Hello wonderful people. I write poems, stories, fanfictions and love to take photos. I hope you enjoy this and please respect the Copyright of my poems, stories and photos. I do not own the characters of the fanfictions and imagines please support the creators when you like them.And important I take requests! If I know the character good enough I will glady write it, still there are certain topics I am not comfortable with, ^^''
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Toshiro Hitsugaya X Shy And Clumsy Reader (Part 1)
Toshiro Hitsugaya x shy and clumsy reader (Part 1)
Like always: I do not own Bleah or its characters, if you like this please support the great anime and manga. I do not make any money with this. I just want to make people smile. English is not my first language and I had not enough time to proof read everything until now, I hope to be able to do this soon. If you find mistakes, please correct me, it could be I do not know any better! I really hope you enjoy this and he is not too ooc or somehting.
Trigger warning : Mobbing and insecurities The reader is new in the 10th division and some people are picking at her because she is shy and clumsy, good that there is a certain white haired captain~
Clumsy, shy and managingto get into every trouble possible, yes that was a quite accuratedescription of yourself. You were quiet sure everybody would agreewith it. How you even managed to get into the 10thdivision was beyond you. Still you tried your best to be helpful andmanage to put up the expectations your family had to you, even whenyou were quiet sure you were never good enough for them, unlike yourolder sister. You loved her dearly and she always says she loves youtoo, but you often wonder if she just feels pity towards you. Thelast days had been harsh on you. You just left the academy and werenew to the division, but word already spread how clumsy you were.There were people talking about how useless you must be in a realfight because of how clumsy you were, or laughing about you not evenmanage to say a proper sentence to anyone. "She will just be aburden in a fight. Why is she even here? She will just be a dangerfor us! She should just leave. Who was so insane to put her in ourdivision?!" It were only a few people talking like that, at leastyou hoped so, but their words hurt you deeply, because you alwaysasked yourself if they are right. If everyone was better of withoutyou. You sighed. You were supposed to bring a stack of papers to thecaptains office, when you passed a group of people talking over you.One of them put his leg in your way, making you trip. You fell to thefloor trying to keep the papers in tact you hurt your wrist. Thegroup started laughing " See she can't even walk. So useless!"One of them said. You stood up, with out a word, keeping your headdown, what would it bring to fight? They were more and probablystronger then you, you were just a new one. Also who would believeyou in the end. You bit your treas back and walk on to CaptainHitsugayas office. In front of the door you took a deep breath. Youcould do this. When you knocked you whined silently. Your wristreally hurt. "Come in" you heard the calm voice of your captain.This was the first time you would officially meet him. The day youstarted he was in long meeting so Rangiku showed you around. Youentered the division a bit later than everyone else because you hadgotten quite sick after the academy officially ended for you. Shylyyou opened the door and took a step in "H-Hitsugaya-tai-taicho I amhere to-to bring you this papers. Rangiku se-sent me." You did notdare to look up. "Really, Rangiku could not have done that herself!She is yet again ditching her work!" He sounded annoyed and youwinced unintentionally. Suddenly the papers were carefully took outof your hands and a warm hand was on your shoulder. "I apologizefor my second in command. I did not mean to startle you. She justreally has a habit to upset me. You are (y/n) (l/n) right? Iapologize for not greeting you at your first day." "I-it reallyis n-no problem taicho" "Rangiku was right you really a quiteshy" Toshiro chuckled and you were confused. You were sure everyonealways said he was not one for emotions. So why was he showing someto you? "You know, there really is no reason to be scared right?"So that was the reason. He felt your fear. Of course he noticed, hewas a captain after all. Suddenly there was a hand on your chin,which made you look up into beautiful celestial stone eyes whichseemed to look at the deeps of your soul. "You have been crying"That was not a question. You tried to get free but he was not havingthat. Out of nowhere he held you wrist carefully in his hand "Howdid you get hurt?" "...I...I -I just tripped...I am a bitclu-clumsy" He nodded but you had a feeling he was not buyingit. Still he let go. "Thank-you for the papers, now go, it is latealready, you should rest. The first days must have been quiteexhausting." You just managed to nodded and had trouble not to runout the door. His eyes on you felt like you were a open book to himand you felt strange around him.
