Final Fantasy 9 - Tumblr Posts

I made this for a friend who passed a work exam, and now that he has it, I can post it. Happy Kuja to all who celebrate đź’•

Based on freya from final fantasy 9 I used the her outfit and changed it a little bit

I !!! LOVE !!!!!!! QUINA !!!!!!!!!
Spending time/there love language

-he’s either chilling in his fortrus or outside to get some fresh air - he would invite you along ofcourse - he radiates theater kid energy so you might be either going to see plays or talking about them -There’s a good chance he just want to have a deep meaningful conversation about life -with you he expresses his lack of knowledge of certain emotions and what stimulates them like regret -he has a dragon and will gladly take you on for a dragon ride -same with the airship -can’t tell me otherwise but you two like to cook/bake together and try to make different recipes -his love language is a mix of 3 main love language -He loves when you give him hugs or help him relax though physical touch. -doesn't mind cuddling but that’s something that would be on the back of his mind -his like quality time and just to spent time with you doing his or your favorite things -i don’t guarantee it will happen often -he LOVES words of affirmation or encouragement -by simply saying encouraging words will make his day

-similar to Kuja , you are either outside or chilling inside -majority you guys would spend your time outdoors -he loves going on adventures with you and solving puzzles and satisfying your/his curiosity -he has a mix of two love languages -affirmation or encouragement -definitely encourage him to do great things and comfort him when he’s sad -just spending quality time with each other - he wants you to know that he’s there for you and wants to know your here for him and he heavily values that connection

-you guys don’t do much as you two are busy people -but when you guys get the chance you guys take strolls around the garden or have tea time on the balcony -you guys do travel as well even though most of the time is withe zidane and the others -her main love language is words of affirmation or encouragement - before and even after she became queen, she’s been through a lot and had self-doubt - she needs someone to keep her going and strive to keep going and some encouraging words help especially if it’s coming from someone she loves for that’s what she need right now -you don’t have to praise her but just be a beacon for encouragement and helpful advice

-You guy do a lot of traveling to different places and discover new things -everything is like a mini adventure -Other time when traveling you guys like to do a bit of self discovery. -this goes into his main love language, acts of service -He would love and enjoy going around places to find what you guy would be passionate about or maybe find more about himself and others like him -sometime just helping him in any issue works as well and would greatly appreciate that

-you guys cook a lot -and like vivi you both love to go on mini adventures and maybe even find treasure -you two are like a adventures duo -sometimes you guys spend a lot of time with the moogles -she has 3 main love languages -receiving gifts -she’s been a lonely girl most of her life and even though you say you care for her she always wanted more or proof if you still do so just giving her something works as it proves to her that she’s on your mind and your thinking about her -quality time -as mentioned before she’s lonely and would love to be around people who care for her as much as she does for them. Just spend some moments with her and it would leave her smiling -acts of service -its the same reason why she would like gifts - she wants some form of evidence that you wouldn’t just leave her over something minor and she would appreciate your help when she’s cooking big meals for everyone
Spending time/there love language

-he’s either chilling in his fortrus or outside to get some fresh air - he would invite you along ofcourse - he radiates theater kid energy so you might be either going to see plays or talking about them -There’s a good chance he just want to have a deep meaningful conversation about life -with you he expresses his lack of knowledge of certain emotions and what stimulates them like regret -he has a dragon and will gladly take you on for a dragon ride -same with the airship -can’t tell me otherwise but you two like to cook/bake together and try to make different recipes -his love language is a mix of 3 main love language -He loves when you give him hugs or help him relax though physical touch. -doesn't mind cuddling but that’s something that would be on the back of his mind -his like quality time and just to spent time with you doing his or your favorite things -i don’t guarantee it will happen often -he LOVES words of affirmation or encouragement -by simply saying encouraging words will make his day

-similar to Kuja , you are either outside or chilling inside -majority you guys would spend your time outdoors -he loves going on adventures with you and solving puzzles and satisfying your/his curiosity -he has a mix of two love languages -affirmation or encouragement -definitely encourage him to do great things and comfort him when he’s sad -just spending quality time with each other - he wants you to know that he’s there for you and wants to know your here for him and he heavily values that connection

-you guys don’t do much as you two are busy people -but when you guys get the chance you guys take strolls around the garden or have tea time on the balcony -you guys do travel as well even though most of the time is withe zidane and the others -her main love language is words of affirmation or encouragement - before and even after she became queen, she’s been through a lot and had self-doubt - she needs someone to keep her going and strive to keep going and some encouraging words help especially if it’s coming from someone she loves for that’s what she need right now -you don’t have to praise her but just be a beacon for encouragement and helpful advice

