soul-controller - Soul Controller
Soul Controller

An Ever-Changing Writer Creating Transformation Fiction. All Stories Are 18+

223 posts

Interpreting Your Desires

Interpreting Your Desires


“Whoa, what the fuck” I groggly say as I turn on the bathroom light to go take a piss. When I look in the mirror, I’m no longer met with my dorky visage, but rather the stunning features of my roommate Jeremy. I quickly shuffle into Jeremy’s bedroom to find it completely empty. Looking for a phone, I quickly grab it off of his nightstand and pace back into the bathroom. I watch as it springs to life and immediately opens due to his FaceID. Unable to believe what’s going on, I pull up the camera and turn on the front camera as I stare at the shocked expression plastered across Jeremy’s flawless face. Still in awe about how I’m no longer Toby, my old self, I take a selfie and stare at Jeremy’s body. Still trying to get used to my new body, I flex my large biceps and look at the tattoos and just think about how buff and masculine I look. While staring at my puffed out pecs, I recognize the tiny crystal perfectly settled within the valley of these enormous muscles and try to think about how this all happened.

I first met Jeremy on campus when he utilized my tutoring services to help him pass his general requirements in freshman year. For years now, I’ve had a crush on him, but the attraction has only grown the closer we got. Somehow, we’ve become close friends; so much so that we’re now rooming together for our senior year. Unfortunately for me, Jeremy is painfully straight, which is always made abundantly clear based on the constant female moans I always hear echoing through the walls. When it came time for me to come out to him, Jeremy surprised me by telling me he knew and didn’t mind the fact that I was gay. In fact, he even offered to be my wingman on Friday nights when we would go bouncing between the local gay club and straight bars. He was an awesome guy, but I wanted more than just his friendship, I wanted companionship. Luckily for me, last night was Jeremy’s birthday, so I knew it was the perfect opportunity to try and make him mine. 

Due to my hopeless desire to be with him, I was willing to try anything, so I spent several weeks scouring the internet for weeks looking for various spells. Of course, nothing worked due to the fact that spells aren’t real, so I just continued searching for any glimmer of possibility of my fantasy being fulfilled. One late night, I eventually came across a website that was selling several enchanted items. Looking at the various possibilities, I found myself intensely drawn towards this two-piece crystal necklace set. When clicking the link, the website stated that when both the purchaser and the subject wear their corresponding necklace, their inner most desires will be fulfilled. Looking at the crystal charm on the necklace one more time, I decided to bite the bullet and send this random website my $59.99 + shipping just on the off-chance that my desires could actually come true.

“But bro, why am I Jeremy instead of him being my boyfriend…” I say out loud, quickly coming back to reality. Still not used to hearing his voice coming out of my mouth and also confused by my use of words like “bro”, my hands instinctively reach for my throat as my mind still gets confused trying to wrap my brain around it all. Curious about what happened to my body, I turn out of the bathroom and walk down the hallway, eventually finding myself outside my old room. Quickly knocking on the door, I wait until the door opens and I’m greeted to my old body. 

“Whoa, how am I staring at myself” my old body cries out, the understandable state of shock spreading across his face. “Uh bro, I kind of ordered a magical necklace that said it would fulfill our inner desires. I thought it was going to be a waste of time, but I guess it worked…” I quickly say, watching as my old face tries to register what I just said. “So, what was your desire then?” I hear him say in his now higher voice. “Uh, well, I really liked you and wanted to be closer to you.” Toby’s face goes blank as he understands the whole reason of the necklace present and finally connects the dots. Somewhat afraid of the power the necklace seemingly has, Toby quickly took off his necklace and threw it across the room in fear. Still curious about why we swapped bodies instead of him just becoming gay and finding me attractive, I quickly ponder “Well, what was your desire then?” 

His eyes quickly dart down as he tilts his head down in shame.


“Well, I kind of wished to be more like you. I always wished I was smarter like you and wasn’t such an idiot at school… I mean, I always felt so dumb next to you whenever you had to teach me about Psychology and math.” Toby says, which causes me to realize that his desire was what caused this. My obsession with Jeremy’s body and his desire to be smart like me just caused the necklaces to swap our bodies since that was the easiest fix. While thinking about our friendship, I struggle to remember any of my days as a tutor. In fact, thinking about tutoring only gives me memories of where I met Toby and he spent hours trying to teach me the simplest ideas. “Whoa, you really did take my intelligence bro.” I say, leaning against the doorway as I close my eyes and rub my head. I continue to try to force myself to think about my previous education. However, I struggle to pull up any information from the various classes I took in my old body. In fact, I stumble to even remember simple math problems as I think back to my high school days. When I begin to think about science and experiments, the only thing that comes to mind is various exercises and diet information such as portioning food and various diets to help me gain muscle.

Watching me in curiosity, Toby pulls his glasses down and stares as he heads over to his desk and pulls out his textbook. “Well, I suppose if I do have this newfound knowledge, I better take advantage of it!” He says as he grabs a notebook on the desk and begins working. “So like, you don’t want to swap back bro? What about your body?” I say, confused about how to proceed. His total acceptance of his situation has left me even more off-balance as I try to get adjusted to my new body. Toby turns to look at me before matter-of-factly saying “Well, I obviously loved my body since I spent so much time working on it. But, I do think it’s a no-brainer to sacrifice it to get all of this intelligence. Like, Jeremy, you had a full job lined up as Toby after graduating where you’d be making six figures. My old body had no aspirations other than working out and fucking nonstop.” He says with a light chuckle. I look at him in confusion as he smiles at me and asks “Are you happy with this?”

