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Chapter 1 Pt 2
Chapter 1 pt 2

The next morning we made space for Lloyd to train and i had to get on the bed so my tail wouldn't be in the way. I felt a itch so i just guess I'm shedding. I was correct but it needs a few minutes to come off completely. Or i need a hot bath. Regardless we had to go out so we can find a suitable place to train. We rode a bus to grand sensei dareth’s mojo dojo. The name made me laugh. We entered the complex to meet the sensei himself "I'm grand sensei darreth and and dare-th you to join my dojo" he said as he conducted a silly pose. I chuckled while the others cringed. Darreth did a bunch of 'fighting styles' and ends up getting stuck within a bunch of beads. He untangled himself and led us to his karate trophies and even called himself a karate machine. Luckily, Kai stepped in and explained our situation before I burst out laughing. Darreth allowed us to train but to share the dojo one of the ninja had to defeat him. Which was so easy it makes me feel bad for him. Lloyd's training begins. He learns to be light on his feet and then he breaks through a couple borders which cause the ground to quake . I was amazed at his power as I watched with sensei wu. Darreth tried to do the same thing but with fifty boards but failed "Angela if you wouldn't mind showing how it's done" Wu asked and I nodded. I got up and then with all of my strength I broke through all fifty boards but it cracked my skin "oh are you ok" jay asked, panicking slightly "I'm shedding" i explained and he sighed. The relief was short lived as we heard screaming from the outside. We ran out to see the bounty but it wasn't how we left it. It was a dark color and was the source of the trouble. But as the bounty passed I grabbed the anchor and got taken away. Using that advantage I climbed up to see dareth about to go off the plank. Seeing this I turned invisible and sneaked attack the pirate which gave the ninja's enough time to join the fight "you shouldn't went in unattended" kai scolded as he kicked a pirate away from me "well I couldn't just sit there either" i replied using my tail as a shield. Lloyd joined only to be thrown in a barrel by kai. But I was busy with my own battles "ANGELA WATCH OUT" Lloyd yelled as I turned to see a green orb flying to me but I somehow reflected it causing the sail to fall on the ninja. Before anyone could call the towel, Nya came in just in time to settle the score. We landed the bounty and the pirates went to jail. The police congratulated us on our victory but it was soon taken away by Garmadon who fled with the bounty in tow.
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More Posts from Snakegorl212006
Chapter 2 pt 1

