Unintended Wish - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Interpreting Your Desires


“Whoa, what the fuck” I groggly say as I turn on the bathroom light to go take a piss. When I look in the mirror, I’m no longer met with my dorky visage, but rather the stunning features of my roommate Jeremy. I quickly shuffle into Jeremy’s bedroom to find it completely empty. Looking for a phone, I quickly grab it off of his nightstand and pace back into the bathroom. I watch as it springs to life and immediately opens due to his FaceID. Unable to believe what’s going on, I pull up the camera and turn on the front camera as I stare at the shocked expression plastered across Jeremy’s flawless face. Still in awe about how I’m no longer Toby, my old self, I take a selfie and stare at Jeremy’s body. Still trying to get used to my new body, I flex my large biceps and look at the tattoos and just think about how buff and masculine I look. While staring at my puffed out pecs, I recognize the tiny crystal perfectly settled within the valley of these enormous muscles and try to think about how this all happened.

I first met Jeremy on campus when he utilized my tutoring services to help him pass his general requirements in freshman year. For years now, I’ve had a crush on him, but the attraction has only grown the closer we got. Somehow, we’ve become close friends; so much so that we’re now rooming together for our senior year. Unfortunately for me, Jeremy is painfully straight, which is always made abundantly clear based on the constant female moans I always hear echoing through the walls. When it came time for me to come out to him, Jeremy surprised me by telling me he knew and didn’t mind the fact that I was gay. In fact, he even offered to be my wingman on Friday nights when we would go bouncing between the local gay club and straight bars. He was an awesome guy, but I wanted more than just his friendship, I wanted companionship. Luckily for me, last night was Jeremy’s birthday, so I knew it was the perfect opportunity to try and make him mine. 

Due to my hopeless desire to be with him, I was willing to try anything, so I spent several weeks scouring the internet for weeks looking for various spells. Of course, nothing worked due to the fact that spells aren’t real, so I just continued searching for any glimmer of possibility of my fantasy being fulfilled. One late night, I eventually came across a website that was selling several enchanted items. Looking at the various possibilities, I found myself intensely drawn towards this two-piece crystal necklace set. When clicking the link, the website stated that when both the purchaser and the subject wear their corresponding necklace, their inner most desires will be fulfilled. Looking at the crystal charm on the necklace one more time, I decided to bite the bullet and send this random website my $59.99 + shipping just on the off-chance that my desires could actually come true.

“But bro, why am I Jeremy instead of him being my boyfriend…” I say out loud, quickly coming back to reality. Still not used to hearing his voice coming out of my mouth and also confused by my use of words like “bro”, my hands instinctively reach for my throat as my mind still gets confused trying to wrap my brain around it all. Curious about what happened to my body, I turn out of the bathroom and walk down the hallway, eventually finding myself outside my old room. Quickly knocking on the door, I wait until the door opens and I’m greeted to my old body. 

“Whoa, how am I staring at myself” my old body cries out, the understandable state of shock spreading across his face. “Uh bro, I kind of ordered a magical necklace that said it would fulfill our inner desires. I thought it was going to be a waste of time, but I guess it worked…” I quickly say, watching as my old face tries to register what I just said. “So, what was your desire then?” I hear him say in his now higher voice. “Uh, well, I really liked you and wanted to be closer to you.” Toby’s face goes blank as he understands the whole reason of the necklace present and finally connects the dots. Somewhat afraid of the power the necklace seemingly has, Toby quickly took off his necklace and threw it across the room in fear. Still curious about why we swapped bodies instead of him just becoming gay and finding me attractive, I quickly ponder “Well, what was your desire then?” 

His eyes quickly dart down as he tilts his head down in shame.


“Well, I kind of wished to be more like you. I always wished I was smarter like you and wasn’t such an idiot at school… I mean, I always felt so dumb next to you whenever you had to teach me about Psychology and math.” Toby says, which causes me to realize that his desire was what caused this. My obsession with Jeremy’s body and his desire to be smart like me just caused the necklaces to swap our bodies since that was the easiest fix. While thinking about our friendship, I struggle to remember any of my days as a tutor. In fact, thinking about tutoring only gives me memories of where I met Toby and he spent hours trying to teach me the simplest ideas. “Whoa, you really did take my intelligence bro.” I say, leaning against the doorway as I close my eyes and rub my head. I continue to try to force myself to think about my previous education. However, I struggle to pull up any information from the various classes I took in my old body. In fact, I stumble to even remember simple math problems as I think back to my high school days. When I begin to think about science and experiments, the only thing that comes to mind is various exercises and diet information such as portioning food and various diets to help me gain muscle.

