soul-controller - Soul Controller
Soul Controller

An Ever-Changing Writer Creating Transformation Fiction. All Stories Are 18+

223 posts

College Is Transformative - Part I

College is Transformative - Part I


It was a bright summer morning, but even though I’d only been outside for two hours at the most, my pale body was already baking in the August sun. My job for my college newspaper required me to travel through the football stadium and its parking lot with my camera to document the several forms of student engagement found during these big games. Given that I was a rather thin and reserved Engineering student who preferred playing video games than watching sports, I didn’t frequent these events too much, which made this experience feel even more foreign to me. Thinking back to how I was told about my assignment, I really begin to regret not putting up more of a fight to get someone else to take these pictures. But my classmate and the newspaper editor, Bridget, has too much power over me. “Matthew, I know that you’re not the sporty type, but I literally have no one else! This is a big game for the university, so it would be insane not to have any documentation of it. I promise I’ll make it up to you another time!” She pleaded, her sadness and dependency on me made it impossible to resist. I had an obvious crush on her, which made me like putty in her hands. Looking back with anger, I realize that she definitely took advantage of my crush given that she knew how much I hated sports.

Trying to make the most of such an early starting time, I used the first two hours prior to kickoff to get acquainted with the layout of the stadium and snap a few pictures of the various enthusiastic yet already-drunk patrons tailgating. I rolled my eyes at the various shirtless men covered in paint matching our school colors. “Yeah, this whole student pride aspect of this cover story is such bullshit” I thought to myself. “This is just an easy excuse for dumb jocks to show off their bulging bodies and get wasted with the various sorority girls wrapped tightly around their biceps…” I exhaled in annoyance and continued to travel across the hot pavement to take more photos.

After walking through a few rows and documenting the celebration, I finally came across some familiar faces in the form of some classmates. Although they were part of a fraternity, they were surprisingly nice to me, especially this dude named Tanner. We had taken a few classes together since he was also an Engineering major and he always seemed really cool. Although, I do think that he also kind of has some sort of crush on me given how he’s looked at me so intently at times. I don’t find guys attractive, but I will say that it was quite the confidence boost to think at least someone found me attractive. I walk up to them and introduce myself. “Hey there, I’m Matthew from the school paper. Do you mind if I take some pictures of your tailgate?”, I say, which caused Tanner to flash a smile towards me. “Sure thing man, but there’s one condition: you have to shotgun a beer with us.” I look at him with a look of discomfort, which he immediately sees. “Hey, it’s all good man. It’s just one beer, I promise you won’t get in trouble or anything. I’ll do one with you if that makes you feel better.” He says as he flashes his pearly white smile once again towards me. Suddenly feeling somewhat calmed, I shake my head in approval, which makes him hoot and holler in happiness.

Tanner turns away and reaches into a cooler to search for some cold beers while I take some photos of the other tailgaters in his area. Before long, he appears next to me with two ice cold beers. “You ready?” He asks. I nod in agreement as he continues speaking. “This beer is quite special, it’s a special frat recipe that I came up with actually”, he continues with a wink. After he says that, it’s clear that he’s trying to flirt with me in some kind of way. Before I can think about it much longer, he brings his beer up closer and I follow suit. He quickly whips out a pocket knife and pokes a hole in both cans. “Drink now!” he cries, which I quickly do as I chug down his homemade beer. I’m not an avid drinker, but there’s definitely something strange tasting about his beer. At first it seemed fine, but I began to notice some strange aftertaste the more I chugged. Looking over to Tanner, he finishes chugging his beer and turns to me and flashes a thumbs up. “You’ve got this man, you’ve got to drink it all!” I hear him yell as his cries of encouragement somehow manage to get me to completely down the entire can. I quickly finish and drop the can as I gasp for air. While I get reacquainted with the idea of breathing, Tanner quickly comes up to me and snaps a quick selfie on his phone. “Whew, that was… definitely something” I say, still a bit confused why I even agreed to do it. Tanner responds with “Hell yeah, it was awesome bro!” and hands me his phone, where I take a look at the photo.

While looking at the photo, I stifle a laugh at the sight of the photo. In it, I look completely out of place, as if I was somehow photoshopped into it. Standing next to Tanner, a blond 5’11” jock, was a tiny pale nerd, which made it look like I somehow accidentally stumbled into frame if it hadn’t been for the beer can up to my lips. Tanner is a blond fairly muscular dude with tanned skin. His blue eyes are the best part of his face, as they perfectly display his friendliness and approachability. But for some unknown reason, he almost always covers his eyes with various pairs of sunglasses, even while inside. However, that doesn’t stop people from approaching him, which only goes to be a testament to his innate sociability. 


On the flipside, my face screams incredibly average, as my widely spaced brown eyes and thin eyebrows only further display my pasty complexion. That would be the main focal point on my face if not for the huge bulbous nose that was crookedly bent time and time again from my various accidental injuries from school-enforced sports activities. Even my hair is a display of my plainness, as my dark brown hair lies flat and unable to be styled no matter how hard I try. Finally, instead of being shirtless like Tanner, I’m clothed in a grey shirt and some khaki shorts.

My focus on the photo is broken as I hear Tanner begin speaking once more. “You did great man! I didn’t expect you to chug that all the way through. If only you were a jock like me, we could do this all the time!” He said with a chuckle. I flashed a smile towards him and begin to speak. “Haha, yeah I’m sure we’d have some great times. If only that was possible!” I say, eager to just agree so I can get out of this conversation. As I talk to Tanner, I suddenly feel this incredibly radiating heat spread all over my body. Fearing that I was somehow getting dehydrated or some kind of heat stroke, I quickly ended the conversation. “Hey, I’m gonna keep walking around and head inside to take some pictures. It was great catching up though!” I say, before quickly walking away and deciding the best course of action would be to head inside the stadium to get some photos of the student section and possibly a drink of water.

I head up to the admission gate and show my journalism badge, where they quickly verify my identity and let me enter the packed stadium. Walking around, the place is in a state of complete pandemonium as drunk students bob and weave through the various lines in the concessions area. Trying to make the best of the situation, I laugh and start taking pictures displaying the students’ stupidity to showcase the “real” college experience like Bridget said she wanted.

As I’m taking my photos, I’m suddenly overcome with an intense pressure in my crotch. “Damn, that beer went through me fast” I think to myself, unsure how I could have suddenly digested that beer so fast given that I hadn’t drunk anything else this morning except for milk with my cereal. Deciding to try and ignore the sensation, I head up to the student section to start taking pictures of the various decorated students. However, this only lasts for a few minutes before the pressure exponentially grows to the point of heat radiating now solely from my crotch. I quickly run down the stairs and frantically search for a sign leading to a bathroom. Finally finding a sign pointing to a bathroom, I rush inside and slam the door shut.

