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7 years ago

A hissing cackle burst from the lips of the hellion as he emerged from the refuge of the trees above. Transcending one’s humanity had its perks; Lunarre had continued living long after his body should have given out, and as such he was just as well tuned for battle as all those years ago. He had even kept his youthful looks, a very welcome bonus when one is hunting a princess.

Baring all his sharp teeth, Lunarre grinned from ear to ear.

A Hissing Cackle Burst From The Lips Of The Hellion As He Emerged From The Refuge Of The Trees Above.

“You’re mistaken, princess,” he said, taking in Alisha’s new form; elegant and regal as in life, but with an ethereal air that was difficult to put his finger on. The rays of the early morning sun set the seraph’s diamond armour sparkling. “My quarry is still here.”

My main dish. Finally.

He was beginning to salivate, and anticipation bubbled up from his stomach and tickled the inside of his throat. He felt giddy, and his body was practically crackling with adrenaline. Oh the thrill - no matter how long his body kept going, he would never tire of it. 

Lunarre’s foxlike eyes never wavered from his target. Conjuring blue flames in his hands, he grinned.

“I’m hungry, princess,” he said. 

Then he lunged.

@snickering-kitsune​ | liked for a starter !

So this was the result of allowing the malevolence manifest and fester among the flesh. It was as hardly the first time she had come to witness such things since her rebirth as a seraph but that still had yet to become such a norm that it didn’t unnerve her.

The very first time she had nearly wretched when she encountered a young boy and watched as one of her own people, transform into a hellion right before her eyes. It had been after she fled and sought to rid herself of the sour tang on tongue the light seraph concluded that she that Ladylake was a place best avoided. It only served as a reminder of those she had failed.

However it seemed as if escaping the life she had just so recently been left behind was not so easy the task, given her pursuer and the malevolence that seemed to stem from him.  “You’re lunarre are you not? The assassin from the scattered bones guild?” The light seraph spoke finally coming to a stand still, back towards the assassin.

@snickering-kitsune | Liked For A Starter !

   “Your quarry has already been snatched, there is no life for you to claim here.”

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7 years ago

"Get away from me."

Lunarre cackled hideously as he inspected the agitated seraph. Mikleo was not his main dish, no, not by a long shot. He was strong, however, and such a morsel could not be overlooked. Feeling his mouth water, Lunarre licked his lips.

“’fraid I can’t oblige,” he said, creeping closer. “As my old man always said: ‘a man’s gotta eat if he wants to live’.” 


“And I’ve gotta eat.”

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7 years ago

“Hee hee. Summed up my entire approach to life in one sentence right there!”

Lunarre shoots a wave.

“Yo, kid.”

Curiosity Might Get The Best Of Me. But Well See, Yeah I Gotta See~

“Curiosity might get the best of me. But we’ll see, yeah I gotta see~♪”

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7 years ago

Lunarre’s smile faded and he blinked. Huh. Of course. This kid - old geezer, whatever the appropriate term was - was a seraph. A very lucky seraph, too, as Lunarre had eaten not long ago and was still feeling full.

Appearances deceived. More often than not seraphs were as old as the hills, maybe even older. Lunarre wasn’t sure what the future held for himself, whether hellions - if left alone - were as long-lived as seraphs. There was some evidence to suggest hellions could outlive humans at least, but...

Lunarre wasn’t interested in such reflections right now, so he focused his attention on the youthful seraph’s eyes. They looked normal to him, but they weren’t doing much good for the seraph anymore by the sound of it.

“Ya fooled me,” he said. “I guess I’m still lookin’ at things from a human perspective. I forgot you seraphs are old farts.” 

Lunarre didn’t stop himself this time; he grinned, and a snicker escaped his lips.

At that moment Lunarre could practically hear his father scolding him (”I didn’t teach you to mock old blind people ya little brat!”) and he sobered.

“Sorry about your eyes, old man.”



“Hee hee. Summed up my entire approach to life in one sentence right there!”

Lunarre shoots a wave.

“Yo, kid.”


“Really now?” He moved his head to face the figure, barely making out the blurred wave.

Giving the other a wave he wasn’t sure how to take the ‘kid’ part.

“Guess I still look the age I came to be then. Guess that’s good to know. Shame I can’t say for my sight though.”

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7 years ago



He knows full well on what he was talking to. The malevolence made that obvious enough. But still, it was nice to see some don’t just try and attack right off the bat.

