snickering-kitsune - What a tasty morsel you'll make!
What a tasty morsel you'll make!

647 posts

Um, Sorry, I Have Questions.

Um, Sorry, I Have Questions.
Um, Sorry, I Have Questions.
Um, Sorry, I Have Questions.

Um, sorry, I have questions. 

Lunarre tells Sorey and Mikleo that he is no longer after Alisha. Presumably he made up his mind about this sometime along the way to Ladylake while being a highly unrealistic and convenient two steps behind the human princess, because Lunarre still referred to her as his ‘main dish’ before resuming pursuit in the previous episode.

Then again, Lunarre called her this in the prologue yet refrained from killing and eating his target, so honestly the term lost its meaning a while back.

But aside from the completely unexplained change of heart - remember, we know so little about Lunarre as a person that his transformation from human to hellion, from what we were shown, boils down to ‘because he’s loopy’ - where the ultimate question: 


Seriously, why her? What about her and her experiences is guaranteed a more interesting ‘spectacle’ than Sorey and the gang? If anything, Lunarre has deprived himself of infinitely more interesting conflict, drama and action by restricting himself to Alisha. Thank God this is the X anime and not the games! It’s only by sheer luck, plot contrivance, and an boosted Alisha focus that Lunarre gets to see some of the things encountered by the main cast that make him following her worthwhile.

Lunarre says he likes the princess, and in the dub elaborates that it’s her spunk and feisty attitude in particular that he likes. Aside from the fact that this is the man who not too long ago wanted the princess for dinner, how are these personality traits limited to the princess alone? Lunarre could easily find the same measure if not more of these in Rose or any of the other cast, who also struggle valiantly against adversity and despair. 

Rose, you would argue, would be more delectable to Lunarre’s taste (figuratively this time) as, in the anime, she wavers, she doubts, and she struggles enormously as her way of thinking and doing things is challenged. And she changes. But instead of turning into a hellion, as Lunarre would have expected, she dusts herself off and carries on. 

Alisha, on the other hand, never changes. She never wavers. She holds tight to her values and this works for her. From their conversation by the river in season 2, it is clear Lunarre cannot understand or relate to her.

And yet later we’re supposed to assume that his following Alisha somehow spurred the desire to do good within him. Sorry, I don’t buy it. Not only was there zero time to properly develop Lunarre’s character, nor a relationship between the two, but Alisha is precisely the wrong character to bring this change of heart about.

Rose, on the other hand, is the kind of hope someone like Lunarre could - consciously or otherwise - seek out. She has done many questionable and outright bad things in the past, her hands are definitely not the cleanest, and yet in spite of having her entire worldview turned on its head, she changes, and she does not give way to darkness.

So, with all that said, a final question:


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7 years ago

Send my muse a fear you see them having, and they will rate it from 0-10 depending on how much it frightens them.

0 being “I’m not scared of that at all” to 10 being “NOPE NOPE NOPE”

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7 years ago



“I suppose so.” He shrugged looking at the hellion’s excitement. Maybe he never heard much on Seraphim? Then how old are they?

Closing his eyes he shrugged. “Just how I am maybe. But I still wouldn’t stick my head in a lion’s mouth even if it doesn’t attack me at first. As for how you use that information I doubt there’s really much you can do with it. You’re not the Lord of Calamity, even if you were there’s still a slim chance on the seraph turning into a dragon. No one it that stupid to let that happen to them.”

He paused to think on the name, he has heard of them before on his travels. They were a guild of some kind.

Jerking his head back on the outburst he raised a brow. “Well I guess you are giving off that suffocating feeling now that I pay more attention.”


Lunarre scowled. Not quite the reaction he was hoping for, but then this was an old fart he was dealing with. An old fart who had seen far worse than Lunarre could imagine.

He sat down again, slightly put out, but curiosity got the better of him.

“Is it really suffocating?” he asked, with some pride. “What’s it made of, hm?”

Lunarre wasn’t a fool - he knew he had changed. He was gifted with strange powers, capable of feats that had until only recently been impossible. He was driven by the burning fire in his belly, fire that continued to grow within him each passing day. Some people could see him and were repulsed. Some could only see a normal man, as he had once been, and carried on their merry way oblivious. 

By the looks of things he was invisible to the majority of ordinary folk, with Kimuri one of the few exceptions. That suited Lunarre just fine.

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7 years ago
Which character do you like best? Dezel or Zaveid?
I'm interested to see the results! Been wondering what the general fandom opinion is on these two :)

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7 years ago
Which character do you like best? Dezel or Zaveid?
I'm interested to see the results! Been wondering what the general fandom opinion is on these two :)

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7 years ago

You'll probably going to end up preferring the manga.

From what I’ve read of it I already do! ;)

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