Unable to hold my urine much longer, I run to the urinal and get my pants undone just in time to prevent me pissing my pants. I sigh in relief as I relieve myself and begin to look around the somehow deserted bathroom. “That’s weird, I would have expected the bathrooms to have long lines” I thought to myself as I continued looking until I turned to my left to face a wall-length mirror. “Oh hey, I didn’t see you there” I say, shocked at the pure size of that beast of a man. He was so big in fact, that I couldn’t even see myself in the mirror. Looking up and down and to the sides, I’m insanely confused by my inability to show up in the mirror even though I’m looking at it. “Hey man, could you move for a second?” I say, before clearing at my throat and putting my hand to my throat due to the random gritty tone my voice had. However, my confusion only grows as I watch the brutish jock of a man mouth the same words and do the same movements. My worry is further justified when I look intensely yet confused at the mirror once more and realize that he (or me?) is wearing the same clothes I was wearing...


Read Part II Here

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More Posts from Soul-controller

4 years ago

College is Transformative - Part II

If you haven’t read Part I yet, check it out here!


“What the fuck?” I grunt, which shocks me even further as I hear the gravely tone continue to come out of my mouth. “Is… that ME?” I cry out in confusion. Looking down, I gasp as I see my once moderate dick now replaced by a much larger and thicker fuck-stick of a cock. I quickly look away in confusion as I put this new dick back into my pants and zip up my shorts. Turning towards the mirror, I’m completely awestruck at what I’m seeing. What used to be a mousy 5’6” nerd is now somehow a 6’1” beast of a man. The face that used to struggle to even have a noticeable mustache has now been completely reformed to have a thick beard that perfectly encases my now-plumper lips. My eyebrows are also now thicker and more prominent along with my nose, which has gone from bulbous and ugly to strong and angular.  

Still in shock and unsure whether I want this to be a dream or not, I turn towards the mirror until I’m looking at it head-on. I take notice of just how much room I take up now, as my broad shoulders and stature almost completely take up the large wall-mounted mirror now. Staring at my biceps, I twist my arm and look at the thick black tattoo adorned across my bicep, a number: 86. While looking at this tattoo, memories begin to rush to the front of my mind. These memories consist of several disjointed scenes involving sports. I remember sitting at home as a child and watching sports with my father, where I used to wish to have physiques like the thickest players on each team. These memories then transition to my elementary years as I began to participate in sports like soccer and baseball, which is where I first started to work out at the school gym after class. At a rapid pace, I recall being the star player on my high school teams, which led to tons of talent scouts, which ultimately led to a full-ride sports scholarship at this college for baseball. On every team I’ve ever played in, my jersey number has always been #86, so I remember getting a tattoo since it’s my special number.  Although I play baseball, I enjoy football as well, so my last memory reminds me of my weekly travels to watch football games with some other bros of mine to support my fellow frat members. I smile as the memories finish up, but a tiny voice in my head echoes in the depths of my brain, saying that this is a lie and I hate sports. Laughing it off, I lift my arm up and flex in the mirror, showing off my thick and bulging biceps. “Yeah, I totally hate sports, pfft. I’m a total jock, I mean look at these guns...” I say, my deep chuckle permeating around the empty bathroom stall. I continue flexing each arm and smiling as I stare at my t-shirt continually straining against these guns of mine. 

My eyes continue to wander across my body, as I have conflicting memories of being incredibly thin and incredibly muscular. Staring at the grey shirt that covers up my torso, I’m insanely curious to see what I truly look like. “Once I can see what I have, I’m sure that I can safely distrust that little voice in my head if it’s wrong.” I think to myself. Unable to resist my curiosity, I quickly take off my shirt and unzip my khaki shorts as they fall down to the ground. In seconds, my wish is granted, as I’m now left completely naked if not for the grey pair of underwear firmly wrapped around my junk.


My admiration session in the mirror continues as I run my thick hands through my thick pelt of chest hair. My hands instinctively cup my pecs as well, feeling them up and down to take in their heft. The journey of my hands continues as they travel down my prominent treasure trail, running along my cobblestone abs until I reach the top of my underwear. I move my hands towards the back of the underwear, as I turn away from the mirror and look behind me. Memories of a flat ass dissipate as I see before me the thickest ass I’ve ever seen. My round globular ass strains to stay within the confines of the tight undies, but it somehow manages until I slide it down and let it spill out in an attempt to feel my ass. Fingers trace along the curves of each cheek until my hands fully grasp the bottom of each cheek and shake them so I can watch them rhythmically jiggle in a wondrous mix of firmness and healthy flab. 

My deep voice allows for a light giggle to escape from my lips as I admire every inch of my body. My hairy thighs are well-sculpted along with my thick calves, which display incredible muscles as I flex each leg to stare at the true innate muscular body I now possess. “God, I’m a fucking beast!” I exclaim as I look at the mirror and lick my lips as I finally get a chance to fully take in my body. 

“Hell yeah you are stud!” I hear, making me suddenly stop what I’m doing when I realize that someone is behind me. Turning around, I look and see Tanner, the nice dude who gave me the beer outside. “Whoa bro, didn’t see you there...” I say, feeling somewhat embarrassed but also enjoying the compliment from him. He walks up to me, slowly taking step after step as he stares at me with a wide devilish grin. “It’s all good man, I’m sure you don’t oppose it” he chuckles, before he’s finally face-to-face with me (even though I’m a few inches taller). He smiles once more before leaning in and kissing me. Before he can fully finish the kiss, I instantly recoil and push him off of me. “Whoa, what the fuck dude. I’m no fag!”, I say, wiping my mouth with disgust. “We’re still in the denial phase huh?” Tanner asks, laughing at my discomfort. “You’re gay Matt, you always have been.” 

As he says that, he comes up and passionately kisses me once more. As he kisses me, memories once again rush to my head, but instead of my sports memories, I begin to remember memories involving my sexuality. I remember the first time I got a hard-on while watching sports as a teenager, staring at the various hulking men and wishing that I could look like them one day. I then recall the first sex dream I had involving a steamy post-game locker room celebration along with the first gay kiss I had with some nerd who was always checking me out in gym class. I remember joining the fraternity here and finally coming out to my fellow bros, which led to a ton of additional bros coming out involving some people being gay or bisexual. I remember being afraid of coming out to Tanner since he’s the President of the frat, but he also came out and revealed that he’s bisexual. I finally remember late-night workout sessions with Tanner, which eventually turned into those steamy locker room celebrations that I had so often dreamt about as a teen.