Thinking about his question, I begin to ponder if this is actually a blessing in disguise. I had no passion for that career Toby mentioned anyway, so I like the idea of having tons of possibilities in terms of what I can do after graduating. I mean, sure I’m a lot dumber and struggle in college, but at least it’s my senior year and I already helped Jeremy take the hard classes prior to the swap. So now, I can just cruise by with these last few classes and be free from the embarrassment of college learning. I start to smile as I imagine the possible paths my future can go now. I could become a personal trainer and help people get as buff as me, or I could even go harder with these gains and start professionally bodybuilding. “You know what, you’re right dude!” I say with a laugh. “This is fucking rad!” I continue as I start flexing my muscles and get turned on thinking about waking up as Jeremy every day. Toby looks up from his textbook and flashes a quick smile and says “Well, I’m glad it’s settled then”, before quickly diving back into his studies.

Ready to get out of this apartment and explore the town with my new body, I quickly turn around and head out of Toby's room and towards my new room. I scan the room and pick up the various clothes strewn across the floor. Standing out to me, I quickly grab a light blue tank top and some shorts along with my phone. I run down the hallway with ease as my muscular body suffers no strain from the fast jog. I’ve had to run down the hallway multiple times when I was running late for classes, and in my old body, I was constantly out of breath with just that short distance. While running past Toby’s room, I quickly scream out to him, “See you later Toby, I’m going out!” As I get into the living room and start putting on my sneakers, I watch as his door opens as he quickly peeks his head out. He quickly says “Alright, see you later” and slams the door. I laugh and think happily about how great he feels with his new body. I didn’t expect him to take it so well, but I’m glad it didn’t lead to tons of drama. I mean, personally, I wouldn’t want to be stuck studying smart shit in those various textbooks all day, but if that’s what makes him happy, I’m glad I could help somehow. Happily thinking about how nice it is to be freed from my intelligence in exchange for this body, I hop into my car and speed off. It’s impossible to keep my tight shorts from tenting as I drive and keep thinking about how many of those twinks will be throwing themselves at me once I get to the gay club. I quickly pull out my phone and download Grindr. I snap a few pictures of my swole muscles and post one onto the new account, eager to see how many messages I can receive once I reach my destination.

I suppose Toby was right, we truly did get what we’ve always desired...


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More Posts from Soul-controller

3 years ago

There’s a guy at the gym who is better than me in every possible way. He’s at least 6’4 while I’m 5’8. His body is ripped while mine is way too thin. The hair on his chest always peaks out of his shirt and from under his arms and I can’t even grow any. I can’t tell if I’m jealous of him or into him. I want to be better than him

Finding Balance In Bulk


I’ve read your request and I love the potential here. So, consider this a done deal. In fact, you can even feel the changes beginning as you read this right? You grit your teeth in pain as your bones crack and snap, allowing you to grow height until you’re 6’5”, just an inch taller than your gym crush. Once the pain resides, you sit up from your desk, smiling through the pain-induced panting you’ve had to endure. Given your new height, the t-shirt that was once perfectly sized for your body is now too small, as it ends up resting just a few inches above your waistline to expose some skin. Before you can continue to admire your height, you feel a deep pressure begin to overtake every inch of your body. Your skin goes numb as if thousands of needles have pierced your skin in a quick swoop. 

As each invisible needle presses down on its corresponding plunger, you begin to feel as if your body is inflating. In fact, as you look down in confusion, you realize that you ARE in fact inflating. Inch-by-inch, your pectorals puff out in front of you until you gain an impressive pectoral shelf that would rival even the bustiest of women. Despite never having any form of bulging pectorals, you find yourself easily flexing your pectorals as you chuckle at your new growth. 

As for the rest of your body, the inflation continues as you watch your beginner-level biceps quickly level-up into something completely awe-inspiring. You can only stare as your arms only continue to bulk out to sizes that you had only ever dreamed of. The growth is too much for the simple sleeves of your graphic t-shirt, causing them to easily tear to shreds. Inch-by-inch, your arms bulk out until you’re left with thick meaty forearms, rugged callused hands, and biceps that could rival the size of basketballs.

While flexing, you can’t help but feel surprised at just how well-built you’ve become. You wanted to be the best there could be, and I’m certainly delivering that wish to you. By the time I’m done with you, no one in that gym would be able to say that they’re more muscular or hotter than you. 

During your flexing session, you’re oblivious to the other changes that occur on your body. Your torso expands wider to add to your new intimidating frame along with a thickening in your neck to work in tandem with your larger trap muscles. Your modest set of abdominal muscles are a sight to behold as they’re inflated and reformed into a set of thick well-defined muscles. When the needles shoot into your legs, you fall back into your bed as a mixture of numbness and pain overtakes the limbs. 

The pair of jeans that you are wearing are immediately ripped to shreds as the sharp angular muscles of your thighs bulge out and create an intimidating look. Your calves also bloom as well, causing a slight twinge of pain as they bulk up and turn you into a man who would have no problem with running long distances now. 

With the pain alleviating from your legs, you stand up and take sight of yourself in the bathroom mirror. Through tattered clothing, it’s immediately apparent that you’re an intimidating man now. As you paced into the bathroom, you couldn’t help but notice your gait having to be immediately adjusted to accommodate for the thicker legs you now possess. Tired of seeing the tattered shirt, you grab it by the collar and tug. As the fabric rips off of your body in an immediate test of your new strength, you flash the widest smile you’ve ever given. Calling yourself built was an understatement, you’re a beast now! 

While flexing your muscles and admiring your body, the final set of changes begin to emerge. It starts with an intense itching, which makes you immediately worry about some type of rash. But the more you scratch your body, you begin to watch thick batches of hair push forth from your skin. Given that you want to be the hairiest you can be, you constantly itch and massage your skin as your chest develops a full pelt, your torso grows incredibly hairy, and those changes occur all of the way down to your feet. You scratch your crotch, eager to have the changes affect your modest bush as well, which the magic complies with as the hair explodes out of your crotch. Looking into the mirror, you take notice of your enlarged manhood, which is only fitting for a body this built.

With everything from your neck down completely hairy, you look in the mirror and decide that it would be best to have the fully hairy look on your face as well. As such, you run your meaty hands along your cheeks and jawline. A thick beard begins to manifest itself on your body, which sends a shiver down your spine. You always had a thing for hairy men, so to see yourself as the guy in the mirror, it’s quite erotic to think about. 