-You guy do a lot of traveling to different places and discover new things -everything is like a mini adventure -Other time when traveling you guys like to do a bit of self discovery. -this goes into his main love language, acts of service -He would love and enjoy going around places to find what you guy would be passionate about or maybe find more about himself and others like him -sometime just helping him in any issue works as well and would greatly appreciate that

-you guys cook a lot -and like vivi you both love to go on mini adventures and maybe even find treasure -you two are like a adventures duo -sometimes you guys spend a lot of time with the moogles -she has 3 main love languages -receiving gifts -she’s been a lonely girl most of her life and even though you say you care for her she always wanted more or proof if you still do so just giving her something works as it proves to her that she’s on your mind and your thinking about her -quality time -as mentioned before she’s lonely and would love to be around people who care for her as much as she does for them. Just spend some moments with her and it would leave her smiling -acts of service -its the same reason why she would like gifts - she wants some form of evidence that you wouldn’t just leave her over something minor and she would appreciate your help when she’s cooking big meals for everyone
Spending time/there love language

-he’s either chilling in his fortrus or outside to get some fresh air - he would invite you along ofcourse - he radiates theater kid energy so you might be either going to see plays or talking about them -There’s a good chance he just want to have a deep meaningful conversation about life -with you he expresses his lack of knowledge of certain emotions and what stimulates them like regret -he has a dragon and will gladly take you on for a dragon ride -same with the airship -can’t tell me otherwise but you two like to cook/bake together and try to make different recipes -his love language is a mix of 3 main love language -He loves when you give him hugs or help him relax though physical touch. -doesn't mind cuddling but that’s something that would be on the back of his mind -his like quality time and just to spent time with you doing his or your favorite things -i don’t guarantee it will happen often -he LOVES words of affirmation or encouragement -by simply saying encouraging words will make his day

-similar to Kuja , you are either outside or chilling inside -majority you guys would spend your time outdoors -he loves going on adventures with you and solving puzzles and satisfying your/his curiosity -he has a mix of two love languages -affirmation or encouragement -definitely encourage him to do great things and comfort him when he’s sad -just spending quality time with each other - he wants you to know that he’s there for you and wants to know your here for him and he heavily values that connection

-you guys don’t do much as you two are busy people -but when you guys get the chance you guys take strolls around the garden or have tea time on the balcony -you guys do travel as well even though most of the time is withe zidane and the others -her main love language is words of affirmation or encouragement - before and even after she became queen, she’s been through a lot and had self-doubt - she needs someone to keep her going and strive to keep going and some encouraging words help especially if it’s coming from someone she loves for that’s what she need right now -you don’t have to praise her but just be a beacon for encouragement and helpful advice

-You guy do a lot of traveling to different places and discover new things -everything is like a mini adventure -Other time when traveling you guys like to do a bit of self discovery. -this goes into his main love language, acts of service -He would love and enjoy going around places to find what you guy would be passionate about or maybe find more about himself and others like him -sometime just helping him in any issue works as well and would greatly appreciate that

-you guys cook a lot -and like vivi you both love to go on mini adventures and maybe even find treasure -you two are like a adventures duo -sometimes you guys spend a lot of time with the moogles -she has 3 main love languages -receiving gifts -she’s been a lonely girl most of her life and even though you say you care for her she always wanted more or proof if you still do so just giving her something works as it proves to her that she’s on your mind and your thinking about her -quality time -as mentioned before she’s lonely and would love to be around people who care for her as much as she does for them. Just spend some moments with her and it would leave her smiling -acts of service -its the same reason why she would like gifts - she wants some form of evidence that you wouldn’t just leave her over something minor and she would appreciate your help when she’s cooking big meals for everyone
When they want attention/affection and how they act when you don’t give them your attention/affection

-ok probably not the most affectionate person but does require your full attention -if he doesn't get at least a hug or kiss from you he would be upset -not like full temper tantrum but definitely would feel a bit sour -especially since he dealt with neglect with Garland -he’ll probably feel like he’s not need which would make him feel salty -part of him wants to be patient like if you had a long day or something -and then a big part of him says to do something extreme to get your attention -he has very elaborate methods to get your attention all on him -he would call on you giving you his affection so you can return his feelings -maybe even whisper sweet words to really try to get a reaction -another thing he could do is be dramatic but it’s very subtle -using his poetic words to express is boredom or longing for your gaze -”If only something could cure me of this insufferable mood” something like that -if nothing works he would just give you the silent treatment and would look irritated

