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Forced To Believe Chapter 48- Armageddon Part 2

Forced To Believe Chapter 48- Armageddon Part 2

Forced To Believe Chapter 48- Armageddon Part 2

Chapter Summary: The Shield continue to take on The Wyatts

Words: 6,000+

Author's Note: Trust the process :)


Melanie was elated right now. She was about to face her boyfriend in a match. It had been a while since they had a match together, and she hoped she wouldn't disappoint the fans. She's been working on a new Morganizer ever since the day after Survivor Series and she hopes to debut it tonight. And what better person to do the move with, than her boyfriend? 

Celeste tweeted 'Holy shit! This is gonna be GOOD!'

The Bellas tweeted 'Morgan! I hope you know what you're doing. Dean! Save her!' 

"The Lunatic Fringe going up against The Outspoken Diva. Man...these two know each other so well. This is going to be very interesting." Cole said. 

"Interesting!? This is epic!" King grinned. 

"Epic!? Interesting!? This is horrible! They are supposed to be a couple! They aren't supposed to fight! Physically I mean!" JBL complained. "This is a nightmare! Don't do this!" 

"John, you are taking this a little too far. Morgan wants a match, so maybe if she wrestles Dean, she may be saved." Cole informed. 

"Yeah...MAY be saved." JBL replied. "I hope Dean knows what he's doing."

Morgan narrowed her eyes at Dean. "Looking at you brings back unpleasant memories..." 

"Oh really?" Dean recalled. 

"Break him in half! Make him feel what you felt! Make him pay!" Bray yelled. 

"Your ass is mine, Morgan." Ambrose declared. 

"Oh really? Since when am I yours?" she replied. 

"Since day one. And if you ever kick me again, I swear-" 

"Oh! You're swearing now? Really? What are you gonna do? What are you gonna do!? I'll beat the crap out of you, for sure." 

Dean starts pacing around. 

"Dean, there is still time to rethink this!" JBL shouted. "Rethink this!" 

"I don't think so!" Cole yelled as Morgan did the matrix evasion when Ambrose tried to go for a clothesline. 

He turns around as she spins and hits him with a roundhouse kick to the face.

"And it's on! This place just exploded!" King exclaimed over the loud cheering. 

Morgan goes for the pin but Dean kicks out at two. 

"Stay on him! Stay on him!" Bray ordered as she put Dean in a headlock.

"Common Dean!" Seth cheered as Ambrose grunted and managed to stand up.

She jumps up and puts her legs around Dean's torso to try to tighten the hold. He manages to escape it and she tries to kick him in the stomach but he grabs her foot and shakes his head. 

"Nope." He said.

"Right back 'atcha!" She jumped up and hit him with an unexpected enzuguri as he fell to his knees. 

"I got a feeling these two are going to blow the roof off this place soon. They're just warming up and taking the pace a little slow." King grinned. 

"How can you enjoy watching this!?" JBL exclaimed. 

"It's a sight to see," Cole said. Morgan runs to the ropes and hits Ambrose with a shining wizard. 

"What a kick!" Cole exclaimed as Morgan spun on one knee and stopped to have a staredown with Rosa. 

She slowly smirks at her and blows her a kiss. 

"Are you kidding me!? Dean! Tag me in right now!" Rosa yelled. 

She really wanted to put her hands on Morgan. She hated her guts for taunting her. 

"More mind games by Morgan. Looks like payback." Cole said. 

The Outspoken Diva stands up but as soon as she turns around, Dean takes her down with a lariat. 

"What a takedown by Ambrose! The game has changed now." Cole looked on.

Morgan holds her head but sighs loudly when he puts his right knee on her back and puts her in a headlock submission from behind.

"Hurts doesn't it? It hurts, huh? This is what happens." He taunted. "Maybe next time you should watch your back!" 

"Ugh, shut up!" She yelled.

"Do you submit!?" The ref asked.

"Will Morgan tap!?" Cole shouted.

"Rose! Do not give in!" Bray yelled.

"Dean! That's painful! Why would you hurt her, like this!?" JBL exclaimed. 

"Morgan has to dig down deep." King looked on. 

The Philly Diva manages to hit Dean in the face, making him stumble up to his feet. She quickly drops him down, face first and puts him in the breakdown as the crowd cheers. She leans back and puts her feet on his while putting his arms in a straightjacket position. 

"Grin and bear..." She retorted as she put more pressure. 

"Painful!" King cringed.

"Come on, Dean! Do not tap out!" Seth yelled. 

"Put more pressure!" Bray ordered.

"Tap!" Morgan yelled. 

"Like hell, I will!" Dean yelled and managed to get one of his arms out as he escaped the hold. 

They both stand up and Morgan tries to go for the bulldog but he pushes her away. As soon as she turns around, she gets dropped by a clothesline. 

"What a shot!" King shouted. 

Dean runs to the ropes and does a little wave before hitting her with an elbow drop. He goes for the pin and she kicks out at two and rolls over to the ropes. She gets up and leans on the ropes while Dean runs, striking her with a running front dropkick as she holds her stomach and slides down. 

"And Ambrose is dominating now," Cole said as he hit her with a few shots near the turnbuckle. He throws her to the ropes but Morgan jumps on the middle rope and jumps off to hit him with a springboard forearm. "Morgan with the counter!" 

"Amazing!" King said as Dean rolled over to the turnbuckle next to the Wyatt Family's corner and sat on the bottom turnbuckle. 

She gets up and runs her hands through her messy black hair. She runs towards him and uses the ropes to jump up and connect by giving him a dropkick on the chest while landing.

"Jeesh! What a dropkick!" Cole looked on. 

"Morgan! What are you doing!? Stop it! Stop it right now!" JBL whined. 

Dean rolls over on the apron, near the commentating table and manages to get up. She connects with a spinning heel kick to the face as he falls off the apron. 

"Look out!" King yelled as she got on the apron and hit Dean with a diving clothesline. 

"She's not messing around! Uh oh." Cole said as Seth, Roman, and Rosa got off the apron and headed to Dean to check on him while Morgan had a stare down with them. The Wyatts get off the apron to accompany her. "This is getting intense." 

The ref starts to count and Morgan slides back in the ring, to wait for Dean to crawl back in. At the count of 6, he slides back in. Morgan gets on the top rope and goes for a crossbody but Dean catches her. 

"Uh oh!" Cole shouted as the crowd cheered while she tried to get out of his hold but failed. 

He hits her with a backbreaker as she yells out in pain and puts her in a submission by making her stay in the backbreaker hold.

"Make her tap!" Rosa cheered. 

"Your back isn't supposed to do that," King said with worry as Dean continued the pressure. 

Morgan sighed loudly. "I can't take this anymore!"

"Then give up and come back to me!" Dean yelled. 

"No!" She yelled and punched him away as she escaped the hold. 

She rolls over and stands on the apron. Dean gets up and goes to punch her but she ducks and slides back into the ring, in between his legs. As soon as she stands up, he quickly turns around and grabs her for the headlock driver but she pushes him away. 

"Not today." She retorted and threw him to the ropes, hitting him with a big boot. 

She pins him for a two count. She gets up and runs to the ropes but Dean gets up and follows her to hit her with a knee to the stomach. She groans out in pain and drops to her knees. Ambrose smirks and puts his hands on his knees. 

"That hurt, didn't it?" He taunted as she clenched her stomach, shooting him a dirty look. "This is what happens, Morgan! This is what happens!" 

She stands up and strikes him with a quick roundhouse kick to the face, making him slowly drop to the mat. 

She looked at his dazed form. "Who do you think you're talkin' to!? Do you know who I am!?" She yelled. 

Dean begins to smirk as he starts to sense her coming back to him, but it isn't enough. He'll have to dig down deeper to save her. He stands up and they lock up but he puts her in a waistlock from behind. 

"You know...I always think you're beautiful when you're pissed off." He said in her ear which made Morgan feel a spark in her head. 

She starts to remember the times when he would try to calm her down whenever she got angry. She shakes her head and elbows him in the stomach, making him release the hold. She throws him to a corner and walks back to the corner across from it. 

"Uh oh! I think I know what's coming next!" King grinned as Morgan connected with the handspring back elbow. "Woo hoo!" 

"This is pure torture..." JBL retorted and buried his face in his hands. 

Although it seemed that Morgan hit Dean with the elbow, he quickly grabbed her from behind and slammed her down. 

"What a counter! I thought she got him!" 

Dean picks her up and puts her on top of the turnbuckle. He gets on the middle rope and puts her in a double under hook suplex hold. 

"Put her down! Put her down, now!" Bray shouted. 

Dean smirks at him but Morgan manages to wiggle out and punch him down. 

"Phew! That was close!" JBL sighed out of relief. "W-wait, Morgan! What are you doing!?" 

She goes for the moonsault but Dean moves out of the way.

"Nobody home! Gosh...I hope Morgan is okay." King said with worry as she clenched her stomach. 

Dean goes for the pin but Luke gets in the ring and breaks it up. 

"What the hell!?" Seth yelled as Roman gave Luke a dirty look. 

Dean glares at Luke and starts arguing with him as the crowd gets excited about what will happen next. 

"Watch your back!" JBL warned but Morgan took advantage and hit him with the Morganizer. 

"She got it!" King yelled as she quickly went for the pin.

"No!" Rosa yelled.

"Kick out!" Seth shouted 



"Oh!" The crowd yelled as Dean kicked out.

"What!?" Bray shouted. 

"I thought she had it!" Cole shouted as Seth, Roman, and Rosa looked relieved. 

"Just what I expected," Morgan said. 

She gets up and goes to a corner and waits for Dean to get to his knees. Once he does, she runs to hit him with a knee to the head but he quickly moves out of the way and grabs her for the headlock driver. 

"It's over!" King yelled as he quickly went for the pin.



"Oh!" The crowd yelled again as Morgan kicked out.

"No!" Rosa shouted

Morgan holds her head and remains motionless. 

Nikki tweeted 'Kick out after kick out! This is making me nervous!' 

"Unleash Rose! Unleash!" Bray shouted angrily. 

"I'll unleash on you, all right." Dean pointed to him and stood up. 

He picks Morgan up and throws her to a corner but they both try to fight their way up the top rope. 

"They are just unloading on each other," Cole said. 

They manage to get on the top rope and Morgan positions him for the Morganizer. 

"No way, off the top rope!?" Cole exclaimed. 

Brie tweeted 'Please don't tell me...' 

Nikki tweeted 'WWEMorgan101 you crazy son of a gun' 

"Oh no, no, no, no~. Put him down~! Put him down~!" Seth said in a whiny voice while Morgan smirked in amusement. 

"Morgan! No! Put him down!" JBL yelled. "Put him down now! What are you doing!?" He got up from his seat but King pulled him down. 

"Calm down!" King exclaimed. 

Morgan exhales and hits Ambrose with the Morganizer off the top rope while doing a battle cry as the crowd starts chanting 'Holy shit!' 

"No! No! Morgan! Why would you do that!?" JBL yelled. "I gotta get in there-" He stands up but King and Cole pull him back down. 

"Sit down!" King and Cole yell. 

"We gotta see that again!" King yelled as they showed Morgan's Morganizer a few times from different angles. 

"Morganizer off the top rope! Somebody pin someone!" Cole shouted. 

Morgan and Dean lay motionless and they both were panting. Morgan was lying on her back, looking at the ceiling while Dean was face first on the mat. She kind of felt some weight lifted off her shoulders while she began to wrestle Dean. She started to feel less stressed out with Sister Abigail and more content while wrestling Dean in the ring. 

"Pin him!" Bray yelled. 

"Dean! You gotta make a tag!" Seth put his hand out. "Come on, Ambrose." 

The Outspoken Diva turns her head and sees Ambrose looking at her. 

"Dean..." She managed to say as he looked into her eyes. 

She starts to feel a stronger spark in her head while he begins to recognize the look in her eyes. He wasn't much of a hopeful guy, but he felt like he had a strong chance to save her now and he thinks he knows how. 

"1!" The ref started to count for a double count out. 

Dean had a strong feeling she was coming back to him but it still wasn't enough as she managed to crawl over to The Wyatts. 

"Why didn't she pin him?" Cole asked. 

"Maybe she's coming back," King said with hope as Morgan tagged in Luke and rolled out the ring to recover. "That Morganizer took a lot out of her and it may have just hurt her as much as it hurt Dean." 

Celeste tweeted 'Whoa! Morganizer off the top rope!? Badass!' 

Brie tweeted 'OMG! Morgan! What were you thinking!?' 

"I think Ambrose is still dazed from that Morganizer," King said but Ambrose hit Luke with a neckbreaker and tagged in Seth. 

Seth picks up the pace by hitting Luke with a one leg dropkick and a roundhouse kick to the stomach and a side kick. He starts unloading on him near the turnbuckle and heads for the top rope but Erick gets involved. Erick gets kicked off the apron but Harper takes advantage. He tries to go for a suplex but Seth lands on his feet at the crowd 'Ohs'. 

"Oh man!" Cole shouted.

"What!?" King yelled in a high pitched voice as Seth clotheslined Luke out of the ring and hit him with a suicide dive, getting pumped up. 

Seth jumps on the rope and gives him a knee to the head. He tries to go for the blackout but gets slammed by Luke. Luke tags Bray in and throws him to the barricade while Morgan looks on with worry. She did not want to see Seth in that condition. 

Celeste tweeted 'Whoa! Seth is all over the place! #SethRollinsTheSpiderMan' 

Morgan cringes as Bray gives Seth a splash. To hear him yell out in pain broke her heart. Roman gets off the apron and has a stare down with him. 

"Why don't you bring that crap over here!" Dean yelled as the ref tried to restrain him. 

Morgan shows a faint smile as she starts to remember his short temper as another spark goes off in her head. The Wyatts begin to take control of Seth as the crowd continues to chant 'Lets go Wyatts, Lets go Shield!' 

"Morgan is still down and out," King said as the camera showed Morgan resting. 

"Come on, Seth..." She mumbled as Luke continued to take control of him. 

"Come on, Seth! Come on!" Dean yelled in his raspy voice. 

Bray slams him down and goes for the pin but Dean breaks it up. Luke gets in the ring and hits him with a big boot as the crowd 'Ohs!' 

Morgan puts her right hand over her mouth in shock as Ambrose rolls out the ring. She wanted to run over there and help him but Rosa got off the apron to check on him. 

Nikki tweeted 'Uh huh, I saw that WWEMorgan101. #MorganStillCares #BelieveInDeanAndMorgan #PissOffSisterAbigail' 

Celeste tweeted 'Still care for the crazy man, don't you? I knew you did. If only you would show it.' 

Morgan holds her head. Her emotions and actions were starting to get out of control. One second she feels sympathy for her former teammates and wants to help, and the next second she wants to fight them and obey Bray. She started to feel a little bit more free after wrestling Dean but it wasn't enough. She thought a match would work but she needed something stronger. She needed to try and find a way to piss her off. 

But what would piss Sister Abigail off? 

Morgan gets back on the apron and Seth manages to fight back. Seth crawls over to his team but Rosa tags herself in as the crowd begins to boo. 

"I got this." She got in the ring. 

"And the crowd is not happy," Cole said. 

Rosa pointed to Morgan. "You and me, right now." She said as the Wyatts turned to Morgan. 

The Outspoken Diva narrows her eyes and puts her hand out as Luke tags in her. The crowd cheers for her as she slowly gets in the ring and runs a hand through her hair. She ducks Rosa's clothesline and grabs her for a reverse DDT. All of a sudden, Roman goes at it with Luke outside the ring which catches Morgan's attention. Dean gets involved as he goes at it with Erick and gets the upper hand by throwing him to the barricade. 

"That's it..." Morgan retorted and slid out of the ring, marching right over to Ambrose. "I'm not done with you, yet!" She yelled and tried to hit him but he grabbed her forearm. 

"Oh no!" King exclaimed. 

"Oh boy," Cole looked on in anticipation.

"Don't do anything reckless! You already gave me a heart attack after watching that Morganizer off the top rope. The top rope! They could have broken something!" JBL shouted as he held his heart. 

Morgan looks into Dean's eyes. The voice in her head was telling her to hit him and push him away but she got lost in his eyes and started to gain the control of blocking everything out. Ambrose pulls her to him and begins to slowly lean in. 

"I know what you want me to do. This better make you snap out of it," he muttered

"W­-wait what are you doing?" She managed to say, feeling Sister Abigail's resistance. She tried to pull back but he held a strong grip. 

"About to give you justice." He replied. 

She tries to pull back again but grunts as he keeps holding her in place. 

"N­-no. D-­Dean stop." 

Dean could sense the reluctance in her voice when she told him to stop. 

"Is that really what you want?" he asked.

"Yes! Now get off of me!" She tried to hit him with her other hand but he grabbed it and kissed her as the crowd began to go wild. 

"Whoa!" King shouted as Ambrose wrapped his arms around her waist.

Morgan felt a strong spark in her head as she felt Sister Abigail's desperate resistance in her body, trying to fight him off of her. She tried to quickly hit him off of her but he took the hits and continued to kiss the hell out of her. With each second that passed, the more Morgan was starting to give in. 

"Yes! Thank you! Thank you!" JBL yelled as the crowd began to cheer loudly and chant 'Yes'. "Morgan! Do not fight it! Kiss him back!" 

Nikki tweeted 'This is hot! Keep kissing her! Make her feel the love!'

"He's kissing the heck out of her, that's for sure," Cole said as Morgan's hits started to slow down.

"She's fading! Is she about to kiss him back!?" King asked.

"Come on, Sister Abigail, you can't fight the power of love," JBL said as Morgan's hits started to stop. 

"No..." King pouted as she shoved him back.

"It didn't work?" Cole asked.

"This is tragic...she can't be saved..." King sadly said. 

Morgan started to space out until she saw Ambrose turn away. Her body felt heated from that kiss as she started to remember the things he would make her feel whenever they kissed. The passion was too much for her and she snaps out of it and turns him around. She wanted to kiss him and she needed to kiss him again for the sake of her well­being. 

"What now?" He asked but she grabbed his face and kissed him with the same passion he kissed her with as the crowd exploded. 

She could hear the fangirls screaming as Bray turned his attention to them and his eyes widened. 

"Yes!" JBL yelled. 

"Oh!" King shouted as Dean was taken aback but began to kiss the hell out of her again, while slowly wrapping an arm around her waist. "Oh my gosh, you guys. They-they are all over each other!" 

She wrapped an arm around his neck while Bray looked on in shock. 

"Please tell me that woke her up," JBL said.

"I-I don't know but I'm enjoying the show right now," King added. 

Bray was seething. This was not good. 

"Rose!" He yelled. He couldn't lose her. He had to get her back. "Rose!" 

Morgan began to block everything out as she ran her fingers through Dean's hair. He began to lower her down to the floor with the support of the apron as he put one of his hands on it and released her. 

"Dean..." She managed to say but he shook his head. 

"You know how I feel about you..." He whispered and stood up.

Morgan sits up and looks at him in shock. She touches her lips and stands up before backing up and running a hand through her hair. 

"I think Morgan is wondering what got into her and made her do what she did," King said. "Phew, is it hot in here? That kiss was" 

Celeste tweeted 'LMAO! #TheKissOfJustice needs to be one of the Kiss of the Year nominees this year.' 

Bray was seething and had to take a drastic measure to bring her back to him. He marched over to her and backslapped her in the face as the crowd looked on in shock. 

"You do not disobey me! Snap out of it! He is your enemy! Unleash!" He yelled. 

"What the hell!?" JBL exclaimed.

"He just hit her! What is going on!?" Cole exclaims.

Dean begins to see red and lunges at him and starts unloading on him. No one touches her like that. 

Morgan touches her cheek and has tears forming in her eyes from the stinging sensation of the slap. It was a wake up call for her as she got back in the ring.

" way..." She mumbled and held her head. She got on her knees and mumbled, "That slap...That's one...No one ever touches me like that...No one ever puts their hands on me like that...But no...Bray did it to protect me...right?" 

"Why is she mumbling? Who is she talking to?" King asked. 

"I think she's having a war in her head," Cole said. 

"No one ever one ever...I...follow no...believe in the...follow the...believe...follow..." She continued to mumble. 

"What is going on? She's mumbling all sorts of stuff. Is she okay?" King asked.

"I hope that kiss is making her have second thoughts," JBL said.

"Moment of truth...what is Morgan going to do?" Cole asked. "Is she back to herself?" 

"We will find out momentarily," JBL said.

'Get out of my head!' Morgan thought until she heard something shatter inside her head as she looked at her hands and stood up. 

She fixes her gloves and looks ahead to lock eyes with Rosa. She starts to remember how badly she wanted to kick her ass and begins to smirk at her while Rosa replies with a scowl. Rosa's eyes widen as soon as she gets speared by Morgan as the crowd cheers.

"Spear!" King exclaimed. 

"Is she back!?" JBL shouted as Morgan started unloading on her. 

"Looks like all that frustration over the months has really taken its toll,"

Cole said. 

Morgan picks her up and throws her to the turnbuckle. She places her on the middle rope and hits her with a double knee smash to the stomach. 

"That's gotta hurt," JBL said as Rosa fell and held her stomach. 

Morgan tries to grab her but Rosa pulls her down to the middle turnbuckle. She grabs her and drops her down with a suplex before getting on the top rope. 

"Where is Rosa going?" Cole asked. But Rosa lifts up her leg and does a split off the top rope, landing on Morgan as the crowd 'Ohs'. 

"Whoa!" JBL shouted. 

"Did you see that split!?" King exclaimed as Morgan held her chest and looked hurt. 

Morgan didn't understand. At first, she felt energetic but now she feels drained. Emotionally and physically. 

Brie tweeted 'Morgan! What is going on!? Get up and fight! What happened!?'

Celeste tweeted 'Morgan, you look really drained. You were just on a roll a few seconds ago.' 

Alicia Fox tweeted 'WWEMorgan101 was just on a roll a few moments ago. How could you let Rosa hit you that easily #DidSomeoneSuckTheLifeOuttaYou' 

A fan tweeted 'I think WWEMorgan101 is distracted because of that kiss. Come to think of it #WhoWouldntGetDistractedAfterAKissFromAmbrose' 

"I'm surprised. I thought Morgan would move out of the way." JBL said. 

"I guess we all underestimated Rosa, tonight," Cole said 

Rosa goes for the pin but Morgan kicks out at a near fall as the crowd chants 'This is awesome' 

"When did she learn how to do a split!? Can-can we see that again!?" King asked as the titantron showed her split. 

"I thought that was the end," JBL said. "If that kiss from Ambrose didn't work, then maybe if Morgan gets defeated, she'll be okay. I'm rooting for Rosa to win this." 

"Rose! Unleash!" Bray yelled. He quickly turned to Erick and Luke and started to whisper in their ears. 

"Looks like Bray has something planned," Cole said. 

"You know, if the match with Ambrose didn't work, or the kiss and slap, maybe if she gets pinned, it'll work," JBL said. 

"Or submitted," Cole said as Rosa hit Morgan with a double foot surfboard as she held her arms. 

"Give up!" Rosa yelled as she put her feet on her back. 

"Gosh..." King said with worry. 

Dean narrowed his eyes at Morgan. He knew she wasn't going to break this easily. He had hope that she would fight back. 

Morgan closed her eyes. 'Why do I feel so weak?' She pondered. 

She couldn't give up. She had to fight back. 

"Give up!" Rosa yelled again. 

"No!" Morgan screamed. 

Moments later, Rosa releases the hold but drops her back down with a kick. She goes for another pin by Erick quickly gets in the ring and breaks up the pin. 

"That looks like what the Wyatts are trying to avoid," Cole stated. "Did you see how fast Erick got in that ring?" 

"I agree," JBL said. 

Rosa quickly tags in Roman while Morgan tags in Erick. The crowd gets loud once Roman gets in the ring. He drops Erick with a clothesline and takes out Bray off the apron. The Samoan is about to hit Morgan but he stops himself when she flinches. 

"Second thoughts?" Cole asked as they looked at each other, making the crowd cheer loudly.

"Come on Morgan, open your eyes or I'll have no choice but to spear you," Roman said with concern. 

"You couldn't bring yourself to spear me..." She mentioned as another spark went off in her head. 

She starts to remember the accident back at TLC when he speared her instead of Punk. 

Moments later, she looks ahead and sees Erick about to attack Roman from behind. Roman senses this and quickly elbows Erick in the head and hits him with a Samoan drop before unloading on him. Luke gets back in the ring and grabs him off of him. He throws him out of the ring but Roman runs and gives Erick a dropkick off the bottom rope. 

"Show off..." Morgan mumbled while Roman smirked at her comment as he started to think she was coming back to The Shield. 

He gets on the apron and pulls down the top rope, making Luke fall out of the ring. Roman slams Erick down and goes for the pin. 

"Is this enough?" Cole asked but Bray broke it up. Dean slides back in the ring and jumps on top of him as he starts unloading on him. "And things are breaking down, guys." 

"Look at Dean Ambrose go, here," King said. 

Harper throws Dean to the ropes but gets elbowed in the face. Bray gets on the apron and gets dropkicked by Dean. Dean turns to Bray but gets hit with a suicide dive by Harper as the crowd 'Ohs'. 

"Are you kidding me!?" Cole exclaimed.

"You gotta be kidding me!" JBL yelled as Seth ran and hit Luke with a Swanton out of the ring. 

