What A Prick, Tbh If She Lost Him As A Friend It Sounds Like A Positive
What a prick, tbh if she lost him as a friend it sounds like a positive
you’re not wrong ;-;
More Posts from Sparro48
so i was explaining to my friend that shen qingqiu self-detonated for luo binghe
and she said, and i quote, “i would self-detonate for 14 inches too”
okay i don’t know if this is a universal thing but i think about ties that bind a LOT
like the idea of having little plant sprouts painfully growing out of your skin and then ripping them off along with chunks of flesh is absolutely horrifying and disgusting but also somewhat satisfying
idk man that shit is hardcore though
so i said i was going to make a luo binghe cosplay.
and now i have spent the past 2 days doing nothing but that and i’m over halfway done
i made my xie lian cosplay in 3 days and i think im gonna do the same with this one
but my hands are shaking from use and i’ve been in a state of constant anxiety the past two days so maybe that’s what’s keeping me going—
holy fuck i just realized svsss is basically jumanji
have not yet been diagnosed (i’m getting tested in like 2 weeks) but i did start mdzs and if i didnt have depression before i definitely have it now
if i get diagnosed with depression i’m going to start reading mdzs (chances are high)