Finally returning back to the kiss, my mind puts the pieces together and I immediately return the kiss with force, pressing my lips firmly against his as I taste the cheap beer soaked on his breath. We continue kissing more and more passionately, until my irresistible urges get the best of me as I push our kissing farther and slide my tongue into his mouth. 

He chuckles and pushes himself away from me. “Settle down there big boy, we can continue this later. We’re getting ready to leave for the after-party at the frat house. I know you’re not going to want to miss that.” He added with a wink, quickly kissing me and pulling out a pair of blue shorts from behind his back. He tossed them to me and says “Wear these instead, they show off your ass better”. “Whatever you say, bro. I aim to please my President”, I respond with a wink, my mind still straining to come up with any more interesting vocabulary as I try to get the blood to rush back to my brain from my dick. “That’s right, Mr Vice President. You’ve got such a way with words. Good thing you’ve got a killer body to make up for your lack of brain cells” he says with a laugh. My deep voice laughs right along with him, as he comes up and passionately kisses me once more. 

His kisses bring more memories to my mind, as I begin to remember more about my schooling. I remember struggling with grades ever since I started doing sports, with my parents having to try various after-school tutoring programs to help me pass. In high school, it got even worse, but I luckily got that nerd from gym class to help tutor me in exchange for his continued involvement as I struggled to figure out my sexuality. Finally, I remember my college struggles, as my advisor got me into the easiest possible program for my skill-set: sports therapy. However, even that causes me problems as I struggled to retain information and thus fell deeper and deeper into failure. But luckily, Tanner was also there to help me out, which makes me so thankful for him in so many ways. I like being with someone who is so smart he can think for the both of us, it lets me just focus on being the hot jock that I am.

My eyes rapidly blink as I try to compose myself after he pulls his lips from mine. “Yo, bro, stop kissing me like that. My brain can’t think when you’ve got me rock hard like this.” I mutter with my deep tone. He laughs as I quickly put on the blue shorts he gave me and he wraps his arm around me. We walk out together out of the bathroom and pass through the concession area until we’re out of the stadium and at the edge of the parking lot. We walk with my other bros as we quickly hop inside and I get in the backseat, eager to get home so Tanner and I can have some fun once this party ends. 


We get back to the frat house and I quickly run upstairs, where I decide to jump into the shower to clean up all of the pre-cum soaked onto my underwear. Placing my phone inside the shower caddy, I open up Snapchat and start recording a video for Tanner. I know he enjoys my body, so I might as well give him even more reason to thirst for it since he had to throw a dumb party...

I grab the soap and lather it into my hands before spreading it all across these thick guns. I continue lathering my thick body as I lift up one arm and make sure to clean off my sweaty pits, which were reeking from the August heat.

Continuing to scrub, I scratch the back of my head before I start to run my hands up and down through my thick chest hair. I know how much Tanner loves my chest, so I make sure to pay special attention to it for him. I finish by cleaning off my torso as well, feeling the bumps as I quickly run my hands back and forth over my sexy abs.

I flash a quick grin and I quickly caption it: “Wish you were here to make sure I don’t miss a spot… ;)” 

Smiling in my eternally hormonal stupor, I press send and stay in the shower, knowing that it won’t be long until Tanner is in here to satisfy his boyfriend.

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4 years ago

Helping Out A Friend: Part III

If you haven’t read the previous entries, check out Part I and Part II.

I finally arrived back at the frat house, surprised that the frigid weather did not bother me during my walk. With my bigger build and how sweaty I was, the cold was welcomed with open arms rather than coldly rejected like how I used to feel about the weather. Once inside, I promptly kick off my shoes to get the snow off and quickly ascend the stairs. As I enter my room, I lock the door behind me as I drop off my gym bag just past the doorway. Heading over towards my bed, I groan as I fall back onto the mattress, where it warmly greets me with a slight bounce as I land.

I lay in bed to relax for a moment, the first break I’ve given myself since waking up. I shut my eyes as I exhale a sigh of relief and begin to reflect about my day so far. Thinking about my workout, I can’t help but still find myself in shock while considering the amount of weight that I lifted. I can’t deny that I begin to feel more of “Antonio’s” persona begin to spill out of me. After my first experience with the bar, I quickly found myself getting competitive with Brian throughout the session. I would quietly observe him doing a machine, and after he finished, I would take my turn. However, I found myself naturally trying to showcase my strength by adding more weight to a machine or doing more sets than he did. As Curtis, I wasn’t competitive in an athletic way. My competitive spirit was fairly tame, where the only time it was brought out was on academic-related options such as scoring the best on tests and leading a debate team or quiz bowl to victory. It was a strange feeling to allow all of that competitive nature to infiltrate me, but I can’t deny that it was cool to tap into a more manly form of competitive nature while still retaining the intelligence I had as Curtis.

Continuing to lie sprawled out on bed, I started to feel a wave of drowsiness wash over me. Thinking about my workout still, I begin to reason that the after-effects of my workout are finally beginning to make themselves known. “Well, it looks like I’m going to have to sleep in early tonight…” I say out loud, stretching my arms and legs out while attempting to stifle my yawn. “Oh fuck…” I angrily announce, suddenly remembering the frat party that Brian told me about. I knew that they would not let me miss it, but I was so tired that I needed to come up with some sort of solution to fix this drowsiness I felt. Deciding that it would be best to nap, I immediately sat up from my bed and stood up. Groaning because of my sore muscles, I quickly peel off my sweaty clothing so I could get ready to sleep. Despite my gangly frame that I despised, it was a natural step for me to sleep only in my underwear as Curtis. Luckily for myself, this habitual sleeping setup continued as Antonio. But with a body like this, it’s not really that strange of a desire anymore to show off my body (even if it’s exclusively for myself) given just how comfortable I’m finding myself as Antonio. Once I remove my garments, I smile as I look down and find myself only dressed in the bright red jockstrap that I wore to the gym. Falling back into the bed, I set my alarm for later in the evening and quickly drift off to sleep.


