sophielidaris - Sophie Lidaris
Sophie Lidaris

Hello wonderful people. I write poems, stories, fanfictions and love to take photos. I hope you enjoy this and please respect the Copyright of my poems, stories and photos. I do not own the characters of the fanfictions and imagines please support the creators when you like them.And important I take requests! If I know the character good enough I will glady write it, still there are certain topics I am not comfortable with, ^^''

66 posts

Thank-you This Is So True And More People Need To Read This !

Thank-you this is so true and more people need to read this !

sophielidaris - Sophie Lidaris
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More Posts from Sophielidaris

5 years ago

10th Doctor imagine- 10th Doctor x reader Backstage


So, this is the first 10th Doctor imagine I have written so I hope I did not mess it up. I know it is a bit short. I did not like the idea of putting too much other content in the storyline because it was not in the request. I really hope you enjoy this ^^ Here is the original request: “I have a request for Doctor Who!! The reader is American and is dating the Doctor (10). She’s also in a well known band. She travels a lot with the Doctor and tours a lot with her band. The reader and her band is doing a show and the Doctor comes to it without saying anything. The reader is lead vocalist and they perform the song, ‘Hit That’ by The Offspring. The reader is surprised to see the Doctor after the show and he tells her he liked the show and they just discuss it. “ As always I do not own Doctor Who please support the show when you like this. Have fun ^-^ You were standing backstage and took a deep breath. It was not your first show no, still you were nervous. It was funny, your band was already well known, and you were used to be on tour and on the stage, still you were nervous every time. Business was rough in America for musicians always has been and you love your fans dearly and always want to perform your best for them. It was hilarious that a show was the reason your hands trembled when you had fought against Daleks, side   by side with this wonderful man. With him at your sight the world could change places and you would still feel save as long as he was there. Sadly, he was not here at this moment, it was okay you knew he was always really busy and even if he was you boyfriend, which you still could not really believe. You must be the luckiest girl in the universe, there were still so many people and worlds he had to keep save. Probably he is not even aware you have this concert in this city tonight. It is your biggest concert so far and for this special event you decided to you would sing your favourite song of your favourite band at the end of it to party with the crowd. You took one last deep breath and stepped out. It was strange you suddenly felt as if eyes were watching you, well of course there were. In front of you was a whole station full of people cheering for you, yet you felt this special eyes on you, but this could not be, you must be imagining things. Nevertheless, you felt calm, more than calm. You smiled and began to dance slowly as your drummer began to start the first song. Things went well. You were smiling laughing and the crowed was cheering, dancing, jumping and smiling so bright it was like looking into the universe itself seeing the stars. He would surely love this, would he not? Oh how you wished he would be there. It was time for your last song and you jumped into the air when the first tune of “Hit that” from the Offsprings flew through the crowed. After the concert you were exhausted but happy, still you were missing him. You loved to tour with your band, but it was nearly unbearable to be away from him. Hell you did not even now if he was in the same galaxy, the same century. You sighed …you wanted him to be here… “ Well hello there” how …you must be hallucinating, that could not be .. “ You know I really liked you here singing that last song? I mean I always love hearing you sing and I love your own songs, but you were having so much fun out there and I know it is your favourite, so of course you were happy to perform it. The song is great I think that too but I have never heard it like that. Not even as you sang it in the Tardis one night as you thought I would still be outside. Today you were so in your element it was like a wave catching everyone out there.  They were all dancing you now?” He rambled on still standing behind you but you finally managed to turn around and there he was, standing behind you leaning at the stage door, like it was completely normal that he was there and somehow managed to get backstage. “D-Doctor..?” You were smiling brightly now, yet you felt like beginning to cry. He was there..he was really there .. “Hello my dear, you were absolutely brilliant out there.” He stepped a bit closer and in the next second you were in his arms. “You were brilliant, simply brilliant” “How -how did you know?” He shrugged: “ I have my ways. Also what a waste would it be to be able to travel through time and space, if I were not able to attend to the concert of the woman I love?” He smiled at you than kissed your forehead, but you were not having that and kissed his lips making him smirk into the kiss. “Soooo, how about you introduce me to your band? I would love to meet them!”