The next day Rangiku sendyou again to bring him her papers and yet again you had to stumbleinto the same group of people. This time they pushed you into a walland after that even kicked you on the ground. What had you done tothis people. You realized by now that they were new just like you.You recognized them from a lesson. Still you were afraid to tellanyone. It was five against one and they said you would pay if youtold anyone. You remembered they were quite good fighters and hadquite a reputation in the academy, so you figured it would be betterto just stay quiet. You could handle this you told yourself, as youstood in front of the doors again. This time the papers had landed onthe floor and you really hoped he would not notice. You knocked andhe asked you in. You held your head down, so he could not see yourpuffy eyes "He-hello Captain, Rang-ran" "It's okay just putthem here." You did as you were told and wanted to leave when hecalled out to you "Tripped again?" There was something in histone, warning you to be careful with your answer "Y-yes Taicho.""You're alright?" "y-..yes Tai-taicho" "You can go now"You felt saver now thinking he had dropped the topic "Oh and (y/n)NEVER lie to me again." His voice was full of authority. Youwinced. He knew. He knew you were lying all along. He sighed:" Iwill not force you to talk for now, but if I continue to find you inharm" His voice grow soft for a moment " Or at the bridge oftears" he got back to cold and authority " We will talk aboutthis, if you like it or not. I expect my subordinates to be honestwith me, (y/n)." You just nodded. "So now we have that behind us,are you gonna talk to me?" Your legs began to tremble, you werestraight down, scared, even terrified to speak up. Scared of whatwould happen, what they would do... Suddenly your legs give in andyou were sure you would fall, but two strong arms caught you."Careful there" His voice sounded warm. "Come with me" it wasnot like you really had an option. He took you on his arms and jumpedwith you out of the window onto the roof. It was already dark outsideand got a bit could. He put you down onto the roof but pulled youinto his sight putting an arm around your shoulder making you leaninto him. Just now you realized you started to cry, how pathetic, youthought, but you could not stop. What was your captain now thinkingabout you. "hush...it will be alright, everything will be alright,you will be okay." Toshiro softly spoke to you. "I-I ams-so-sorry Hi-hitsugaya ta-taicho" "Don't be. It really is quitealright. It is okay to show your feelings. I now know that, thanks tothis stubborn Kurasaki" He muttered the last part. ( If you do notunderstand this reference whatch bleach the movie ^^) "That meansit is also okay to cry sometimes. Also you are still so young. Youare even a little bit younger then me, which is quiet nice actually"he admitted and it made you smile for a sec before another thoughtrun through your head "But ...I-I am just a burden to-to you...everyone..." you whispered but he heard you. Your breath caught inyour throat when a hand began to stroke over your head in a calmingway. "And who, may I ask, has but such a harming thought in yourhead? I can assure you I do not see you as a burden and I do notthink you will be to anyone." "Bu-but I.. I am so clumsy..surely..If.-if it should come to a fi-fight" "Surely you would do great(y/n). You know who decided that you would be put in my division? Ichoose you personally. I like to take a look at the new shinigamisand look out for potential before they are send to the differentdivisions by the academy. I choose you because I saw and still seequite a potential in you and was worried because you are so youngother divisions would give you a hard time, but here I am as theircaptain so much younger then most of my subordinates. So I figuredyou would be able to work on your abilities here without having todeal with being underestimated or treated like a child. Yes you areclumsy, more than that to be honest but I saw you in training a fewtimes after you caught my interest. You are even in training reallyclumsy, but you are just clumsy as long as you think about that youcould fail. There was an other girl in your team. I think you arefriends and some of the guys were always trying to give her a hardtime and every time when they attacked her you protected her withoutthinking and your swordsmanship then was really excellent, just likeeverything else you did." his voice was calm and warm and yourealized that with every word he spoke your shoulders were gettinglighter and it got easier to breath. Toshiro grabbed your wristcarefully and healed it. You were surprised he could, but he was acaptain after all. "Anymore injuries?" He asked and you new youhad to answer and he would know if you lied. Shyly you pointed atyour sight were the others had kicked you. He made you lay back onthe roof " My apology" he mumbled as he pushed the black clothesout of his way, making sure they still covered you in the importantplaces. He gently rested his hand on your skin and you felt the painlessen. He helped you sit up again and then made you look at him"This injuries are not from falling we both know that. Tell me(y/n) who hurt you. I promise I will make sure they never lay a handat you or even look in your direction again." "I..I.." "Hey,calm down. I am here for you. I do not let anyone hurt my people. Iknow everything is strange and scary right now, but I will watch overyou and believe me you will become a real good shinigami. Do not cryanymore" "I do not know their names..captain" "Well then,show me" With that he stood up and pulled you along. "But fornow, let us get some rest. Oh and by the way, you are staying by myside. I really can not let you alone in this state and also I mustsay" He smirked "It is adorable when you blush like that" Youdid not even manage to answer, you just opened your mouth and closedit again. You were supposed to stay at his side and he said you wereadorable?! You hid your face behind your hands until suddenly therewas a warm arm around your waist and you were pulled in his chest. "Iguess it can't be helped" you heard him mutter when he pulled youclose.His smell was intoxicating yet calming and somehow it remindedyou of winter. He let you calm down a moment in his hug but thensuddenly began to tickle you until you were begging for mercy,because you were helpless against him. He stop after sometime and yourealized you began to feel really tired. A small yawn escaped you."Come, now." he simply picked you up from the ground which waseasy for him, since you how unlikely it my be, just a bit smallerthan him. You were never growing much. "C-captain I-I can walk onmy own..." You stammered. "Rest, captains order" was the onlyanswer you got. Since you did not know were to look you closed youreyes and before you realized what was happening you fell asleep tothe feeling of safety in his arms. When you woke up again you foundyourself on a Futon and Toshiro near to you on another. He was wideawake and his eyes were on you. "T-taicho" you mumbled thenrealized that you must have fallen asleep in his arms and he musthave carried you to his quarters and let you stay. You blushed madly."I-I am s-so" "Stop apologizing all the time. How are youfeeling?" You felt a lot better but you were afraid that the groupof people would hurt you now, just like they said. "unbelievableyou are still that scared? Have a bit more trust in your commanderwill-ya?" He stood up and patted your head making you blush again.It is really sad that you did not see the small smirk on his facewhen he was leaving. He stopped in his track for a moment "I haveto got now, please also get ready and start with your work." "Y-yesTaicho" "Oh and (y/n) if anyone tries to hurt you again in anywayand I mean anyway I do not care if physically or with words you callfor me. That is an order not an option by the way" You werestunned. He was really willing to go out of his way to help you, evenprotect you. He was on a much higher rank then you and you were sosure he would find your problem pathetic but he took his timeyesterday and was there for you, even tried to speak to you before,he must have been watching over you and now he even makes clear thathe will protect you. "Yes, ...thank-you taicho" "Don't mind it" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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More Posts from Sophielidaris
Thank-you this is so true and more people need to read this !