When the time comes, I’m awakened by the blaring tones of my alarm clock. Sitting up in bed, my eyes scan around the room until I reach the window. Looking out of it, I can see only darkness, sans the glowing ring light at the top right corner of the window belonging to a nearby street-light. Along with that vision, I hear the sound of deep bass echoing through the walls into my room. The party has already started, so I guess I better start getting ready before I miss it completely. Standing up and walking over to my closet, I grab one of the towels hanging and immediately exit the room to head to shower. With haste, I walk further down the hallway, where the music reverberates louder and louder along with a chorus of voices that slowly begin to emerge. I finally reach my destination and enter the bathroom, locking the door behind me. Immediately, I rip off my jockstrap and twist the shower knobs.

To allow the water to warm up, I head over to the toilet, where I sit down on the stool and unlock my phone. Curious to see how Antonio’s social media feed looks, I decide to open up Instagram to see who Antonio follows and anyone he finds attractive. While scrolling, my mind immediately ignores and swipes past any girls or any of Antonio’s frat brothers as my mind is exclusively curious to see what guys he actively follows. In previous discussions we’ve had, it seemed that his taste tended to be far different than mine, where his interests were primarily composed of beefy or bearish guys. This conversation seems to seem valid as I come across photos of other beefy and chubby guys that Antonio found attractive, but I soon go wide-eyed as I finally come across someone that I knew. “Oh shit!” I exclaim, looking at the screen and coming face-to-face with a selfie of the crush I had as Curtis… Gabe Simmons. 


To read Gabe’s story, click here.

While looking at the photo, I can’t believe that Antonio also found Gabe as hot as I did. I used to talk to him about Gabe constantly, but he never seemed to share the same interest in him as I did. From what I knew about the both of them, it seemed highly unlikely that they were friends given that Antonio wasn’t in a science major like me and Gabe were. On top of that, Gabe was in an entirely different social circle than Antonio, so I found it strange that he would be following Gabe. 

Continuing to scroll through Gabe’s feed, my eyes remain wide as I discover that every possible photo prior to the swap was liked by Antonio. While staring at his thick biceps, I can feel my dick slowly harden and grow wedged underneath the toilet seat. As I begin to feel the cool sensation of porcelain against my dickhead, I look down and begin to go into a vicious cycle of doubt. My mind goes rampant as I start to question everything and ponder what truly caused my dick to get hard. 

Was it just my attraction to Gabe or was it due to Antonio’s own muscle memory of staring at these same pictures and firming up at just the sight of the hunky nerd I was friends with? 

Was this another part of Antonio’s master plan of swapping with me? 

Was the whole fear of failing his last semester a ruse so he can get closer to the man we both seemingly wanted? 

My thoughts are soon interrupted as I look up and watch the steam from the shower slowly rise up towards the ceiling, notifying me that the water was finally warm enough. My boner still remains firm, but I decide not to take care of that right now as my mind continues to create conspiracy theories about what Antonio’s true intentions were for this swap.

In comparison to my first showering experience, this time goes quicker as my body goes on auto-pilot while my mind wanders to manic places. Once I finish, I twist the knobs until the water stops and then step out of the shower. After shaking the towel on my hair, I do a quick swipe down my torso and backside before finally tying the towel around my waist and leaving the bathroom.

Returning back into my room, I slam the door behind me and lock it. While I spent the majority of the day afraid of the concept of a frat party, I can’t help but be thankful for it now. The possibility of getting drunk and forgetting about my Antonio situation seems like paradise currently, so I move fast to get dressed and get downstairs. I rip off my towel and immediately begin to dry myself off rapidly. The majority of my body is dry, but there’s still one area left to lose some of that dampness. As I quickly pass the towel underneath my crotch, I polish off my crown jewels until my body is now completely dried off. I put on another jockstrap, a white one this time, and follow it up with a pair of denim jeans. I search through my closet for a shirt to fit the party vibe, but I’m unable to find one that truly stands out for me. 

Looking to compromise, I throw on a shirt for Jameson whiskey and shrug. “Parties involve drinking, so at least I’m somewhat on brand?” I think to myself as I pull the shirt down until it’s taunt around my biceps and over my pecs. When I look into the mirror, I look at my messy hair and decide I simply cannot be bothered with letting it dry it off completely. So, I grab a black cap off my dresser and place it on my head, twisting the bill towards my back as I finish my look. I pull out my phone and make a face as I take a few selfies to commemorate my first ever frat party. While looking at the photos, it’s clear by the look on my face that I’m not feeling in high spirits. However, eager to remedy my mood and not wanting to miss out on any more of the action, I left my room as I headed out down the stairs to the rowdy party that was already well underway…


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4 years ago

Scent Of An Alpha

Hello there everyone, I hope you all are having a wonderful holiday season! This story was created specifically for @transformhim​ based on his requests for the Great Story Exchange of 2020. I hope you guys like the story and I hope it can give you some Christmas cheer in a not-so-cheerful time!

As I heard the knock of the door, I jumped up off the couch and rushed to the doorway. It was Christmas Eve and I had been waiting for weeks for my roommate’s present to show up. The present itself wasn’t something super expensive, but it something that I had heard my roommate Brian constantly talking about with his best friends for months now. Apparently, it was some sort of pheromone-infused cologne, which had given him the idea that along with his killer looks. The product itself promised that while using it, any user would find themselves completely irresistible to any woman they meet. I originally laughed at his interest in the product, since there was absolutely no way it would have worked. I had tried pheromone stuff as well to try and attract a guy, but it truly never worked and smelled awful. In fact, as a woman myself, Brian’s clamoring for a product to give him an edge with the ladies truly just made me less and less interested in him. Sure, Brian was definitely attractive, but the way he acted in public like a total douche truly made me despise him.


Brian and I had been best friends since elementary school as he was a sports star and I was always the head cheerleader for any sport he did. He had tried to make moves on me back in middle school, but I made it abundantly clear that he was not my type. However, Brian had no hard feelings and he began to treat me more like “one of the boys”, which surprisingly made me feel more comfortable instead of getting his wandering eyes anytime we chatted. We both got scholarships to the same school, so although I personally wasn’t a fan of the idea of living with a messy jock, it made economical sense to just get an apartment together and split the rent. Another plus to the situation is it saved us from having to deal with random creeps in a dorm.

Quickly opening the door, I grab the box from the delivery guy, sign for the package, and shut the door faster than the man could say a single word to me. After shutting the door and locking it behind me, I wedge the box between my arm and torso and head into the kitchen. Once near the counter, I quickly open the box and verify that it wasn’t damaged. “Insatiable: A Cologne to Bring Out Your Inner Alpha” was what I was greeted to once I ripped open the box. I laughed as I read it out loud, thinking about how stupid this item is. “Women don’t care about how you smell” I said, continuing to smile at the stupidity of this item. “They care about how you treat them and how compatible you are with each other” I continued with an eye roll and slight chuckle.