Giving a shrug he let out a chuckle. “Well, I’m not as old as most around, but still older than a human could be. But I’d take that to be a good thing. Means you might still be able to hide among them with little problem.”

“Nothing much can be done for them.Just gonna go blind in time though it’s odd really. Why is my sight going?” He tilts his head as if in deep thought before possibly answering his question. “Could be I go to places with heavy malevolence to try learning more on dragons if there’s one around.”

“Though I can go with ‘old man’ I go by Kimuri mister hellion.” He grinned looking to him as he tried to focus on just what he looked like. 


“Dragons, eh?”

Lunarre had seen several over the years, but had not gone toe-to-toe with one in combat. He would have to get much, much stronger before he even tried.

Malevolence did crazy things to people - Lunarre of all people would know - so it wasn’t shocking to hear it was affecting Kimuri’s sight. In Lunarre’s mind, the solution to the problem as simple.

“Well, stop going near dragons and heavy malevolence then!” he said. “Dragon know-how isn’t worth going blind.”

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7 years ago



He simply shrugged on the other’s reply to how to possibly stop his dulling sight. Pondering on his comment he nearly laughed. “It’s odd to hear that from someone that’s turned into a hellion, but still.” He paused as a frown formed slightly on his face.

He wanted to find a way on saving them. Even if just one. But then he has yet to find anything on saving a seraph that turned into a dragon other than to just kill them….even then that would be impossible unless the Shepherd was to do the deed. Yet he knows nothing on who the Shepherd is.

Seeing a dragon multiples times may as well lead him to becoming one himself in the end…his mentor would not have wanted this from him.

“….maybe I should just look for ruins that talk on them instead and see if I can find something on them that can’t be learned from just seeing them..” Pulling out his notes from previous encounters with dragons he looked to his quill pen, his vessel. Wondering if it could be getting tainted by the travels.


Lunarre chuckled.

“Hey, I’ve still got my common sense! Huntin’ dragons - and going slowly blind because of it - makes no sense. It’s a fool’s errand. Only the Shepherd has any business goin’ near a dragon, and even then he risks getting his holy ass roasted! I wonder what roasted Shepherd tastes like?” 

At this the hellion threw his head back laughing at his own joke. The mental image of the Shepherd, roasted with an apple in his mouth on a platter only made him laugh harder.

Composing himself, Lunarre eyed the quill with interest. That was no ordinary quill - it was connected to Kizumi more than as just a personal item. He could sense it, an energy, emitting from the quill. It was the same as Kizumi’s.

Was it a weapon in disguise? Or a key?

“What’ve you got there?” he asked, pointing. “That’s not just a quill.”

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7 years ago



“Probably taste like pork I’m sure.” He answered rather calmly despite the dark subject. “If you’ve ever need near someone burning that’s the scent they give off unfortunately.”

Hearing as the subject changed to the item at hand he carefully placed the pen back in his book before closing it. Even if they have yet to show a sign of threat to him, he still can’t let a hellion near his vessel. Given the fact he’s unsure if it’s getting tainted or not it’s a risk he rather not take at all.

“If you’ve heard about Seraphim I’m sure you’ve heard most would require a vessel of sorts to avoid getting too tainted by malevolence. That’s what it is.” Brushing his hand over the book he soon added.

“I needed something small enough to carry with me. I didn’t want to be bound to the place my mentor had perished. The quill pen was the best thing I can find. That and it can also be used to write with so I’d say that’s two birds with one stone don’t you think?” He shot his glance back to the other.



Lunarre was intrigued. Morbid facts like this excited him, always had. His interest in the seraph only increased as Kimuri talked. He had sensed peculiarities with certain objects and managed to link them to certain seraphs, but had been unable to pin down their exact purpose until now. This was all so interesting, and Lunarre was rapt with attention.

Is this guy stupid or what?

Excited as he was, Lunarre wasn’t sure what to do with this information. There was no immediate advantage to having it, no plan that popped into his scheming mind, no enemy to use it on, but there was no doubt that there were a grand array of situations where Lunarre could claim victory over a seraph - if a seraph became his enemy.

No, his target was human. A very important one too. But the princess was headed for the land where the seraphim were said to dwell. Now he was aware of their existence, Lunarre had to assume the possibility of meeting one en route was high. And if it came to a fight...