Despite your dick begging for release from the tattered confines of your jeans, you decide that you might as well edge yourself and head off to the gym to explore just how buff you are now. Given your new size, you figured that there would be some man there with muscle envy who would be more than willing to worship your body and service you in any way you wanted. With your mind decided, you quickly head into the closet and grab your baggiest clothes to try and compensate for your new build. After finding a pair of once-baggy sweatpants and a wife-beater, you head out into the night to go to the gym… 

Upon entering into the gym, all eyes immediately focus on you as you swipe your membership card and enter the locker room. While dropping your bag off into a locker, you glance around the room and discover your gym crush in there, just preparing to shower after an apparently intense workout by just how sweaty his body is. Deciding you want to brag and show off your new body, you rip off your wife-beater and saunter over there, staring in lust at his sweat-glistened body and thinking about just how delectable he looks. 

“Hey man, how was your workout?” You ask upon approaching the man. He looks up to you and his eyes go wide as he looks at the bulky sight he sees before him. “Uh, it was good, you’re just coming in to start your workout then?” he asks, shifting in his shorts to seemingly conceal the growing attraction he feels towards the new you. “Yeah, something like that. I’m desperate for more gains” you mutter before throwing up your arms and beginning to do a series of various flexes for the man.


“Yeah, you’re definitely a well-built man!” the man exclaims, his eyes looking at your muscles with laser-focused intent as he sizes you up. “However, I don’t think those muscles are the result of real determination at the gym. How about you come on over here and worship some real bulk?” He continues, chuckling as he moves his shirt and shows off his pectoral to you.


Despite your anger directed towards the man, you can’t help but feel a weird desire to follow his orders. Something about his cockiness appealed to you despite just how big you are now. “C’mon now, don’t be shy. Get on over here and take a closer look at a real hunk.” He says as he flexes his smaller yet still intimidating biceps. As he gives a cocky grin, you can’t help but feel slightly turned on by his behavior.


Unable to resist, you lumber over to him and begin to run your hands along his smaller yet just as intimidating muscles. The longer you worship him, you quickly become putty in the man’s hand. As he drops his shorts and pushes your head down towards his crotch, you can’t help but feel compelled to do as he says...

For a body like that, you had to have known that there would be some sort of sacrifice to get me to do this wish for you. I’m all for helping people, but I’ve got to keep it exciting for myself as well. The thought of a big well-defined man like yourself now getting off on servicing a smaller man is quite hot to think about. Looking down at your crotch and glancing at the bulge forming from those sweatpants, you realize that your new body agrees with me. 

So go ahead, get down on your knees and take care of your gym crush and competition. I’m sure if you do well enough, he’ll be up for round two with you. As the hungry bottom you now are, I’m sure you’re going to get such a kick out of him talking about just how big and buff you are as he gives it to you good from behind...

Thanks for your request though! Based on the wide smile plastered onto your face, I’m glad to see I have another satisfied customer.

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4 years ago

Transformation Vacations: Australia

When both my wife and I were declared “non-essential” workers, we looked forward to some downtime to relax and stay safe during the pandemic. Just as we had hoped, the first few weeks of quarantine and home life went great. However, right we passed the two-month mark, cabin fever began to quickly set in. Our days of lounging around and binging TV on our couch became less enjoyable as our shorter tempers grew more and more as we fought over something as simple as a TV show. Eager to find my wife and I some relief, I decided to do some research about doing some form of vacation for us to go on. If the US was going to be so badly managing the virus, the concept of traveling to another country where the virus had already passed for the most part felt very exciting to me. 

Luckily, after an hour or so of searching and getting to the thirtieth page of search results, I found an incredibly interesting website. The website itself was very basic, with just a bold text of Transformation Vacations being awkwardly stretched across the header of the site. Underneath the large text was a small statement saying their purpose: “To provide life-changing experiences at low costs to those who need it the most!” 

Intrigued, I continued to look into the site as a large map appeared on the screen with some various locations that they offered packages for. Looking through it, I  considered trips to places like France, India, Spain, South Africa, Brazil, and Mexico. However, my eyes immediately found myself drawn to the hyperlink marked AUSTRALIA in bold letters. I quickly clicked on the link and my jaw dropped once I took a closer look.  Their website wasn’t lying, this was an INCREDIBLY cheap deal to visit Australia. Reading the description, it seemed like an amazing time for us to experience.

“Explore the Land Down Under. By purchasing our couples’ package, you will find yourself transported to the wonderful golden shores of Australia and get prime lodging right in the center of beautiful Sydney! Experience riding a wave with a surfing date, walking around the town, and a private candle-lit dinner at a five-star restaurant. Book one week now and get a free week!

This deal is selling fast so purchase now to make the most of this once-in-a-lifetime deal!”

Once I reached the end of the description and read the current offer, I knew we had to do it. After a few attempts to add the packages into my cart, the fifth time proved to be successful as I quickly entered my card details and confirmed the payment. I knew that the buggy interface and sketchy website should have swayed me away, the price being over 3x cheaper than the normal rates on other travel site made it seem like a no-brainer to at least try it. “If it went wrong, I could just refute the charge with my bank and get back my few hundred dollars” I told myself, trying not to stress too much about it.

As soon as I closed the tab and shut my laptop lid, I began to feel incredibly dizzy. Looking over at my already sleeping wife, I tried to speak but nothing came out of my mouth as I quickly fell out of consciousness...

Out of nowhere, I begin to feel incredibly warm and hear a loud roaring noise overtake my thoughts. After a moment of struggling to bring myself out of my weird state of consciousness, I opened my eyes and tried to get my bearings. But as I looked around at the sandy beach and rolling waves that kept crashing against the shore, I only grew more confused. “How in the hell did I end up on a beach? Did I die somehow?” I think to myself, wondering if this is somehow my version of the afterlife. 