Hello Everyone I hope you like this.=) It is a thanks to my dear friends <3 We all should say thank-you from time to time ~
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Urie Sogami x Reader ~Lost Butterfly~
Hello Everyone ^^
First of all I do not own Dance with the devils it is written by Samako Natsu.
If you like my Fanfiction please support the manga and anime by buying it!
You can also find my Stories at wattpad feel free to visit me there or for my poems on Instagram ^-^
Please comment I write to learn and english is not my first language. Critic is welcome but please remember I am only human so do not be mean please
This story has a trigger warning for people who are being bullied. Please if this happens to you or has happend do not believe your bullies you are worth so much, so much more than their words.
Have fun ~
Here you are now, standing alone before this seriously to luxurious school building. What you are even doing here? Well that is a story of its own kind. You were the youngest offspring of a famous and rich family or to be more exact you were adopted. The family never had children but always wanted an heiress for their company and stuff. Why they choose you? Because you were an orphan. Some would say you were lucky. They picked you because of the way you smiled at them and they also liked your intelligence. They also were nice people. Still they would be more likely seen as your grandparents. Although they were not your real family you loved the two of them. They were really kind and give you the love you lost for so long. Still you were not happy at the moment. You felt like a fish out of water. You just do not belong in the world of the rich and this school could have the word written all over it. There are this fancy uniforms, the whole building you mean they even had a gigantic greenhouse. You sighed. The first years you lived with your new family they had you home-schooled because you were too shy and scared to go to a normal school. You have been like this since your parents died two years ago. They were murdered in a brutal way. You still have no idea why and the murder was never found. You were at school and when you came home you found them. It took your new family a year to make you talk again. You had been shy even before the incident so this was not a simple task. Now you are standing in front of this school feeling your legs shaking. You are the only freshman because you could not enter until now. There have been problems with the seize of the classes but at the end the director agreed because of the influence of your family. You felt bad for getting this special treatment and being the only new one. You are starting to get attention because you are just standing in the entrance so you take a deep breath and want to step forward as suddenly a bunch of girls runs in your direction as a car comes to a hold right behind you. You are utterly confused and try to get out of the way but it is too late the girls are pushing you to the sides as the door opens and you are laying on the floor. Your knees bleeding since you have not been able to catch yourself because you tried to save the papers in your hands, which you need to bring to the secretariat. "Oh is one of my butterflies hurt?" you hear a voice above you. You want to look up while trying to get up. Still the papers in your hands. Suddenly a girl yanks you up and pushes you into another girl. " Get out of his way!" You begin to shake what the hell is going on here. You are scared. Why are they screaming at you, hurting you? You feel your body tremble. The next moment someone grabs your papers and tears them apart. " You surely don't need this!" " Please..." a silent whimper comes over your lips. You know you should stand up against them, but since that day you get into kind of a state of shock and are just helpless. Suddenly two strong arms place themselves around your waist pulling you into a well-toned chest. " Shh...do not be afraid my butterfly. I am sorry the other butterflies misbehaved like this." You hear someone whisper in your ear. The voice is beautiful and somehow lures you in. You are not used to be so close to people you do not know and get even more scared that is until he loses one of his arms from your waist, grabs your chin in an gentle way and makes you look in his eyes. They are golden ...somehow shining and you are drowning in them. "You are a good girl, my sweet butterfly~" You do not know why, but you feel save. There is just him everything in your mind is silenced by his eyes. Suddenly you hear an angry scream and your instincts kick in. You look up at the young man once again than at the angry girls. You get free of his grip and make a run for it. You do not know were just away.
Urie POV
well that surprised me a bit. I was sure she had already fallen in my trap. This butterfly seems to be hard to catch. Not so easily like the rest of them.