“You’re awfully trusting,” he remarked, ignoring the seraph’s question. “How can you be sure I won’t use this precious info for wicked deeds? I’m Lunarre of the Scattered Bones, after all.” 

He stood up suddenly and threw out his arms, grinning wildly.

“I should be practically oozing malevolence! Well?”

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7 years ago

Lunarre laughed hard. The kid was quaking in his boots! The hellion could sense the fear behind the seraph’s bluster. Lunarre had made a living from fear; no matter how his prey shouted, they could not hide it from him.

“How rude! This is my favourite pastime you know!”

Lunarre lunged at the seraph, aiming swipes and kicks in quick succession, being careful to keep close quarters with his prey. He knew that if he gave the seraph even the tiniest opening, Lunarre would get blasted by one of those damned artes of his. He couldn’t allow that. Close combat was his best chance.

Seizing hold of the seraph’s staff mid-swing, Lunarre used his opening to land a good hard punch to Mikleo’s face, sending him sprawling to the ground.

Lunarre grinned. Now was his chance...

@snickering-kitsune  from here.

Unnerving was truly the only suitable way to describe the inhuman cackle that escaped Lunarre as he crept on closer. His steps were slow, carefully planned, akin to how a wild animal would approach his prey. Mikleo’s staff is gripped tighter in his hands, and he swings it at his foe forcefully, little time to call upon artes. All he could do is keep whacking this annoying hellion and hope he went away.

“Don’t you have anything better to do?”

@snickering-kitsune From Here.

He shouts in a rather demanding manner.  Panic rushes over. Dammit, there was so much he had to do. He couldn’t let himself be eaten here!

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7 years ago
A Bit Of Background Information Regarding Lunarre.

A bit of background information regarding Lunarre.

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7 years ago


It was said that a predator could smell fear, a very distinct scent, which seemed to radiate off prey - it was obvious that Lunarre had taken notice to it. Perhaps it was true then. Knuckles turned white as he held his staff tighter. He laughed outloud, right in his face like there was something comical, and Mikleo could feel his jaw set. Tight with anger. 

 "Trying to feed on humans and seraphim alike? Cackling at their fear? That’s your favorite way to pass time?“ 

The water seraph was well-aware of how crazed and hungry this Lunarre was, however… sometimes it managed to catch him by surprise. He makes another swing at the fox and attempts to block his kicks and swipes, yet somewhere along the line, his staff was seized. Eyes widened at how close he was, unable to think up a move before receiving a powerful punch to his face. 

Mikleo winces where he lays on the ground, slowly and shakily pushing himself up. The other was right there, looming over him. Eyes grow cold and determined at this, and an idea comes to mind. He cloaks himself, fading from the other’s sight, and took this opportunity to slip by and land a hard smack to the head with his staff, rushing off. He staggered however, still affected by that hard punch to his face. Dammit… he had to get out of here. He had to. If not for himself, then for Sorey and the others.

Bloodlust turned to disbelief as the wounded seraph suddenly vanished from Lunarre’s sight. The hellion barely had time to look about for his prey before something hard smashed into the side of his head. 

With a howl of fury Lunarre lashed out, but his prey had retreated, invisible, from his grasp.



Calm down. He’s still around. Just because I can’t see him doesn’t mean...

Lunarre took a breath, stilled, and listened. Sure enough, he heard the stumbling footfalls of the seraph in the grass. Lunarre grinned. He had him.

Charging forward, the hellion began his pursuit. 

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7 years ago



“Well that’s a difficult question.” Kimuri huffed before soon thinking more on it. “Maybe a small amount of miasma? It’s a mix of that and just a heavy feeling. Not really comfortable if you think on it.”

Taking a moment to pull on his shirt collar to more prove the fact he soon asked his own question, having his own curiosities.

“But now what about you Lunarre? Why aren’t you attempting to attack me? I know most hellions seem to lose their old will yet you still seem to hold onto is in some way.” Folding his arms he tilted his head curiously.

“I know there’s the Lord of Calamity but still…I think it’s more or less a rare thing. But I won’t complain on that too much. I rather not fight in fear on losing track on just where I’m heading.”


Lunarre shrugged, beaming from ear to ear.

“Dunno. I guess I’m just special.” He snickered. 

There was the possibility he was correct, or partially so, but Lunarre was only joking. He hadn’t a clue what made him different from the other hellions he had encountered, but it didn’t really matter. 