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5 years ago

We all should know how to help others. It really should be taught in school. Never just stand by when someone needs help.

Anyone can help!

Anyone Can Help!
Anyone Can Help!
Anyone Can Help!
Anyone Can Help!
Anyone Can Help!
Anyone Can Help!
Anyone Can Help!

(Real pen the last picture)

It is important for EVERYONE to know how to help ANYONE. Not everyone can give them selves their medicine under every circumstance. Be educated, help out.

In the last year, i have gotten about five new violent allergies from foods i used to be able to eat. Next time i eat a fruit, my throat could close. I may not be able to inject myself. My boyfriend and i played with my trainer pen for like 30 minutes. He knows how to inject it. I know how. This is important.

5 years ago

I have a request for Doctor Who!! The reader is American and is dating the Doctor (10). She’s also in a well known band. She travels a lot with the Doctor and tours a lot with her band. The reader and her band is doing a show and the Doctor comes to it without saying anything. The reader is lead vocalist and they perform the song, ‘Hit That’ by The Offspring. The reader is surprised to see the Doctor after the show and he tells her he liked the show and they just discuss it.

Hey thank-you for your request :) I hope to finish it the next two days ^^

5 years ago

Toshiro Hitsugaya x shy and clumsy reader (Part 1)

Like always: I do not own Bleah or its characters, if you like this please support the great anime and manga. I do not make any money with this. I just want to make people smile. English is not my first language and I had not enough time to proof read everything until now, I hope to be able to do this soon. If you find mistakes, please correct me, it could be I do not know any better! I really hope you enjoy this and he is not too ooc or somehting.

Trigger warning : Mobbing and insecurities The reader is new in the 10th division and some people are picking at her because she is shy and clumsy, good that there is a certain white haired captain~

Clumsy, shy and managingto get into every trouble possible, yes that was a quite accuratedescription of yourself. You were quiet sure everybody would agreewith it. How you even managed to get into the 10thdivision was beyond you. Still you tried your best to be helpful andmanage to put up the expectations your family had to you, even whenyou were quiet sure you were never good enough for them, unlike yourolder sister. You loved her dearly and she always says she loves youtoo, but you often wonder if she just feels pity towards you. Thelast days had been harsh on you. You just left the academy and werenew to the division, but word already spread how clumsy you were.There were people talking about how useless you must be in a realfight because of how clumsy you were, or laughing about you not evenmanage to say a proper sentence to anyone. "She will just be  aburden in a fight. Why is she even here? She will just be a dangerfor us! She should just leave. Who was so insane to put her in ourdivision?!" It were only a few people talking like that, at leastyou hoped so, but their words hurt you deeply, because you alwaysasked yourself if they are right. If everyone was better of withoutyou. You sighed. You were supposed to bring a stack of papers to thecaptains office, when you passed a group of people talking over you.One of them put his leg in your way, making you trip. You fell to thefloor trying to keep the papers in tact you hurt your wrist. Thegroup started laughing " See she can't even walk. So useless!"One of them said. You stood up, with out a word, keeping your headdown, what would it bring to fight? They were more and probablystronger then you, you were just a new one. Also who would believeyou in the end. You bit your treas back and walk on to CaptainHitsugayas office. In front of the door you took a deep breath. Youcould do this. When you knocked you whined silently. Your wristreally hurt. "Come in" you heard the calm voice of your captain.This was the first time you would officially meet him. The day youstarted he was in long meeting so Rangiku showed you around. Youentered the division a bit later than everyone else because you hadgotten quite sick after the academy officially ended for you. Shylyyou opened the door and took a step in "H-Hitsugaya-tai-taicho I amhere to-to bring you this papers. Rangiku se-sent me." You did notdare to look up. "Really, Rangiku could not have done that herself!She is yet again ditching her work!" He sounded annoyed and youwinced   unintentionally. Suddenly the papers were carefully took outof your hands and a warm hand was on your shoulder. "I apologizefor my second in command. I did not mean to startle you. She justreally has a habit to upset me.  You are (y/n) (l/n) right? Iapologize for not greeting you at your first day." "I-it reallyis n-no problem taicho" "Rangiku was right you really a quiteshy" Toshiro chuckled and you were confused. You were sure everyonealways said he was not one for emotions. So why was he showing someto you? "You know, there really is no reason to be scared right?"So that was the reason. He felt your fear. Of course he noticed, hewas a captain after all. Suddenly there was a hand on your chin,which made you look up into beautiful celestial stone eyes whichseemed to look at the deeps of your soul. "You have been crying"That was not a question. You tried to get free but he was not havingthat. Out of nowhere he held you wrist carefully in his hand "Howdid you get hurt?" "...I...I -I just tripped...I am a bitclu-clumsy" He nodded but you had a feeling he was not buyingit. Still he let go. "Thank-you for the papers, now go, it is latealready, you should rest. The first days must have been quiteexhausting." You just managed to nodded and had trouble not to runout the door. His eyes on you felt like you were a open book to himand you felt strange around him.