Continuing to make sure it wasn’t damaged, I opened the packaging and pulled out the rectangular glass bottle. Of course, to make sure that this product was clearly for men, it was a rigid and angular bottle. I continued to examine it and think about how it must smell. Curious about it, I decided to try it out and get a head start getting used to how bad the apartment is going to smell once Brian begins to wear it whenever he goes out on the town. I press down on the nozzle and I soon find that my curiosity has punished me as my nose was instantly hit with the scent of cedar trees and complete BO. Given how potent and strong it was, I wouldn’t have been surprised if the cologne company just rung out sweaty socks into a bottle and called it a day. I gagged and held my breath while I rapidly fanned my dainty manicured hand away from my face to get the foul odor spread elsewhere.

However, as I waved my hand, I noticed that these dark clouds of cologne were not dissipating and  moving away from me. In fact, it was moving in tandem with my shaking hands like it was glued to them somehow. Squinting to look through the cloud, I begin to feel a vibrating sensation as I watched my hands begin to bulge out. I couldn’t see clearly, but I could feel them growing wider and thicker through the heavy cloud. They were certainly no longer the well-manicured hands of a woman as I watched the red nail polish chip away until my nails were completely bare. Instead, they had grown larger and more callused as they took on the appearance of someone like my father, the definitely of a “working man”. I gasp upon closer inspection as I watched dark hair began to appear more and more prominently on my hands as well. The hair continued to spread up from my knuckles and up my hand as the cloud of smoke finally began to move along with it.

I cried out in shock as I watched the cloud suddenly begin to creep up each arm. My light toned arms began to bulk up as my forearms bulged out and my biceps grew larger and thicker than the lightly toned build that years of yoga had given me. Along with that, I watched as that dark hair continued to grow up my arms and my veins begin to appear more prominently along my forearms.

As the clouds moved up my now-thicker shoulders, they finally began to merge once more as the singular thicker cloud began to move down my torso. Confused and also afraid of what was about to happen, I quickly took off my shirt and bra as I ran into the mirror and watched the changes unfold. I gasped in shock as I began to feel a rough pull in my chest. Looking down, I watched as my once-prominent breasts quickly melted away. As they slowly receded, I watched as my wider nipples also began to shrink as well into smaller more masculine ones. After a moment, I waited before finally moving my hands towards them. As the cloud began to move down, I took the opportunity to look at my new chest. Upon inspection, I realized that it had slowly reformed into a set of fledgling yet still impressive pectorals. Lifting up my arms, I also began to look at the thick pelt of armpit hair now pushing out from my armpits. I tilt my head in and gingerly sniff them, gagging in disgust as I take in the new scent. As I smell it, I begin to recognize it as the potent smell of that cologne. The level of odor permeating from my pits makes it seem as if I had directly sprayed them with the nasty cologne, yet I know that I didn’t. Finally beginning to understand that this cologne is somehow turning me into a man, I groan as I start to think about just how naturally sweaty I’m about to become. My mind immediately thinks about any future workouts I’m going to have and I mentally begin to grasp the idea of having to lather on several layers of deodorant just to stay ahead of my sweaty pits. However, my wandering thoughts about my armpits quickly disappears as I watch the cloud move farther down my body. As it gets closer to my waist, I begin to fear for the upcoming changes to my sexual anatomy.

As my mind continued to grapple with the concept of having a dick, the cloud wasted no time as it continued moving down my body. A slight outward tug along the sides of my torso informed me that my once-hourglass figure was melting away as a new masculine form emerged. A searing pain on the side of my body also causes me to turn and investigate the source with the mirror. I gasp in shock as I look at the new tattoos that have just suddenly appeared on the side of my body. What once used to be a simple toned stomach now had changed as well. My stomach rolled in discomfort as the cloud continued to change my body. With each stomach rumble, I watched as abdominal muscles suddenly formed into existence one-by-one until I had a complete set of abs. I let out a little chuckle as I watched a V (which Brian had told me was the male equivalent of a female’s thigh gap) suddenly emerge on my lower torso as the cloud now firmly stopped around my crotch.

Both curious and scared at the events about to unfold, I dropped my shorts and underwear as I stared at my vagina for the last time. Within no time, I feel an inner tugging emerge from within my vaginal cavity. The tugging lasts for several moments as I watch a tiny nub of a cock head suddenly pop out of my tight slit. This tugging continues, but without any added pain, as the head continues to push forward and bring with it the shaft of my new cock. Inch-by-inch, I watch as it births itself from my anatomy until a thick 5-inch soft cock now slumps downward from my still partially female anatomy. Suddenly, I feel myself go light-headed as I feel a deep tug continue downward. Looking down, I watch as a ball sac slowly slides out of my shrinking slit. I grunt in a bit of discomfort as I feel my two testes push through the smaller slit and drop into my new ball sac. Now finished forming, my male anatomy becomes permanent as I feel my slit permanently close and disappear from existence.

Still a bit afraid of my new cock, I decide against touching it for the time being as the cloud continues down my legs. My curvy yet dainty legs slowly begin to change as well. I watch as the curves begin to fade as more angular muscles over-take and turn them into heavily muscular legs. My eyes continue to stare as the black hair returns and runs down my legs. My thighs, now muscular and incredibly hairy, are a far cry from the curvy yet firm feminine set I had less than 10 minutes prior. My calves bulge out as the muscles of a frequent runner emerge and grow incredibly hairy. Finally, I watch as the cloud reaches my feet as I can feel them grow more masculine. An obvious change occurs as I feel my feet grow a few inches, firmly making it so I can never fit into even my old tennis shoes anymore.