A new day arises and a new lesson for Lloyd begins. Like always I can mostly just watch and learn from what I've seen. Lloyd is making his third attempt at making the light bulb glow but it fails leaving him frustrated with the results blaming the ninja for pressuring him. I sighed, getting my own broom and helped clean the mess seeing Lloyd is using his broom to beat the crap out of a punching bag and even broke the broom. I used this time to think. What if I had elemental powers like Lloyd or maybe my own cool ability besides invisibly. I know it's silly though but maybe I can just dream of it. "Oh Angela, want to come with me to darkly." Lloyd asked "umm sure why asked" I questioned "i was invited back for a ceremony and I want to show them who's helped me through my change" he explained "sure. But i don't have anything good to wear for such occasions" I said, then Wu came up and handed me a box "well you'll never know what would turn up " he said. I opened the box to see a purple ninja suit. I smiled as stars formed in my eyes "Seriously!" I asked and he just nodded "okokokok. I'll be right back" I said as I zoomed to the closest changing room. I changed into my purple ninja suit which looked almost identical to Lloyd's if it wasn't for the ninjago symbol for serpent in the back. And I had only one sleeve. I stood in the mirror to admire the design. It was also long enough to cover most of my tail. I do have a purple hood which was nice and a scarf to cover my mouth. While I was there I took off what remains of my shed skin from last time and my rosettes were more reflective than last time and my purple scales grew darker. After checking myself out I exit to let them see my new look. "Wow you look so cool" Lloyd said as he came up to me "i didn't know you had a pattern and i forgot your hair was short" Lloyd spoke "you look like a proper ninja" cole said as everyone agrees. This painted a smile on my face. Although we could stay for days discussing my new look we had to go. Me ,Cole, Zane, Jay, Kai, and Lloyd rode on the dragon to darkly but it was a bumpy ride as Lloyd was riding the dragon but hey we got here in one piece. But when we entered I was left with an unsettling feeling "Lloyd" a voice spoke "uh brad" Lloyd questioned "you came!so good to see you!" Brad said as he gave Lloyd a hug "it is ? You put fire ants in my bed" Lloyd said which made me wide eyed for a second then I forgot it was Darkly’s school for bad boys. "And you must be the ninja" Brad said "guys meet Brad Tudabone" Lloyd introduced "such a huge fan " Brad replied. He offered to lead us to the principal's office and the more we go in the school the more suspicious it becomes. Especially when I don't see a single teacher here "Principal noble. Lloyd the ninja are here for the ceremony" Brad exclaimed where the principal replied for us to wait. Brad ends up leaving us. We were permitted to enter but instead of the ninja it was some kid named Gene then before anything else could happen I was hit in the end by a sack knocking me out. I wake up tied up to a chair in a separate room. There's nobody around, not even the ninja. Luckily I was part snake so I could slither out. Now I need to get out. Luckily the door had glass so I broke it. Only to be grabbed and tossed out by… Jay? "We found the girl now to destroy the ninja" evil zane said as evil cole grabbed a hold of me "LET HER GO" i heard kai yelled. I was dropped on the spot so they could battle the ninja. I slithered off to the principal's office to see everyone sewing "need some help" I asked. With my assistance it made the sewing process easier so we can aid the real ninja. We head towards the battle and disrupt the evil ninja enough to land a hit. I sighed but we got ourselves a real celebration and cake.
chapter 8 pt 2
I was awakened by a loud crash to see the ninja trapped in their own cage too. "Ah yes the princess has awaken just in time" Pythor said as he heads to the cage "looks like we've caught the main event " pythor said as he collects the there golden weapons and wraps them in a cloth and brings it over to the stature as the some Serpentine guards brings the ninja over into the arena where they were forced to fight the samurai. During the battle the ninja made this tornado which made a sling shot which made a hit on the samuri. The samurai was stunted and so the ninja took the chance to run over to pythor but were blocked by spikes and then a lever was pulled making the arena tilt upwards. Then I saw the suit fly as the arena came back to its original form. I smiled at the sight then I was pulled by Pythor same with Lloyd as he orders to get the samurai aka nya. Nya used a magnetizer which helped her snagged the golden weapons. Then I was pushed onto the arena. Confused, I turned around to see Lloyd who waved and before I got a chance to say or do anything I was flying in the air which was Nya’s doing. Because of the weight she dropped me somewhere in the desert .alone. I felt so confused and ashamed. I should be the one who should have gotten him out. He has family who are looking for him. I don’t know if I could even go back to the bounty. Maybe I should have convinced him we should have stayed at the arcade and none of this would happen. Tears swelled up in my eyes then dropped to the ground like rain. I tried to whip the tears away but more came to its place. I placed my hood over my head to cover my face as soon as I heard the roar of the engines “Angela.” I heard jay shout. I turned to see all of them running over “are you hurt”Cole asked as he placed a hand on my shoulder “I’m sorry” I replied as more tears swell up “I should have gotten Lloyd out of there. This is my fault I’m so sorry” I cried. Cole gave me a comforting hug “No we should be sorry If it weren't for our carelessness and being so focused on the samurai. You and Lloyd would be at the bounty” Zane said as he placed a hand on my shoulder “Ya we'll get Lloyd back I promise” Kai adds. I dried my tears and nodded. I drove in Jay’s jet on the way to the bounty. Night falls so I just went to sleep.
Chapter 8 pt 1

Next morning me and Lloyd decided to play a game of cards as the ninja trained. "Angela I need you for a second" Nya called out and I dismiss myself from the game I came with nya to her room where she helped me out of my cast "wow you heal quickly " she said as I moved my arm around "does it hurt anywhere". She asked "no. Everything's fine" I replied. After the check up she hands me some clothes "since your healed properly. I thought you should get a bath and get some new clothes" nya said. I thanked her and head to the washroom where I took a warm bath. The skin on my scales starts to peel off revealing a pattern on my tail. The pattern was in the form of rosettes which had the shades of gold with my underbelly was a light golden color. My hands also had some rosette patterns on them matching my tail. After the bath I put on the clothes given which was a large skull T-shirt with a purple hoodie with a long skirt covering my tail. I exit the washroom where I saw nya getting ready to go in her samurai uniform and leave. I head onto the deck. Throughout the day the ninja and Nya were in and out of the bounty while Lloyd is mostly playing video games while i watched the scene unfold as Nya just proved how she's can single handedly kick the ninja's buts and the snakes. The following day it was kai's turn to look after us but he was so busy with the snakes and samurai he just dropped us at a random arcade. As we were about to go in I heard something. Lloyd heard it too so we investigated. We looked though a corner to see scales and a couple other snakes talking about a city "i need you to stay here" Lloyd said and i shook my head "I'm going with you" I replied "but what if you get hurt or worse. I could never forget myself " Lloyd replied "so I'm not letting you do this alone. I have to go. I just need answers more than anything " I replied. We ended up going together and luckily found a disguise to help Lloyd blend in with the other snakes on the bus. It was night fall and my heart was pounding. We got off the bus and sneaked in one of the stands. I self consciously grabbed Lloyd's hand and hold it tightly as I slightly shivered. I remember this from my dream. I recognized this place. A fight between the leaders and pythor broke out within the circle. Pythor used the flute and weakened the tribal leader and came out on top. When he ordered all of us to bow, Lloyd drop the maracas, drawing the attention to us as we were about to make our escape. We were cornered near the stands. My hood was put down and pythor smiles "Ah yes she's graced us with your presence. Welcome home" pythor called as they separated me and Lloyd putting me where pythor was "Here is where the hunt begins our key to awaking the Great Devourer” Pythor called as the crowd cheered. The leader led me up to the stage where I was under the statue next to Lloyd who was caged. As I looked up at the statue I felt only despair. I felt dizzy and then I blacked out next to the cage.
Chapter 11 pt1

