snickering-kitsune - What a tasty morsel you'll make!
What a tasty morsel you'll make!

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He simply shrugged on the other’s reply to how to possibly stop his dulling sight. Pondering on his comment he nearly laughed. “It’s odd to hear that from someone that’s turned into a hellion, but still.” He paused as a frown formed slightly on his face.

He wanted to find a way on saving them. Even if just one. But then he has yet to find anything on saving a seraph that turned into a dragon other than to just kill them….even then that would be impossible unless the Shepherd was to do the deed. Yet he knows nothing on who the Shepherd is.

Seeing a dragon multiples times may as well lead him to becoming one himself in the end…his mentor would not have wanted this from him.

“….maybe I should just look for ruins that talk on them instead and see if I can find something on them that can’t be learned from just seeing them..” Pulling out his notes from previous encounters with dragons he looked to his quill pen, his vessel. Wondering if it could be getting tainted by the travels.


Lunarre chuckled.

“Hey, I’ve still got my common sense! Huntin’ dragons - and going slowly blind because of it - makes no sense. It’s a fool’s errand. Only the Shepherd has any business goin’ near a dragon, and even then he risks getting his holy ass roasted! I wonder what roasted Shepherd tastes like?” 

At this the hellion threw his head back laughing at his own joke. The mental image of the Shepherd, roasted with an apple in his mouth on a platter only made him laugh harder.

Composing himself, Lunarre eyed the quill with interest. That was no ordinary quill - it was connected to Kizumi more than as just a personal item. He could sense it, an energy, emitting from the quill. It was the same as Kizumi’s.

Was it a weapon in disguise? Or a key?

“What’ve you got there?” he asked, pointing. “That’s not just a quill.”

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More Posts from Snickering-kitsune

7 years ago

Lunarre’s smile faded and he blinked. Huh. Of course. This kid - old geezer, whatever the appropriate term was - was a seraph. A very lucky seraph, too, as Lunarre had eaten not long ago and was still feeling full.

Appearances deceived. More often than not seraphs were as old as the hills, maybe even older. Lunarre wasn’t sure what the future held for himself, whether hellions - if left alone - were as long-lived as seraphs. There was some evidence to suggest hellions could outlive humans at least, but...

Lunarre wasn’t interested in such reflections right now, so he focused his attention on the youthful seraph’s eyes. They looked normal to him, but they weren’t doing much good for the seraph anymore by the sound of it.

“Ya fooled me,” he said. “I guess I’m still lookin’ at things from a human perspective. I forgot you seraphs are old farts.” 

Lunarre didn’t stop himself this time; he grinned, and a snicker escaped his lips.

At that moment Lunarre could practically hear his father scolding him (”I didn’t teach you to mock old blind people ya little brat!”) and he sobered.

“Sorry about your eyes, old man.”



“Hee hee. Summed up my entire approach to life in one sentence right there!”

Lunarre shoots a wave.

“Yo, kid.”


“Really now?” He moved his head to face the figure, barely making out the blurred wave.

Giving the other a wave he wasn’t sure how to take the ‘kid’ part.

“Guess I still look the age I came to be then. Guess that’s good to know. Shame I can’t say for my sight though.”

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7 years ago

I know better than anyone that I’m more accustomed / to holding a knife / than holding someone’s hand.

Meggie Royer, from “Psych Ward Lover,” Potions for Witches the Boys Couldn’t Burn (via lifeinpoetry)

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7 years ago




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7 years ago

Reblog if your muse has scars.