Quickly done with the feet, I watch in shock as the cloud rapidly slides up my body once more and now looks me directly into the face. I gasp and try to hold my breath as I watch it move towards me and engulf the last remnants of my old life. The tingle begins to radiate as I feel my hair begin to pull into my scalp. As I watch it move up my head, I stare at the darkening color begin to emerge from the tips and move up, consuming the bright blonde hair I once had. A baseball cap suddenly materializes and wraps around my head, completely covering my new hair. With no other distractions for me to look at, I’m left to stare helplessly as my eyebrows grow thicker and more prominent and my nose goes from dainty to wider and more angular. My lips grow more masculine as well as my lipstick fades away and my upper lip begins to lose its feminine shape. I continue to hold my breath, but I can tell soon that my attempts to not breath in the fumes will soon be futile if the changes last much longer. I move my hands towards my face and feel as facial hair begins to grow in. My chin grows less curved as a more angular shape emerges, completing my complete physical transformation into a man. Unable to hold my breath any longer, I’m forced to gasp for air and as a result, inhale a large puff of the thick cloud. As I breath it in, I begin to feel incredibly dizzy in my head. Trying to remain sane, I try to think about my old life and remind myself that I’m not a man and I used to be a woman 10 minutes prior. However, as I desperately try to search for any memories of my female life, I find myself drawing a blank. My confusion doesn’t last for long as memories begin to suddenly emerge to my consciousness. Thinking about them, I begin to remember my life and history of playing sports with my bro Brian. I begin to think about growing up, my first kiss with Cindy Wallace in 2nd grade, going on my first date when I was younger. Sleepovers I used to have at Brian’s house after our games also begin to appear in my head as I start to finally calm down. Unknown to me, each prominent memory changes to make me believe that I’ve always been a male. Instead of the name Natalie, the name Nate begins to come to mind anytime I think about myself and who I am. I try to fight it, but the calmness that these new memories provide doesn’t make me put up much of a fight as they overtake me and make me accept this new persona. As the changes begin to finalize, I grow lightheaded and my eyes suddenly close as I fall out of consciousness.

My eyes suddenly open and I feel as if I’m a brand new man. I stare at myself in the mirror and think about how hot I am. Unable to stop myself from my narcissistic self-image, I slide my hand into the pocket of my athletic shorts and pull out my cell phone. Quickly opening the camera, I take several pictures and quickly send them to some girls on Snapchat. I flex in the mirror as I think about how hot I truly am. My thoughts are interrupted as I begin to get constant dings as my eager classmates clamor to screenshot the photos and message me begging to take them out and give them a good time. I laugh thinking about it, it’s so amazing to be so irresistible. It’s especially funny thinking about how eager they are to get with me, even if it’s just for a quick fuck.

These thoughts are interrupted as a loud alarm begins to go off on my phone. I quickly turn it off and gasp as I look at the clock. Pissed at myself about being late, I scold myself and quickly throw on a pair of athletic sweatpants and a Nike shirt before heading out of the door. It’s Christmas Eve here, and me and my bro Brian were going to go bar-hopping to see if we can get each other some hookups and give ourselves a little Christmas cheer before we go work out tomorrow while the gyms are empty.

I’d ask for you to wish us luck, but I’m sure we’ll have no problem getting lucky…


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4 years ago

Interpreting Your Desires


“Whoa, what the fuck” I groggly say as I turn on the bathroom light to go take a piss. When I look in the mirror, I’m no longer met with my dorky visage, but rather the stunning features of my roommate Jeremy. I quickly shuffle into Jeremy’s bedroom to find it completely empty. Looking for a phone, I quickly grab it off of his nightstand and pace back into the bathroom. I watch as it springs to life and immediately opens due to his FaceID. Unable to believe what’s going on, I pull up the camera and turn on the front camera as I stare at the shocked expression plastered across Jeremy’s flawless face. Still in awe about how I’m no longer Toby, my old self, I take a selfie and stare at Jeremy’s body. Still trying to get used to my new body, I flex my large biceps and look at the tattoos and just think about how buff and masculine I look. While staring at my puffed out pecs, I recognize the tiny crystal perfectly settled within the valley of these enormous muscles and try to think about how this all happened.

I first met Jeremy on campus when he utilized my tutoring services to help him pass his general requirements in freshman year. For years now, I’ve had a crush on him, but the attraction has only grown the closer we got. Somehow, we’ve become close friends; so much so that we’re now rooming together for our senior year. Unfortunately for me, Jeremy is painfully straight, which is always made abundantly clear based on the constant female moans I always hear echoing through the walls. When it came time for me to come out to him, Jeremy surprised me by telling me he knew and didn’t mind the fact that I was gay. In fact, he even offered to be my wingman on Friday nights when we would go bouncing between the local gay club and straight bars. He was an awesome guy, but I wanted more than just his friendship, I wanted companionship. Luckily for me, last night was Jeremy’s birthday, so I knew it was the perfect opportunity to try and make him mine. 

Due to my hopeless desire to be with him, I was willing to try anything, so I spent several weeks scouring the internet for weeks looking for various spells. Of course, nothing worked due to the fact that spells aren’t real, so I just continued searching for any glimmer of possibility of my fantasy being fulfilled. One late night, I eventually came across a website that was selling several enchanted items. Looking at the various possibilities, I found myself intensely drawn towards this two-piece crystal necklace set. When clicking the link, the website stated that when both the purchaser and the subject wear their corresponding necklace, their inner most desires will be fulfilled. Looking at the crystal charm on the necklace one more time, I decided to bite the bullet and send this random website my $59.99 + shipping just on the off-chance that my desires could actually come true.

“But bro, why am I Jeremy instead of him being my boyfriend…” I say out loud, quickly coming back to reality. Still not used to hearing his voice coming out of my mouth and also confused by my use of words like “bro”, my hands instinctively reach for my throat as my mind still gets confused trying to wrap my brain around it all. Curious about what happened to my body, I turn out of the bathroom and walk down the hallway, eventually finding myself outside my old room. Quickly knocking on the door, I wait until the door opens and I’m greeted to my old body. 

“Whoa, how am I staring at myself” my old body cries out, the understandable state of shock spreading across his face. “Uh bro, I kind of ordered a magical necklace that said it would fulfill our inner desires. I thought it was going to be a waste of time, but I guess it worked…” I quickly say, watching as my old face tries to register what I just said. “So, what was your desire then?” I hear him say in his now higher voice. “Uh, well, I really liked you and wanted to be closer to you.” Toby’s face goes blank as he understands the whole reason of the necklace present and finally connects the dots. Somewhat afraid of the power the necklace seemingly has, Toby quickly took off his necklace and threw it across the room in fear. Still curious about why we swapped bodies instead of him just becoming gay and finding me attractive, I quickly ponder “Well, what was your desire then?” 

His eyes quickly dart down as he tilts his head down in shame.


“Well, I kind of wished to be more like you. I always wished I was smarter like you and wasn’t such an idiot at school… I mean, I always felt so dumb next to you whenever you had to teach me about Psychology and math.” Toby says, which causes me to realize that his desire was what caused this. My obsession with Jeremy’s body and his desire to be smart like me just caused the necklaces to swap our bodies since that was the easiest fix. While thinking about our friendship, I struggle to remember any of my days as a tutor. In fact, thinking about tutoring only gives me memories of where I met Toby and he spent hours trying to teach me the simplest ideas. “Whoa, you really did take my intelligence bro.” I say, leaning against the doorway as I close my eyes and rub my head. I continue to try to force myself to think about my previous education. However, I struggle to pull up any information from the various classes I took in my old body. In fact, I stumble to even remember simple math problems as I think back to my high school days. When I begin to think about science and experiments, the only thing that comes to mind is various exercises and diet information such as portioning food and various diets to help me gain muscle.

