spookyscarycreepydollgirl - A Lurker Account
A Lurker Account

Do not touch the lurker, do not look at the lurker, it does not like knowing it has been seen. It would remain anonymous if it could.

241 posts

Warning: Angsty And Somewhat Suicide Adjacent.

Warning: Angsty and somewhat suicide adjacent.

Ida thinks about disappearing down Bastion’s throat, of being trapped within the predatory Fae’s stomach. Of vanishing completely from the outside world and Bastion being the only one who knows her fate. A part of her wants it. Wants to reward this monster for pretending to be a person. For making her feel less lonely, for letting her pretend to be a person even though she doesn’t at all feel like one. Another part wants to see Bastion with the mask completely off. Wants to know fully the deadly creature she’s been treating as tame. Even if it kills her. Another part of her feels guilty for feeling this way. She’s ostensibly a person after all, even if she rarely feels like one. A person shouldn’t want to throw their life away so easily. A person shouldn’t need a monster’s company to feel whole. A person shouldn’t find comfort in deadly things just because they are honest about being deadly. A person should feel safe in the company of other people. She mustn’t succumb to temptation, after all even if she doesn’t feel like a person, she’s still supposed to be one.

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More Posts from Spookyscarycreepydollgirl

Honestly the party of Baldur’s Gate 3 are such a quintessential rag tag band of misfits that I desperately want to see them in crossover fanfiction. But like specifically universes where I think they’d cause chaos and shenanigans just by existing. Like Dragon Age or Dresden Files just the settings where I’m almost positive something would get either literally or metaphorically blown up.

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Okay so I don’t normally reblog something just to tear it to pieces. But op is at self-flagellation level: catholic and I’ve decided to take pity on them before they start building their own pyre and burning themselves as a witch.

First of all, I’mma need you to embrace the fact that unless you’re roleplaying with another person or legitimately getting off to real photographs or films of people and animals getting eaten alive.

(PSA: Don’t eat animals live irl to satisfy a fetish, only do it for nutritional reason’s and even then no eating them live that’s just you being a dick. Even if it’s serving another purpose like feeding your python, imagine how awkward Mr. Noodle feels knowing his heater/tree trunk gets off to him eating, and trust me he knows, he can taste the air idiot, don’t fuck with Mr.Noodle like that, he’s only got a reptile brain, he’s dumb as hell he doesn’t need your weird kinky shit in his life. Just be a good pet owner and be platonic and not weird about the whole mice feeding thing. I shouldn’t have to tell you this but here we are person who missed the memo)

I digress, unless you’re roleplaying with someone or watching actual literal snuff. Then you are morally and ethically in the clear to indulge in whatever fucked up fantasy, you desire. Because the only person actually being affected by that fantasy is YOU.

Rape fantasies like every other fantasy are just fantasies so long as you don’t intend to make them realities. If you do intend to make them realities and or feel like you could find yourself sliding down a slippery slope of one day making them realities. THEN it’s time to panic and go cold turkey on your steamy tumblr posts.

If you think you have a good enough grasp of fantasy vs reality? And aren’t the sort of person to objectify poor Mr.Noodle who’s just trying to eat his lunch damn it. Then you should be alright.

If you’re the sort of person to objectify Mr. Noodle, stare at your normie friend eating ice cream like a freak, because you think vore is an innocuous enough fetish that they won’t notice (they do and they might not know why you’re looking at them like that but they don’t need context to know you have boundary issues and poor self control trust me) or otherwise be the vore version of the homeless guy that flashes people. THEN you need to see a therapist and go Cold Turkey.

I also resent the implication that Unwilling Vore is short hand for Rape. Not because you couldn’t make an argument for Unwilling Vore being metaphorically rape, I’m well aware you probably could, but because this particular post implies we’re somehow HIDING the fact it could be taken that way.

No one’s hiding the fact that Unwilling Vore could be taken that way. You’d have to be six foot deep in your own grave of denial and self-loathing. Or flying high on the naïveté of being a genuine bonified literalist. Not to connect those dots.

We just know it isn’t hurting anyone and fundamentally it isn’t.

It’s also incredibly naive to believe that no one in the Unwilling Vore fandom has been, raped, betrayed or otherwise mistreated. When in my experience it’s actually more likely that those who have been hurt will be into unwilling vore. The human brain is weird and sometimes reliving the things you’ve endured but in a context you can safely play out with yourself is a part of healing.

For those who don’t feel that way? Or have different ways of coping? That’s why tagging, labelling and other such warnings, exist.

As for letting children read it? You can’t really stop them to be honest, if they actually want to read it. They will, the best you can do is not advertise it to them or interact with them, which you SHOULD absolutely be doing.

When you are an actual literal child, you don’t quite understand the reality of boundaries with the same clarity most adults do. So if you wrote some Unwilling Vore for your fellow underaged weirdos, that’s probably not the end of the world. Actively marketing your fetish content towards jailbait as an adult? Suspicious as hell and if you are doing that I highly recommend stopping.

So yeah this was my Tedtalk, it’s meant to be encouraging except for the clarification’s about when you should be worried, if the when you should be worried parts sound like you, then no question about it you should probably be worried.

I need to have another serious conversation with you guys, this time about unwilling vore and fatal vore


I am leaving this marked for everyone because I believe that we can be mature enough to have a civil, serious conversation on this topic together, which ultimately, everyone in this community should consider, because this is VERY important.


