snickering-kitsune - What a tasty morsel you'll make!
What a tasty morsel you'll make!

647 posts

Snickering-kitsune - What A Tasty Morsel You'll Make!

Send me ⊗ for 3+ headcanons about your muse and mine.


Kimuri fills the void of a father figure Lunarre has been missing in his life - well, more grandfather, but it’s practically the same thing to him. Of course, this only applies to the verses in which Lunarre walks the path of redemption. If he loses his humanity and is consumed with darkness, he turns on Kimuri and eats him - as in the drabble I wrote - the BAD END.

Lunarre is secretly impressed by Kimuri and admires the seraph’s latent strength, especially as he covets such power for himself. Depending on the verse, this can go very well or very badly. In my SERAPH. verse, Kimuri would become a very valued teacher for the inexperienced Lunarre.

Thanks to Kimuri, Lunarre now has a plethora of old fart jokes stored in his memory bank. He is desperate to use them.

Kimuri’s stubbornness pisses him off, but Lunarre also realises (in good verses anyway) that this is the pot calling the kettle black. They’re both bull-minded - though Lunarre will draw the line at blatant acts of self-harm (like going near dragons). He is not afraid of breaking the old man’s legs to stop him doing it.

Lunarre is hesitant to challenge Kimuri to an eating contest, as he’s proud of his record and doesn’t want to be beaten by an old fart.

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7 years ago



❛ There, look, that cloud looks just like a pork bun! ❜


[Takes calming breaths like Lailah taught him to]

“...Huh. So it does.”

He really is an innocent kid - carefree as those damn clouds.

Lunarre lifts his eyes to the sky, using a hand to shield them from the sun’s glare. He never had time for such happy-go-lucky activities, so it takes a few minutes for his imagination to kick in. He points at a misshapen cloud.

“Hey - that one looks like a sweetfish. A damn fat one.”

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7 years ago

detailed writer prompts

what sociocultural factors of your own life do you think influenced your choice of character and how you play them?

what is more important to you, narrative or style? if so, why, and how do you think you portray that in your writing?

what iconography (symbols/images/motifs/etc.) do you associate with your character and why? how do you portray this in your writing? 

without using your fc, describe your character physically - not just looks but also movement, posture, etc. 

do you think your chosen fc could play your character the way you write them? if not, what changes do you think would have to be made? 

let’s say someone else was going to write your character - what are the main points of their personality that you would tell the other writer to focus on? what about outside of that? images/symbols/moments in their life/etc. 

what sort of medium do you think your character is best suited for (literature/film/graphic novel/etc.) ? if they are a canon, do you think there’s a medium that fits the character better than their current one?

what writers influenced the way that you yourself write? how so? are there any that influenced you negatively? 

when you see a partner’s response to a thread, what are common misconceptions/assumptions you see other characters making about yours? is that purposeful? 

how do you think your character fits into your view of society? do you see them as a social critique? a celebration of certain societal values? 

what mythic deity do you think best embodies the core values of your character? how so? 

what is your character’s ideology? what beliefs and values are most important to them and how do they impact their decision making? 

how has your character’s socioeconomic background influenced their ideology?

do you see your character/their narrative as allegorical? if so, how do you attempt to portray this through your threads? if not, do you think that the lack of allegorical symbolism says anything about their metaphorical meaning? 

for canons: do you think your character is a foil for another character? how so? 

for ocs: what does your character metaphorically represent to you? what is their symbolic value as it pertains to you as a writer?

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7 years ago


Magilou in 5A reacting to Lunarre in 2A? Kekekeke 😂👌

Magilou In 5A Reacting To Lunarre In 2A? Kekekeke

His flirting skills are lacking

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7 years ago

Anon or not, send my muse any question you want! Funny, sad, angsty and fluffy are all fair game!

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