“I’ve never met a guy like you before,” he added. “You interest me. Besides...” Lunarre stood up, looking into the forest stretched out thick and dark behind them. “I’m tailing someone. I can’t waste too much time dawdling.”

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7 years ago


Get back and fight? Don’t worry, he was.

With his long-range set of skills, he wasn’t exactly the best at close-hand combat like Lunarre. He had to think fast, and try to use little techniques to deceive him, create some distance, and make it a fair fight.

The ability was rather useful, however, it required quite a level of mana to perform. Mikleo was a water seraph and should be more than capable of pulling this off, sure, but each arte would take some toll. All he wants is to get this fox off his tail.  He stops when he hears the quick padding of his feet, and picks up a small rock, tossing it to rustle some grass further away from him.  He then ducked behind a body of trees. It took some convincing with himself, but he scales a tree, and hides in one of its sturdier limbs. 


He aims another freeze lancer then, hoping to make the fox to take a hit to the foot. If he could slow him down, he might have a chance. His luck was giving out now, as the barrier around him - that which made his body seem as clear as water and invisible to one’s eyes-  was fading into nothing again.

Lunarre’s ears pricked up as a rustling sound reached them. He stopped, eyes narrowed, gaze locked on the direction from which it had come - a clump of bushes. He smiled.

Did the brat really think he could hide from him?

He crouched low, then pounced.

But Lunarre’s sharp nails did not grab flesh, as expected. Instead, they seized nothing but shrubbery and earth. 

The seraph was not here. He’d been tricked.

Lunarre barely had time to react before an arrow of ice came hissing down from above and struck his foot, encasing it in ice. Lunarre clenched his teeth as the cold sank its teeth into his skin..



Snarling in anger, Lunarre gripped the trapped foot and conjured flame from his palm, melting the ice enough to yank it free.

Blue flames crackled around his livid form as he searched the trees for the seraph. Nevermind eating him - Lunarre would make sure there would be nothing left but ash.

With ferocious energy, the hellion threw volley after volley of blue fireballs in the direction of where the arrow had come.

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7 years ago


Well, it appeared the fox went for the bait. If not for the danger that would soon come, then perhaps Mikleo would have been amused, and maybe sighed in relief. This one was a hellion, a beast, and all he wanted to do was wreak havoc and gobble up human and seraphim as he so pleased. He couldn’t let that happen. As much as being near the other froze his breath in his throat, he had to swallow his fear back and try to keep Lunarre back. Especially when he was after Alisha. Sorey and the others would arrive soon. They had to. 

A fireball soon hit a branch he was perched on before he could make his jump, and it was quickly engulfed in fierce, blue flame. The water seraph had to grit his teeth as he pushed himself up from where he had stumbled, feeling a pain shoot through his body. Dammit. He hadn’t landed too well there. 


“Unless you would prefer entire body a frozen statue, I suggest you back off now.” He threatens, leaning on his staff a slight. “I’m not playing these games of chase with you. It won’t be just your foot alone next time.”

Lunarre laughed. It was shrill and wild. Somewhere in his mind there was the memory of a different laugh, echoing from a different life. Lunarre pushed it further back into the dark. 

This was his life now. Here he was alone, but powerful. Alone, but happy. Singing, laughing, tap-dancing happy.


But devouring the little seraph brat would make him that little bit happier.

Blazing balls of blue fire erupted into existence and burned in the palm of his hands as he faced his enemy down. The little magic trick had worn off, and the seraph was now in plain sight.

“I agree,” Lunarre said, grinning. “Playtime’s over. But your ice won’t touch me again.”

Lunarre had been taught to spot weakness in others for as long as he could remember. Weakness that would equal an easy target that would equal a job well done. It had served him well in his thieving days, and his time with the Scattered Bones, and so it continued.

The seraph had not got off without injury from his fall. He favoured one foot over the other, and his staff was doubling as support. There was a weakness, and any weakness could be readily exploited.

One as alone in the world as Lunarre could rely on that universal truth alone.

Seizing his moment, Lunarre lunged forward, using his superior speed to catch the seraph off-balance. With a sweep of his arm, he unleashed an arc of flame that fanned out low across the grass, singeing the green blades black. No matter where the serph went, left or right, the weak spot should be hit. Such was the hellion’s thinking.

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7 years ago

Lunarre chuckled.

