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"Get away from me."
Lunarre cackled hideously as he inspected the agitated seraph. Mikleo was not his main dish, no, not by a long shot. He was strong, however, and such a morsel could not be overlooked. Feeling his mouth water, Lunarre licked his lips.
“’fraid I can’t oblige,” he said, creeping closer. “As my old man always said: ‘a man’s gotta eat if he wants to live’.”

“And I’ve gotta eat.”

Lunarre laughed hard. The kid was quaking in his boots! The hellion could sense the fear behind the seraph’s bluster. Lunarre had made a living from fear; no matter how his prey shouted, they could not hide it from him.
“How rude! This is my favourite pastime you know!”
Lunarre lunged at the seraph, aiming swipes and kicks in quick succession, being careful to keep close quarters with his prey. He knew that if he gave the seraph even the tiniest opening, Lunarre would get blasted by one of those damned artes of his. He couldn’t allow that. Close combat was his best chance.
Seizing hold of the seraph’s staff mid-swing, Lunarre used his opening to land a good hard punch to Mikleo’s face, sending him sprawling to the ground.
Lunarre grinned. Now was his chance...
@snickering-kitsune from here.
Unnerving was truly the only suitable way to describe the inhuman cackle that escaped Lunarre as he crept on closer. His steps were slow, carefully planned, akin to how a wild animal would approach his prey. Mikleo’s staff is gripped tighter in his hands, and he swings it at his foe forcefully, little time to call upon artes. All he could do is keep whacking this annoying hellion and hope he went away.
“Don’t you have anything better to do?”

He shouts in a rather demanding manner. Panic rushes over. Dammit, there was so much he had to do. He couldn’t let himself be eaten here!
It was said that a predator could smell fear, a very distinct scent, which seemed to radiate off prey - it was obvious that Lunarre had taken notice to it. Perhaps it was true then. Knuckles turned white as he held his staff tighter. He laughed outloud, right in his face like there was something comical, and Mikleo could feel his jaw set. Tight with anger.
"Trying to feed on humans and seraphim alike? Cackling at their fear? That’s your favorite way to pass time?“
The water seraph was well-aware of how crazed and hungry this Lunarre was, however… sometimes it managed to catch him by surprise. He makes another swing at the fox and attempts to block his kicks and swipes, yet somewhere along the line, his staff was seized. Eyes widened at how close he was, unable to think up a move before receiving a powerful punch to his face.
Mikleo winces where he lays on the ground, slowly and shakily pushing himself up. The other was right there, looming over him. Eyes grow cold and determined at this, and an idea comes to mind. He cloaks himself, fading from the other’s sight, and took this opportunity to slip by and land a hard smack to the head with his staff, rushing off. He staggered however, still affected by that hard punch to his face. Dammit… he had to get out of here. He had to. If not for himself, then for Sorey and the others.
Bloodlust turned to disbelief as the wounded seraph suddenly vanished from Lunarre’s sight. The hellion barely had time to look about for his prey before something hard smashed into the side of his head.
With a howl of fury Lunarre lashed out, but his prey had retreated, invisible, from his grasp.

Calm down. He’s still around. Just because I can’t see him doesn’t mean...
Lunarre took a breath, stilled, and listened. Sure enough, he heard the stumbling footfalls of the seraph in the grass. Lunarre grinned. He had him.
Charging forward, the hellion began his pursuit.
Get back and fight? Don’t worry, he was.
With his long-range set of skills, he wasn’t exactly the best at close-hand combat like Lunarre. He had to think fast, and try to use little techniques to deceive him, create some distance, and make it a fair fight.
The ability was rather useful, however, it required quite a level of mana to perform. Mikleo was a water seraph and should be more than capable of pulling this off, sure, but each arte would take some toll. All he wants is to get this fox off his tail. He stops when he hears the quick padding of his feet, and picks up a small rock, tossing it to rustle some grass further away from him. He then ducked behind a body of trees. It took some convincing with himself, but he scales a tree, and hides in one of its sturdier limbs.