The next day Rangiku sendyou again to bring him her papers and yet again you had to stumbleinto the same group of people. This time they pushed you into a walland after that even kicked you on the ground. What had you done tothis people. You realized by now that they were new just like you.You recognized them from a lesson. Still you were afraid to tellanyone. It was five against one and they said you would pay if youtold anyone. You remembered they were quite good fighters and hadquite a reputation in the academy, so you figured it would be betterto just stay quiet. You could handle this you told yourself, as youstood in front of the doors again. This time the papers had landed onthe floor and you really hoped he would not notice. You knocked andhe asked you in. You held your head down, so he could not see yourpuffy eyes "He-hello Captain, Rang-ran" "It's okay just putthem here." You did as you were told and wanted to leave when hecalled out to you "Tripped again?" There was something in histone, warning you to be careful with your answer "Y-yes Taicho.""You're alright?" "y-..yes Tai-taicho" "You can go now"You felt saver now thinking he had dropped the topic "Oh and (y/n)NEVER lie to me again." His voice was full of authority. Youwinced. He knew. He knew you were lying all along. He  sighed:" Iwill not force you to talk for now, but if I continue to find you inharm" His voice grow soft for a moment " Or at the bridge oftears" he got back to cold and authority " We will talk aboutthis, if you like it or not. I expect my subordinates to be  honestwith me, (y/n)." You just nodded. "So now we have that behind us,are you gonna talk to me?" Your legs began to tremble, you werestraight down, scared, even terrified to speak up. Scared of whatwould happen, what they would do... Suddenly your legs give in andyou were sure you would fall, but two strong arms caught you."Careful there" His voice sounded warm. "Come with me" it wasnot like you really had an option. He took you on his arms and jumpedwith you out of the window onto the roof. It was already dark outsideand got a bit could. He put you down onto the roof but pulled youinto his sight putting an arm around your shoulder making you leaninto him. Just now you realized you started to cry, how pathetic, youthought, but you could not stop. What was your captain now thinkingabout you. " will be alright, everything will be alright,you will be okay." Toshiro softly spoke to you. "I-I ams-so-sorry Hi-hitsugaya ta-taicho" "Don't be. It really is quitealright. It is okay to show your feelings. I now know that, thanks tothis stubborn Kurasaki" He muttered the last part. ( If you do notunderstand this reference whatch bleach the movie ^^) "That meansit is also okay to cry sometimes. Also you are still so young. Youare even a little bit younger then me, which is quiet nice actually"he admitted and it made you smile for a sec before another thoughtrun through your head "But ...I-I am just a burden to-to you...everyone..." you whispered but he heard you. Your breath caught inyour throat when a hand began to stroke over your head in a calmingway. "And who, may I ask, has but such a harming thought in yourhead? I can assure you I do not see you as a burden and I do notthink you will be to anyone." "Bu-but I.. I am so clumsy..surely..If.-if it should come to a fi-fight" "Surely you would do great(y/n). You know who decided that you would be put in my division? Ichoose you personally. I like to take a look at the new shinigamisand look out for potential before they are send to the differentdivisions by the academy. I choose you because I saw and still seequite a potential in you and was worried because you are so youngother divisions would give you a hard time, but here I am as theircaptain so much younger then most of my subordinates. So I figuredyou would be able to work on your abilities here without having todeal with being underestimated or treated like a child. Yes you areclumsy, more than that to be honest but I saw you in training a fewtimes after you caught my interest. You are  even in training reallyclumsy, but you are just clumsy as long as you think about that youcould fail. There was an other girl in your team. I think you arefriends and some of the guys were always trying to give her a hardtime and every time when they attacked her you protected her withoutthinking and your swordsmanship then was really excellent, just likeeverything else you did." his voice was calm and warm and yourealized that with every word he spoke your shoulders were gettinglighter