Watching me in curiosity, Toby pulls his glasses down and stares as he heads over to his desk and pulls out his textbook. “Well, I suppose if I do have this newfound knowledge, I better take advantage of it!” He says as he grabs a notebook on the desk and begins working. “So like, you don’t want to swap back bro? What about your body?” I say, confused about how to proceed. His total acceptance of his situation has left me even more off-balance as I try to get adjusted to my new body. Toby turns to look at me before matter-of-factly saying “Well, I obviously loved my body since I spent so much time working on it. But, I do think it’s a no-brainer to sacrifice it to get all of this intelligence. Like, Jeremy, you had a full job lined up as Toby after graduating where you’d be making six figures. My old body had no aspirations other than working out and fucking nonstop.” He says with a light chuckle. I look at him in confusion as he smiles at me and asks “Are you happy with this?”

Thinking about his question, I begin to ponder if this is actually a blessing in disguise. I had no passion for that career Toby mentioned anyway, so I like the idea of having tons of possibilities in terms of what I can do after graduating. I mean, sure I’m a lot dumber and struggle in college, but at least it’s my senior year and I already helped Jeremy take the hard classes prior to the swap. So now, I can just cruise by with these last few classes and be free from the embarrassment of college learning. I start to smile as I imagine the possible paths my future can go now. I could become a personal trainer and help people get as buff as me, or I could even go harder with these gains and start professionally bodybuilding. “You know what, you’re right dude!” I say with a laugh. “This is fucking rad!” I continue as I start flexing my muscles and get turned on thinking about waking up as Jeremy every day. Toby looks up from his textbook and flashes a quick smile and says “Well, I’m glad it’s settled then”, before quickly diving back into his studies.

Ready to get out of this apartment and explore the town with my new body, I quickly turn around and head out of Toby's room and towards my new room. I scan the room and pick up the various clothes strewn across the floor. Standing out to me, I quickly grab a light blue tank top and some shorts along with my phone. I run down the hallway with ease as my muscular body suffers no strain from the fast jog. I’ve had to run down the hallway multiple times when I was running late for classes, and in my old body, I was constantly out of breath with just that short distance. While running past Toby’s room, I quickly scream out to him, “See you later Toby, I’m going out!” As I get into the living room and start putting on my sneakers, I watch as his door opens as he quickly peeks his head out. He quickly says “Alright, see you later” and slams the door. I laugh and think happily about how great he feels with his new body. I didn’t expect him to take it so well, but I’m glad it didn’t lead to tons of drama. I mean, personally, I wouldn’t want to be stuck studying smart shit in those various textbooks all day, but if that’s what makes him happy, I’m glad I could help somehow. Happily thinking about how nice it is to be freed from my intelligence in exchange for this body, I hop into my car and speed off. It’s impossible to keep my tight shorts from tenting as I drive and keep thinking about how many of those twinks will be throwing themselves at me once I get to the gay club. I quickly pull out my phone and download Grindr. I snap a few pictures of my swole muscles and post one onto the new account, eager to see how many messages I can receive once I reach my destination.

I suppose Toby was right, we truly did get what we’ve always desired...


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4 years ago

No Longer A Social Pariah

I didn’t expect for this to happen… not in the slightest. For years now, I’ve had to face constant ridicule from classmates for various things. In elementary school, it was the fact that I was nerd who preferred to read rather than talking to girls and being sociable. When I got into high school, the topic of ridicule became the fact that I was gay. That was the darkest time because it led to years of physical torment and verbal vitriol because my “lifestyle” was so against “the norm”. Once I got to college, it became even more of a vanity contest, so I found myself to be the constant outcast given the fact that I was chubby, extremely average dude instead of the incredibly buff and ripped jocks that were at the top of the social hierarchy. I figured with a scientific major, I could escape from the vanity contest and find friends in peers that were also against the norm. However, my anticipation was quickly dashed as I was forced to deal with those same jocks every day in my classes and their passive aggressive insults. Their ridicule was especially childish due to their petty comments about my appearance, but given how old we all were, it stung even harder for some reason.

