 

Rosa kicks Morgan away and grabs her by the hair before throwing her to the bathroom. She then throws the Outspoken Diva's head against the wall.

"You think you're so tough, huh!?" Rosa yelled and threw her near the showers.

Naomi and Nikki poked their heads out of their shower curtains, while Eva was trying to do her makeup in the mirror, wearing a towel. 

"Whoa." Eva backed up, trying to distance herself from the drama, for once. 

"What in the world?" Naomi asked as the crowd cheered. 

"What the hell!?" Nikki yelled. "Get out of here, Rosa!" 

"Shut up!" Rosa yelled but groaned as she got thrown near the sink of the bathroom. "No! No!" She screamed while Morgan dragged her to a toilet. 

"Don't put me in there! Don't you dare!" Rosa exclaimed as she tried to prevent her from sticking her head in the toilet. 

"What in the world is going on with these two!? They're wild as ever!" JBL laughed. 

"Is anyone gonna stop this!?" Cole asked. 

"Let them fight! I love it!" JBL said as Morgan finally stuck Rosa's head in the toilet. 

Rosa was screaming and throwing her arms all around, trying to push her off. 

"How do you like that, huh!? How does it feel!?" The Philly Diva shouted. 

The crowd starts to boo when Aksana and Alicia grab her off of Rosa. Rosa's black hair and top were wet as she started coughing. 

"That's enough!" Alicia shouted. 

"Get off of me!" Morgan yelled. 

The crowd cheers once Natalya and Brie make the save for her. Meanwhile, with Rosa, she was still freaking out about having toilet water all over her and started to crawl away from the scene. Morgan finally escapes the drama and leaves the locker room, trying to find her. 

As soon as Morgan runs near the catering area, Rosa whacks her with a steel trashcan, making her fall. 

"What a hit!" JBL exclaimed as Rosa continued to hit her with it. 

Finally, the refs came to stop her and break everything up. "Rosa! That's enough! That's enough!" 

"How do you like that, Morgan!? You've made the biggest mistake of your life, taking on me!" Rosa yelled as she watched her hold her head in pain.

Morgan tweets ' of these days...I'm gonna beat that #SpaghettiHoe and break a few bones' 


In the ring, Rollins just hit Jinder with the Black Out and went for the pin but Drew gets involved. Chaos occurs and Kane comes out of nowhere and starts attacking Roman. 

"It's Kane!" Cole yelled as the ref called for the bell. 

3MB, Ryback & Axel, and The Real Americans start to jump The Shield while Kane starts assaulting Roman up the ramp. Roman starts to fight back but The New Age Outlaws start attacking him. 

"Now the New Age Outlaws are attacking Reigns!" Cole called out as the crowd began to boo. 

In the ring, Seth gets hit with the Neutralizer by Cesaro while Ryback hits Dean with the Shell Shocked. 

"Something doesn't smell right here!" Cole exclaimed. 

"You don't think so? This is a systematic destruction of The Shield." JBL said. "The numbers game taken to The Shield. This is a turn of events." 

The Road Dogg and Billy hold Roman while Kane kicks him in the face. 

"How dare you, boy!?" Road Dogg yelled as the crowd chanted for Morgan, hoping she'd come out soon. "How dare you!?" 

Kane and The Outlaws walk down the ring while the teams leave the ring, for them to finish what they started. The trio starts stomping on Seth and Dean, beating them down as Roman tries to crawl down the ramp.

Road Dogg gets out the ring and stomps on his head. 

"Pretty boy!" He yelled and held him so that Billy could hit Roman with a strike to the head. 

Kane grins in delight while The Outlaws throw Roman in the ring. He hits Roman with a chokeslam as the crowd heavily boos. Dean starts to get on his knees and Kane grabs him, preparing for another chokeslam. The crowd begins to cheer loudly when Morgan runs down to the ring in panic. 

"It's Morgan!" Cole shouted. 

She slides into the ring, gaining the attention of Kane and The Outlaws. 

"Enough! Please! Kane, stop! Stop!" She yelled. "Stop! Put him down! Put him down, now! You've done enough!" 

