spectral-buni - *Kill Bill Sirens*
*Kill Bill Sirens*

🌙OC friendly-pisces-lawful neutral🌙Second profile to divine-buni, so make sure to check that out!Fanfics, headcanons, and that type of stuff. Requests are closed

114 posts

Somewhat Correct Quotes #13

Somewhat Correct Quotes #13

*In the middle of collecting a ghost*

*which is dangerous, by the way*

Alice: LEO!! LEO!!!

Leo: What?!

Alice: *points calmly* This is where I saw the really tall pigeon

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More Posts from Spectral-buni

6 years ago

📺Alice Moon in different Villainous AUs📺(OUTDATED)

Alice Moon In Different Villainous AUs(OUTDATED)

I was reading some Baby Hats collection comics(ADORABLE, by the way, should check ‘em out), and thought, I wonder what Alice would be like in those AUs and some... and here we are. So, far I only got a few, so I’ll keep reblogging to add on if I find any cool ones. Also, if you guys have AUs you think I could possibly use, feel free to share them with me, I will credit you!


I’m not sure who initially created this AU, but I’ll use @qtarts designs because I love them to death!

Here, Alice Moon is instead Malice(Ma-less) Sun (put a lot of time in that name, not really).

Malice is a holy demon. She died under mysterious circumstances, and accidentally redeemed herself when she saved a life. To this day, she tries to earn her spot back as the strongest demon in Hell

She has a stubby grey tail and can make ears like a wolf’s pop on the top of her head

A notable power of hers are her poisonous tears and her incredible strength

She cannot fly, however, for her wings were ripped off long ago

She owns a small bakery called Bitters N’ Death. It was started to sell villains pastries filled and made with unpleasant ingredients to either give to their heroes or eat them themselves. Unknown to her, her pastries made for great heroic products. She sold it to White Hat, who offered a large sum of money for her small business and cooperation. She makes cakes that can heal, donuts that can increase strength, and some that can wash out evilness to an extent. She had no idea all those bootleg spices she bought off a market would make such good pastries, but continues doing it

Her colors are black, white, and some blue

Her frame is the same as Alice’s, and has light grey eyes with black scleras. Her pupils are inverted crosses. Her teeth blood-stained and sharp(claims it’s blood, but her cherry scented breath tells another story). Her long, grey-white hair is greasy and straightened. Her skin is white, but completely smooth.

Malice is a rude and arrogant woman, closeminded on all aspects and believes her opinion is the only one that counts. She’s got a silver tongue even villains get scared of, and simply put isn’t a nice person. Malice doesn’t follow anyone, she has no ruler or ‘god’ to look up to, except White Hat who she has to respect due to him being her boss

She's very nonchalant, and doesn't show emotion to pretty much anyone. Malice isn't one to react to even the smallest things

White Hat isn’t very giddy about her, but he can tolerate her enough to hire her for her bakery. Sometimes White tries to convince her she’s a really good person, but Malice always denies him that. He’ll ocasionally try to compliment her, only to have to dodge an incoming kick from her

Clemencia has a grudging respect for Malice, but doesn’t like her too much. It’s sort of like stepsisters forced to like each other, but far better than what Demencia and Alice have. For one, Clemencia has never tried to kill Malice. They have their occasional chats about stuff

Slug has respect for her abilities and snark, but he doesn’t enjoy her presence. Trying to get the two to get along is like trying to join two negative poles together, it just won’t work

6.6.6 doesn’t at all like Malice. But 6.6.6 doesn’t like anything

🌕🦉Apathetic🦉🌕 AU

Apathetic AU by @nivilliain and @themcnobody

Here, her name is Alibi(A-ley-bye) Satellite

Alibi is a seraph, but doesn’t take her ranking very seriously(claims she does, but doesn’t)

Her six wings are dark brown and her lips are naturally dark. Alibi’s hair is horned like an owl’s

Two notable powers of hers are invisibility and teleportation, therefore making her impossible to track down

She doesn’t own anything, not a bakery nor a medical degree

She’s very quiet and introverted. She’ll never initiate conversations first, and is cold to others. But Alibi has a very flexible moral code. She has no patience for idiocy and will not give her enemies a second chance

Her colors are yellow, brown, and grey

Her skin and body are the same as Alice’s, scars included. Her arms, however are entirely bionic. Her eyes are also robotic, with the cross- shaped pupils the cornea being a glowing yellow and the rest a metallic grey. Her brown hair is straightened and reaches her chin

Grey Hat was rather annoyed by her presence. She claimed to have gone down from heaven to guide them, but she does very little and none of them have been ‘enlightened’ as she claimed they would be. Full of promises, but no action. Though, she has proved to be a good hitwoman...

Yamencia isn’t at all fond of Alibi. Alibi is also attracted to Grey Hat, so she’s a rival. Only she deserves Grey Hat! Not that seraph scum!