It was equally childish of me to try and find a quick escape for my unhappiness. Rather than talking about it with a friend or focusing on my own self-improvement, I found myself stumbling upon the darkened corners of the internet and coming across male transformation stories. At first, it was just a hot erotic story to help be release some sexual frustration given my inability to find a partner here, but eventually it turned into a great output to express my low self-esteem. For the past couple weeks, I would spend my nights reading stories online about magical transformations causing body swaps and various other erotic transformations, and somehow it made me feel better and not so alone. I’d often fall asleep wishing that these stories were based on real events. I hated how I looked in the mirror and how those asshole jocks made me feel, so one late night, in a state of intense dazedness, I softly whispered and verbalized a wish that hopefully would change that. As I turned in my bed and started to fall asleep, I quietly whispered to myself “I wish I could be popular like all of those guys that make fun of me…” With the upcoming semester about to begin, my morale was absolutely shot. I knew it was pitiful and extremely desperate, but you must understand that I was absolutely at a low point of my life. I was actively looking for anything to help pull me out of the mental trenches I found myself in. As soon as I finished stating my wish, I found myself suddenly whisked away to unconsciousness as I began to dream about the possibilities of my wish.

When I woke up this morning, I immediately woke up and felt incredibly strange. I felt heavier yet more energized somehow, and I felt much taller than I usually was. Walking around my single dorm room, I found myself stumbling to navigate the cramped quarters that I used to find extremely easy just the day before. Looking into the mirror attached to my door, I gasped as I looked and found that the normal body that I was used to seeing had been completely replaced with someone else. Instead of a pale, dorky, and chubby adult, I was greeted to the vision of an incredibly hunky buff jock instead.

At first, I gasped and tried to look away from the mirror, somehow thinking I was still dreaming. However, after pinching myself, opening my eyes, and trying any other trope I had seen from television, I looked back into the mirror and realized that I was fully conscious in a new reality. Thinking I had somehow swapped bodies with a jock on campus, I tried to place my new face, but my mental rolodex of campus jocks was coming up empty. Trying to find more information, I reached for my wallet and gasped as I took a look at my ID. Looking closer, the information was almost completely the same. The only difference upon inspection was that it said that I was 6’2” when I was a much smaller 5’8” prior to this morning. My name Gabriel Simmons still was there, so it was apparent to me that I had somehow just been given a brand-new body somehow. My horrible DMV photo had also been changed to be an incredibly well-shot picture matching my new body. Somehow, this body was so photogenic that it could even look good in a DMV photo! I exhaled in shock and mentally came to terms with my new situation. I had just wanted to be a bit more handsome and approachable on campus; I didn’t expect my entire body to be changed overnight!

Looking closer into the mirror, I was caught off guard by how much wider I was overall. Prior, my body was wider solely around the puffy gut that I had been gaining due to an unlimited college dining hall. So, staring at this new body was especially odd to just feel so wide and bulky all over my body. I stare at my arms and look at my biceps and watch them naturally bulging out of my tight sleeping shirt. Still stuck in an admiring mindset, I playfully flex in the mirror and feel myself getting turned on by just how jock-like I’ve become. Running my hands underneath my shirt, I quickly rip it off and admire my ripped physique. These abs I’ve now given to myself are a far cry from the fleshy softness that was previously sitting around my torso, but I’m certainly not complaining about the change.

Realizing that my clothes are now way too baggy for my slimmer and buffer build, I quickly look through my drawers and find my wardrobe has completely changed to better fit my new body. My old shirts are still there, but now they’re in more accommodating sizes for my new bulky form. When trying to decide what to wear, I begin to feel an innate desire to show off my new body. I wished for this to happen and it has happened, so I supposed I should embrace it and promote it to the other guys on campus. I rummage around my drawers before quickly putting on a tank top and a pair of athletic shorts. Staring at the mirror, I decide to bite the bullet and explore what my new life has for me. Searching around, I grab a hat on my dresser to cover up the slight bedhead I had. I grab my backpack off the hook on the wall, looking at my original backpack, which was Star Wars themed, had been replaced with a standard but classy black backpack. I shrug to myself and put it on, deciding it’s better to be safe and have a backpack if I decide to venture downtown and do some shopping to buy some more appropriate clothing. 