"There are bodies everywhere!" Cole exclaimed as Roman went for a roll up but Erick kicked out at two. 

Roman and Erick try to go for a clothesline but they both drop each other down. Seth marches over to the Spanish announce table and takes off the cover as the crowd gets loud and hyped. 

"Oh boy..." Morgan mumbled. 

"Watch it! Watch it!" King yelled as Seth got attacked from behind by Bray. Bray and Luke start to jump him but Ambrose gets involved as the crowd cheers as he goes at it with Bray. "Whoa! This is a war!" 

Bray and Dean fall over the barricade and start fighting out in the crowd. Morgan starts to look worried as soon as Bray comes back and not Ambrose. Meanwhile, in the ring, Erick and Roman start to give each other hits until Roman hits him with a leaping clothesline. He pins him for a near fall. 

Morgan jumped off the apron and walked up to Bray. She gave him a look, asking him, 'What did you do? What did you do to him? Where is he?' 

"He's taken care of. There's no need to worry." Bray reassured. 

Seth gets up and starts attacking Luke but Bray hits him from behind. In the ring, Erick slams Roman and he rolls out of the ring. The Wyatt Family stands before Seth. Erick and Luke lift him up as Morgan's eyes widen. She starts to look conflicted. She wanted to scream and shout. 

"Morgan! Please stop this! Do something!" King yelled. 

Brie tweeted 'BE OUTSPOKEN! OPEN YOUR MOUTH AND SPEAK UP WWEMorgan101! #WhatHappenedToTheOutspokenDiva' 

Nikki tweeted 'I can't believe I'm saying this but...I think WWEMorgan101 is officially broken' 

"This is not gonna be good! They are gonna break Seth Rollins in half!" Cole exclaimed

"No!" King yelled. 

As soon as Seth gets thrown onto the Spanish announce table, Morgan drops to her knees and puts her hands over her mouth. 

"Oh my God!" Cole yelled while Bray gave Rollins a blank look. 

Brie tweeted 'Why...why didn't you do anything!? WWEMorgan101' 

Nikki tweeted 'Seth has been there for you...The Shield has been there for you...Why didn't you do something?' 

Celeste tweeted 'Morgan, do I need to give you a spear and gutbuster to make you open your eyes?' 

Bray walks over to Morgan and kneels before her. "This is closure for you, Rose. They gave you so much they get to feel what you felt." 

She nodded a few times and sniffed. "Yes. I understand." She said and stood up while The Wyatts circled around Roman, in the ring. 

Roman gets on his hands and knees while he looks at the Wyatts. 

"They're acting like The Shield now. This is what they did over a year." JBL said as The Wyatts started to jump Roman and take control. 

Moments later, the crowd chants 'We Want Morgan!' as Morgan looks at the crowd. They wanted her to wake up too, but it just wasn't enough. 

"Roman has no help," Cole mentioned as Bray gets tagged in. 

When Bray sets Roman out for Sister Abigail's kiss, Roman grabs his hands and makes him release the hold as the crowd gets excited. He hits Bray with a Samoan drop and cleans house. He hits Bray with a superman punch as he starts to gain momentum. He sets up for the spear but Luke gets back in the ring. Roman spears him as the crowd cheers but then Erick starts to distract the ref. 

All of a sudden, Rosa slides into the ring out of nowhere and hits Roman with a low blow as the crowd looks on in shock. Bray was on his hands and knees, grinning at the sight

"What!?" King yelled in a high pitched voice as Morgan narrowed her eyes at Rosa. 

"Who the-what is going on!?" Cole yelled. 

"I knew it! I knew she was working with the Wyatts! Why do you think she sucked up to The Shield? Why do you think she left as soon as Morgan and Dean broke up? She was nowhere to be seen." JBL exclaimed. "She was so persistent about ruining Morgan's relationship with The Shield." 

Morgan looks on in shock as Rosa smirks while Bray gives her a nod. 

"And now Bray Wyatt off the distraction from Rosa is gonna take advantage!" Cole said as he positioned Roman for the Sister Abigail. 

Nikki tweeted 'I knew it! I knew it! This is bad. Really bad. Morgan, please open your eyes! Please! Do something!' 

Celeste tweeted 'Was not expecting Rosa of all people to be working with the Wyatts this whole time.' 

Morgan walks to ringside, near the ramp as Rosa leaves the arena. Bray turns his attention to Morgan and she nods in approval before he does the Sister Abigail on Roman. He goes for the pin. After the ref yells three, Morgan's body language shows that she is defeated as she reveals a disappointed look at the fallen members of The Shield. 

"The Wyatt Family rule at Elimination Chamber!" Cole yelled as The Wyatt's theme came on. 

"The winners of this match, The Wyatt Family," Justin announced. 

The Wyatts are down and out but once Bray stands up, he locks eyes with Morgan. He motions her to get in the ring with the family. She obeys and they look down at Roman. 

Morgan is about to leave the ring but stops and slowly looks back at the fallen members of The Shield, causing the crowd to cheer loudly, feeling hopeful. Moments later, she gets out of the ring and gets picked up bridal style by Luke Harper. She wraps an arm around his neck and looks back at The Shield while the Wyatts begin to slowly walk up the ramp. 

"So many questions unanswered. Is Morgan back to herself? Did Sister Abigail gain control?" Cole asked. All of a sudden, Morgan began to show a smirk as she looked back at The Shield. "Would you look at that..." 

"She's smirking," JBL said. "I kind of like this." 

"I don't understand. What does the smirk mean?" Cole wondered.  

"This is killing me. Is she back or is this Sister Abigail?" King exclaimed. 

"I guess we'll have to check tomorrow night, on Raw," Cole announced. 

Celeste tweets 'Um, I could have sworn Ambrose was still a part of that match. #GettingWorried #WhereIsDean #ShouldIMakeAMissingPersonsReport?' 

Brie tweeted 'NO! WWEMorgan101 why!? Why didn't you wake up!? I thought you were gonna get the last laugh. #ItsOver' 

Nikki tweeted 'Ooh! Rosa is in hot water now. Just watch. The Shield is gonna get her good.' 

Brie also tweeted 'I don't understand...I thought the kiss...the match...I thought that all worked...The Wyatts got her locked up well. Don't let this be the end.' 

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More Posts from Smolwritingchick

1 year ago

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 73- It's About Time!

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 73- It's About Time!

Chapter Summary: Jennie and Jungkook officially start dating! Jennie becomes a guest judge on Produce 101. While on break, BTS spend time doing leisure activities. Jennie and Jungkook celebrate their first Valentine's Day

Words: 10,000+

Author's Note: I'll do my best to write Jennie and Jungkook as a nice couple for this story. :) Thanks for making it this far!



That was the first thing Jennie felt as she began to stir in her sleep. Was last night a dream or did it happen?

When she felt Jungkook’s arms wrapped around her as he was the big spoon while they lay on their sides, she knew that this was all real. She looked forward to this new relationship with him as a sense of giddiness overcame her. She couldn’t stop smiling to herself. They were really dating.

Eyes open, she glanced at the clock to see that it was about time to get ready for practice. She did not want to leave the bed. She wanted to stay like this for a few more hours. Just being in his arms was enough to make her morning better. But she knew she had to get up sooner or later and then wake him up so they could meet up with the rest of the members.

The members.

Oh boy, how will they react when they find out about them? She was sure that Jimin and Taehyung would be freaking out, cheering them on. What about Jin? And what about Big Hit in general? Oh gosh, they needed to tell Bang PD. Shaking the thoughts out of her head, she decided to just take it one thing at a time and stay optimistic about everything. 

Once she began to move, she felt the arms around her tighten and pull her back into a firm chest.

“Ten more minutes,” Jungkook murmured sleepily.

She tried to move again but a whine escaped his lips as he held her tighter. Jennie began to laugh as he clung to her.

“Ten. More. Minutes.” he gave her multiple kisses all over her face as she continued to laugh and tried to lightly push him away.

Once she turned around to face him while in his arms, her heart skipped a beat and those butterflies came back as she remembered everything that happened last night. She just felt so content to be with him. The way he gazed at her with so much love and affection made her happier. She needed to think of other words besides happy to describe what she was feeling but she couldn’t help it.

“Good morning to you, too.” she smiled after he kissed her.

“How did you sleep?”

“Great. I hope I wasn’t too heavy when I slept on top of you last night.”

Smiling, he replied, “Not at all. I would like if we could sleep like this more often.”

“I’d like that.”

After getting ready, Jennie and Jungkook walked into the dining room where it looked like everyone was just about there as Yoongi was the last one to make it to the table.

“Good morning!” Jin beamed, setting the last plate of food that he made on the table for them. “Let’s eat!”

Breakfast went on like usual but JenKook couldn’t help but notice Taehyung, Jimin, and Yoongi staring at them. Yoongi had a knowing smirk on his face whenever he glanced over at the couple while the 95 Liners had proud smiles on their faces. 

Jimin and Taehyung could not stop glancing at one another as they watched JenKook closely. The way they were seated next to each other and putting food on each other’s plates. It was getting harder not to bring up what they saw last night as they struggled to keep their mouths shut.

After everyone finished their food, Taehyung looked remarkably uncomfortable as he tried to hold in what he wanted to yell out while Jimin proceeded to bite his tongue.

“Hey, are you two all right? You look like you’re freaking out. What’s wrong?” Hobi called out the 95 Liners with concern.

“O-oh we’re fine!” Jimin giggled.

“So! How did you two sleep?” Taehyung cut right to the chase, staring at JenKook. 

He couldn’t hold it in anymore, he wanted to hear it. He wanted that confirmation. He needed that confirmation!

“Oh, I slept great.” Jennie cheerfully responded. “My flight was smooth sailing. The family says hi. Angelina also asked about you guys.”

Nodding, Taehyung turned to the Golden Maknae, “I’m glad to hear that. What about you, Jungkook?”

“Perfect,” he responded as he and Jennie glanced at each other with a smile. 

The 95 Liners began to look obvious that they were struggling to keep in some information which finally caught Jennie and Jungkook's attention.

“Hyung? You okay?” Jungkook asked.

“Yeah, are you guys all right?” Jen’s voice turned into concern.

“So!” Jimin shouted. “Anything you want to tell us?”

“Tell us?” Hobi asked, turning to JenKook.

“Just impatiently waiting for you two to just say it...” Yoongi added.

“What’s up?” Jin asked.

“Our ship sailed, that’s what’s up.” Jimin giggled again.

“I CAN’T TAKE THIS ANYMORE! GOSH DARN IT, PLEASE! TELL US! ARE YOU TWO OFFICIAL!?” Taehyung yelled, feeling a huge weight lifted off his shoulders while Jimin sighed out of relief that he took the risk to ask.

“What?” Jin looked confused

“We saw them asleep together last night! But this time it seemed different! She was on top of him sleeping!” Jimin blurted out. “They were cuddling like crazy! Please tell me that’s good news!”

Hobi let out a yell of glee and Namjoon began to smile at the information revealed. Jin, however, spit out his coffee, which unfortunately landed on Namjoon, who closed his eyes. The leader then grabbed a napkin to clean himself off, not even getting an apology from the oldest member.

“Well...” Jennie smiled, glancing at Jungkook. “I came back last night and told him exactly how I felt.”

“AND!?” the members yelled, leaning in close.

“She’s mine.” Jungkook proudly said.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~!” Jimin, Hobi, and Taehyung dramatically fell on the floor while everyone else erupted into loud cheers. 

Jen and Jungkook laughed out loud while some of the members ran around the dorm, jumping around in celebration.

They yelled various things such as “FINALLY!”, “About time!”, “IT’S REAL! JENKOOK ARE REAL!” and many other bright shouts. 

Once everyone pulled themselves together, they went back to the table, happily asking the new couple questions about what happened. 

Afterward, Jin cleared his throat. "Okay, I'm very happy you two are finally together but we need to have some rules about this!"

“Jin...” Jimin whined

“Here we go...” Yoongi chuckled

Jennie gestured for Jin to talk, “It’s okay, Jungkook and I prepared for this. Tell us all the rules, Jin. We’ll make sure to follow them and be your innocent kids.”

"Yeah, innocent kids," Jungkook teased as he shared a laugh with Jennie.

"Are you two mocking me?" Jin questioned, causing them to laugh at him. "I am being serious, here! No funny business!"

"We'll be on our best behavior, Hyung,"

With that, the oldest member took out his phone and opened the notes app to reveal a long list of rules. It looked like he had created it a long time ago which amused the members. 

“Thank you for your cooperation. Let’s get started. Doors open at all times...”


Once the members arrived at Big Hit, Jungkook immediately grabbed Jennie's hand to hold it, and they both smiled at each other.

Currently, with their new relationship, it felt like a burst of emotions, making them feel high and euphoric. It was exciting thus far because it was completely new to them.

The members watched with joyful smiles while they murmured to one another about how whipped Jungkook looked. As JenKook walked past staff members, greeting them respectfully, the staff immediately began to talk and giggle with one another when they saw them holding hands. Manager Sejin had recommended JenKook to see Bang PD to let him know what was going on and also commented on how excited he was that they were finally together. With butterflies in their stomachs, as they hoped that the meeting would go well, they strolled to Bang PD’s office.

When they sat at his desk, Bang PD was in a cheerful mood, happily greeting them and asking how they were doing. After their small talk, he asked them what they wanted to tell him. 

To say that they were nervous was an understatement. What if he disapproves? 

Jen heard horror stories of dating bans and how companies tend to be extremely strict with trainees and idols dating. She hoped that Big Hit wasn’t the same way.

Sensing Jen’s nervousness, Jungkook grabbed her hand, intertwining his fingers with hers.

Taking a deep breath, Jungkook spoke, “We wanted to tell you that we’re dating.”

After he said that, Bang PD stared at them carefully as the entire room remained silent. Jennie and Jungkook squeezed their hands, hoping that he’d approve.

“Since when?” he questioned, glancing at the two as the tension thickened.

“Last night.”

“Last night...” he murmured, narrowing his eyes.

After a moment, he began to laugh wholeheartedly, ending his serious act.

“I guess I owe a lot of staff members free meals.” he sighed as he began to ponder about that Korean BBQ place they wanted to eat at. 

Jungkook sighed out of relief while Jennie placed a hand over her heart.

“I-I thought I said not to scare me like that anymore back during the Rookie King filming!” Jen exclaimed

“I couldn’t resist, I had to!” Bang PD grinned.

“Did you bet on us or something?” Jungkook asked.

“I had to join in on the bet! The entire company made a bet on you kids! I assumed you two would start dating after your next comeback but everyone else predicted that you two would date before. And I was wrong. Ah, but it’s okay. It’ll be nice to have a company meal. I am so happy. I was waiting for this moment. To see you two like this. I approve of this 100%.” he chuckled softly while the couple stared at him, dumbfounded.

Just how many people have been waiting for them to get together?

“You’re not mad? You’re okay with this?” Jen asked.

“Of course, I am okay with this! Young love is a beautiful thing. What is there to be mad about? I only want the best for you, here. You kids are young and learning about life. I want you to have a nice relationship and live your life to the fullest. I would never restrict you from your dating life

and ban you from dating each other.”

Wow. This was going better than expected. 

Jennie felt a sense of joy at how supportive everyone was about this. She wasn’t expecting it as she thought on the negative side of things. Because of the stories she has heard from other companies and people dating. 

As they discussed their relationship with him, they mentioned that they wanted to keep their relationship private for the time being, to which Bang PD agreed.

“Relationships can be hard.” Bang PD advised, “Remaining a healthy, long-term couple won’t happen overnight. It takes communication, diligence, and honesty. Keep an open mind, respect each other, and live life happily. I’m glad you two were open about your feelings. If I must say, whenever I see you two together it is very obvious. Very cute, too. Sometimes I would catch you two smiling and looking at each other lovingly. It’s always an adorable sight.”

The day turned into a whole day of teasing for the couple. The staff members gushed over them and talked about how excited they were to see them together. Things were great.

After dance practice, Jen spent the rest of the day in her studio. Something about Jungkook gave her some inspiration to work on those songs that she wanted to release for her future solo album. Although she had no idea when she wanted to release it, at least she had some inspiration. She could make some love songs about him, too.

After getting the melody of the new song down, her phone rang, and her eyes lit up when she saw the Caller ID.


She immediately answered the call. “Angelina! What up!?” she happily greeted.

“Jen~! How was the flight?”

“It was fine! I miss you already.”

“I know, I know. We’ll see each other again very soon. Okay, okay but enough about that, I NEED to know. Did you go see him!?”

“I did!”

As if on cue, Jungkook walked into her studio and she turned around with a smile.

“And...? Oh hey, Jungkook!” Angelina noticed him in the background. He waved at her and took a seat next to Jennie. “Wait-JUNGKOOK! Oh my God, are you know! SPILL!”

Jen laughed, “Yep!”

Angelina instantly fell off her bed and dropped her phone on the floor as a loud thump was heard. 

“Oh my gosh, Ang? Are you okay!?” Jen asked while Jungkook giggled at her antics.

After she pulled herself together, Angelina exclaimed, “Don’t play with me! Are you for real!?”

“Yes, we are real,” Jungkook answered in English with a big smile.

“AHHHHHHHHH~! FINALLY! ABOUT TIME! I knew you two would! Can you two kiss? Like can I see you two kiss, please? Please? To see my ship sail right in front of me on Facetime?”

Jennie giggled. “Now? Are you serious?”


Shrugging, Jennie leaned forward and pressed her lips against his while Angelina screamed and dropped her phone again. The kiss didn’t last long since the couple burst out in laughter due to her excessive fangirling.

After their Facetime call, Jungkook left so Jen could take care of her work. As she worked on the songs she planned to release in the years to come, she thought about the time when she first started working on music with Yoongi. 


It was last year when she was in her studio. She had the opportunity to work on Autumn Leaves for The Most Beautiful Moment in Life PT.2. Yoongi had asked her to help produce a song on the upcoming album and thought Autumn Leaves would be a great song for her to work on. Once she got permission from the company and even had Slow Rabbit’s backing on it, she was excited about the new job.

“Okay...” she placed her headphones on her ears and pressed play to listen to the instrumental of Autumn Leaves.

What surprised her was that Yoongi decided to use the melody she randomly hummed for him a few months ago.

It was just a casual day at the dorm and she was doing chores that Jin had given her. Bored since she was waiting for Hobi to give back her speaker, she hummed around the dorm. One certain humming tune caught Yoongi’s attention as he watched her. He had asked her to hum that same tune and recorded her on voice memos with his phone. Jen didn’t think much of it and hummed like he asked, freely and happily. But Yoongi actually used what she hummed and created the melody for the song.

“You...are something else...” she murmured, shaking her head in disbelief. 

She loved this so much. After copying the instrumental on a new file so she could play around with it, she got right to work. As a few hours went on, she didn’t hear Yoongi walk in as she felt him tap her shoulder and take a seat next to her.

“What do you have so far?” he asked as she took off her headphones.

“Oh, it’s...not much.” she chuckled nervously, feeling a bit embarrassed.

“Why are you so nervous? You’re not this nervous about DJing.” he raised a brow and grabbed her headphones.

“I just want it to be good.”

“Smartie, we’re working together to create something great. I asked you to work with me on this for a reason. Now, what do you have so far?”

“Okay before I press play, I really love what you have. So, I played around with it on a new file and made it lighter instead of powerful. In the beginning, I thought of making it flow more and you could get this tingly sensation in your ears with the first few notes. And I started snapping to the beat so I recorded myself snapping and I thought it worked well.” she rambled on while Yoongi nodded and pressed play to listen to it.

Jen looked away, nervous about what his reaction would be. This was her first time working on a song like this for the album and she wanted it to be great.

“Smartie, you worried for nothing,” he replied and began to smile. “I like it.”

“You do?” she sighed out of relief.

“It sounds really good.”

“I’m glad. Hey, about me humming that tune that you recorded, you put it as the melody for this. Why?”

“N-no reason.” he shrugged, looking away. When he looked back, he noticed that she wasn’t going to give up on asking, so he sighed. “I just...liked your voice and you became my inspiration for it. I made the instrumental pretty quickly after hearing you hum. It’s nothing, okay? Let’s continue working.”

'Aw....' Jennie thought.

She smiled softly. “I’m glad I could be your inspiration, Yoongi.”

“Yeah, yeah...” he murmured. After a while, he asked, “But, you do like it though, right? You didn’t mind?”

“I don't mind, at all! I loved it!”

“Good.” he cleared his throat. “When we go to Slow Rabbit we can work on mixing it more.”


“I think maybe one of the vocal line’s adlibs should be at the beginning of the song.”

“I tried it but I don’t think my voice would fit for that section of the song. Maybe I could harmonize with someone?”

“I think one person should just do it.” 

She nodded and wrote down some notes on her notepad. “Okay...Oh, I also wrote a suggestion down. When we begin line distribution, I dunno I just strongly feel like Jin should sing first.”

Yoongi nodded. “Put that track on the flash drive and let’s make our way over to Slow Rabbit so he can check out our instrumentals. We have something good here.”


61 trainees remained for Produce 101 as Jang Keun-suk, MC for the show, informed the girls that their next task was a position evaluation. Rap, vocal, and dance and they would perform it live and the first place winner for each group will receive an additional 100,000 votes.

After the girls chose their songs, Jang Keun-suk prepared to leave but made one more announcement, “We have a special guest today who will be watching over you as you work on your songs. Let’s bring her out.” he happily turned to the door.

Opening up the door, Jennie walked in with a bright smile. “Why hello!” she waved and bowed, which caused a lot of fangirling to occur with the trainees as they looked shooked.

“We know who she is right?”

“Yes!” the trainees happily replied with bright smiles.

(Jennie from BTS! I cannot believe she’s here! She’s cool!)

(If you don’t know who Jennie is, you are living under a rock. Everyone knows her because when she came to Korea years ago, it was a big culture shock to the K-Pop industry.)

(I heard of her. Isn’t she like the only girl performing in Big Hit Entertainment? And is the only girl in BTS? I was amazed at how she adapted to everything here)

(I think it’s a bit intimidating to be in a group with all guys but she made it look so effortless)

(Jennie is someone that I have always liked watching because of how she never gave up when things were hard for her.)

(She is so lucky to be in a group with all those cute looking guys. I love her work. I study a lot from her currently)

(I LOVE her! Jennie is actually HERE! I am in the same room as THE Bangtan Girl! I almost fainted! I’m like so nervous)

Jennie bowed again, “Hello, I’m Jennie from BTS! Thanks for having me, I’m so excited to be here! From time to time, I’ll be checking in on your ladies, to see what you have so far and to help prepare you for your performances. So let’s have lots of fun and work hard, all right?”

“Yes!” the trainees responded.

Jen let the teams work for a while before she ended up approaching them team by team. 

She went to go see the team that would be performing Monster by Big Bang for vocal and she found out that Soonmin wanted to be center but Chanmi also wanted to because she wanted to redeem herself since her voice cracked. Jen advised Chanmi that there were other ways to redeem yourself besides being in the center and went on to watch them work on the song, answering any questions they had.

Now when it was time to see what they had done, Jen sat with the two other vocal coaches, Jea and Kim Sungeun, in the practice room. It felt a bit weird to be sitting with legends such as them. The fact that people are calling her a mentor, and to get a young artist’s point of view and share what she went through when training, was humbling. As she sat with them to listen to the group sing Monster, she and along with the mentors cringed because it wasn’t on key and they didn’t sound together as some even messed up. The two mentors lectured them and said it was not balanced and that they sounded old. The mentors then suggested Soomin sing the chorus and praised her, wanting the group to sing her age. 

After their evaluation, Jen went to work with them, sitting in a circle as she helped them sound more like their age.

“From what I saw back there, you aren’t performing as a unit. It’s not altogether like it should be. So, let’s work on that, shall we?” she got to work, going over the entire song with them.

When she noticed that Jinhee had struggled to pronounce monster in English, Jen helped her with the pronunciation. She even helped practice with her alone, making her repeat her parts over and over again to make sure she got it right.

Jinhee (I was a bit worried about this song. I just want to show my vocal skills because I think I am capable. Jennie has been a big help. I will work hard)

“I want to show a better stage but I’m scared that I won’t do well,” Jinhee said to her.

“I felt that way all the time. But we will get this right. You can do it. Now say it with me.” 

“I can do it!” Jinhee smiled.

With the second vocal team, they were to perform Day by Day. Juna and Yeunjung both wanted to be the center. They both sang it out and in the end, the group chose Juna as the center. Yeunjung was a bit upset about not getting the part and the members could see how down she was and wasn’t that involved. She ended up tearing up and Jennie pulled her aside to talk to her.

“I want to meet the expectations that people have of me but it seems like I won’t be able to...” Yeunjung admited.

“I get it. I do. I lost countless nights of myself crying when I first debuted in BTS.” Jennie said.

“You cried?” she sniffed

“Oh, all the time. It was pretty bad but I’m still here. And you will be too. I think we should get out of that mindset that you’ll only get noticed if you’re center. Because that is not true. So, you’re not the center of this song. Use that to your advantage. You can still stand out even if you aren’t the center. Now, perk up, you’re too pretty to be having that sad face. I want to see you smile! You are going to be OK!”

When in the practice room to hear them perform what they had, Yejin missed the beat and kept having to start over while everyone watched her.