There is also something else. Even for a shy girl this behaviour was not normal. She was way too scared. I wonder what happened to her. I do not like to admit it but she caught my interest. Now what are you going to do without your papers my little butterfly? I am more than certain I have never seen her before here at school so she must be new, which means this papers are for the secretary or more correctly they were. I get pulled out of my thoughts by my butterflies but some how they annoyed me right now. " Fly away for now my sweet butterflies" I say and they leave like nothing has ever happened. My new butterfly got hurt a few moments before. Should I watch over her? I will watch over her until she is mine and mine alone tangled in me web,I decide and begin to walk in the direction she was running.
Your PoV
You are running until your legs get weak and you find yourself lost. How can this place be so big. They should put maps somewhere. Until you looked around for quite sometime you let yourself fall down against a tree. Here isn't anyone. You are absolutely certain you are at the wrong place. Silent tears are by now falling down your cheeks and your knees hurt. "Is my sweet little butterfly lost?" you hear a voice near to your ear and nearly jumped up but two strong hands on your shoulders hold you back. "Careful there, little butterfly" "Butterfly?" you mumble confused. You hear him chuckle lightly. "Would you look at me sweet butterfly?" You shake your head remembering what happened last time. "Then would my beautiful butterfly at least give me her name?" You blush. Has he just said beautiful? Surely he was just making fun of you. Why should he say something like this to you? You mean he is beyond handsome. "Such a shy one, my butterfly. You know we need to get your legs fixed up, don't you? Also you need to go to the secretariat and you are in trouble because of your papers. I could help you out with all of it, all I need is your name, my Dear ~" you hear him sigh as you still don't say a word. Suddenly you are pulled into a hug. "Wha.." " We are staying like this until you got used to me a bit more and give me your name. I will not leave you alone like this, butterfly. Your eyes full of tears, hurt and lost. Stop trying to struggle you just waste energy." You still tried until his smell clouded your mind and when he started to sing a beautiful song in nothing more than a whisper voice you are sure you would fall asleep in his arms sooner or later. You calmed down more and more until you realized that this young man did nothing but help you and you were just mean to him because you were so scared. That makes you realize how much your fear controls you and it hurt. Your breath catches up and a whine escapes your mouth. "Shh...why is my little butterfly still crying ?" " I- I -I am sorry" "Sorry what for?" " f-for be-eing s-so rude. I di-did not mean t-to. I- I was just .." "Scared." He ends your sentence and gently strokes your tears away as you continue to cry. You never showed anyone how you feel not even the people who adopted you. You always smiled to make them happy and now here is this strange guy and you could not stop crying. " You are fine my little butterfly. Shh calm down (f/n)" "Y-you kn-know my n-name ?" you stammer. He just laughs silently. " I am part of the student council and we got a note that a Miss (f/n) (l/n) will start learning here today. It was not hard to figure out. I just would have liked it more if my butterfly had told me her name." He strikes your tears away and you blush at his closeness. "Do not cry anymore my sweet butterfly." With this words he put a beautiful rose in your hair. " My name is Urie Sogami and I am the vice president of this school. When you ever need help come to me." He makes you look up at him with his fingers at your chin. You again lose yourself in his eyes and feel like sinking in a deep warm sea where nothing matters anymore:" Now sleep~" is the last thing you hear before there is just darkness and then a field of beautiful flowers.
As you wake up, you are laying on a bench near the entrance, your papers in one piece next to you and your knees in bandages.? Then you feel something in your hair. A single red rose. "Urie.." you mumble as you stand up and walk in the main entrance, unaware of two golden eyes watching you belonging to a devil with orange hair.
Urie PoV
Why I let her alone? Well simple put I want her to come back to me by herself. Of course I could have marked her. When I put her to sleep I was sure I would do it, but somehow I could not bring myself to it. My sweet little butterfly~ I am so curios when will you come to see me ?
"Fu-fu~ Playing with the new girl already? Such a poor girl being hurt at her first day and now tangling herself in the web of a devil! It makes me feel all warm." " Be quiet you annoying fallen angel" I shrug Shiki off. "Do not touch her with your filthy hands or I put you in a cage. But then again you would like it to be chained up wouldn't you?" My devilish smirk gets a bit disgusted when I see Shikis look. "Don't touch who?" I hear Mage say as Shiki and I enter the third library. "The new girl~ Fu-fu~" Shiki coos. "Huh? Why is that?" Mage asks. "Why do you care about her, Urie that is unlikely for you to fancy a single one of your girls." Rem spoke up and I sigh. "Actually I do not know. I just don't want to see her in any stage of pain." "Urie?" Ritsuka speaks up while robbing her eyes having slept in Rems arms just seconds before. "Urie could it be that you may ...well you know?" I look confused at her. " You are really slow today devil, she is asking you if you like the new girl. Not just finding her attractive. We are talking about really liking." I fight a blush hearing Lindos words. Why is he here anyway? He is nice to us for Ritsuka but I can't imagine the exorcist vampire is beginning to see us as kind of friends? " Don't be stupid just like Rem said I do not have favourites. I am just a bit out of my mind." I answer a bit angry. "Of course" Lindos tune is sarcastic. "Then you of course do not care that some of your girls are just about to beat the new girl up?" Shiki asks devily. "What?!" Mage,Lindo, Ritsuka shout while Rem gets an angry look and I am already on my way to the front door of the building to reach the place Shiki just showed to. I finally reach her. She is standing with her back at a wall. Face looking down, trembling and four girls are standing in a circle around her. I push the girls away not enough to really hurt them but still with force and walk up to my little butterfly:" My,my you are really troublesome~" As I say this something I do not expect happens she hugs me and hides at my chest. "(Y/n)..." I mumble and put my arms around her.
