Most Of The Symbols In Ewar

most of the symbols in ewar
the left most column contains the punctuation, in order from top to bottom being:
a period/comma [depending on the sentence line], a question mark, quotation marks, brackets, explination point, punctuation similar to an ellipsis
then the middle column contains the numbers, being a base 6 system:
ʁɪɾ [1], d͡ʒik [2], ɴɪw [3], ʁew [4], wik [5], ɴeɾ[0]
then the right most column contains the letters in the form of the ewar alphabet:
ɾod͡ʒ [ɾ], wɪʁ[w], ɴɑk[ɴ], ◗o◖[◗], iʁɪ [i], eɴɑ [e], u◖o [u], ʁiw [ʁ], d͡ʒuɾ [d͡ʒ], ◖u◗ [◖], keɴ [k], ɑke [ɑ], ɪwi [ɪ], o◗u [o],
each of these letters being romanized as: t[ɾ], w[w], ng[ɴ], ◗[hw]](only when the hemisphere cant be used), ee[i], e[e], u[u], r[ʁ], j[d͡ʒ], ◖[◖]](only when the hemisphere cant be used), k[k], a[ɑ], i[ɪ], o[o]
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