“What is this? What’s going on?” Jea asked, unamused

“I feel like you all sound like you’re hesitating. Don’t hesitate. Be confident in your voice. If you hesitate, people will notice that when you’re on stage.” Jen added.

“Yes, I agree. This is generally a mess. And what’s bothering me the most is that the two of you are on the same team but it’s not actually a team.” Kim Sungeun said

“This is a team effort, you gotta work together. Don’t try to compete with one another, you have to listen to each other and find that right pitch to sing.” 

The two girls were told to sing again but then suddenly Juna began to cry which confused everyone. Soon after Yeunjung cried too.

“Ahhhhh what is going on?” Jen whined, feeling her heart ache at them crying.

The class was stopped so the team could pull themselves together while Jennie walked out with them.

“It’s not your mistake. It’s not your fault. We’re learning. I feel like you all need to communicate with each other and talk things through.” Jen said. “Figure out what you can do so this team can soar in the performance.”

The next group was for vocals with three ladies performing Call Me Baby. When Jen went to talk to them, she found out that Eunwoo was chosen as the center even though Yeseul wanted it too.

“Ooh, now you know I’m going to love you, ladies, because you’re performing EXO. Like that is my GROUP!” Jen happily sat with them and listened to the ideas they came up with.

And as she sat in the practice room, she gave the group words of encouragement. When they performed, Jen was not disappointed as she started dancing in her seat when they sang. The girls were told they did well which heightened the expectations for the other groups. 

Miss Bangtan went outside the room with them to practice a bit more.

“The one thing I want to work on a little bit with you is that harmony. It’s almost there,” she said and went over the lines with them. She went to Yeseul. “Sing it just a pitch higher. Call me baby eh, call me baby! Call me baby eh call me baby!” she demonstrated. 

And when she heard her sing it, she got it correctly.

“Call me baby eh,” Jen repeated and listened to them sing it at once, making her ears shiver from the harmony. “YES! That’s the sound! Oh, you ladies are going to kill it on stage. Also, make sure you finish the song off strong. Like, make it so that people want more but the song is over. So, five, six, seven, eight, I’ll be your baby yeah!” she sang with them. “Okay, again.”

“I’ll be your baby, yeah!” they sang out

“ ladies are no joke! I wish I could be there for the performance. I’ll watch the videos though. I am so proud of you all!”

Next was Me Gusta Tu’s vocal group. At first, two members, Haein and Siyeon had very strong opinions on what to do for the group, and during practice in front of everyone, it was like they were practicing by themselves and it sounded sad instead of emotion. But then Haein began crying because she thought about her team members getting eliminated and the hate comments.

Once Jea saw that even Taeha was crying, she freaked out and exclaimed that she was going to go crazy.

“Y’know I got a crap ton of hate comments when I first started. I still do now but in the past I let it get to me and it affected my practicing.” Jen brought up. “I let my life be surrounded by the hate. I stopped taking care of myself and I passed out and knocked myself out when I hit the floor during dance practice. It was because of exhaustion and I got a bad concussion. You remember, right?”

The girls nodded as they remembered all those articles about her passing out and the concussion. It scared Big Hit to death when it happened.

“It sucked but I had my loved ones be there for me to support me. They made me get it together and realize that we shouldn’t let hate mess with our heads.” Jen went on. “And you have these girls here to support and love you too. Nothing is your fault, you keep your head up high and let that hate be in one ear and out the other. Sadly, there is a lot of bitterness in this world. But you are a good person and we all can see that you are trying your best. So please, don’t cry. After this, I’ll help you.”

For the My Best group, Jen was told that none of them had heard the song before and had a difficult time with it. She had given them advice and told them stories of a bunch of Korean songs that she wasn’t aware of when she first came to Korea and learned as she went.

During the vocal class, everyone did not memorize the lyrics and was caught reading from the sheet as Jea lectured them on not even singing well.

“But to be blunt, this is a mess!” Sungeun exclaimed.

As the lesson went on, it looked like they had to change the main vocal for the sake of the team, which was what the mentors suggested.

Once Jen saw the hurt on Yeonkyung’s face when her spot was taken away, she spoke up, “Everybody wants to be center and the main vocal but you need to understand that there are times when someone else’s voice is more suited for certain parts of a song. It can be frustrating, I know. I lost countless times how disappointed I was when I wanted to sing certain lines for BTS’ songs but there was a member whose voice suited it more.” 

Jen explained, “For example, with spine breaker. I really loved J-Hope’s verse for it. And each member had to sing the song so we could figure out

which voice suited what verse. I tried the best I could for that song, but I didn’t have much rap skills back then as it wasn’t the best flow or tempo that was needed for the song. And they wanted his voice on it instead since they liked how it sounded. You remember the song right?”

All of a sudden the girls started singing the chorus, making Jen giggle.

“Yeah! And I really wanted his part. It went like this,” she began rapping his verse while the trainees watched in awe.

As soon as she was done, she continued her explanation, “Like I loved that verse, it’s my favorite verse on the song but the song sounds much better with him singing that. So, it’s okay. We gotta do what is best for the song, to make it memorable. Although it’s a rap verse and not a singing

verse, I hope that’s a good example to show you. You’re going to be just fine, so please don’t be discouraged.”

For the next group, with vocal for Zion T’s Yanghwa Bridge, it made Jennie think of Jungkook as her heart soared. But when it was time to hear them for the lesson, it sounded low and they were hesitating. Jea had called them out on it and wanted them to sing louder, asking where the confidence was. And it was kind of hard to give any feedback to Sejeong, who was ranked number one because she was lacking emotionally while her other group members sang it more nicely.

After their lesson, Jennie sat with them to help bring more emotion to their voices, telling them to think about their parents and how much they missed them while being here.

“Thinking of someone always helps. Think of how much your parents trust in you and support you in doing this,” she suggested as she worked with them diligently.

Next up was the dancing as Jennie, Bae Yoonjung, and Kahi walked into the dance practice room to look at what the girls had so far. Out of everyone, Sohye was Jennie’s favorite because she liked how she kept trying even if she wasn’t the best dancer. After a fun dance battle to lighten the mood, they got to work. Jen immediately went up to the group that was working on the Amity song, which is one of the dance choices. 

“Hello!” she waved as the three girls bowed. “What song are you ladies dancing to?”

“Amity’s That’s my girl.”

Jen let out a chuckle as it brought back memories. “Wow, my old group, huh? I’m excited to see what you have in store.”

“We’ve been working really hard. We know how much this means to you.” one of the girls said.

“You know I have a story about that song. Mind if I share it?”

“Go ahead!”

“Gosh, Hailey, my old leader was so pissed when the song became popular. It was only me, Angelina, who raps, and Layla on the track. I replaced Hailey with all her singing parts that she wanted because the producers thought my voice fit better. It’s my favorite Amity song and it

worked quite well. I’m surprised the show decided to use this. I don’t recall it being that viral. Unless they did it because they knew I’d be on the show.” she pondered.

She went on to tell the story about the song, “Each member sang the entire song by themselves and the producers chose who would fit best for the song. They then decided it would be best to use three members. Hailey would always overpower us in singing, like a lot. It was insane, especially when recording this song, so the producers wanted me to sing her part to see how it would sound. And then we switched parts because I sounded better. But Hailey was soooo mad. It was funny to see her like that. Like ha! Up yours!” she giggled with the girls.

“Ah, but as time went on she became stubborn and wouldn’t want to do things with the group until she had her way. And of course, she got her way and that’s when things went crashing down. She became a little greedy for the parts but I feel like we can’t have everything we want and we have to understand that certain parts are suited for other people instead of ourselves. We need to move past the greedy mindset when performing. So please work as a team for this. Be better than Amity’s skill in teamwork.”

“We won’t let you down!”

As she watched them perform, Jennie jammed out and looked so happy while the others looked on impressed. 

It was what Amity could have been. 

And after the performance, Jennie teared up, “That was just amazing.”

“Thank you.” the girls reply.

One trainee spoke up, “I was a bit discouraged. I am not from a big company and seeing these other girls in bigger companies made me doubt my skills.”

“I don’t care If I’m competing against someone from SM Entertainment, do not let someone from a bigger company discourage you,” Jen replied. “Don’t compare yourself to them. You gotta know in your heart that you can bring it just as hard as them. From what I saw today, you have something special. You’re very talented. All of you.”

The other trainee said, “I wanted to dance your part because I love your work. You inspire me to become better and it means the world to me that you are praising us for our efforts.”

“You ladies are going to make me cry...Thank you.” Jen blinked the tears away.

The main group that Jen focused on the most was the dance group working to perform Sunmi’s Full Moon. When watching them, everyone messed up, and Sohye especially had a lot of trouble with the work. 

Bae Yoonjung wanted to speak with Jennie and Kahi for a moment to discuss what was going on and Jen brought up that she had no problem helping them and staying up late doing so even if that meant losing sleep. Once they came back to the room, Sohye was asked why she chose dancing from the instructors and couldn’t give an answer.

“Let’s go to another dance practice room. I’ll work with you, three ladies.” Jen stood up. “I want us to make sure that we get this done and I won’t rest until we get it right. Okay? Don’t worry. Come with me.” 

Once they made it to another room, Sohye broke down in tears, surprising her.

“I-I’m sorry...” Sohye wiped her tears.

Jen’s heart ached to see her like this. She was trying her best, “Hey, don’t apologize. Be better. You got this, let’s keep going and I want you to keep your head up high.” she held her hands.

“I didn’t think I was that bad at dancing. I just..”

“Don’t let someone else’s opinion determine your self-worth. As long as you believe you’re good, that should be all that matters. Take constructive criticism and learn to improve yourself. I want you to prove everyone wrong. You can dance.”

Jennie pulled her in for a hug. “I know it’s frustrating. It can be when you think you’re not able to get it like everyone else does. You are trying your best. Let’s try even harder. I see improvement.” she pulled away and wiped her tears. “Let’s get to work.”

After stretching, Jen practiced with the girls.

“Noooooo, you almost had it!” she dramatically said when Sohye missed the cue. “Okay, lemme show you again.”

Sohye (I’m very thankful for Jennie and her kindness. I’m thankful she didn’t give up on me and told me to try and try again.)

After practicing, Jen began to work on giving off that sexy persona for the song with Pinky helping Sohye as well.

“Y’know, I am not a fan of cute concepts and I always have to fake it until I make it with sexy concepts. It’s all about acting. And also if you mess up just keep going.”

“I remember watching you perform War of Hormone and how you danced with Jungkook. Were you nervous?” Pinky asked.

“Oh gosh...” Jen let out a nervous laugh and felt her face warm up at the thought of dancing with Jungkook for the song. “So nervous. He helped me out a lot.”

“You looked so pretty wearing that outfit in the music video.”

“Aw, thanks!”

After helping them, Jennie gave them high fives and expressed how proud she was of them. 

After filming, although Jennie really wanted to go see the girls perform, she was at dance practice with BTS in one of Big Hit’s practice rooms. But the show Produce 101 had begun to film all the girls making their way to the Big Hit Entertainment building as they talked about surprising Jennie to thank her for helping them.

Miss Bangtan was currently on a break in the practice room while Namjoon walked in with a smile.

“Jennie you have some visitors.”

"Visitors? Who?” she turned around to see the trainees and some camera crew walk in. She covered her mouth and laughed while the trainees greeted everyone with bright smiles, “Oh my gosh. Wow! Hi!"

She was handed flowers, smarties, and a huge card signed by all of them as they thanked her for helping them and being so kind.

“Wow, you ladies are truly amazing. Thank you so much for this. Oh, snap, you got me smarties too!? This is great!” she said excitedly, making them giggle.

She took a group photo with the girls and tweeted, ‘I see bright futures in each and every one of you. Thanks for having me! I’m so proud! #Jen’

When the episode aired, Netizens praised Jennie for how patient she was and her positive attitude towards the trainees. They called her a kind teacher and liked how she wasn't as strict as the others. One part they loved the most was when she stayed up late to help the Full Moon team with their performance. Overall, her being on the show was met with positive reactions and got her more recognition.


“Okay, okay, you’re glowing. Something is up.” Hyuna called Jennie out as she sat with her, Hayoon, and Amber in a private area of a restaurant for breakfast.

“I thought I was the only one. Something is different. Did something happen?” Amber teased. “Something did happen, didn’t it?”

“And don’t lie.” Hayoon giggled.

Jen smiled and looked down. Everyone was noticing, huh? 

She couldn’t help but keep smiling as she nodded, “Yeah, something did happen.”

“Sounds positive with the way you’re cheesing.” Amber laughed.

“Wow, is it that obvious?” Jen looked at them in surprise.

“Yep!” the three girls replied.

“Wow. Well, when I came back from America I went to see Jungkook.”

“Oh?” the girls leaned in.

“We had a nice discussion about something that I’ve been thinking about for a long time and well...we’re dating.”

“YES!” Amber yelled while Hyuna and Hayoon screamed excitedly and clapped.

“Pay up!” Hayoon shouted, turning to Amber and Hyuna. “I knew she was going to go see him when she came back to Seoul! Ha-ha-ha, I’m rich~!”

“Whoa, whoa, you put a bet on us, too!? What is wrong with everyone?! You think this is funny?” Jen exclaimed

“All in good fun.” Hayoon giggled, collecting her money. “So, tell us what happened!”

“Yeah, how is he?” Hyuna beamed.

“I’m just so happy. Like everything is going so well, I love him so much. I now understand what it means to be on cloud nine with your significant other. Never thought I would feel this way.” she replied


“My emotions!” Amber whined.

“How did Big Hit handle it?” Hayoon asked.

A pleased smile appeared on Jen’s face, “Oh, they loved it. They were waiting for us to date, too. Everyone put a bet on us over there. Crazy, huh?”

“Nope! Not at all, we have all been waiting. Have you two been on a date yet?”

“Not yet, we’re just keeping this relationship private. But I’m sure we’ll do something soon. Even if it’s something in the dorm, I’ll be happy.” 


After hanging with the girls, Jennie spent the day with Jimin, Taehyung, and Jin to go snowboarding. As much as she hated the cold, she wanted to spend time with Jin who had invited her to join him. Jimin and Taehyung had chickened out and stayed indoors to do something while Jen and Jin went on to the mountain.

Jin insisted that she wore extra layers to make sure she wasn’t too cold. She laughed at how overboard he was about it but she loved seeing him so parent like towards her.

“Make sure this is on securely.” he adjusted her jacket and made sure she was bundled up. “You warm enough?”

“Yes, I told you three times already, let’s snowboard!” she replied excitedly. “Now how do I do this because I never did this before.”

He laughed and got behind her to position her correctly on the board. “Like this. Now accelerate.”

She tried to do what he asked and began to move. “WEEEEEEEEE-OOF!” she exclaimed as she immediately fell and began rolling down the slope. 

The oldest member laughed and went after her. “This is going to be a good day.” He said to himself as he finally saw her lying down on the snow, looking up at the sky

“This is harder than it looks.” she grabbed his hand and got helped up. “Okay, let’s try again!”

“Again?! Are you okay? Do you need to sit down? Are you hurt?”

“Nah, let’s continue!”

Time passed as he continued to try to teach her the basics of snowboarding. She started to get the hang of it, riding slowly down the slope as he cheered her on.

“I got it! I got it!” she yelled as she caught herself from falling when she rode down. Once she made it to the bottom, she turned to see Jin effortlessly snowboarding down to meet her. “That was awesome!” she high fived him.

“You did great! Let’s go back up!”

After another hour, Jennie and Jin went back inside to sit at a table. It was a huge difference from the outside as the warmth around the building eased their muscles as they relaxed. 

Jin sighed and watched Jennie in line to get their beverages. He smiled softly as he watched her have a bright smile on her face. She was just growing up too fast for him. And now even dating Jungkook? She was growing into a fine young woman right before his eyes. Where did the time go? It was just 2013!

“Hey,” his thoughts were interrupted when she sat in front of him, placing their hot chocolate on the table. “I bought a bunch of snacks. Warm soft pretzels and some soft warm cookies. Let’s drink up!” she beamed.

She placed an overwhelming amount of marshmallows in her hot cocoa which concerned Jin as he asked, “U-um are you sure you want that many marshmallows?”

“Yeah! It’s so good with it! You want some?”

“No thanks, you enjoy it, sweetie.”

“Oh, I will.” she eagerly sipped the warm beverage and sighed in contentment while it warmed up her body.

He watched her with a smile and took out his phone to snap a candid photo of her drinking, quickly tweeting, ‘Ah...I feel like she is growing up too little munchkin. I’m very proud of you. Thanks for spending the day with me. #Jin’

“I like how this tastes when eating the pretzel,” Jin added

“I know right? Sweet and salty is the best.”

It didn’t take long for Taehyung and Jimin to join them with their food and then they went to go shopping.

“Oh snap! Jimin! I found your socks!” Jennie teased, pointing out the pairs of baby socks in the aisle, making him scowl.

“Leave me alone!” he whined while she laughed at him. “What about these? These suit you because your feet are too big!” he grabbed a pair of adult socks.

“Huh. Well, at least my feet are bigger than yours.”

“They are not!” 

“Jimin, why do you fall for these tricks every time someone teases you about your height?” Jin laughed.

“You need to think of some better comebacks, Jimin.” Taehyung giggled. “Oh, Jennie, Valentine’s Day is coming up. Any idea what you’re going to do for Kookie?”

It took a few seconds for that statement to register in Jennie’s brain as she stood there blankly. 

Once she understood what he had said, her face fell as she turned around in alarm. “Valentine’s Day!? When is that!?”

Jimin giggled cutely at her reaction, “The 14th silly! Don't tell me you forgot.”

“Oh my God...shit!” she speed walked through the store while the guys look amused.

How could she forget that? How could she not know that Valentine’s Day was coming up? All these Valentine’s Day decorations and items all over town? And in Korea, it’s the girls buying the guys gifts. She was a terrible girlfriend! What was she going to do!?

“She is freaking out. Wow.” Jin watched her frantically search through the aisles that have a ton of Valentine’s Day stuff from chocolate to teddy bears.

“Should we help her?” Taehyung asked.

Jimin grinned mischievously, “Nah, let’s just watch. I want to see what she’s going to do.”

Jen was unsuccessful when trying to buy something for Jungkook. She didn’t want to get something cliché for him so she went back to the big hit building with the guys.

Outside the building, Jimin had begun filming because he was currently in a snowball fight with a few members. Jennie and Yoongi stayed in the car to watch while Yoongi filmed the fight while laughing.

Soon after, Jen got out of the car, shivering from the brisk air hitting her abruptly. She walked up to Jimin because she noticed that he wasn’t wearing gloves and had brought an extra pair. Watching Jimin grab a ball of snow with his bare hands, she heard him complain that his hands were cold.

“And where are your gloves!?” Jen scolded. “Y’all never want to wear gloves, I told you to buy those gloves at the store!”

“They were baby gloves!” Jimin yelled back with a laugh.

“They fit you!”

Jimin got so fed up, he threw the snowball at her, landing directly on her face as a loud gasp escaped her lips. He began laughing hard with Taehyung, Jungkook, Hobi, Jin, and their manager as she wiped the snow from her face. Her face was a bit flushed from the cold and the impact of the snowball

“Now I’m about to fuck you all up.” she grabbed a huge pile of snow while Jimin began backing up, laughing nervously.

“Language Jennie! You’re being filmed!”

“I don’t give a fuck! Bleep it out!” she joined in the fight by throwing the big ball of snow at him, hitting him in the chest.


Jin, Jimin, Jennie, and Jungkook went out to go swimming in an indoor pool, wearing wetsuits. Jennie had been on her phone, sitting by the pool to check out that interview she did with Billboard. It looked so cool and she even looked great for the photo shoot. She revealed her feelings transitioning from American music to K-Pop, what happened up to

when she left Amity, and how she got into Big Hit. She was still sad about Amity and said she pushed through since the fans who have been with her from the Amity days know her side of the story. She remained humble about it, only grateful to the group despite the negativity near the end of her time there.

One question she loved the most was about the country she loved to perform in the most.

‘I love going home, so definitely performing in the USA! I would love to perform in a stadium in America one day with BTS. That’ll be so cool. And maybe even play my guitar there, too. One day! We will get there.’

“Ennie! Come on! Stop playing on your phone and get in the water!” Jimin shouted.

“I’m coming! Jeez!” she placed her phone down.

Jungkook ran a hand through his wet hair and turned around, smiling warmly when he saw her walk down the pool steps, getting her feet wet. He extended his hand out and helped her in.

“Nice of you to join us, milady.” he giggled with her and brought her into the deeper section of the pool.

“Hey! Hey! Hands above her butt!” Jin caught them getting handsy, splashing them with water.

Once he saw the couple’s expressions darken, he paddled away, yelling for his life while they went after him.

“Take him down!” Jen jumped on Jin’s back and tried to choke him with her arms around his neck.

After messing with Jin, Jungkook suggested to her, “Hey, let’s go on the water slide!”

“Nah, I’ll pass!”

“Let’s go~!” he picked her up over his shoulder as she let out a scream in surprise

“Wait! WAIT!” she yelled as he walked up the steps, making it to the biggest slide. “Oh my God, why are we doing this?”

“It’ll be fun, come on! We’ll go together!”

Once she got set down, she positioned herself on the slide. 

“!” she screamed at the top of her lungs once Jungkook abruptly pushed her down. 

She heard his loud laughter as she went down, making a mental note to kill him later. She landed in the pool with a big splash and resurfaced up the water, coughing and moving hair from her face.

“Jungkook!” she yelled, seeing him waving at her at the top of the slide.

“I love you!” he yelled back.

“Fuck you!”

“Okay! Now!?” he eagerly replied in a teasing voice while Jimin laughed with him.

“Hey! We will not have this kind of language here!” Jin shouted, smacking Jungkook on the arm while Jen laughed.


As soon as Valentine’s Day came, Jungkook had not seen Jennie all morning but was excited because it would be their first Valentine’s Day together. He wondered how she was feeling because she would be treating him to who knows what while he had to wait until White Day.

He felt a pair of warm hands covering his eyes while he was seated on the couch and heard her voice, “Guess who?”

“Iron Man?”

“No, silly. It’s me! Stand up and follow me okay? And keep your eyes closed.”

He stood up as she asked and felt her grab his hand, walking him somewhere. After a while, he stopped and heard the door close.

“ them.” 

Jungkook slowly opened his eyes to see her smiling nervously. He then looked around to see that they were in her room and it was decorated. Blankets on the floor with pillows, game systems waiting to be plugged in and played, stacks of games for them to play for each system, snacks sitting around for them, and even food waiting to be devoured.

His eyes softened as he let out a chuckle, looking around like a kid in a candy store. “Wow.”

“Happy Valentine's Day! D-do you like it? I kind of just thought you may want to have a chill day and I thought we could game together, and eat lots of snacks. I even bought extra food for you because of that big appetite of yours.” she nervously said.

He noticed that she was even wearing a pair of cute Iron Man pajamas with her hair down. She did all of this for him. This was the perfect way he wanted to spend the day.

“I-I know you’re usually supposed to buy like chocolate or something on this day but I thought your favorite snacks would’ve been better. I bought the seaweed you like, the banana milk and lots of other stuff. I also brought my smarties. I’ll share some just for you on this special day.” she rambled on.

Oh gosh, she was freaking out. Did she do this all correctly? It just came naturally to her to just create something like this instead of doing anything else. She rambled more while Jungkook watched her, amused, and thought about how cute she looked.

He then cut her rambling off by gently grabbing her face to pull her in for a smooch. She had forgotten what she had rambled about as she closed her eyes and kissed back. He pulled away and pulled her against his chest, wrapping his arms around her. With the side of her head against his chest, she hugged him back while his chin landed on the top of her head. 

She felt his chuckles vibrate against her cheek as he said, “You’re so cute when you ramble. I love this, this is amazing.”

“Really?" she looked up at him as he looked down at her.

"Of course," he leaned down to kiss her lips again.

"Wow, so I freaked out for nothing.”

“Yeah, you did. It was cute though.” he laughed and pulled away. 

They sat on the comfy blankets and Jungkook stared at the food with joy. “Oh, this is great.” he leaned in to kiss her cheek as she giggled and dug in with him.

After eating, she set up the first game system, which was the Wii as they played Wii Sports Resort. Fencing was something that Jen was a champ in, so she had a wonderful time beating him in multiple fencing games.

“Let’s switch controllers!” he demanded

“What!?” she laughed.

“No, this is rigged. Let’s switch!” he took her controller and gave her his. He restarted the game and fenced with her but lost once again. “Are you kidding!?”

Afterward, he got his revenge when he beat her in bowling. Following messing with the Wii, they went to the PlayStation 2, to play one of the Burnout racing games. The game was known for destroying cars, so JenKook had a good time trying to bump into each other whenever their cars passed one another. 

Out of the blue, Jungkook had rammed his car against hers, making her car flip over while all the other vehicles zoomed passed.

“REALLY!?” she shouted over his giggling as he sat behind her while she leaned her back against his chest.

“Babe, it’s just a game.”

“I was in first place!”

“And the Golden Maknae is now in first place. Look how great things turned out for me.” 

It didn’t take long for Jen to make a comeback and rush back up to second place. She kept trying to hit his car while he managed to avoid her efforts. Getting desperate, Jungkook tried to playfully bite her to distract her

“Cut it out! You play too much!” she laughed, trying to move away from him.