“‘fraid so. I can’t lose my plat de résistance."

He grinned wider. Lunarre felt invigorated, more eager than ever to accomplish his goal. Now he could see and experience things that had never been possible for him before. Now he was powerful. Now he was...

“See ya round, old man. Stay away from those dragons!”

With a snicker, Lunarre vaulted up from where he stood into the branch of the nearest tree. Night was drawing on, and darkness enveloped his body as he darted through the trees. Flashing the seraph a casual wave, Lunarre leapt away, the darkness of the forest swallowing him whole.



Lunarre shrugged, beaming from ear to ear.

“Dunno. I guess I’m just special.” He snickered. 

There was the possibility he was correct, or partially so, but Lunarre was only joking. He hadn’t a clue what made him different from the other hellions he had encountered, but it didn’t really matter. 

“I’ve never met a guy like you before,” he added. “You interest me. Besides…” Lunarre stood up, looking into the forest stretched out thick and dark behind them. “I’m tailing someone. I can’t waste too much time dawdling.”


Giving an amused shrug he grinned to the hellion. “That or maybe we’re both black sheep in some way? Not like it’s that big of a problem.”

Pausing to look in the same direction he looked back to the fox-like hellion. “The fox is on the hunt I take it? I guess I shouldn’t take too much of your time or the trail might go cold then huh?”

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7 years ago

Send me ‘✂’ and my muse will kill yours. Right now. Brutally, horribly, bloody. Just do it.


Lunarre wasn’t even looking for the stupid old man. 

He was sitting against a tree, writing with a quill that gave off the same distinct aura as its owner. A great forest lined the left side of the path leading to Pendrago, dark and deep.

Lunarre knew this scene. It breathed weakly in the dark depths of his mind, where all the before times went to die. He knew it, vaguely, and it pissed him off. That guy from before had been here, had met this old man, and talked to him. But that guy - the man who had once dared to hope for something more, something that would fill his heart and soul and hold him together - was gone.

The seraph noticed him, and with a smile and a friendly greeting he sealed his fate.

Without a word, Lunarre attacked. Closing in, he registered a change in the seraph’s face nothing to do with the expression of horror.

Looks like your sight’s gone for good, old man.

The thought was erased as the hellion unleashed a barrage of blue flame at the seraph. Taken by surprise, Kimuri was took several of the direct hits. Being a fire seraph, the flames did not do the damage they would otherwise, but Lunarre was far from done. 

What he lacked in experience he made up for in madness.

Claws and teeth bared, Lunarre howled as the seraph conjured a fiery wall of orange flame. 

The seraph was shouting.

“Lunarre?! Don’t you recognise me? It’s Kimuri!”

Hearing Kimuri’s voice again only fuelled the hellion’s rage. How dare he call him with such familiarity. How dare he call his name as if they were friends. How dare he act as if any of this wasn’t inevitable. Humanity was merely a collection of lonely individuals eating each other, figuratively or otherwise. Feasting selfishly on each other’s lives. ‘Family’ and ‘friendship’ were worthless platitudes to escape that reality.

Kimuri was just like that bitch, and all the other lying, worthless traitors. He had to destroy him. He had to erase him. Him and that evening and everything!

A strained grin stretched Lunarre’s lips.

“You should’ve killed me that day, old man,” he said. “You would’ve lived longer.”

Lunging forward, the hellion burst through Kimuri’s barrier in a blazing whirl of blue flame and crashed into the seraph with everything he had. Kimuri was sent flying, hitting the ground hard as a cloud of dust and dirt flew up. 

Lunarre was on him in seconds, hands clenched around his throat and heels digging into his legs, pinning the seraph to the earth. Kimuri was trying to say something, but all that came out was hideous choking sounds.

Lunarre tightened his grip. He didn’t want to hear it. He didn’t want to hear any of it.

“You talk far too much, you old fuck,” he hissed. “Just like back then.”

Kimuri’s blind eyes gazed up at him, pleading, begging. Hatred burned in Lunarre’s belly. He hated those eyes that looked but did not see. He hated them so much and he didn’t know why, but that didn’t stop the hellion from raising a fistful of fire and pressing the burning palm down on Kimuri’s eyes.

The seraph’s screams made him giddy, and Lunarre shrieked with laughter as he felt the eyes slowly vaporise, steam drifting through his fingers and the smell of burning flesh filling the air. Kimuri tried to prise off Lunarre’s hand with his own but the pain was too much. 