Looking around, I turn to my left and see a tall man next to me holding onto a large surfboard with his eyes closed. “Hello, sir? Where am I?” I ask, but I continue to get no response. I clear my throat, as I catch myself suddenly saying things with a very different accent from my normal Boston one. I turn and pat the man on the shoulder, beginning to ask if he’s ok.

Suddenly, the man’s eyes burst open as a worried look immediately appears on his face. “Whoa!” I hear the man cry out, the voice coming out of his mouth also having the same accent, but with an added sense of confusion and fear. The man turns to me as he flashes his light brown eyes at me. “Who are you?” He asks, his thick eyebrows raising inquisitively. Confused by the question, I quickly respond “Uh, I’m Matt. Who are you?”

“Baby?” He asks as he leans in to get a closer look at me. “It’s me Shannon!” I hear him cry out. Looking at him, beyond the different gender, there’s no way that the man was my wife. My wife was a 42-year-old blonde woman who definitely didn’t have the thin physique that this man had. Confused and trying to remain calm, I lean down and put my hands to my temples as I try to think about this. However, but as I’m looking down, I find that the sight I see was a far cry from my 45 year old body as well. Instead of a puffy chest and a slight paunch on a hairy torso, my body had become replaced with a slight set of pecs, a hairless torso, and a prominent six-pack.

“Oh shit, I think that website swapped our bodies!” I cried out, shocked as I come to my sudden realization. The website wasn’t lying when they said we’d be transported to the location of our choice. The only problem is that our old bodies didn’t get to follow us over here. Looking down, I find that I’m quite unable to complaining at my new physique. However, all of my fears cause me to turn to Shannon as I look at the man that my wife had apparently inhabited and worry about how she’s feeling.

My fears about her being freaked out about the new body are quickly dashed as I see her drop the board and flash a quick smile as she begins to check out her physique. I can’t help but stifle my snicker as I watch her flex her fledgling biceps and pull her wetsuit away from her body a bit so she could slide her hand down and feel her new equipment. “Shannon, are you ok?” I ask, which causes her to turn to me in a wide grin and say “Absolutely love! I certainly didn’t expect to wake up as a man, but this body isn’t too bad”. As I watch her talk, I just continue to think about the native Australian voice that belonged to her body. Surprisingly, I can feel my new dick beginning to press against the wetsuit as I watch him speak and stare at his gorgeous face. It’s strange to think about how attractive my wife’s new body is to me. Prior to last night, I had never once in my life had a gay experience, but it seems that these new feelings that I have are going to be impossible to deny. Thinking about it, I begin to assume that these two were a gay couple given the description of the couples’ package I purchased. My boner continues to throb continue to stare at my wife’s light brown eyes and killer physique as I imagine all of the different kinds of fun we’re going to have once we get back to our place for the next two weeks.

I don’t know who these guys are, but I thank them for their service to letting us use their bodies (either voluntarily or not). As I bring my wife in for a big kiss, I can’t help but smile as I watch her radiant smile come across even through this new body she’s found herself in. Unwilling to wait any longer to begin our vacation, I grab my board and tell her to let’s surf as she grabs hers and follows me out to sea.

Our Australia trip had just started, but it’s already the most amazing trip we’ve ever been on. I can’t wait to make the most of our trip and have a way to find some happiness even in the most dire of situations. “Thank you Transformation Vacations!” I think to myself as I let my body’s muscle memory lead the way. With my wife in tow on her own board, we both shred this killer wave towards the shore before turning back out to do it all over again.


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4 years ago

College is Transformative - Part I


It was a bright summer morning, but even though I’d only been outside for two hours at the most, my pale body was already baking in the August sun. My job for my college newspaper required me to travel through the football stadium and its parking lot with my camera to document the several forms of student engagement found during these big games. Given that I was a rather thin and reserved Engineering student who preferred playing video games than watching sports, I didn’t frequent these events too much, which made this experience feel even more foreign to me. Thinking back to how I was told about my assignment, I really begin to regret not putting up more of a fight to get someone else to take these pictures. But my classmate and the newspaper editor, Bridget, has too much power over me. “Matthew, I know that you’re not the sporty type, but I literally have no one else! This is a big game for the university, so it would be insane not to have any documentation of it. I promise I’ll make it up to you another time!” She pleaded, her sadness and dependency on me made it impossible to resist. I had an obvious crush on her, which made me like putty in her hands. Looking back with anger, I realize that she definitely took advantage of my crush given that she knew how much I hated sports.

Trying to make the most of such an early starting time, I used the first two hours prior to kickoff to get acquainted with the layout of the stadium and snap a few pictures of the various enthusiastic yet already-drunk patrons tailgating. I rolled my eyes at the various shirtless men covered in paint matching our school colors. “Yeah, this whole student pride aspect of this cover story is such bullshit” I thought to myself. “This is just an easy excuse for dumb jocks to show off their bulging bodies and get wasted with the various sorority girls wrapped tightly around their biceps…” I exhaled in annoyance and continued to travel across the hot pavement to take more photos.

After walking through a few rows and documenting the celebration, I finally came across some familiar faces in the form of some classmates. Although they were part of a fraternity, they were surprisingly nice to me, especially this dude named Tanner. We had taken a few classes together since he was also an Engineering major and he always seemed really cool. Although, I do think that he also kind of has some sort of crush on me given how he’s looked at me so intently at times. I don’t find guys attractive, but I will say that it was quite the confidence boost to think at least someone found me attractive. I walk up to them and introduce myself. “Hey there, I’m Matthew from the school paper. Do you mind if I take some pictures of your tailgate?”, I say, which caused Tanner to flash a smile towards me. “Sure thing man, but there’s one condition: you have to shotgun a beer with us.” I look at him with a look of discomfort, which he immediately sees. “Hey, it’s all good man. It’s just one beer, I promise you won’t get in trouble or anything. I’ll do one with you if that makes you feel better.” He says as he flashes his pearly white smile once again towards me. Suddenly feeling somewhat calmed, I shake my head in approval, which makes him hoot and holler in happiness.

