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111 posts

If Only I Was Perfect, Maybe He Would Actually Like Me And Not Just Stay Bc He Gets No Other Bitches

if only I was perfect, maybe he would actually like me and not just stay bc he gets no other bitches

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    midnight-starving reblogged this · 11 months ago
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    bluesasinthemusic liked this · 11 months ago

More Posts from Someonenooneatall

11 months ago
 My Inspiration
 My Inspiration

♡ my inspiration ♡

1 year ago



Imagine the compliments. Imagine the tiny shorts, miniskirts, low waisted jeans that show the line of your thong. Imagine the Juicy sweatpants and matching jacket. Imagine the crop tops and fitted shirts, the spaghetti strap tank tops that show off your collarbones. Imagine how much nicer people will be, and how many pretty girls will look at you. Imagine finally getting that belly button piercing you’ve always wanted. Imagine how many people you’ll get to turn down and tell about your wonderful relationship. Imagine a store always having your size. Imagine getting fitted for a bra and being proud of your figure. Imagine getting invited to party and getting offered drinks. There’s so much to imagine.. and all it takes is for you to put down the fork.

1 year ago

5th account

11 months ago

damn I really wanna be more consistent on here but the relapse is NOT going well

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11 months ago

If you feel like you wanna break a fast:

Chew and spit a bite of food(rinse mouth after)

Think about if you eat, your SO/parents/friends/siblings won’t get to eat

Eat an ice cube

Watch a movie or tv series

Smoke weed

Weigh yourself

Start a new project or complete an old one

Remember that if you quit this fast, you gotta start day 1 all over again. The longer you fast, the faster the weight loss. Do you really wanna start over? You got this!

Starting day 4 of fasting, lost 5 pounds already (I ate a lot after my last fast) so I got some catching up to do. I’m gonna try and fast until I’m 160 for now. Unless I’m forced to eat. I’m going to do 7-8 days just because I’m saving a small portion of food that family brought unless my bf eats it on me (or I freeze it which is prob the case. Wish me luck on completing my longest fast. 7 more full days!