"Get out of the ring!" Kane shouted. 

"No! Put him down! Put him down! Please!"

He finally throws Ambrose down but then grabs her neck, pushing her back against a corner as she tries to get him to let go.

"You listen to me. I'm gonna let you watch what I do to your little boyfriend and friends." He sneered and tossed her to Billy and Road Dogg to hold her back.

"Let go! Enough! You've done enough!" she yelled as she was forced to watch Kane take Ambrose out with another chokeslam. "Let go of me!"

When she is finally let go, she rushes over to Dean to help him. Kane and The Outlaws leave the ring and start walking up the ramp but Billy stops and turns his attention back to the ring.

"What is he up to now?" JBL asked as Billy got back in the ring. 

Billy watched as Morgan's back was to him while she tended to Dean. Suddenly he does the unthinkable and attacks her with an unexpected Famouser as the crowd looks on in shock.

"Oh my God! He just! He just hit Morgan! Billy Gunn just hit Morgan Lopez with the Famouser!" Cole yelled. 

"Things are about to get personal. I hope Billy knows what he's doing. And who he just put his hands on." JBL warned as Road Dogg and Kane got back in the ring. 

Fans Tweet:

'Oh my gosh...Billy just hit Morgan'

'Oh...The Outlaws screwed up now'

'Billy just put his hands on Chyna's cousin!!! Omfg wtf were you thinking!?'

Road Dogg high fives Billy while Morgan holds her mouth, wincing in pain.

"They're done!" Road Dogg yelled. 

"You did this to yourself," Kane yelled at the fallen members of The Shield. 

"You get the message?" Road Dogg grabbed Seth by the hair and struck him down. 

Kane decides to grab the Outspoken Diva by her hair and takes her down with a chokeslam as the crowd boos. 

"Adding insult to injury..." Cole said as all members of The Shield were out cold. 

"I have never seen The Shield get decimated like this," JBL added as Kane and The Outlaws left the ring. 

Moments later, Seth was at ringside, trying to stand up with the help of a referee. 

"What you're seeing now is what's left of The Shield at the hands of Kane and the New Age Outlaws," Cole said. 

Dean sits up and holds the middle rope, while Roman sits up as well. Morgan holds her neck, still lying on her back before rolling over to slowly get on her hands and knees. 

"I never expected to see The Shield, decimated by anybody," JBL said as the crowd began to cheer loudly for them. 

Seth gets in the ring and helps up Roman. Moments later, The Shield helps Morgan up as the crowd gets louder. 

"These guys are hurt." JBL pointed out. 

Seth makes a loud angry noise and gets on the apron. 

"They never saw it coming, John. Shield never saw it coming." Cole said.


'Backstage Pass' 

The Shield and Morgan were recovering while Seth slammed something near him. Morgan held her head while Dean clenched his stomach. Seth made an angry grunt and ran his hands through his hair. 

"God...I can't...I can't even...I know­-" Seth began. 

"Excuse me, guys." Tom walked over to them. "Guys, um, the Director of Operations really flexing his power tonight. Where are your heads at?" 

"What I'm wondering, is how Kane got one over on The Shield. Because 100 out of 100 times, Tom, my strategy is bulletproof! So kudos to Kane. Put a hit out on us and he got the job done, I didn't see him." Seth looked at his teammates. "I didn't see him recruiting Outlaws, did you? I really..." 

"I don't think he did...think about it," Dean said as Roman got up while Seth started to ponder. 

"Monday night, we're gonna find out," Roman said. "Whoever it was, they made a mistake...they didn't finish the job...but we will." 

"This is turning personal..." Morgan spoke up. "Kane...I knew he was gonna try something but the New Age Outlaws caught me off guard. They messed with the wrong people,'s okay." 

The guys turned to her. 

"How?" Seth asked. 

"I never expected the New Age Outlaws to put their hands on her own cousin. I got a game plan. Think about it. I know the Outlaws because she was very close to them, years ago. We're gonna get them. I'm sure she can tell me their habits, secrets, and motives. She knows them all too well so don't worry. They're gonna believe. Trust me." She smirked and walked away. 

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