Tanner turns away and reaches into a cooler to search for some cold beers while I take some photos of the other tailgaters in his area. Before long, he appears next to me with two ice cold beers. “You ready?” He asks. I nod in agreement as he continues speaking. “This beer is quite special, it’s a special frat recipe that I came up with actually”, he continues with a wink. After he says that, it’s clear that he’s trying to flirt with me in some kind of way. Before I can think about it much longer, he brings his beer up closer and I follow suit. He quickly whips out a pocket knife and pokes a hole in both cans. “Drink now!” he cries, which I quickly do as I chug down his homemade beer. I’m not an avid drinker, but there’s definitely something strange tasting about his beer. At first it seemed fine, but I began to notice some strange aftertaste the more I chugged. Looking over to Tanner, he finishes chugging his beer and turns to me and flashes a thumbs up. “You’ve got this man, you’ve got to drink it all!” I hear him yell as his cries of encouragement somehow manage to get me to completely down the entire can. I quickly finish and drop the can as I gasp for air. While I get reacquainted with the idea of breathing, Tanner quickly comes up to me and snaps a quick selfie on his phone. “Whew, that was… definitely something” I say, still a bit confused why I even agreed to do it. Tanner responds with “Hell yeah, it was awesome bro!” and hands me his phone, where I take a look at the photo.

While looking at the photo, I stifle a laugh at the sight of the photo. In it, I look completely out of place, as if I was somehow photoshopped into it. Standing next to Tanner, a blond 5’11” jock, was a tiny pale nerd, which made it look like I somehow accidentally stumbled into frame if it hadn’t been for the beer can up to my lips. Tanner is a blond fairly muscular dude with tanned skin. His blue eyes are the best part of his face, as they perfectly display his friendliness and approachability. But for some unknown reason, he almost always covers his eyes with various pairs of sunglasses, even while inside. However, that doesn’t stop people from approaching him, which only goes to be a testament to his innate sociability. 


On the flipside, my face screams incredibly average, as my widely spaced brown eyes and thin eyebrows only further display my pasty complexion. That would be the main focal point on my face if not for the huge bulbous nose that was crookedly bent time and time again from my various accidental injuries from school-enforced sports activities. Even my hair is a display of my plainness, as my dark brown hair lies flat and unable to be styled no matter how hard I try. Finally, instead of being shirtless like Tanner, I’m clothed in a grey shirt and some khaki shorts.

My focus on the photo is broken as I hear Tanner begin speaking once more. “You did great man! I didn’t expect you to chug that all the way through. If only you were a jock like me, we could do this all the time!” He said with a chuckle. I flashed a smile towards him and begin to speak. “Haha, yeah I’m sure we’d have some great times. If only that was possible!” I say, eager to just agree so I can get out of this conversation. As I talk to Tanner, I suddenly feel this incredibly radiating heat spread all over my body. Fearing that I was somehow getting dehydrated or some kind of heat stroke, I quickly ended the conversation. “Hey, I’m gonna keep walking around and head inside to take some pictures. It was great catching up though!” I say, before quickly walking away and deciding the best course of action would be to head inside the stadium to get some photos of the student section and possibly a drink of water.

I head up to the admission gate and show my journalism badge, where they quickly verify my identity and let me enter the packed stadium. Walking around, the place is in a state of complete pandemonium as drunk students bob and weave through the various lines in the concessions area. Trying to make the best of the situation, I laugh and start taking pictures displaying the students’ stupidity to showcase the “real” college experience like Bridget said she wanted.

As I’m taking my photos, I’m suddenly overcome with an intense pressure in my crotch. “Damn, that beer went through me fast” I think to myself, unsure how I could have suddenly digested that beer so fast given that I hadn’t drunk anything else this morning except for milk with my cereal. Deciding to try and ignore the sensation, I head up to the student section to start taking pictures of the various decorated students. However, this only lasts for a few minutes before the pressure exponentially grows to the point of heat radiating now solely from my crotch. I quickly run down the stairs and frantically search for a sign leading to a bathroom. Finally finding a sign pointing to a bathroom, I rush inside and slam the door shut.

Unable to hold my urine much longer, I run to the urinal and get my pants undone just in time to prevent me pissing my pants. I sigh in relief as I relieve myself and begin to look around the somehow deserted bathroom. “That’s weird, I would have expected the bathrooms to have long lines” I thought to myself as I continued looking until I turned to my left to face a wall-length mirror. “Oh hey, I didn’t see you there” I say, shocked at the pure size of that beast of a man. He was so big in fact, that I couldn’t even see myself in the mirror. Looking up and down and to the sides, I’m insanely confused by my inability to show up in the mirror even though I’m looking at it. “Hey man, could you move for a second?” I say, before clearing at my throat and putting my hand to my throat due to the random gritty tone my voice had. However, my confusion only grows as I watch the brutish jock of a man mouth the same words and do the same movements. My worry is further justified when I look intensely yet confused at the mirror once more and realize that he (or me?) is wearing the same clothes I was wearing...


Read Part II Here

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4 years ago

Manifesting Your Dreams

It had been a long night and I had just gotten home from the closing shift at my lame fast-food job. I was eager to finally sit down and relax for a bit, so as soon as I passed through the threshold of my door, I immediately stripped out of my uniform. Once I was down to my underwear, I quickly walked around and picked up some various litter on the floor before I finally sat down and relaxed. Right as I look up from picking up a wrapper, my eyes pass through the window and catch a glimpse at my hunky neighbor Dan. I stare at his college-formed muscles as his biceps naturally flex while he carries out a bag full of trash out to the bin. Unable to break myself away from the allure of his body, I continue to just stare and ogle him.