-if he doesn't get any attention from you he would act just as dramatic as his brother counterpart -unlike his brother he’s more opened about it -”hey what’s got you so hooked!?” -he’d probably pout -last case scenario he would just take you away from whatever you are doing just to spend time with him -he’s not clingy buttttttt… -good luck getting a needy zidane off of you -when he’s not that needy he would leave you alone with similar thoughts like kuja -you might want to be alone -or you might be actually busy -which is fine for him but he’ll like if you told him before you’re off to your lonesome -he worries about you and he cares for you

-her being needy doesn't happen often especially with her independent personality -I feel like she would prefer if you seek her out vs when she want to seek you out for some attention -If you reach out to her even if it’s just a simple hello or to check up on her, she would be happy and view it as you care about her -but lets say she wants to have your attention -if the shoe is on the other foot i feel like she’s more than capable to just tell you her feelings -she can be straight forward especially to her S/O -if she feels neglected she could just summon you and just say the she want’s to spend time with you -although i also feel like she would also be shy with it but also understanding about having a busy life(she is queen after all) -”I was wondering if you and I go out for a walk sense we haven't had time to ourselves in a while” 🙂

-i doubt he completely understands his need for attention or affection -but he dose understand how lonely he’d get when you don’t hang out with him for some time -as much as he would love to ask you to hang with him, he gets a little shy -he might feel a little embarrassed for he doesn't know how you would react to him asking for some attention -sometimes he would be quick to back down on his request and just wait until he sees your not busy -”can we oh..umm.. Nevermind” or “hey can we umm.. Wanna go see a play”

-she’s not shy at all when expressing her need for attention -when she see you not giving her the attention she deserves she his huffy -it starts out as “it’s rude to ignore a lady” -then it ends with “I’M NOT INVISIBLE YOU KNOW” -she wouldn't be happy at all that her favorite person is ignoring her -Ekio would get very upset and would stay like this until you apologize or explain why you weren’t involve as much with her -”oh! I see… well you could’ve said something! You had me worried for a second..”
When they want attention/affection and how they act when you don’t give them your attention/affection

-ok probably not the most affectionate person but does require your full attention -if he doesn't get at least a hug or kiss from you he would be upset -not like full temper tantrum but definitely would feel a bit sour -especially since he dealt with neglect with Garland -he’ll probably feel like he’s not need which would make him feel salty -part of him wants to be patient like if you had a long day or something -and then a big part of him says to do something extreme to get your attention -he has very elaborate methods to get your attention all on him -he would call on you giving you his affection so you can return his feelings -maybe even whisper sweet words to really try to get a reaction -another thing he could do is be dramatic but it’s very subtle -using his poetic words to express is boredom or longing for your gaze -”If only something could cure me of this insufferable mood” something like that -if nothing works he would just give you the silent treatment and would look irritated

-if he doesn't get any attention from you he would act just as dramatic as his brother counterpart -unlike his brother he’s more opened about it -”hey what’s got you so hooked!?” -he’d probably pout -last case scenario he would just take you away from whatever you are doing just to spend time with him -he’s not clingy buttttttt… -good luck getting a needy zidane off of you -when he’s not that needy he would leave you alone with similar thoughts like kuja -you might want to be alone -or you might be actually busy -which is fine for him but he’ll like if you told him before you’re off to your lonesome -he worries about you and he cares for you

-her being needy doesn't happen often especially with her independent personality -I feel like she would prefer if you seek her out vs when she want to seek you out for some attention -If you reach out to her even if it’s just a simple hello or to check up on her, she would be happy and view it as you care about her -but lets say she wants to have your attention -if the shoe is on the other foot i feel like she’s more than capable to just tell you her feelings -she can be straight forward especially to her S/O -if she feels neglected she could just summon you and just say the she want’s to spend time with you -although i also feel like she would also be shy with it but also understanding about having a busy life(she is queen after all) -”I was wondering if you and I go out for a walk sense we haven't had time to ourselves in a while” 🙂