But Lunarre was not done. Kimuri had to be erased. Him and his eyes and all.

Licking his lips, Lunarre leaned in close and whispered: “Come see some interestin’ things with me, old man.”

“Lunarre…” There were sobs in the seraph’s voice. “Lu–”

Lunarre sank his teeth into Kimuri’s throat. The scream that ripped out from the seraph’s mouth soon ebbed into a moan, then silence.

The hellion raised his head, chin dripping with blood. The seraph’s body was still, empty of life. 

But Lunarre was not done. He opened his mouth wide, unhinging his jaw like a serpent, and closed his saliva-soaked teeth on Kimuri’s head. Within moments, the seraph had been eaten whole.

There was a delay of perhaps around twenty seconds before Lunarre felt the change, that rush of power he lived for. It coursed and pulsed through his veins and filled him up. He could rip his boss to pieces with his bare hands no problem.

Standing, Lunarre wiped his bloody chin with the back of his gloved hand and followed the path to the horizon, where the city of Pendrago lay waiting. The time for vengeance was close.

“You’ll give me a hand, won’t you, old man?” he said quietly as he began to walk. “I’ve been wanting to kill her so badly. All this time I’ve wanted her and the others dead. With your power I can do it. Yes, I think I can. Come on, gramps, don’t be angry…”

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7 years ago



“Oh I’m sure there’s books on it as well. But not very well written ones. Humans don’t really have a grasp on dragons and with the seraphs I asked they call it pointless and whatnot. So I find it better to just learn on my own…” He paused. Closing his eyes as he tilted his head up in thought.

“….it’s probably because…my teacher became one before me one day.” He trailed off thinking on the memory. “While I did manage to get away safely I later learned they were killed...and the only thing I heard on seraphim that turn into dragons, the only way to save them is to just kill them…” Opening his eyes he stared to the sky.

“But…is that really the only way to save them? That’s all I really want to know….but in the end I guess it became obsession on learning more on them.”


Lunarre paused, raising his eyes to the sky as he pondered his answer. The seraph’s words had touched a sensitive spot, one linked to the time where these feelings lived and breathed freely of whose existence precious few living people were aware. 

It forced Lunarre to think, to consider, and feel, in a way that was fast becoming alien.

For a brief moment, the ‘Lunarre that was’ revealed himself.

“Ahh. I get it. If the person was close to ya, I get it.” He sighed. “Still, you won’t be doin’ yourself or him any favours goin’ blind trying to find your answers. Sounds like somethin’ the Shepherd could help you with. I get you feel like this is somethin’ you have to do on your own, but that’s not exactly workin’ out is it? This is the sort of thing you need other people for. The Great Purifier himself is hardly gonna refuse you. He’s the biggest bleedin’ heart I’ve ever seen. And I’ve seen a lot of bleedin’ hearts.”

He grinned, and the Lunarre that was retreated back into the dark corners of his mind. The hellion replaced him, an impish glint in his vulpine eyes.

“Figuratively and literally.”

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7 years ago

“...Gramps, I’m not a kid anymore. You can swear as much as you fuckin’ want. Trust me, I have no innocence left for you to take.”



“Your… spoons? You’re upset ‘cuz you’re out of spoons? Spoons with which to eat your old man soup? You’re not losing it are you?”


“Well that was an amusing response. But wrong spoon. Guess I could have worded it differently but I’m not big on saying curse words. But in another way I got no more F’s right now. I am also as sane as I can be.”

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7 years ago



“Would if I could but I won’t cause it doesn’t settle right with me… english.”


“What’s ‘English’? Fuck me, old man, you are going senile.”

[Lol England and by extension English doesn’t exist in Tales shoot me]

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7 years ago



“I’m not even sure anymore.” Time to stop smoking herbs.


“You should probably see a doctor. I’d help out, but I’m broke.” 

[Lol it’s autumn and the weather’s shit not much else to do XD]

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7 years ago

[Continued from here - x]




The hellion was paralysed, unable to make sense of the dark apparition before him. It looked like Kimuri, but there was evil in that smile. Lunarre never thought he’d ever describe such a thing like that, and certainly not of the one he called ‘gramps’.

Has he been corrupted by the dragons’ malevolence?!

“Hey - snap out of it! Have you lost your mind?!”

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