Although we weren’t too different in age, we were quite different in every other way. While Dan was muscular from his college basketball days, I was relatively average. My body had the hint of muscle, but my body had a normal layer of flab that firmly resisted disappearing no matter how much I worked out. Dan was a solid 6’2” jock and the most popular kid in school and I was a 5’6” nerd who kept to myself and just listened to music to stay away from interactions. Growing up, we used to spend our weekends together hanging out due to both our close proximity and the relatively close ages between us (he was 23, while I had just recently turned 19). Another reason why we were constantly together was that our parents enjoyed the alone time and would take turns having alone time by sending their child across the street. However, things began to change as Dan got older and got more and more involved in the “jock scene”. Our communication grew less and less frequent and he even actively tried to avoid me anytime we locked eyes. 

Unfortunately for me, it wasn’t as easy for me to just fully forget about him and move on. I had too many good memories associated with him due to our upbringing. Another aspect that prevented me from moving on was that due to my sexuality exploration, I soon found that I was incredibly attracted to him. For years, I had spent so many nights wishing that we could be together or just have a simple kiss so I could stop fantasizing so much about him. However, those days never came and he soon began to infiltrate my simple dreams, twisting my mind so intensely that I began having frequent sex dreams where he was the main attraction. These dreams would normally happen a few times a month, but due to the fact that I was living back at home due to the pandemic, the frequency had gone up to be several times in a single week. As much as I enjoyed the dreams themselves, it became quite a problem as I had to deal with the constantly jizz-covered undies I woke up to. Every morning, I would have to wake up a good 10 minutes early so I could sneak into the laundry room and quickly throw them into the washer to try and hide the evidence of my family. I had come out to them back when I was 17, and they still aren’t too keen on the idea of their son getting intimate with another man. However, I just brushed it off as and chalked it up to them being behind in the times. On the positive side of things, their little outbursts were the main ammunition to fuel my motivation to finish my degree. Once I graduate and can have a career, I’d finally be able to sever ties with them and live my life without having to worry about their looming shadow plaguing any relationships I’d come to have.  

I shake my head as I escape my trip down memory to find Dan throw his trash in the can next to the curb. I watch as a lone soup can escapes from the bag and clatters into the middle of the street. Dan audibly groans, which makes me laugh, as he heads to pick up the can that had now traveled to right outside my house. He finally reaches the can and picks it up, looking up as his eyes go wide as he looks at me. I look down and gasp once I finally realize how revealing I am. “Oh my fucking god” I think to myself as my eyes go wide from how bad this must look. We quickly lock eyes and I begin to act frazzled as I’m unsure what to do. Awkwardly, I do a tiny wave and smile, which actually causes a small but noticeable grin to spread across his face. Staring at me, he offers up a cute little salute and turns to head back towards his house as he drops the can back into the trash bin.

Completely embarrassed, I pull down the blinds and throw myself into bed. I grab a pillow and hold it against my face as I scream into it and try to cope with the insane level of embarrassment I felt. Ready for this shitty day to be over, I quickly turn off all of my lights and head to bed.

After what felt like only a few minutes, I gasp as I’m startled awake by a large knock on my door. Groaning, I get up and head towards the door, assuming my mom was trying to give me some sort of scolding for some reason. The knocking continues as I quickly say “Dammit Mom, I’m coming. Give me a second!”

Opening the door, I gasp as I’m greeted to a face-full of pectorals. I look up and see Dan staring at me with a wide grin. “You’re coming huh? That soup can must have really turned you on I guess...” He adds with a chuckle. Blushing, I quickly go “Uh, hey Dan, what are you doing here… and why are you shirtless?” I say, confused by his lack of shirt and the extreme level of perspiration coating his skin. “I was just going for a little run, just wanted to check in and see how you’re doing.” He says with a smile. “Oh, I’m doing good. I just got off work and was ready to go to bed…” I respond, unable to stop tilting my head between his sweaty chest and devilishly handsome face. “Sorry, should I put on a shirt? Based on how you were looking over there, I figured you wouldn’t mind a little more skin.” He adds with a wink. 

As he finishes his coy wink, I feel my manhood begin to pulsate against the tight fabric of my briefs. “Oh, it’s no problem. I don’t mind it at all.” I say with an awkward smile. “That’s good to hear, I’d love to show you more if you wanted..” He continues as he snaps his fingers. I watch as his clothes just disappear in a flash. “Whoa, what the fuck” I say as I look down and see his firm thighs and rod of a dick greeting my eyes. 

“Shhh, no more talking… Let’s do this” he adds as he suddenly presses his lips against mine. I return it with fervor as I taste the scent of cheap beer and potato chips, an obvious indication that he was watching some kind of sports game with his dad. He places his hands around my head as he pulls me in deeper, leading me backwards as I fall onto the bed. “Fuck...!” I say, as I look up and see my long-time crush staring down at me with a feral look of lust in his eyes. “Don’t worry, let me take care of you Charlie. I know what I’m doing” he says with a chuckle as I watch him get on his knees and pull down my underwear. I cringe as my much-smaller dick firmly points up and out towards his open mouth. “Well well well, what do we have here…” He says as he lightly kisses along my shaft. I attempt to stifle my moans, but I’m unable to prevent them as I feel his mouth slide down my shaft and fully take my throbbing member in. My eyes roll into the back of my head as I feel Dan continue to suck me off. In my mind, I’m shocked at the fact that somehow Dan is a complete expert on how to do the perfect blow-job. “Oh fuck, I’m close…” I moan as I feel his lips slide up and down my shaft faster and faster.

For some unknown reason, I suddenly feel compelled to get his mouth off my cock. After successfully getting him to come up for air, I command him to get into bed, shocking myself at my sudden domineering attitude. Both shocked and turned on by my new attitude, Brad obeys my orders as he lays down and knowingly places his ass up in the air. “Ah yeah, that’s a much better place…” I moan as I run my hands along his perky yet firm muscular ass. After a quick slap of his left ass cheek, I waste no time and quickly lubricate my cock with the trusty tube of lube in my side table drawer. I toy with him first, sliding my cock between his cheeks, which makes me giggle as I hear his deep husky voice moan in glee. Unwilling to wait any longer, I finally slide into him and begin a pulsating rhythm of thrusting in and out of his tight jock hole.