After playing a few rounds of the racing game, the couple went to play a wrestling game called Smackdown vs Raw. They choose their wrestlers to fight in the Royal Rumble after choosing which number they want to arrive at. Jungkook, being the cocky one, chose number one since he claimed he would win the entire thing being entrant number one. Jennie, however, chose to be number 30.

She sat next to him, cheering him on as he played as Eddie Guerrero, periodically feeding him snacks. Jungkook had impressed her, they were up to entrant 23 and he was STILL in the ring with high health. Before she knew it, her wrestler, Shelton Benjamin, finally came out as number 30

while Jungkook and two other wrestlers remained in the ring which was Matt Hardy and Rene Dupree.

Jen quickly eliminated Matt Hardy after hitting him with Shelton’s finisher while Jungkook took care of Rene Dupree. All of sudden, she threw Jungkook against the ropes, which was called an Irish whip and his wrestler fell out of the ring.

“YEAH!” she threw the controller down and stood up to celebrate

“WHAT!? NO!” Jungkook fell on his back, looking at the ceiling in disbelief

“Ain’t no stoppin’ me, nowwwwwwww! You can’t rock with me, ain’t no stoppin’!” she sang and danced to Shelton’s theme. “You can’t rock with me, ain’t no stopping! You can’t rock the man, you’re droppin’! Ain’t no stoppin’ me nowwwww!”

“Congratulations.” he accepted his defeat and sat up while she sat back down.

She went to kiss him and when he thought it would be a short kiss, he was about to pull away but she leaned forward to kiss him deeply. She then slowly straddled him while his hands firmly grabbed onto her hips to pull her closer.

Pulling away, she asked, “Can I try something?”

“Yeah, go ahead,” he replied, catching his breath.

Her soft lips pressed against his again, giving him light kisses as she caressed his cheek. Their kissing got needier and she lightly bit his lip and used her tongue, brushing it against his, taking him by surprise at how sensual their kissing became.

Pulling away to catch their breath, Jungkook grinned. "Where'd that come from?"

"I just wanted to use my tongue. Did you like it?”

“Let’s do that again.” he pulled her in for another kiss.

A giggle was heard and they stopped what they were doing. Turning to the door, which was slightly opened, Jimin, Hobi, and Taehyung were seen spying on them.

“Oh shit, they caught us!” Hobi scrambled away with the 95 Liners once they saw the couple run towards the door.


Pressing start, Jennie and Taehyung sat next to each other with their V-Live called #LetsPutMakeUpOnSmartie With Taehyung~

“YOOOOOOO! WHAT IS UP!?” Jen loudly greeted as they watched the viewers pour in at a rapid rate. It went from 1,000 to 10,000 within a minute. “I see our notification squad is here! Represent!”

Taehyung giggled and waved. “ARMY~! Hello!”

“When should we start?”

“Let’s wait until we have at least 30k.”

“But we have 50k right now.”

“That quick!?” he looked at the screen. “Wow~! A lot of ARMY here to see us.”

She laughed. “Let’s get started! What is up, everyone? Today we are here for a very interesting V-Live. Taehyung thought of this goofy concept and I know I may regret it later but this will be a series. Each member of BTS will be doing my makeup and I just have to sit there and let them ruin my


“Ruin? That’s a bit harsh. You doubt my makeup skills?”

“Yeah, I do.”

He giggled again, “I promise I will make you even more beautiful than you already are. Trust me.”

“Uh huh.” she smiled forcefully.

“So...are you ready for me to do your makeup?” he smiled softly and placed her makeup bag on the table.

Jen gulped loudly which made ARMY send laughing emojis in the chat. The comments so far were saying:

‘LOL I LOVE this’

‘This is gonna be good’

‘Oh no Jennie whyyyy’

‘Jen looks high key scared, lmaoooo’

‘I love you Taennie!’

‘We missed you!’

“Okay! Ennie’s face is all nice and clean, so first we shall put on eyeliner!”

“Eyeliner!? Now!?”

“Yeah!” he giggled and grabbed one of her eyeliners.

“Oh my God...” she groaned and closed her eyes as he began to apply it on her face. 

It was extremely uneven and he had messed up a few times, making it look a hot mess.

‘Yooooooo no he didn't! She is going to kill him!’



‘No turning back now!’

“You have pretty eyes. Let’s put some eyeshadow on.” he took out one of her eyeshadow palettes.

“That is brand new. I just received that in the mail a few days ago and I haven’t opened it yet. All from America.”

“Oohhhhh you know what I’ll do? Let’s mix these together!”

"What we not gonna do is mix my brand new eyeshadow.”

“This one...this one...and this one and that one.” Taehyung ignored her and began mixing them together with the brush.

“OHHHHHHHHHHHHH-AHHHHHHHHH!” she screamed when he mixed five shades of eyeshadow all together and began to apply it to her eye. “Are you fuc-friggin kidding me!?”

“Okay! Next is the foundation!” he placed a large portion on a beauty blender, making her cringe.

“A little goes a long way! You don’t need that much! Why are you squirting it!?”

“That’s what she said.” he giggled and she smacked him on the arm.

“I cannot believe this....” she complained as he placed it all over her face. 

He was caking a bunch of it on her poor face as she fake cried.

“Lipstick~!” he grabbed a color of red lipstick and began putting it on her lips, making it uneven.

“I bet I look like a clown.”

“You look very pretty. Doesn’t she ARMY? Okay! I’m done!”

She exhaled and looked at herself in the mirror. “Wh-what the hell? What did you do to me?! The heck is this!?”

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1 year ago

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 68- Under The Mistletoe

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 68- Under The Mistletoe

Chapter Summary: BTS attend the MAMA Awards. Jimin and Taehyung aim to get Jennie and Jungkook to kiss under the mistletoe

Words: 8,000+


In Hong Kong, BTS prepared for their performance during the dress rehearsal. They were to collaborate with GOT7, which Jen was thrilled about.

"Hey, Bam Bam, look it's your future girlfriend." Mark teased as they saw Jennie stretching from afar.

"Shush!" Bam Bam playfully shoved him away.

"And you're drooling~," Jackson exclaimed.

After she finished stretching, she spotted the members of GOT7 and waved. Just before Bam Bam was about to approach her, he stopped when he saw Jungkook.


"Yes?" she turned around, greeted by Jungkook.

"Hobi Hyung wants to go over the choreography with you to make sure you got it. You know that one part."

"All right."

After the dress rehearsal, Jennie had slipped through Bam Bam's eyes as he wanted to take time to talk to her, but like she always does, she wandered around backstage. She saw Monsta X and approached them with a smile.

"Finally get to meet you guys properly. Hi!" she bowed.

"Jennie Walker! Miss BTS! It's nice to finally meet you properly, too! I'm Jooheon. This is I.M, Hyungwon, Kihyun, Minhyuk, Wonho and Shownu."

"I'm trying not to fangirl but oh my gosh, you guys are friggin badass. I am so looking forward to your performance at the show. I can see you guys making it big, I can just feel it. And I'm proud to announce that I am a monbebe~!"

The members seemed pleased to hear that as they welcomed her with open arms. 

"What's your favorite song?" Minhyuk asked.

"Gone Bad is my favorite!"

"Oh really? Can you sing it?" Shownu asked

Jen nodded and sang out Kihyun's part, "Geurae hal mankeum haebwa oneul haruneun. Eodikkaji galji hanbeon nareul jigyeobollae."

"Wow~. I love it." Kihyun applauded.

"Continue." Jooheon challenged

"Okay." she accepted and started feeling herself while rapping to Jooheon, "E eee eee, neon hukhago gayo. E eee eee, neon hukhago gayo."

Jooheon immediately smiled and nodded his head as he rapped with her, "E eee eee, neon hukhago gayo. E eee eee, neon hukhago gayo tto hanbange KO."

She went on while Hyungwon joined in for his verse, "Ppittureojillae. Ppittureojillae ho. Ppittureojillae. Monsta X yeah we rock the show. Ppittureojillae. Ppittureojillae ho. Ppittureojillae. Monsta X yeah we rock the show!"

"We might need to let her be the 8th member of Monsta X, now." Kihyun laughed.

"Ha! I don't think Bangtan will take too kindly to that." she giggled.

"I'm sure we can work something out." Wonho smiled, causing her face to warm up

'Lord Jesus, I was born the wrong year. He's smiling like that on purpose.' she thought.

Wonho was one fine looking guy. Everyone here was.

"So, we heard that Wonho is your bias." Minhyuk teased. "So, who is your bias wrecker? Me, right?"

"No way, it's me," Shownu added.

The members began joking around and trying to impress her with funny poses, making her laugh. 

"She doesn't have a bias wrecker because her heart belongs to me, right Jennie?" Wonho wrapped an arm around her and got closer to her face.

"Oh mah God~." she started feeling shy at how close she was to him and covered her face as he chuckled. Once she pulled herself together, she joked, "I know I'm too young for you, but I fit your ideal type because I can make some bombass ramen."

After goofing around, she asked, "Are you fellas nervous for your first MAMA Awards?" 

"Very. It's a big moment for us. Do you have any advice?" Shownu asked.

"Honestly I was freaking out during my first MAMA. It's such a big deal, y'know? Huge event. But just have fun with it. You're performing in front of thousands of people and various idols from different companies. Show them who Monsta X is and show them that you guys are here to stay and take over. You're going to do great. I'll be cheering you on."

"Thank you, we'll take that to heart." they bowed.

"I remember your performance from last year's MAMA. You performed with Block B's Taeil. You were really good up there. Great charisma." I.M spoke in English, causing Jen to smile and speak in her Native language

"Aw, really? Thank you. It's still one of my favorite performances I had on stage. You're fluent in English, right?"

"Yes, I am."

"I'm giving you a warning now since we're going to be great friends, you're stuck with me and we'll be having a lot of English conversations together."

I.M chuckled. "I'll mentally prepare. Can we take a picture for Twitter?"


Getting in the middle, Jennie posed gleefully as they considered her their new Monbebe. I.M posted the photo on Monsta X's Twitter, 'With Miss BTS herself! She's our new Monbebe! Thank you for supporting us!' 

Wandering around again, Jen saw The8.

"Jennie!" he happily waved

"Hey! It's been a while!" she rushed up and pulled him for a hug, surprising him as he shyly hugged her back.

After they pulled away he smiled softly. "You look well!"

"I'm surviving. You look great, excited for Mama?"

"A little nervous but Seventeen is working very hard."

"I saw a snippet of your performance. You guys are great! Mansae is one of my favorite songs."

"Look forward to us performing."

"Trust me, I will."

Once the show began, BTS and GOT7 performed their collab dance. Afterward, GOT7 performed If You Do and soon after, BTS came out to perform Run. Jen wore leather pants and a white leather jacket with the words, 'Love Yourself' and wore that same white butterfly necklace in their starting position. She stood back to back with Jimin.


Starting off with V walking to the members, they shift. Rapmon starts off and they perform.

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 68- Under The Mistletoe

dasi Run Run Run nan meomchul suga eobseo

tto Run Run Run nan eojjeol suga eobseo

eochapi igeotbakke nan mothae

neoreul saranghaneun geot bakken mothae

Transitioning to the middle, Jen sang while her hair bounced every time she ran, "Dasi Run Run Run, neomeojyeodo gwaenchanha, tto Run Run Run jom dachyeodo gwaenchanha."

The camera panned to some idols who were watching the performance and it showed some IKON members smiling and lip syncing when Jen sang. One of them covered his mouth to tell one of his hyungs that she looked pretty but some fansites that were filming them caught them and thought it was cute.


Jen and Rapmon face each other.

Don't tell me bye bye!


"You make me cry, cry!" she patted her hand over her heart


"Love is a lie, lie!" they say in unison. "Don't tell me, don't tell me, don't tell me bye bye!" they push each other away

Once the chorus came again, Jen sang first this time as they danced.

chueokdeuri mareun kkonipcheoreom

sansani buseojyeoga

nae son kkeuteseo nae bal miteseo

dallyeoganeun ne deung dwiro

machi nabireul jjotdeut kkum sogeul hemaedeut

neoui heunjeogeul ttaraga

The fan chants could be heard as they noticed various ARMY bombs in the crowd. Jen was having a blast on the stage and before she knew it, the song was about to end.


Don't tell me bye bye


"You make me cry, cry!"


The Bangtan Gal Chapter 68- Under The Mistletoe

"Love is a lie, lie!"

Don't tell me, don't tell me

Don't tell me bye bye

Later on, the members watched the rest of the show. Jen had stared at Ailee in admiration when she had won best female vocal performance. She was just so beautiful and ARMY was eager to see her reaction to Ailee winning while the members teased her about it. Jen was the first to stand up and applaud when she won as well, with a proud smile on her face.

Jennie also was so proud of Hyuna when she won best dance solo performance. Her life was slayed watching Jessi and Hyuna perform. She enjoyed seeing women take the stage. Hopefully one day she will be able to do that. She saw it as inspiration that she could get there, too.

BTS had won the World Performer award, which was a proud moment for them. Jen hoped that they'd be able to win even more awards as they continued what they were doing. Ever since the Melon Awards, Jen's reactions and dancing to performances have become iconic for those that have fancams of her because they were so amusing to watch and tonight was no exception.

When CL had performed, Jen was mesmerized. The charisma, how the crowd can get behind her instantly, she hoped to be like that one day. Being able to move a crowd like that by herself. She was so hyped that the camera kept filming her while fans said, 'Same, Jennie, same'

Just like everyone else, no one expected 2NE1 to pop up as Jen freaked out, holding onto poor Jin.


Her reaction was bound to go viral as she also wiped a few tears when they performed Fire and I Am The Best.

And of course, once EXO had performed, she had to jam to them. She lipsynced all of Baekhyun's lines as her fansites filmed everything.

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 68- Under The Mistletoe

"Eodun miro soge gacheotteon. Whoa na Oh, geu eodum sogeseo, nal kkaeweo jun ni moksori deullyeowa, nal dashi taeeonage hae~" she sang out, jamming around.

The members slowly turned to her and were amused. She truly loved Baehkyun. When the lights went out and Chanyeol began rapping fast, Jen got even more hyped as EXO performed a lightsaber dance break. Then, with Drop That, it became a huge party as she danced with Taehyung and Hobi who were near Suho and Chen.

Jump jump jump jump jump jump E.X.O

Jump jump jump jump we are E.X.O

While watching Baekhyun perform, she soon saw him walking towards where she and the rest of the idols were. Her butterflies came back and all those thoughts about keeping her composure were out the window. 

She soon noticed him looking her way and began to walk over to her.

'He's coming over here!?' she thought, widening her eyes. 

He extended out his hand and she immediately took it, getting pulled forward and they started jumping and dancing together. 

"Ah, she is so freaking out right now!" Namjoon laughed.

"I know. I'm surprised she didn't faint." Jin giggled.

Chen and Suho did the same with GOT7 and the rest of Bangtan nearby.

This was a moment that she'll cherish for the rest of her life and the members knew how much this meant to her. Baekhyun smiled at her and made his way back to the stage to regroup with the members. She couldn't wipe that huge smile off her face. It was nothing like being able to get hyped with one of your favorite idols like this.

Chen had blown her away with his high note and she had to lean back and place a hand over her heart.

'MY GOD! How did he do that!?' she thought

And once they performed Love Me Right, Jennie was no more good as she swayed around while standing and clapping along. Her ears were almost ringing from the screams of fans for Big Bang. Their stages were always unique. All of YG artists were. The way they were so composed and had strong charisma. She hoped to get there one day. To that point as a performer.

During the dress rehearsal, she had told G-Dragon that she hoped that BTS could have a longer stage at MAMA, and he told her that they'd get there one day. So she'll continue to work hard and remain patient for their time to shine.

When the camera panned to Jennie with Taehyung bopping to the song, she looked directly at it and smiled, pointing, "Bang, bang, bang! Bang, bang, bang!"

Spotting Kiyhun and the rest of Monsta X, Jen and Taehyung began to dance with them too. During PSY's Daddy performance, fansites filmed her laughing and asking Hobi and Taehyung how the dance goes, following their moves.

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 68- Under The Mistletoe

During Gangnam Style the camera caught her again, turning up and dancing around without a care in the world despite everyone watching her. She was dancing similar to how Taeyang was during Gangnam Style a few years ago. The members couldn't help but party with her. Jen feeling herself was such a mood and it made awards shows more enjoyable to watch because of her reactions. 

Bam Bam had soon danced his way over to Jennie, tapping her over the shoulder. Once she turned, she danced with him as BamJen shippers were delighted. Jimin was not happy when watching them dance. He felt like his ship was getting ruined and didn't like how close he was to her. 

Jungkook glanced up and saw them dancing, feeling some type of way as jealously crept up on him.

"Are you going to sit there or are you going to do something?" Taehyung asked in his ear over the loud music.

Jungkook soon thought about their conversation after the concert,

'Let everyone know that the person you want will be yours and no one is going to change that or interfere with your mission.'

Some idols were glancing at Jungkook, wondering what he was going to do. The gossip about Jungkook's feelings for his bandmate was going around fast. And it was also a known fact that Bam Bam had liked her for quite some time and was very vocal about it. The only thing stopping him right now was the dating ban.

Jungkook stood up and glanced at the 95 Liners who followed him. Dancing to the song, the three of them moved to where Jen was dancing. Jimin and Taehyung watched eagerly as Jungkook gently pulled her away from Bam Bam

"I'll take it from here," the Golden Maknae spoke.

Bam Bam and some members of GOT7 were disappointed that his moment was interrupted. But Jimin and Taehyung had low fived each other as they watched JenKook have a friendly and goofy dance battle, with Bangtan hyping them up. It certainly caught the camera's attention and made JenKook shippers happy.

Watching everyone perform tonight motivated Jen to do better and she had hoped that at next year's MAMA Awards, she would be able to blow everyone away with her charisma with Bangtan. Sometimes she felt like she wasn't doing enough. What can she do to stand out and get people talking about how much she has improved on stage? She will be practicing and working even harder to give a better performance for fans.

After the show, Jungkook went directly to Bam Bam. He wanted to have a long talk about everything.

"Can I speak with you, Bam Bam?" Jungkook asked.

Once Bam Bam agreed, they walked to a private area. "So, what's up, Jungkook?"

"It's about Jennie."


"Thank you!" Jen pulled the table right inside her hotel room. 

She was so hungry after the show, she had to order room service. She felt like she deserved a big meal after the pleasant time she had at the MAMA Awards.

Her face during 2NE1's reunion performance was sure to become a new meme as she already saw her face plastered all over Tumblr and Twitter. ARMY did not waste any time to capture her reaction. After eating, she prepared to shower, shutting the bathroom door behind her. Finally, she was able to shower. The whole night exhausted her. It was overall fun but with a big award show like this, it took a toll on her body. But nothing like a hot shower to ease her muscles. Connecting her phone to a portable speaker, she put her music on shuffle and walked into the shower.

Meanwhile, back in the room, a sasaeng had crawled out from under the room service table after hearing the shower turn on. They began to place hidden cameras all over the room and called their buddy who was also around the hotel. 

"I'm in Jennie's room~! Our plan worked! I finally got in. The video is clear, right? Good." the sasaeng giggled and found her suitcase.

Opening it, they started to examine her personal belongings. They began to take some of her underwear and even took photos of her bra size. After having too much fun with her belongings, the suitcase fell to the floor and made a loud noise.

With Jennie, her stomach dropped, and she stopped everything that she was doing as soon. Hobi was not in the room yet because he was with friends so he couldn't be back yet.

Something was not right and someone was here.

What is she going to do?

Another sasaeng had walked into the room and it so happened to be someone who worked at the hotel. The same woman who had given Jennie her food. She eagerly helped the other person put Jen's stolen items under the table, including her friendship ring.

"We'll meet with the others later. Double check the cameras, and get out of here," she advised and left the room with the table.

Getting out of the shower while leaving it on, she put on a towel and disconnected her phone from the speaker to give Seijin a quick call to frantically tell him that there was someone in her room. After he told her that he was on his way with the others and security, she decided to stay in the bathroom, feeling anxious.

"Jennie~, I know you know I'm here! Come out so we can meet! I'm a huge fan~!" the sasaeng said in a teasing voice.

This was so scary. Never in her life had she ever been in this type of situation. She became anxious when she heard the doorknob rattle as the sasaeng tried to get in. She didn't know if the sasaeng had intentions of hurting her or had some sort of weapon. 

After hearing various sasaeng stories, she never thought she would be one to deal with someone breaking in. She hated this feeling. The feeling of being helpless and paralyzed with fear.

"Open up!" the sasaeng yelled, making her flinch and shed a few tears. 

The sasaeng didn't want to leave like they were supposed to. They wanted to get noticed by their bias. 

Looking around, Jennie grabbed the nearest weapon, a toilet plunger, just in case they attacked her. It wasn't much but it was something. She let out a shriek when the sasaeng began to kick at the door. After a while, they managed to break in and as soon as that door swung open, Jen couldn't even use the weapon.

"Get away from me!" Jen shouted when she was grabbed by the arm. 

The sasaeng had a tight grip, digging their nails into her skin, with that sick smile on their face. Seijin and various security guards rushed into the room, to go straight after the sasaeng while Jen screamed.

"No! No! I love her! Let me go! Let me go!" the sasaeng began struggling and managed to get detained while Seijin made sure Jen was all right. 

Jennie watched with distress as the sasaeng continued to go crazy. When they were taken away, she, still shaken up, explained what happened while in tears, holding on to Seijin. After he made a few calls, it was certain that Big Hit would be taking serious legal action over this, immediately.

If Jen didn't have her phone with her in the bathroom, who knows what could've happened? Her blood went cold as she still felt that death grip on her arm. She then looked at her suitcase which was open with her items scattered.

Anger soon overcame her, "And they had the audacity to touch my shit?!" 

She ran her hands through her wet hair, fearing for the worst of what might have been taken. When she got dressed in her pajamas, there was an investigation of how the sasaeng broke in. Clearly, the sasaeng had some connections in this hotel and someone or more people helped them sneak in.

When the members found out what had happened, they immediately rushed to her room, Namjoon being the first, running in to hug her.

"Are you hurt!?" he demanded with worry.

Jen was not happy. She was mainly angry at herself for being in that type of situation and getting so scared. She was considering taking self defense classes or something to defend herself if God forbid no one was there to save her. The members stayed with her while Seijin filled them in on everything. Yoongi, Namjoon, Jungkook, and Jimin especially struggled to keep their cool, while everyone was concerned for her safety.

Just to see how easily the sasaeng came in from a room service table was not good and they will be increasing security and doing more hotel room checks from now on.

"And we found hidden cameras." Seijin pointed out.

"You're the one with the good news, today, huh?" Jen asked sarcastically, shaking her head. "Man...hidden cameras? Unbelievable...well, I clearly made it because I now have people breaking into my hotel room."

This was sick. What if they filmed her when she was undressed?

Later that evening, Jungkook came back to her room while Hobi was showering. He was still shaken up by what had happened with Jennie. Everyone was. He had wished that he could've protected her.

Noticing something bothering her and decided to ask, "What's on your mind?"

"I'm so sorry..." she murmured, shaking her head as tears appeared in her eyes

"For what?" he asked in alarm.

"I'm so sorry, Kook..."

"Wh-what's wrong?"

"I lost the ring..." she mumbled.


"I lost the ring, Jungkook. I-I thought they took it but it wasn't found on them. I dunno where it can be. It's not in the room, the sasaeng doesn't have it. It's gone. Th-they searched everywhere."

His eyes softened as he held her close. "It's okay."

"That friendship ring meant everything to me. Now it's gone."

"It's okay."

"How can you say that so easily?" she looked up.

"Because what we have isn't just a ring. Your safety is worth more than a ring," he responded firmly. "You or a simple ring, I'd choose you in a heartbeat. I'm just glad you're safe. That's all that matters."

There were numerous reports of Jennie being the next unfortunate victim of dealing with a sasaeng as fans had voiced their concern and hoped that she would be okay. It was going to be a while until she got over this but being with the members helped ease the tension.


As a pre-birthday surprise, the members and MPD decided to prank Jin. First was a mission which was to make an acrostic poem with Hong Kong. When Jin was declared the winner, he was shocked.

"Why me?" Jin asked, flustered.

Since he was the winner, he went out with MPD while the production crew gave the members instructions. They were to have the lights off and the members not in the room but only a woman lying in the bed as they hoped that Jin would fall for the plan.

"Yo, V cannot keep a secret. He kept mentioning Jin's birthday." Jen said on camera while they hid in the bathroom.

"He mentioned it twice!" Rapmon added

'Trust me, I know.' Jungkook thought about the various times V almost blurted out his feelings for Jennie. 

Thankfully Jimin kept him in check. After a while, Jin came back and entered the room with MPD, only to jump when the girl screamed from the bed. Jin instantly jumped and began shaking.

"What, what, what is going on!?" he exclaimed.

"Happy birthday to you~!" the members walked out with a cake while laughing. Jin continued to stand there, stunned while Jimin held onto him. "Happy birthday to our beloved Jin Hyung! Happy birthday to you!"

"I was so startled!" Jin exclaimed after blowing out the candles. "I was like what? Who's that?"

"Did you fall for our plan?" J-Hope asked

"I did!"

When it was officially Jin's birthday, backstage during a music show, Suga and Jimin started a V-Live and walked over to Jin with a cake. Everyone had sung happy birthday to him.

