Insomnia Kicks My Ass As I Think About The Mortality Of My Relationships ;; Also Smoked My First Cig
insomnia kicks my ass as i think about the mortality of my relationships ;; also smoked my first cig today and could only think about how cool my partner would look smoking one, because i personally think his emo swag fits better vv;
regardless, smoking kills, stay safes. uhh dreading waking up in 3hrs .

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sorry for so much txt posting, here's sum doodles of my party for curse of strahd since the session is happening tonite. one of my players hasnt given me their characters apperance yet, so hes nawt there.
these were just made to get. a general gist of their designs.. one day i'll properly draw them bc they are my belobed friends' characters, and what am i if not an art machine for my blorbos
The wild thing about being obsessed with your own DnD campaign is that there's absolutely NO fandom content for it except the stuff that you make
Like, what do you mean only six other people in the entire world have heard of Dave the Ice Elemental whose job is Freezer at the Fantasy Starbucks?

saw this trend going around twt and tt, so i had to with them.. it's so perfect.. Also I drew this at a cafe with my coworkers that was so fun :)

whatup we’re playing curse of strahd and it’s only been downhill from the start
idk if i should just start posting random stuff like thoughts or wtvr, but i might as well.. it's a small art blog it's not like i have anything to worry abt :p
i'll just use the #calami.txt so it can be filtered out (calamity... another onlien alias..) <- guy with 475858 online aliases