After taking a look in the mirror to verify I looked alright, I open the door and walk out of my room, locking the door behind me. As I roam down the hallways, I suddenly find myself caught off guard by the constant greetings and small talk I receive in such a short distance. It was something I never encountered in my old body, so experiencing this for the first time left me a little frantic and nervous.

Trying to get ahead of the possible panic attack, I quickly slide my key into a bathroom door and run in. I take a moment to prepare myself and try to get used to the whole new life that is seemingly waiting for me. It’s strange, but I have to admit that this is essentially what I wished for. It certainly wasn’t what I had in mind, but I’m not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. I’ve gotten a brand-new body that will make me incredibly popular socially and also intimately with other guys on campus. My mouth naturally curls into a smirk as I begin to think about my classes and the fact that I’ll finally be an equal to those assholes who used to make fun of me. I mean, I know they were complete dicks to me, but it’s impossible to not find them incredibly buff and hot. I feel myself suddenly getting really horny, as I watch my boner begin to tent my already form-fitting shorts. Letting my dick infiltrate my mind, I begin to think about inviting them to work out with me after class sometime. I’d love to see what happens when we can just naturally bro out and be ourselves with each other. The thought of getting all sweaty together after some intense workouts begins to feel incredibly desirable. If they’re into getting more intimate after, I’ll gladly initiate some sexual encounters and find a way to teach them a lesson for being rude to me.

As someone else enters the bathroom, I’m broken out of my horny stupor as they greet me and ask how I’m doing. After making some casual small talk as they head into a stall, I try to relax so my boner can start to fade away. I open my phone and flash a smile and take a few selfies. I take a few and post them to Instagram before finally stepping out of the bathroom. I’m nothing but smiles as I walk out into the wintery weather and begin to walk around campus. It wasn’t too interesting to me prior, but I’m eager to see what a new life of popularity and a vain college campus can offer Gabe Simmons!


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4 years ago

Karmic Payback: Infidelity


“Wow, I can’t believe how ripped this douchebag is…” I muttered to myself as I stared into the mirror and took some photos of the asshole who had secretly infiltrated my relationship with my boyfriend. For months now, I had felt like there was a strange disconnect between myself and my boyfriend Felix. He had been out later and later either working or going out to hang with his friends, leaving me stuck in our apartment with nothing to entertain myself but a Netflix account and a friend in the form of our pet cat. 

This became my daily routine for several months as Felix was gone out of the house more and more while I was left to my own devices until he decided to finally wander home and pass out in bed before we could even get remotely intimate. Usually, I would use my own laptop for watching stuff in bed, but I somehow forgot to plug it in last night. Unfortunately for me, my charger cord is far too short to allow me to watch with the laptop on the bed with me. Luckily, I spotted Felix’s Macbook and opened it up to use for the time being. We were both rather independent individuals with our own password-protected laptops and cars that each of us only had one key for, but I shrugged off that usual rule for one day and cracked open his laptop. Not surprisingly, the computer asked for his PIN, so I took a crack at a few guesses before finally getting it to open by typing his birthday. Then, I began to enjoy my night by streaming old episodes of Parks and Recreation while I snacked on some popcorn.

A few hours had passed and I had somewhat forgotten about Felix and my worries about where he was. I smiled as I felt a wave of relief pass through me as I fell deeper into my bed and surrendered to the warm comfort I felt. Little did I know that this relief would be short-lived once I saw a text notification appear on the top right side of the computer screen from the name Alex. I had originally shrugged it off and paid it no attention as I remembered that he had a co-worker named Alex that he had been working with on a big project. However, my eyes bulged out as they caught the phrase “had a great time, I already miss that ass of yours ;)” displayed in his text. I gasped as I pulled the computer close to me and clicked on the notification, which brought me to a page of Felix’s text history with Alex. While looking through the series of flirty messages and nude photographs they shared, it was clear: Felix was cheating on me. As I read through the messages, I saw their conversations where Felix talked about his plan for dumping me so he could finally make it official with Alex. I read Alex’s horny sexting talking about how much he enjoys fucking my man. My blood was boiling as I read about how Felix let this douchebag exclusively top him, when Felix never let me do that in the three years that we had been together.