Clug honestly doesn’t really notice her. She’s mostly quiet around him. Though, he’ll catch her do something awful. Clog enjoys this sadistic side of her

E.0.3 appreciates that she’s pretty much indestructible. Alibi is surprisingly patient with him, since he’s a sweet heart with incredible strength like her. They get along fine

⭐️🦊Cowardice🦊⭐️ AU

Cowardice AU by @skribblie

Alisabeth(A-lee-sah-beth) Star

Alisabeth is a cherub

She allows her fox ears peek out, and has a fluffy fox tail

Her colors are orange, grey, white, and green

Similar to the Heroic AU, she’s got a bakery that Fraid bought to sell her ‘heroic pastries’(Well, Glorf was the one who negotiated). She also has experience in the medical field, so no matter how atrocious she may be with the scalp, she manages to do something good out of it

She’s a lazy woman with very little kindness in her heart. What she does have of kindness, she uses it on the gang. She’ll ocasionally say something bordering on straight up cruel, but claims it to be her being honest. She is honest, and a little sadistic. But she tries to be nice for Fraid’s sake. She’s constantly tired, as well

Same physical build as all the other hers. She has her long, orange hair simply braided. She has bright green eyes, and claws. She’s paper white, and is covered from head to toe with scars of all sorts, so she bundles up in bandages

Fraid Hat is a bit frightened by her. She’s still new to the team, but she’s managed to do great with her bakery, no matter how terrifying her cooking process and ingredients can be. But he appreciates that she tries to be nicer around him

Sanity is okay with Alisabeth. She doesn’t really like how she always frightens Fraid Hat, but Alisabeth tries to fix it on her own, so there’s that. They’re iffy with each other

Dr. Glurf and her are on good terms. They both try to protect Fraid Hat while also playing a prank on him every now and then. I mean, one of the two doesn’t do it entirely on purpose

4.0.4? They don’t really talk to each other much, but sometimes the pink bear’ll eat the stuff that’s about to go bad in the bakery, so....?

🌎🐸Inked 🐸🌎AU

Inked AU by @the-mighty-sorceress

(Tell me if I need to change anything about the character)

Ally(Ah-lie, like the word)Earth

She doesn’t have any frog-like appendages, but always rocks a frog hood

Generally, a hippie nerd who loves to recycle. She’s really chill, and doesn’t care about you unless you bring her some Burger King or Carl’s Jr. She likes Java Juice smoothies, and small creatures. She’s asexual and the same romantic orientation as the other hers. She also has a ton of consipracy theories about everything(“I hear Java Juice is secretly governed by a grey alien”)

Her colors are green, blue, black, and yellow orange

Her specialty are some body modifications. Her main job is still making gourmet pastries and drawing, though. She also has a degree in surgery and nursing, so it’s useful in her modifications

Ally has the same frame as all the other variations of her. Her hair is long and dyed a light shade of blue. She wears darker blue cross earrings. Ally has a split tongue, and wears yellow-orange colored contacts. She also has only one tattoo, a small crescent moon on one of her shoulder blades. Ally often draws little crosses on the apples of her cheeks with a eyebrow pencil

Black Ink is chill with her. She can remove body parts and make humans look grotesque! I mean, it’s voluntary, but still! They’ve also been dating for a week, so there’s that too

Demencia adores what she can do. Body modifications?! Sign her up for teeth sharpening and tongue splitting!

Plug likes her. She was nice after he brought her a Java Juice cup, so yeah

8.9.8 doesn’t have an opinion on her. He’s just a dyed bear. But she likes him very much

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6 years ago

Hey could I add to the monster s/o ask with a succubus s/o

(I'm going to go with the basic look of a succubus:horns, colored skin, forked tail, etc. Just so y'all know)

🎩Black Hat🎩

To him, succubi aren't anything but demons with a slightly higher libido than a human male(his words not mine). But, he may find your demonic appearance intriguing. Also, don't expect many sexy times with him, he may love you, but his sex drive is probably really low.


Despite him being a cold hearted super genius as he often claims, it is so easy to tease him. He's not at all used to someone like you since no one really ever flirts or has been remotely interested in him. So have fun teasing him, he'll definitely like the attention.


Extremely attracted to the whole demon thing you've got going on. She'll constantly want physical contact with you(sexual or not, can vary widely). She'll also brag about you a whole lot. "Is your s/o a awesome demon person?"

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6 years ago

Somewhat Correct Quotes #14

Alice: Why on both realms did you think this was a good idea?!

Black Hat: Probably because I’m a dangerous sociopath with a long history of violence

Alice: ....Oh

Black Hat: I don’t understand how you keep forgetting this

Alice: I think I choose to forget

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6 years ago

Aa sorry! For the monster s/o ask, maybe like... Vampire s/o?

🎩Black Hat🎩Ah~ A vampire! Creatures of elegance and darkness, you’re immediately hitting all the standards! He’s mildly fascinated by you, but he’s sort of seen it all so you’re not much to ogle at. But hey, it’s the aesthetic that counts!

✈️Flug✈️Well, you’re nothing he hasn’t seen before. He thinks it’s rather fascinating, and may even ask to check out a few of your abilities. Or maybe just pull something to trigger one forcefully, but still. He thinks your cool



You’re a vampire?! Those super cool beasts of the night that suck blood like the badasses they are? She is both aroused and psyched

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6 years ago

Somewhat Correct Quotes #15

Buni: Raph, can we go get ice cream?

Raph: Did you ask Leo?

Buni: Leo said no

Raph: Then why are ya’ asking me?

Buni: ‘Cause Leo isn’t the boss of you

Raph: *internally* it’s a trap it’s a trap it’s a trap it’s a trap it’s a trap

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