The poor girl had not even the strength in her legs left to hold herself up. I pulled her closer to me than lifted her of the ground. She did not even protest. I shot the girls an angry look. " I would highly adevice you to get lost and if I should find her harmed in any way, you can be sure you will get detentions or worse, did I make myself clear?" Something worse they would ever expect to be accurate. They backed of quickly and I knew I would have to do nothing because Rem walked around the corner and gave me a nodded. He did not tolerate any misbehaviour at this school. "Take her to the library" Rem commanded me and I nodded. He was right there she would be save and could calm down, not that I would let anyone come near her anyway . I sighed " My beloved butterfly could you look at me please?" I would put her under my ban for now. It was clearly visible that the was in a kind of shock. I have a feeling that something cruel had happen to this girl and because of this any kind of violence was too much for her. She did not seem to hear me. " (Y/n)-chan please look at me" I would have made her look at me, but she or one of the girls would wonder why I could carry her with just one arm in this position. "I can help you, but please do not kill me for touching her, not that you would be able to do this but still..." Lindo said... " you are okay with what I want to do?" That was new. " Not really but even I have to except that it is the best for her right now, she is clearly hurting and you can take that away...so." "okay" Lindo gently put a hand under her chin, at first she tried hard to stay close to my chest, so I bent down a bit and began to sing my song, while Lindo used a bit more force but not enough to hurt her. Just for a moment she opened her eyes a little bit but that was enough. I got her. "sh..little butterfly, calm down...breath..such a good girl...sh...and now ...sleep" her head fell again against my chest but her breathing now was even. I started to walk away with her Lindo following me for some reason.
"you should mark her." "What?!" I looked at Lindo as if he had gotten insane.
"I am serious, even if you do not realise it yet you like her. She gets in much trouble without doing anything obviously and your butterflies seem to be jealous of her, if you mark her you would always know where she is and if she needs help. I do not like that you would have power over her mind, but since you have not marked her yet what is strange enough for you I have a feeling you will not misuse you power with her." "No...I cannot really explain but I want her to stay or at least to wish by her own free will to be by my side, if she does that I would have no problem with putting my mark on her, but not like this." We were in the library now and I tried to lay her down, but her hands were firmly at my jacket.. "Seems like this girl has caught a devil." I heard Mage laugh and I could swear Shiki was smirking in the shadows. "Need a helping hand" Ritsuka asked gently but I shook my head " No, this is fine. Mage could you do me this once a favour and excuse miss (l/n) here from her next classes. I cannot find me willing to let her visit any of them today, she needs rest. I will make sure she gets home later." Mage was about to say something but Rem shot him a look. I laid down with her on top of me gently putting my arms around her and was greatly surprised as Lindo was so kind and put a blanket over us. "Thank-you" and I meant it.
Everyone left the room after that and I just stroke the hair of my little butterfly. I had realised her out of my spell a few minutes ago and was just still singing lowly my song as a lullaby to her. A few hours past and school would be over soon as she began to move. This would get funny. "morning butterfly, sorry about this situation but I could not bring you to let go of my jacket." She woke up fully to the sound of my now louder words realised her situation and would have surely fallen over of I had not caught her. "Careful". She was bright red and I chuckled, she was really cute. " I- I am so so sorry!" she tried again to stand up but I pulled her close " don't be. I came to enjoy watching you sleep, you looked kind of cute" "whaaaa-at" I laughed again. Then I did what was overdue since hours. " Are you okay? Have this misbehaving girl hurt you?" she shook her head. "No? then why are you crying little butterfly? Please do not lie to me, it will not work" You cannot lie to a devil dear, I thought for myself. " It is..it is nothing really.." "Does not look like nothing to me." I got up and embraced her, gently "Please it will help you to talk. I promise I will not harm you, you can trust me." "They were just throwing words at me, really nothing at all." "still words can cut deeper than a knife..." I murmured softly and made her look in my eyes, using a bit of my power, just so it would be easier for her to talk to me, but still having her free will and her not realizing my doing. Her breath hitched again and she tried to flee my eyes but I did not allow her to move her gaze away. She was not saying a word just crying and I felt my heart break at this sight. Since when was I so affected by a simple girl? I broke hearts on masses did I care ? Of course not. I am a devil for hells sake.