At first, I was furious and ready to beat him to the punch and end things as soon as he got home. I couldn’t believe that I was so oblivious to his cheating ways for months now! But as I laid in bed and began to think more about it, I found myself becoming depressed as I stared at the photos of this buff man who had been fucking my boyfriend behind my back. He was the complete opposite of me, a lanky computer programmer who was never allowed to top my boyfriend. It was completely infuriating yet depressing at the same time, as I began to feel so insecure about myself and excuse his behavior, blaming it on myself and my non-impressive body.

Before I knew it, I heard Felix enter the apartment and close the door behind him. Unsure what to do given my depressed mood, I quickly slammed shut his laptop, placed it back where I found it, and jumped into bed. Right as he opened the door, I turned to the side and shut my eyes, deciding the best course of action to avoid a confrontation at such a vulnerable state would be to just wait until I process it myself. I felt so many emotions running through my body as I heard him get undressed and felt him slide into the bed with me. He kissed me on the back of the head and turned the opposite way as he quickly fell asleep, leaving me alone to quietly handle the emotional trenches I now found myself so deeply sunk into. I silently cried to myself as I slowly passed out from being both physically and emotionally worn out. All I could think about as I fell asleep was wishing that I could be good enough for Felix and that I would never have to feel mediocre ever again…

When I woke up the next morning, I got upset as my arm aimlessly wandered around my sheets and found myself coming up empty. Once again, Felix had left me alone without even a goodbye, which stung even more given last night’s revelation. I felt a slight tickle above my lip, which was quickly relieved when I scratched it and felt the thick facial hair draped around my upper lip. “Gosh, I really need to trim. I didn’t realize it’s been this long since I shaved” I thought to myself as I made plans for my morning routine given that I was alone once again. Turning around, I squinted my eyes and immediately put up my hand as my eyes were suddenly burned from the bright sunlight shining through the bedroom window. “But… there’s not a window on my side of the bed” I thought to myself as I began to sit up and figure out what’s going on. As I lowered my hand away from my eyes, I gasped as I looked at a much thicker hand than the one I had the night prior. My hands were once tiny with long fingers, which made it perfect for my career in working with computers. But now, they were much wider and thicker, with fingers that were no longer long, but thicker and more masculine-looking.

As I look down, I’m shocked by the sight of the wide and thick pectorals that now rest on the top of my chest. I know for a fact that I did not have these last night, which only adds to my morning confusion. From all of my years of running track in high school, the only muscle on my body was a modest amount of muscle around my calves and thighs. Yet, as I remove the sheet and stare at the completely buff torso that is completely revealed to me, I know that something has definitely changed me. I lift up my arm to scratch behind my head as I feel a thick presence press against my face. Pulling my arm back down, I’m greeted to the sight of a thick bicep that proudly flexes with even the slightest movement in my arm.

“Ahhh” I cry out as I jump out of bed and find myself unsure what’s happening to me. “Where the fuck am I?” I scream as I look around the bedroom that is very clearly not the same one I fell asleep in. Assuming I’m dreaming still, I frantically pace around the house I now found myself in and check every room until I quickly stumble into a bathroom and slam the door behind me. I flick on the light and I come face to face with the man who Felix cheated on me with. Alex’s face is displayed to me as I realize that I’m somehow inside of Alex’s body. Now positive that I’m dreaming, I turn the faucets and splash my face with copious amounts of water. But, the vision of Alex still remains in between each cold splash of clarity. I wished to be good enough for Felix and to never feel mediocre again, so it seems that the universe has played a cruel joke on me by forcing me to inhabit the body of my biggest enemy. 

As I stare into the bathroom mirror and mentally comprehend what’s happening, I can’t help but find myself slightly turned on at the prospect of being Alex. Because he was an asshole who ruined my relationship with Felix, I couldn’t help but chuckle thinking about how shocked and disappointed Alex must have awoken this morning stuck in my old body. Given that this dude obviously cared about working out and being physically fit, I’m sure he’s going to get a thrill out of my lanky, average body with a boyfriend who doesn’t find him attractive anymore. I cockily smiled and flexed my biceps as I thought about how much fun it’s going to be becoming the exclusive top now. It would be so easy to dominate Felix and he would have no idea that it was his boyfriend fucking him the entire time.