"Whaaaaaa!" Suga yelled while the members butt in the camera to get in the frame.

"It's so good to be with our members on my birthday. And it's even better to be with our fans. Give me a knife to cut the cake." the birthday boy requested.

"Here you go!" J-Hope pretended that his hand was a knife, pretending to chop the cake while the other members did the same thing. 

After getting an official knife, Jin began to cut it.

"It's blueberry yogurt," Jimin informed.

"Looks mighty tasty~!" Jen added.

"Who wants it?" Jin asked

"You first, Jin." J-Hope answered

As soon as he took the first bite, J-Hope said, "Yeeeahhh."

When he ate another piece, the members said, "Yeaaaah."

Another bite.


"It's good, right?" J-Hope asked

And another bite.


"So good!" Jin answered with his mouth full.

"53,000 of our fans are with us," Suga announced.

"It's my birthday and I hope you'll be happy too. We'll do our best to show you the best performance today. So please enjoy it." Jin beamed

"Happy birthday! Bye!" they wave goodbye.

After the V-Live, Jen presented Jin with a Mario themed birthday box. "Happy birthday~!"

"For me? And it's Mario? Oh wow, thank you, Jennie." he happily accepted it and sat down with her to open it. "I have been looking forward to getting your birthday box. It was one of my top birthday wishes."

"Oh really? Well, I'm glad this birthday wish came true. I hope you like it."

Opening up the letter, Jin couldn't help but giggle. On the top was a small ship she drew with the pun, 'Oh ship! It's your birthday!'

To my precious Jin,

Ah, you're getting older! But as each year goes by, you get more handsome. Just ask those who call you the car door guy back at the Melon Awards. Thank you for always taking care of me over the years. You have always looked out for me. Even that time when I was embarrassed when my period came unexpectedly and you were there and washed my sheets for me and took me to the store to buy what I needed. And as much as I hated that time when you forced me to take medicine when I got sick for the first time in Korea, I'm glad you did because even though we were just getting to know each other, you were concerned about me and wanted to help me.

You have no idea how proud you make me when I see you dance. I can definitely see the improvement and I hope you can too because your hard work is paying off. You have been working diligently on everything and just know that we appreciate all that you do. I will continue to help you clean and cook for the members. I don't want you to do all the work by yourself. I'll always be there to help you out. Oh yeah, and thanks for increasing my appetite because you were the main one wanting me to eat more when I came here. I want to be a part of Eat Jin soon, so invite me to your show!

Your laugh is one of my favorite things about you. It's contagious and I will continue to tease you about it. I also love your silly dad jokes. I swear I be like the only one laughing because of how silly they are but I always appreciate them. There are times when I think about them and start laughing and then the members stare at me like I'm crazy, haha. Including you! But you're the reason for my random laughter. Happy birthday and I wish you many more happy, safe, and healthy birthdays to come.


Your precious Jennie

After he had read the letter, he wrapped his arms around her for a tight hug and began giving her kisses all over her face as she tried to escape while laughing.

As the days went by in December, BTS promoted Run on music shows. During one show, V had the opportunity to MC. The members were very eager to watch him in action. Jennie wondered when she'd have that random opportunity to MC for a music show. It seemed a bit intimidating with the script and having to do all this random stuff. But she hoped that when it was her time to do so, it would be fun and a great learning experience.

"Ah shit, I accidentally got foundation on your face." she noticed some of her makeup on the side of Tae's cheek after she kissed him for good luck. 

That helped calm his nerves since he was so nervous about MCing and he began to laugh at her struggling to wipe the brown makeup off. 

"Stop laughing! I'm tryna help!" she giggled

"Hehehe, thank you, I needed this laugh." He responded as a stylist came to fix his makeup.

"You are going to be just fine. Everyone gets nervous when they do stuff like this for the first time. But you're a natural on camera. You're always so silly and bring in that adorable charm that fans love. We'll be watching you backstage, cheering you on, mkay? Ennie will always support you. Don't forget that."

Taehyung gave her two big kisses on her cheeks as she laughed. 

"Oh, my gosh, Tae! You got my makeup on you again!"

And for Inkigayo with Rap Monster MCing, Jen and the rest of the members watched him from backstage.

"Bruh...I dunno what he was so nervous for. If he is, it clearly does not show on camera. Look at how smooth he is. He's doing so well." Jen said for a Bangtan Bomb.

On Music Bank, the members were hoping to get their first win for Run. Some members were asked what they thought about the possibility of getting their first win. 

Jen answered, "Prayer is a powerful thing, so I'm praying that we get this first win. And I have faith in ARMY. Things will be fine."

Thanks to ARMY's hard work, Bangtan got first place as the confetti came down on the stage. Fans screamed louder than ever for them as the members broke out into huge smiles, applauding as they received flowers from the MCs. It was nothing like getting a first win and it was something that they will honor every time they get it.

"Thank you ARMY! Love you!" Suga said over the mic.

Receiving the mic, Jen happily shouted, "ARMY, you rock! Thank you!"

"Thank you so much ARMY!" V spoke

"Thank you, everyone! Woo! We won first place!" Jimin waved as their song came on while the other idols left the stage.

Since Bangtan won first place, they wanted Jennie and Jungkook to perform Adult Ceremony to become an adult. So, making ARMY scream louder than they were before, the members continued to slowly bend down and do a little bit of the choreography while singing run and waving.

Rushing off stage, Rapmon happily said, "We got first place! Jungkookie and Ennie are now adults!"

"Thank you!" Suga blew a kiss

"Woo~ First win! Woo! BTS Run first win, woo!" Jennie yelled in front of the Bangtan Bomb camera, grabbing it and giving it a big kiss on the lens.

"We got first place! We got first place!" J-Hope excitedly yelled

"You've worked hard~!" Jungkook waved

"Wow~!" Jin showed off the award, looking at it in awe.

"We won an award!" Jimin said, with Taehyung having his arm around his shoulder.

Backstage, Jimin and Jennie were filmed together with J-Hope making funny faces in the background and hugging Jen from behind.

"Jennie, since you became an adult and won first place, what are your thoughts?" Jimin asked.

"First, ARMY, you did this for us, your hard work and dedication to supporting us is always appreciated. So again, thank you and we love you very much. And since I've become an adult, I can have all the smarties I want without no one telling me no, muhahahah~!" she laughed evilly.

"Muhahahah?" J-Hope questioned

"Muhahaha!" she answered back.

"Muhahahaha~!" he copied her.

"You two are very weird." Jimin laughed.


BTS were on another episode of Weekly Idol, discussing their RUN comeback. For random dancing, Coni mentioned, "As a way to motivate them so they don't make any more mistakes, what about giving a kiss to each other."

"Oh, that's really strong," J-Hope responded as the members looked astonished

"Who? Who?" Suga called out

"Say what now?" Jen added

"That's good, the first person to make a mistake will give a member a kiss on the cheek," Coni said

As the members began to dance, it started simple with no mistakes. But once Boy In Luv came on, it looked like Jungkook had messed up.

"Time out, time out. Jungkook!" Heechul exclaimed as they both went to him and J-Hope. 

They thought J-Hope's facial expressions were way too obvious and he acted like he didn't make a mistake.

"I was a bit confused," J-Hope admitted.

"Is it better to be kissed by Jungkook or by J-Hope?"

"Wouldn't it be better if they just kissed each other?" V suggested

"WOW!" everyone shouted.

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 68- Under The Mistletoe

Jennie began laughing loudly as she saw the two poor boys cringing and taking a step back.

"Say, 'Let's not be wrong from now on', then hug and that." Coni demonstrated, kissing Jungkook on the cheek as he cringed. 

Jennie giggled at his reaction. He was just too cute. Soon Jungkook and J-Hope held hands and stood in front of each other.

"Hyung, let's...not make mistakes," Jungkook said as they went to hug each other.

"Euahhhhhhhh~!" J-Hope yelled as they reluctantly got close to each other's faces. "This is cruel!"

Once J-Hope had yelled and kissed his cheek, everyone had to push Jungkook's head near J-Hope's cheek to kiss him. The boys were so happy when the torture was over.

"Everyone, this time, instead of a kiss, do one hit on the wrist," Coni revealed the next punishment.

When they continued their next round of random dancing, this time Suga got confused when I Need U came on and sheepishly tried to explain himself. He exposed his wrist out for Jungkook to hit. 

"You have to kind of like it!" Heechul explained, demonstrating getting hit and dramatically saying, "Ah!"

It seemed too inappropriate for the broadcast as the members burst out in laughter.

"No, he did not just say that!" Jen laughed.

"That's too weird!" Suga exclaimed and got hit by Jin and Rapmon afterward.

"If you get it wrong the third time, this time, the butt." Coni demonstrated.

Jennie took a step back, exclaiming, "UH! UH!"

"UH UH!" "UH UH!" They replay her shocked sound effect as everyone laughed while she protectively covered her butt with her hands.

"I will knock somebody out," she announced, getting defensive, pounding her fist once against her palm.

Taehyung had accidentally slapped her ass during the War of Hormone era in one performance at a music show. She knew fans wanted the full story of how that happened. She planned to discuss it when she went to talk to JRE in January. 

Her ass was not going to get hit by anyone. Not today. Not the next day, and the next day, and the next day, and the next day, and so on. You have to earn it to touch her ass. 

Jimin and Taehyung thought about Jennie messing up and trying to get Jungkook to be the one to give her the punishment, giggling to themselves.

As they danced again, War of Hormone came on and it popped up to Jen's verse.

Of course, it did...

Strutting to the front she danced powerfully.

...but I ain't you baby, you gotta earn that. 

Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! 

I'll tell you what I want right now! 

Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! 

I ain't giving it to you right now!

She successfully got the moves right as the chorus continued. She was not letting anyone touch her booty. They can look but they can't touch. If anything, you gotta be her significant other first.

Once Boy in Luv came on, Jimin was finally caught. 

"We'll do the last punishment and after that, especially for you, we'll add another on top of that," Coni said. "The two MCs will hug Jimin and-"

"No," Jimin begged. "You don't have to do things like that." he fell to his knees and laughed

"A hug and a kiss," Heechul said while the members laughed and applauded.

Jennie, Suga, J-Hope, Taehyung and Jungkook gave Jimin pats on his butt and then he was hugged from behind by Heechul. When Jimin received kisses on the cheek, the members yelled, continuing to cringe.

During the next segment, BTS received phone calls from various fans who were very excited. The phone lines were down due to the high demand for Bangtan, which bewildered the members. One fan had spoken in English, talking to Jennie and she was moved that the fan was learning English to communicate with her. Jen made the fan feel good when she praised their English skills.

"So, what is this about Jin and Jennie wrestling?" Coni asked 

Jin and Jen glanced at each other and laughed while the members thought about the hilarious memories.

"That was a fun day." Jen happily nodded.

"That match didn't count because she cheated. I was supposed to win." Jin exclaimed

"You tapped out. It doesn't get much clearer than that, Jin."

"AHHHHHHH~!" the members said with their loud laughter filling the studio.

They had played the clip of Jennie putting Jin in an armbar and him tapping out while Jin became flustered. His ears got red as he tried to explain himself.

"Will there be a continuation?" Heechul asked. "Round two?"

"I mean, we could. You down?" Jen turned to Jin.

"I still need to win so of course." Jin nodded eagerly.

"I dunno about all that but anyway." she teased as Jin blankly stared at her. "I guess when we have some free time, we'll think of some funny promos and work on what we want to do for Jin vs Jen Part 2. Stay tuned."

As the show went on, with Rapmon struggling to cut an onion, they had their idol on the grill segment. The male members would be called Bulletproof Girl Scouts while Jennie would be called the Bulletproof Boy Scout. They recapped the female idols the boys wanted to get closest to and how Jennie was very interested in EXO. So the plan was to dance to an idol song and they'll be given Korean Beef.

"Jennie! Which EXO song would you like to perform?" she was asked.

"Call me baby~," she answered and stood up.

"Of course." Jimin giggled.

"Yes, we are fully aware that you love this group a lot. Especially Baekhyun." Coni teased.

"I hope that one day I could have the opportunity to collab with an EXO member." she brought up. "That would be so cool. I learn a lot from groups such as them when I watch them perform. It motivates me to work harder. Collabing with a group like EXO, I'm sure I can learn a lot from them. Even if it's just one member, a simple dance collab, or singing together, I'd be grateful."

"EXO if you are watching, what is your answer?" Coni asked.

As the song came on, it started with the chorus after Chanyeol's verse. It looked like she would have to do some eye-opening pelvic thrusts. She even had her hand on her crotch and thrust her hips up. It surprised the members along with her fluent body rolls and movement with the song. The MCs were impressed with her powerful movements and praised her. When Jen watched the rest of the members dance, she immediately covered her mouth when Rapmon danced to EXID's Up & Down.

When it was Jungkook's turn, he mentioned that he wasn't familiar with any IU songs and decided to dance Up & Down instead. Sure enough, being the extra Golden Maknae that he is, the MCs hyped him up while the members laughed. Jennie dropped her jaw when he started to thrust up and down.

"Whoa! Yeah! Whoa! Yeah!" the MCs yelled as he displayed a different personality once again.

'Did you hear what Jennie said on Weekly Idol!?' fans asked under Baekhyun's Instagram. 

What got everyone talking was that Baekhyun had only responded with a smiley emoji, causing everyone to flip out at the possibility.

Will SM Entertainment allow a member from EXO to collaborate with Jennie one day? 

And will Big Hit allow Jennie to collaborate with a member from EXO one day? 

These were questions on everyone's minds and it had been anticipated ever since she released that cover. It looked like they would have to stay tuned to find out.


When Christmas Eve came, Jennie and Jungkook spent the day playing video games in Jungkook's room.

"Jennie, later I want you to help me bake," Jin called out, walking past the room.

"I got you, just let me know!" she answered.

Jin examined the living room of the dorm with a smile. Christmas music was playing softly in the background and the tree was decorated. After a fierce game of rock, paper, scissors, Jin was the one to put the star on the tree.

"And what are you two doing, now?" he asked when Jimin and Taehyung were wandering around the dorm.

"Put one right here...right here...right there...and there..." Jimin placed mistletoes all around the dorm with Taehyung, in hopes to finally get JenKook to kiss. 

The 95 Liners wanted this done ASAP. 

This needed to happen TODAY.

"Why are you putting so many mistletoes up?" Jin asked

"Shhh, not so loud, you want them to notice?" Jimin shushed him.

"Jennie and Jungkook? Oh my gosh, Jimin, Taehyung, this is not going to work."

"Yeah. You two should give it up. You're doing too much..." Yoongi mumbled from the couch, lying down.

"I don't think that is going to work. Just let it go naturally, all right?" Namjoon added

"Oh come on! This will be a great opportunity!" Taehyung whined.

"I dunno what we are going to do with them." Jin sighed and went to the kitchen.

Later that day, Jen helped Jin with baking tons of cookies and placed the last remaining gifts under the tree. Jungkook joined in to make sure things were in order.

Meanwhile, Jimin and Taehyung watched JenKook's every move, hoping that they would get under one of the many mistletoes they put around the dorm. They waited all day and still had no success in getting them under the mistletoe. It began to frustrate the 95 Liners. 

It wasn't until later that evening they finally yelled, "Look who is under the mistletoe~!" when Jennie was right in front of Jungkook who was by the door in the bathroom and they looked up to see a mistletoe on top of the door.

"Oh. Oh wow." Jen chuckled softly.

Jungkook looked shooked once he saw it. He was not prepared as his hyungs were looking on in anticipation and cheering. The pressure was starting to get to him and he began to feel overwhelmed. 

"I mean, you wanna...?" Jen's voice brought him back to reality as she was waiting for him to tell her what he wanted to do.

"U-uh, sorry." he quickly rushed away, flustered, going to his room.

That did not sit well with the 95 Liners.

"JEON JUNGKOOOOOOOOOOOK!" Jimin yelled in anguish, falling to his knees.

"NO!" Taehyung rushed after him with Jimin.


Jennie laughed at how silly they were acting. "Guys, it's all good! Relax!" she reassured. "Anyway, I gotta pee."

She, however, did deep down feel a little disappointed that he decided not to kiss her. But brushed the feeling aside. She shouldn't take it personally. He probably didn't want to be put on the spot like that. She understood.

With Jungkook who was trying to calm himself down in his room, he was a little angry at himself for chickening out but he wanted to kiss her without anyone looking. He wanted to do stuff like that in private. Alone, with no one else around or in another room nearby. But with his hyungs all around him like this, that wasn't going to work. 

If they were truly alone, he would relax and show her a real kiss like he always dreamed about.

Once it was past 12am, Christmas Day, Jen had been cleaning up the dishes in the kitchen while everyone else had settled into their room. Hearing footsteps, she glanced up to see Jungkook strolling into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water.

"Ah, so you finally came out of your room," she called out as she watched him avert his eyes and set the water down on the counter. "Am I that unkissable?" she teased.

As soon as she said that, he looked up, widening his eyes. "N-no! It's not that, i-it's just..."

"Hey, it's fine, don't worry about it. I understand. It's a lot of pressure being put on the spot like that. I'm not one for kissing in front of an audience like that, myself."


"Kook, it's fine. Really. I get it."

"I wanted to. I wanted to kiss you."

That caught her by surprise. "Really?"

"Yeah. I wanted to. I still do," he responded and saw her smile instantly from his words.

While JenKook talked, Jimin, Taehyung, and Hobi were spying on them from afar. The three tried not to make any noise as they eagerly watched them.

"What are you two doing-"

"Shh!" they cut Jin off and brought him close to them so he wouldn't get noticed.

"Oh my gosh...if they would just look up already. I planted a mistletoe right in the kitchen." Jimin complained in a hushed voice

"I know~," Taehyung whined.

"Now, what if this doesn't work?" Jin called out

"It will work! It better work!" Jimin grabbed him by the shirt and yanked him.

"W-we can always try New Year's!"

"No! Jimin and I want this done now! Long overdue! One step closer to our wonderful ship to sail." Taehyung replied

Back with JenKook, Jennie looked at him. Something in her stomach flipped and part of her felt thrilled that he wanted to kiss her. Throughout the entire rest of the day after the first attempt, she had that feeling in the back of her mind that she wanted to kiss him. But she couldn't understand why.

Should she be feeling this way?

Jungkook soon looked up and noticed that there was a mistletoe right over him, causing butterflies in his stomach and excitement.

The boys spying on them became so giddy that their cover was almost blown when they saw them find out.

Jennie and Jungkook stood in the kitchen in a comfortable silence, glancing up at the mistletoe and back at each other.

Did she want to kiss him? Should he make a move?

Noticing him trying to figure out what to do, Jennie decided to take the lead, slowly walking forward and gently grabbing his hands. As she looked up at him, she realized how much she loved how her soft hands fit nicely with his large ones and how handsome he looked up close. 

Standing on top of his feet, she raised herself up on her tippy toes until she was right at his face. The faint Christmas music was heard in the background as they spent a moment looking at each other.

"Oh my God, oh my God, it's happening..." Taehyung fanboyed with Jimin in quiet voices as they looked on.

Jungkook watched her lean in, closing her eyes and he soon did the same until their lips met, softly. He felt so many emotions as he kissed her and even faintly tasted peppermint on her lips from the candy cane she had eaten earlier.

As soon as they saw them lock lips, Jimin and Taehyung covered their mouths before they screamed for joy. The two fell to the ground, rolling around in excitement while Hobi and Jin were jumping around in glee, back in the bedroom.

Jennie felt something strong behind such a simple mistletoe kiss with her best friend as she gently pulled away, releasing his hands. She felt her heart rate increase while Jungkook felt his cheeks flushed. 

"There. Not so bad, right?" she took a step back and smiled softly. "Merry Christmas, Kookie."

Watching her walk to her room to go to bed, Jungkook touched his lips and let out a soft chuckle, overjoyed. Her lips were softer than he expected. Big difference from Rookie King.

Reminiscing on the moment he shared with her, he wanted to kiss her more than just once like they just did. The kiss felt too quick for him and he made a promise that the next time they kissed on the lips, he'd show her a real kiss to prove how much she meant to him. 


"Merry Christmas!" Taehyung dove on top of Jennie on her bed as she let out a groan. 

It was too early for this. She was just dreaming about Nike finally noticing her and allowing her to endorse their stuff.

"Merry Christmas~!" Jimin ran in to dive on top of Tae, causing her to let out another groan.

"Merry Christmas~!" Jungkook jumped on top of Jimin while Jennie continued to deal with the torture of heavy bodies on her back.

She muffled something against her pillow while the Maknae Line tried to comprehend what she was saying.

"Guys, I think we're crushing her, hehehe." Taehyung giggled as they all got off of her.

She rolled out of bed and stood up. "Ow, my back...why are y'all so damn heavy?"

"Come on, we wanna open up presents! But Jin is making us eat breakfast, first! Let's go! Get a move on!" Taehyung dragged her out of the room to meet with the rest of the members. 

Saying their good mornings, they sat to eat.

As breakfast went along, Jimin mischievously asked with a smirk, "So...did anyone get caught under the mistletoe, last night?"

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 68- Under The Mistletoe

Jungkook instantly narrowed his eyes at him but then glanced at Jennie. She looked unfazed and not bothered by the question.

"What about you Jennie? Kiss anyone last night?" Hobi asked.

"You kissed someone last night?" Yoongi asked with sleep in his voice.

"Who'd you smooch?" Namjoon asked with interest.

"I'm just glad there wasn't any tongue." Jin blurted out

"Wow, you just exposed yourself. You were spying." Jen called out, making Jin flustered.

"Darn it Jin!" Taehyung exclaimed.

"Come on!" Jimin yelled.

"Who kissed who?" Namjoon kept asking.

"She kissed Jungkook last night!" Taehyung announced loud and proud.

Jungkook felt himself blushing and looking down. He could never get a break from his hyungs. 

"Did you like the kiss?" Hobi asked with a smile.

"Sorry, but I don't kiss and tell." she smiled and placed her dishes in the sink.

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1 year ago

How would Jennie react to G-Dragon getting caught up in the drug scandal? Would she defend him knowing he is innocent, or would Hybe tell her to keep out of it?

Be worried for him that’s for sure. And angry at the media for turning on him, causing all this damage.

That is her friend and mentor 💜❤️ she will 100% support him and will be vocal about it for sure. She will be defending him always and won’t care what any antis have to say.

G-Dragon, fans and VIPs will appreciate the support for sure.

I see Jennie becoming more vocal and outspoken as the years go by in the story.

How Would Jennie React To G-Dragon Getting Caught Up In The Drug Scandal? Would She Defend Him Knowing

Tags :
1 year ago

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 67- BTS RUN Episodes 4-9

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 67- BTS RUN Episodes 4-9

Words: 3,000+


Episode 4

Wearing white shirts and red shorts, the members filmed this episode in a swimming pool. The game they will be playing today is called 30 Seconds Gate. They must clear the mission in 30 seconds. Three missions will be played today to decide the final winner.

“Do you see the buoy behind you? In 30 seconds, you must move two Jenga pieces using chopsticks.” they were told.

“Oh wow, great,” Jen mumbled. 

Here she thought they were just going to have a swimming competition. She should’ve known better.

‘Round 1 Rules are to move to the buoy with the Jenga tower. Take two Jenga pieces out by using chopsticks. Clear if you stack them up. Fail if it falls or time is over.’

“Hold on, let me go first,” Rapmon announced.

“Then I should go right after Rap Monster.” Jimin raised his hand.

“Nope. I’m going first.” Jen stepped in front of the guys and put her hair in a high bun.

“Good luck!” Jungkook shoved her from behind, making her fall in as she yelped. 

He giggled loudly while the rest of the members cackled uncontrollably. Still, in shock, she swam up and moved her wet hair from her face. She ended up cursing at him which had to be bleeped out as the members laughed harder. Turning to the buoy, she slowly swam to it. For Jen’s strategy, she decided to move cautiously and not rush. She wanted to be accurate with her movement. Carefully grabbing the chopsticks, Jennie moved two pieces as she heard the whistle blow.

’29 seconds!’

“It’s better than going over, I’ll take it.” she fist pumped.

Jimin shoved Rapmon into the water, and the members laughed and applauded. 

“Just let me swim!” Rapmon yelled. 

After watching him, he managed to get 28 seconds. With Jimin, who happily jumped into the pool, he cleared it in a jaw-dropping 13 seconds.

“Go!” Jimin yelled and shoved Jin into the pool as everyone whooped and applauded.

“Ding, ding, ding, ding, ta la la la~!” the members danced and sang. 

Unfortunately for Jin, he facepalmed as soon as the blocks fell and he would have to drink some garlic juice. V suffered the same fate while Jungkook prepared to jump in. To get him back from earlier, Jennie kicked him in the butt, causing him to fall in as the members whooed and cheered for her sneak attack.

“Ahahah, that was priceless!” Jimin laughed.

“Payback by Jennie!” V giggled.

“He deserved that-ah!” she yelped when Jungkook grabbed her ankle. 

She lost her balance and fell as he dragged her in with Jin and Hobi trying to grab her back but failing.

“Fight! Fight! Fight!” Jimin and Taehyung cheered as they watched JenKook splash each other with water and start grabbing onto each other.

“That’s for earlier, you punk!” she jumped on his back and wrapped her arms around his neck to try to choke him.

“D-don’t drown him!” Hobi laughed.

“Break them up!” Jin exclaimed.

