Scum Villian Self Saving System - Tumblr Posts

this took longer than i thought it would

'Don't cry, hm? Shizun will never hit you again. So don't cry.'

Actually yes making this its own post too. Luo Binghe is currently in the semifinals of the tournament for the title of the most misunderstood (by audience) character here and losing (UPD: he won after all! whoo! in the finals now!), so I made this bingo card of all the shitty and incorrect takes I've seen ppl have about him. Feel free to rb with your filled out card! (I would do mine but it would be just. full. obviously.)
And again, vote here!

Maybe I am indeed Alice @endoftheworldidc, maybe Ferret isn't even my real name

It's on the level of "salt is a spice", but don't open the read more in polite company maybe

do you think if given the chance tianlang Jun would have been a good parent to luo binghe? In fics with su xiyan he is a great father or atleast a father who tries and has a somewhat healthy relationship with his son. But in canon would it have been possible if say zhushi Lang managed to come across luo binghe or lbh stumbled across the bailu lake or smth and lbh ends up being adopted again. Would he have a good or even healthy dynamic with these two? without a body and su xiyan to raise his son would tianlang Jun even try? or will he just attempt to get rid of lbh? What would lbh relationship with his cousin be? Im actually so curious for people's opinions so spam me <3
Thank you sm!
I think it would be really funny if the reason we never learn Shang Qinhua’s birth name (as opposed to courtesy name) even in the flashbacks when he’s a disciple, is that he quite simply doesn’t remember it. He was born, gradually got his memories back, and went “ahhh fuck I transmigrated as Shang Qinghua” and that was it. he perceives himself as Shang Qinghua. Whenever someone calls him Shang ▉▉▉ he just kind of spaces out and then goes “wait- huh- that’s me!” Whenever someone asks his name, he stares at them blankly until someone else nearby offers it for him. When he finally gets his courtesy name he breathes a massive sigh of relief because oh god he kept almost saying Qinghua when people asked his name and that would have caused so many problems.
Tianlang-jun: Master Shen, can I offer you something? Water? Tea? My nephew's hand in marriage?
Shen Qingqiu: what?
Tianlang-jun: Perhaps wine? Some snacks? My sons hand in marriage?
Shen Qingqiu: I-
Tianlang-jun: Tanghulu? Congee? My hand in marriage?

junshangs always keeping it real
feel like the main take of mxtx novels that I think gets buried in all the headcanons and discourse is that when a character- mainly the mc does something right or good it's not because they are doing it to be heroic or upstanding people. it's because if they don't do it, no one else will.
shen from kung fu panda 2 and shen jiu are the same person. no I will not elaborate.