Lloyd fell and the snakes had the attention on him while i grabbed the chain and grabbed the first weapon there which was the scythe and then I landed down and pointed the blade "Oh look who just dropped in" Pythor chuckled "give me the fangblade pythor you're never going to release the Devourer" i said "what's wrong don't want to see your mother so soon. Or haven't you forgotten your heritage" he replied. As stunned as I was, I kept my focus. Then I swinging the scythe to the ground causing a earthquake rumbling the floor around but there were more snakes crowd around me and Lloyd then we could handle "seem you need a little help there" a voice spoke and Garmadon arrived with a skeleton army who joined the battle. While Lloyd released the cage the ninja was in,and i gave cole back his scythe, I went to battle pythor "give me that fangblade" i called "fine it's all yours" he said as he dropped it. Then disappeared. We took that change to get out of there. Night arrive and Garmadon left and the ninja celebrates the victory of having all the four fangblades but something doesn't feel right. I head to bed that night. I awake the next morning and head back on deck. I assume Lloyd was training so I didn't think anything about it. Then I fainted. I was awaken by movement. I was tied "your finally awake. Your destiny has arrived at last" pythor said as i struggled. Wu came in and challenge pythor but as the fight went along the ship derailed and I flew out. As i regained my consciousness. There i was laying on the floor with the clouds covered by ash as the fangblades glowed within the statue and venom came out. The ground below me. Lightning stuck and roared and raged as the earth crumbles below me then a beast in abnormal size emerged from the ground triumphant of his freedom while I could only look in horror. There stood my mother. In the flesh. Her piercing blood shot eyes glared daggers at me.
Chapter 9 pt 1

Next morning ,still feeling a bit down, I decided to head out onto the deck for some fresh air. I coil myself a seat and rest my head on the edge of the ship as I stared into the murky waters. Then the bounty begins to fly again to the mountains where I saw Wu being dropped off. Although I was confused ,I waved my goodbyes. After stopping not far from a village I was told to stay put at the bounty while the others put up flyers. As i sat there in silence, there was a beacon of light from a distance and a cold chill flew though my body. I felt inspired and amazed. The light vanish as soon as I left the bounty near the entrance of the village. I sighed and returned back not wanting the village to panic. After a few minutes the ninja returned and turns out Zane is a nindroid. I wouldn't be surprised by the confusion I'm still trying to wrap my head around by it. It's amazing nonetheless. During dinner I've kept wondering about that light from afar "umm. Has anyone seen a light like a bright beacon of light from far away" i asked "oh so you seen it from the bounty" cole asked "yes it was so bright and i felt such a chill from looking at it it was inspiring" i replied "well that show was all this guy" cole answered as he gave a shoulder hugged to zane "wow that's super cool" I smiled "thank you" zane replied shortly. The next morning the ninja were have a lesson about the fangpyre and there venom. I listened in as nya explained how she's found a way to stop and cure the progress of the mutation and revert people back to there original self without a anti venom "Excuse me is someone wearing perfume. Im severely allergic to perfume" Nya asked stopping her lecture. Turns out kai tricked jay to put on perfume instead of cologne. I left back on the deck again then i got a flash. I was at a amusement park which i was abrupted by loud noises of children and the sound of rides then i was taken to a dark cryptic area when i saw a fangblade lodge underground "Angela Angela" a voice called and i was brought back to reality and i saw Nya and jay all dressed up "hey wanna go to the amusement park. We don't want to leave you all cooped up here all day" jay asked and i nod profusely. The bounty docked and i was allowed to go were everywhere i liked. As i walked around I saw the contraction again. I turned invisible and head inside. There i saw the ninja fighting with the Serpentine but zane froze them all. Then i slither out to see Nya in her mechanical suit running away from the snakes with the fangblade in hand. She soon got taken down so i took that change to swipe the fangblade and ran with it. Then before i was cornered I saw a stream of light again and I felt such a shock. But I had to focus on my situation. I threw a smoke bomb and than i turned invisible. I stayed like that until the Serpentine disappeared and the sun sets. I slithered next to the ninja "you really had me fooled. I never guessed you were the samurai" zane explained "i wish i had a sister like you" cole complement "Technically I was the first to discover her secret, and didn't we agree whoever we thought was the best would naturally be the green ninja" kai said but before he could finish i came from behind scaring him "sorry but this one here discovered my secret before I started doing my samurai duties" Nya explained as she put a hand on my shoulders "so we finally found the green ninja" jay joked and i shook my head no "i have a feeling the green ninja would be someone else. Definitely not me" i replied. "No need to be nor feel disappointed we were the winners of this battle" i said "what do you mean. The Serpentine have the first fangblade" cole said then i pulled out the fangblade beneath my hoodie "you mean we have it" I corrected as they all looked in awe.