I sighed and stroke over her cheek with my right hand, than I embraced her letting go of her chin, so she was not longer doomed to look in my eyes. Without my mark, my spell was broken for now. I began to sing silently and allowed her to rest on my chest for a bit. " I ...I am ...sorry ..so ..sorry ..it is just...how.. I don't know how.." she sobbed. " I smiled fo-for so long..always smiled..so that everyone was happy..I do not know how to tell the truth..anymore....I really want to but....I just know how to stay silent or lie...I ..sorry..and now I am just ..a burden to you...you do not even know me and yet I make you so much trouble...why do they hate me so..so much ..and now you surely also ha-hate me.." "sh...who put such awful thoughts in your head. I do not hate you. How could I hate such a wonderful, fragile, beautiful, innocent butterfly like you? Sh...no more crying" "why are you lying to me...." "huh? I am not lying, butterfly" "the girls said, I am more than ugly..a disgust to the world...I would be better of dead.. I am not supposed to be seen by anyone because it would hurt everyone's eyes, I am selfish" "enough of that! Why are you believing them?!" "because they are just right...." "is this really what you believe?" I got a nodded. "Look at me, (y/n) you are one of the most beautiful beeings I have ever seen and believe me I saw many, but if I had to choose the most beautiful I would choose you. In my eyes you are perfect just the way you are and I would be honoured to learn more about you and see more of your soul" and your body, but this part I kept for myself " don't you ever think you are not perfect. You my not see it now but I will show you and one day you will believe me.
I make you forget what this stupid girls said, they were just speaking from jealousy. I want to help you to learn to not fear so much any more, keep you save...that is ...if you let me...if you want me to...." I became quieter at the end of my little speech and nearly blushed, what was the matter with me. "Urie.." she muttered and my heart stopped a beat. "why do you want to do all this for me...? For someone like me...?" " I guess the vampire was right" I muttered under my breath too quiet for her to hear " Well ..I guess I kind of like you...I will not say I love you because we only just met and I still have much to figure out and I just want you to be save cannot bear when you are in pain or sad and I am quite sure I will fall for you are probably already have, but I do not want to push you in anything, so I will not say I love you just yet without knowing how you feel about me or you having the time to figure it out for yourself.. I just would be glad if you give me a chance to get closer to you, so that I may be able to say this two words to you without any thing holding me back." I waited for an answer but never got one, I had looked away from her all the time totally embarrassed, just to realise now that she was sleeping peacefully next to me. I chuckled lightly, what a girl... "she probably did not here one bit of it" I said to myself, but then she talked in her sleep: " please, stay with me...please don't go...I don't want to be alone anymore...I don't want to lose you...Urie..." Well I was still not sure what she heard but that was enough for me do act. I bowed down to her, gently kissing her neck:" I won't, I promise" and left my mark on her, for all the devils and vampires who should ever come near her clear to see. To make sure they would stay away from my girl.
Imagine being like a little sister for Sherlock Sherlock x sister like reader
I do not own Sherlock, this is just a fanart and I do not make any money with it. All rights go to the rightful owner.
Also I am not a native so please do not be to hard on me for mistakes.^^’‘ This fanfiction is not about love. It is more about the protectivnis of Sherlock for a little sister
a lot of fluff, self consciousness, angst
Enjoy ^-^ This story plays after the 4th season. John and Sherlock decided that John and Rosie should life in the Baker-street together. Sherlock thought it would be better for John who was still suffering from losing Marry and he also actually liked to have Rosie around him, not that he would ever admit that in front of anyone except for small little Rosie, yet everyone somehow already figured it out and just smiled silently about the detective. John on the other hand thought it would be better for Sherlock to not life alone and even if he did not want to really say it out loud he knew deep down the he just know needed a true friend by his side and his best friend was without any doubt Sherlock Holmes. Also Rosie loves Sherlock and Misses Hudson became like a Grandmother to her. Oh and do not forget about the third person living in Bakerstreet 221B (y/n) (l/n). She was a young university student and Rosie's Babysitter. How she came to live with the three of them? At first she was simply Rosie's Babysitter, but then her friend she lived with in a small cheap apartment close to the university had to change her place of study because of her fathers wishes. (y/n) was not able to pay the bills on her own and was desperately searching for a new place, but finding a not too expensive place became an unmanageable task. Then one day John asked her again to watch over Rosie and despite her stress and problems she could not say no to the man looking pleadingly at her. It was late at night Rosie was fast asleep and you were trying hard to stay awake in front of your computer, currently writing yet another message in hopes of getting a place to stay. Your time was running short and you began to feel helpless. Tears started to sting in your eyes, as suddenly your laptop was closed . You jumped and nearly screamed but Sherlock had put a hand on your lips: “ We do not want to wake up Rosie, do we? I am sorry for scaring you, dear.” he let go of you and you took a deep breath still a bit straddled but now getting calmer knowing it was him. He always had something about him that calmed you. You smiled sheepishly at him, a little embarrassed to get scared so easily and not noticing him beforehand. He just looked at you and for a short second you thought he looked worried, but you must have imagined that. Sherlock never looked worried at people except for very few very special people and you surely were not one of them. You were still surprised you were even worth his attention. “Oh (y/n) you are still awake? You know you could sleep on the sofa or take the bed in the spare room.” Yes, the apartment had more rooms than it would seem. There were John's, Sherlock's, Rosie's, the main room, the kitchen, the bath and the spare room. “Well, yeah..” you laughed silently but it sounded hollow to you . You did not want to bother them with your problem so ..