647 posts
Well, Those Are Good Too, But In Terms Of Strength Boosting Power... Human Flesh - Better Yet, Seraph

“Well, those are good too, but in terms of strength boosting power... human flesh - better yet, seraph flesh, can’t be beaten.”

“Mine tells me to eat the people I kill.”
“Oh, my. That can’t do. I’m sure there’s better food than humans~”

“Like freshly-made steamed buns~”
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Lunarre spent most of his anime existence as a prettily animated gargoyle.
Munday Asks: Salt Edition
1. How salty are you feeling right now?
2. What are your unpopular opinion(s) of the fandom you’re rping in?
3. What rp trends are you so over and can’t wait for it to die?
4. Have you ever made a call out post or wanted to?
5. A ship everyone in the fandom you’re in loves, but you can’t stand?
6. Have you ever sent something to one of those burn book blogs?
7. Has someone made you unfollow/block them without a second thought because of a petty reason?
8. Are you good at dealing with personal problems?
9. What’s your opinion on duplicates?
10. Any fandom(s) you don’t want to rp in or crossover to?
11. Are you for or not for purple prosing?
12. Has someone in the rp community ever made you upset/cry?
13. Ever told someone not to follow/rp with a particular person because something that happened to you in the past?
14. Ever knew someone that everyone loves but you can’t stand?
15. Have you ever done something out of spite?
16. What would you say to the one who hurt you in the past?
17. What are your opinions when someone makes negative posts constantly on their rp blog?
18. Do you hold grudges for long?
19. Wild card: ask the mun any type of salty asks.
20. If you’re feeling salty right now, this ask gives you a free reign to pour out your frustration.

“Regardless, I don’t recommend eating me at all. I’d give you more than a stomachache.” He chuckled.

“...Come to think of it, can hellions get stomachaches? Whaddaya say I eat you and find out? I like experimenting.”
The more I think about my alternate anime verse in which Lunarre eventually joins forces with Sorey and the gang, the more I think about adorable little scenes with all of them.
Like Lailah, Rose and Edna being super jealous of Lunarre’s perfect poofy hair and aggressively trying to get him to spill his secrets. Lailah is also simultaneously in love with how soft and poofy the hair is so she is always trying to brush it for him.
Sometimes Lunarre manages to evade her, sometimes she catches him and once that happens he can’t move. He has to sit there and let her brush his hair and sing songs while she does it while Zaveid and Edna make jokes at Lunarre’s expense.
Alisha does her best to protect Lunarre from the other girls, but fails.
Zaveid is upset because nobody is fawning over his own hair, so he acts lowkey jealous towards Lunarre and tries to divert attention from the hellion to himself. He fails.
Sorey and Mikleo straight up can’t/won’t understand any of it so they just watch.