daemons devouring humans was no unusual occurrence, but he would never tolerate seeing them target his own men. he launches a rock lance at them, bringing their attention from the fallen pirate to him. ' keep your fangs off him, daemon. if you wanted to pick a fight with aifread's pirates, then come and fight me. '
Blood wetting his lips, Lunarre laughed as he dodged the lance and crouched where he landed. Assessing his opponent, a strongly-built young man - no, a Malak! - standing ready for battle if it came to that.
“Didn’t yer mother teach you not ta interrupt people when they’re eating?” he sneered.

Lunarre was not upset at all. How could he be, when a far more delectable morsel had presented itself? His fox-like eyes gleamed.
“I’ll forgive you though. You’re just the kind of meal I’m after!”
Grinning fiendishly, he conjured balls of blue fire in his palms before launching a raging blast of flame towards the pirate. Adrenaline coursed through his veins and his mouth watered. This would probably be a tough fight, but that was fine. It was worth it. He would get there, he would definitely get there… even if he had to devour all the Malakhim in the world.
❝ looks like it’s time to rake the leaves… ❞
Autumn/halloween sentence starters! 🍂🍁🎃

“Time ta jump in ‘em, more like!”
Lunarre grinned impishly as he eyed the Malak, a rather attractive female with hair so long it probably beat his by a few inches.
He had never seen this one before. She smelled good - she smelled powerful. That drew the hellion to her, and excited his taste buds.
“Who’re you anyway?”
@snickering-kitsune from { x }

“You touch my pile of leaves, and you’ll find yourself on your back quicker than you can blink.” Theo already had her rake in hand, and she wasn’t afraid to use it. She gripped the handle of the rake tightly, eyes narrowing slightly. Almost daring him to touch her pile of leaves. This was no human, Theo knew that much. Even if she was blind she’d still know this was a daemon.
When asked who she was, Theo was parted her lips to speak. “Theodora, a wind malak. And that’s all you need to know. Now, what about you daemon? Who are you?”

The daemon began to leer at the malak, practically salivating. He could not pass up such an opportunity. She was powerful, that was key, but she was also the first wind malak he had the pleasure of putting on his personal menu.
With her power, he could get that much closer...
“Sorry, lady,” he said, conjuring eerie blue flames in the palms of his hands. “I gotta eat you. Nothing personal. Well - not against you.”

Theo took a few steps back. Looks like this situation had taken a sudden turn for the worst, but she was not one who would back down. So standing firm and keeping the rake tightly in her grip she parted her lips to speak once more.
“Nothing personal huh? Well sorry to disappoint you. Lunarre was it? But I don’t intend to become your meal today. These leaves won’t rake themselves. So, how about we make this quick.” And with that being said, Theo launched the rake at daemon.

Lunarre had to bite his lip hard to stop himself from laughing at the stupid rake gripped in the malak’s hands. Yes, a smack with the metal end of it would hurt, but at the end of the day it was still a rake and the daemon had his pride.
I’ll set that handle ablaze.
Dodging the blow, Lunarre launched two balls of flame, one after the other. He aimed for her ‘weapon’. He wanted to see the malak’s true strength, the power that made her worth eating. The sooner he got her to fight seriously the better.

“...Huh? What’s special about today?”

– ; “Y’KNOW MOST people hate this day, but I actually think it’s pretty okay.”
fox face

– ; “I DUNNO. It’s just the one day of the week everyone seems to dread over. Honestly… I don’t see what’s the big deal about it.”

“Huh. I s’pose it’s the first day of the working week. I lose track of the days sometimes.”
The daemon’s eyes narrow at the human girl. There’s something strange about her - no, not just her getup. Lunarre couldn’t put his finger on it, but his hunches were seldom wrong.
“Who’re you, anyway?”
fox face:
– ; “BEATS ME.” The witch gave a slight shrug. While the start of a week could be bothersome there were other things about each and every day of the week that could be considered unpleasant so she simply couldn’t get why just one day of the week was picked.

“Who am I?” Her thoughts stopped as she heard the man’s other question, the expression on her face curving into that of a sly grin, clapping her hands together excitedly before taking pose. “I’m glad you asked. I am the wise sorceress who travels the eleven seas, who scoffs at the might of dragons! None other than the acclaimed and illustrious Mazhigigika Miludin do Din Nolurun Dou. Magilou for short!”

Definitely an oddball, this one, but then this was the pot calling the kettle black. The daemon could only respond in kind. Puffing out his chest and raising himself to his full height, he proclaimed:
“I’m the dashing daemon who treks the regions of the world, who sneers at exorcists and the Abbey! Bred in the home of exiles, he seeks the blood of tyrants. None other than great and powerful Lunarre Arsène Villon! Lunarre for short.”

The daemon finished his speech by crossing his arms and tossing up his chin as if to say ‘whaddaya think of that?’