647 posts

“Probably taste like pork I’m sure.” He answered rather calmly despite the dark subject. “If you’ve ever need near someone burning that’s the scent they give off unfortunately.”
Hearing as the subject changed to the item at hand he carefully placed the pen back in his book before closing it. Even if they have yet to show a sign of threat to him, he still can’t let a hellion near his vessel. Given the fact he’s unsure if it’s getting tainted or not it’s a risk he rather not take at all.
“If you’ve heard about Seraphim I’m sure you’ve heard most would require a vessel of sorts to avoid getting too tainted by malevolence. That’s what it is.” Brushing his hand over the book he soon added.
“I needed something small enough to carry with me. I didn’t want to be bound to the place my mentor had perished. The quill pen was the best thing I can find. That and it can also be used to write with so I’d say that’s two birds with one stone don’t you think?” He shot his glance back to the other.

Lunarre was intrigued. Morbid facts like this excited him, always had. His interest in the seraph only increased as Kimuri talked. He had sensed peculiarities with certain objects and managed to link them to certain seraphs, but had been unable to pin down their exact purpose until now. This was all so interesting, and Lunarre was rapt with attention.
Is this guy stupid or what?
Excited as he was, Lunarre wasn’t sure what to do with this information. There was no immediate advantage to having it, no plan that popped into his scheming mind, no enemy to use it on, but there was no doubt that there were a grand array of situations where Lunarre could claim victory over a seraph - if a seraph became his enemy.
No, his target was human. A very important one too. But the princess was headed for the land where the seraphim were said to dwell. Now he was aware of their existence, Lunarre had to assume the possibility of meeting one en route was high. And if it came to a fight...
“You’re awfully trusting,” he remarked, ignoring the seraph’s question. “How can you be sure I won’t use this precious info for wicked deeds? I’m Lunarre of the Scattered Bones, after all.”
He stood up suddenly and threw out his arms, grinning wildly.
“I should be practically oozing malevolence! Well?”
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More Posts from Snickering-kitsune
1, 5, 10, 25, 40
1. How do they move and carry themselves? Pace, rhythm, gestures, energy?
Generally Lunarre’s gait is fast and erratic, with only short periods of rest and relaxation. Periods of immobility are more often than not broken by an intense burst of wild movement. He is almost always on the alert, yet he carries himself with a haughty reassurance because he knows few can stand against him. That, and there is really only one person of whom Lunarre is afraid (Rose).The energy of his gestures likewise vary quite wildly, from lax and easygoing to bold, aggressive and dramatic. He is almost always looking around, picking up on any slight change in his surroundings.
5. How do they dress? What styles, colors, accessories, and other possessions do they favor?
Lunarre typically favours dark colours (following along from his assassin garb). It serves a practical purpose (concealing him in darkness/nature) as well as fashion purpose (contrasting with his brightly coloured hair/eyes etc.).
10. What energizes and drains them most
Fights both energise and drain him the most. Long periods of inactivity can also have a draining effect on him.
25. What do they need and want out of relationships, and how do they go about getting it?
Excitement, stimulation, lots of attention and praise, understanding. While certainly proactive in pursuing the object of affection, Lunarre is simultaneously very guarded about his innermost feelings and it would take a great amount of coaxing and work from the object of affection to get him to grudgingly reveal it.
40. What do they wonder about? What sparks their curiosity and imagination, and why? How is this expressed, if it is?
Lunarre’s imagination is creative, but limited to dark and morbid interests (especially as an assassin and as a hellion). Due to his impoverished upbringing - lacking the means to stimulate his imagination and being taught to thieve and rob from a young age - Lunarre had little time to spare for carefree thoughts, and those he did had revolved a lot around making use of his environment to play and hide.
Lunarre assuages his curiosity first by observing and then jumping right in to investigate for himself. If it isn’t a threat, he wastes no time checking it out. He is extremely nosy and will not respect space or privacy unless being caught is very very bad.
Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask sentence starters
30 starters feel free to change gender pronouns
“You’ve met with a terrible fate, haven’t you?”
“Believe in your strengths. Believe.”
“Snap out of it! What are you doing lost in memories? Get yourself together!”
“You—what makes you happy? I wonder… what makes you happy… does it make others happy too?”
“We are fine here. We will greet the morning… Together.”
“You hadn’t forgot about me? You still thought of me as a friend?”
“Why was the dog the leader?”
“Forgive your friend.”
“Actually… I know… we’re not safe here either… That’s how life goes, I guess. There are some things in life you can’t change, no matter how hard you try.”
“For now, just try to survive. Everything else will follow…”
“I’ve decided to wait for him. I’ve made my choice. I’m okay with this. I believe him.”
“The right thing—what is it? I wonder… If you do the right thing, does it really make everybody happy?”
“Do you want to play with me? Okay, let’s play good guys against bad guys… I’ll be the good guy, and you be the bad guy, and when you’re bad, you just run.”
“I am not stinky! I take a bath at least once a month!”
“If it’s something that can be stopped, just try to stop it!”
“Eesh. You frighten me.”
“Shut up. I’m busy right now….”
“Don’t slack off. The heavens and the wife are watching.”
“Ack! Now I’ve done it! I’ve gone and attracted some weirdo’s attention. Um… I’ll just play dead.”
“Belief or disbelief rests with you.”
“Your true face—what is it? I wonder… the face under the mask… Is that your true face?
“Believing in your friends and embracing that belief by forgiving failure. These feelings have vanished from our hearts.”
“Milk… It’s miiiilk… Can you get tipsy from something like milk?” *hiccup*
“You can’t, _____! What would we do if you dropped it and broke it? No way! You can’t touch it!”
“A puppet the can no longer be used is mere garbage. This puppet’s role has just ended…”
“Your friends—what kind of people are they? I wonder… Do these people think of you as a friend?”
“Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever… Whether a parting be forever or merely a short time… That is up to you.”
“I’m not doing anything suspicious… Really!”
“Somebody! Anybody! Goddess of Time, help us, please! We need more time!”
“I… I shall consume. Consume… consume everything…”

Tales of Zestiria the X - Episodio 03
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