Watching me in curiosity, Toby pulls his glasses down and stares as he heads over to his desk and pulls out his textbook. “Well, I suppose if I do have this newfound knowledge, I better take advantage of it!” He says as he grabs a notebook on the desk and begins working. “So like, you don’t want to swap back bro? What about your body?” I say, confused about how to proceed. His total acceptance of his situation has left me even more off-balance as I try to get adjusted to my new body. Toby turns to look at me before matter-of-factly saying “Well, I obviously loved my body since I spent so much time working on it. But, I do think it’s a no-brainer to sacrifice it to get all of this intelligence. Like, Jeremy, you had a full job lined up as Toby after graduating where you’d be making six figures. My old body had no aspirations other than working out and fucking nonstop.” He says with a light chuckle. I look at him in confusion as he smiles at me and asks “Are you happy with this?”

Thinking about his question, I begin to ponder if this is actually a blessing in disguise. I had no passion for that career Toby mentioned anyway, so I like the idea of having tons of possibilities in terms of what I can do after graduating. I mean, sure I’m a lot dumber and struggle in college, but at least it’s my senior year and I already helped Jeremy take the hard classes prior to the swap. So now, I can just cruise by with these last few classes and be free from the embarrassment of college learning. I start to smile as I imagine the possible paths my future can go now. I could become a personal trainer and help people get as buff as me, or I could even go harder with these gains and start professionally bodybuilding. “You know what, you’re right dude!” I say with a laugh. “This is fucking rad!” I continue as I start flexing my muscles and get turned on thinking about waking up as Jeremy every day. Toby looks up from his textbook and flashes a quick smile and says “Well, I’m glad it’s settled then”, before quickly diving back into his studies.

Ready to get out of this apartment and explore the town with my new body, I quickly turn around and head out of Toby's room and towards my new room. I scan the room and pick up the various clothes strewn across the floor. Standing out to me, I quickly grab a light blue tank top and some shorts along with my phone. I run down the hallway with ease as my muscular body suffers no strain from the fast jog. I’ve had to run down the hallway multiple times when I was running late for classes, and in my old body, I was constantly out of breath with just that short distance. While running past Toby’s room, I quickly scream out to him, “See you later Toby, I’m going out!” As I get into the living room and start putting on my sneakers, I watch as his door opens as he quickly peeks his head out. He quickly says “Alright, see you later” and slams the door. I laugh and think happily about how great he feels with his new body. I didn’t expect him to take it so well, but I’m glad it didn’t lead to tons of drama. I mean, personally, I wouldn’t want to be stuck studying smart shit in those various textbooks all day, but if that’s what makes him happy, I’m glad I could help somehow. Happily thinking about how nice it is to be freed from my intelligence in exchange for this body, I hop into my car and speed off. It’s impossible to keep my tight shorts from tenting as I drive and keep thinking about how many of those twinks will be throwing themselves at me once I get to the gay club. I quickly pull out my phone and download Grindr. I snap a few pictures of my swole muscles and post one onto the new account, eager to see how many messages I can receive once I reach my destination.

I suppose Toby was right, we truly did get what we’ve always desired...


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4 years ago

Manifesting Your Dreams

It had been a long night and I had just gotten home from the closing shift at my lame fast-food job. I was eager to finally sit down and relax for a bit, so as soon as I passed through the threshold of my door, I immediately stripped out of my uniform. Once I was down to my underwear, I quickly walked around and picked up some various litter on the floor before I finally sat down and relaxed. Right as I look up from picking up a wrapper, my eyes pass through the window and catch a glimpse at my hunky neighbor Dan. I stare at his college-formed muscles as his biceps naturally flex while he carries out a bag full of trash out to the bin. Unable to break myself away from the allure of his body, I continue to just stare and ogle him.

Although we weren’t too different in age, we were quite different in every other way. While Dan was muscular from his college basketball days, I was relatively average. My body had the hint of muscle, but my body had a normal layer of flab that firmly resisted disappearing no matter how much I worked out. Dan was a solid 6’2” jock and the most popular kid in school and I was a 5’6” nerd who kept to myself and just listened to music to stay away from interactions. Growing up, we used to spend our weekends together hanging out due to both our close proximity and the relatively close ages between us (he was 23, while I had just recently turned 19). Another reason why we were constantly together was that our parents enjoyed the alone time and would take turns having alone time by sending their child across the street. However, things began to change as Dan got older and got more and more involved in the “jock scene”. Our communication grew less and less frequent and he even actively tried to avoid me anytime we locked eyes. 

Unfortunately for me, it wasn’t as easy for me to just fully forget about him and move on. I had too many good memories associated with him due to our upbringing. Another aspect that prevented me from moving on was that due to my sexuality exploration, I soon found that I was incredibly attracted to him. For years, I had spent so many nights wishing that we could be together or just have a simple kiss so I could stop fantasizing so much about him. However, those days never came and he soon began to infiltrate my simple dreams, twisting my mind so intensely that I began having frequent sex dreams where he was the main attraction. These dreams would normally happen a few times a month, but due to the fact that I was living back at home due to the pandemic, the frequency had gone up to be several times in a single week. As much as I enjoyed the dreams themselves, it became quite a problem as I had to deal with the constantly jizz-covered undies I woke up to. Every morning, I would have to wake up a good 10 minutes early so I could sneak into the laundry room and quickly throw them into the washer to try and hide the evidence of my family. I had come out to them back when I was 17, and they still aren’t too keen on the idea of their son getting intimate with another man. However, I just brushed it off as and chalked it up to them being behind in the times. On the positive side of things, their little outbursts were the main ammunition to fuel my motivation to finish my degree. Once I graduate and can have a career, I’d finally be able to sever ties with them and live my life without having to worry about their looming shadow plaguing any relationships I’d come to have.  

I shake my head as I escape my trip down memory to find Dan throw his trash in the can next to the curb. I watch as a lone soup can escapes from the bag and clatters into the middle of the street. Dan audibly groans, which makes me laugh, as he heads to pick up the can that had now traveled to right outside my house. He finally reaches the can and picks it up, looking up as his eyes go wide as he looks at me. I look down and gasp once I finally realize how revealing I am. “Oh my fucking god” I think to myself as my eyes go wide from how bad this must look. We quickly lock eyes and I begin to act frazzled as I’m unsure what to do. Awkwardly, I do a tiny wave and smile, which actually causes a small but noticeable grin to spread across his face. Staring at me, he offers up a cute little salute and turns to head back towards his house as he drops the can back into the trash bin.