“Ah, let them keep fighting!” Suga waved them away.

After separating and laughing, Jen got out of the pool and simmered down while everyone watched Jungkook attempt to move two pieces which he cleared successfully.

When it was J-Hope’s turn to jump in, he automatically failed the mission because the blocks had fallen from the impact of him coming in the pool. Once he came out, he flipped his hair and ran a hand through it while requesting ARMY to make lots of gifs. The losers who managed to fail the first mission were given garlic juice to drink as they pretended to film a garlic juice commercial. Watching V down the drink in one gulp and seeing his face twist up in disgust made Jennie cringe as the members laughed.

“Due to time constraints, we will skip the next loser.” The PD announced, which made the rest of the losers excited and happy as they began to cheer and yell happily.

For round 2, the mission is the unfold the paper crane in 30 seconds. They would just have to walk to the table on the buoy and will clear the mission if it’s unfolded in 30 seconds. Jennie started off first, slowly walking on the buoy. Grabbing one of the paper cranes, she carefully opened it and managed to get 18 seconds.

“Effortful.” she gave the camera a thumbs up.

Jimin seemed to be killing it in this episode of Run because he kept simply getting things done quickly. It impressed Jennie. As she continued to watch, Suga failed his mission because the paper had ripped and the members raised their hands to agree that he should fail the mission if the paper was ripped.

“It ripped!” Suga accused as Jin held up his finished paper. 

All of a sudden, Jin slipped and fell, making a big splash as the members laughed and Jennie widened her eyes. J-Hope had also failed with 32 seconds.

For the final mission, the members would have to transfer Coke from one bottle to another. They must walk to the table with a 500ml Coke bottle and an empty one and they will clear the mission once they transfer the Coke to the empty bottle within 30 seconds.

For a prank, V and Rapmon had shaken some Coke bottles to try to make some fail the mission. It worked because Suga failed and so did Jennie and Jin as the members laughed. When it was V’s turn, Jennie applauded his skill when he turned the bottles around so the soda could drop into the empty bottle without a big mess.

“I should’ve done that,” she said.

In the end, Jimin was announced as the MVP, which he rightfully deserved after how he made the challenges look so simple while Jin was forced to drink the garlic juice.

“I will finish it with a quote by Won Bin,” Jin said on camera. “I still have one more shot.” he drank the juice but immediately cringed as everyone laughed at his face.


Episode 5

For this episode, the members were on a soccer field to play Korean traditional games to celebrate Chuseok. 100 seconds Sports Day was the theme. The members had to complete six missions in 100 seconds. Missions are completed in a relay and they have five chances and will receive penalties if they fail.

“So, is it BTS vs crew members?” Rapmon asked.

“Sure.” the crew responded.

For Round 1, Jungkook spun around quickly and kicked the shuttlecock before tagging Suga. Suga placed a block on his chest and slowly made his way over but failed so Jungkook had to go back to spin around ten times and go back to Suga. When he finally dropped the block to hit the block on the floor, Suga tagged J-Hope who struggled with opening the bag of chips with his feet.

“We might need Jin on this one,” Jen commented as she watched him struggle. They received a mission failed and the members began to roughly kick him for making the team fail. “Jin, you’re gonna have to do this. You’re skilled with your feet, so switch places with J-Hope.”

Soon after, Jin took his place and the members started over. He opened the bag instantly and went to Jennie who had to carefully walk to Rapmon with an egg on a spoon. 

‘Don’t drop, don’t drop.’ she thought

“Come on Ennie~!” V cheered

Once she made it, she set the spoon and egg down and high fived Rapmon. Things went smoothly but once it came to V and he tried to toss the milk carton into the bin, it fell and the member yelled in defeat.

Jungkook and V switched places for round three but Suga ended up tossing the shuttlecock through the fence outside.

“What is going on!?” Jennie yelled at the heavens and dropped to her knees. “WHHHHHHHHHY!?”

Jimin and the rest of the guys rushed over to Suga and began to stomp on him.

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 67- BTS RUN Episodes 4-9

For Round Four, the members tried it yet again, determined to get it correct. When it was Jungkook’s turn, he chugged the carton of milk as the members started yelling and jumping around him.

“Let’s go Kookie! Drink that milk! Drink!” Jen cheered.

“Hurry Jungkook! Calcium!” Suga yelled.

“You’re getting taller!” Rapmon yelled.

But once Jungkook tried to toss it in, he failed as Jimin threw the milk carton at the Golden Maknae. For the fifth and final round, the members attempted to make sure everything went according to plan. Jungkook managed to get the milk carton in and once they made it to Jimin, he successfully caught the Songpyun in his mouth.

“AHHHHHHHHHH!” The members yelled and ran with their hands up high in victory.

Jennie ended up doing cartwheels around the soccer field and then V jumped on her back as she ran around. 

“Thank you, Lord! Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!” she fell down on the grass after he got off. “No punishment!”

After settling down, the members watched in delight as the crew members drank the horrible drink mixed by them. The sourness of the drink was strong based on the smell and Jen almost felt bad for the crew.


Episode 6

‘A small Catholic church in a village. Many visit here to confess their sins to a priest. Hearing that, BTS members secretly visited here.’

For this episode of BTS Run, the members were to confess their sins while Suga and Jimin were portraying priests for the episode. After waiting, it was finally Jen’s turn as she walked in and sat in front of Suga.

“Hi.” She smiled.

“Welcome. What brings you here?” Suga asked.

“I’m here to confess my sins. So...I kind of cussed out some of the members because they purposely ate my smarties that I had just ordered and received from the mail when I went out for another rap lesson with Suga.”

Suga ended up laughing to himself as he remembered the memory of her cussing them out in English. It was just a prank to continue the prank war but apparently, her smarties were off limits if she had just received them that same day. It was a tie between messing with Jin’s Mario collection or her smarties. He didn’t regret it because seeing her like that was hilarious and it was worth getting cussed out at.

“I should control my frustration but y’all know how I feel about my smarties, so...I just hope that next time the guys will think with their brain and understand that my smarties are off limits.”

“Yes, this is serious.”

“Oh, and I have another one. I kind of messed up.” she laughed and covered her face.

“Another? What did you do?”

“It’s...about Suga.”

“What about him?”

“I really hope that he can forget this matter. It was just an accident and I’ve been keeping it in for months.”

“What did you do?” he asked again in a low tone, preparing for the worst as Jennie had to refrain herself from laughing.

“Okay, okay, I need Suga to promise me that he won’t get mad.”

“He won’t get mad.”

“All right, so...remember back at the time when Suga’s studio was rearranged and created into a pool party? And he immediately blamed Jimin and Taehyung because of what had happened last time?”

“Where are you going with this...?”

“Let’s say that...I was the-“

“Are you serious?”

“Aye! Aye! You promised you wouldn’t get mad. I’m sorry! I thought it was funny!”

Suga exhaled sharply, contemplating if he should kill her. It took weeks to find his items and get things back in order. 

“Give me your finger,” he demanded.

“Why should I?”

“Give me your finger.”

“Oh gosh...” she put a finger through one of the holes in the wall separating them. She laughed and winced in pain when he grabbed and twisted it. “Ow! You said you wouldn’t get mad!”

“I’m not mad. This isn’t mad.” he let go. “Your sins are forgiven. Suga cannot be mad at you. It was...a little funny to say the least.”

“Thank you. I’m glad to hear that.” she stood up. “Can I have a hug?”


“Please?” she opened her arms out.

“Aish...” he shook his head and embraced her.


Episode 7

For this episode, the members arrived in Inje for a Silmi-do special. The members were told that what they doing would be a survival picnic and split up into two teams. Jimin, Suga, Jennie, and J-Hope were in one team, while the rest of the members were on the other. Jennie’s team wore black vests while Jungkook’s team wore red vests. The game will last for 30 minutes, and each team will play by offense and defense in paintballing. If shot by a paintball, you’ll have to return to your camp to rejoin and if you enter the enemy’s camp without getting shot then your team will win. As they prepared, Jungkook’s team huddled up together to discuss strategy. 

“We really need to watch out for Jennie, she’s good at defense.” V brought up.

“We should go after her first.” Jungkook nodded.

With Jen’s team, she discussed strategy with her teammates. “I think that we should be on a defensive route and be careful. Let’s not go in guns blazing. Hide in various spots." 

As each team prepared, Jennie leaned against a tree, turning to the camera filming her. “Let’s do this thang!”

‘Reds vs Blacks, who is going to win?’

‘BTS Survival Round 1’

The red team rushed quickly while the black team focused on defense and stayed close like Jennie requested. It seemed to have worked because Suga instantly shot Rapmon while Jennie also shot him in the butt.

“OW!” Rapmon yelled and rubbed his behind.

As the game went on, Suga announced, “They’re running out of bullets!” as Team Black regrouped to take on Team Red.

“No bullets? Let’s make a run for it to the camp!” Jennie announced as they dashed away.

“Run! Run!” Team Black yelled. 

Jennie instantly jumped into Team Red’s camp, for her team to win the first round.

“Woo!” she yelled and high fived her teammates. 

She took off her mask and took a deep breath.

“Victory screech!” she mimicked the Spongebob scene as J-Hope joined her.

Suga took off his mask and fell to his knees, laughing. “Why is this so exhausting?”

‘Round 2’

Soon as the second round began, Team Red pushed Team Black hard as they got more aggressive.

“J-Hope!” Jennie laughed when he began screaming and running to the trees like Suga ordered him. 

Jungkook endlessly continued to shoot at J-Hope, while Jennie continued to hide. Seeing J-Hope getting ganged up on, she ran and saved him, grabbing him and making him hide behind a tree so he could calm down. 

“Don’t move. Stay there, relax, I got you.” she chuckled and continued shooting at Jungkook.

The game was intense with constant screaming from J-Hope and the sounds of paint bullets flying around.

“Oh, my God...” she laughed as J-Hope continued screaming around.

Before she knew it, Jungkook started going after her as she managed to hide behind a tree, avoiding bullets. But it wouldn’t be too long before her bullets were out and she remained calm, trying to think of a solution.

She shrieked when she noticed him coming her way and she managed to grab a hold of his gun as they stumbled around.

“Ow!” she yelled and fell to the ground, holding her stomach when he pushed the trigger by accident.

“You okay!?” he kneeled down. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”

“I’m good, I’m good,” 

After realizing she was okay, he went back to win the game for his team, sprinting right over to Team Black’s camp to win the round.

“Ennie~! Ennie no! No! My baby!” Jimin rushed over to her, who was still on the ground. “You killed her! JEON JUNGKOOK~!”

“This boy really shot me in the stomach though...” she groaned and got helped up by Jimin.

After regrouping and taking off the equipment, the members discussed the game, pointing out where they were shot. In the end, Team Red won with 31 respawns which made them the winner.

“Awwwww.” Jimin laughed and turned around.

“It’s okay, guys. We tried. We had fun.” Jennie patted her teammates on the back while Team Red jumped up and down in celebration.


Episode 8

In a continuation of the previous episode, the members wore helmets, knee and elbow pads for this episode. The members would have to find flags and get meal tickets. Some are blank flags so the members individually will have to work hard to find as many flags as they can.

After playing rock, paper, scissors, Jennie, Rapmon, Jimin and Taehyung were on the walking team while Jin, Suga, Jungkook, and J-Hope were able to ride the bikes.

“My legs are killing me.” Jennie sighed as they got in position. 

Once the whistle blew, the walking team ran to the mountains. All that was on her mind was finding as many flags as she could. Managing to find one but it was blank, she continued to walk around with a camera following her. 

“This is like Running Man. I really want to be in another episode. Running Man, call me! I am ready! Ooh anotha' one!” she grabbed another flag.

She began to walk through the area that Jimin had already been in after he found some more flags, so she had no luck and started searching for another place. 

“You mean to tell me that there are no flags around here at all? Come on!” she huffed as she walked around with her aching legs. “I shouldn’t have run.”

She bumped into Taehyung. “You find any?” he asked

“Only two but they’re blank.”

“I still haven’t found anything.” he giggled.

As the treasure hunt went on, Jennie could not for the life of her find anything else and only remained with the two flags. Time was up for the flag hunt and the members revealed the flags that they had.

“Guys, I have three flags.” Jimin took the flags he was hiding from under his hoodie.

“Woooooow.” Jen shook her head

“You have all meal tickets!” Rapmon exclaimed. “Give me. Give me.”

“Count me in.” Jungkook tried to take one but Jimin playfully pushed him away.

“You go. He called me trash.” Jimin accused.

“Wow! Really Jungkook?” Jennie shook her head in disappointment, playing along.

“Trash is too harsh,” Suga added. “That’s too much.”

“When did I say that?” Jungkook slammed his flag on the ground and everyone laughed.

J-Hope picked the flag up to get the sausage flag, claiming it for himself. In the end, Jimin ended up giving Jungkook and Taehyung flags while Rapmon gave Jennie one of his meal flags.


Episode 9

Continuing from the previous episode, this time, the members were on edge except for Jungkook because they were going to be bungee jumping. It was 63ft in height which Rapmon explained is the highest in Korea. For this mission, the members would have to express a song title with body language. Once split into two teams, each team will bungee jump while the others from the other team try to guess the song.

“What is this?” Jennie exclaimed.

These missions were getting more and more complex. You want her to risk her life and almost die by jumping from that height and trying to express a song with her body? Goodbye!

“I hate this. I hate this,” she murmured and signed the papers. “Mom, dad, sisters, ARMY, 'errbody, I love y’all but today is the last day of my life and I just want to say that I thank you for making my life fun and I will see y’all again in the afterlife.”

Suga, J-Hope, Jennie, and Jimin stood on the ground as they watched Jin go up. Jennie widened her eyes as she watched him jump and yell “Eat Jin!”

“Oh my God! Do we have to do this!?” she exclaimed. 

She was so going to fail this mission because she already knew she would focus on screaming instead.

“This guy...” Jennie exclaimed when Jungkook jumped fearlessly.

Next up was Jen’s team to jump as she made her way up, freaking out.

“Jennie fighting!” the members shouted.

“Oh God...” she exhaled shakily as she looked up at the night sky and city lights. 

But when she looked down, her butterflies worsened while Rapmon, V, Jungkook, and Jin stood out to watch.

“I believe in you! Let’s go, Jennie!” V shouted.

“Represent the Golden Duo! You got this!” Jungkook added.

Jumping, she screamed, “Smarties!” until her screaming became high pitched as the members laughed at her suffering. 

Tears flowed through her eyes as she was swinging around. She was soon back on the ground, resting her back on a bench.

“I’m alive! Thank you, Jesus,” she covered her face with tears in her eyes. Tears of joy that she survived. “I’m sorry but I couldn’t see anything, I dunno what was going on.”

“How did you feel jumping?” she was asked

“Let’s...not do that again, please. My heart can’t take it.”

Back safely, Jennie wiped her tears while Jimin, Suga and J-Hope embraced her, cheering that she got through with it. After the members continued to jump, they all regrouped as they applauded their efforts for jumping even though they were timid.

In the end, the members received certificates for their hard work and bravery in bungee jumping.

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1 year ago

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 78- Prom

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 78- Prom

Chapter Summary: BTS promotes fire and Jen becomes the next person to receive phone numbers in her sandwich. Bangtan thinks of a way for Jennie to experience her own Prom in Seoul. While on a prom weekend trip with a group of their 97 Liner friends, Jennie and Jungkook play a little game of dares which takes a spicy turn.

Words: 11,000+

Genre: Such a fluffy chapter! Promposals from the members and BIG Jungkook fluff! And smol Jungkook smut. (Not all the way. Just some smol stuff like oral. Short and sweet.)

Author's Note: I was experimenting with this and ideas just kept flowing. I hope you like it! I'll continue to do better in the smut department. A for effort! Lol, I'm biased and loved Taehyung's Promposal the best since he's my Bias in BTS hehe. I lost the photo of the dress I used for Jen's dress for prom smfh. If I ever find it I will add it in.


Backstage for Mnet Countdown, Jungkook was chosen to stay back, still recovering from his flu. Already in her attire for the show, a producer came up to her to discuss her role for today.

“Jennie. We’re going to change things up a bit since Jungkook is unable to perform today. So we want you to take over his lines for Save Me and Butterfly.”

“Okay!” she replied with a nod, feeling confident about herself.

From now on, she would try her best not to get so nervous about doing stuff like this. She got this. She will do Jungkook justice for the songs. 

In front of a Bangtan bomb camera, some of the members spoke about Jennie taking over his lines for the day while Jungkook was giddy about it, teasing her.

“It is so weird when a member is missing and you have to go on without them. And the fact that they want me to take over Jungkook’s lines, it’s a big responsibility. But I believe I can do him justice.” she said on camera.

Getting something to eat with the members, Jen was given a sandwich at the cafeteria. When she sat down with them to begin eating, she noticed there were small pieces of paper in the sandwich.

"Huh?" she took the pieces of paper out and examined them. A laugh escaped her lips as she shook her head. "Bold!"

“What happened?” Namjoon asked as he took a look at the pieces of paper.

“I got a few phone numbers.” she continued to chuckle.

“What!?” Jungkook exclaimed, rushing over to look at the pieces of paper.

Who in the heck would be this bold to give out their number to his girl? Who!?

“Numbers? What numbers?” Jin shouted

“Whoa, whoa, guys, it’s okay!” she looked at them in bewilderment.

“Okay!? Someone is messing with our ship!” Taehyung complained and grabbed her sandwich.

“It’s harmless, relax,” she reassured.

“Some idols already know I’m your boyfriend. Why are these guys trying to shoot their shot?” Jungkook grumbled.

“Jungkook-ah, relax.”

“No, I won’t relax, Jagi! I want to know whose numbers these belong to.”

“Oh Lord...” she turned her attention to Taehyung and grabbed her sandwich back. Taking a bite, she spat it out immediately. “What the heck is this!?”

It tasted weird. Nothing like the usual sandwich she would get. Did they make a new sandwich or something? She opened the sandwich and it contained bread, egg potato salad, cabbage salad and...strawberry jam?

“Ew. No, I’m not eating this.” she placed it down and went into her bag to see if she had any leftover snacks.

Meanwhile, the guys rambled on about people giving Jen their number. 

Checking out her bag, she pulled out another random piece of paper that someone supposedly snuck into her bag.

“Oh. Another set of numbers.” she chuckled.

“ANOTHER ONE!?” Jin yelled in horror. “That’s five numbers in one day! The heck!?”

“This is unacceptable. I don’t want these guys getting any bright ideas.” Namjoon frowned with Jungkook complaining.

“Do I need to have a talk with them?” Yoongi asked, cracking his knuckles.

“We should start bringing her lunches instead. Make her lunch, Jin.” Hobi eagerly suggested.

“Duly noted. What do you want to eat for lunch, sweetie?” Jin asked.

“Guys, relax! It’s fine!” she exclaimed while Jimin and Tae whined about their ship.


On the stage, wearing the same white shirt as the members but with black shorts, Jen exhaled shakily, looking up at the ceiling. ARMY noticed her hand shaking as the music came on. The 97 Liner slowly walks around, singing softly,

amugeotdo saenggakhaji ma

neon amu maldo kkeonaejido ma

geunyang naege useojwo

Jen listened to Tae’s soulful vocals as they all moved elegantly on stage. 

Covering her lines, she sang, “Is it true? Is it true? You, You. Neomu areumdawo duryeowo. ”

Untrue Untrue

You You You

Taking over the chorus, putting her hands together and moving side to side in sync with everyone, she went on, “Gyeote meomulleojullae. Naege yaksokhaejullae. Son daemyeon naragalkka buseojilkka. Geobna geobna geobna.”

siganeul meomchullae

i sungani jinamyeon

eobseotdeon iri doelkka neol irheulkka

geobna geobna geobna

Spinning to the middle, she looked up, singing, “Butterfly, like a Butterfly. Machi Butterfly, bu butterfly cheoreom.”

The way she sang Butterfly was so angelic as some members of the crowd were saying ‘wow’.

Meanwhile, she had made eye contact with Jimin who had smiled softly at her, nodding at her performance so far. That gave her the reassurance she needed.

Butterfly, like a butterfly

machi Butterfly, bu butterfly cheoreom

After Suga and J-Hope rap, Jin looked up and turned to the camera,

Untrue Untrue

You You You

This wasn’t as bad as she thought as she nailed the chorus again before Rapmon went on to rap passionately.

It’s all FREE for you baby

Standing with Jimin as he did his high note, Jennie revealed a pair of white butterfly wings on her back, that she had hidden with her shirt, which had amazed the crowd. She sang again with the confetti falling down as Jimin harmonized with her. For the ending pose, the boys turned their backs to the ground with their hands mimicking a butterfly while Jen faced the crowd, moving her body like a butterfly before outstretching her hand, and looking up.

For fire, the members walked onto the stage, hyped with fire all around the scene. Wearing their outfits from the MV, Suga placed his arm around Taehyung in the middle.


Fire Fire Fire Fire

When I wake up in my room nan mwotdo eoptji

haega jigo nan hu biteuldaemyeo geotji

Sticking her tongue out and catching the camera panning to her, she flowed fluidly with the members after J-Hope finished his verse.

da mansinchangiro chwihaesseo chwihaesseo

Losing her balance from staggering around pretending she was drunk while Yoongi rapped, Jen caught herself.

‘Whew, that was close.’ she thought as she continued to dance.

mak yokhae gireseo gireseo

na masi gatji michinnom gatji

da eongmangjinchang, livin’ like ppi-i-

Taehyung covered Jungkook’s parts as he stood in the middle.

ni meotdaero sareo eochapi ni kkeoya

aesseuji jom mareo jyeodo gwaenchanha

Errbody say La la la la la

“La, la, la, la, la!” Jen repeated with the crowd.

Say La la la la la

“La, la, la, la, la!”

soneul deureo sorijilleo Burn it up

Strutting up to the front, she flicked her nose with her thumb, changing her face into a serious expression.


Going hard in the dance break, making her hair whip around, she sang, “Eh! Eh oh eh oh!”

ssak da bultaewora bow wow wow

“Eh! Eh oh eh oh!”

ssak da bultaewora bow wow wow

Standing with Namjoon, she began moving her head side to side with him.

“Aye, live it up. Bangtan just exploded on the scene~!.”

Hey, burn it up jeonbu da taeul geot gachi

“Aye, shout it out! I’m turnt up, it’s okay, I’m keen~”

Hey, turn it up saebyeogi da gal ttaekkaji

geunyang sarado dwae urin jeomgie

geu malhaneun neon mwon sujeogillae

sujeosujeo georyeo nan saraminde

“So, what~!” she shouted with them, raising a hand up.

“Calling us extra yet you still want to hang. Bang to the tan, you wanna join this gang. Keep your eyes on me, I am still that chick!” she slapped her chest. “Don’t you stand too close, what, you think you slick? Admit we the shhh as we tear it down!”

When she said shhh, the members dramatically turned to her while she placed a finger to her lips before they followed her around as she continued to go on, “BTS is the flame they wanna water down! Bangtan is still here and we killin’ it still. We always start the fire, you just a fire drill!”

This comeback was her favorite out of everything as her happiness soared on stage with the guys. Performing this at a concert was going to be a rush.


geop manheun jayeo yeogiro


goeroun jayeo yeogiro


maenjumeogeul deulgo All night long


jingunhaneun balgeoreumeuro

As the backup dancers danced with them, Jen got hyped, shouting, 

“Errbody throw yo’ hands in the air, we gettin’-“

“Hot! Hot! Hot! Hotter!” the rest of the members joined in

ssak da bultaewora bow wow wow

“Errbody throw yo’ hands in the air, we gettin’-”

“Hot! Hot! Hot! Hotter!”

ssak da bultaewora bow wow wow


“Errbody throw yo’ hands in the air, we gettin’-”

“Hot! Hot! Hot! Hotter!”

ssak da bultaewora bow wow wow


“Errbody throw yo’ hands in the air, we gettin’-”

“Hot! Hot! Hot! Hotter!”

ssak da bultaewora bow wow wow

With Suga walking up next to V, he pointed to the camera. 



Once Jungkook was good as new, feeling much better, he went all out for the remaining performances. And thanks to ARMY, BTS had received their first win for fire as the confetti startled both Jen and Yoongi.

“Please give us your winning speech!” the MCs gave Rapmon the mic

“ARMY! Thank you to all the Armys who are watching this live, right now!” Rapmon said.

“ARMY is the one who gave us this award. ARMY is truly the best!” Jin said. “And to our members, please don’t get sick. We will always be with you guys so please continue to look after us!”

Taking the mic, Jungkook happily said, “Everyone, I’m really OK! I love you!”

“I love you, my family!” V waved.

For the encore of fire, the guys put the confetti all on Jennie as she tried not to laugh while singing her parts. Today was all in all perfect.

Walking backstage, she held the trophy, doing a victory dance before skipping around with Taehyung. After settling down, she waited until it was her turn to be recorded thanking ARMY for the first win.

“ARMY is truly one of a kind. You guys are always there to support us through our highs and our lows. And all because of you, we were able to win first place again. I can not thank you guys enough. Thank you guys so much! You guys are amazing and I love you so much!” she beamed.

For one music show, Jungkook was chosen to MC for Music Core. Looking over the script, he pointed out that there were a lot of aegyo and singing parts.

Jennie started cracking up at the script. “Oh gosh. This is going to be cute. And you gotta sing your Boy In Luv lines? How charming.”