He aims another freeze lancer then, hoping to make the fox to take a hit to the foot. If he could slow him down, he might have a chance. His luck was giving out now, as the barrier around him - that which made his body seem as clear as water and invisible to one’s eyes- was fading into nothing again.
Lunarre’s ears pricked up as a rustling sound reached them. He stopped, eyes narrowed, gaze locked on the direction from which it had come - a clump of bushes. He smiled.
Did the brat really think he could hide from him?
He crouched low, then pounced.
But Lunarre’s sharp nails did not grab flesh, as expected. Instead, they seized nothing but shrubbery and earth.
The seraph was not here. He’d been tricked.
Lunarre barely had time to react before an arrow of ice came hissing down from above and struck his foot, encasing it in ice. Lunarre clenched his teeth as the cold sank its teeth into his skin..

Snarling in anger, Lunarre gripped the trapped foot and conjured flame from his palm, melting the ice enough to yank it free.
Blue flames crackled around his livid form as he searched the trees for the seraph. Nevermind eating him - Lunarre would make sure there would be nothing left but ash.
With ferocious energy, the hellion threw volley after volley of blue fireballs in the direction of where the arrow had come.
Well, it appeared the fox went for the bait. If not for the danger that would soon come, then perhaps Mikleo would have been amused, and maybe sighed in relief. This one was a hellion, a beast, and all he wanted to do was wreak havoc and gobble up human and seraphim as he so pleased. He couldn’t let that happen. As much as being near the other froze his breath in his throat, he had to swallow his fear back and try to keep Lunarre back. Especially when he was after Alisha. Sorey and the others would arrive soon. They had to.
A fireball soon hit a branch he was perched on before he could make his jump, and it was quickly engulfed in fierce, blue flame. The water seraph had to grit his teeth as he pushed himself up from where he had stumbled, feeling a pain shoot through his body. Dammit. He hadn’t landed too well there.

“Unless you would prefer entire body a frozen statue, I suggest you back off now.” He threatens, leaning on his staff a slight. “I’m not playing these games of chase with you. It won’t be just your foot alone next time.”
Lunarre laughed. It was shrill and wild. Somewhere in his mind there was the memory of a different laugh, echoing from a different life. Lunarre pushed it further back into the dark.
This was his life now. Here he was alone, but powerful. Alone, but happy. Singing, laughing, tap-dancing happy.

But devouring the little seraph brat would make him that little bit happier.
Blazing balls of blue fire erupted into existence and burned in the palm of his hands as he faced his enemy down. The little magic trick had worn off, and the seraph was now in plain sight.
“I agree,” Lunarre said, grinning. “Playtime’s over. But your ice won’t touch me again.”
Lunarre had been taught to spot weakness in others for as long as he could remember. Weakness that would equal an easy target that would equal a job well done. It had served him well in his thieving days, and his time with the Scattered Bones, and so it continued.
The seraph had not got off without injury from his fall. He favoured one foot over the other, and his staff was doubling as support. There was a weakness, and any weakness could be readily exploited.
One as alone in the world as Lunarre could rely on that universal truth alone.
Seizing his moment, Lunarre lunged forward, using his superior speed to catch the seraph off-balance. With a sweep of his arm, he unleashed an arc of flame that fanned out low across the grass, singeing the green blades black. No matter where the serph went, left or right, the weak spot should be hit. Such was the hellion’s thinking.
'Cuz I asked him to. He’s a good kid.


“Well, even if he trusts you, I don’t. You do anything funny and you’ll regret it, you hear me?”
Mikleo eyes the kitsune with a hint of suspicion.
“Don’t take advantage of his kindness, Lunarre.”

Lunarre frowns. He knew what to expect, but that didn’t mean he had to like it. He certainly didn’t have to take it. Especially not from a high strung seraph brat.
“Look. I’ve been raised from the time I could hold a blade to know a perfect opportunity when I see one. I’ve had hundreds over the past months I’ve spent watching over you people. The great and powerful Shepherd is safe from me.”
He sighed.
“I’m no overnight saint. I know that. I’m still this. I’m still oozing malevolence. And you know what? I want to keep it that way. Not because I like it. Not because I think this is a fine and dandy way to be. But because it’s like this that I’m useful against that rabid lion bastard who wants to destroy the world. The world I live in.”
" d o n ' t ... "
“S’matter, seraph brat?”

“ S c a r e d? ”

A familiar grinning face with glowing amber eyes peered out at the seraph from the darkness.
“Why, if it isn’t the water brat. Long time, eh~?” His mouth showed all his teeth. “Let’s play again.”