Peaklord Shen (svsss) as Lord Shen (Kung fu Panda)
yin yu, zhuzhi lang and wen ning scratch a very specific spot in my brain. I just can't-
Okay, this could easily become Bingyuan if you consider it from Binghe's perspective. Starting at his head discipleship, Binghe had always been aware of Shen Yuan's distant admiration. Which kind of confused him? Because SY never acted on that admiration, unlike everybody else after they realized there was something to be gained from associating with him. But he supposed it made sense if Shen Yuan knew he couldn't get support in the first place (Binghe did feel a little bad about not protecting him from the abuse, didn't his mother raise him better? But the only person who couldn't easily fall out of Shen Qingqiu's favor is Ning Yingying, and it was made very clear early on that whoever consorted with Shen Yuan was doomed to his same fate). But that raised the question of why admire him at all? If Binghe were in his situation, he certainly wouldn't feel any admiration to someone who outright ignored his abuse, no matter how impressive they were (LBH was aslo aware of SY's sad? ...longing? looks but they were never outright hostile because SY cannot find it in himself to be truly hostile towards LBH). Cut to the Immortal Alliance Conference when everything is going to shit for Luo Binghe, and he's certainly going to be killed despite all his work in the sect when Shen Yuan is the one to stand up for Binghe. The only one. The person he's ignored and allowed to be abused for years? Yeah, that one. This certainly makes Luo Binghe have a paradigm shift, if not into outright love, then at least to 'a debt that cannot be easily paid back' feelings. He's going to be spending his time in the abyss thinking a lot about Shen Yuan to say the least.
As for how Shen Yuan gets out of that situation without being killed, ehhh maybe SQQ likes having him as a punching bag too much to get rid of him completely, or maybe YQY goes 'Alright, I draw the line at murdering innocent diciples.' Even still, things do get a lot worse for SY at the sect. Because of how he very publicly fucked up, his abuse becomes a lot more open then it already was, and also much worse. Maybe they start withholding a lot of meals from him, maybe the start sabotaging his cultivation even more to the point that it effects his health, idk. Then cut to the Jin Lan City arc, where Shen Yuan was brought for funsies or as a meat shield, who knows! (This also doesn't have to be Jin Lan City specifically but for simplicity let's say it is.) LBH finally comes back, Shen Yuan can't really find it in himself to care, and then the accusations on Shen Qingqiu are finally brought out. But then SQQ says that those crimes were all committed by Shen Yuan! Their faces look so similar, it would be easy to mistake one for the other, especially if multiple years had passed. And besides, that diciple had already been exposed for consorting with demons years ago! Surely it would be easier to believe that he would be capable of committing such heinous offenses instead of a well-regarded Peak Lord. (And despite Yue Qingyuan's and Shen Qingqiu's earlier misgivings about getting rid of SY, they're both on board this time because otherwise it's SQQ's ass.) After this, Shen Yuan sort of just... gives up. He could fight, but why bother? He knew this was coming for a long time, and he's just tired. While he's in the water prison, Luo Binghe breaks Shen Yuan out and they go on the run together. Thus begins the comfort part of the hurt/comfort where LBH makes SY lots of tasty meals and tries very hard to woo a very broken man.
au in which shen yuan got transmigrated as a kid, a few years before binghe's on the peak, and shen jiu sees this little guy who looks exactly like him, sharing a name with him, digging a hole desperate to get in- and is filled with incandescent rage.
just like with binghe, for shen jiu seeing a parallel of himself at his weakest makes him furious. he wants to smoosh this creature like a bug. he resolves to do the mature thing and ignore it and hope it will die of starvation when it fails to get into a sect; but then the worst imaginable thing happens.
Yue qingyuan tries to save it. Unacceptable. Yue qingyuan abandoned him as a child, and is now trying to rescue this creature? What's so special about Shen Yuan that he's earned the rescue Shen Jiu never received himself? What's so good about it? Shen Jiu can already tell that Yue Qingyuan will spoil it rotten on his peak, give him exactly the life of safety and support that Shen Jiu always secretly wanted and never got. So he claims the beast first.
In five years, when Lou Binghe arrives on the peak and is begrudingly accepted as Ning Yingying's newest shidi, Shen Jiu barely pays him any mind. He already has a little beast that he despises and takes out his frustrations on. Binghe's similarities to himself (And his perceived blessings that young Shen Jiu never got) pale in comparison to Shen Yuan's, and thus go entirely unnoticed.
Shen Yuan feels- complex, about it, because truthfully he's been holding out hope for Binghe to save him. If not in a protagonist's manner, then in the age-old method of a bully choosing a new target. instead...nothing changes.
Binghe doesn't interfere. He's a scared child who's just secure the better future he promised his mother he'd aim for before she died. He's got steady access to food and shelter, and he doesn't want to risk that. Shen Yuan can't blame him. But ah, as the years pass.... Binghe starts to rise in the peak. Without Jiu targeting him, his natural talents allow him many successes. More important, his skill at manipulation develops at a younger age- he knows how to win over his peers, how to appeal to the peak lord. He quickly becomes head disciple, respected and somewhat trusted.
He still doesn't save Shen Yuan. It's not that he joins in bullying him; that would be too OOC! Even Yuan would protest if something like that occurred! But he turns a blind eye to it all. When the other disciples steal his food, Binghe doesn't ensure he gets to eat. When the other disciples run him out to the woodshed, Binghe never demands they give him back his bed. He doesn't even bring Shen Yuan a blanket. To Binghe, it's like Shen Yuan doesn't exist at all. It's the only way Binghe can feel secure that it won't be him in such a position if he speaks up.
It's hard for Shen Yuan to not get a little resentful. Not just because- because of all his hopes he'd pinned, maybe, on the protagonist he'd admired so much saving him. Not just because it feels like he's taken on Binghe's suffering for him and an unwitting Binghe is ungrateful. (he knows this is a foolish thing to think, but it's how he feels regardless.) Not even just because Binghe is *head disciple* and that makes it literally his job to fix this sort of thing. But specifically, because if Binghe was the one suffering, there's a guarantee that at the end of this it would end. He'd get out from under Shen Qinqqiu's thumb and he'd go on to get his revenge and become a powerful and respected cultivator, and have lots of wives and lots of money and lots of food and a safe place to sleep... Shen Yuan is background fodder. He'll never amount to anything.
But he doesn't hate Binghe. He could never! He knows, deep down, that Binghe's just scared and he's adapted to survive this way and besides, Binghe is still really really cool. Shen Yuan likes getting to see how cool Binghe is up close, with his growth so unhampered. Binghe is amazing at fight, so clever in classes, an excellent musician already, a detective as clever as sherlock holmes on missions, a warrior without equal on monsterhunts. When he gets to see Binghe in action, as opposed to Binghe on the peak failing to save him- he can forgive anything, really.
Eventually Shen Yuan decides he's got to get out. He'll do the conference, try really hard, and see if he can transfer to another sect. Probably not, because his skills are awful; but even so he'll leave and become a rogue cultivator. It'll be hard, and he might starve, but anything is better than staying on the peak forever.
He assumed that Binghe, with all this unhindered skills-leveling, wouldn't get caught as a half-demon. Or that if he was, perhaps his relationship was close enough with the peak lord that it would spare him his fate from the novel. Instead- instead he sees exactly how it plays out. Binghe's control slips at the edge of the abyss, and the truth is revealed to the small group of disciples he was protecting (including shen yuan, for once!) and to a furious Shen Qingqiu.
The Peak Lord forced his head disciple to the edge of the cliff and goes to stab him through the heart.
Shen Yuan does something he'll regret, entirely on instinct: He tries to interfere. He tries to call out and save him. isn't this your respected head disciple? isn't binghe only here because he was trying to protect the disciples in his care?
It's pointless. Binghe still falls into the abyss. But it leaves shen yuan behind- already hated, already mistrusted, and now he's just defended a demonic spy who'd been hidden in their sect. His chances of living to see Binghe claw his way back out of the abyss are extremely low- at best, he'll see it through the bars of a cell at the water prison.
au discussed with @slurmdog :)

He’s villager hunting

Womp Womp to the progression of my art >.<
All MXTX novels are just about one outwardly put-together, inwardly screaming mess of a man and his emotional support war criminal.
drew a bit in @momolith 's magma thing!! :DDDD thanks for having me

i like the drawing, i have no context for anything

just smile and nod
Not to be dramatic, but SVSSS ruined me. I will never be the same. It manages to be so profoundly heartbreaking but hysterical at the same time. This book is the definition of "crack treated seriously" and that's exactly what I needed.

svsss as shitposts vol. 1