“Oh fuck, that feels so good”, we moan in unison, both clearly turned on by this new power dynamic I’ve developed. Hearing him moan my name and seeing him in such a submissive position makes it irresistible to wait much longer. “I wish I had a body like yours. I’d totally fuck you and any other man” I cry out, feeling such unbelievable pleasure from it. I begin to pump faster and faster  I feel myself preparing to shoot into him as I continue to moan...  “Oh… oh my god… I’m cumming… I’m cum-” 

My eyes jolt awake as I find the early morning light perfectly passing through the blinds on my window. “Goddammit” I think to myself, “it was another damn sex dream… I really need to get laid so I can stop having them.” Looking around, my anger about the sex dream turns into complete confusion as it becomes clear that I’m no longer in my bedroom. Instead of various pop star posters and video game memorabilia, my walls are now adorned with busty females and posters of various basketball superstars. “What the fuck-” I say as I hear a deeper voice coming out of my mouth. Looking down, I notice I’m definitely not in my real body as I see the clearly defined pecs and cobblestone abs of an athlete press out of my torso. I check my phone and pull up the camera. As I flip the app to the front-facing camera and look into it, I gasp as I find that the visage of Dan greeting me. I see his dark brown stubble spread across my face and his brown hair shown on the screen.

Unsure what’s going on, I peek out of the window and look across the street, curious about what’s going on with my old body. While looking, I squint and begin to notice that my new body was staring at the window towards me. As I continue to squint through the morning light, I begin to notice my body sitting at the desk in front of the window and his right arm furiously shaking. As he continues to look at me with a longing face, I finally begin to realize what he was doing. “Oh my god, he’s literally masturbating thinking about me” I say as I gasp and pull shut the blinds. Trying to find an explanation, I keep going back to the sex dream and the last thing I said before I woke up. “I wish I had a body like this” echoes in my mind as I realize that I have somehow caused me and Dan to swap bodies. But based on his behavior, he seems to be completely oblivious to the change. In his mind, he’s seemingly just Charlie now. As bad as I feel, I can’t help but laugh. I just begin to think about how sad his life is now. He’s stuck with homophobic family members, a dead end job, and an unrequited crush on me. I get up and head over to the full length mirror attached to his bedroom door. Looking at it, I begin to think about how irresistable I’m going to be with all of the gays once the pandemic is over. I plan on becoming a hot staple at the local gay clubs once it’s finally safe to get so close again.

Although I’m still confused and shocked about what’s happened to me, I feel incredibly drowsy. Unsure of how to proceed, I just decide to go back to bed for a quick little nap. “Swapping bodies must really wear you out” I think to myself as I finally lay back into bed. As I finally start to doze off, I start to dream about all of the new experiences I’m going to have as Dan...


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4 years ago

Ouija Boards Don’t Have A Sense of Humor

This idea was a request by @leothunder21. If you have a story idea you’d like me to write, feel free to send it in here! ​

You originally scoffed at the idea of playing with the board with your friends, but after a few drinks and an open mind, you eventually gave into their pleas. You weren’t a believer in the supernatural, so you found it hard to believe that using a ouija board would end up with any fun result. To you, it was just a dumb parlor trick that was able to fool the lighthearted and those desperate for evidence of life after death.

When the game first started, the group began by asking for any spirits to make their presence known. After a few attempts, their questions were completely ignored and elicited no response. To try and join in on the fun, you called out “Spirit, make yourself known!” and chuckled. Out of nowhere, the planchette quickly slid across the board, pulling everyone along with it in a single swoop. Everyone else gasped and cried out in shock, but you were not convinced. Assuming that it was just a joke, you cockily declared “Well, what do you want then?” 

You and your friends meticulously watched the board as the planchette dashed across the board letter by letter. “B-O-D-Y” it spelled out, which made you chuckle at such a predictable answer then. Your friends were still sure that the board was real and begged you to leave it alone, but you wouldn’t give it up. “If it’s a body you want, come and take mine then. I’m not sure anyone would want a body like this though, even a ghost has standards...” you stated. And it was somewhat true, you weren’t the ugliest guy ever, but you certainly weren’t in the top 100 guys that someone would wish to look like. Overall, you were quite average and your clothing didn’t help your case, which only emphasized your lanky body and average demeanor. 

Apparently though, the spirit talking through the board was willing to take you up on the offer. Your face quickly drops from a cocky smile to a look of amazement as a billowing plume of smoke manifested out of the plastic viewfinder in the center of the planchette. Your friends gasped in shock, but both you and your friends could do nothing as the smoke darted towards you. It took only a few seconds, but it felt like an eternity for you as the smoke shot down your nose and throat. You could only gag and choke on the smoke, but right as you felt yourself reaching the brink of asphyxiation, you suddenly drifted off into a state of slumber.

When you wake up, you find yourself laying on a dark black floor. Unsure what was going on, you frantically search around as you find yourself lost in a seemingly endless dark void. Upon a second inspection, your eyes suddenly recognize a form manifesting out of the void. Within several seconds, you watch as a hulking brute of a man materializes in front of you and gives you a devilish grin. “Well hello there” he said, his husky voice echoing within this darkness you now found yourself in. “Who are you? What do you want?” You respond, your tone pointed to tell the man you weren’t intimidated by him. “You know who I am, you invited me into your body” he chuckled, which made you begin to realize that this was some form of ghost. 

As a look of panic began to spread over your face, the man directed you to remain calm. He detailed his story about how he was an up-and-coming jock who was killed in a freak accident. For years now, he’d been searching for a host to help him have an opportunity at life once more, so he was ecstatic when you willingly offered up your body to him. When you asked him if he was going to take control of your body and leave you here, he chuckled and curtly stated that he had no desires to trap you deep within the trenches of your mind. Instead, the specter proposed a new deal that would be beneficial to the both of you. By accepting his deal, he stated that he would be able to help you become an irresistible man that would demand attention and respect. By merging your souls, you would be given the opportunity to be the assertive man you had always longed for. The spirit’s demands were fairly simple, where he would be allowed to have access to all of your senses and thus get to experience life once more (even if he was permanently in the passenger seat). He asked for the ability to mentally communicate with you when necessary, where he would only offer tips and tricks when it came to becoming a jock like he once was. 