“ I still had some work from university I..” “Liar” Sherlock interrupted you looking not very pleased with you. It was hard to stand against his gaze so you averted your eyes and looked down. “She is desperately looking for a place to life, since her friend is leaving the apartment and probably even the university” Sherlock explained for John. “How do you..” said man started and Sherlock rolled his eyes: “ It is obvious really. The fact that something is wrong was evident since you asked her yesterday. She immediately excepted. Normally she would need few minutes to ask her friend if she was okay with it, because they only have one key, since she lost hers a few days ago when she came here, meaning they would have to match their plans. Could be vacation but it is the end of the term and the exams should start the next few days, no student goes for a break so close to the exams, so something has changed. When she arrived here her whole body was tensed and her smile was clearly forced, even you noticed it John, you mentioned to me you were worried about her, when we got the cab. Also she was clinking to her apartment key for her dear life. She has long left her apartment but instead of putting it in her bag she held it all the time. My line of thoughts was confirmed when I found her just a minute ago with tears close to spill in her eyes and shaking hands in front of a page with many apartments. The only question is..” he looked at you again “Why did you not ask for help? I know you have not a really close relationship to your parents. You talk with love and admiration about everyone in your life, but you only talk about your parents when you are asked about it and even then you only give short neutral answers. Also they are quite distant and strict towards you. You were utterly confused when you saw first how John behaves towards Rosie. He is a really caring dad and Rosie loves to cuddle a lot. There was something sad in your eyes, also you were constantly afraid to make mistakes in our eyes and make us angry, more than people would normally worry about it. Could also have been a abusive or short tempered boyfriend but you did not lie when you answered Misses Hudsons Questions, saying you never had a boyfriend, also I never found you in physical harm. Your roommate also could not be the reason, you love her dearly. So for a behavior this strong with out a recent trauma, it must be a behavior learned on from a young age, so probably parents. Which fits with you never talking about them. This out of the way, the true question is, why did you not ask us for help? John is quite thankful for your work and made it clear to you he would be happy to help you out if there would ever be the need, still you just lied to us. If you asked me, you stupidly believed it would be wrong to bother us, but if you need help you should take every help you can get especially if someone already told you he would gladly help you.” When Sherlock finished you felt exposed and like an total idiot but on the same time you knew he was right. Also it really surprised you how much he had watched over you. You had always thought he would see you as unimportant and would ignore you, seeing he usually does not really talk to you, or spare you more than a glance. “ I...I am sorry...You are right..I really need a place to stay...and I am going out of options...” “Say John, do you feel like we really need a spare room?” Sherlock then asked to your grate confusion. “You mean...” John started and then understood” of course she can live here. Rosie would love it and I think she would be a joy to have around and Misses Hudson surely is not against it she really likes (y/n).” “The bill is not even expensive when we share it through two, with three people it would be more than affordable for you. I hope you have nothing against violins. You should already be used to my experiments.” Sherlock finished. So this was how you ended up living with Sherlock, Rosie and John. One weekend John and Rosie went to visit Johns parents leaving you and Sherlock alone in the flat. You were sitting on the table in the main room and working on a exam while Sherlock was playing the violin. You were already exhausted but you felt like you were not doing any good and still needed to do way too much to stop for now even when you still had some days time ahead of you. You never had much self-confidence but this exam and the always shouting professor of the class were getting the worst of you. One day he had picked you out of the mass of students and made you feel like a complete idiot in front of everyone asking you question you never heard or knew the answer of . Before that, you thought you could manage this class but since that day you just found you failing over and over at the exercises and could not find yourself able to follow the lessons. To even worsen your situation, the exam you had to finish was quite important and you were scared to mess it up. Still you had not talked about it. Not even with John who was looking after you like you were a younger sister or a second daughter, neither did you talk to Sherlock even when you got his look that said 'There is clearly something wrong with you talk to us. Sherlock would never say it out loud but he was looking after you just like John. In his own special way Sherlock look after you like you were a little sister to him. That went so far that even Mycroft started to watch over you. Yet, you never realized that the Holmes brothers especially Sherlock cared about you. You liked both of them very much, but you were too self conscious to think these two genius could care about a simple girl like you. You thought Sherlock took you in, because it would make things easier for John and Rosie and the bill for everyone shorter and that he talked to you because you were simply there, same going for Mycroft. Of course the two brothers noticed, but being them they found it hard to show you how important you have become for them in the last months. You sighed frustrated as you read the same line for the third time “ You know you should go to sleep, you look awfully tired, young lady” Sherlock spoke up. “I..” you yawned “I just have to get a bit further” Sherlock rolled his eyes “ and you believe you will be any good in you current state?” He stated the obvious. “Just a little bit more....” Sherlock said nothing to it and began to play again. After a few seconds you realized it was a lullaby. That clever bastard, you thought. You could