-i doubt he completely understands his need for attention or affection -but he dose understand how lonely he’d get when you don’t hang out with him for some time -as much as he would love to ask you to hang with him, he gets a little shy -he might feel a little embarrassed for he doesn't know how you would react to him asking for some attention -sometimes he would be quick to back down on his request and just wait until he sees your not busy -”can we oh..umm.. Nevermind” or “hey can we umm.. Wanna go see a play”

-she’s not shy at all when expressing her need for attention -when she see you not giving her the attention she deserves she his huffy -it starts out as “it’s rude to ignore a lady” -then it ends with “I’M NOT INVISIBLE YOU KNOW” -she wouldn't be happy at all that her favorite person is ignoring her -Ekio would get very upset and would stay like this until you apologize or explain why you weren’t involve as much with her -”oh! I see… well you could’ve said something! You had me worried for a second..”
When they want attention/affection and how they act when you don’t give them your attention/affection

-ok probably not the most affectionate person but does require your full attention -if he doesn't get at least a hug or kiss from you he would be upset -not like full temper tantrum but definitely would feel a bit sour -especially since he dealt with neglect with Garland -he’ll probably feel like he’s not need which would make him feel salty -part of him wants to be patient like if you had a long day or something -and then a big part of him says to do something extreme to get your attention -he has very elaborate methods to get your attention all on him -he would call on you giving you his affection so you can return his feelings -maybe even whisper sweet words to really try to get a reaction -another thing he could do is be dramatic but it’s very subtle -using his poetic words to express is boredom or longing for your gaze -”If only something could cure me of this insufferable mood” something like that -if nothing works he would just give you the silent treatment and would look irritated

-if he doesn't get any attention from you he would act just as dramatic as his brother counterpart -unlike his brother he’s more opened about it -”hey what’s got you so hooked!?” -he’d probably pout -last case scenario he would just take you away from whatever you are doing just to spend time with him -he’s not clingy buttttttt… -good luck getting a needy zidane off of you -when he’s not that needy he would leave you alone with similar thoughts like kuja -you might want to be alone -or you might be actually busy -which is fine for him but he’ll like if you told him before you’re off to your lonesome -he worries about you and he cares for you

-her being needy doesn't happen often especially with her independent personality -I feel like she would prefer if you seek her out vs when she want to seek you out for some attention -If you reach out to her even if it’s just a simple hello or to check up on her, she would be happy and view it as you care about her -but lets say she wants to have your attention -if the shoe is on the other foot i feel like she’s more than capable to just tell you her feelings -she can be straight forward especially to her S/O -if she feels neglected she could just summon you and just say the she want’s to spend time with you -although i also feel like she would also be shy with it but also understanding about having a busy life(she is queen after all) -”I was wondering if you and I go out for a walk sense we haven't had time to ourselves in a while” 🙂

-i doubt he completely understands his need for attention or affection -but he dose understand how lonely he’d get when you don’t hang out with him for some time -as much as he would love to ask you to hang with him, he gets a little shy -he might feel a little embarrassed for he doesn't know how you would react to him asking for some attention -sometimes he would be quick to back down on his request and just wait until he sees your not busy -”can we oh..umm.. Nevermind” or “hey can we umm.. Wanna go see a play”

-she’s not shy at all when expressing her need for attention -when she see you not giving her the attention she deserves she his huffy -it starts out as “it’s rude to ignore a lady” -then it ends with “I’M NOT INVISIBLE YOU KNOW” -she wouldn't be happy at all that her favorite person is ignoring her -Ekio would get very upset and would stay like this until you apologize or explain why you weren’t involve as much with her -”oh! I see… well you could’ve said something! You had me worried for a second..”
When they want attention/affection and how they act when you don’t give them your attention/affection

-ok probably not the most affectionate person but does require your full attention -if he doesn't get at least a hug or kiss from you he would be upset -not like full temper tantrum but definitely would feel a bit sour -especially since he dealt with neglect with Garland -he’ll probably feel like he’s not need which would make him feel salty -part of him wants to be patient like if you had a long day or something -and then a big part of him says to do something extreme to get your attention -he has very elaborate methods to get your attention all on him -he would call on you giving you his affection so you can return his feelings -maybe even whisper sweet words to really try to get a reaction -another thing he could do is be dramatic but it’s very subtle -using his poetic words to express is boredom or longing for your gaze -”If only something could cure me of this insufferable mood” something like that -if nothing works he would just give you the silent treatment and would look irritated