Although I’m still in shock over this change, I can’t help but feel in high spirits as I confidently march back into the bedroom. As I look into his bedroom mirror, I can’t help but smile as I look at the stunning body that is now reflected back at me. I love karma and it seems like karma loves me as well. As I’m admiring my biceps and lifting the waistband of my shorts to take a look at my new equipment, I jump and the waistband snaps across my lower torso as a loud ding permeates across the room. I quickly stop admiring myself as I begin to look around the room and search for his/my phone. After a few minutes of searching, I finally find it on his desk and I watch as Face ID picks up his face and immediately unlocks and opens to his texting app. Looking at the app, I find that there were some new messages from Felix. Curious, I open it up and chuckle as I read his series of messages.

“Hey sexy, could I come over?”

“He knows somehow…”

“He’s acting weird and saying that he doesn’t know why he’s here.”

“He’s crying in the bathroom and saying that he’s supposed to be you”.

“Please message me back.’

“I just dumped him, I’m heading over. I need you to make me feel better...” 

Shrugging to myself, I open the camera as I begin to take some photos. “Wow, I can’t believe how ripped this douchebag is…” I muttered to myself as I picked one and sent it off to Felix. Following it up, I quickly send a little text in the style of his writing. He didn’t seem to be the brightest man, but the man surely loved his wink emoji, so it was quite easy to pass myself off as him.

“Great, I’ll be waiting for you ;)”


As I stood there in my mirror, I felt much more confident somehow. Maybe it was remnants of Alex’s old personality joining mine, but I felt much more secure with myself than I ever did prior to today. It was quite fun to think about myself being in such a well-sculpted body. With my brains and his brawn, I was going to be quite the unstoppable, irresistible catch once I’m back on the market. But first, I’m going to have to punish my dirty dog of an ex by topping him for the first and only time. I can’t wait to see his face when I finish and tell him to get out immediately after. I chuckle to myself as I begin to imagine him crying, begging me to be with him. But, I think we’re both in for our own change. I’ll get the confidence I wanted and the body and life he wanted to spend his days with, and he’ll get to experience being alone for trying to chase two guys and losing them both!

As I hear a knock on the door, I flash a devilish smile in the mirror as I prepare to teach my soon-to-be ex-boyfriend a good and hard lesson about infidelity...

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4 years ago

The Consequences of Stealing

Drew couldn’t believe it, but he had actually done it. After months of admiring his gym crush Patrick, he finally got up the nerve to steal his gym bag. Patrick was quite the buff guy, and Drew couldn’t help but wish to one day be as buff and intimidating as him. Drew himself was fairly nerdy with a less muscular and more chubby build, so the small yet meaningful conversations he had with Patrick had meant a lot to him, especially given his general disinterest in social interaction. He admired Patrick’s dominance, which was apparent as Drew would watch in the gym as any guy would immediately vacate a machine if Patrick even just looked at it. He was the alpha of the gym and Drew couldn’t help but get turned on by him because of that. He longed to have the dominance and body of someone like Patrick, so it wasn’t a surprise that Drew soon found his sex dreams constantly revolving Patrick finding him in the shower and allowing Drew to take the lead instead of himself. Although he knew it was a dream, he was fully invested in the possibility of it happening one day. 

You could say he became a bit delusional about it, but he didn’t think he was crazy as well. It was just admiration to the highest level, and Drew didn’t mind being called a passionate admirer. He became so much of a devoted admirer of Patrick that Drew even purchased the same gym bag just to get as simple of a comment as “Nice bag” when they first passed each other in the locker room. 

But when Patrick left his bag out on the empty gym bench to go to the bathroom after showering, Drew felt an intense desire to take the bag for himself. He was curious to see what was inside of it, hoping it could be filled with tons of sweaty workout clothes that he could smell when he got home and jerked off. Letting his horniness get the best of him, he couldn’t resist the opportunity and rapidly snatched the bag and ran. Given that they both had the same type of bag, Drew cleverly put his bag on the bench to take the place of Patrick’s bag and quickly rushed off out of the locker room and towards his apartment. Patrick was oblivious to the bag swap, so once he returned, he quickly grabbed the remaining bag on the bench as he walked out of the locker room.

Once Drew reached the door of his apartment, his face morphed into a devilish grin as he personally felt like he had just gotten away with the crime of the century. He had just stolen the bag of his gym crush, the biggest and most dominant guy he knew. As he entered the apartment and closed the door behind him, he headed into the bedroom with the bag, curious to explore the bag’s contents and also take care of the firm dick pressing against the fabric of his shorts. 