and it got easier to breath. Toshiro grabbed your wristcarefully and healed it. You were surprised he could, but he was acaptain after all. "Anymore injuries?" He asked and you new youhad to answer and he would know if you lied. Shyly you pointed atyour sight were the others had kicked you. He made you lay back onthe roof " My apology" he mumbled as he pushed the black clothesout of his way, making sure they still covered you in the importantplaces. He gently rested his hand on your skin and you felt the painlessen. He helped you sit up again and then made you look at him"This injuries are not from falling we both know that. Tell me(y/n) who hurt you. I promise I will make sure they never lay a handat you or even look in your direction again." "I..I.." "Hey,calm down. I am here for you. I do not let anyone hurt my people. Iknow everything is strange and scary right now, but I will watch overyou and believe me you will become a real good shinigami. Do not cryanymore" "I do not know their names..captain" "Well then,show me" With that he stood up and pulled you along. "But fornow, let us get some rest. Oh and by the way, you are staying by myside. I really can not let you alone in this state and also I mustsay" He smirked "It is adorable when you blush like that" Youdid not even manage to answer, you just opened your mouth and closedit again. You  were supposed to stay at his side and he said you wereadorable?! You hid your face behind your hands until suddenly therewas a warm arm around your waist and you were pulled in his chest. "Iguess it can't be helped" you heard him mutter when he pulled youclose.His smell was intoxicating yet calming and somehow it remindedyou of winter. He let you calm down a moment in his hug but thensuddenly began to tickle you until you were begging for mercy,because you were helpless against him. He stop after sometime and yourealized you began to feel really tired. A small yawn escaped you."Come, now." he simply picked you up from the ground which waseasy for him, since you how unlikely it my be, just a bit smallerthan him. You were never growing much. "C-captain I-I can walk onmy own..." You stammered. "Rest, captains order" was the onlyanswer you got. Since you did not know were to look you closed youreyes and before you realized what was happening you fell asleep tothe feeling of safety in his arms. When you woke up again you foundyourself on a Futon and Toshiro near to you on another. He was wideawake and his eyes were on you. "T-taicho" you mumbled thenrealized that you must have fallen asleep in his arms and he musthave carried you to his quarters and let you stay. You blushed madly."I-I am s-so" "Stop apologizing all the time. How are youfeeling?" You felt a lot better but you were afraid that the groupof people would hurt you now, just like they said. "unbelievableyou are still that scared? Have a bit more trust in your commanderwill-ya?" He stood up and patted your head making you blush again.It is really sad that you did not see the small smirk on his facewhen he was leaving. He stopped in his track for a moment "I haveto got now, please also get ready and start with your work." "Y-yesTaicho" "Oh and (y/n) if anyone tries to hurt you again in anywayand I mean anyway I do not care if physically or with words you callfor me. That is an order not an option by the way" You werestunned. He was really willing to go out of his way to help you, evenprotect you. He was on a much higher rank then you and you were sosure he would find your problem pathetic but he took his timeyesterday and was there for you, even tried to speak to you before,he must have been watching over you and now he even makes clear thathe will protect you. "Yes, ...thank-you taicho" "Don't mind it" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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5 years ago

I take requests!

if I know the character I will gladly write an imagine or oneshot of him or her. I might be uncomfortable with some topics but I will think about every request and decide then. =) Examples for characters I know: Attack on Titans Doctor Who 11,12,10 ( sry still have to watch a lot) One Piece Black Blood Brothers Sherlock Holmes BBC Magi Dance with the devils Durarara Assassination Classroom.... this will be a long list, so it is best when you simply ask ^^ Please reblog this I have just startet this blog, but I have sometime on my hands for some time now and I would like to use it to write and make people smile!

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