snickering-kitsune - What a tasty morsel you'll make!
What a tasty morsel you'll make!

647 posts



A small lavender haired woman stands on a box in order to make herself look taller, or at least level with the fox man. She takes a moment to clear her throat then take a deep breathe: “Ok so I know this might be hard for a man who is whipped beyond all belief but I need you to stop getting your ask kicked by a woman half your size for about two seconds you ok with that?” she doesn’t wait for a response and crosses her arms “How does Rose handle the fact you have failed on literally every mission she ever sent you on? Are you even still WORKING for Rose or did she finally decide she needed a real assassin and not a little puppy dog who can barely throw a punch? Oh? What’s that? I’m sorry can’t hear you over how much of a little bitch you are” she drops the proverbial mic and hops off her box. “I will let you process the fact that now two women half your size have made you their bitch"  

You have one ask to piss off my muse; Run with it!


Luminous blue flames burned in the palms of the hellion’s hands as he seethed.

“I’m not that weakling anymore, you insignificant little bitch,” he spat. “I’ve changed. I’m strong, and getting stronger. I can burn that smug face of yours so badly your own mother won’t recognise you. If you want to keep it I suggest you fuck off.”


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More Posts from Snickering-kitsune

7 years ago

Overused to Death (but loveable) Tropes in Zestiria


Grumpy jerk and actual ray of sunshine are BFFs

Dezel and Sorey? They weren’t BFFs per se, but friends, so it counts. Mikleo is not a grumpy jerk, so he doesn’t count here.

Dezel and Rose (debatable, as I don’t really consider Rose a ray of sunshine).

Edna and Lailah (not sure if they’re BFFs, again, but Lailah certainly likes Edna a lot and shows it).

Mutual unrequited pining

[Insert SorMik fan response]

Character A falls fast and hard for Character B

 [Insert SorMik fan response] 

 [Insert SorLisha fan response]

Character A slowly falls in love with Character B over the course of several years, realization hits them that they’ve been in love with B for a long time hits them like a truck

[Insert SorMik fan response] 

[Insert SorLisha fan response]

[Insert DezelxRose fan response]

Cool badass is actually a giant fucking nerd

Mikleo, for ruins.

Dezel, for fauna and flora.

Mayvin (?)

Segei (he’s a dork, yes, does that count?).

The Power of Friendship ™

Our Hero and His Party ™.

Flat “what” reactions

Too many to count in the skits.

Sweet adorable characters with horrible tragic pasts

Sorey and Mikleo, though they have no memory of their tragic past (being infants at the time). They did however relive it. Both sweeties, especially Sorey.

Alisha (not exactly horrible, but sad - early death of mother, distant father and spending her entire life trying to prove her worth, being the lowest ranked of the royal family or royal children. And then it turns out her entire life so far had been manipulated to suit the bitch Maltran’s wicked ends and that the person she thought was her mother this whole time was evil and wanted to destroy the world. Yet in spite of all that, she’s a sweetheart.

Lailah, though we’re counting her life as a seraph. This only counts for her past with the Shepherd Michael and how he ended up and her guilt over it.

Villains-turned-heroes becoming the Weird Uncle

Lunarre, to an extent, in the X anime. Unfortunately he doesn’t get the opportunity to become the Weird Uncle, firstly because Ufotable botched his character arc - if it was even planned in the first place - and secondly because by the time he actually turned hero Ufotable killed him off seconds later. 

Though not an outright villain, Zaveid was considered an enemy prior to joining the group and becoming the Weird Uncle.

Characters that aren’t actually related having a parent-child relationship

Rose and Dezel (?).

Rose and the former boss whose name escapes me.

Sorey, Mikleo & Gramps (Zenrus).

Alisha & Maltran.

Dezel & Zaveid (????).

Characters that aren’t actually siblings having a sibling-like bond

Our Heroes and His Party ™.

Sorey & Mikleo.

Scattered Bones members.

Edna & Eizen.

“I can’t stand this person but I would die for them”

If this is a tsundere thing, Dezel & Rose? Not sure about this one.

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7 years ago




Sorey just laughed awkwardly, eyeing the brush a moment. ❛ I’ll do my best to refrain from both of those. ❜ He had heard the fuss that was made over the hellion’s bounty of golden locks though the reasoning was lost on Sorey. Sure it was nice, but it was just hair. Then again, the girls tended to be pretty serious about the stuff ( a brief flashback to their ganging up on him over being innocently ignorant over barrettes and other hair accessories ). Well, at least they had something to bond over?

He took the brush and moved to sit down behind the taller being. ❛ I guess it’s pretty hard to brush out on it’s own, huh? ❜ The shepherd mused the obvious, trying to figure out just where he was support to start. Lunarre’s wild mane was even more wild than usual, knotted from the wind and the rain. Truth be told it was a little intimidating, but Sorey was prepared to tackle the task with the determination he showed towards everything in life.

Thankfully he was considerate enough to try and be as careful as he could be. The brush began to work through the hellion’s hair, fingers doing what they could to try and ease the tangles. ❛ Tell me if I hurt you. ❜



Part of him felt like laughing. The irony was so thick you could cut it with a butcher knife. A few months prior the Shepherd would have had no choice but to hurt him, and Lunarre would have had no qualms about a fight if it came to one. Anything to get rid of nuisances. Anything to get stronger.

Now, sitting in silence as Sorey brushed, Lunarre became painfully aware of the boy sitting directly behind him. Such a peaceful scene felt... wrong. The shame and discomfort that had gnawed him since joining the group redoubled its efforts and tore at his defences.

It made him sick. Worse, it made him think about things he shouldn’t.

Had anything really changed? Wasn’t he just right back where he had been back then?

Gripping the fabric of his trousers, the hellion forced himself to focus on the sound of the brush running through his hair. It calmed him a little, but he knew what his presence did to the pure and good.

"Is it really alright for you to be so close to someone like me?” he asked quietly. “I could corrupt you. Who’ll purify the world then?”

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