After he reached the bedroom, he couldn’t help but strip as he crossed the threshold and threw the bag onto his mattress. He thought about smelling Patrick’s sweaty underwear and workout clothes, which only made his member throb harder with anticipation. As his naked body climbed onto his bed, his smile while unzipping the bag looked like a child opening presents on Christmas day. He was happy he got away with it and now got a chance to be closer to Patrick than he ever could imagine, even if it wasn’t their bodies physically being together.

However, as he peeled back the unzipped flap of fabric in his bag, Drew’s face turned into a wide look of shock as he found more surprising pieces than a simple set of sweaty workout clothes. As he pulled out a small case, he was shocked to discover that he came face-to-face with an expensive pair of headphones.

Feeling a sudden urge to wear them, Drew moved the bag off the bed and quickly pulled the headphones over his head. He imagined all of the times Patrick wore these as he worked out to become even buffer and more intimidating. With Drew’s mind being stuck 100% on horny mode, he began to imagine himself as Patrick and imagining what he’d do in his situation.

However, with this passing thought of putting himself in Patrick’s place, it seemed that something in the universe obliged his request and began to manifest this desire. As Drew connected his phone to the headphones and began to play music in them, he began to imagine himself as Patrick and then began to wrap his hand around his modest but still decent cock. While doing this, he was oblivious to the fact that the universe had begun the process of slowly morphing him into the spitting image of Patrick. His body began to thicken, as his form accumulated a solid mix of fat and muscle until his body had fully beefed out into Patrick’s studly form. 

Continuing to pump his cock, Drew was oblivious to the sudden strength being displayed in his stroke. He couldn’t notice the sensation of his biceps suddenly inflating into an impressive set of muscles that would surely tear the seams of any of Drew’s shirts. Speaking of his cock, Drew’s hand also began to travel a greater distance as his member slowly lengthened into being the exact replica of the thick cock that Drew had heard many rumors about from various men in the gym. The changes continued, as his once flabby moobs began to firm up until they were turned into a set of buff pecs. Although his gut did manage to grow a bit larger, it firmed up and took on a more intimidating appearance rather than the soft rippling fat that had grown onto his soft torso. 

While Drew continued to stroke, his body continued to change as it began to grow older to match Patrick. Patrick was 31, so given that Drew was only 23, his body had some rapid growth that needed to occur so he could be exactly like Patrick. Over the course of a few minutes, his body grew a bit weathered as it took on the features more fitting of a 31 year old. While continuing to listen to music, Drew was oblivious to the slight tingle that was located on his forehead. This tingle began to do some quick aging as his hairline quickly moved up a few inches and his face began to see the beginnings of a few wrinkles until he was the spitting image of his gym crush. As well, Drew’s face began to age up to match his crush’s visage. When Drew began to feel a slight tickle around his upper lip, he forced himself to ignore it as he continued to get himself off. If he had taken note of the change, he would have found his hand brush against the sudden appearance of Patrick’s thick mustache above his upper lip.

Once the changes finally began to finish, it felt as if Drew’s dick finally was given permission to ejaculate. As soon as he began to shoot his seed, he gasped in pleasure as his dick shot torrents of cum all over his sheets and buffer torso. Drew continued to moan from the heightened pleasure he felt until he was suddenly overcome with an intense bout of drowsiness. Before he could react and clean himself off, he immediately collapsed into his bed and fell into a deep slumber...


While Drew was pleasuring himself, Patrick was back at his home furious. “What the fuck, I can’t believe that fucking asshole took my bag!” he screamed, tossing the bag of Drew’s basic clothing against the wall of his bedroom. He always knew that Drew had some weird attraction to him, but he never expected it to get to the point where he would actually steal his bag!

After taking a second to cool off, Patrick got into his bed and closed his eyes, trying to calm himself down and attempt some form of meditation. As his eyes remained closed, Patrick was also enveloped into a state of obliviousness as his body soon began to change in response to Drew’s wish. The universe could change Drew into Patrick, but it would not allow reality to be altered so heavily that there were two identical men. Patrick unfortunately got the short end of the universe’s stick, so his body slowly began the transformation into Drew. With his arms crossed around his chest, any outside observer could stare in amazement and watch as Patrick’s biceps slowly deflated, growing less muscular by the second until all that was left hanging off of his arm was a modest amount of flab. 