You stood there, thinking about your possibilities. If you refused, there was always the possibility that the ghost’s demeanor would change and thus punish you for not agreeing to its terms. As you considered the deal, you realized that it wasn’t a completely terrible one. By letting this spirit take up a residence within you, you’d remain in control and become a buff jock like you always wished. On top of that, you’d be allowed to maintain your intelligence and personality to become a truly triple-threat with a killer body, a high IQ, and an approachable yet cocky personality. 

After a few more minutes of thinking it over, you looked at the spirit and placed your hand forward. “It’s a deal then”, you stated with a smile. The ghost returned the pleasantry and shook your hand and flashed a bright smile.

For moments, everything went dark, but things were happening while you remained unconscious. In the real world, your friends began to gasp as your body began to contort and twist in a gruesome fashion. Your body let out natural grunts and growls during the contortions, but that wasn’t all that was happening. Your arms tensed up as fists clenched, but to your friends’ surprise, your arms began to explode with muscle. With the visual resembling a balloon being blown up, your friends could only look in shock as biceps inflated into existence and forearms thickened to create two intimidating arms. The changes continued downward as your body continued to inflate with muscle. Your thin torso soon began to explode, with hefty pectorals manifesting within seconds and stretching your shirt to the absolute brink of ripping. One-by-one, abdominal muscles emerged and popped into place down your stomach. With these changes finishing on your torso, your stretched t-shirt ultimately lost the battle and ripped in several places.

With your torso now completed, the changes move a few inches south as it begins to localize around your dick. Even down to the equipment, you were incredibly average. This situation is soon remedied as your dick begins to lengthen several inches and gain a little bit of girth as well. The changes move to your backside, which is clear to your friends as they watch you slowly rise up on the bed. Your ass begins to inflate with a healthy mix of muscle and fat until you’re left with a brand new bubble butt.

The changes once again continue its downward movement, with your legs becoming the new focus. Your friends could only stare at your jean-covered legs, watching as the flesh underneath rippled and waved in a strange fashion. It didn’t take long before your thighs began to grow a musculature that would have only been possible after years of hard work in a gym. Finally, your calves also inflated as well to show that your new body was quite the runner. Much like your t-shirt, your jeans were ultimately no match for your wide thick thighs and ultimately caused the denim to shred. To finish up the physical changes, your body tenses up as your height quickly grows from a normal 5’8” to an intimidating 6’4”. In response, your jeans now look like a pair of capris and your t-shirt begins to ride up until it more closely resembled a midriff shirt.

Now that your body’s musculature had completely changed, a final wave of cosmetic changes began to spread across your body. Through the tattered shirt and ripped jeans, your friends watched as jet black tattoos began to manifest all across your body. Your nerdy friends gasped in response, immediately growing intimidated by just the sight of the fresh ink. As the changes begin to dwindle down, your hair starts to magically recede into your scalp until you’re left with a look of a freshly buzzed hair that only adds to your now permanent look of dominance. While the hair finishes disappearing from your scalp, facial hair also begins to push out of your pores. The wiry brown hair quickly grows out of your face until you’re left with a modest beard. To finish, a little bit of trimming occurs around your mouth with your mustache and goatee area.

Now that your changes are finished, it’s as if on cue when your eyes jolt open. As you return to consciousness, you grumble and groan due to how heavy you feel. “Gosh, that was such a weird dream…” you say, tilting your head in confusion as you hear the deeper voice coming out of your mouth. When you bring your hand up to your face to wipe your eyes and stretch your arms behind your head, your eyes go wide as you see the thick hands and tatted-up forearms and biceps you now had. Watching your biceps bulge through your ripped t-shirt, you grin as you realize that the ghost truly did follow through with his promise. “Thank you” you thought, hoping that the ghost was able to somehow hear your appreciation. You jump at first as you hear the spirit’s voice echo within your mind. “Thank you as well, I appreciate you doing this for me!” he says, a surprisingly cheery tone being noticed in his voice. 

Standing up, you stumble and attempt to remain upright as you attempt to get used to your new weight and center of gravity. You hadn’t expected such a change, but it was understandable given all of the muscles you had just been gifted. Your friends have become totally forgotten in your mind as you head into a bathroom to check yourself out. After flicking on the light and turning towards the mirror, you gasp at just the sight of your new body. Tired of seeing the tattered shirt, you grip the fabric and rip it completely off your body, revealing your inked and buff body. You shift in the mirror and take note of your beefy pecs and flex for your own satisfaction. As you feel your now-larger dick beginning to firm up at the sight of yourself, you decide that it’s best to go out and explore the town. No longer in the mood with playing childish games, you grab your oversized winter coat that now fits perfectly and head out into the night. With a body like this, you were eager to see what the world had to offer you now.

It had been almost a year now since the change and life had only gotten dramatically better for you since then. As it turns out, the spirit used to be a football player, so upon him bring up this fact, you asked him to share that knowledge. Your brain became overstimulated as years of experience flooded your mind. Various plays, tips on how to be the best player, and even experiences that the ghost had in his past life began to spring forth to the front of your mind. After returning to a normal state of consciousness, you decided that it would be a shame to waste this knowledge and ultimately tried out for the team. 

With this built body and his shared knowledge, you immediately made the team and eventually became the star player on the team. In less than a season, you turned a failing football team into a championship winning team. With your meteoric rise, the college bent to any whim of yours to keep you from leaving them. As a result, you were given a full ride scholarship and the full backing of the college as they vowed to help you go pro once you graduate. It was obvious why they would do that, given your meteoric rise and already growing social media following, the opportunity of you going pro would only positively represent and promote their college. The partnership with you and the ghost had turned out to be mutually beneficial for the both of you. Now, you both were looking to accomplish things that neither of you would have ever done solo... 


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