“I think our 97 Liners should MC together one day,” Namjoon suggested.

“Me and Jennie?” Jungkook’s eyes lit up as a big bunny smile came across his face. “I’d love that.”

“That’d be fun actually.” she agreed.

Pulling her close, he looked down at her, smiling, “Cheer for me?”

“Of course. I love you. You’re going to do great out there.”

“I love you, too.” He gave her a sweet peck on the lips

“Aw~!” Hobi cooed with Jimin and Tae, causing the couple to turn in their direction, amused.

“I love you, too~.” Jimin teased.

“Cheer for me, Jennie? I love you.” Taehyung added.

“Of course, you’re going to do great out there.” Hobi joined in.

"Shut up!" Jennie said. 

She and Jungkook rolled their eyes, trying to ignore their teasing.

As the members got ready for the show, they looked at the TV screen to see Jungkook MCing with other idols.

“He’s doing well,” Jin praised.

Jennie smiled at her boyfriend MCing. He did look a little nervous with his trembling voice when he was singing but he was doing his best and began to get the hang of things. 

“He’s so cute.” she giggled.

“Ah, he’s so awkward, AH!” Namjoon laughed.

Once the show was over, Jungkook was in for a ton of teasing, even from Jennie as his face turned pink.


The next morning, Jungkook was drawing in his room to pass the time. His ears perked up at the sound of Jennie singing along with loud music playing. Jin had asked her to clean her room since it was looking a bit messy during their comeback season. 

Grabbing his video camera, he chose to take a peek at what she was doing. The sight of her dancing and singing to Raven Symone’s Supernatural, in front of her stuffed animals on her bed, made him press record. She was really giving her stuffed animals a concert. It was adorable.

When I get this feelin'

Something's about to happen

Without any reason

It's Supernatural

Some people call it crazy

Something's there's no explaining

Just believe what you see

It's Supernatural

Watching her jump and bounce around, Jungkook had suppressed a laugh. She even grabbed a big teddy bear and started to dance around with it. Setting the teddy bear down, she seemed to be more into dancing than cleaning.

As she danced to more songs, he even filmed her dancing and singing to The Party's Just Begun by The Cheetah Girls as she was still oblivious to him watching her.

Tell Me Something I Don't Know by Selena Gomez, the Another Cinderella story version, played while she sang and danced. She finally noticed Jungkook and pulled him into her room. She made him sit on the bed as he laughed and resumed recording while she dramatically sang.

I hear it every day

I hear it all the time

I'm never gonna amount to much

But they're never gonna change my mind, no

Tell me, tell me, tell me 

Something I don't know

Something I don't know

“Jennie, I don’t think this is what Jin Hyung meant when he said to clean your room.” he giggled.

“Shhh!” she replied with a grin. “He isn’t going to be back until a few more hours. Let me live!”

“Don’t jinx it~!”

After cleaning her room, Jennie and Jin sat at her desk with makeup all around as they began to have a V-Live.

“What is up Army!? Welcome to another episode of Let’s Put Makeup on Smartie featuring Handsome Jin~! Say hello to our viewers!”

“Hello, Army! I hope you have all eaten and slept well.” Jin blew a kiss.

“So far everyone has done a remarkable job making me look a mess.” she laughed nervously. “So, I really hope that this time will be different.”

“Trust me, I won’t make you look a mess. Now relax and let me handle this. Army, I got this.” he went on and put primer on her face. “I see you cleaned your room.”

“Yes, I did. Now you can stop bugging me about it.”

“I was not bugging you.”

She impersonated him, “Jennie, you need to clean your room. Your room is a mess. Why did you let your room get like this? I want it spotless when I return or no smarties. Okay, tomorrow you are cleaning your room. Sweetie, did you clean your room yet?”

“I do not sound like that!”

“Yes, you do.” she asserted as he finished putting a neat coat of foundation on her face.

Fans commented on how good of a job he was doing so far on her makeup. Way better than the other members.

“How am I looking?” she asked.

“You will see when I am done. So far so good,” he replied, neatly putting eyeliner on her.

Jin went for a more natural look in contrast to the others so far making her look like a "clown" in Jen's eyes. With the foundation matching her skin complexion, he applied it on until he thought everything was neatly placed. Then he applied a little bit of lipstick to complete the look.

"Done!" he announced.

"That's it? That was quick. Are you sure-DAMN!" she looked at herself in the mirror in awe. "Oh my God, Jin! This is-wow!"

"I know. I know." he grinned proudly.

"I can't believe he made me look this good. I love this!"

"Oh, that was to be expected, hehehe. I'm happy you like it, sweetie. ARMY, I did a great job, right?"


The following morning, Jen got up at her usual time. Walking into the kitchen, the delicious aroma made her stomach growl in anticipation as she saw Jin cooking.

Jin had been planning his Promposal for her for the past few days ever since Rapmon and J-Hope discussed it with him. To say that he was nervous was an understatement. He had hoped that what he planned to do wouldn't be corny and she would say yes to him.

“Good morning!” he grinned, turning to her.

“Morning! What are you making? It smells great!”

“Your favorite. Sit down. It’s already ready for you.”

Taking a seat, she looked at the plate that was made of her favorite blueberry pancakes, eggs, and bacon. He decorated the plate of food cutely as her heart soared. While looking closely at the pancakes, her stomach dropped when she saw the words ‘Prom?’ written in syrup.

Her lips parted as she sat there in astonishment.

Was this real? Why did it say prom? What was he doing? Was he really asking her? What is going on?

Looking up, she saw him smiling at her nervously.

“A-are you asking me to prom?” her voice shakily asked as her throat tightened.

“Would you do me the honor, Jennie? Go to prom with handsome Jin?”

Overwhelmed with joy, she let out a laugh as happy tears began to flow down her cheeks. Getting out of her chair, she rushed over to hug him, tightly.

“Yes!" she accepted, feeling his arms wrap around her. She took the moment to cry as he held her. "Thank you! Thank you so much!"

Pulling away from him she wiped her tears. "I can't believe this!" she rambled on. "We’re actually going to prom? Where? When? How? What is going on?”

He laughed at her excitement. “One thing at a time, Jennie. You have six other Promposals coming your way. But I’m sure mine was the best.”

Jin will never forget how Jungkook had almost fought everyone to try to be the first person to ask her out to prom. But in the end, Jin finally won after a game of rock, paper, scissors.

Following eating breakfast with Jin, she went to hang out with Yoongi to play basketball which they planned a couple of days ago. Yoongi thought of a simpler way to ask her and something basketball related.

“Check.” he gave her the ball.

Before she could check it back, she noticed writing on it.

“Smartie, let’s have a ball at prom!” she read out loud and looked up at him anticipating her answer.

She dropped the ball and ran up to hug him, making them both fall to the ground.

“Ow, smartie!”

“Yes, yes, yes, and yes!” she gladly accepted.

A gummy smile appeared on his lips. "Good. Now, let's play ball."

Back at Big Hit, Jennie had her usual dance practice with Hobi to clean up on any dance moves. Throughout practice, he couldn't contain his excitement and worked hard to not get distracted at the thought of asking her to prom.

"You earned it. Well done, today." he handed her an orange Nike shoe box.

"What is this?! New shoes!? Nike!?" she yelled excitedly.

Opening up the box, she looked at the new pair of sneakers, and on the top, it read, ‘Munchkin, just do it and dance with me at prom!’

“Yes!” she pulled him in for a big kiss on the cheek and a hug. “Oh my gosh, this is so adorable. Thank you! I would love to go to prom with you!”

Hobi squealed, running and jumping around the studio at her answer. “YEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHH~!”

After spending some time in her studio working on music, Jimin walked in with a small box and bag of Smarties. He chose to do something that related a lot to her.

"Smarties!?" she squealed, cheerfully accepting them.

“Check out the box.” he pointed out with an eye smile.

Opening up the small black box, she found two guitar picks that said ‘I couldn’t pick a better date... prom?’ which made her heart soar.

"Aw...Jimin..." she turned to him as he shyly looked down.

"Was it too cheesy?"

"No way, this is so thoughtful! Yes, I will go to prom with you!" she proudly accepted as she stood up from her seat.

“Yes!” he fist pumped, pulling her in for a warm hug. “I bet my Promposal was the best out of all the guys!”

Following running back and forth around the Big Hit building, Jen strolled down a hallway to see two people wearing...thug costumes and masks?

"There she is! Get her!" one shouted.

"Whoa! Hey! Get off me!" she shrieked as she got lifted over one of their shoulders.

Was she really getting kidnapped at Big Hit? What was going on?

"Oh no! It's Iron Man!" one voice dramatically announced.

"You'll never take us alive, Iron Man! We have Miss Potts! She's ours now!" the other sneered.

"Not on my watch!" a familiar voice was heard.


Getting set down, she saw someone wearing an Iron Man suit, "fighting" against the thugs. As random as this was, Jennie was entertained as she watched the action unfold. It didn’t take long for Iron Man to defeat the thugs and approach her.

"Miss Potts, are you okay? Come on. Let's get you to safety."

She got carried bridal style as she held onto him. Going back to her studio, she got sat down on her couch, while Iron Man took a seat on one of her chairs.

"Are you hurt by any chance, Miss Potts?"

"No, I'm not. Thanks for saving me, Tony. How can I ever repay you?" she played along with a smile. 

Standing up, she walked over to him. Carefully she removed his helmet to reveal Jungkook's face and his messy brown hair.

“You could repay me by joining me for a marvelous night at prom. What do you say?" 

Cupping his face, she gave him a big kiss. “Mr. Stark, you got yourself a deal. I would love to." 

He smirked softly and pulled her into his lap as she cupped his face again, giving him multiple kisses on his lips.

“Nice getup.” she gestured to his costume.

He chuckled. “I knew you’d like it,”


Just before leaving Big Hit’s building, Jennie stopped walking once she saw a dog?

“The heck is going on?” she laughed at the sight, walking closer, only to see it was Taehyung who was holding up a sign.

“ God.” she covered her face and laughed. Uncovering her face, she read the sign while Taehyung had a boxy grin on his face.

‘Ennie~! Before any of these other weenies try to ask, I hope that you will choose this weenie as your date for prom!’

Giggling, she embraced him and pulled away, smiling brightly. “Ennie would love to go to prom with a weenie like you, Tae. Absolutely!”

“Yay!” he jumped up and down, dancing around which made her laugh again.

As soon as she made it back to the dorm, she went to her room to see a box on her bed along with a bouquet of flowers and smarties. Opening it, it looked like a small puzzle. She went straight to work on putting the pieces together to figure out what it was.

After around 30 minutes, she put the last piece together and took a good look at the puzzle. There was a cute photo of her and Namjoon and under it were the words, 'Jennifer Walker, would you give me the extraordinary honor of allowing me to be one of your dates for prom?'

"Hell yeah," she spoke out loud.

Later that evening with Namjoon engaged in his phone, he felt a pair of soft lips on his cheek.

Looking up, he saw Jennie looking down at him with a smile

"I would love to give you the extraordinary honor of allowing you to be one of my dates for prom, Namjoon. Clever puzzle."

A chuckle escaped his lips as he felt his face warm up from her words. "Thanks, Jennie. Prom is going to be a night you will never forget. Trust us and be excited."

The preparation for prom was an exciting one for Jennie as she prepared for the event. Yoongi had taken her to get her nails and feet done, getting the color yellow. She even snuck a photo of him napping while he waited for her.

‘I’ll take you to get your nails done, he said. But let me take a nap. LOL.’ she tweeted.

Jin and Taehyung took her dress shopping. They argued constantly over which dress would be better. It got so bad, that Jen decided to call her good friend Sam Okyere for suggestions and went along with his pick instead which Jin and Taehyung loved.

Now, today was the day. Prom day. The event that Hobi and Rapmon set up with the rest of the members. They had managed to invite a ton of idol friends, renting a nice little venue for the get-together. They even thought of a theme for the prom which was a carnival theme. Jennie told the guys that the color she was wearing would be yellow, so they each wore something yellow to match her.

In her room, she checked herself out in the mirror, admiring her dress. She was actually going to prom and she couldn't control her nerves. Spinning around in the yellow dress, a giggle escaped her. She was so ready for tonight.

"I look great." she complimented, adjusting her hair which was in a bun with curls on each side.

"Munchkin, are you ready?" Hobi called out.

"Yeah, I'll be right out," she replied. 

Letting out a sharp breath, she opened her door, walking out to the living room where the guys were waiting for her. Nervously looking up at them, she awaited their reactions.

Jungkook widened his eyes at the sight of her, parting his lips. 'Wow...' he thought in admiration. He was freaking out on the inside, staring at her with heart eyes. She looked so beautiful.

Jin's eyes began to water. He loved how gorgeous she looked. She was all grown up and that dress was just stunning on her. The members stood there in disbelief as they couldn’t keep their eyes off her. As if on cue, the boys dramatically fell to the floor, shouting as they clutched their chests, carrying on about how pretty she was.


“Oh my Gosh!”


Jennie laughed at their shouts and squeals, making it difficult for her to control herself from cheesing hard.

“Look at you! Look at her! Look at her! This is my date!” Jimin shouted proudly.

“Our date!" Namjoon corrected.

"My Girlfriend!" Jungkook shouted.

“My Munchkin!” Hobi yelled.

“I met her first!” Taehyung reminded loudly.

“I taught her how to rap!” Yoongi yelled.

“My Daughter!” Jin declared. "Jennie, you look phenomenal!"

"Hahaha, thank you! You guys clean up nicely! Showing off those foreheads, I see."

"Let me put the corsage on you, Jagi." Jungkook swiped the corsage box out of Yoongi's hands, causing the members to argue.

"You always hog her! Give someone else a chance!" Hobi whined and grabbed the box. "I want to put it on her!"

"No, I'm the oldest so I should do it!" Jin shouted and took it off his hands.

"Who is the leader?! I am! I'm making the rules here so I should do it! Gimme!" Namjoon shouted back and snatched it out of Jin's hands.

"No! You gimme! I had this damn thing first!" Yoongi yelled and snatched it from him. 

"As the cutest member here, I should be the one to put it on her!" Jimin declared and yanked it out of his hands.

"I've known her longer than all of you and for that, I should have the honor of putting it on her!" Taehyung demanded and managed to swipe it out of Jimin's grip.

Jennie laughed wholeheartedly at their bickering, looking back and forth at their debate.

"Fellas, why not just play rock, paper, scissors to see who wins? So it can be fair," she suggested. 

In the end, Namjoon won as a loud chorus of complaints was heard. Grabbing the box, he approached her, smiling sweetly. "Nini, you look beautiful."

"Thank you! You don't look so bad yourself, Namjoon. Nice hair."

His hands were gentle as he carefully placed the cute corsage on her. Jennie admired it and went on to place a boutonniere on each of them. After getting situated, they took tons of pictures together, and Jen tweeted the photo of her with them all acting extra while laying on the ground, freaking out at her beauty, 'When your seven bros are your dates for a prom made specifically for you. Thank you for making my day. Let's PARTY!'


Walking into the venue, the place was decked out to make it look like an actual carnival. There were cotton candy, colorful decorations, popcorn, and games. It was a nice choice. And it sounded like Namjoon had borrowed some of Jennie's playlists because the music they were playing was top notch, making her feel right at home. Although the event was private, of course, the media were there to try to get a glimpse.

Watching Jennie rush over to greet Hayoon, Amber, Hyuna and others, Hobi and Namjoon high fived each other.

"Yeah, she's very happy." Hobi chuckled.

Jennie would not stay off the dance floor, dancing with everyone she could.

"JEN-NAY!" Jackson shouted.

"Jackson! Bam Bam! Guys! You're all here! Hey!"

GOT7 was blown away by her dress and stole her away from the BTS members to dance. The members hardly saw Jennie at prom since she was all over the place, hanging out with everyone. She was on the dance floor 70% of the time too as classics like the Cupid Shuffle and Michael Jackson came on. Then Jen was at the photo booth taking tons of photos.

"Ladies and gentlemen it is now time to announce Prom King and Queen!" Yoongi announced. "First, our prom King...J-Hope!"

"Woo!" Jen clapped, turning her attention to a genuinely surprised Hobi.

That sunshine smile of his was brighter than ever as he went on to accept the crown. He had his hands on his heart, bowing to everyone.

"And for our prom queen...Hayoon!"

Jin sighed as Hayoon and Hobi danced together. “I’m upset that I didn’t win. I am the most handsome guy here. And I didn't win Prom King? This is rigged." he jokingly complained, making Jennie laugh. "This is not funny!"

"Oh yes, it is."

"Would you like to dance?" he had his hand out for her. 

She accepted it immediately and he took her to the dance floor. Deja Vu by Beyonce came on as Jen got excited and did Jin’s famous traffic dance with him. Jungkook even did the worm with Bam Bam and Yugyeom. 

Feeling a gentle hand on her shoulder, Jennie turned around to see Sam Okyere, who embraced her in a hug.

"Sam! I’m so glad you’re here!”

“Thank you for having me!”

Give It Up to Me by Sean Paul and Keyshia Cole came on as she happily danced with him and got spun around occasionally. She even got Namjoon to dance, making him cut loose on the dance floor. Feeling at home, she even battled Hobi for the percolator dance. Hobi went first, moving his body fluidly to the bubbly beat of the song as everyone crowded around him. When the beat dropped, Jennie danced, moving up to him, going hard as everyone cheered her on.

As more slow songs came on, Yoongi approached her. Clearing his throat, he gave her a gummy smile, "You save me a dance, smartie?"

"Yes, I did! Come on!" she got held into his arms as they swayed around. 

He even spun her around after a while and she was caught in the arms of Taehyung.

"Ennie~!" he dipped her, making her giggle.

With Jungkook, his eyes were on her the entire night, smiling at how radiant and cheerful she looked. The prom surprise was a success and he was elated to see her smiling so much. But he wanted to dance with her. It was like every time he wanted to approach her, someone else took her away. But he had something up his sleeve so he could spend some time alone with her. 

Locking eyes with her from across the room, a soft smile appeared on his lips. He tilted his head to the side, gesturing for her to follow him out of the room. 

Finally taking a glimpse at Jungkook made Jen's heart flutter. She hadn't interacted with him like she wanted since everyone was trying to spend time with her. 

When she watched him go through a set of discreet doors, she waited a few moments before going to follow him, excusing herself from everyone. Walking through the doors, she closed them behind her to see Jungkook's back as he walked through another set of doors.

'What are you planning?' she pondered while she continued to follow him through more rooms.

Arriving in the final room, closing the doors behind her, she looked around to see that they were outside in a secluded area just for them. Various flowers decorated the space along with string lights surrounding it. Soft music was playing in the background and she saw Jungkook waiting for her with a grin.

"Milady." he bowed and extended his hand out.

Taking his warm hand, she was pulled in close, feeling him gently wrap an arm around her waist. Holding onto him, she looked up at him with a smile. Swaying around to the music, they occasionally giggled, enjoying this alone time while they could.

"So, would you say this is your favorite dance out of everyone you danced with tonight?" he asked, making her laugh.

"Top ten." she teased.

"What?" he whined, making her giggle. 

He spun her around and brought her back into his arms as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Kidding. This is my number one. Thank you for making this night even more magical." she placed a hand on the back of his head and kissed him.

"Anything for you," he whispered and let her rest her head on his chest as they continued to sway.


To spend their prom weekend, some 97 Liners have gone to a private resort, with a beach house. To have no worries about cameras or fans following them and to just unwind with friends away from their idol life was a great thing for them.

GOT7's Yugyeom and Bam Bam, Jungkook, Seventeen's Mingyu and The8, IKON's DK, GFriend's Hayoon, Yuju and Eunha, Jennie, and Twice's Mina and Jihyo arrived safely in a private area in Hawaii.

With Jennie and Jungkook, Jungkook carried their bags, making their way into the room that he would be sharing with her. Meanwhile, the rest stayed in other rooms around the big beach house.

Jennie plopped on the bed and let out a long sigh. But her relaxation was short lived when she let out a groan due to Jungkook dramatically falling on top of her.

"A warning would've been nice." she chuckled, trying to push him off but he wouldn't budge.

"That'll defeat the purpose of doing this," he said as mischievous tendencies began to go through his head.

Jennie took a whiff of his cologne. "You smile nice. Smells like my perfume...wait. It IS my perfume! That I've been searching for, for weeks! You stole it!?"

Placing his hands on either side of her head on the bed, looking down at her, he laughed. "Are you sure? I don't recall. I bought this a few days ago."

"You!" she grabbed a pillow and smacked him in the face with it, making him fall off the bed with a thump. 

Continuously hitting him with her newly acquired weapon, Jennie resumed calling him a thief.

“Ah! Hey!" he shouted as she straddled him to continue hitting him. 

He could easily turn them over but this was entertaining as he let her have her way for a bit. She grabbed his arm and placed it between her legs for an armbar, holding it for a moment until she felt him biting her leg.

“Ow! Did you just bite me?” she released him, rubbing the bite as she stood up with him.

Since she was distracted, he quickly got behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. 

"Oh gosh, don't suplex me~!" she shrieked as she was lifted in the air. 

Jungkook's back landed on the bed while she got thrown backward for the wrestling move. He then laid on top of her for a pin.

"1! 2! 3! Winner and still undefeated! The Golden Maknae! Jeon Jungkook!" he got off of her and raised his hands up in victory, being extra.

Loud giggling was heard as they saw Mina and Yugyeom secretly recording them to tease them about later.

"Oh no! You were recording!? Delete it!" Jennie chased after them with Jungkook.

"Run Mina! Run! I got this!" Yugyeom shouted, grabbing onto Jungkook as they wrestled around playfully.

Mina and Jennie ran around the kitchen with Eunha giggling with Hayoon as they watched them. 

After unsuccessfully getting Mina and Yugyeom to delete the video, Jennie and Jungkook went to play volleyball outside with Mingyu and Hayoon. With Jennie being the best at volleyball, she effortlessly won for her team. After that, they switched teammates as Mingyu teamed with her while Jungkook teamed with Hayoon. 

"You ready to win!?" Jennie cheered.

"Hell yeah, I'm teaming with the GOAT of volleyball. I got nothing to worry about," Mingyu grinned and highfived her. 

As they predicted, Jennie won again for her team as she celebrated with Mingyu, doing their secret handshake and jumping up to bump shoulders.

"How do you keep winning!?" Jungkook complained.

"She's the GOAT of volleyball! That's why!" Mingyu praised and laughed at his complaining.

"We'll get her next time, Jungkook," Hayoon reassured.

"Yeah, we definitely will," The Golden Maknae agreed.

"Hey, you're better at me in bowling! Let me enjoy this moment of beating you!" Jennie giggled.

Later on, everyone gathered around to eat lunch. Jennie expressed how elated she was that they were able to do this fun get together and hoped to have more 97 Liner trips down the line. She also mentioned how appreciative she was that they showed up for Prom and that she loved them all. Her sweet words made them happy as they told her how much they loved her too.

Buzz Buzz Buzz

Jennie glanced at her phone to see a text from Jungkook as they all ate and talked among themselves.

JK: Want to play a game?

She looked up as she sat across from Jungkook who smiled at her.

Jen: Lol. Sure.

JK: Dare, darer or darest?

A game of dares, huh? What's the worst that could happen?

Jen: Hm....dare

JK: I dare you to chug your drink

Jen: Easy as pie!

She grabbed her full glass of iced tea and began to chug it effortlessly. When she was halfway done, she started to get the attention of some of the 97 Liners as they watched her in surprise.

"Wow, was it that good?" The8 asked with an impressed look as she laughed and set the empty glass down.

"Heck yeah, it was good! I need a refill," she grabbed the pitcher and poured another glass of tea.

JK: Lol good job.

Jen: Dare, darer or darest, my love?

JK: Darer

Jen: I dare you to do 20 push ups

JK: Your wish is my command

Getting out of his seat, he immediately started doing push ups. Some of the 97 liners started laughing at him while others looked confused.

"Really? While we're eating?" Bam Bam giggled.

"I forgot to do my daily pushups," he explained as he continued to do them until he was done and went back to his seat, feeling pumped from the workout.

Jen: Nice job, Kookie

JK: Dare, darer or darest, baby girl?

Jen: Darest

JK: I dare you to stand up and shout "It's my money and I need it now!" 

Jen: Oh Goddddd. I shouldn't have shown you those commercials lmfao

A while ago she showed him different JG Wentworth commercials on YouTube. She told him it was some of her favorite commercials that would play whenever she binged the channel that showed Maury, Jerry Springer, and Cheaters in the mornings.

Standing up, Jennie shouted, "IT'S MY MONEY! AND I NEED IT NOW!"

Her face immediately felt flushed when everyone's eyes turned to her. She covered her mouth in a fit of nervous giggles as soon as she sat down. Jungkook laughed out loud while clapping, pleased with her performance. 

"What in the world..." DK chuckled. 

"Your money? What is going on?" Mina asked, amused.

"Jennie, are you having a sugar rush? You're so silly," Hayoon giggled.

After settling down, Jennie texted Jungkook again. 

Jen: Dare, darer or darest?

JK: Darest

Jen: Lol I dare you to start barking 

"WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF!" he said out of nowhere, causing her to cover her mouth to try to hide her laughter.

"What the heck?" Yugyeom asked as he laughed in confusion with the others.