Completely embarrassed, I pull down the blinds and throw myself into bed. I grab a pillow and hold it against my face as I scream into it and try to cope with the insane level of embarrassment I felt. Ready for this shitty day to be over, I quickly turn off all of my lights and head to bed.

After what felt like only a few minutes, I gasp as I’m startled awake by a large knock on my door. Groaning, I get up and head towards the door, assuming my mom was trying to give me some sort of scolding for some reason. The knocking continues as I quickly say “Dammit Mom, I’m coming. Give me a second!”

Opening the door, I gasp as I’m greeted to a face-full of pectorals. I look up and see Dan staring at me with a wide grin. “You’re coming huh? That soup can must have really turned you on I guess...” He adds with a chuckle. Blushing, I quickly go “Uh, hey Dan, what are you doing here… and why are you shirtless?” I say, confused by his lack of shirt and the extreme level of perspiration coating his skin. “I was just going for a little run, just wanted to check in and see how you’re doing.” He says with a smile. “Oh, I’m doing good. I just got off work and was ready to go to bed…” I respond, unable to stop tilting my head between his sweaty chest and devilishly handsome face. “Sorry, should I put on a shirt? Based on how you were looking over there, I figured you wouldn’t mind a little more skin.” He adds with a wink. 

As he finishes his coy wink, I feel my manhood begin to pulsate against the tight fabric of my briefs. “Oh, it’s no problem. I don’t mind it at all.” I say with an awkward smile. “That’s good to hear, I’d love to show you more if you wanted..” He continues as he snaps his fingers. I watch as his clothes just disappear in a flash. “Whoa, what the fuck” I say as I look down and see his firm thighs and rod of a dick greeting my eyes. 

“Shhh, no more talking… Let’s do this” he adds as he suddenly presses his lips against mine. I return it with fervor as I taste the scent of cheap beer and potato chips, an obvious indication that he was watching some kind of sports game with his dad. He places his hands around my head as he pulls me in deeper, leading me backwards as I fall onto the bed. “Fuck...!” I say, as I look up and see my long-time crush staring down at me with a feral look of lust in his eyes. “Don’t worry, let me take care of you Charlie. I know what I’m doing” he says with a chuckle as I watch him get on his knees and pull down my underwear. I cringe as my much-smaller dick firmly points up and out towards his open mouth. “Well well well, what do we have here…” He says as he lightly kisses along my shaft. I attempt to stifle my moans, but I’m unable to prevent them as I feel his mouth slide down my shaft and fully take my throbbing member in. My eyes roll into the back of my head as I feel Dan continue to suck me off. In my mind, I’m shocked at the fact that somehow Dan is a complete expert on how to do the perfect blow-job. “Oh fuck, I’m close…” I moan as I feel his lips slide up and down my shaft faster and faster.

For some unknown reason, I suddenly feel compelled to get his mouth off my cock. After successfully getting him to come up for air, I command him to get into bed, shocking myself at my sudden domineering attitude. Both shocked and turned on by my new attitude, Brad obeys my orders as he lays down and knowingly places his ass up in the air. “Ah yeah, that’s a much better place…” I moan as I run my hands along his perky yet firm muscular ass. After a quick slap of his left ass cheek, I waste no time and quickly lubricate my cock with the trusty tube of lube in my side table drawer. I toy with him first, sliding my cock between his cheeks, which makes me giggle as I hear his deep husky voice moan in glee. Unwilling to wait any longer, I finally slide into him and begin a pulsating rhythm of thrusting in and out of his tight jock hole.

“Oh fuck, that feels so good”, we moan in unison, both clearly turned on by this new power dynamic I’ve developed. Hearing him moan my name and seeing him in such a submissive position makes it irresistible to wait much longer. “I wish I had a body like yours. I’d totally fuck you and any other man” I cry out, feeling such unbelievable pleasure from it. I begin to pump faster and faster  I feel myself preparing to shoot into him as I continue to moan...  “Oh… oh my god… I’m cumming… I’m cum-” 

My eyes jolt awake as I find the early morning light perfectly passing through the blinds on my window. “Goddammit” I think to myself, “it was another damn sex dream… I really need to get laid so I can stop having them.” Looking around, my anger about the sex dream turns into complete confusion as it becomes clear that I’m no longer in my bedroom. Instead of various pop star posters and video game memorabilia, my walls are now adorned with busty females and posters of various basketball superstars. “What the fuck-” I say as I hear a deeper voice coming out of my mouth. Looking down, I notice I’m definitely not in my real body as I see the clearly defined pecs and cobblestone abs of an athlete press out of my torso. I check my phone and pull up the camera. As I flip the app to the front-facing camera and look into it, I gasp as I find that the visage of Dan greeting me. I see his dark brown stubble spread across my face and his brown hair shown on the screen.

Unsure what’s going on, I peek out of the window and look across the street, curious about what’s going on with my old body. While looking, I squint and begin to notice that my new body was staring at the window towards me. As I continue to squint through the morning light, I begin to notice my body sitting at the desk in front of the window and his right arm furiously shaking. As he continues to look at me with a longing face, I finally begin to realize what he was doing. “Oh my god, he’s literally masturbating thinking about me” I say as I gasp and pull shut the blinds. Trying to find an explanation, I keep going back to the sex dream and the last thing I said before I woke up. “I wish I had a body like this” echoes in my mind as I realize that I have somehow caused me and Dan to swap bodies. But based on his behavior, he seems to be completely oblivious to the change. In his mind, he’s seemingly just Charlie now. As bad as I feel, I can’t help but laugh. I just begin to think about how sad his life is now. He’s stuck with homophobic family members, a dead end job, and an unrequited crush on me. I get up and head over to the full length mirror attached to his bedroom door. Looking at it, I begin to think about how irresistable I’m going to be with all of the gays once the pandemic is over. I plan on becoming a hot staple at the local gay clubs once it’s finally safe to get so close again.

Although I’m still confused and shocked about what’s happened to me, I feel incredibly drowsy. Unsure of how to proceed, I just decide to go back to bed for a quick little nap. “Swapping bodies must really wear you out” I think to myself as I finally lay back into bed. As I finally start to doze off, I start to dream about all of the new experiences I’m going to have as Dan...


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