see him smirking when you took a look over your shoulder. He knew that you have fallen asleep to him playing this exact song, he had written a few months ago, many times before. Every time you went into the kitchen to get some water after another nightmare, you had quite many because of bad car accident you had to witness a few weeks ago, Sherlock was still awake not saying a word to you but when you went back into your room you heard him play this song. The first time you thought of it as coincidence the detective has the oddest hours to play, but after a few times you realized that that by no chance could be a coincidence anymore. You began to really love the song. It made you feel save and remembered you that he was there, playing. You were not alone, you were save at his watch. He never spoke about it but you somehow just knew the meaning of his song and always fell asleep to it. This fact was making it really hard for you not to fall asleep and before you noticed your head was on the table and you were dozing off. You felt something warm circling around your waist and arms and your eyelashes fluttered but a gentle voice made you close them again “It's just me, you are okay. Sleep you are save” you knew this tone. He uses it for Rosie and also when he ever has to calm the few people he sees as friends. It is a gently tone, gentle caring and protective and you were more than honored when he first used it for you. It was straight after you had seen that terrible accident. You had somehow found your way to the baker-street. You were a trembling mess. Sherlock and Mycroft were playing a party of chess, while everyone else were out for a walk in the park. “Dear God what happened to you,(y/n)?” Mycroft had asked and you remember that you were confused he remembered your name, when your legs gave up on you and you just fell to the ground crying. That day was the first time Sherlock used that tone on you. It was also the first time the detective hugged you. He even carried you to your bed and pulled the blanked over you. You had never seen someone die before. You cared much for other people so that experience haunted you. You were totally overwhelmed. You faintly remember Mycroft and Sherlock talking to you. Getting an idea what had happened and tried to calm you down. Even when John arrived Sherlock did not leave your side. You apologized a day later at the two for having had to deal with you but Sherlock just said it was a completely normal reaction especially for someone your age and Mycroft agreed. “Sherlock” you mumbled “Please I really still need to work on that exam.” “No you will not and there is no need to it for today. I know for a fact that you have several days left to finish it” he lifted you in his arms and began to carry you to your room. You knew you had by now more than lost against the detective but you were too afraid to go to sleep and kept on trying. But when you started to move his grip just got tighter. He was really stronger than one would expect. “Stop fighting a fight you know you have already lost.” he was still using this soft tone knowing it was calming you. He put you down on your bed and to your great surprise sat at the side of your bed. It was already dark in your room. He had turned out the lights and you could see the stars John brought to the ceiling, saying it might calm you when you wake up from a nightmare. You at first felt like a small child, but then you realized you loved it. Your parents never did such things for you, saying you needed to be an adult even when you were still a kid and quite scared of the dark. A hand began to stroke your head and you froze before giving in to the feeling. It was a nice feeling. It was just strange for Sherlock to act like this. Still you really liked it. Suddenly you felt like you should talk to him about your exam. Like he wants you to talk about it with him. “Sherlock..?” “Mhm, what is bothering you (y/n)?” you slightly said up and were surprised that Sherlock put an arm around you to support you, his hand gently rubbing your back in a soothing manner. “ I...I am scared..I...I feel so dump and like a total idiot...I can not pass that exam Sherlock...I just won't make it..I am scared...I see it ..I still see all this pictures in the night..” you told him everything about the exam, about the bad experience with your professor and about the nightmares and how they stole your sleep. He just listened and when you finished you realized you were crying and you could not stop. You know it was not a life threatening thing you had to deal with, but it still really scared you and stressed you out. Also you had for too long kept silent about it. Sherlock surprised you by pulling you into a hug. You knew he hates hugs, at least he always states it, but he seemed to know that you needed one and was willing to give you the feeling safety you needed. “Your okay, ….calm down... your alright. Get some sleep. Tomorrow I help you with your exam, what do you say? Also you will see everything gets easier when you have slept a bit. You can do this, dear. You are more than clever enough to do it. You are just self conscious and stressed. Everything is alright. I think I will have to meet your professor and have a serious talk with him. Do not worry about the exam. You got this, you will see and I am here for you. This also goes for the nightmares. You can always come to me, even when I am a sleep, I will do my best to calm you and they will get better with time and you talking about the whole thing, so that your head can comprehend everything that has happened. You can also go to John he often said he would feel better when you would come to us when you had another nightmare instead of crying alone in your bed until you cried so long that you need a glass of water and normally meet me in the main room.” he helped you lay you down “Sleep now...you are save, I watch over you” just before sleep consumed you you managed to mutter “Thank-you Sherlock” and somehow you knew he was smiling.
We all should know how to help others. It really should be taught in school. Never just stand by when someone needs help.
Anyone can help!

(Real pen the last picture)
It is important for EVERYONE to know how to help ANYONE. Not everyone can give them selves their medicine under every circumstance. Be educated, help out.
In the last year, i have gotten about five new violent allergies from foods i used to be able to eat. Next time i eat a fruit, my throat could close. I may not be able to inject myself. My boyfriend and i played with my trainer pen for like 30 minutes. He knows how to inject it. I know how. This is important.