Later in the evening, Jennie changed into an orange bikini with jean shorts and a buttoned white cover up, planning to go in the hot tub later. She sat with the rest of the 97 Liners to test their friendship by playing Uno. The 12 of them sat inside the house at a big table with snacks and drinks scattered around. Jen sat in between Yuju and The8 while Jungkook sat in between Yugyeom and Jihyo. 

Jennie and Jungkook sat across each other as everyone was immersed in conversation about how fun it had been to be here so far. Starting the Uno game, Bam Bam was in charge of shuffling and distributing the cards. Like always, Uno turned into chaos quickly.

"I'm placing down two of my yellow 3s." Yuju placed them down on the table.

“That’s not how you play the game!" DK called out.

"What do you mean!? If I have multiple, I want to put them all down!"

"No!" Mingyu exclaimed.

"Yes!" Yuju stood her ground.

"Oh dear." Eunha cringed.

"That is how you play!" Bam Bam agreed with Yuju.

"No, it's not!" Mingyu yelled.

"Yes, it is!" Bam Bam yelled back

"NO!" The8 chimed in.

"I prefer to put multiple cards down," Jihyo added as a huge debate started around the table. 

Jennie casually ate her smarties, watching the action unfold. She and Jungkook were sitting out for this game since the maximum number of players was 10. Truth be told, she was waiting for the drama to happen. This was going to be an interesting game night. She didn't care how Uno was going to be played for tonight. She loved the game either way and played it many ways depending on whatever rules someone wanted to put in the game. But if she had to choose, she'd rather put multiple cards down to make the games rotate faster since it was a lot of them playing.

Buzz Buzz Buzz

She looked at her phone to see a text from Jungkook.

JK: Dare, darer and darest?

She glanced up at him and he smirked softly as she began to smile.

Jen: Darer

JK: Unbutton your shirt a little

She looked at him with an amused expression as he raised an eyebrow suggestively. Letting out a soft laugh, she started texting back.

Jen: Is this your way of getting a nice view of my chest?

JK: Maybe...

Jen: Fine.

Deciding to tease him a little, she took her bun out and let her hair fall. Making eye contact with her boyfriend, she slowly unbuttoned a button and then one more, showing more of her chest for him. She observed his pleased reaction as his eyes wandered down with a satisfied smile.

JK: Wow...Orange looks good on you

Jennie sent a winky face emoji and the both of them started listening to the conversation again. 

"...actually it is. You can put multiple cards down if it's the same number." Hayoon spoke.

"Nah, nah. We are not playing like that. One card only." Jungkook asserted.

"Yes, we are playing like that." Hayoon asserted back, making him widen his eyes.

"Ooooooohhhhh!" the 97 Liners got hyped at her speaking.

Jungkook playfully glared at her before turning to Jennie, "Babe, are you going to let her talk to me like this?"

Jennie glanced at Hayoon and then Jungkook, "If my best friend says that this is how we play then we are playing like that." she replied, having Hayoon's back.

"I trusted you," the Golden Maknae looked offended.

"Hehe, multiple it is!" Hayoon cheered.

"One card!" he demanded.


"One card!" Mingyu chimed in.

"Multiple!" Yuju shouted.

"This is hilarious..." DK laughed.

A long debate occurred once again and they decided to settle it by rock, paper, scissors since it was clear that people played Uno in various ways. Finally, it was settled that they could only use one card which gained the annoyance of those who wanted it to be multiple. Yuju took back one of her yellow 3s, grumbling at how unfair this was.

As the game continued, Jennie noticed that Jungkook was still glued to her chest and she started to text him.

Jen: Dare, darer or darest?

JK: Dare

Jen: Keep your eyes up. Stop staring at my chest

JK: Whaaaaat? Seriously? :(

She sent laughing emojis and buttoned her shirt back while he looked disappointed.

JK: Dare, darer or darest?

Jen: Darer

JK: Unbutton your shirt again and allow me to keep staring at you

Jen: Seriously?? There needs to be some rules, you can't reverse it!

JK: Too bad lol. Let me see you

Jen: Ughhhh. Fine lol.

She did what she was told as he enjoyed the view. She watched him as he stretched and her mind began to wander. She wondered if she should take the risk to try to be a little bold and playful with her boyfriend at the table. She wanted to see where this new territory would take them. 

When a new game began with Jennie and Jungkook playing this time, the 97 Liners watched as the first card placed down on the table was a blue 8. 

As Jungkook was occupied checking out his hand, she decided to have one of her feet rub against his, catching his attention. She continued to look at her cards, ignoring his look as they started to play footsie for a bit. Her foot slowly started to go up his calf which caused him to chuckle softly, locking eyes with her. He thought of it as a cute gesture with her.

With the rest distracted with the game, they didn't have to worry about the attention on them unless it was their turn. So perhaps she could go along with this bold plan of hers to test the waters. 

Jen: Dare, darer, or darest?

JK: Darest

Jen: No matter what, stay in your seat for 5 minutes. I'll put a timer on.

He raised an eyebrow and shrugged.

JK: Easy. Fine by me

'We'll see about that,' she thought as she put a timer on her phone.

After a minute, she raised her foot to rub against his calf again but this time went further up until she boldly pressed against his crotch which caused him to shift in his seat. 

He gave her a warning look while she smiled innocently. As she pressed further, rubbing against him, he flinched in his seat. He immediately grabbed her foot to stop the sensation but his shorts began to feel tighter.

'Fuck...' he thought as he managed to bite back a groan.

That was the last thing he was expecting her to do for a dare like this.

JK: I highly suggest you tread lightly

Jen: Me?? Tread lightly? It doesn't feel like you want me to

JK: Jennie...

Jen: Yesssss?

JK: Tread lightly...

Jen: You sure? 'Cause I'm flattered by how you're so quick to react to me. It looks like you're about to lose, Kookie. Want to throw up the white flag?

"Your turn Jungkook," it was announced as he was distracted by her.

"R-Right. Sorry. Here," he quickly put a card down as the game progressed.

As music played in the background along with loud conversations regarding the game, a low groan escaped him when her foot pressed against him again, making his arousal grow. He managed to keep his composure as he watched her smirk and wink at him.

'Confident, huh?' he thought.

JK: Last warning. Don't start something you can't finish, Jennie...

She looked at the message and back at him as he gave her a sharp stare which she thought made him look hotter. 

Oh, she was loving this...

Jen: And what are you going to do about it, my love?

She was pushing it. Her confidence was through the roof as she assumed he was going to break and have her win this entire game. But he continued to control himself, going along with the dare. He couldn't lose. Not like this. He had to win this game.

JK: Bet.

Reading his text made her even more amused as he took a page out of her book when she'd say that from time to time. 

Jungkook chose to be a patient man, plotting revenge later. They never did anything like this before but it was exciting and he wondered how far this was going to go between them. In the meantime, he managed to wrap his hoodie around his waist to make sure to hide his arousal when he planned to excuse himself once the timer went off. He was thankful everyone was occupied with the game as it was getting intense.

After another minute, the alarm on her phone went off. And Jennie giggled to herself as she watched him quickly excuse himself, claiming forfeit for this round so he could use the bathroom. 

Jennie continued the game and after they started a new game, Jungkook came back, less tense, watching the action unfold until they were ready for a new game. She waited for him to text back for another round of the Dare game but he didn't and she decided to patiently wait.

"STOP BEING A TROLL!" DK shouted at Bam Bam for constantly putting reverse cards down.

"Jeez, how many reverse cards do you have?" Yugyeom asked.

"Don't hate the player, hate the game. Now pick up a card from the deck DK." Bam Bam giggled.

"Mingyu! Don't you put that card down! If you put that card down I will never talk to you again!" Eunha warned when he teased her with the draw four card.

Placing it down anyway, Eunha playfully punched him on the arm and was forced to pick up four cards.

"Are you kidding me!?" Hayoon shouted after two people put down draw 4 cards when she was waiting to put down a wild card to change the color.

Everyone was shocked at how out of character she got because she was usually on the quieter side. During the game, she had the least cards but now ended up having the most. 

"You sure you want to do that?" The8 asked her when she was about to put down a green card.

"No regrets. I'm trying to get rid of these cards," she replied.

"Welp." he put down a reverse card, which made her shout in frustration because that was the last green card she got rid of. He seemed pleased to see someone getting all the cards to make the odds better for him to win.

"Jungkook, I'm sorry." Jihyo put down a draw 2 card.

"Don't be. I have a draw 2 card. Sorry, man." he turned to Yugyeom after placing the card down. 

"I think we need to stop being friends, Jungkook." Yugyeom sighed, picking up four cards.

"UNO!" Bam Bam shouted, having one final card.

"UNO!" Jennie announced next before placing down a red 7. 

She maintained eye contact with Bam Bam, as the competition heated up.

"Are you cheating?" Hayoon demanded, looking at Bam Bam angrily.

"Wh-what? No! Why would I?" he sputtered.

"Don't lie to me. Throughout this whole game, you keep getting the good cards." she narrowed her eyes making her look scary.

"What is that on your lap?" Mina pointed out

"Hidden cards?!" DK called out.

"Oh, so you cheating?" Jen called out as the guys stood up and chased Bam Bam around the house.


Later in the evening, Jungkook, Jennie, Hayoon, Mingyu, Jihyo, and DK hung out in the hot tub, chatting amongst themselves. Jungkook had his arm around Jennie, sitting next to her. As their time in the hot tub progressed, he removed his arm and then placed a hand on her knee.

"Final round. Dare, darer or darest?" he asked in her ear, taking her by surprise.

He still wanted to play? One last time?

"Are you serious?" she murmured to him.

"Unless you want to forfeit."

"No way. I'll play. But if I win this whole game, I want you to buy me that new video game coming out soon. The one I was telling you about,"

"Fine by me,"

"And what is your reward if you win?"

"You'll see when I win this final round,"

"Confident are you? Darest,"

"I dare you to be quiet," he said as she raised a brow.

Be quiet? That's it? That was easy. He just basically gave her the game.

She shrugged and turned her attention back to listening to the conversation their friends were having about funny moments living with their groups. She had already shared her piece with Jungkook on the moments they dealt with at the dorm so she eagerly listened, occasionally smiling at a comment here and there. 

Suddenly she felt Jungkook's hand slowly go further up on her thigh which caused her breath to hitch. She gave him a look while he looked ahead, unphased, and had an innocent smile on his face.

"You all right, Jennie?" Hayoon asked.

Feeling him lightly grip her inner thigh she jumped a little. "Ye-ah! Yeah! I'm fine! I just remembered I gotta catch up on the episodes of this American show my friend was telling me about. Another new episode should be out."

'So, you're sensitive here...' Jungkook thought, making a mental note.

After she wasn't the center of attention anymore, she felt Jungkook raise his hand up further which caused her to squirm in her seat. She refrained from having a whimper escape her lips and immediately grabbed his hand to make him stop.

'Mission ABORT!' she yelled in her head as she pondered on ways to get out of this situation. 

She was about to try to move to get out of the hot tub to avoid her fate but he immediately grabbed her and kept her securely next to him.

"Mm mm. Don't run now," she heard him say in her ear, making her shiver. 

She felt him kiss her cheek afterward. From their friends' perspective, it was like he was just giving her a sweet kiss for a little PDA which was something they were used to. But boy was she in shambles on the inside.

Once the rest thought of watching a movie, they began to get out of the hot tub. Jennie attempted to move again, hoping to leave with them but Jungkook continued to hold her securely, making her stay with him.

"Enjoy the movie. We're gonna stay here and spend some quality time together," Jungkook announced.

'Oh my God...what have I done?' she thought.

"Aw, cute! Have fun! I'm gonna leave and turn in, I'll see you guys, tomorrow!" Hayoon grinned and got out of the hot tub.

"Y-you're leaving? Already?" Jennie called out as Jungkook began to smirk to himself.

"Yeah, I'm sleepy. See you two tomorrow!" she waved and started walking away.

'No, no don't leave, sis!' Jennie begged in her head as she watched her go back inside after shutting the door.

And now she was left alone and at Jungkook's mercy.

Jungkook's mind raced with various scenarios on how this could go down. He could go the usual route and tickle her. But his mind began to wander to how she made him feel earlier. How quickly his body reacted to her and how he imagined what it would be like to make her feel good in a more sensual way. She had officially awakened a side of him that he didn't think he had. And everything she had done tonight made him want to do more.

"Alone at last..." he said proudly.

Turning to him, she attempted to try to sweet talk her way out of this. 

"Kook, listen I-"

Before she could continue, he cut her off with a heated kiss. She moaned against his mouth once his hand reached her core, rubbing against it, making her squirm. She weakly tried to move his hand away but he continued as his kisses traveled down to her neck, making her whimper.

"J-Jungkook..." she gasped, trying to keep her sounds low.

He could really get used to hearing her say his name like that.

The sensations and everything he was doing were driving her insane as she began to grind against his hand. His pace was steady as he listened to her sounds.

"Where'd the confidence go, Miss Bangtan?" he teased in her ear as she let out a soft curse. 

She couldn't even answer his question as she cried out for him. She underestimated how he would retaliate after she teased him earlier. But she didn't want him to stop what he was doing as her panting increased and she threw her head back.

Suddenly, the pleasure stopped as he let her go and pulled away.

"I win," he grinned.

Dazed, she looked at him in shock, "Wh-what!?" she exclaimed breathlessly. "I-I-hey! That wasn't fair!"

"I told you to be quiet for the dare, baby girl,"

"You didn't say anything about doing this! And why did you stop?!"

"You lost as soon as you answered Hayoon's question earlier. And as for what just shouldn't have teased me," he replied as he got out of the hot tub.

"You're leaving!? You're just gonna leave me, like this?!" 

"I said don't start something you can't finish. Good night, Jagi," he smiled and left her alone, going inside the house.

"I...this little shit..." she grumbled as she crossed her arms.

Who told him to be this bold? She was loving every bit of this side of him. It also amazed her how quickly she submitted to him. She had to fight back next time and take control.

As frustrated as she was that he didn't give her that release, she enjoyed herself and was curious to see what else they'd do.


The next morning, Jennie got ready for the day while still in her pajama shorts and tank top. She gave everyone a head's up yesterday that she was going to sleep in and chill for the morning while they went out for their fun activities. She'd join them later in the afternoon. For now, she wanted to lounge around and then maybe go for a jog later.

"Oh, hey. Good morning. You didn't want to join the others to go out?" she asked as she saw Jungkook walk into their bedroom, shirtless with just a pair of grey sweatpants on.

He smiled and shook his head. "Good morning. Nah, I didn't want to leave you, so I stayed behind. I was waiting for you to wake up,"

"Aw, you didn't have to. I know how much you love hanging with the guys. I would have been all right,"

"And miss the chance of being alone with you? No way. I'll go out later,"

"So...about last night," she brought up. "Can we talk about it?"

He nodded. "Yeah. Did I go too far?"

She shook her head with a smile. "No way, I enjoyed it. I'm just upset you left me hanging. It was nice. It felt really good. Maybe I should start teasing you more often,"

He chuckled. "Maybe you should. I'm glad you liked it,"

"Did I go too far? You know, at the table,"

He shook his head. "It took me by surprise but you initiated something I've been thinking about for a while. I'm glad we're comfortable with this,"

"Me too. Oh so about the game...I lost. So, what do you want as your reward?" she asked, feeling curious since he hadn't brought it up yet.

The statement caused him to smirk. "You'll see,"

"It's nothing embarrassing is it?"

"Nah. You'll enjoy this more than me," he reassured and glanced at the bed. "Lay down,"

"Lay down?" she looked confused.

"There's something I've been wanting to do for a while now,"

"Alright," she shrugged and got on the bed, laying her body against the soft sheets. 

She laid her head against one of the satin pillows and watched as he smiled and got on top of her to capture her lips intimately and slowly. She melted into his touch as he caressed her and felt his lips travel down her body. As she felt his kisses down her stomach, she gasped.

"Wait..." she breathed out as she felt his hands pulling on her shorts. "N-not there. You don't have to do that," she fidgeted and gently pushed him off of her.

"What's wrong?" his eyes turned into concern while she sat up with him. "Did I hurt you?"

"No, no, I don't have to do that, okay?" she felt herself getting nervous.

Deep down she wanted to but she began to feel a little shy. She always thought about getting head from him but she'd feel self conscious. What if she smelled? What would he think when he sees her? Does it look okay down there?

"I want to. This is what I wanted to try. Are you nervous?" he asked.

"A-a little. I never experienced it before,"

He smiled understandingly. "Me either. It's something we can try together for the first time. I told you I wanted to be your first in other ways. I want to make this experience a good one for you. Don't be nervous, okay? Just relax, Jennie. I got you," 

He gently pushed her back down and kissed her. His kisses slowly traveled down to her neck, making her tremble. 

"Seeing you in that bikini really made me want to do this," he added. "And not to mention with you teasing me and how you sounded in the hot tub...I want to hear you say my name like that again,"

For a while now he wanted to try this with her. Being able to give her pleasure by his mouth with his head in between her thighs. It was new to them both and Jungkook was eager to learn more about what she liked when getting pleasured. Eager to learn more about how her body reacted to him.

"You trust me? Can we try this?" he asked as he looked at her for consent.

His words made her feel at ease and she nodded.

"I want you to say it verbally,"

Face flushed, she spoke, "Yes. I trust you. We can try,"

Once he got confirmation, he brought her to the edge of the bed and kneeled on the floor. Removing her shorts and panties, he pushed her legs apart.

"Beautiful..." she heard him say as she felt him kiss around her inner thighs, making her squirm in anticipation.

She cried out at the sensation as his wet and warm tongue slid against her folds, making her back arch. He started slow, taking his time as he held her in place. 

Her eyes squinted shut with pleasure, and her breathing quickened as she desperately tried to grip on something. She became a mess under him, grabbing his hair while he continued to experiment and listen to her feedback.

Jungkook thought she looked beautiful like this as he watched her with lustful eyes. He studied the way her face moved and how her body tensed. She was all desperate and needy for him as he felt her shudder in pleasure and moan out his name. The way she tugged on his hair and cried out for him gave him affirmation that he was doing well and he felt a sense of pride that it was him making her feel this way.

As Jennie continued to enjoy herself, she noticed that it seemed like Jungkook was a talker, speaking sweet nothings to her as he pleased her. She found herself appreciating that and pondered how it would be when they decided to have sex since this was already getting her going.

Once she felt her release coming, she began to try to push away. Everything was feeling intense for her and she felt like she wasn't going to be able to handle what was about to happen.

Pulling her back to him, he spoke, "It's okay, I got you. Just let go,"

While he buried his head back in between her legs, a strong wave of pleasure took over as she cried out his name in bliss. Pulling away from her, he smirked at the sight of her trembling and breathing heavily.

"Good girl," he thought out loud, praising her.

Jennie felt her face flush at the new nickname and she found herself loving it as a light laugh escaped her and a tired smile came across her face for a moment. He was going to be the death of her if he kept this up. And this was only the beginning of them doing things sexually.

Jungkook watched her reaction and realized that she liked the way he praised her, keeping a mental note of it. He was going to enjoy getting better and better at this so he could see that satisfied look on her face often.

"You all right?" he asked softly. 

She couldn't speak for a moment as she continued to catch her breath, trying to calm down from her high.

"What...the hell...Jungkook?" she breathed out as he chuckled and sat on the bed.

"Did I do okay?"

"Yeah, that was amazing. I feel amazing. Wow..." she continued to catch her breath, still feeling out of it. "What has gotten into you?"

He grinned. "I couldn't help myself."


In the afternoon, Jungkook went to spend time with the guys and checked out the sights while Jennie went with the girls to a local zoo after Hayoon excitedly suggested the idea.

“Wait, don’t you think we should go by the map?” Mina advised as they all watched Hayoon run off like a child with a bright giggle.

“There she goes.” Jen chuckled.

“She really likes animals, huh?” Eunha added as they went to catch up with her.

“Look at how cute it is!” Hayoon pointed at the monkeys. “And this one! And that one!”

They all walked around while Hayoon took over the entire trip, pointing out where she wanted to go. She even ran straight to the gift shop to buy a toy giraffe, which sparked Jen’s creative mind to create a giraffe themed birthday box for her once her birthday arrives.

Continuing to explore, they observed the cute pandas, birds, and snakes which creeped some of them out, and now it was onto the fish. Walking over to the touch bank, they watched the stingrays swim around. Mina hesitantly dipped her hand in the water and flinched when she felt the smoothness of the stingray, pulling her hand out.

“Oh my gosh.” she giggled in surprise while the rest of the girls followed suit.

“It’s so squishy,” Yuju said as she tried to touch one.

After the zoo, Jennie received a text from Jungkook that made her stomach flip.

JK: I'm taking you out. Let's go on a real date. :)

Jennie got ready quickly and then went to the mirror to do her makeup along with Jungkook waiting for her in their room. He watched her apply lip gloss on her lips as a soft smile came across his features.

‘With or without makeup you’re still beautiful to me always.’ he thought.

“What?” she smiled, bringing him out of his thoughts.

He grinned. “Ah, nothing. You ready?"

"Yep! I'm excited!" she grabbed his hand as he led her to where their date was.

He took her to a nice romantic picnic that had a great view of the beach. He made sure to take lots of candid photos of her while they ate. He made her laugh so hard that she snorted again which was something he hadn’t heard in a long time. It was pretty rare that it happened. Whenever she laughed so hard and snorted, she’d get embarrassed about it. But Jungkook thought it was cute over the years and made sure to tell her that. Because of this, thanks to him, Jennie started to feel more comfortable about her unpredictable snorts.

After their lunch, they walked around the beach, holding hands. He then suggested carrying her as she got on his back, checking out the view. Finding a Hammock, Jungkook lounged in it with Jen resting on top of him. He held her close as they watched the ocean, clouds, and blue sky.

A moment they'll never take for granted as they enjoyed each other's company and thought about how lucky they were to have each other.

“I wish we could stay like this forever,” she murmured, feeling one of his hands run up and down her back affectionately.

Kissing the top of her head, he guaranteed, "I know. Me too. We’ll go on more vacations. This one is just the beginning,” 

She looked up and kissed him. Pulling back, she smiled. “I can’t wait.” 


After their date, Jennie spent time with Hayoon, finding her around the area, bike riding. She rode bikes with her and then sat at an empty table near the beach.

“Hey, hey!” Bam Bam grinned and took a seat with them as he did some shopping.

“Bam Bam!” Hayoon beamed.

“Yo~!” Jen grinned. “Nice of you to join us.”

“I just came to see Hayoon.” he teased.

Miss Bangtan narrowed her eyes. “Oh okay. I’ll remember that when you want my baking.”

That caused his eyes to widen. “Wait, no! Please, I’m sorry!”

“Nah, you f’ed up.” she waved him away before everyone laughed in unison.

“There’s this smoothie place around that I saw earlier today. Want to grab some?” he suggested.

“I’m down.”

“Yes, let’s go,” Hayoon added.

After getting smoothies, Bam Bam whipped out his phone to film them walking around the beachside, enjoying their drinks. Jen noticed him filming and threw up the peace sign while Hayoon happily waved.

“Hi~! Blueberry smoothies are the best!” Hayoon proudly said.

Abruptly, Bam Bam dabbed and started laughing with Jennie.

“Do it with me.” he encouraged and dabbed again with Jen while Hayoon sighed, unamused.

“I need new companions.“ Hayoon walked past them, causing them to laugh harder.

“Wait! Come back!”

Sitting at a table by the beach, the three spent time sharing funny dorm stories and how their idol lives have been. Jen even posted a video of recording Bam Bam mocking her performance for fire.

“Guys, I do not dance like this,” she said in the video.

“Yes, you do! And then you move your hips like this.” he dramatically rolled his hips around in a circle, looking extra which caused Hayoon to let out a high pitched laugh.

“Stop encouraging him!” she groaned while playfully scolding her.

The trio decided to play Uno again to get back at Bam Bam for cheating. The two best friends demanded that he play fair and watched his every move. Hayoon was also in charge of distributing the cards. She did not have much luck during the first round and it was down to Bam Bam and Jen who had one final card left.

Jen had a blue zero while Bam Bam had a green five. Everything was in Hayoon’s hands as they waited for her to put down her next card. Miss Bangtan’s heart rate quickened in anticipation. She just had to win this.

Once Hayoon put down a wild card, she announced “Blue!” as the new color.

Slapping her blue card down, Bam Bam wailed in defeat.

“NO!” he shouted.

“YES! TAKE IT, BITCH!” Jennie stood up and raised her fists in the air




Sitting back down, Jennie took a photo of herself smiling victoriously with an annoyed Bam Bam in the background and a delighted Hayoon. She tweets it with the caption, ‘Decimated, embarrassed, schooled, BODIED! #Jen’

After playing a few more rounds, with Hayoon and Jennie beating him every time, they grabbed Bam Bam’s small speaker to dance around for fun and taught each other their group’s choreography.

“Let’s throw it back.” Jennie put on Tambourine by Eve. “Follow my movements, all right.”

She did some basic moves as they followed her. Soon after that, she went to record them to post on Twitter.

“Shake what your mama gave you! Move those hips!” she encouraged.

Hayoon did as she was told which surprised both of her friends.

“What was that!?” Bam Bam yelled, impressed.

“Damn girl! Where did that come from?” Jen grinned.

“You said to shake what my mom gave me,” Hayoon replied innocently.

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