These past couple weeks have just been one thing after the other after the other

First, transitioning into a Keto diet to lose some weight left me with horrible carb-flu for a week (withdrawal of carbs producing flu-like symptoms such as body aches and cramps),

Then I had to wake up at 7:30 and 6 respectively on summer days for high school graduation rehersal and graduation,

I was struggling to hold myself together at graduation because of my school-related trauma,

My brother and dad got into a fight on the way home,

Today I had to go through four and a half hours straight of online college orientation,

And now, finally, once I reached that online orientation's interactive module about sexual misconduct and what exactly rape is, I utterly broke. Because there it was right in my face, a statement that I had already known since I was old enough to understand the concept, yet something which I had never seemed to fully process the implications of when applying it to this community.

"If the sexual activity is done without the active, informed consent of both partners, its rape."

It's no secret that I have indeed written some NSFW stories which have since, thanks to a previous discussion, been properly marked as mature and will be reblogged onto my NSFW blog on a once every Monday schedule, but, it is also no secret that some of those NSFW stories, sexually charged fics, feature unwilling vore.

Or, to state it more bluntly, per the definition above, they feature rape. I have willingly written rape, read over the rape multiple times, thoroughly enjoying it, and have put it out for the world to see. Especially considering that these stories were available to everyone including minors for quite some time, I cannot see how this is anything other than abhorrent. I was taking enjoyment from the sexual abuse I was writing into existence, and I feel utterly sick.

It seems to me now that "unwilling vore", particularly in the NSFW vore community, is simply a way of saying "rape" that makes it less taboo and more acceptable to talk about and create content for. It's become so normalized now, that I could not find a single post in the "unwilling vore" tag that was having this discussion when I searched for it. Instead it was all posts glorifying the concept, which ultimately, in an NSFW context, is rape. Period.

This can also extend to fatal vore and how I so enjoyed writing and reading about acidic murders. It's murder. Full stop. Especially in an NSFW context, I should not be enjoying such a concept.

But I do.

And honestly, I'm not entirely sure that removing the NSFW context makes it okay either. It may not be sexual, and thus won't constitute as rape, but just think about how paralyzingly traumatic the experience would be to an unwilling prey...and for fatal vore, it is most certainly still murder! Why am I normalizing and glorifying this kind of stuff? Why?

What the hell have I been doing for these past few years? Why have I loved and enjoyed so deeply this concept and this community which encompasses such abhorrent actions and not only normalizes them but turns them into hot fun time fics?

I have no idea anymore, and I have tipple the no idea of how I was able to last like this for so long without any sort of justification to speak of. Was I just suppressing what I already knew because I was scared to face reality? Honestly, I think that might be it.

I'm sorry, I'm just rambling at this point but I honestly have no idea anymore. I just feel awful, that's the bottom line. Rape and murder, in stories that are sexual. That is what I have created. I am nothing more than an insensitive, uncaring, unsympathetic, immoral, horrific piece of shit who thought for years that this was okay. These things have hurt real people in real life. I feel like I am shitting on their stories and their experiences for each and every single NSFW unwilling vore and fatal vore story I have created. Glorifying, normalizing, and sexualizing the pain, agony, and trauma these real people went through, for nothing more than my own pleasure. How am I not behind bars? (/gen)


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Look I Have Never Watched This Aphmau Person But I Saw This Box Of Surprise Figures And Got One. Now
Look I Have Never Watched This Aphmau Person But I Saw This Box Of Surprise Figures And Got One. Now
Look I Have Never Watched This Aphmau Person But I Saw This Box Of Surprise Figures And Got One. Now
Look I Have Never Watched This Aphmau Person But I Saw This Box Of Surprise Figures And Got One. Now

Look I have never watched this Aphmau person but I saw this box of “surprise” figures and got one. Now I have a pancake cat and I’m content with that.

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You know I’m not actually 26 anymore but because I have a shitty memory and don’t socialise enough IRL I can’t remember if I’m 27 or 28.

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Okay so, I’ve been “playing” the Mobile Game Azure Lane (really it plays itself and will actively wrestle back control any time I switch it to manual so I’ve kind of given up arguing with it at this point but I digress) but I now have important questions because for a game based on the concept of anthropomorphic ship-girls and fantasy re-enactments of WW2 naval battles that plays itself the game ironically doesn’t really put a lot of effort into explaining what the hell is going on and I only really know it’s supposed to be fantasy WW2 because of the ship names, not because the battles aren’t clear allegories for real WW2 battles but because their so blatantly rip offs of WW2 battles told from the perspectives of ship-people that for someone who isn’t a history buff it just comes across like “sexy ship lady spouts patriotic and or lamenting philosophy” refuses to elaborate…leaves.

Question Number 1: How big are the ship girls? Because in the “game” they look about a third as big as real ships and the bosses you fight look about half as big. Is this a giantess story?

Question Number 2: You know how the Shipgirl’s have pieces of their historical counterpart glued onto them? Are there humans inside those? Do they live in the ship part of the shipgirls?

Question Number 3: Why are the Shipgirl’s okay with being scrapped? They aren’t WW2 ships, they’re WW2 ships with legs and emotions…why don’t they just run the fuck away when scrapping time comes around?

Question Number 4: Am I overthinking the game that clearly exists so the small subset of people who like anthropomorphism, anime girls and WW2 naval history can be drained of their money in order to dress up their digital waifu in different outfits?

Don’t answer that last question I think I know the answer.

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