This seemed to be the overall response his body had while transforming into Drew: growing smaller. His naturally large dick also began to shrink from within his pair of workout shorts. Inch by inch, it grew smaller until it was turned into an exact replica of Drew’s smaller member. His body overall grew smaller by the second as he lost his intimidating muscle mass and gained a softer, chubbier form. His pecs lost their muscular edge as they slowly rounded out and slightly drooped before turning into a pair of moobs. 

Finally, his body went through more cosmetic changes, as his skin began to grow more youthful as the slight wrinkles on his body quickly faded away. He felt a twinge of pain on the lower half of his face, but he remained uninterested towards checking out the reason behind it. If he had opened his eyes and looked down, Patrick would have seen his facial hair quickly being yanked out of his face and disintegrating into nothingness. Drew struggled to grow facial hair, so having a thick mustache would not be appropriate in the slightest. 

Although Patrick was completely oblivious to the fact that he was receiving an entirely new body, the universe knew he would be happy with the opportunity to be younger once more. He often felt that he had lost an opportunity to enjoy his young adulthood, so being Drew was a blessing in disguise. Given that Patrick was 31, the age regression into Drew’s age of 23 would give him several years to experience life as a younger white guy.

With the changes beginning to finish up, Patrick started to feel a wave of drowsiness wash over him as he laid there still with his eyes still closed. He tried to fight it, but like a riptide, he was lost and sent spiraling into unconsciousness, not knowing of the new life waiting for him when he woke up…


Unknown to the both of them, the universe continued to work hard during their slumber. While they dreamed, this otherworldly influence provided each of them their new memories to help them perfectly assimilate into their new lives. On top of this, they warped reality quickly, placing the new Patrick in his new house and doing the same to Drew with his apartment.


Patrick awoke from his slumber, where he soon found his head tilted in a strange position because of the thick headphones wrapped around his head. Chuckling at his forgetfulness, he quickly sat up and inhaled a burst of air as his eyes caught sight of his bedroom.  Looking down, he also caught sight of his body, which made him flash a wider smile. He was proud of the body he had, which was always apparent when he worked out at the gym. He loved to show off his beefy bod around the locker room and dominate the other guys who he would catch lusting over him. Looking down, he quickly noticed his cum-covered chest, so Patrick headed into the bathroom so he could clean himself off. Not wanting to waste the remaining daylight, he showered with haste so he could get out and continue to enjoy his day.

As he finished drying off, he caught sight of the sun shining in through his window. Patrick walked out of the bathroom and got dressed into a pair of boxer briefs. He placed his headphones back onto his head and began to walk out towards the living. He was still partially groggy from his nap, but he couldn’t refuse the opportunity to enjoy the sunset on his patio. While staring out of the patio door, Patrick couldn’t help but flash a big grin. Life was great and he loved the opportunity to go sunbathe and tan his buff body. As he headed out to the patio, he couldn’t help but think to himself “Gosh, this is the best life a man could ask for!” 



When Drew woke up, he felt a major migraine coming on as his eyes opened. His body was still getting used to these gym sessions, so he often gave himself migraines when he pushed himself too hard. Apparently, this migraine was so bad that he didn’t even make it to his bedroom. Looking around, his lethargic eyes told him that he was resting on his leather couch. He was eager to grow and become the man he longed to become. His body wasn’t in the best shape, but he was happy to at least see some of the potential in it. In fact, one day he longed to have a body like a fellow gym-goer by the name of Patrick. He couldn’t help but admire his bulky form and wish he was as intimidating as him. “Maybe I could ask him for help” Drew thought to himself, curious about whether the man would help him or just tell him to piss off.

Thinking about it a bit longer, he ultimately decided that It was worth a shot. So, Drew quickly made a mental note to ask Patrick for some guidance the next time he saw him in the gym. He loved his body, but he knew it could be better and that was encouraging to him! He was eager to shed all of this extra weight and replace it with intimidating muscles that would make him the object of every man’s desire. He knew it was possible, so he was determined to achieve his goals. Hopefully with Patrick’s assistance, Drew could turn himself into the buff muscle jock he longed to be!

Thinking about the possibility of growing into such an intimidating man, Drew reached his hands down into his pants and began to jerk off as he fantasized about his future growth...


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