-if he doesn't get any attention from you he would act just as dramatic as his brother counterpart -unlike his brother he’s more opened about it -”hey what’s got you so hooked!?” -he’d probably pout -last case scenario he would just take you away from whatever you are doing just to spend time with him -he’s not clingy buttttttt… -good luck getting a needy zidane off of you -when he’s not that needy he would leave you alone with similar thoughts like kuja -you might want to be alone -or you might be actually busy -which is fine for him but he’ll like if you told him before you’re off to your lonesome -he worries about you and he cares for you

-her being needy doesn't happen often especially with her independent personality -I feel like she would prefer if you seek her out vs when she want to seek you out for some attention -If you reach out to her even if it’s just a simple hello or to check up on her, she would be happy and view it as you care about her -but lets say she wants to have your attention -if the shoe is on the other foot i feel like she’s more than capable to just tell you her feelings -she can be straight forward especially to her S/O -if she feels neglected she could just summon you and just say the she want’s to spend time with you -although i also feel like she would also be shy with it but also understanding about having a busy life(she is queen after all) -”I was wondering if you and I go out for a walk sense we haven't had time to ourselves in a while” 🙂

-i doubt he completely understands his need for attention or affection -but he dose understand how lonely he’d get when you don’t hang out with him for some time -as much as he would love to ask you to hang with him, he gets a little shy -he might feel a little embarrassed for he doesn't know how you would react to him asking for some attention -sometimes he would be quick to back down on his request and just wait until he sees your not busy -”can we oh..umm.. Nevermind” or “hey can we umm.. Wanna go see a play”

-she’s not shy at all when expressing her need for attention -when she see you not giving her the attention she deserves she his huffy -it starts out as “it’s rude to ignore a lady” -then it ends with “I’M NOT INVISIBLE YOU KNOW” -she wouldn't be happy at all that her favorite person is ignoring her -Ekio would get very upset and would stay like this until you apologize or explain why you weren’t involve as much with her -”oh! I see… well you could’ve said something! You had me worried for a second..”
Next Final Fantasy Headcanons
Next Final Fantasy Headcanons
Next Final Fantasy Headcanons
Next Final Fantasy Headcanons
New planned Content coming soon
Final fantasy 7
-Yuffie headcanon pt 1
-Jessie headcanon pt 1
Final Fantasy 9
-catch ups for:
Steiner, Beatrix, and Freya
-yandere headcanons for:
Kuja,zidane,Garnet, Steiner,Beatrix and Freya
Final Fantasy 14 Zenos
-How he would react if you got sick
Final fantasy 16
-Request: S/O with Cancer (or any uncurable illness they had from there world)
-request: how did you guys meet
-Request:Fight and make up
Twisted wonderland Au's
A date with vampire Lilia and Silver(there polls where so close I decide to add both even tho Lilia won)
Diasomnia past pt 2
New planned Content coming soon
Final fantasy 7
-Yuffie headcanon pt 1
-Jessie headcanon pt 1
Final Fantasy 9
-catch ups for:
Steiner, Beatrix, and Freya
-yandere headcanons for:
Kuja,zidane,Garnet, Steiner,Beatrix and Freya
Final Fantasy 14 Zenos
-How he would react if you got sick
Final fantasy 16
-Request: S/O with Cancer (or any uncurable illness they had from there world)
-request: how did you guys meet
-Request:Fight and make up
Twisted wonderland Au's
A date with vampire Lilia and Silver(there polls where so close I decide to add both even tho Lilia won)
Diasomnia past pt 2
New planned Content coming soon
Final fantasy 7
-Yuffie headcanon pt 1
-Jessie headcanon pt 1
Final Fantasy 9
-catch ups for:
Steiner, Beatrix, and Freya
-yandere headcanons for:
Kuja,zidane,Garnet, Steiner,Beatrix and Freya
Final Fantasy 14 Zenos
-How he would react if you got sick
Final fantasy 16
-Request: S/O with Cancer (or any uncurable illness they had from there world)
-request: how did you guys meet
-Request:Fight and make up
Twisted wonderland Au's
A date with vampire Lilia and Silver(there polls where so close I decide to add both even tho Lilia won)
Diasomnia past pt 2

Having been born in the 80′s, Final Fantasy was a big part of my childhood. I never finished FFVIII or FFXIII but figured that I should draw them anyways. My favourite? FFVI, which I believe is the most loved of the Final Fantasy series. I could be completely wrong though :P

Watchin my friend play through FFIX and took a screenshot at a weird time and now it feels like Amarant is just stating his motivation