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When The FOX Preaches,

When the FOX preaches,
take care of your GEESE.
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I don't know what he says in English, but in Japanese it's 死んだぜてめぇ! 焼殺してやんよ!ベイク・イル・ア・ゴウン! (Shindaze temee! Shousatsu shite yanyo! Beiku iru a goun!) Which roughly translates into "You're dead! I'll burn you to ashes!" The Japanese name of his mystic arte doesn't really make sense to me, since it doesn't seem to be English, or Japanese for that matter.
Thanks so much! :D
I went and pasted the Japanese name of his mystic arte into Google and I found this Japanese profile of Lunarre’s character.

This bit in particular refers to his mystic arte, basically saying that the ‘Beiku iru a goun!’ sounds like ‘Begiragon‘ which, after a quick search, turns out to be the romanji version of the fire move Kasizzle/Firevolt that appears in the Dragon Quest series.
Quote: ‘Introduced in Dragon Quest III, it is the final spell in the Sizz series, and immolates a group of enemies with a wave of ferocious hellfire.’
So I think it’s safe to say that Lunarre’s Japanese mystic arte is nothing more than a reference to a move in Dragon Quest XD
@snickering-kitsune from { x }

“You touch my pile of leaves, and you’ll find yourself on your back quicker than you can blink.” Theo already had her rake in hand, and she wasn’t afraid to use it. She gripped the handle of the rake tightly, eyes narrowing slightly. Almost daring him to touch her pile of leaves. This was no human, Theo knew that much. Even if she was blind she’d still know this was a daemon.
When asked who she was, Theo was parted her lips to speak. “Theodora, a wind malak. And that’s all you need to know. Now, what about you daemon? Who are you?”

The daemon began to leer at the malak, practically salivating. He could not pass up such an opportunity. She was powerful, that was key, but she was also the first wind malak he had the pleasure of putting on his personal menu.
With her power, he could get that much closer...
“Sorry, lady,” he said, conjuring eerie blue flames in the palms of his hands. “I gotta eat you. Nothing personal. Well - not against you.”